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Page 2: AIESEC - Exchange Program Policies in a nutshell - March 2016


These are the principles that rule all our programs in every country and territory we’re in.


HE=Hosting Entity (Committee Abroad)

SE= Sending Entity (Italian Committee)

GCDP= Global Citizen Program

GIP= Global Talent Program

OP taker= Company, NGO, School of the internship

XPP= Exchange Program Policies (this document)

EP= Exchange Participant (You)

Match: is from when you sign the Acceptance Note

Realization: is from the first day of work

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General Principles

Any stakeholder involved in the AIESEC Exchange Program is required to observe all aspects of the XPP, inform themselves of its content and respond in timely and constructive manner to any grievances which may arise at any stage.

AIESEC entities shall never be held reliable:

• in case of refusal from the authorities to provide VISA, work permit or any other legal document or authorization needed by the individual to participate in the exchange;

• in case of accident incurred by the EP during the exchange;

• in case of damages caused by the EP to the organization or to any third party during the exchange;

Exchange Program must aim to provide the EP:

• interaction with a different social and cultural environment with an aim of gaining intercultural competencies.

• Development of theoretical & practical leadership skills;

• Opportunity to apply personal and professional skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to work for the organizations as well as the host communities;

• Develop awareness and knowledge of social issues and different practices for the SE and HE

• Opportunity to contribute to personal and professional life goals

An AIESEC Exchange Program is a practical working and learning experience for the EP to become self-aware, solution driven, responsible for the world and to be able to empower others in a foreign cultural environment.

Exchange Program must NOT aim to provide the EP:

• an opportunity for the EP to earn money

• a holiday

• acting as a permanent career placement or recruitment opportunity

• permanent residence in the HE

Definition of GIP: an opportunity for an EP to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership by living a cross-cultural living and working development experience.

Definition of GCDP: An opportunity for an EP to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership by creating direct positive impact through an international volunteer experience

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Exchange Participant's Principles

To qualify as an EP a person must:

• be at the latest within two years after obtening his/her last tertiary degree AND at the age of 30 or under

The EP must:

• complete and sign all the documentation necessary

• pay the necessary fee to their SE

• attend preparation events and complete the preparation requirements of the country

• provide true and accurate information

• EP can start a new selection process once she/he is informed that the application was not successful, or if after 10 subsequent days the EP does not receive reply or update regarding the selection process;

• inform the SE if he/she becomes unavailable for an exchange , or if the EP is looking into other opportunities

• Communicate constantly

• Provide complete data (telephone, detailed CV, photos..)

• Review & understand the conditions under which he/she can withdraw from exchange without financial penalties

• If the EP rejects the OP form after he/she has officially accepted the AN he/she will no longer be allowed to take part in the exchange program

An EP may:

• take up to a maximum period of 36 months of exchange program in total.

The EP must:

• officially accept the AN as the final agreement of all conditions of the particular exchange

• to hold a valid passport, if not apply for a passport

• receive within two weeks all the necessary documents from the hosting entity required for a visa/work permit

• to update the HE about his/her passport application within one week of a match in cases

• To review visa/work permit regulations for the HE prior to the purchase of a ticket to travel to the country

• to submit the visa application within a period up to 2 weeks after getting all the documents mentioned in OP form

• to cover visa costs

• to inform him/herself about all the information related to specific legal policies, life conditions, safety and cultural norms

• must have sufficient funds to cover: for GIP (for weeks of the exchange); for GCDP (entire period of the exchange)

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Other Stakeholders’ Principles

Responsibilities of HE

• to constantly (once a week) inform applicant about the progress of his/her application is she/he was shortlisted

• to have an individual responsible person for providing overall services

• Introduction to the local AIESEC members, the LC reality and culture

• Communication platform for the EP to connect with other members of the LC

• Opportunities for the EP to become involved in AIESEC activities

Responsibilities of OP taker

• To designate one representative in the organization as responsible for coordinating the selection process

• to give a response regarding the suitability of any candidate or next selection stages in the period not exceeding 10 subsequent days from the date the WP has accepted particular exchange

• Must provide within 2 weeks all the necessary documents to the EP directly or through the HE required for visa/work permit application

• Must set expectations with the EP regarding expectations of the exchange job role prior to the arrival of the EP

The OP taker has the right to break the realization if:

• The EP has falsified information

• Acceptance of opportunity automatically means the EP is accepting the particular exchange with all its conditions

• Acceptance opportunity automatically means that the EP is guaranteed as available for the exchange

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Exchange Program Standards I

Visa and work

permit HE

AIESEC has provided in written format all the information required to arrange for any documents, visa or work permit that may be required

Arrival Pickup HE The EP is picked up by a representative of AIESEC. The HE will state in the TN form where the EP will be picked up/options on where the EP will be picked up


Support HE

the HE has offered in written format information on how to depart from the country two weeks before

the end of the internship

JD HE The JD executed by the EP has to correspond with the JD of the TN form.

Duration HE The internships lasts from a minimum of 6 weeks to a maximum of 78 weeks from the first day to the last day of internship

Working Hours HE Minimum of 35 hours/week for GIP and 25 hours/week for GCDP

1st DAy of Work HE A representative of AIESEC accompanies the EP to the place of work on the first day


Responsibility &


HE HE has provided EP or ensured EP knows individual responsibility and goals in a written format latest one week before the start of the internship

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Exchange Program Standards II

Insurance SE The EP has a valid insurance policy to cover basic medical costs for the duration of the exchange

AIESEC Purpose SE the home entity has provided minimum information to the EP about AIESEC purpose, inner and outer journey and role of the exchange in it

Expectations SE SE has provided the AIESEC standards and the XPP in written format to the EP

Accomodation HE Accommodation standard, conditions and costs during the internship correspond to the information provided on the TN form

Preparation SE SE has provided with basic information regarding the country/territory

Basic Living Costs HE The TN form specifies if any financial or non-financial compensation would be provided during the

internship and the actual conditions correspond with it.

Host Facilitated

Learning HE

The TN form has to state what personal development spaces and opportunities are offerede by AIESEC before, during and after the internship

Host Facilitated

Learning SE

The EP has been provided with information on what personal development spaces and opportunities are offered by the home entity before, during and after the internship

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In case something goes wrong


The EP has the right to break match if:

• has not received all necessary documents required for application for visa/work permit within 2 weeks

• in case where standard for the visa is met by the EP but a delay was caused by third party

• has an emergency in his/her family (proof required)

• becomes ill and the situation can be dangerous for his/her health (proof required)

• may be put in danger due to the area where he/she is due to war, natural disasters, people revolution or terrorism attack

The OP taker has the right to break match if:

• labor laws of the HE is to end the exchange early

• the EP has falsified information related to his work experience

• the exchange job is different to the description in the AN form, where the change affects the nature/purpose of the job or puts the EP in financially or physically disadvantaged state.

• Is discriminated

• Is sexually harassed


Exchange Participant must be proactive in resolving any issue.

Any party must follow the dispute resolution process in the

order outlined below:

• Step 1. Internal level. The complaint party should inform

the HE and response party try to solve the issue privately

with them.

• Step 2. Local Level. If Step 1 has been tried and failed,

the complaint party should inform and involve the SE,

while this entity will inform and communication with the

HE to solve the problem in accordance with XPP

• Step 3. National Level. If Step 2 has been tried and failed,

the both SE and HE should inform their MC that will

work together to solve the issue.

• Step 4. If parties involved cannot reach a mutual

agreement within 2 weeks period, it is advised that the

situation be brought forth to the Internal Control Board.

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