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Miss. Garima Mehta Name:Lecturer

Enrollment No.: Deptt. Of Computer Science & Engg. Class: ASET INDEX

S. No.ProgramSignature

1.WAP to find sum/difference/multiplication and division of two numbers.

2.WAP to find HCF and LCM of two numbers.

3.WAP to print string n times.

4.WAP to calculate factorial of a number.

5.WAP to display nth element of Fibonacci series assuming that series starts as: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13..

6.WAP to Display the table of a number.

7.WAP to find Simple Interest

8.WAP for querying a database.

9.WAP for querying a database.

10.WAP to display logic programming.

INTRODUCTION TO PROLOGProlog is a computer programming language that is based on logic. Most computer languages are based on the steps needed to solve a problem. The Prolog language, on the other hand, is a "declarative" language which indicates the logical relationships between entities. The way to solve the problem is left to the computer. The name Prolog comes from the French PROgrammation en LOGique, that is, PROgramming LOGic. Prolog is used for solving problems that involve objects and the relationships between objects.It is widely used to implement symbolic inferences in the context of artificial intelligence.

The Prolog is a logic programming language based on two mains mechanisms: the backtracking and the unification.

The backtracking is the fact to go from the wanted goal, to look for the rules of which the goal is the conclusion, then, by taking the conditions of this rules as new under goal, redo the search recursively, and so build a base with all the facts found. Finally, there only remain to unify the found facts with the required goal.

The unification is the fact to try to make two assertions equals (generally, a fact and a rule) by giving to the variables, that they contain, some values.

It is a clear and a readable language for any user, and writing a program with it is easy. It is especially used to build some systems on the natural languages or some expert systems.The structure of a program

Any Program written with Prolog must respect a well defined structure. Here is this structure:domains

/* here will be declared the types which will be used in the program */


/* here will be put the primitives of the predicates which will be used in the rules */


/* here will be written the facts (or assumptions) and the rules which are our program */


/* this section is optional, it is used to indicate to the program the questions or the internal goals to solve */ THE DOMAINSIn Prolog, the "domains" section allows us to define the types which will be used in the program.There are several predefined types:


A symbol is a succession of characters which must begin with a lower case character.In order to be able to make a symbol begin by an upper case character, or to put some blank spaces in it, the symbol must be encapsulated with two double quotes ("").

Examples of symbols: examplean-other-exampleagain_a_symbol"A_symbol_with_upper_case""a symbol with blank spaces"


The integers are all the integer numbers between -32768 and +32767


The reals are the real numbers between +/- 1e-307 et +/- 1e+308

Examples of reals : 4-9745642.87

Remark : In Prolog, the decimal separator is the dot character (.)


These are all the character. A char is always written between two simple quotes (' ').Example : 'c'.


These are the character strings. A string is always written between two double quotes (" ").Example : "hello world".

An example of types declarations.


my_int = integer /* dfinition of a simple type my_int which is of the type integer */list_string = string* /* the character '*' after the type to indicate that a list is defined, here a string list */ THE PREDICATESThe predicates express a relation between their arguments, or a property of one of these.For example, look the predicate father.father(pierre, emma) indicate that a relation exists between pierre and emma, this relation is father.An other type of predicate would be, for example, positive(3). This predicate would indicate whether 3 is positive or not.In short, in Prolog, the predicates are the "functions".In the predicates section of a Prolog written program, the non predefined predicates are declared like the following example:


father(symbol,symbol) /* father takes two parameters of symbol type */positive(integer) /* positive takes one parameter of the integer type */

There remains only the definition of the rules of the predicates and the facts, these are the clauses. THE CLAUSESThe clauses is a set of facts and rules. This set of clauses forms the knowledge base which will be used by the program to reason.At the time of the call of a predicate, Prolog will try to solve it, so it look for the rules and the facts associated to this predicate and will solve all that is necessary.Progressively with its demonstrations, Prolog makes go up the results of all its demonstrations, and give as answer all the solutions of the question asked at the beginning.Few rules must be followed to write a good program with Prolog:

at least one clause must be written for a declared predicate;

all the clauses concerning a same predicate must be gathered;

each clause (fact or rule) ends with a dot.

