Download - Agricultural Institutions in International Development Directory


Dr. Manuel Piña, Spring 2014

Authors: Laura Brainard, Boone Clemmons, Jolene Kollman, Calie Jarvis, Alicia Macmanus, Tegan Walker, and Joanna Wilde

Agricultural Institutions in International Development


Table of Contents

Dedication i Acknowledgments ii Introduction iii Tricks and Tips to Getting Hired iv Types of Employment Available vi Job Search Websites vii Types of Organizations Defined viii Agricultural Areas of Interest Defined ix Location Areas of Interest Defined xi Directory Disclaimer xiii Directory Listings 1 Index

Alphabetic 113 Type of Organization 115 Agricultural Areas of Interest 117 Location Areas of Interest 124

Authorship 131


We dedicate this catalogue to all the men and women working in international agricultural development – past, present, and future. You have inspired each of us beyond measure with your commitment to improving this world and we strive to carry that mission forward.



This project has truly been a collaborative effort. At this time, we would like to acknowledge the people generous enough to spend time visiting our class this semester: Geoffrey Booth, Judson Brown, Blaze Currie, Ken Davies, Steve Hague, Mark Ivy, Bill Lazenby, Trent McKnight, Bobby Moore, Andrew Natsios, Jolyne Sanjak, B.B. Singh, Jill Urban-Karr, and Larry Wu. Also, it is important to recognize the following organizations for meeting with us in Washington, D.C.: ACDI/VOCA, Chemonics, Food for the Hungry, Foreign Agriculture Service, InterAction, International Food Policy Research Institute, Millennium Challenge Corporation, NAFSA Association of International Educators, United States Agency for International Development, and World Vision.


Introduction Howdy! We in ALEC 646, Institutions Serving Agriculture in Developing Nations, are proud to share this catalogue with you. Our goal is that fellow graduate students interested in international agricultural development will use this book as a starting point in their job search. There are over 200 organizations represented here, and any one may be exactly where you belong. Institutions are organized alphabetically in the main section. In order to increase efficiency, we have provided three indexes to aid in narrowing down which organizations are relevant to you. The first classifies the entries according to type of organization, the second is categorized by agricultural areas of interest, and the last index lists by geographic area of interest. Later in this catalogue, we will clarify the types of organizations, agricultural areas of interest, and geographic locations we have chosen. This catalogue is not intended to be the only resource used in finding employment. Its purpose is to expose graduate students to the wide variety of institutions working in agricultural development throughout the world. Once you have found organizations that inspire you, it is your responsibility to take the next steps. Based on the advice of various experts, we have also included some tips for being hired.

We hope you enjoy! Sincerely, Laura Brainard Boone Clemmons Jolene Kollman Calie Jarvis Alicia Macmanus Tegan Walker Joanna Wilde


Tricks and Tips to Getting Hired

Graduate students constructed this manual as part of a semester-long class assignment. In that course, students met with individuals who had worked in international development to learn about their experiences. Several students also had the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. to meet with development professional to learn more about the industry and gain a better understanding of what employers are looking for in future employees. In order to see common themes, the class asked similar questions to each of the individuals that were met with. As the semester progressed, the class began to see definite patterns form in their responses; those themes were reiterated during the D.C. trip. The following are some of the questions asked and answers received. What skills and abilities do you look for in a competitive applicant? • Soft Skills

o Strong written and oral communication o Interpersonal skills o Familiarity of working in an office setting o Leadership o Self-motivated: Ability to work independently o Team player: Can work well with others

• Development Specific Skills

o Foreign language competency French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili

o Previous international work experience Demonstrates interest in international affairs

o Willingness to go to the field o Program management experience o Financial management, including fundraising or grant writing o Monitoring and evaluation o Advanced degree

How can a student gain the experience they need? • Volunteering

o U.S. Peace Corps: mentioned in almost every meeting we had • Apprenticing with an organization • Internships: domestic or international • Fellowships • Flexibility: Be willing to take the opportunities that do come along. Be modest and reduce

expectation in order to get your foot in the door.


What to do if you have the skills, but cannot find a job? • Networking! It’s not what you know, but who you know.

o This may mean you need to visit or move to where the jobs are. o Make business cards and have them with you at all times. Be ready to hand them

out. o Follow up with people – a kind email can go a long way! o Send a “thank you” email if they met with you or helped you in any way. o Send a “nice to meet you” email to people you have just met.

• Meet people by going to events such as social gatherings, job fairs, or conferences. o You never know who you will meet that could connect you to your next job. o Interacting with people in international development will help you become familiar

with industry lingo. o It will also give you the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and interest in the

industry. • Arrange “coffee chats” with people to get to know them better and to allow them to get to

know you. • Be prepared when interacting with people.

o Know what you want to do and be able to articulate it. o Before speaking with an organization, do your research - know what the organization

is about and why you want to work with them. o When demonstrating knowledge of the industry, remember to be humble. You do not

want to come across as a know-it-all.


Types of Employment Available • Technical Consulting

o The applicant must be a specialist in their field o Employers look for specialists with skills in agronomy, animal science, veterinary

medicine, food science, nutrition, etc. o These positions are normally short term and are governed by an agreement

outlining the relationship between the employer and employee. o Technical consultants can come from any country around the world and

employers pay for any necessary travel in-order to complete an assignment.

• Research o The applicant must have a background in statistics and/or a technical

background in some area of agriculture. o Employers collect data from a specific region and/or globally and then write

articles for publication. o These positions can be short or long term depending on the position and

organization. o Based in Washington D.C. or abroad.

• Project Management and Backstopping

o Applicant must be a generalist with a wide range of knowledge and competencies.

o Employers normally run programs all over the world from a head office. o These positions are normally long term. o Most of these positions are based in Washington DC, but applicants can expect

to travel often throughout the year.

• In-Country Employment o The applicant must have a wide range of skills and must have a knowledge of

agriculture. These positions might entail anything from project implementation, project management, training, managing multiple projects within a country or region, or advocating for policy change.

o The terms of these position vary in length but are normally long term o These positions are based all over the world, mostly in developing nations.


Job Search Websites

When searching for open positions in international development, job seekers can go directly to the website of an organization in which they are interested in working or use a job search website. To allow them to reach a large number of potential candidates, government agencies, NGOs, contractors, and multilateral organizations will often post a position on multiple search sites in addition to their own institution’s website.

Job search websites allow you to easily search employment opportunities of numerous organizations at once, narrowing your search by specific job title, keyword, or geographic location. Some job search sites also allow you to signup to receive email updates when jobs that match your profile are posted. There are a large number of employment search websites that exist, but only a few cater to the development industry. Below are a few job search websites that are more geared towards development. The list is not meant to be all inclusive, but can help you get started in the job search process: •













Types of Organizations Defined Educational

Any organizations whose main goal is to expand knowledge or educate the public on topics within agriculture and/or development. Organizations in this category may include colleges, universities, extension educators, and research firms.

Faith Based Non-Governmental Organization

A faith based non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization with strong links to religious organizations. They are not a part of the government, although they may be funded by governments or government agencies.


An organization established by funds given for permanent support of the organization with intent for future maintenance. Foundations are also major donors to many development organizations and projects.

For Profit

Any business or organization whose primary goal is making money (profit). In the development sector many of these firms may be involved in consulting or contracting on projects.


Any agency that is established by national, regional, or local governments. These agencies may be distinct from government departments or ministries, but work closely with and report to one or more departments or ministries.


A non-profit organization is a type of organization that does not earn profits for its owners. All monies earned by or donated to a non-profit organization are used in pursuing the organization's mission.

Non-Governmental Organization A non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization that is not a part of the government, although they may be funded by governments or government agencies.

Multilateral Organizations Organizations formed between three or more nations to work on issues that relate to all of the countries in the organization.


Agricultural Areas of Interest Defined The following twelve interest areas were chosen to represent broad areas of focus within agriculture. Each interest area is broad; therefore there are many sub-interests that could also fall under broader topics. These sub-interests have been listed below each of the broader categories. 1. Animal Agriculture

Animal Husbandry Aquaculture

2. Conservation of Natural Resources

Environmental Conservation Land and Water resources Soil Management Ecotourism Wildlife Agri-tourism Forestry Clean Energy

3. Water

Conservation Wells Irrigation

4. Agronomy

Dry Land and Irrigated Farming Seed Improvement Crop and Soil Sciences Crop Improvement and Management Cropping Systems and Economics Turf Management Horticulture

5. Public Health

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Food Sanitation Food Processing Nutrition Education

6. Food Security

Smallholder Agriculture Livelihoods Nutrition

7. Social Justice Gender Labor Issues Minority Promotion


8. Economic Development Poverty Reduction Community Development Microfinance Finance Markets and Trade Agribusiness

9. Commercial Agriculture Large Scale Farms and Ranches Packing and Processing Plants Feedlots

10. Relief and Development

Post-conflict Natural Disasters

11. Research

Policy Research Extension Modeling and Mapping

12. Policy

International Policy Domestic Policy Water Rights Land Tenure


Locations Areas of Interest Defined


Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China India Indonesia

Japan Kazakhstan North Korea South Korea Kyrgyzstan Laos Malaysia

Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Singapore Sri Lanka

Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Vietnam


Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African R. Chad Congo Dem. Rep. Congo Djibouti Egypt

Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Bissau Guinea Ivory Coast Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar

Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Reunion Rwanda São Tomé & Principe Senegal Seychelles

Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe


Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark

Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kosovo Latvia

Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal

Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City


Latin America:

Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize Bolivia Brazil Cayman Islands Chile Colombia

Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador French Guiana Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guyana

Haiti Honduras Jamaica Martinique Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Saint Barthélemy St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Suriname Trinidad & Tobago Turks & Caicos Islands Uruguay Venezuela Virgin Islands

Middle East:

Iran Iraq Israel Jordan

Kuwait Lebanon Morocco Oman

Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria

Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen

North America:

Canada United States Mexico


Australia Fiji Kiribati Kiribati

Marshall Islands Fed. States of Micronesia

Nauru New Zealand

Palau Papua New Guinea

Samoa Solomon Islands

Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu


Directory Disclaimer

Some organizational information is pulled directly from the organization’s website. Also, this is a working document, and will be further improved on by future international development Aggies.


360 Global Impact Year Founded: 2007 Phillip, Australia Non-Government Organization The daily focus is to identify and assist those who are in greatest need and subjected to poverty, in-humane and at risk life conditions, and provide practical and innovative solutions whilst empowering long term self sustainability among individuals, families, and communities. Location Areas of Interest: Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health • Food Security • Relief and Development

Abt Associates ABT Year Founded: 1965 Cambridge, MA, USA 617-492-7100 For Profit Abt's mission is to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide. They are a misson-driven global leader in research and program implementation. They have a rigorous approach and solve complex challenges in international development innovations. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development • Research • Policy


Accion Year Founded: 1961 Charleston, MA, USA 617-625-7080 Non-Government Organization Accion works to build a financially inclusive world where every individual has access to high-quality, affordable financial services. Through access to high-quality, afforable financial services each person can capitalize on their own capability and drive to achieve real economic gains. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Relief and Development

ACDI/VOCA Year Founded: 1963 Washington, DC, USA 202-469-6000 Non-Government Organization ACDI/VOCA is an economic development organization that fosters broad-based economic growth, raises living standards and creates vibrant communities. Based in Washington, D.C., ACDI/VOCA has worked in 146 countries since 1963. Its practice areas are agribusiness, food security, enterprise development, financial services and community development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Commercial Agriculture • Social Justice


Action Against Hunger ACF Year Founded: 1979 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 647-739-3203 Non-Government Organization Action Against Hunger / Action contre la Faim (ACF) is an international humanitarian organization that fights hunger and its root causes worldwide. They provide emergency relief and focus on severe malnutrition while also tackling underlying causes and working with local systems to transform shor-term interventions into sustainable, long-term solutions. This includes a communty-centered approach that incloces local skills development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Water • Public Health • Social Justice

Action Aid Year Founded: 1972 Washington, DC, USA 202-835-1240 Non-Government Organization At ActionAid, we believe in people's right to food, water, shelter, and education. But we also know that helping people understand, fight for, and secure these rights is the most effective way to end poverty for good. In The United States, ActionAid educates policy makers about issues that impact global poverty. Around the world, ActionAid works in local communities to tackle the issues that allow poverty and injustice to persist; problems like gender inequality, corruption and poor governance Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Social Justice • Relief and Development • Conservation of Natural Resources


Acumen Fund AF Year Founded: 2001 New York, USA 212-566-8821 Non-Profit Acumen is a non-profit that raises charitable donations to invest in companies, leaders, and ideas that are changing the way the world tackles poverty. This organization doesn’t simply make grants, but invests in the entrepreneurs who have the capability to bring sustainable solutions to big problems of poverty. As a non-profit, we raise charitable donations that allow us to make patient long-term debt or equity investments in early-stage companies providing reliable and affordable access to agricultural inputs, quality education, clean energy, healthcare services, formal housing, and safe drinking water to low-income customers. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development AECOM Year Founded: 1990 Los Angeles, CA, USA 213-593-8000 For Profit AECOM is a global leader in providing fully indtegrated professional technical and management support services for a broad range of markets. They offer integrated services for total project delivery, covering everything from initial environmental planning studies to detailed design, construction management and operations and maintenance training. They understand their responsibility to the environment and provide services to create, enhance, and sustain the world's built, natural, and social environments. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Agronomy • Economic Development • Policy • Conservation of Natural Resources


Afgri Afgri South Africa 27-11-063-2347 For Profit Afgri is a multi-faceted agricultural corporation based in South Africa. They own feed and supply stores, silo's, poultry farms, and much more. Recently they have begun focusing on opening up agricultural markets in central Africa. They have projects in Congo, Zambia, Mozambique, and Nigeria. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Animal Agriculture • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture • Research

Africa Action on AIDS AAA Year Founded: 1994 New York, NY, USA Non-Government Organization AAA helps youth learn about HIV/AIDS and how to avoid infection.Through community-based education programs focused on family, AAA promotes the values of knowledge, self-respect, and responsibility for others. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Water


Africa Rice Center ARC Year Founded: 1971 Cotonou, Benin 222-135-0556 Multilateral AfricaRice is a leading pan-African rice research organization committed to improving livelihoods in Africa through strong science and effective partnerships. It is also an autonomous intergovernmental research association of African member countries. Its mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through research, development, and partnership activities aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of the rice sector in ways that ensure the sustainability of the farming environment. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Agronomy • Food Security

Africare Year Founded: 1970 Washington, DC, USA 202-462-3614 Non-Government Organization Africare is a leading non-governmental organization committed to addressing African development and policy issues by working in partnership with African people to build sustainable, healthy, and productive communities. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Public Health • Social Justice • Relief and Development • Economic Development


Agence Francaise de Developpement AFD Year Founded: 1944 Paris, France 33-015-344-3131 Governmental This French development agency is a public development finance institution that has been working to fight poverty and foster economic growth in developing countries and the French Overseas Provinces for seventy years. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Water • Agronomy • Conservation of Natural Resources • Public Health • Economic Development • Social Justice

Agency for Basic Community Development ABC Year Founded: 2009 Myanmar 95-163-6081 Faith-based Non-Government Organization ABC reaches out to the neediest people in the least developed rural communities for impartial small-scale assistance in the fields of basic needs, hydraulic needs, and civic educational needs by collaborating with non-government, nonprofit, nonreligious, humanitarian, and development organizations in order to build a just, peaceful, and humane society. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health • Social Justice


Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development ACORD Year Founded: 1976 Nairobi, Kenya 254-20-272-1186 Non-Government Organization ACORD works on the ground in 17 African countries working with communities on livelihood and food sovereignty, HIV/AIDS, peace building, and women's rights. They also do related campaign and advocacy work at the Pan-African and global levels aimed at enhancing the achievement of ACORD's humanitarian objectives. ACORD's response to the challenges of Africa is firmly based on a belief that people themselves are the agents of change and actors of their own development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Food Security • Social Justice • Public Health

AgriCorps Year Founded: 2013 Texas, USA Non-Government Organization AgriCorps does not intend to take “Western-style agriculture” and dump it on a developing country and expect it to succeed. Rather, AgriCorps trusts that the democracy of ideas and innovation that comes through the awareness of critical thinking will open possibilities to new agriculture technologies based on local customs, resources, and ecosystems. AgriCorps creates one year internship programs in Africa for college students. These internships allow studnets to use their agricultural knowledge while working in a foreign country. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Public Health • Water


Agricultural Institute of Canada AIC Year Founded: 1944 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 613-232-9459 Educational Canadian agriculture is a global leader in stewardship of our land through science. AIC will broaden society's knowledge and use of science and agriculture. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Food Security • Social Justice • Research

Agricultural Society of Kenya ASK Year Founded: 1901 Nairobi, Kenya Non-Government Organization ASK’s mission is to inform, through exhibitions and other related activities using modern technology to promote excellence in agriculture and allied industries. They seek to provide forums for exchange of agricultural and agricusiness information, to embrace innovation and technology transfer, and to participate in developing agricultural trade policies and markets. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Economic Development • Research • Public Health


