Download - AIDA – JAS · AIDA GRID-land Speaking of GRID… Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003 ... Past and present contributors: nGuy Barrand, Pavel Binko, Grzegorz Chwajol, Mark

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDA – JAS

    Massimiliano Turri, SLAC

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003


    Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis


    IntroductionFeatures - AdvantagesHistory – Organization - DevelopersStatusInterfaces OverviewExampleTools and UsersConclusions

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    “The goal of the AIDA project is to define abstractinterfaces for common physics analysis objects, such ashistograms, ntuples, fitters. The adoption of theseinterfaces makes it easier for developers and users toselect and use different tools without having to learnnew interfaces or change their code. In addition it ispossible to exchange data (objects) between AIDAcompliant applications through a standard XML format.”


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Interfaces … start with “I”

    Define only pure virtual methods for analysisobjects

    n AIDA defines behavior, analysis tool providesimplementation

    Object factories

    n independence of user code from AIDA implementationn easy to switch implementations

    w IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Use same code with any AIDA-compliant analysis tool.

    Used for experiment’s code, e.g. reconstruction orindividual user’s analysis

    n User needs to learn only one set of interfaces.

    Interoperability of analysis tools.





    User code(e.g. GEANT4)

    Analysis tool 1

    Analysis tool 2


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Distributed data analysis:n GRID enabled AIDA implementation.n No need for user to change code.

    Many places within the GRID where abstract interfacescould be adopted.

    n AIDA working group may be a good model to follow







    Speaking of GRID…

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Initial idea formed at HepVis-99 workshop atOrsay.Informal AIDA discussions at CERN in 2000AIDA workshops:n January 2001 - Paris/Orsayn April 2001 - Boston (preceding HepVis 2001)n June 2002 – CERNn July 2003 - CERN

    Informal meetingsn e.g. during Geant4 meetings and V.C.


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Open source project

    No formal collaboration/author listn currently an informal CERN-LAL-SLAC effort

    Interfaces are designed by discussion and (eventual)consensus

    n Takes some time, but result is well though out and robust

    Past and present contributors:n Guy Barrand, Pavel Binko, Grzegorz Chwajol, Mark

    Dönszelmann, Wolfgang Hoschek, Tony Johnson, EmmanuelMedernach, Dino Ferrero Merlino, Lorenzo Moneta, JakubMoscicki, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Andreas Pfeiffer, Max Sang,Victor Serbo, Max Turri

    Organization and Developers

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    AIDA Version 3.0 (Oct 2002) second end-user release.n AIDA 3.2 coming out soonn AIDA 2.2 first end-user release

    Interfaces available in C++ and Javan automatically generated with AID (

    w easy to add more languages

    http://aida.freehep.orgn General information, relevant linksn Tutorial, users’ guide, examplesn Downloads and web-browsable source code


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Interfaces Overview

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Histogramsn fixed and variable width binning n filling n access to overall statistics (entries, mean, rms) n bin information (center, entries, height, error) n arithmetic (add, multiply, divide)n projectionsn slices


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsClouds n unbinned histograms

    n scatter plots n auto-conversion to histograms


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfiles n fill 1D and 2D profile plots

    n access to bin statistics (height, mean , rms)n access to overall statistics (entries, mean rms)n scaling


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfilesData Point Sets n sets of n-dimensional points with errors

    n add, remove, get pointsn scaling of values and errorsn full mathematical arithmetic (+-*/)n simple error propagation


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfilesData Point SetsNtuples

    n Evaluatorsn Filters

    n fill and retrieve datan support folder-like structuren projections to histograms, clouds and profiles of “evaluated” quantities with “filtering”n chaining


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfilesData Point SetsNtuples

    n Evaluatorsn Filters

    Plottingn create plot area, regionsn control styles (title, text, markers, lines etc.)


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfilesData Point SetsNtuples

    n Evaluatorsn Filters


    n fitting to all the data storage types IFitResult result =, function)n change fit method (c2,max. Likelihood, etc)n change optimizer (Minuit, etc)n control parameters (bounds, fix, step, etc.)n set constraintsn create scans and contoursn use function’s analytical gradient


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfilesData Point SetsNtuples

    n Evaluatorsn Filters


    n create scripted or built-in functionsn access/change parameter’s valuesn evaluate function and its gradientn support of PDFs (normalized functions over a range)


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    HistogramsCloudsProfilesData Point SetsNtuples

    n Evaluatorsn Filters


    n storage for analysis objectsn XML interchange format standard (.aida files)nunix-like : ls, cp, mv, cd ….