A fact is a relation between two or more objects.Example: father(pierre, emma) /* this fact affirms that pierre is emma's father */A fact is always true.

A rule is a conditional relation. A rule has a specific form which is:conclusion IF condition(s).The conclusion is proven only if all the conditions are true.A rule can have several conditions, so we will use the keywords AND and OR to separate them.The keywords IF, AND and OR are very often used, so we will use these abbreviations:




Example: Let us consider that, in the predicates section, we have declared the predicates father and grand_father, there are the clauses:


father(symbol, symbol)

grand_father(symbol, symbol)


father(jean, paul).

father(paul, marie).

grand_father(X,Y) IF father(X,Z) AND father(Z,Y). Comments: In this example, all the clauses linked to the predicate father are facts because they are not unconditional. The clause linked to grand_father is a rule. You will notice the use of some symbols beginning with an upper case character(X, Y & Z). In Prolog, any symbol beginning with an upper case character is considered as a variable. So X, Y and Z can take all the values in their definition domain fixed in the predicates section (here symbol). Now, let us translate the rule grand_father. X is the grand_father of Y if X is the father of Z and that Z is the father of Y. It is also possible to work with some variables in the rules in order to modify them.

THE GOALSThe goals allow people to question the program. There exist two types of goals, the internal goals and the external goals.The internal goals can't print a result on the screen nor make go up the solutions of the problem. The internal goals are often used to carry out some operations that must be done before to call an external goal (like the initialization of a graphic interface, the creation of a dynamic data base).The internal goals are written in the goals section of the program.The external goals are taped in the "dialog" windows of the interpreter (for example Borland Turbo Prolog 2.0).An external goal is a call to our program. Prolog will solve this goal, it will make all the solutions go up, and it will print a result if it exists.

Examples of external goals father(jean, marie) /* ask the program if jean is the father of marie */father(X, marie) /* ask the program if marie has one or several fathers and give all the solutions */The use of the variable allow Prolog to make all the solution go up.father(jean, X) /* allow us to know all the children of jean, if they exist */

Software used

Borland Turbo Prolog 2.01. WAP to find sum/difference/multiplication and division of two numbers.

2. WAP to find HCF and LCM of two numbers.

3. WAP to print string n times.

4. WAP to calculate factorial of a number.

5. WAP to display nth element of Fibonacci series assuming that series starts as: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13..

6. WAP to Display the table of a number.

7. WAP to find Simple Interest

8. WAP for querying a database.

9. WAP for querying a databse

10. WAP to display logic programming.Domains



























Person(X) if Male(X) ; Female(X).

Age(X,A) if Person(X) , Born(X,Y).



Father("motilal" , "jawaharlal").

Father("jawaharlal" , "indira").

Father("feroz" , "rajiv").

Father("feroz" , "sanjay").

Father("rajiv" , "rahul").

Father("rajiv" , "priyanka").

Father(X) if Father(X,_).


WifeOf("menka" , "sanjay").

WifeOf("sanjay" , "rajiv").

WifeOf("indira" , "feroz").


Female(X):- WifeOf(Y,X).

Elder_Brother(A,B) if eelder_brother.

Parent(X,Y) :- Father(X,Y),Mother(X,Y).

Mother(X,Y) :- WifeOf(X,Z),Father(Z,Y).

Child(X,Y) :- Parent(Y,X).

Son(X,Y) :- Child(X,Y) , Male(X).

Daughter(X,Y) :- Child(X,Y) , Female(X).

Brother(X,Y) :- Father(Z,X) , Father(Z,Y), Male(X) , not(X=Y).

Sister(X,Y) :- Father(Z,X) , Father(Z,Y), Female(X) , not(X=Y).

Aunt(X,Y) if Sister(X,Z) , Parent(Z,Y).

Aunt(X,Y) :- WifeOf(X,Z) , Uncle(Z,Y).

Grandfather(X,Y) :- Parent(X,Z), Parent(Z,Y) , Male(X).

Grandmother(X,Y) :- Parent(X,Z), Parent(Z,Y) , Female(X).