AgriSaMoz Year Founded: 2011 South Africa 27-86-632-0388 For Profit AgriSaMoz is a group of South African farmers who are establishing commercial farms in Mozambique. This group of farmers is interested in establishing an agricultural base within the country so other farmers will move into Mozambique and start commerical agricultural operations. AgriSAMoz is committed to expanding the reach of commercial agriculture within Mozambique. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture • Food Security

Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa AGRA Year Founded: 2006 Westlands, Nairobi 25-470-303-3000 Non-Government Organization AGRA is an organization in Africa working with governments, agricultural research organizations, farmers, the private sector, and civil societies. They work to achieve a food secure country through sustainable agricultural growth and small farmers. AGRA has been established to improve access to technologies, knowledge, policy, and fincances. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Economic Development • Research • Food Security


America Solidaria OCAC Year Founded: 1998 Bogota, Colombia 571-320-8320 ext 2237 Non-Government Organization America Solidaria is a regional organization that serves works on initiatives such as agriculture, education, health, and microcredit and housing. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Social Justice • Agronomy • Food Security • Public Health

American Nicaraguan Foundation ANF Year Founded: 1992 Managua, Nicaragua Miami, FL, USA 305-374-3391 Non-Government Organization ANF´s institutional mission is to acquire directly or through strategic partners the necessary resources to contribute substantially and sustainably to reduce the impact of poverty in the lives of the most vulnerable population in Nicaragua. Providing these non-profitable resources to their beneficiaries in an efficient, effective, and transparent manner with the assistance of a network of local partners. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Public Health • Food Security • Relief and Development


Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development AAAID Year Founded: 1976 Khartoum, Sudan 24-918-709-6100 Governmental The main purpose of the establishment of AAAID is to contribute to the achievement of food security in the Arab world through the agricultural investment and by developing the agricultural and human resources as well as disseminating the modern agricultural technologies. Location Areas of Interest: Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Research • Policy • Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development • Food Security

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development AOAD Year Founded: 1970 Khartoum, Sudan Governmental The overall objective of the AOAD is to identify and develop linkages between Arab countries and coordinate all agricultural and agricultural-related activities amongst them. AOAD strives to develop the natural and human resources abailable in the agricultural sector, increase agricultural productivity, and support agricultural profects and porcessing industries. Location Areas of Interest: Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Food Security • Social Justice • Research • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources


Asian and Pacific Coconut Community APCC Year Founded: 1969 Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia 62-21-522-1712 Governmental To improve the socio-economic conditions of all stakeholders of the coconut industry in the member countries, particularly the small coconut farmers. APCC’s mission is to assist coconut industries to; increase productivity, reduce production costs, adopt integrated farming systems, encourage organic farming, promote farm level processing and product diversification, improce quality standars, intensity market promotional activies and research, harmonize trade related issues, and develop human resources for effective technology transfer. Location Areas of Interest: Asia • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development • Policy

Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech ARD Year Founded: 1977 Burlington, VT, USA 802-658-3890 For Profit ARD offers planning, design, implementation, and applied research services in agriculture, natural resources and the environment, infrustucture, instiutuional development and information technology. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Policy • Social Justice • Economic Development • Agronomy • Animal Agriculture


Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development AIARD Year Founded: 1964 Woodland, CA, USA 848-932-6289 Educational The Association for International Agriculture And Rural Development focuses on international agriculture and rural development. Their focus includes eliminating poverty, food security, environmental conservation, economic growth, and sustainable development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Food Security • Conservation of Natural Resources

Atlas Service Corps Year Founded: 2006 Washington, DC, USA 202-263-4545 Educational Atlas Service Corps started in 2006 and is an international network of nonprofit leaders and organizations that promotes innovation, cooperation, and solutions to address the world's 21st century challenges. Their mission is to address critical social issues by developing leaders, strengthening organizations, and promoting innovation through an overseas fellowship of skilled nonprofit professionals. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Relief and Development • Economic Development


Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACIAR Canberra, Australia 61-026-217-0500 Educational ACIAR’s mandate is to plan, fund, and manage projects across a broad range of agricultural and development areas. Approximately three quarters of the Centre’s research budget is allocated to bilateral collaborative development-related research between Australia and developing countries. The remaining quarter of the research budget is allocated to multilateral development-related research through contributions to international agricultural research centres. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development • Research • Policy Australian International Food Security Center AIFSC Year Founded: 1982 Bruce Act 2617, Australia 61-026-217-0500 Governmental AIFSC’s mission is to formulate programs and policies with respect to agricultural research for either or both of the following purposes: identifying agricultural problems of developing countries and finding solutions to agricultural problems of developing countries.They also work towards communicating to persons and institutions the results of such agricultural research, establishing and funding training schemes related to its research programs, conducting and funding development activities related to its research programs, and funding international agricultural research centres. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Conservation of Natural Resources • Economic Development


AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center Year Founded: 1971 Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan 88-66-583-7801 Non-Profit AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center is an international nonprofit research and development institute committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables. The Center mobilizes resources from the public and private sectors to disseminate AVRDC’s improved varieties and production methods in developing countries. They help farmers increase vegetable harvests, raise incomes in poor rural and urban households, create jobs, and provide healthier, more nutritious diets for families and communities. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Food Security • Economic Development • Public Health

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee BRAC Year Founded: 1972 Bangladesh 88-02-988-1265 Non-Government Organization BRAC's mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. Their interventions aim to achieve large scale, positive changes through economic and social programmes that enable men and women to realise their potential. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development • Commercial Agriculture • Research • Conservation of Natural Resources


BASF Year Founded: 1914 Limburgerhof, Germany 49-062-1600 For Profit BASF has a long tradition of working closely with farmers. Groundbreaking products and solutions as well as the growth of global markets form this history as do crises and setbacks. But again and again, the company has transformed ideas and approaches into market-ready solutions. The history of the Agricultural Center Limburgerhof highlights one of BASF Crop Protection’s key strengths: managing challenges and working together to find new solutions. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Year Founded: 1997 Seattle, WA, USA 206-709-3100 Foundation For each issue this foundation works on, they fund innovative ideas that could help remove these barriers: new techniques to help farmers in developing countries grow more food and earn more money, new tools to prevent and treat deadly diseases, and new methods to help students and teachers in the classroom. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Middle East • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Research • Policy • Economic Development • Animal Agriculture • Social Justice • Food Security • Public Health • Water


Bioversity International Year Founded: 1974 Rome, Italy 39-066-1181 Multilateral Bioversity International is a research-for-development organization that provides scientific evidence of the role that on-farm and wild agricultural and forest biodiversity can play in a more nutritious, resilient, productive and adaptable food and agricultural system. Their vision is of a world in which smallholder farming communities in developing countries are thriving and sustainable. Their purpose is to produce scientific evidence to shape decisions and actions to benefit smallholder farmers and rural communities living in poverty around the world. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security

Blue Sparrow Huancayo, Junín, Peru 51-97-558-7603 Non-Government Organization Blue Sparrow partners with rural schools and communities in Peru near the Andean city of Huancayo to empower sustainable change through education, agriculture, and microbusiness. They equip Peruvian youth through education to be entrepreneurial and independent, contributing to the enrichment of their family, school, and community. They transform education to offer opportunities for the empowerment of marginalized youth as well as partner with communities and schools, local authorities, and volunteers. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Economic Development • Food Security


Board for International Food and Agricultural Development BIFAD Year Founded: 1975 Washington, DC, USA 202-712-0218 Governmental The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) advises USAID on agriculture and higher education issues pertinent to food insecurity in developing countries. The President appoints members, who primarily represent the academic community. The Board recognized the critical role of United States land-grant insitutions in agricultural development both domestically and abroad, and support their represntation in USAID development programs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Food Security

Bread for the World Washington, DC, USA 800-822-7323 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's leaders to end hunger at home and abroad. Bread for the World's mission is to change policy and ensure continued improved assistance to millions of hungry people around the world. Bread for the World members write personal letters and emails and meet with our members of Congress. Working through our churches, campuses, and other organizations, they engage more people in advocacy. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Policy • Research


Bureau of International Labor Affairs ILAB Washington, DC, USA 800-397-6251 Governmental The Burea of International Affairs (ILAB) leads The United States’ Department of Labor's efforts to ensure that workers around the world are treated fairly and are able to share in the benefits of the global economy. ILAB's mission is to use all available international channels to improve working conditions, raise living standards, protect workers' ability to excersise their rights, and address the wokplace exploitation and other vulnerable populations. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research • Economic Development • Social Justice

CARE International CARE Year Founded: 1945 Geneva, Switzerland 41-22-795-1020 Non-Government Organization CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. They place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. Women are at the heart of our community-based efforts to improve basic education, prevent the spread of disease, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources. They also deliver emergency aid to survivors of war and natural disasters, and help people rebuild their lives. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East • Europe • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Economic Development • Water • Public Health • Relief and Development • Conservation of Natural Resources


Carter Center Year Founded: 1982 Atlanta, GA, USA 404-420-5100 Non-Government Organization Since 1986, the Carter Center's Agriculture Program in partnership with national ministries of agriculture and the Sasakawa Africa Association has worked in 15 Sub-Saharan African countries. The program first aims to establish better crop production, train workers, and create production demonstration plots. Activities later expand to include projects such as grain storage, crop processing, seed production, and the establishment of farmers' associations and saving and loan services. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Food Security

Catholic Relief Services CRS Year Founded: 1943 Baltimore, MD, USA 888-277-7575 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Catholic Relief Services works through local partner agencies to implement agriculture and environment programs for the poorest farm families and rural communities worldwide. CRS' immediate goal is to improve family well-being through agro-economic development and environmental stewardship. The agency's long-term goal is to strengthen the capacity of local agencies and farm communities to take control of their own development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Food Security • Public Health • Policy • Water • Social Justice


Center for Global Development CGDEV Year Founded: 2001 Washington, DC, USA 202-416-4000 Educational The Center for Global Development works to reduce global poverty and inequality through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community to make the world a more prosperous, just, and safe place for us all. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research

Center for International Forestry Research CIFOR Year Founded: 1992 Indonesia 62-251-862-2622 Governmental The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is dedicated to advancing human wellbeing, environmental conservation and equity by conducting research that helps governments, businesses, non-government organisations and communities in less-developed countries make informed decisions about how they use and manage their forests. Spanning governance, poverty and environmental issues across Asia, Latin America and Africa, CIFOR’s multidisciplinary research includes the following topics: How do we manage forests in ways that enable us to mitigate and adapt to climate change? How can the people who depend on smallholder and community forestry improve their livelihoods? How do we manage the trade-offs between conservation and development? How do we manage the impacts of globalised trade and investment? How can tropical production forests be managed sustainably? Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Conservation of Natural Resources


Center for International Private Enterprise CIPE Year Founded: 1983 Washington, DC, USA 202-721-9250 For Profit The policies and practices of the rich and the powerful in rich nations, as well as in the emerging powers, international institutions, and global corporations have significant impacts on the world’s poor people. CIPE aims to improve these policies and practices through research and policy engagement to expand opportunities, reduce inequalities, and improve lives everywhere. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Commercial Agriculture • Policy • Economic Development • Social Justice

Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS Year Founded: 1962 Washington, DC, USA 202-887-0200 Non-Government Organization The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has developed practical solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. CSIS scholars continue to provide strategic insights and bipartisan policy solutions to help decisionmakers chart a course toward a better world. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research


Charles Darwin Foundation CDF Year Founded: 1959 Santa Cruz Island Galapagos, Ecuador 59-35-252-6146 Non-Government Organization CDF’s mission is to provide knowledge and assistance through scientific research and complementary action to ensure the conservation of the environment and biodiversity in the Galapagos Archipelago. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Research

Chemonics Year Founded: 1975 Washington, DC, USA 202-955-3300 Non-Government Organization Chemonics partners with local and international organizations to promote social and economic change around the world. Their mission is to serve others through caring, exceed expectations through excellence, be entrepreneurial through innovation, trust one another through integrity, and think big through opportunity. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Relief and Development • Public Health • Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security


Chicago Council on Global Affairs Year Founded: 1922 Chicago, IL, USA 312-726-3860 Non-Government Organization The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, founded in 1922 as The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, is a leading independent, nonpartisan organization committed to influencing the discourse on global issues through contributions to opinion and policy formation, leadership dialogue, and public learning.The Chicago Council brings the world to Chicago by hosting public programs and private events featuring world leaders and experts with diverse views on a wide range of global topics. Through task forces, conferences, studies, and leadership dialogue, the Council brings Chicago’s ideas and opinions to the world. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Food Security

Christian Aid Year Founded: 1945 London, England 44-207-620-4444 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Christian Aid sends financial support to over 800 indigenous ministries that deploy at least 80,000 native missionaries who are taking the gospel of Christ to more than 3000 tribes and nations, especially in places where American missionaries are no longer allowed to go. These ministries work: in lands of great poverty, where Christians are persecuted minority, and to plant churches among unreached people. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Food Security • Social Justice • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development


Christian Relief Fund CRF Year Founded: 1970 Amarillo, TX, USA 806-352-5030 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Christian Relief Fund is a non-profit relief organization focusing on rescuing orphans and vulnerable children from poverty. CRF operates child sponsorship programs that are dedicated to providing food, clean water, education, spiritual training, healthcare and disaster relief to the glory of God worldwide. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Europe • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Relief and Development • Water

Christianville Foundation Year Founded: 1983 Haiti Faith-based Non-Government Organization Throughout the years Christianville has given leadership and financial support to a variety of humanitarian assistance programs that are spiritually based. Two water wells provide safe drinking water for the mission as well as providing water for hundreds of people on a daily basis. The medical, dental, and eye clinic provide needed medical services to local residents, students, and staff. Christianville's extensive farm program through FISH ministries supports extensive aqua/agriculture operations that produce tilapia fish on 18 ponds, a superior quality goat herd, swine, chicken, and egg production. Various nutrition programs have provided and continue to provide supplementary food for the needy. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Water • Food Security • Food Security • Relief and Development


CNFA CNFA Year Founded: 1985 Washington, DC, USA 202-296-3920 Non-Government Organization CNFA’s (formerly Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs) mission is to stimulate economic growth and improve rural livelihoods in the developing world by empowering the private sector. Believing that the best approach to poverty reduction and economic growth is agricultural development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Economic Development • Animal Agriculture • Commercial Agriculture

Common Fund for Commodities CFC Year Founded: 1989 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 31-20-575-4949 Governmental The Common Fund’s mandate is to enhance the socio-economic development of commodity producers and contribute to the development of society as a whole. In line with its market-oriented approach, the Fund concentrates on commodity development projects financed from its resources. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Animal Agriculture • Commercial Agriculture


Concern Worldwide Inc Year Founded: 1968 New York, NY, USA 800-59-266-2376 Non-Government Organization Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Since its foundation in 1968, Concern Worldwide, through its work in emergencies and long-term development, has saved countless lives, relieved suffering and provided opportunities for a better standard of living for millions of people. We work primarily in the countries ranked in the bottom 40 of the United Nations Human Development Report. Concern implements emergency response programs as well as long-term development programs in the areas of livelihoods, health, HIV/AIDS, and education. improvements in their lives that last and spread without ongoing support from Concern. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development Conciliation Resources CR Year Founded: 1994 London, UK 44-020-7359-7728 Non-Government Organization Conciliation Resources is a peacebuilding NGO supporting people at the heart of conflicts who are striving to find solutions. They work with them to deepen our collective understanding of the conflict, bring together divided communities, and create opportunities for them to resolve their differences peacefully. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development


Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University CONDEV Year Founded: 2010 College Station, TX, USA 979-458-9399 Educational Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University (ConDev) seeks to improve the effectiveness of development programs and policies for conflict-affected and fragile countries through multidisciplinary applied research. To this end, ConDev harnesses the innovative power of Texas A&M University and its partners in host countries and communities. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Animal Agriculture • Food Security • Relief and Development • Research • Agronomy • Water • Public Health

Congo Agriculture South Africa 27-12-643-3400 For Profit Congo Agriculture is a group of South African farmers who received large tracks of land from the government in the Congo. Their goal is to establish infrastructure which can sustain commercial agriculture. They are focused on opening up more land within the country. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture • Food Security


Conservation Interantional CI Year Founded: 1987 Arlington, VA, USA 703-341-2400 Non-Government Organization CI builds upon a strong foundation of science, partnership and field demonstration. CI empowers societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, global biodiversity, and for the well-being of humanity. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Food Security • Public Health

Consultative Group on International Research CGIAR Year Founded: 1971 Washington, DC, USA 202-473-8951 Multilateral CGIAR is a research consultant group that works with 15 other research centers to tackle issues such as rural poverty, food security, better nutrition and health, and sustainably managed resources. CGIAR research is then put into action by public and private development partners. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Food Security