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    IAnalysisFactory aF = IAnalysisFactory.create();ITree tree = aF.createTreeFactory().create();IHistogramFactory histF = aF.createHistogramFactory( tree );IFitFactory fitF = aF.createFitFactory();IFitter fitter = fitF.createFitter("Chi2");IPlotter plotter = aF.createPlotterFactory().create("Plot"); IHistogram1D gaussHist = histF.createHistogram1D("gaussHist",

    "Gaussian Histogram",100,-5,5);

    Random r = Random();for (i=0; i

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    Three implementations are available within:n Anaphe/Lizard (C++)

    w Open Scientist (C++)

    w JAIDA/JAS (Java) + AIDA-JNI 3.0 (C++)


    Usersn GEANT4: Analysis Advanced examples

    n BaBar online (via JAS)

    n GAUDI/ATHENA users

    n Linear Collider users

    n LCG is considering the adoption of AIDA in their ArchitecturalBlueprintw Physicist Interfaces (PI) group is working to create an AIDA

    implementation based on ROOT classes

    Tools and Users

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis


    Remote Access to AIDA:n Access to remote AIDA objects (through CORBA, RMI,

    SOAP, …) from another AIDA implementation.n Access to AIDA objects through WEB Browser (with

    limited functionality)PAW


    BaBar Online



    AIDA Tool 1

    AIDA Tool 2

    -Remote AIDA Tree

    - WEB AccessRemote

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis


    Achieve component level interoperabilityn e.g.: use ANAPHE histograms, fit with JAS3 fitter and

    plot with OpenScientistn at last week’s workshop we focused on developer

    interfacesn first prototype due before October’s workshop

    AIDA 4.0 end of 2003

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    AIDAAbstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

    AIDA has a comprehensive set of interfaces for dataanalysis

    Three implementations are currently available

    Currently a few users but potential to become popular inHEP community

    AIDA needs feedback


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003


    Java Analysis Studio

    Mark Dönszelmann, Tony Johnson, Joseph Perl, Victor Serbo, Max Turri

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio


    Introduction to JAS

    JAS3 – a new JAS

    Tour of major components of JAS3n AIDA

    w Root and PAW file readersn Tuple Explorern Java compiler and loadern Scripting Languages

    w Pnutsn Record loopn Spreadsheet

    JAS3 Architecture



  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Introduction to JAS

    JAS is a :

    n general purposen open-sourcen almost fully in java

    data analysis tool with the following features:

    n Plotting of 1d, 2d and 3d histograms, XY plots, scatterplots etc.

    n High quality print output.

    n Fitting (binned or unbinned) using an extensible set of optimizersincluding Minuit.

    n Export of plots in a variety of formats including PS, EPS, PDF, SVG,GIF, PNG.

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Introduction to JAS

    n Easy to learn GUI for performing common analysis tasks (plotting,ntuple-analysis, fitting etc.).

    n More complex analysis can be performed using a variety of scriptinglanguages (pnuts, jython, etc.), or by writing Java analysis modules.

    n Able to read data in a variety of formats including: aida, hbook, root,SQL databases, text-files.

    n AIDA compliant analysis system.

    n Built-in editor and compiler.

    n Simple spreadsheet capabilities.

    n Logbook for recording analysis tasks, and optionally publishing resultsto the web.

    n Highly modular structurew allows addition, replacement or removal of modules to customize application

    for a particular problem domain.