Counterpart International Year Founded: 1965 Arlington, VA, USA 571-447-5700 Non-Government Organization For nearly 50 years, Counterpart International, a global development organization, has been forging partnerships with communities to invest in food security and nutrition, economic development and building effective governance and institutions. Counterpart works with individuals, families, and communities to increase the quantity, reliability, variety, and nutrition of their food supply. They also work closely with communities to identify and address the full spectrum of issues affecting food security. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Europe • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Policy • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources • Relief and Development • Social Justice

Crops Research Institute CRI Year Founded: 1990 Kumasi, Ghana 233-516-0396 For Profit CRI is one of the 13 Institutes of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana. They aim to develop technologies for sustainable food and industrial crop production through research. CRI is currently working on ten agricultural projects to provide solutions to agriculture problems and enhance productivity. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture


Cureviolence CV Year Founded: 1995 Chicago, IL, USA 312-413-1415 Non-Government Organization CV are advocates fighting to stop the spread of violence through communities. Some of CV are former gang members, drug dealers, and even past perpetrators of violence. They have changed their ways and actively seek to diffuse potentially explosive situations and show community members how to resolve conflicts peacefully. Location Areas of Interest: North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice

Dead Wheat International DWIF Panama Non-Government Organization Dead Wheat International Foundation helps impoverished farmers develop sustainable agriculture, clean air and potable water supplies. It is a community of families and individuals who’ve chosen to leave places of privilege in order to assist and empower those who are counted as part of the “bottom-billion”. Their mission is to empower the impoverished and malnourished Ngobe tribe in central Panmama. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Food Security • Agronomy • Public Health


Decision and Policy Analysis Program DAPA Year Founded: 1967 Cali, Colombia 650-833-6625 Educational DAPA's mission is to reduce rural poverty through improved decision making at the public and private level across Latin America and beyond. Their goal is to contribute to improve decision making across Latin America and beyond through the provision of novel and accurate information about agricultural systems and associated natural resources from the farm to the continental level. They also work to influence key governmental and non-governmental organizations to ensure that the rural poor benefit from public and private sector policies. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy

Delaval Global Year Founded: 1889 Tumba, Sweeden 46-085-306-6000 For Profit Every day millions of dairy animals are milked, fed, and maintained by DeLaval solutions in more than 100 countries worldwide. DeLaval meets with over 10,000 milk producers on their farms annually. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Europe • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture


Department for International Development London, England 355-844-000 Governmental The Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty. They are ending the need for aid by creating jobs, unlocking the potential of girls and women, and helping to save lives when humanitarian emergencies hit. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development • Research • Policy

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH GIZ Bonn, Germany 492-284-4600 Governmental GIZ offers customised solutions to complex challenges. They are an experienced service provider and assist the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation. GIZ offers demand-driven, tailor-made, and effective services for sustainable development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Conservation of Natural Resources • Social Justice • Agronomy • Food Security • Economic Development • Relief and Development • Water • Commercial Agriculture


Development Alternatives DA Year Founded: 1982 New Delhi, India 91-112-656-4444 Non-Government Organization DA believes in the power of multi-stakeholder partnerships and networks for creating large-scale impact for sustainable development. They envision a world where every citizen can live a secure, healthy, and fulfilling life in harmony with nature. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Research • Water • Policy

Direct Relief DR Year Founded: 1957 Santa Barbara, CA, USA 805-964-4767 Non-Government Organization Direct Relief’s assistance programs are tailored for the particular circumstances and needs of those who have suffered from the effects of natural and man-made disasters. Direct Relief also establishes partnerships with local organizations to provide health services to people in rural areas of a country that are poor and lack basic healthcare infrastructure. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Food Security • Relief and Development


Doctors Without Borders DWB Year Founded: 1968 New York, NY, USA 212-679-6800 Non-Government Organization

Since 1980, Doctors Without Borders has opened offices in 28 countries and employs more than

30,000 people across the world. Since its founding, Doctors Without Borders has treated over a

hundred million patients—with 8.3 million outpatient consultations being carried out in 2012 alone. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Research

Dominion Farms Year Founded: 2006 Guthrie, OK, USA 405-346-5810 For Profit Dominion Farms is a commercial rice farm owned by an American corperation. One of their goals is to improve the lives of their workers as well as improve agriculture in Africa. During their time in business they have brought several new agricultural technologies to Africa. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Water


Dupont Pioneer Year Founded: 1926 Johnston, IA, USA 515-535-3200 For Profit Plenty has changed since their founding in 1926. One thing that hasn't is Dupont Pioneer guiding principle; their success is based on their customers' success. That belief has helped them become a leading developer and supplier of plant genetics to farmers worldwide. It's also helped those farmers boost productivity, profitability, and sustainability. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Europe • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy

Eastern African Farmers Federation EAFFU Year Founded: 2001 Nairobi, Kenya 25-420-445-1691 Non-Government Organization EAFF is a non-political, non-profit, and a democratic apex organization of all farmers of Eastern Africa. Its role is to voice legitimate concerns and interests of farmers of the region with the aim of enhancing regional cohesiveness and social-economic status of the farmers. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development


ECOVA MALI Year Founded: 2007 Swampsscott, MA, USA 978-818-0751 Non-Government Organization "ECOVA MALI hires local experts to provide "hands-on" agricultural training, as well as instruction on business planning, basic accounting, and marketing to Malian farmers. ECOVA MALI also provides start-up capital in the form of micro-loans and mini-grants for the creation and development of worker-owned and managed, sustainable agriculture enterprises." Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources

Education Concerns for Hunger Organization ECHO Year Founded: 1985 Fort Meyers, FL, USA 239-543-3246 Non-Government Organization ECHO is an organization designed to be an information hub for development practitioners around the world. They gather solutions to solve hunger problems to promote sustainable farming techniques and technologies. This 30 year organization helps to better access information through conferences, meetings, newsletters, forums, seed banks, courses, workshops, tours, and consulting. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security


Ethical Tea Partnership Year Founded: 1997 London, UK 440-207-953-7664 Non-Government Organization They work with tea producers and companies at each end of the tea supply chain. Together they’re helping to create a thriving tea industry that is socially just and environmentally sustainable. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture

Eurasia Foundation EF 55-27-254-7249 Foundation Eurasia Fourndation believe societies function best when people take responsibility for their own civic and economic prosperity. Through cooperation based on mutual respect our programs equip citizens to define and achieve outcomes of enduring benefit to their communities. Location Areas of Interest: Asia • Europe • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Policy • Social Justice


Faida Market Link Faida MaLi Year Founded: 2003 Mosque, Tanzania 55-27-254-7249 Non-Government Organization Faida MaLi’s mission is to empower women and men in rural areas of Tanzania to access markets through capacity building of community based organizations and the implementation of its market linkage approaches in order to increase income and employment opportunities in rural areas. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Economic Development

FairTrade International Year Founded: 1988 Bonn, Germany 49-22-894-9230 For Profit Fair trade is an alternative approach to conventional trade based on a partnership between producers and traders, and businesses and consumers. The international Fairtrade system, made up of Fairtrade International and its member organizations, represents the world's largest and most recognized fair trade system. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture


Families South Africa FAMSA Year Founded: 1948 Johannesburg, South Africa 011-975-7106 Non-Government Organization FAMSA has been developing human potential by providing counseling, education, training, and social development programmes for South Africans who want help with relationship issues. FAMSA is therefore involved with family preservation through preventive and remedial services which build on existing strengths in individuals, couples, groups and communities and helps people to deal with modern day stressors and issues that threaten family life. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Public Health • Relief and Development

Farm Africa USA Inc Year Founded: 1998 Washington, DC, USA Non-Government Organization Farm Africa tests new technologies and trains farmers in them. Success breeds success and once trained farmers pass on their new knowledge to others, ensuring our work has an impact well beyond our projects. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security


Farm Concern International FCI Year Founded: 2004 Kenya 254-20-262-6017 Non-Government Organization Farm Concern International (FCI) is an Africa-wide market development agency, developing pro-poor marketing models and strategic alliances to enhance economic growth among poor communities in various countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture

Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization FLIFLY Year Founded: 2005 Cambodia 85-52-335-7351 Non-Government Organization Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Organization (FLIFLY) works in partnership with universities, companies, and international and local NGOs to strengthen and promote credit unions, sustainable agriculture communities, and conduct vocational training skills as effective instruments for socio-economic development of farmers in Cambodia. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Water • Agronomy • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development


Feed the Children Year Founded: 1979 Oklahoma City, OK, USA 855-759-0095 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Around the world, Feed The Children provides nourishing meals every school day to more than 350,000 children. In fiscal year 2013, the organization distributed over $129 million in food, medicine, and other essentials to children in 23 countries around world. The international programs, including child sponsorships, meet the immediate needs of children while also addressing the root causes of poverty through education and livelihood development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security

FLO-CERT Year Founded: 2003 Bonn, Germany 49-02-282-4930 For Profit FLO-CERT’s skill set spans the sustainability spectrum. From providing assurance about compliance with social and economic standards (such as Fairtrade Certification), to measuring the Product Carbon Footprint of products sold to consumers. This broad set of abilities makes FLO-CERT your perfect partner in developing truly sustainable supply chains based on shared values. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO Year Founded: 1945 Rome, Italy 39-065-7051 Multilateral The FAO works to eradicate hunger, malnutrition, and food insecurity as well as make agriculture more productive and sustainable, reduce rural poverty, enhance agricultural systems, and increase resilience to disasters. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Economic Development • Food Security • Conservation of Natural Resources • Policy

Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy Year Founded: 1975 Oakland, CA, USA 510-654-4400 For Profit Food First’s mission is to end the injustices that cause hunger, poverty, and environmental degradation throughout the world. We believe a world free of hunger is possible if farmers and communities take back control of the food systems presently dominated by transnational agri-foods industries. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Conservation of Natural Resources


Food For the Hungry FH Year Founded: 1971 Phoenix, AZ, USA 480-998-3100 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Food for the Hungry (FH) is a Christian organization serving the poor globally since 1971. They reflect the love of Christ in short-term emergency relief and long-term work to end world hunger. Their vision is God called and we responded until physical and spiritual hungers ended worldwide. Their mission is to walk with churches, leaders, and families in overcoming all forms of human poverty by living in healthy relationship with God and His creation. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Public Health • Water • Economic Development • Relief and Development

FoodFirst Information and Action Network FIAN Heidelberg, Germany 49-62-216-5300 Non-Government Organization FIAN envisions a world free from hunger in which every woman, man, and child can fully enjoy their human rights in dignity, particularly the right to adequate food. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security


Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada CIDA Ottawa, ON, Canada 613-944-4000 Governmental The Government of Canada is committed to sustainable international efforts that help people who live in poverty in the developing world. Guided by its Aid Effectiveness Agenda, Canada is making its international assistance efficient, focused, and accountable. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development • Research • Policy

Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa FARA Year Founded: 2001 Accra, Ghana 233-30-277-2823 Educational FARA’s Mission is to create broad-based improvements in agricultural productivity, competitiveness and markets by supporting Africa’s sub-regional organizations in strengthening capacity for agricultural innovation. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development • Research • Policy


Foundation for International Developement Relief FIDR Year Founded: 1990 Tokyo, Japan 81-35-282-5211 Foundation FIDR contributes toward the autonomous development and promotion of welfare in developing countries through implementing programs for improvement of people’s living conditions focusing on the wellbeing of children and socioeconomic advancement of the region. They work to carry out emergency relief assistance for the victims by natural disasters occurred in Japan and overseas to promote their social rehabilitation. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Social Justice • Relief and Development

Foundation for Sustainable Development FSD Year Founded: 1995 San Fransisco, CA, USA 415-283-4873 Foundation FSD achieves community-driven goals through asset-based development and international exchange in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Our model incorporates four programs that support underserved communities in a collaborative and sustainable manner: capacity building, grantmaking, international development training programs, and giving circles. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Social Justice


Gender Resources, Inc GRI San Fransisco, CA, USA 916-662-6783 Non-Government Organization GRI brings together over 200 international and local national gender experts from around the world. This allows us to quickly fill open positions and scale-up projects according to the needs of each client’s project. Our team members are not gender generalists, but specialists with proven experience promoting gender equity in one of GRI’s areas of expertise. We recruit only consultants with a minimum of 10 years experience in at least three countries. Together, GRI’s team has experience in over 65 countries throughout Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Central and South America, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, the Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia. GRI’s mission is to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment so that all people; women, men, boys, and girls have the abilities and opportunities to lead more fulfilling lives. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security • Public Health • Agronomy • Policy

Global Communities (formerly CHF International) Year Founded: 1952 Silver Spring, MD, USA 301-587-4700 Non-Government Organization Global Communities is an international non-profit organization that works closely with communities worldwide to bring about sustainable changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable. Development is not something they do for people; it is something they do with them. They believe that the people who understand their needs best are the people of the community itself. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Food Security • Public Health • Social Justice


Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services GFRAS Year Founded: 2010 Switzerland 0041-52-354-9764 Non-Government Organization GFRAS’ vision is to see rural advisory services effectively contributing to the sustainable reduction of hunger and poverty worldwide. Our mission is to provide advocacy and leadership on rural advisory services within the global development agenda. GFRAS has three functions: providing voice for advisory services within global policy dialogues and promoting improved investment in RAS, supporting the development and synthesis of evidence-based approaches and policies for improving the effectiveness of RAS, and strengthening actors and fora in RAS through facilitating interaction and networking. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy

Global Hope Network International GHNI Year Founded: 1999 Orlando, FL, USA 407-207-3256 Non-Government Organization GHNI brings sustainable transformation to people in poverty and also accompanies hope of a better future free from the perpetual cycle of poverty. Their local staff and partners are trained in the transformational community development method to assist each village with effective guidance and coaching. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Food Security • Relief and Development • Social Justice • Water


Global Service Corps Year Founded: 1992 Portland, OR, USA 503-954-1659 For Profit The Global Service Corps mission is to design and implement volunteer service-learning and community development programs that benefit the volunteer participants and positively impact the communities they serve. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Social Justice • Conservation of Natural Resources

Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor Year Founded: 1976 Bangladesh 88-02-801-1138 Non-Government Organization Grameen Bank (GB) has reversed conventional banking practice by removing the need for collateral and created a banking system based on mutual trust, accountability, participation, and creativity. GB provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development • Research • Policy • Public Health • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Commercial Agriculture


Green Mind Year Founded: 2010 Dhaka, Bangladesh 171-596-1212 Non-Government Organization Green Mind strongly believes that social change is reasonable if insight are gained, institutional and professional excellence are achieved and applied in the program from a grassroots level. They work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Social Justice

GRM International Year Founded: 1965 Brisbane, Australia 61-73-025-8500 Non-Government Organization GRM International, the global development management firm, partners with institutions, governments, and businesses worldwide to improve people’s quality of life. Nations and communities thrive when they can respond swiftly and strategically to challenges and seize opportunities that will improve people’s lives. Done right, development work can lay a strong foundation for a better future. But the hurdles to progress can be entrenched or unpredictable. Projects can lose momentum or derail because transformation at the national and community levels require navigating often difficult economic, social and political terrain. . Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Public Health • Economic Development • Policy


Haiti Water Year Founded: 2005 Washington, DC, USA 202-488-0735 Non-Government Organization Haiti Water’s objective is to build the foundation for sustainable health in Haiti through access to safe drinking water. They seek to eliminate the widespread and devastating transmission of water-borne illnesses such as cholera, hepatitis, chronic diarrhea, and typhoid. By installing affordable and effective chlorine water treatment devices in community water tanks, schools, and health clinics throughout Haiti they hope to accomplish this. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health

Hearts and Hands International Edmond, OK, USA 405-412-4360 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Hearts and Hands Inernational is a public charity that brings people and resources together to help children at risk around the world. They empower people to get their hands involved with doing the work of caring for the children. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health


Heifer International Year Founded: 1944 Little Rock, AR, USA 855-948-6437 Non-Government Organization Heifer International is an United States based group working all over the world to end poverty through agriculture. They provide animals, semen, and seeds to people in the developing world and the recipients must promise to pass the gift along to others in their community. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development • Research • Policy • Public Health • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Commercial Agriculture

Help for the Andes Maipú, Santiago, Chile 56-98-975-9227 Non-Government Organization The Help for the Andes has worked throughout the years to bring forth positive change in the lives of people in various communities of Chile and Peru. They do this by expanding educational opportunities, social development, resilience, and medical development. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Food Security • Relief and Development


Howard G. Buffett Foundation HGBF Year Founded: 1999 Foundation The primary mission is to improve the standard of living and quality of life for the world’s most impoverished and marginalized populations. They work to achieve their mission by focusing their funding in three core areas; food security, water security, and conflict resolution management and post-conflict development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Water • Relief and Development • Social Justice

Humane Society International HSI Year Founded: 1954 Washington, DC, USA 866-720-2676 Non-Government Organization Humane Society International's (HSI) purpose is to work with national and jurisdictional governments, international treaty and trade agreement representatives, and humane organizations to find practical, culturally sensitive, and long-term solutions to common animal welfare problems. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Food Security • Social Justice • Research • Policy


Hunger Plus INC. Year Founded: 1990 Plainview, TX, USA 806-293-4413 Non-Government Organization Hunger Plus, Inc. is a not-for-profit relief agency dedicated to the reduction and elimination of hunger world wide through feeding programs combined with projects that promote self-reliance. Their objectives are to raise public awareness of hunger and its causes, promote cooperation to solve emergency and long-term problems, equip people to feed themselves, and end the cycle of hunger. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Animal Agriculture • Food Security • Water • Social Justice

Hunger Project THP Year Founded: 1977 New York, NY, USA 212-251-9100 Non-Government Organization The Hunger Project (THP) is a global, non-profit, strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger.THP seeks to end hunger and poverty by empowering people to lead lives of self-reliance, meet their own basic needs, and build better futures for their children. THP and its affiliated partner countries have a worldwide staff of more than 300 people. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Economic Development • Social Justice


IDE Year Founded: 1982 Denver, CO, USA 303-232-3457 Non-Government Organization iDE is an international non-profit dedicated to ending poverty in the developing world not through handouts, but by helping farm families access the tools and knowledge they need to increase their income. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Food Security • Relief and Development • Economic Development • Public Health

Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia IPMS Year Founded: 2004 Ethiopia Governmental IPMS is a joint project based in Ethipopia focused on improving the lives of farmers through better technology and up-to-date knowledge. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security


Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy IATP Year Founded: 1986 Washington, DC, USA 202-222-0749 For Profit IATP works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems. IATP works with organizations around the world to analyze how global trade agreements impact domestic farm and food policies. They are developing alternative economic models that include clean sources of energy such as wind power and biofuels that would spur rural development. They are working to stop the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture and aquaculture. Location Areas of Interest: North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Commercial Agriculture • Policy • Social Justice • Public Health

Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People IDRAP Year Founded: 2003 Indonesia 62-401-303-2600 Non-Government Organization Building the capacity of rural and indigenous people, improving health and economic conditions, and preserving the environment of indigenous people. Programs are designed to foster the materialization of the rights to development of rural and indigenous peoples. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Social Justice • Public Health • Economic Development


Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies PLAAS Year Founded: 1995 Cape Town, South Africa 27-21-959-3733 Educational PLAAS is based in South Africa and they focus on training, policy engagement, and research on the dynamics of chronic poverty in Southern Africa. This organization works a lot with new farmers and small holder farmers. This organization is also very interested in land reform policy and how to train land reform beneficiaries. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Research • Policy • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources

InterAction Year Founded: 1984 Washington, DC, USA 202-667-8227 Non-Government Organization InterAction has more than 180 member organizations working in every developing country. Members are faith-based and secular, large and small, with a focus on the world’s most poor and vulnerable populations. InterAction is the largest alliance of United States based international NGOs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Policy • Research • Relief and Development


Intergovernmental Authority on Development IGAD Year Founded: 1986 Djibouti 25-32-135-4050 Governmental The IGAD’s mission is to assist and complement the efforts of the Member States to achieve, through increased cooperation: food security and environmental protection, promotion and maintenance of peace and security, and humanitarian affairs, and economic cooperation and integration. IGAD will be the premier regional organization for achieving peace, prosperity, and regional integration in the IGAD regions. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Food Security • Research • Policy

International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Year Founded: 1863 Geneva 41-22-734-6001 Non-Government Organization Since its foundation, the ICRC has played a humanitarian role in most of the conflicts that have taken place around the world. It has continuously worked to persuade States to expand the legal protection of war victims to limit suffering. The ICRC has a permanent international mandate for its work. This derives from the 1949 Geneva Conventions, agreed to by every State in the world, and from the Statutes of the Movement. More than 1,400 specialized staff and generalists are currently on field missions for the ICRC across the globe. They work with some 11,000 local employees, supported and coordinated by around 800 staff at its Geneva headquarters. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Food Security • Relief and Development • Public Health


International Association for Transformation IAT Year Founded: 1979 Canada 250-929-3240 Non-Government Organization IAT’s mission it to raise the awareness of humanity concerning global conditions and to support its efforts toward creating a peaceful pollution-free world with an abundant standard of living for all. Their objective are to provide opportunities for inter-cultural youth, initiate and assist in the implementation of sustainable community based self-help projects, develop human potential through fostering cross-cultural unity and understanding, and promote environmental conservation and global sustainability. Location Areas of Interest: Asia • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy

International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas ICARDA Year Founded: 1977 Lebanon 961-184-3472 Multilateral ICARDA is a CGIAR center that works with partners worldwide developing innovations to improve food security and the livelihoods of the rural poor. ICARDA’s work targets non-tropical dry areas in developing countries and also produces international public goods with potential for global application. Their research covers crops (wheat, barley, faba bean, lentil, chickpea and forage legumes), the management of natural resources (water, land, biodiversity), small ruminant production (sheep and goats), farming systems (intensification, diversification, integration between farming system components), and socio-economics. They also cover policy research on how policies can be more relevant to the situation of low income countries. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Food Security


International Center for Tropical Agriculture CIAT Year Founded: 1967 Colombia 650-833-6625 Multilateral Within CGIAR, CIAT has global responsibility for the improvement of beans, cassava, and tropical forages; crops that have historically been neglected by research despite their vital importance for food and nutrition security. It also conducts research on rice and tropical fruits for Latin America and the Caribbean. All of the Center’s work on agricultural biodiversity, encompassing diverse food groups, employs advanced biotechnology to discover useful knowledge and accelerate crop improvement. Progress in CIAT’s crop improvement research also depends on unique collections of genetic resources (65,000 crop samples in all) which it holds in trust for humanity. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Agronomy

International Coffee Organization ICO Year Founded: 1963 London, England 44-02-07-612-0600 Governmental The ICO’s mission is to strengthen the global coffee sector and promote its sustainable expansion in a market-based environment for the betterment of all participants in the coffee sector. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Policy • Commercial Agriculture


International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Year Founded: 1972 India 91-403-071-3071 Non-Government Organization ICRISAT conducts research on five highly nutritious drought-tolerant crops: chickpea, pigeonpea, pearl millet, sorghum, and groundnut. Their vision, mission, and approach envisions a prosperous, food-secure, and resilient dryland tropics. To achieve this, its mission is to reduce poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and environmental degradation in the dryland tropics. It approaches this through partnership-based international agricultural research for development that embodies science with a human face. ICRISAT has defined six developmental outcomes that it believes will help the poor to move along the IMOD path: food sufficiency, intensification, diversification, resilience, health and nutrition, and women empowerment. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research • Food Security • Agronomy

International Development and Relief Foundation IDRF Year Founded: 1985 Toronto, CA 416-497-0818 Foundation IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation) is a Canadian registered charitable organization, dedicated to empowering the disadvantaged people of the world. IDRF provides effective humanitarian aid and sustainable development programs without discrimination based on the Islamic principles of human dignity, self reliance, and social justice Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East • Europe • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Relief and Development


International Fertilizer Development Center IFDC Year Founded: 1974 Muscle Shoals, AL, USA 256-381-6600 Non-Government Organization The International Fertilizer Development Center serves through on-site training, utilizing research, development, and education. Their focus includes food security and increased agriculture productivity. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Research • Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources

International Food and Agribusiness Management Association IFAMA Year Founded: 1990 Washington, DC, USA 202-429-1610 Foundation IFAMA's mission is achieved through providing members with multiple vehicles for information sharing, knowledge advancement, discussion and debate, networking, and career development. IFAMA will be a catalyst and clearinghouse for ideas, talent, and research agenda setter that drives the global food and agribusiness system to respond in an innovative, effective, and rapid way to the changing needs of the world. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security • Policy • Research • Relief and Development • Economic Development


International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI Year Founded: 1975 Washington, DC, USA 202-862-5600 Multilateral The International Food Policy Research Institute is a DC based organization focusing on policy solutions to ending hunger and poverty. Their programs include building resilience, ensuring sustainable food production, improving markets and trade, promoting healthy food systems, strengthening institutions and governance, transforming agriculture, policy communications, and capacity strengthening. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Conservation of Natural Resources • Research • Policy • Commercial Agriculture • Social Justice • Agronomy

International Foundation for Education and Self Help IFESH Year Founded: 1981 Scottsdale, AZ, USA 480-443-1800 Foundation The mission of IFESH is to support African nations in their efforts to eradicate poverty, disease, and inequity through self-help partnership programs. Their vision is an Africa where everyone reaches their full potential through access to quality education, health, and good governance. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice


International Fund For Agricultural Development IFAD Year Founded: 1977 Rome, Italy 39-065-4591 Multilateral IFAD focuses on rural poverty reduction in developing countries by working to eliminate poverty, hunger, and malnutrition by increasing production and incomes of the rural poor. IFAD’s projects and funds are usually used in very remote areas where the most destitute rural populations are found. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Food Security • Water • Relief and Development • Policy

International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW Year Founded: 1969 Washington, DC, USA 800-932-4329 Non-Government Organization IFAW rescues and cares for individual animals and delivers effective solutions for the long-term protection of animal populations and habitats. They promote addressing animal welfare concerns in policy, legislation, and society. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Relief and Development • Policy


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA Year Founded: 1967 Nigeria 23-42-751-7472 Multilateral The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is one of the world’s leading research partners in finding solutions for hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. IITA is a non-profit international organization founded in 1967 and governed by a Board of Trustees. Its award-winning agricultural research for development (R4D) addresses the needs of the poor and vulnerable in the tropics. It works with public and private sector partners to enhance crop quality and productivity, reduce risk to producers and consumers, and generate wealth from agriculture. The Institute’s R4D covers the following themes: biotechnology and genetic improvement, natural resource management, plant production and plant health, and social science and agribusiness. For the last 45 years, IITA’s agricultural R4D has delivered over 70 percent of CGIAR impact in Sub-Saharan Africa. It has achieved this impact by focusing on key tropical food crops such as banana, plantain, maize, cassava, soybean, cowpea, tree crops, and yam. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Food Security • Agronomy

International Labour Organization ILO Year Founded: 1919 Geneva, Switzerland 41-0-22-799-6111 Governmental The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, pursuing its founding mission that labour peace is essential to prosperity. Today, the ILO helps advance the creation of decent work and the economic and working conditions that give working people and business people a stake in lasting peace, prosperity, and progress. Its tripartite structure provides a unique platform for promoting decent work for all women and men. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection, and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice


International Livestock Research Institute ILRI Year Founded: 1994 Nairobi, Kenya 254-20-374-7554 Multilateral ILRI envisions a world where all people have access to enough food and livelihood options to fulfil their potential. ILRI’s mission is to improve food and nutritional security and to reduce poverty in developing countries through research for efficient, safe, and sustainable use of livestock; ensuring better lives through livestock. ILRI has three objectives with partners; to develop, test, adapt, and promote science-based practices that being sustainable and scalable achieve better lives through livestock, to provide compelling scientific evidence in ways that persuade decision-makers from farms to boardrooms and parliaments that smarter policies and bigger livestock investments can deliver significant socio-economic, health, and environmental dividends to both poor nations and households, to increase capacity among ILRI’s key stakeholders to make better use of livestock science and investments for better lives through livestock. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Animal Agriculture • Food Security

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CIMMYT Year Founded: 1963 Mexico 52-555-804-2004 Multilateral The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) is the world’s premier center for research, development, and training in maize and wheat and in farming systems for those two essential food crops. From its headquarters in Mexico and offices throughout the developing world, the center works with partners worldwide to reduce poverty and hunger by sustainably increasing the productivity of maize and wheat cropping systems. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Food Security • Agronomy


International Potato Center CIP Year Founded: 1971 Lima, Peru 511-349-6017 For Profit CIP’s mission is to work with partners to achieve food security, well-being, and gender equality for poor people in root and tuber farming and food systems in the developing world. They do this through research and innovation in science, technology, and capacity strengthening. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Social Justice • Agronomy • Research

International Rice Research Institute IRRI Year Founded: 1960 632-580-5600 Multilateral IRRI aims to reduce poverty and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure environmental sustainability of rice farming. They do these through collaborative research, partnerships, and the strengthening of the national agricultural research and extension systems, or NARES, of the countries they work in. IRRI's goals contribute to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and ensure environmental sustainability. They are also aligned with the objectives of the Global Rice Science Partnership (the CGIAR Research Program on Rice) that help deliver internationally coordinated research effectively and efficiently with their partners. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Food Security • Agronomy


International Sugar Organization ISO Year Founded: 1992 London, England 440-207-513-1144 Governmental The International Sugar Organization is the unique intergovernmental body devoted to improving conditions on the world's sugar market through debate, analysis, special studies, transparent statistics, seminars, conferences, and workshops. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Policy

International Water and Sanitation Centre IRC Year Founded: 1968 Hague, The Netherlands 31-70-304-4000 Non-Government Organization The International Water and Sanitation Centre is a knowledge-focused NGO with a vision and a mission. They work with a worldwide network of partner organisations in order to achieve equitable and sustainable water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. IRC’s roots are in advocacy, knowledge management, and capacity building. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health • Economic Development • Policy • Social Justice


International Water Management Institute IWMI Year Founded: 1985 Sri Lanka 94-11-288-0000 Multilateral The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society, and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security, and ecosystem health. Location Areas of Interest: Asia • Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Water

John Deere Year Founded: 1837 Moline, IL, USA 800-533-6446 For Profit Since its founding in 1837, John Deere has seen a great many changes in its business, its products, and its services. Change always comes with opportunity and John Deere has always been ready and willing to embrace it. Yet, through it all, John Deere is still dedicated to those who are linked to the land; farmers and ranchers, landowners, builders, and loggers. Deere has never outgrown, nor forgotten, its founder's original core values. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy


Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming KIOF Year Founded: 1986 Juja Town, Kenya 720-60-4820 Non-Government Organization KIOF’s vision is achieving communities of men and women who are empowered with skills and knowledge of organic farming for sustainable rural livelihood. KIOF is committed to promoting organic farming as an environmentally friendly approach to sustainable food production. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources

KFW Development Bank KFW Year Founded: 1961 Frankfurt, Germany 49-697-431-4260 For Profit KFW is Germany's leading development bank and is an integral part of KFW Bankengruppe. Their 650 personnel, of which about 190 are specialists in local offices, cooperate with partners all over the world. Their main client is the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development


Kore Beyond Relief KORE 513-706-3827 Faith-based Non-Government Organization KORE combines agribusiness opportunities with mission endeavors to provide a holistic approach. They work with families to improve their agriculture practices for better production so they can feed their families and produce a surplus. They help them with access to the market so they have a place to sell. They provide relief for malnourished children, partnering with our agricultural partners in the process. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Animal Agriculture

Land Bank Year Founded: 1912 South Africa 080-000-5259 For Profit Land Bank is a financial institution focused on agriculture in South Africa. They have a division that works with new black farmers and land reform program recipients. Their goal is to keep poor farmers on the land and make them prosperous in agriculture. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Policy • Relief and Development • Research • Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture


Landell Mills Limited Year Founded: 1975 Bath, UK 44-01-22-576-3777 For Profit Their mission is to assist their clients to participate actively in the global economy whilst protecting their fragile environments and vulnerable communities in the process. They work with private and public sector clients on assignments lasting from a few days to several years. Their work is usually financed by international development agencies. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development

Landesa Rural Development Institute LRDI Year Founded: 2009 Seatle, Washington 206-528-5880 Non-Government Organization Landesa works to secure land rights for the world’s poorest people, those 2.47 billion chiefly rural people who live on less than two dollars a day. Landesa partners with developing country governments to design and implement laws, policies, and programs concerning land that provide opportunity, further economic growth, and promote social justice. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Economic Development • Social Justice


Landmark Operations Year Founded: 1864 Melbourne, Australia 039-209-2681 For Profit Landmark has been part of rural Australia for 150 years. A leading agribusiness company, they offer merchandise, fertilizer, farm services, wool, livestock, finance, insurance, and real estate. Today, they are Australia’s largest distributor of merchandise and fertilizer, with 2000 employees servicing 100,000 clients in their national network of around 400 locations. Location Areas of Interest: Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Policy • Relief and Development • Research • Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture

Living Water International LWP Year Founded: 1990 Stafford,TX, USA 281-207-7800 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water and experience "living water" the gospel of Jesus Christ which alone satisfies the deepest thirst. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health • Social Justice • Relief and Development


Long Way Home LWH Year Founded: 2004 Irving, TX, USA 541-410-1700 Non-Government Organization Long Way Home uses sustainable design and appropriate materials to construct self-sufficient schoolt that promote education, employment, and environmental stewardship. They empower communities to foster innovative solutions that break the cycle of poverty. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health

LVIA LVIA Year Founded: 1966 Cuneo, Italy 39-017-169-6975 Non-Government Organization LVIA is an organization focusing on solidarity, international cooperation, and human development. Their focus includes social inequity, food insecurity, and poverty. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Agronomy • Animal Agriculture • Public Health