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS3 - a new JAS

    First version of JAS2 released in 2000n Has worked well, but some limitations

    w Too heavily based on event loopn No all analysis tasks involve looping over events

    w No support for scriptingw Limited fitting capabilitiesw Limited N-Tuple analysis capabilities

    Often used for online monitoring, often used outside HEPn Not really designed for this use

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS3 - a new JAS

    Opportunitiesn Realized a lot of overlap with WIRED project

    w Created FreeHEP Java library ton Pull out (re-factor) common parts of JAS, WIREDn Implement new common requirements for JAS and WIRED

    n Vector Graphics, Application Framework, Utilities

    n Formed collaboration with developers of similar tools to createAIDA package

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS3 Components

    Tour designed togive you anoverview of thecapabilities ofJAS3, you can trythem out foryourself with thebuilt-in Tutorialand/or examples

    Welcome Page, gives initialinfo and links to example

    scripts and programsMemorymonitor

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Opening Files

    Use filemenu

    Drag fromexplorer

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Graphical Interface to AIDA

    Histograms,Clouds, Tuplesall presented in

    AIDA tree

    .aida files,.hbook files,.root files allpresented asAIDA objects

    Drag items ontopage, or use

    (popup) menus

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio


    Can sendindividualplots orfull pagedirect toprinter

    Or save as PS,EPS, PDF, SWF,SVG, PNG, GIF…

    Orcopy/pasteinto Word,


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Java Editor, Compiler and Loader

    Built-in Javacompiler



    Built-ineditor forwriting


    JAS3 allows any Java program to be loaded. This example“main routine” is taken directly from the AIDA manual

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio


    Can alsowrite and run


    Console allowsdirect interaction

    with scriptinglanguage

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Pnuts Language

    Currently support Pnuts scripting languagen Complete and well documented


    n Fast (although not as fast as compiled Java)n Syntax very similar to Javan Can easily call compiled Java classes from scripts

    w best of both worlds

    Plan to support other languages in futuren In particular Python

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Record Sources

    Opening record (orevent) based files

    causes the run controltoolbar to appear

    Job controls.Also supports random

    access and “tagged” datasets (mainly for event


  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Histogram Profile


    XY Data(More appropriate forsmaller data sets)

    Tuple Explorer - PlotsWorks with any tuple, read fromfile or dynamically created

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Tuple Explorer – Define Columns

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Tuple Explorer - Cuts

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Tuple Explorer - Tabulate

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    To be used with record loop

    Tuple Explorer – Record Source

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS3 Spreadsheet

    Simple spreadsheet pluginn for

    w Displaying resultsw Calculationsw Simple Plots

    n Supports reading/writingw .csv filesw Excel files

    n Cut/Paste with Excel etcn Coming Soon…

    w Scripting interfacew GUI for building plotsw User defined functions

    n Java, scripting

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Miscellaneous Features




  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS3 Architecture

    Design based on Application Shell, into which many (optional)modules can be plugged

    n All of the features we have discussed previously are implementedby one (or more) plugin modulesw Loose coupling between modules allows for modules to be removed

    without breaking remainder of programw Extra modules (e.g. LCD specific modules) can be easily added

    n Highly customizable for different application domainsw HEP/Astrophysics/Otherw DST analysis/Online Monitoring/GRID analysisw Experiment/User specific modules

    n Modules can be updated independently of shellw Possible to release bug fixes fast

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio


    Currently released JAS3 version 0.7.2n AIDA functionality is quite solidn Compiler, Loader, Record Loop all quite recently added,

    w Certainly still some rough edges

    Documentation is still quite limitedn Talks, tutorials, built-in example scripts and programs

    accessible from simple built-in web-browser

    If you are used to JAS2 you will find some functionality notyet ported to JAS3n Remote (client/server) access to data (this is being worked on)n 3D Lego/Surface plots

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS 2 – GRID interface (Tech-X)

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS and the GRID

    We plan to add client-server/distributedcapabilities to JAS3 similar (but better) thanthose in JAS2n Will be based on (remote) AIDAn Want to use Grid standards where they exist

    w Work with others (PPDG-CS11,???) to define standardswhere they do not exist

    n Tech-X have phase II SBIR approved and will workclosely with us

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    Help us make it better

    We have recently purchasedand are now seriously using acommercial bug trackingsystem.n Used not only for bugs, but

    also for tracking tasks, ideasetc.

    n Please report any problems youfind, and make suggestions forchanges or improvements youwould like to see.w

  • Massimiliano Turri, SLAC INFN-LNF, 7 July 2003

    JASJava Analysis Studio

    JAS3 Links, More Info

    JAS – Java Analysis Studio -

    JAS3 –

    JAIDA –

    AIDA –

    FreeHEP -

    FreeHEP Java Libraries -

    WIRED –