Making Cents International Year Founded: 1999 Washington, DC, USA 202-783-4090 Non-Government Organization Making Cents International is a woman-owned social enterprise based. They increase economic opportunities for youth, women, smallholder farmers, and vulnerable populations around the globe by helping them start and grow businesses, participate in profitable value chains, access finance, and obtain meaningful work. They achieve this by building the capacity of local institutions to develop and deliver products and services tailored to the needs of these populations. They seek to improve economic opportunities with a particular focus on youth, women, and vulnerable populations. Their products and services enable entrepreneurs and enterprises to participate in profitable markets, financial institutions to serve new populations, and individuals to obtain meaningful work. They advance the economic development field by evaluating their activities, disseminating results, and creating learning opportunities for practitioners and policymakers alike. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Food Security

Mekong River Commission MRC Year Founded: 1995 Vientiane, Laos 85-62-126-3263 Governmental The MRC’s mission is to promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries' mutual benefit and the people's well-being. The Integrated Water and Related Resouces Management based strategy provides regional and transboundary perspectives for basin development planning, representing over a decade of collaboration between Member Countries on their shared understanding of the river’s opportunities and risks associated with development. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Conservation of Natural Resources • Economic Development


Mercy Corps Year Founded: 1979 Portland, OR, USA 800-292-3355 Non-Government Organization Mercy crops mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities. They focus on places in transition, provide emergency relief in times of crisis, promote sustainable change by supporting initiative that are community led, and seek innovation that creates major breakthroughs against poverty. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development

Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC Year Founded: 2004 Washington DC, USA 202-521-3600 Governmental The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MSS) is an innovative and independent United States foreign aid agency that is helping lead the fight against global poverty. MCC forms partnerships with some of the world’s poorest countries, but only those committed to good governance, economic freedom, and investments in their citizens. MCC provides these well-performing countries with large-scale grants to fund country-led solutions for reducing poverty through sustainable economic growth. MCC grants complement other United States and international development programs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Social Justice • Public Health • Economic Development • Water


Monsanto Year Founded: 1901 St. Louis, MO, USA 314-694-1000 For Profit Monsanto is a sustainable agriculture company which delivers agricultural products that support farmers all around the world. This is done with seed brands in crops like corn, cotton, oilseeds, and fruits and vegetables. Monsanto also produces leading in-the-seed trait technologies for farmers, which are aimed at protecting their yield, supporting their on-farm efficiency, and reducing their on-farm costs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture • Research

Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya Kenya 254-20-231-9528 Non-Government Organization Network For Ecofarming in Africa (NECOFA) is a community based NGO in Kenya promoting Ecofarming: ecologically sustainable land management. NECOFA works with resource poor community members, Government institutions, and local and international partners. Currently it is working in counties of: Nakuru, Baringo, Makueni, Meru, Isiolo and Kajiado. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture • Research


NIRAS Year Founded: 1956 Denmark 454-810-4300 Non-Government Organization NIRAS is an international, multidisciplinary consultancy company with over 1400 employees located in offices in Europe, Asia and Africa. Their business is to provide impartial consultancy in a variety of fields such as construction and infrastructure, public utilities, environmental and natural resources, climate change and energy, planning, and development consulting. Their domestic market is the Baltic region, however they are actively growing their international presence through international acquisitions in the environment and energy, ports and harbors consulting sectors, and worldwide development consulting services. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Food Security

Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture Year Founded: 1984 College Staion, TX, USA 979-845-4164 Educational The Borlaug Institute designs and implements sustainable programs of international development that integrate research, training (extension), and education to benefit the peoples of developing countries across the globe. The Institute's development program takes place in-country to augment entire agricultural industries by addressing key issues along industry value chains. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Food Security • Commercial Agriculture • Research


Office of Civilian Resonse OCR Year Founded: 2009 Washington, DC, USA Governmental The Office of Civilian Response is home to the USAID component of the Civilian Response Corps (CRC), a cadre of development professionals that augments USG capacity to help United States Missions and Embassies prevent, respond to, and recover from crisis and conflict. The office reflects the full array of USAID technical specialties and helps ensure USAID’s response is robust and fully integrated both internally and in conjunction with USG and international actors. OCR assistance in acute crisis is short to medium term, generally three to nine months. Serving in both USAID Missions and in Embassies as well as several non-presence countries the Civilian Response Corps gives the agency key manpower to respond to acute crisis. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Food Security • Public Health • Water

Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA Year Founded: 1964 Washington, DC, USA Governmental OFDA is the office within USAID responsible for providing non-food humanitarian assistance in response to international crises and disasters. OFDA experts worldwide and in D.C. help countries prepare for, respond to, and recover from humanitarian crises. OFDA works with the international humanitarian community to give vulnerable populations resources to build resilience and strengthen their own ability to respond to emergencies. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Water • Public Health


ONE ONE Year Founded: 2008 Washington, DC, USA 202-495-2700 Non-Government Organization ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organisation of 3.5 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. They raise public awareness and work with political leaders to comvat AIDS and preventable diseases, increase investments in agriculture and nutrition, and demand greater transparency in poverty-fighting programs. ONE also works closey with African activists and policy makers as they fight corruption, promote poverty-fighting priorities, monitor the use of aid, and help build civil society and economic development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development

One Acre Fund OAF Year Founded: 2006 Roseville, MN, USA Non-Government Organization One Acre Fund is dedicated to serving smallholder farmers.To do so they provide an $80 loan in the form of basic seed and fertilizer and deliver this within walking distance of the people that they serve. One Acre provides training on correct usage of farm inputs, which dramatically improves farm profitability. In addition, they enable farmers to sell their harvests at a significant profit through market access and improved storage. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Economic Development


Opportunities Industrial Centers International OICI Year Founded: 1970 Philadelphia, PA, USA 215-842-0220 Non-Government Organization OIC International leads the way in creating self-reliant communities comprised of empowered and engaged individuals, who improve their quality of life and alleviate poverty. Thier mission is to build self-reliance and entrepreneurship through technical and vocational skills development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Public Health • Social Justice • Economic Development

Overseas Development Institute ODI Year Founded: 1960 London, England 440-207-922-0300 Non-Government Organization ODI’s mission is to inspire and inform policy and practice which lead to the reduction of poverty, the alleviation of suffering, and the achievement of sustainable livelihoods in developing countries. They do this by locking together high quality applied research, practical policy advice, and policy-focused dissemination and debate. They work with partners in the public and private sectors, in both developing and developed countries. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research • Social Justice • Agronomy • Food Security • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture


Oxfam International Year Founded: 1995 Boston, MA, USA 617-482-1211 Non-Government Organization Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. They save lives and help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes and campaign so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them. Oxfam works with partner organizations and alongside vulnerable women and men to end the injustices that cause poverty. Location Areas of Interest: Asia • Africa • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Food Security • Public Health

Pan American Development Foundation PADF Non-Government Organization PADF works in Latin America and the Caribbean in over 22 countries to form economic opportunities, promote social progress, strengthen communities and civil society, and respond to natural disasters. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development


Partners for Development PFD Year Founded: 1992 Washington, DC, USA 301-608-0426 Non-Government Organization PFD’s mission is to work with underserved populations in developing countries to improve quality of life. The central criterion for assistance is need, without regard to race, religion, age, sex, or ethnic group. They work in a manner such that local partners help design, implement, and assess programs to the greatest degree possible. This approach of collaborating with local counterparts leads to skill-development in key areas. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Water • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Relief and Development

Partners In Health PIH Year Founded: 1987 Boston, MA, USA 617-998-8922 Non-Government Organization PIH's mission is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. By establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations based in settings of poverty, Partners In Health strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Relief and Development


Partners of the Americas Year Founded: 1964 Washington, DC, USA 202-628-3300 Non-Government Organization Partners of the Americas’ mission is to connect people and organizations across borders to serve and to change lives through lasting partnerships. They envision an interconnected global neighborhood where people and organizations reach their fullest potential through long-lasting partnerships. They believe that social and economic prosperity are not limited to just one country, region, or group of people. They believe that volunteer service is capable of transforming lives and communities. Each individual, regardless of age or any other factor, has the power to realize their dreams and make a difference. They believe that we learn more about ourselves when we learn to work together. Partners of the Americas welcomes all individuals and organizations willing to share their skills and work toward greater international cooperation among the people of the Western Hemisphere. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Public Health • Social Justice • Conservation of Natural Resources

Peace Boat Year Founded: 1983 Tokyo, Japan 033-363-8047 Non-Government Organization Peace Boat believes that travel in itself can be a tool for positive social and political change and seeks to create and implement best practices in responsible travel and what we call travel for peace and sustainability. Socio-political considerations rather than commercial interests largely determine their choice of destinations. Their partnerships with local organizations and travel agencies reflect our effort to utilize tourism in a progressive and educational form so as to contribute to global sustainability and peace. Location Areas of Interest: Asia Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice


Peace Corps PC Year Founded: 1961 Washington, DC, USA 855-855-1961 Governmental As the preeminent international service organization of the United States, the Peace Corps sends Americans abroad to tackle the most pressing needs of people around the world. Peace Corps Volunteers work at the grassroots level toward sustainable change that lives on long after their service and at the same time becoming global citizens and serving their country. When they return home, Volunteers bring their knowledge and experiences and a global outlook that enriches the lives of those around them. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Europe • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Policy

Plan Year Founded: 1937 Washington, DC, USA 800-556-7918 Non-Government Organization Plan aims to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children in developing countries through a process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Relief and Development • Public Health • Food Security • Water • Social Justice • Economic Development


Ponape Agriculture and Trade School PATS Year Founded: 1965 Pohnpei, FM, Pacific Ocean Educational The only four-year vocational high school in this part of the world. A school that focuses on building up the work force in Micronesia rather than preparing its students for further higher education. All students board at the school and have the chance of building up respect, friendship, and community with all parts of Micronesia. Location Areas of Interest: Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture • Research

Pulse Australia Melbourne, Australia 61-39-004-4081 For Profit Pulse Australia is the peak industry body that represents all sectors of the pulse industry in Australia, from growers and agronomists through to researchers, merchants, traders and exporters. It is unique in that it is an independent, non-political and whole of industry organisation, which acts as a catalyst for the development of the pulse industry. Location Areas of Interest: Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture


Rainforest Alliance RA Year Founded: 1987 New York, NY, USA 212-677-1900 Non-Government Organization The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. Rainforest Alliance certification encourages farmers to grow crops and manage ranchlands sustainably. Their certification system is built on the three pillars of sustainability; environmental protection, social equity and economic viability and no single pillar can support long-term success on its own, therefore they help farmers improve in all three areas. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Europe • Latin America • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture

Relief International Year Founded: 1990 Los Angeles, CA, USA 323-932-7888 Non-Government Organization Relief International is a humanitarian non-profit agency that provides emergency relief, rehabilitation, development assistance, and program services to vulnerable communities worldwide. Relief International is solely dedicated to reducing human suffering and is non-political and non-sectarian in its mission. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Europe • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Animal Agriculture


Research Triangle Institute RTI Year Founded: 1958 Triangle Park, NC, USA 919-485-2666 For Profit RTI’s experts in international development deliver advisory and training services at the national, subnational, and local government levels providing institutional development through the transfer of analytical tools and methods. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Economic Development • Social Justice • Policy • Conservation of Natural Resources • Public Health

Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security RUAF Year Founded: 1999 Leusden, Netherlands 00-31-033-434-3003 Non-Government Organization The RUAF Foundation seeks to contribute to reducing urban poverty, enhancing urban food security, improving urban environmental management, and stimulating participatory city governance. RUAF contributes by enhancing the capacities of local authorities and other stakeholders and facilitating the integration of (intra- and peri-) urban agriculture and city-region food measures in the policies and action programmes Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Middle East • Latin America • Europe Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Research • Public Health • Commercial Agriculture


Riders for Health RF Year Founded: 1988 Northampton, UK 44-01-60-488-9570 Non-Government Organization Riders for Health is an international social enterprise. They manage and maintain vehicles for health-focused partners in Sub-Saharan Africa. Their expertise in transport management enables health workers to deliver vital health care to rural communities on a reliable and cost-effective basis. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Economic Development

Rockefeller Foundation RF Year Founded: 1913 New York, NY, USA 212-869-8500 Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation provides resources, networks, and technologies to innovative groups and individuals. Furthermore, they support work that expands opportunity for social, economic, health, and environmental challenges. The foundation works in the United States and around the world. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Europe • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research • Relief and Development • Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development • Social Justice • Food Security • Public Health • Agronomy • Water • Conservation of Natural Resources


Room to Read RTR Year Founded: 1998 San Francisco, CA, USA 415-839-4400 Non-Government Organization Room to Read focuses on two areas which they believe can have the greatest impact: literacy and gender equality in education. They work in collaboration with communities and local governments across Asia and Africa to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the life skills they’ll need to succeed in school and life. Location Areas of Interest: Asia • Europe • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice

Root Capital RC Year Founded: 1999 Cambridge, MA, USA 617-661-5792 Non-Government Organization Root Capital envisions a thriving financial market serving agricultural businesses that generate long-term social, economic, and environmental sustainability for small-scale farmers and their communities around the world. Root Capital lends capital and provides financial training to enable small and growing rural businesses in Africa and Latin America to access global markets and create sustainable livelihoods for small-scale farmers. With access to credit and financial management training, Root Capital clients are able to increase their product’s volume, quality, and consistency, and can thereby become more reliable suppliers all of which are critical to the long-term viability of agricultural supply chains. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Commercial Agriculture • Economic Development


Samaritan's Purse Year Founded: 1970 Boone, NC, USA 828-262-1980 Faith-based Non-Government Organization Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son; Jesus Christ. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Water • Food Security • Economic Development • Relief and Development

Save the Children SC Year Founded: 1919 Non-Government Organization SC make sure that children affected by floods, famines, earthquakes, and armed conflict get life-saving medical aid, shelter, food, and water fast. They safeguard children and help reunite separated families. They help children recover from crises by providing emotional support and safe places to learn and play. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice • Public Health • Relief and Development • Food Security


SNV SNV Year Founded: 1963 The Hague, Netherlands 31-70-344-0244 Non-Government Organization SNV is an international organization that promotes improvement of individuals and sustainable development. Their focus includes agriculture, renewable energy, water, sanitation, and hygiene. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Commercial Agriculture • Agronomy • Water • Public Health • Conservation of Natural Resources

Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization SADO Year Founded: 1994 Bardera Gedo Region southern Somalia 252-513-3039 Non-Government Organization The Social-life and Agricultural Development Organization is a non-governmental, non-profit organization aimed at developing sustainable lives for the Somali people. Their objectives include agriculture production, food security, water sanitation and hygiene, education, governance, and organization development. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Economic Development • Agronomy • Relief and Development • Public Health • Food Security


Sustainble Harvest International SHI Year Founded: 1997 Ellsworth, ME, USA 207-669-8254 Non-Government Organization The mission of Sustainable Harvest International (SHI) is to provide farming families in Central America with the training and tools to preserve our planet's tropical forests while overcoming poverty. Founded in 1997 by Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Florence Reed, Sustainable Harvest International addresses the tropical deforestation crisis in Central America by providing farmers with sustainable alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Conservation of Natural Resources • Food Security

Sweetwater Holdings Dallas, TX, USA 214-447-7544 For Profit This company owns commercial agriculture operations in Western Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. They are very interested in developing new markets for agricultural goods in Africa. They are also working to develop new markets for beef in Africa. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture


Syngenta Global Year Founded: 1758 Basel, Switzerland 41-61-323-1111 For Profit Syngenta is one of the world's leading companies with more than 28,000 employees in some 90 countries dedicated to thier purpose: bringing plant potential to life. Their strategy calls for them to think like a grower and understand that he thinks about his land and his crop in a holistic, integrated way. With their enormous breadth of technologies in crop protection, seeds, and seed care, they are uniquely placed in our industry to not only provide the grower with integrated offers now, but also truly innovative and transformative technologies in the future. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy

Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation CTA Year Founded: 1983 Brussel, Belgium 32-02-513-7436 Non-Government Organization The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States and the European Union. Their mission is to advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity, and encourage sound natural resource management. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Policy • Research • Relief and Development


TechnoServe Year Founded: 1968 Washington, DC, USA 202-785-4515 Non-Government Organization TechnoServe develops business solutions to poverty by linking people to information, capital, and markets. Their work is rooted in the idea that hardworking people can generate income, jobs, and wealth for their families and communities. With more than four decades of proven results, they believe in the power of private enterprise to transform lives. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Food Security • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture

The Christensen Fund Year Founded: 1957 San Franciso, CA, USA 415-644-1600 Non-Government Organization The Christensen Fund believes in the power of biological and cultural diversity to sustain and enrich a world faced with great change and uncertainty. They focus on the biocultural; the rich but neglected adaptive interweave of people and place, culture and ecology. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • North America • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources • Policy


The Clinton Foundation Year Founded: 2001 New York, NY, USA 212-348-8882 Foundation The Clinton Foundation believes that the best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative collaboration. That's why they build partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments, and individuals everywhere to work faster, better, and leaner; to find solutions that last and to transform lives and communities from what they are today to what they can be tomorrow. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Economic Development • Public Health • Social Justice

The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA Year Founded: 1984 Luska, Zambia 26-021-122-9725 Governmental COMESA’s mission is to endeavour to achieve sustainable economic and social progress in all Member States through increased co-operation and integration in all fields of development particularly in trade, customs and monetary affairs, transport, communication and information, technology, industry and energy, gender, agriculture, and environment and natural resources. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Policy


The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center GARD Mercers Creek, Antigua, West Indies 268-463-4121 Non-Government Organization GARD’s mission is to build a premier enterprise development facility rooted in the agricultural and rural sectors that caters to the training and personal development needs that support the creation and expansion of sustainable livelihoods of young men and women. Location Areas of Interest: Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Conservation of Natural Resources • Economic Development

The Global Fund GF Year Founded: 2002 Geneva, Switzerland 41-58-791-1700 Foundation The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria was created in 2002 to dramatically increase resources for the fight against these three pandemics. It spurs partnerships between government, civil society, the private sector, and communities living with the disease; the most effective way to fight these deadly infectious diseases Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Social Justice • Relief and Development


The Water Project WP Year Founded: 2006 Concord, NH, USA 800-460-8974 Non-Government Organization Water Project, Inc. is a non-profit organization that works to provide sustainable water projects to communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. These are areas suffer due to lack of water access. WP works to help communities gain access to clean water by providing training, financial, and educational support. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health

Trickle Up Year Founded: 1979 New York, NY, USA 212-255-9980 Non-Government Organization Trickle Up empowers people living on less than $1 a day to take the first steps out of poverty, providing them with resources to build microenterprises for a better quality of life. In partnership with local agencies, they provide business training and seed capital grants of $100 to launch or expand a microenterprise as well as savings support to build assets. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice


U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action Washington, DC, USA Governmental The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor leads the United States’ efforts to promote democracy, protect human rights and international religious freedom, and advance labor rights globally. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Conservation of Natural Resources • Policy • Social Justice • Economic Development

United Nations Foundation UNF Year Founded: 1942 New York, NY, USA 212-697-3315 Multilateral The United Nations Foundation links the United Nations’ work with others around the world, mobilizing the energy and expertise of business and non-governmental organizations to help the United Nation tackle issues including climate change, global health, peace and security, women's empowerment, poverty eradication, energy access, and United States United Nations relations. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research • Relief and Development • Social Justice • Food Security • Public Health • Conservation of Natural Resources


United States Agency for International Development USAID Year Founded: 1961 Washington, DC, USA Governmental United States foreign assistance has always had the two-fold purpose of furthering America's interests while improving lives in the developing world. USAID carries out United States foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the same time it expands stable free societies, creates markets and trade partners for the United States, and fosters good will abroad. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development • Research • Policy

USDA Foreign Agriculture Service FAS Year Founded: 1930 Washington, DC, USA 202-720-7115 Governmental The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) links United States agriculture to the world to enhance export opportunities and global food security. In addition to their Washington, D.C. staff, FAS has a global network of 96 offices covering 169 countries. These offices are staffed by agricultural attachés and locally hired staff who are the eyes, ears, and voice for United States agriculture around the world. FAS staff identifies problems, provides practical solutions, and works to advance opportunities for United States agriculture and support United States foreign policy around the globe. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Policy • Research • Conservation of Natural Resources • Economic Development • Research • Animal Agriculture • Agronomy


Water for People WFP Year Founded: 1991 Denver, CO, USA 720-488-4590 Non-Government Organization Water for People helps people in developing countries improve quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water resources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education programs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Economic Development

Water Innovations Alliance Foundation WIAF Year Founded: 2009 Shelton, CT, USA 203-733-1949 Foundation Water Innovations Alliance Foundation is a voice of the world's water innovators, technologists, educators, entrepreneurs, and researchers. The Foundation’s role is to advocate policies that promote the aggressive development of water technologies and innovations across all sectors and users of water by creating new market opportunities, increasing funding, strengthening research and development programs, removing market barriers and improving education, communication and outreach efforts. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Economic Development • Research

102 Year Founded: 1990 Kansas City, MO, USA 816-877-8400 Non-Government Organization is a nonprofit organization that has transformed hundreds of communities in Africa, South Asia, and Central America by providing access to safe water and sanitation. The water and sanitation problem in the developing world is far too big for charity alone. We are driving the water sector for new solutions, new financing models, greater transparency, and real partnerships to create lasting change. Their vision is safe water and the dignity of a toilet for all, in our lifetime. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Conservation of Natural Resources

Wellcome Trust Year Founded: 1936 London, UK 44-02-07-611-8888 Foundation Wellcome Trust are a global charitable foundation dedicated to achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health. Wellcome Trust supports the brightest minds in biomedical research and the medical humanities. Their breadth of support includes public engagement, education, and the application of research to improve health. Location Areas of Interest: Europe Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Research • Public Health


Welthungerhilfe Year Founded: 1964 Denmark 490-228-228-8127 Foundation Welthungerhilfe fights against global hunger for sustainable food security.This incorporates the promotion of agriculture suited to local conditions, access to clean water, the provision of modern, environmentally friendly energy, and the improvement of health and education. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Conservation of Natural Resources • Water • Agronomy • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Economic Development • Relief and Development • Policy

West Africa Rice Development Association WARDA Year Founded: 1976 Cotonou, Benin 22-96-418-1313 For Profit WARDA is an association aimed to increase food security in Africa through research, development, and partners. The association works to increase productivity and profitability in the rice sector to ensure sustainability. Africa Rice Center is based in 25 countries and is an intergovernmental association of African member countries. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Agronomy


Willing Workers In South Africa WWISA Year Founded: 1997 Plettenberg Bay, South Africa 27-044-534-8958 Non-Government Organization WWISA believes that one of the key contributors to making a real difference to conditions within our local rural communities lies in the provision of habitable accommodation and other community facilities for use by residents of all ages and backgrounds. Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest:

Winrock International WI Year Founded: 1985 Little Rock, AR, USA 501-280-3000 Non-Government Organization Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Conservation of Natural Resources • Social Justice • Water


World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF Year Founded: 1978 Nairobi, Kenya 25-420-722-4000 Multilateral The World Agroforestry Centre is dedicated to generating and applying the best available knowledge to stimulate agricultural growth, raise farmers’ incomes, and protect the environment. The Centre’s vision is a rural transformation in the developing world as smallholder households strategically increase their use of trees in agricultural landscapes to improve their food security, nutrition, income, health, shelter, energy resources and environmental sustainability. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Conservation of Natural Resources

World Cocoa Foundation WCF Year Founded: 2000 Washington, DC, USA 202-737-7870 Foundation WCF's work has lead to countless victories for the global cocoa community as well as increased productivity and profits for cocoa farmers, helping to ensure a sustainable supply of cocoa for generations to come. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Agronomy • Economic Development • Commercial Agriculture • Research


World Concern International Year Founded: 1955 Seatle, WA, USA 800-755-5022 Faith-based Non-Government Organization World Concern International is an organization focusing on creating an improved standard of living and sustainable lives for those effected by extreme poverty. Their main objectives including transforming a village, protecting children, educating youth, empowering entrepreneurs, feeding families, teaching job skills, improving health, providing clean water, and helping in disasters. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Relief and Development • Agronomy • Social Justice • Food Security • Economic Development

World Food Programme WFP Year Founded: 1961 Rome, Italy 39-066-5131 Non-Government Organization WFP supports national, local, and regional food security and nutrition plans. WFP partners with agencies and organizations to meet food needs amongst the poorest and most vulnerable countries of the world. In addition, WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunter. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Latin America • Middle East • North America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Food Security • Relief and Development


World for World Organization WFWO Year Founded: 2001 Rome, Italy 39-065-153-0985 Non-Government Organization WFWO’s mission is to overcome poverty by enabling the world’s poorest people to gain the hope for better future and improve their quality of life through the access to food security, drinking water, health, education, poverty, HIV/AIDS programs, micro credit, using local skills and practical sustainable technologies to support development humanitarian projects on relief and rehabilitations programs, to secure the empowerment of indigenous peoples, local communities, women, and groups and individuals in developing countries. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America Agricultural Areas of Interest: Water • Public Health • Food Security • Social Justice • Relief and Development

World Hunger Relief Incorporated Year Founded: 1976 Elm Mott, TX 254-799-5611 Faith-based Non-Government Organization World Hunger Relief, Inc. is a Christian organization committed to the alleviation of hunger around the world. They also train individuals in holistic ministry that equips them to work with communities in developing sustainable farming techniques, they motivate individuals and communities to live sustainably and advocate on behalf of the poor, and the partner with local and international sustainable development programs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Conservation of Natural Resources • Agronomy • Commercial Agriculture • Relief and Development


World Policy Year Founded: 1982 New York, NY, USA 212-481-5005 Non-Government Organization World Policy seeks to offer innovative policy proposals for public debate with the goal of developing an internationalist consensus on the measures needed for the management of a world market economy, the development of a workable system of collective security, and the creation of an active transnational civil society. In addition, it seeks to promote greater public understanding of the relationship between domestic and international policy and to train journalists, policymakers, business and civic leaders to be capable of understanding emerging world problems and of reconciling the often competing demands of globalization and national policy. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Policy • Economic Development World Renew Year Founded: 1963 Grand Rapids, MI, USA 800-552-7972 Faith-based Non-Government Organization World Renew is a Christian based organization serving through development, disaster response, and human justice. Their focus includes community development, international disaster, and North American disaster. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Public Health • Relief and Development • Economic Development • Social Justice • Food Security • Water • Conservation of Natural Resources


World Society for the Protection of Animals WSPA Boston, MA, USA 800-883-9772 Non-Government Organization WSPA's mission is to unit an informed, global, animal welfare movement that helps and protects animals and creates a climate for change leading to enforced legislation that transforms animals' lives. Their vision is to become, through their campaigns and projects, the world's leading global animal welfare organization exposing cruelty and the suffering of animals. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture • Food Security • Social Justice • Research • Policy

World Teach WT Year Founded: 1986 Cambridge, MA, USA 857-259-6646 Non-Government Organization World Teach partners with governments and other organizations in developing countries to provide volunteer teachers to meet local needs and promote responsible global citizenship. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Social Justice


World Vision International WVI Year Founded: 1950 Middlesex, UK Faith-based Non-Government Organization World Vision is a Christian organization focused on relief, development, and advocacy amongst poverty areas in developing countries. Areas of work include disaster relief, food assistance, agriculture and economic development. World Vision works in more than 90 countries and has nearly 2500 programes to address childrens’ needs. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East Agricultural Areas of Interest: Economic Development • Public Health • Economic Development • Relief and Development

Young People in International Affairs YPIA Year Founded: 2011 Johannesburg, South Africa 27-082-557-4943 Non-Government Organization YPIA is an organization for the youth by the youth. It consists of over 50 volunteers and hundreds of members from throughout Africa and the world. Its main overall goal is to help the African youth interested in international affairs through networking, events and training, and by providing them a platform to have their voices heard Location Areas of Interest: Africa Agricultural Areas of Interest: Research • Policy • Economic Development


Zoetis Year Founded: 1954 Florham Park, NJ 973-822-7000 For Profit Zoetis is a global animal health company dedicated to supporting customers and their businesses in ever better ways. Building on 60 years of experience as Pfizer Animal Health, they deliver quality medicines and vaccines complemented by diagnostics products and genetics tests and supported by a range of services. They are working every day to better understand and address the real-world challenges faced by those who raise and care for animals in ways they find truly relevant. Location Areas of Interest: Africa • Asia • Europe • Latin America • Middle East • North America • Oceania Agricultural Areas of Interest: Animal Agriculture


Index - Alphabetical


Numerals D (continued)360 Global Impact 1 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34

A Development Alternatives 35Abt Associates 1 Direct Relief 35Accion 2 Doctors Without Borders 36ACDI/VOCA 2 Dominion Farms 36Action Against Hunger 3 Dupont Pioneer 37Action Aid 3 EAcumen Fund 4 Eastern African Farmers Federation 37AECOM 4 ECOVA MALI 38Afgri 5 Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38Africa Action on AIDS 5 Ethical Tea Partnership 39Africa Rice Center 6 Eurasia Foundation 39Africare 6 FAgence Francaise de Development 7 Faida Market Link 40Agency for Basic Community Development 7 FairTrade International 40Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development 8 Families South Africa 41Agri Corps 8 Farm Africa USA Inc 41Agricultural Institute of Canada 9 Farm Concern International 42Agricultural Society of Kenya 9 Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Organization 42AgriSA Moz 10 Feed the Children 43Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 10 FLO-CERT 43America Solidaria 11 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44American Nicaraguan Foundation 11 Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12 Food For the Hungry 45Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12 FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Foundation for International Development Relief 47Atlas Service Crops 14 Foundation for Sustainable Development 47Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 GAustralian International Food Security Center 15 Gender Resources, Inc 48AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48

B Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Global Hope Network International 49BASF 17 Global Service Corps 50Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50Bioversity International 18 Green Mind 51Blue Sparrow 18 GRM International 51Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 HBread for the World 19 Haiti Water 52Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20 Hearts and Hands International 52

C Heifer International 53CARE International 20 Help for the Andes 53Carter Center 21 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54Catholic Relief Services 21 Humane Society International 54Center for Global Development 22 Hunger Plus INC. 55Center for International Forestry Research 22 Hunger Project 55Center for International Private Enterprise 23 ICenter for Strategic and International Studies 23 IDE 56Charles Darwin Foundation 24 Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia 56Chemonics 24 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25 Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57Christian Aid 25 Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58Christian Relief Fund 26 Inter-Action 58Christianville Foundation 26 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59CNFA 27 International Committee of the Red Cross 59Common Fund for Commodities 27 International Association for Transformation 60Concern Worldwide Inc 28 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60Conciliation Resources 28 International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61Conflict and Development TAMU 29 International Coffee Organization 61Congo Agriculture 29 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62Conservation International 30 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Consultative Group on International Research 30 International Fertilizer Development Center 63Counterpart International 31 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63Crops Research Institute 31 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Cureviolence 32 International Foundation for Education and Self Help 64

D International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Dead Wheat International 32 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66Delaval Global 33 International Labor Organization 66Department for International Development 34 International Livestock Research Institute 67

Index - Alphabetical


I (continued) T (continued)International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67 The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center 98International Potato Center 68 The Global Fund 98International Rice Research Institute 68 The Water Project 99International Sugar Organization 69 Trickle Up 99International Water and Sanitation Centre 69 UInternational Water Management Institute 70 U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100

J United Nations Foundation 100John Deere 70 United States Agency for International Development 101

K USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Kenya Institute for Organic Farming 71 WKFW Development Bank 71 Water for People 102Kore Beyond Relief 72 Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102

L 103Land Bank 72 Welcome Trust 103Landell Mills Limited 73 Welthungerhilfe (German for World Hunger Aid) 104Landesa Rural Development Institute 73 West Africa Rice Development Association 104Landmark Operations 74 Willing Workers In South Africa 105Living Water International 74 Winrock International 105Long Way Home 75 World Agroforestry Centre 106LVIA 75 World Cocoa Foundation 106

M World Concern International 107Making Cents International 76 World Food Programme 107Mekong River Commission 76 World for World Organization 108Mercy Corps 77 World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108Millennium Challenge Corporation 77 World Policy 109Monsanto 78 World Renew 109

N World Society for the Protection of Animals 110Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78 World Teach 110NIRAS 79 World Vision International 111Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture 79 Y

O Young People in International Affairs 111Office of Civilian Response 80 ZOffice of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80 Zoetis 112ONE 81One Acre Fund 81Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82Overseas Development Institute 82Oxfam International 83

PPan American Development Foundation 83Partners for Development 84Partners In Health 84Partners of the Americas 85Peace Boat 85Peace Corps 86Plan 86Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87Pulse Australia 87

RRainforest Alliance 88Relief International 88Research Triangle Institute 89Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89Riders for Health 90Rockefeller Foundation 90Room to Read 91Root Capital 91

SSamaritan's Purse 92Save the Children 92SNV 93Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93Sustainable Harvest International 94Sweetwater Holdings 94Syngenta Global 95

TTechnical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95TechnoServe 96The Christensen Fund 96The Clinton Foundation 97The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97

Index - Type of Organization


Educational Organizations Foundations (continued)Agricultural Institute of Canada 9 International Foundation for Education and Self Help 64Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Rockefeller Foundation 90Atlas Service Crops 14 The Clinton Foundation 97Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 The Global Fund 98Center for Global Development 22 Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102Conflict and Development TAMU 29 Welcome Trust 103Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33 Welthungerhilfe (German for World Hunger Aid) 104Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 World Cocoa Foundation 106Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture 79 Governmental Organizations Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87 Agence Francaise de Development 7

Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12Faith-based NGOs Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12

Agency for Basic Community Development 7 Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13Bread for the World 19 Australian International Food Security Center 15Catholic Relief Services 21 Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19Christian Aid 25 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20Christian Relief Fund 26 Center for International Forestry Research 22Christianville Foundation 26 Common Fund for Commodities 27Feed the Children 43 Department for International Development 34Food For the Hungry 45 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34Hearts and Hands International 52 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46Kore Beyond Relief 72 Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia 56Living Water International 74 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59Samaritan's Purse 92 International Coffee Organization 61World Concern International 107 International Labor Organization 66World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 International Sugar Organization 69World Renew 109 Mekong River Commission 76World Vision International 111 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77

Office of Civilian Response 80For Profit Organizations Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80

Abt Associates 1 Peace Corps 86AECOM 4 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97Afgri 5 U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100AgriSA Moz 10 United States Agency for International Development 101Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101BASF 17Center for International Private Enterprise 23 Multilateral Organizations Congo Agriculture 29 Africa Rice Center 6Crops Research Institute 31 Bioversity International 18Delaval Global 33 Consultative Group on International Research 30Dominion Farms 36 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44Dupont Pioneer 37 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60FairTrade International 40 International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61FLO-CERT 43 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Global Service Corps 50 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57 International Livestock Research Institute 67International Potato Center 68 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67John Deere 70 International Rice Research Institute 68KFW Development Bank 71 International Water Management Institute 70Land Bank 72 United Nations Foundation 100Landell Mills Limited 73 World Agroforestry Centre 106Landmark Operations 74 World Food Programme 107Monsanto 78Pulse Australia 87 Non-Governmental Organizations Research Triangle Institute 89 360 Global Impact 1Sweetwater Holdings 94 Accion 2Syngenta Global 95 ACDI/VOCA 2West Africa Rice Development Association 104 Action Against Hunger 3Zoetis 112 Action Aid 3

Africa Action on AIDS 5Foundations Africare 6

Acumen Fund 4 Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 Agri Corps 8Eurasia Foundation 39 Agricultural Society of Kenya 9Foundation for International Development Relief 47 Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa 10Foundation for Sustainable Development 47 America Solidaria 11Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54 American Nicaraguan Foundation 11International Development and Relief Foundation 62 AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16

Index - Type of Organization


Non-Governmental Organizations (continued) Non-Governmental Organizations (continued)Blue Sparrow 18 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95CARE International 20 TechnoServe 96Carter Center 21 The Christensen Fund 96Center for Strategic and International Studies 23 The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center 98Charles Darwin Foundation 24 The Water Project 99Chemonics 24 Trickle Up 99Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25 Water for People 102CNFA 27 103Concern Worldwide Inc 28 Willing Workers In South Africa 105Conciliation Resources 28 Winrock International 105Conservation International 30 World for World Organization 108Counterpart International 31 World Policy 109Cureviolence 32 World Society for the Protection of Animals 110Dead Wheat International 32 World Teach 110Development Alternatives 35 Young People in International Affairs 111Direct Relief 35Doctors Without Borders 36Eastern African Farmers Federation 37ECOVA MALI 38Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38Ethical Tea Partnership 39Faida Market Link 40Families South Africa 41Farm Africa USA Inc 41Farm Concern International 42Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Organization 42FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45Gender Resources, Inc 48Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49Global Hope Network International 49Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50Green Mind 51GRM International 51Haiti Water 52Heifer International 53Help for the Andes 53Humane Society International 54Hunger Plus INC. 55Hunger Project 55IDE 56Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57Inter-Action 58International Committee of the Red Cross 59International Association for Transformation 60International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62International Fertilizer Development Center 63International Fund for Animal Welfare 65International Water and Sanitation Centre 69Kenya Institute for Organic Farming 71Landesa Rural Development Institute 73Long Way Home 75LVIA 75Making Cents International 76Mercy Corps 77Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78NIRAS 79ONE 81One Acre Fund 81Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82Overseas Development Institute 82Oxfam International 83Pan American Development Foundation 83Partners for Development 84Partners In Health 84Partners of the Americas 85Peace Boat 85Plan 86Rainforest Alliance 88Relief International 88Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89Riders for Health 90Room to Read 91Root Capital 91Save the Children 92SNV 93Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93Sustainable Harvest International 94

Index - Type of Organization


Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Agronomy Agronomy (cont)Abt Associates 1 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95AECOM 4 TechnoServe 96Afgri 5 The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center 97Africa Rice Center 6 United States Agency for International Development 101Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Agri Corps 8 Welthungerhilfe 104AgriSA Moz 10 West Africa Rice Development Association 104America Solidaria 11 World Cocoa Foundation 106Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 World Concern International 107Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108Australian International Food Security Center 15Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Animal AgricultureBASF 17 Abt Associates 1Blue Sparrow 18 Afgri 5Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 Agence Francaise de Developpement 7Carter Center 21 Agri Corps 8Conflict and Development TAMU 29 Agricultural Society of Kenya 9Congo Agriculture 29 Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12Consultative Group on International Research 30 Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12Crops Research Institute 31 Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13Dead Wheat International 32 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Department for International Development 34 Australian International Food Security Center 15Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17Development Alternatives 35 Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19Dominion Farms 36 Christianville Foundation 27Dupont Pioneer 37 CNFA 27Eastern African Farmers Federation 37 Common Fund for Commodities 27Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38 Conflict and Development TAMU 29Ethical Tea Partnership 39 Delaval Global 33Faida Market Link 40 Department for International Development 34Farm Africa USA Inc 41 Eastern African Farmers Federation 37Farm Concern International 42 Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42 Faida Market Link 40Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Farm Africa USA Inc 41Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 Farm Concern International 42Gender Resources, Inc 48 Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50 Food For the Hungry 45Heifer International 53 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia 56 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50Inter-Action 58 Heifer International 53International Association for Transformation 60 Humane Society International 54International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61 Hunger Plus INC. 55International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62 Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia 56International Fertilizer Development Center 63 Inter-Action 58International Food Policy Research Institute 64 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59International Fund For Agricultural Development 65 International Livestock Research Institute 67International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66 Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming 71International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67 Kore Beyond Relief 72International Potato Center 68 Land Bank 72International Rice Research Institute 68 Landmark Operations 74John Deere 70 LVIA 75Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming 71 Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78Land Bank 72 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Landmark Operations 74 Partners for Development 84LVIA 75 Peace Corps 86Monsanto 78 Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78 Relief International 88Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79 Samaritan's Purse 92Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82 Sweetwater Holdings 94Overseas Development Institute 82 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95Peace Corps 86 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87 United States Agency for International Development 101Pulse Australia 87 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Relief International 88 Welthungerhilfe 104Rockefeller Foundation 90 World Society for the Protection of Animals 110SNV 93 Zoetis 112Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93Sustainble Harvest International 94 Commercial AgricultureSweetwater Holdings 94 Abt Associates 1Syngenta Global 95 ACDI/VOCA 2

Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Commercial Agriculture (cont) Conservation of Natural Resources (cont)Acumen Fund 4 Center for International Forestry Research 21Afgri 5 Charles Darwin Foundation 23AgriSA Moz 10 Chemonics 24Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12 Concern Worldwide Inc 27Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13 Conflict and Development TAMU 28Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 Conservation Interantional 29Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Consultative Group on International Research 29Center for International Private Enterprise 23 Counterpart International 30Christian Aid 25 Department for International Development 33CNFA 27 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 33Common Fund for Commodities 27 Development Alternatives 34Congo Agriculture 29 ECOVA MALI 37Crops Research Institute 31 Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38Department for International Development 34 Ethical Tea Partnership 39Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44Eastern African Farmers Federation 37 Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44Ethical Tea Partnership 39 FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45Eurasia Foundation 39 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46FairTrade International 40 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46Farm Concern International 42 Gender Resources, Inc 48FLO-CERT 43 Global Service Corps 50Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 Green Mind 51Foundation for Sustainable Development 47 Heifer International 53Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50 Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57Heifer International 53 Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57 Inter-Action 58International Coffee Organization 61 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59International Fertilizer Development Center 63 International Association for Transformation 60International Food Policy Research Institute 64 International Fertilizer Development Center 63International Sugar Organization 69 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming 71 International Food Policy Research Institute 63Land Bank 72 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Landmark Operations 74 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Monsanto 78 Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming 71Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78 Mekong River Commission 76Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79 NIRAS 79ONE 81 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Overseas Development Institute 82 Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87 Partners of the Americas 82Pulse Australia 87 Peace Corps 86Rainforest Alliance 88 Rainforest Alliance 88Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89 Research Triangle Institute 89Rockefeller Foundation 90 Rockefeller Foundation 90Root Capital 91 SNV 93SNV 93 Sustainble Harvest International 94Sweetwater Holdings 94 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95TechnoServe 96 The Christensen Fund 95The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97 The Clinton Foundation 97United States Agency for International Development 101 The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center 97World Cocoa Foundation 106 U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 United Nations Foundation 100

United States Agency for International Development 101Conservation of Natural Resources USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101

Abt Associates 1 103Action Aid 3 Welthungerhilfe 104AECOM 4 Winrock International 105Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 World Agroforestry Centre 106Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8 World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108Agricultural Institute of Canada 9 World Renew 109American Nicaraguan Foundation 11Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12 Economic DevelopmentAssociates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 Abt Associates 1Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Accion 2Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 Acumen Fund 4Australian International Food Security Center 15 AECOM 4Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Africare 6Bioversity International 18 Agence Francaise de Developpement 7Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 Agricultural Society of Kenya 9CARE International 19 Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa 10Carter Center 20 America Solidaria 11

Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Economic Development (cont) Economic Development (cont)Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12 Research Triangle Institute 89Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12 Riders for Health 90Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13 Rockefeller Foundation 90Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 Root Capital 91Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Samaritan's Purse 92Atlas Service Crops 14 Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95Australian International Food Security Center 15 TechnoServe 96AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16 The Christensen Fund 96Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 The Clinton Foundation 97Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97Blue Sparrow 18 The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center 98Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20 U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100CARE International 20 United States Agency for International Development 101Center for International Private Enterprise 23 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Chemonics 25 Water for People 102Christian Aid 25 Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102CNFA 27 Welthungerhilfe 104Common Fund for Commodities 27 Willing Workers In South Africa 105Concern Worldwide Inc 28 Winrock International 105Conciliation Resources 28 World Cocoa Foundation 106Counterpart International 31 World Concern International 107Department for International Development 34 World Policy 109Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34 World Renew 109Eastern African Farmers Federation 37 World Vision International 111ECOVA MALI 38 Young People in International Affairs 111Ethical Tea Partnership 39Eurasia Foundation 39 Food SecurityFaida Market Link 40 360 Global Impact 1FairTrade International 40 Abt Associates 1Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42 Action Against Hunger 3FLO-CERT 43 Action Aid 3Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44 Afgri 5Food For the Hungry 45 Africa Rice Center 6Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Africare 6Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8Foundation for Sustainable Development 47 Agri Corps 8Gender Resources, Inc 48 Agricultural Institute of Canada 9Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48 AgriSA Moz 10Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50 Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa 10GRM International 51 America Solidaria 11Heifer International 53 American Nicaraguan Foundation 11Hunger Project 55 Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12IDE 56 Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57 Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Inter-Action 58 AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16International Coffee Organization 61 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16International Fertilizer Development Center 63 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63 Bioversity International 18International Fund For Agricultural Development 65 Blue Sparrow 18International Sugar Organization 69 Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19International Water and Sanitation Centre 69 Bread for the World 19KFW Development Bank 71 Carter Center 21Kore Beyond Relief 72 Catholic Relief Services 21Land Bank 72 Chemonics 25Landell Mills Limited 73 Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25Landesa Rural Development Institute 73 Christian Aid 25Landmark Operations 74 Christian Relief Fund 26Making Cents International 76 Christianville Foundation 27Mekong River Commission 76 Christianville Foundation 27Mercy Corps 77 CNFA 27Millennium Challenge Corporation 77 Concern Worldwide Inc 28ONE 81 Conflict and Development TAMU 29One Acre Fund 81 Congo Agriculture 29Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82 Conservation Interantional 30Overseas Development Institute 82 Consultative Group on International Research 30Pan American Development Foundation 83 Counterpart International 31Peace Corps 86 Dead Wheat International 32Plan 86 Department for International Development 34Rainforest Alliance 88 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34

Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Food Security (cont) Food Security (cont)Direct Relief 35 United States Agency for International Development 101ECOVA MALI 38 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38 Welthungerhilfe 104Farm Africa USA Inc 41 World Concern International 107Farm Concern International 42 World Food Programme 107Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42 World for World Organization 108Feed the Children 43 World Renew 109Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44 World Society for the Protection of Animals 110Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45 PolicyForeign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Abt Associates 1Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 AECOM 4Foundation for Sustainable Development 47 Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa 10Gender Resources, Inc 48 Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12Global Hope Network International 49 Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50 Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13GRM International 51 Atlas Service Crops 14Heifer International 53 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Help for the Andes 53 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54 Bread for the World 19Humane Society International 54 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20Hunger Plus INC. 55 Catholic Relief Services 21Hunger Project 55 Center for Global Development 22IDE 56 Center for International Private Enterprise 23Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia 56 Center for Strategic and International Studies 23Inter-Action 58 Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59 Counterpart International 31International Committee of the Red Cross 59 Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60 Department for International Development 34International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34International Development and Relief Foundation 62 Development Alternatives 35International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63 Eurasia Foundation 39International Food Policy Research Institute 64 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44International Foundation for Education and Self Help 64 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46International Fund For Agricultural Development 65 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66 Gender Resources, Inc 48International Livestock Research Institute 67 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67 Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49International Potato Center 68 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50International Rice Research Institute 68 GRM International 51Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming 71 Heifer International 53Land Bank 72 Humane Society International 54Landmark Operations 74 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57Making Cents International 76 Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58Mercy Corps 77 Inter-Action 58Millennium Challenge Corporation 77 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59Monsanto 78 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78 International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61NIRAS 79 International Coffee Organization 61Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62Office of Civilian Resonse 80 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63One Acre Fund 81 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Overseas Development Institute 82 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Oxfam International 83 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Partners for Development 84 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66Partners of the Americas 85 International Livestock Research Institute 67Peace Corps 86 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67Plan 86 International Rice Research Institute 68Rainforest Alliance 88 International Sugar Organization 69Relief International 88 International Water and Sanitation Centre 69Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89 International Water Management Institute 70Rockefeller Foundation 90 Land Bank 72Samaritan's Purse 92 Landesa Rural Development Institute 73Save the Children 92 Landmark Operations 74Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93 Overseas Development Institute 82Sustainble Harvest International 94 Peace Corps 86Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95 Research Triangle Institute 89TechnoServe 96 Rockefeller Foundation 90Trickle Up 99 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 The Christensen Fund 95United Nations Foundation 100 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97

Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Policy (cont) Public Health (cont)U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 Partners In Health 84United Nations Foundation 100 Partners of the Americas 85United States Agency for International Development 102 Peace Corps 86USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101 Plan 86Wellcome Trust 103 Relief International 88Welthungerhilfe 104 Research Triangle Institute 89World Agroforestry Centre 106 Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89World Policy 109 Riders for Health 90World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 Rockefeller Foundation 90Young People in International Affairs 111 Save the Children 92

SNV 93Public Health Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93

360 Global Impact 1 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95Abt Associates 1 The Clinton Foundation 97Action Against Hunger 3 The Global Fund 97Africa Action on AIDS 5 The Water Project 98Africare 6 Trickle Up 99Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 United Nations Foundation 100Agency for Basic Community Development 7 United States Agency for International Development 101Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8 Wellcome Trust 103Agri Corps 8 Welthungerhilfe 104Agricultural Society of Kenya 9 World for World Organization 108America Solidaria 11 World Renew 109American Nicaraguan Foundation 11 World Vision International 111Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16 Relief and DevelopmentBangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 360 Global Impact 1Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 Abt Associates 1CARE International 20 Accion 2Catholic Relief Services 21 Action Aid 3Chemonics 25 Africare 6Concern Worldwide Inc 28 American Nicaraguan Foundation 11Conflict and Development TAMU 29 Atlas Service Crops 14Conservation Interantional 30 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Dead Wheat International 32 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16Department for International Development 34 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17Direct Relief 35 CARE International 20Doctors Without Borders 36 Catholic Relief Services 21Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38 Chemonics 25Families South Africa 41 Christian Aid 25Food For the Hungry 45 Christian Relief Fund 26Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Christianville Foundation 27Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 Concern Worldwide Inc 28Foundation for International Developement Relief 47 Conciliation Resources 28Gender Resources, Inc 48 Conflict and Development TAMU 29Global Hope Network International 49 Counterpart International 31Global Service Corps 50 Department for International Development 34Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34GRM International 51 Direct Relief 35Haiti Water 52 Families South Africa 41Hearts and Hands International 52 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44Heifer International 53 Food For the Hungry 45Help for the Andes 53 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46IDE 56 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57 Foundation for International Developement Relief 47Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48Inter-Action 58 Global Hope Network International 49International Committee of the Red Cross 59 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50International Development and Relief Foundation 62 Heifer International 53International Foundation for Education and Self Help 64 Help for the Andes 53International Water and Sanitation Centre 69 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54Living Water International 74 IDE 56Long Way Home 75 Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58LVIA 75 Inter-Action 58Mercy Corps 77 International Committee of the Red Cross 59Millennium Challenge Corporation 77 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Office of Civilian Resonse 80 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Oxfam International 83 Land Bank 72Partners for Development 84 Landmark Operations 74

Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Relief and Development (cont) Research (cont)Living Water International 74 International Potato Center 68Mercy Corps 77 International Rice Research Institute 68Office of Civilian Resonse 80 International Water Management Institute 70Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80 Land Bank 72ONE 81 Landmark Operations 74Pan American Development Foundation 83 Mercy Corps 77Partners for Development 84 Monsanto 78Partners In Health 84 Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78Plan 86 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Rockefeller Foundation 90 Overseas Development Institute 82Samaritan's Purse 92 Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87Save the Children 92 Research Triangle Institute 89Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93 Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95 Rockefeller Foundation 90The Global Fund 97 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95United Nations Foundation 100 United Nations Foundation 100United States Agency for International Development 101 United States Agency for International Development 101Welthungerhilfe 104 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101World Concern International 107 Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102World Food Programme 107 Wellcome Trust 103World for World Organization 108 West Africa Rice Development Association 104World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 World Agroforestry Centre 106World Renew 109 World Cocoa Foundation 106World Vision International 111 World Society for the Protection of Animals 110

Young People in International Affairs 111Research

Abt Associates 1 Social JusticeAfgri 5 Abt Associates 1Africa Rice Center 6 ACDI/VOCA 2Agricultural Institute of Canada 9 Action Against Hunger 3Agricultural Society of Kenya 9 Action Aid 3Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa 10 Africare 6Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12 Agence Francaise de Developpement 7Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12 Agency for Basic Community Development 7Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8Australian International Food Security Center 15 Agricultural Institute of Canada 9AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16 America Solidaria 11Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13Bread for the World 19 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16Center for Global Development 22 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17Center for International Forestry Research 22 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20Center for Strategic and International Studies 23 CARE International 20Charles Darwin Foundation 24 Catholic Relief Services 21Conflict and Development TAMU 29 Center for International Private Enterprise 23Consultative Group on International Research 30 Christian Aid 25Crops Research Institute 31 Concern Worldwide Inc 28Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33 Conciliation Resources 28Department for International Development 34 Counterpart International 31Development Alternatives 35 Cureviolence 32Doctors Without Borders 36 Department for International Development 34Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Ethical Tea Partnership 39Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46 Eurasia Foundation 39Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49 Families South Africa 41Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50 Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42Heifer International 53 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46Humane Society International 54 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58 Foundation for International Developement Relief 47Inter-Action 58 Foundation for Sustainable Development 47Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59 Gender Resources, Inc 48International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61 Global Hope Network International 49International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62 Global Service Corps 50International Fertilizer Development Center 63 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63 Green Mind 51International Food Policy Research Institute 64 Heifer International 53International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54International Livestock Research Institute 67 Humane Society International 54International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67 Hunger Plus INC. 55

Index - Agricultural Areas of Interest


Social Justice (cont) Water (cont)Hunger Project 55 Dominion Farms 36Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57 Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57 Food For the Hungry 45Inter-Action 58 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46International Association for Transformation 60 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46International Development and Relief Foundation 62 Global Hope Network International 49International Food Policy Research Institute 64 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50International Foundation for Education and Self Help 64 Haiti Water 52International Fund For Agricultural Development 65 Hearts and Hands International 52International Labour Organization 66 Heifer International 53International Potato Center 68 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54International Water and Sanitation Centre 69 Hunger Plus INC. 55Landesa Rural Development Institute 73 IDE 56Living Water International 74 Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57Mercy Corps 77 Inter-Action 58Millennium Challenge Corporation 77 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82 International Committee of the Red Cross 59Overseas Development Institute 82 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Oxfam International 83 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Pan American Development Foundation 83 International Water and Sanitation Centre 69Partners for Development 84 International Water Management Institute 70Partners of the Americas 85 Living Water International 74Peace Boat 85 Long Way Home 75Peace Corps 86 LVIA 75Plan 86 Mekong River Commission 76Research Triangle Institute 89 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77Rockefeller Foundation 90 NIRAS 79Room to Read 91 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Save the Children 92 Office of Civilian Resonse 80Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95 Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80The Clinton Foundation 97 Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82The Global Fund 97 Partners for Development 84Trickle Up 99 Peace Corps 86U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 Plan 86United Nations Foundation 100 Relief International 88United States Agency for International Development 101 Rockefeller Foundation 90Welthungerhilfe 104 Samaritan's Purse 92Winrock International 105 SNV 93World Concern International 107 Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93World for World Organization 108 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95World Renew 109 The Water Project 98World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 United States Agency for International Development 101World Teach 110 Water for People 102

Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102Water 103

360 Global Impact 1 Welthungerhilfe 104Abt Associates 1 Winrock International 105ACDI/VOCA 2 World Concern International 107Action Against Hunger 3 World for World Organization 108AECOM 4 World Renew 109Africa Action on AIDS 5Agence Francaise de Developpement 7Agency for Basic Community Development 7Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8Agri Corps 8Agricultural Institute of Canada 9Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19CARE International 20Catholic Relief Services 21Christian Relief Fund 26Christianville Foundation 27Conflict and Development TAMU 29Conservation Interantional 30Dead Wheat International 32Department for International Development 34Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34Development Alternatives 35

Index - Location Areas of Interest


Africa Africa (continued)Abt Associates 1 FLO-CERT 43Accion 2 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44ACDI/VOCA 2 Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44Action Against Hunger 3 Food For the Hungry 45Action Aid 3 FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45Acumen Fund 4 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46AECOM 4 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 46Afgri 5 Foundation for International Developement Relief 47Africa Action on AIDS 5 Foundation for Sustainable Development 47Africa Rice Center 6 Gender Resources, Inc 48Africare 6 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49Agency for Cooperatioin and Research in Development 8 Global Hope Network International 49Agri Corps 8 Global Service Corps 50Agricultural Institute of Canada 8 GRM International 51Agricultural Society of Kenya 9 Hearts and Hands International 52AgriSA Moz 10 Heifer International 53Alliance for a Green Reveloution in Africa 10 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 Humane Society International 54Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Hunger Plus INC. 55Atlas Service Crops 14 Hunger Project 55Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 IDE 56Australian International Food Security Center 15 Improving Productivity Through Farming- Ethiopia 56AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16 Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies 58Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Inter-Action 58BASF 17 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 59Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 International Committee of the Red Cross 59Bioversity International 18 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61Bread for the World 19 International Coffee Organization 61Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62CARE International 20 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Carter Center 21 International Fertilizer Development Center 63Catholic Relief Services 21 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63Center for Global Development 22 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Center for International Forestry Research 22 International Foundation for Education and Self Help 64Center for International Private Enterprise 23 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Center for Strategic and International Studies 23 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Chemonics 24 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25 International Labour Organization 66Christian Aid 25 International Livestock Research Institute 67Christian Relief Fund 26 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67CNFA 27 International Potato Center 68Common Fund for Commodities 27 International Rice Research Institute 68Concern Worldwide Inc 28 International Sugar Organization 69Conciliation Resources 28 International Water and Sanitation Centre 69Conflict and Development TAMU 29 International Water Management Institute 70Congo Agriculture 29 John Deere 70Conservation Interantional 30 Kenya Instutuite for Organic Farming 71Consultative Group on International Research 30 KFW Development Bank 71Counterpart International 31 Land Bank 72Crops Research Institute 31 Landell Mills Limited 73Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33 Landesa Rural Development Institute 73Delaval Global 33 Living Water International 74Department for International Development 34 LVIA 75Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34 Making Cents International 76Development Alternatives 35 Mercy Corps 77Direct Relief 35 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77Doctors Without Borders 36 Monsanto 78Dominion Farms 36 Network for Ecofarming in Africa- Kenya 78Dupont Pioneer 37 NIRAS 79Eastern African Farmers Federation 37 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79ECOVA MALI 38 Office of Civilian Resonse 80Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38 Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80Ethical Tea Partnership 39 ONE 81Faida Market Link 40 One Acre Fund 81FairTrade International 40 Opportunities Industrial Centers International 82Families South Africa 41 Overseas Development Institute 82Farm Africa USA Inc 41 Oxfam International 83Farm Concern International 42 Partners for Development 84Feed the Children 43 Partners In Health 84

Index - Location Areas of Interest


Africa (continued) Asia (continued)Peace Corps 86 Bread for the World 19Plan 86 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20Rainforest Alliance 88 CARE International 20Relief International 88 Catholic Relief Services 21Research Triangle Institute 89 Center for Global Development 22Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89 Center for International Forestry Research 22Riders for Health 90 Center for International Private Enterprise 23Rockefeller Foundation 90 Center for Strategic and International Studies 23Root Capital 91 Chemonics 24Samaritan's Purse 92 Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25Save the Children 92 Christian Aid 25SNV 93 CNFA 27Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organization 93 Common Fund for Commodities 27Sweetwater Holdings 94 Concern Worldwide Inc 28Syngenta Global 95 Conciliation Resources 28Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95 Conflict and Development TAMU 29TechnoServe 96 Conservation Interantional 30The Christensen Fund 96 Consultative Group on International Research 30The Clinton Foundation 97 Counterpart International 31The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 97 Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33The Global Fund 98 Delaval Global 33The Water Project 99 Department for International Development 34Trickle Up 99 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 Development Alternatives 35United Nations Foundation 100 Direct Relief 35United States Agency for International Development 101 Doctors Without Borders 36USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101 Dupont Pioneer 37Water for People 102 Education Concerns for Hunger Organization 38Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102 Ethical Tea Partnership 103 Eurasia Foundation 39Welthungerhilfe 104 FairTrade International 40West Africa Rice Development Association 104 Farmer's Life Improvement and Future Light Youth Orginization 42Willing Workers In South Africa 105 Feed the Children 43Winrock International 105 FLO-CERT 43World Agroforestry Centre 106 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44World Cocoa Foundation 106 Food For the Hungry 45World Concern International 107 FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45World Food Programme 107 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46World for World Organization 108 Gender Resources, Inc 48World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48World Policy 109 Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49World Renew 109 Global Hope Network International 49World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 Global Service Corps 50World Teach 110 Grameen Bank- Bank for the Poor 50World Vision International 111 Green Mind 51Young People in International Affairs 111 GRM International 51Zoetis 112 Hearts and Hands International 52

Heifer International 53Asia Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54

Abt Associates 1 Humane Society International 54Accion 2 Hunger Plus INC. 55ACDI/VOCA 2 Hunger Project 55Action Against Hunger 3 IDE 56Action Aid 3 Institute for Development of Rural and Indigenous People 57Acumen Fund 4 Inter-Action 58AECOM 4 International Committee of the Red Cross 59Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 International Association for Transformation 60Agency for Basic Community Development 7 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60Agricultural Institute of Canada 9 International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13 International Coffee Organization 61Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 62Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Atlas Service Crops 14 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Australian International Food Security Center 15 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 66BASF 17 International Labour Organization 66Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 International Livestock Research Institute 67Bioversity International 18 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 International Potato Center 68

Index - Location Areas of Interest


Asia (continued) Europe (continued)International Rice Research Institute 68 Bread for the World 19International Sugar Organization 69 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20International Water and Sanitation Centre 69 CARE International 20International Water Management Institute 70 Catholic Relief Services 21John Deere 70 Center for Global Development 22KFW Development Bank 71 Center for International Private Enterprise 23Landell Mills Limited 73 Center for Strategic and International Studies 23Landesa Rural Development Institute 73 Chemonics 24Living Water International 74 Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25Making Cents International 76 Christian Aid 25Mekong River Commission 76 Christian Relief Fund 26Mercy Corps 77 Common Fund for Commodities 27Millennium Challenge Corporation 77 Conciliation Resources 28Monsanto 78 Conservation Interantional 30NIRAS 79 Consultative Group on International Research 30Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79 Counterpart International 31Office of Civilian Resonse 80 Delaval Global 33Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80 Department for International Development 34Overseas Development Institute 82 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34Oxfam International 83 Direct Relief 35Peace Boat 85 Doctors Without Borders 36Peace Corps 86 Dupont Pioneer 37Plan 86 Ethical Tea Partnership 39Relief International 88 Eurasia Foundation 39Research Triangle Institute 89 FairTrade International 40Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89 Feed the Children 43Rockefeller Foundation 90 FLO-CERT 43Room to Read 91 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44Samaritan's Purse 92 FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45Save the Children 92 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46SNV 93 Gender Resources, Inc 48Syngenta Global 95 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95 Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49TechnoServe 96 Global Service Corps 50The Christensen Fund 96 GRM International 51The Clinton Foundation 97 Heifer International 53The Global Fund 99 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54Trickle Up 99 Humane Society International 54U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 Hunger Plus INC. 55United Nations Foundation 100 Inter-Action 58United States Agency for International Development 101 International Committee of the Red Cross 59USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101 International Coffee Organization 61Water for People 102 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 103 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Welthungerhilfe 104 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65Winrock International 105 International Labour Organization 66World Agroforestry Centre 106 International Sugar Organization 69World Cocoa Foundation 106 John Deere 70World Concern International 107 KFW Development Bank 71World Food Programme 107 Landell Mills Limited 73World for World Organization 108 Making Cents International 76World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 Mercy Corps 77World Policy 109 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77World Renew 109 Monsanto 78World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 NIRAS 79World Teach 110 Office of Civilian Resonse 80World Vision International 111 Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80Zoetis 112 Overseas Development Institute 82

Oxfam International 83Europe Peace Corps 86

Abt Associates 1 Rainforest Alliance 88ACDI/VOCA 2 Relief International 88Action Against Hunger 3 Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89AECOM 4 Rockefeller Foundation 90Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 Room to Read 91Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Samaritan's Purse 92Atlas Service Crops 14 Syngenta Global 95BASF 17 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 The Clinton Foundation 95Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 The Global Fund 98

Index - Location Areas of Interest


Europe (continued) Latin America (continued)U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 Gender Resources, Inc 48United Nations Foundation 100 Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48United States Agency for International Development 101 Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101 Global Service Corps 50Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102 Haiti Water 52Wellcome Trust 103 Hearts and Hands International 52Winrock International 105 Heifer International 53World for World Organization 108 Help for the Andes 53World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54World Policy 109 Humane Society International 54World Renew 109 Hunger Plus INC. 55World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 Hunger Project 55World Teach 110 IDE 56World Vision International 111 Inter-Action 58Zoetis 112 International Committee of the Red Cross 59

International Association for Transformation 60Latin America International Center for Tropical Agriculture 61

Abt Associates 1 International Coffee Organization 61ACDI/VOCA 2 International Development and Relief Foundation 62Accion 2 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63Action Against Hunger 3 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Action Aid 3 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65AECOM 4 International Labour Organization 66Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 67America Solidaria 11 International Potato Center 68American Nicaraguan Foundation 11 International Sugar Organization 69Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 International Water and Sanitation Centre 69Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 John Deere 70Atlas Service Crops 14 KFW Development Bank 71Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Kore Beyond Relief 72BASF 17 Landell Mills Limited 73Bioversity International 18 Living Water International 74Blue Sparrow 18 Long Way Home 75Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 Making Cents International 76Bread for the World 19 Mercy Corps 77Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77CARE International 20 Monsanto 78Catholic Relief Services 21 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Center for Global Development 22 Office of Civilian Resonse 80Center for International Forestry Research 22 Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80Center for International Private Enterprise 23 Overseas Development Institute 82Center for Strategic and International Studies 23 Oxfam International 83Charles Darwin Foundation 24 Pan American Development Foundation 83Chemonics 24 Partners In Health 84Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25 Partners of the Americas 85Christian Aid 25 Peace Corps 86Christian Relief Fund 26 Plan 86Christianville Foundation 27 Rainforest Alliance 88Common Fund for Commodities 27 Relief International 88Concern Worldwide Inc 28 Research Triangle Institute 89Conflict and Development TAMU 29 Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89Conservation Interantional 30 Rockefeller Foundation 90Consultative Group on International Research 30 Root Capital 91Counterpart International 31 Samaritan's Purse 92Dead Wheat International 32 Save the Children 92Decision and Policy Analysis Program 33 SNV 93Delaval Global 33 Sustainble Harvest International 94Department for International Development 34 Syngenta Global 95Direct Relief 35 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95Doctors Without Borders 36 TechnoServe 96Dupont Pioneer 37 The Christensen Fund 96Ethical Tea Partnership 39 The Clinton Foundation 97FairTrade International 40 The Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center 98Feed the Children 43 The Global Fund 98FLO-CERT 43 Trickle Up 99Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44 U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44 United Nations Foundation 100Food For the Hungry 45 United States Agency for International Development 101FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Water for People 102Foundation for Sustainable Development 47 Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102

Index - Location Areas of Interest


Latin America (continued) Middle East (continued) 103 Humane Society International 54Welthungerhilfe 104 Hunger Plus INC. 55Winrock International 105 Inter-Action 58World Agroforestry Centre 106 International Committee of the Red Cross 59World Cocoa Foundation 106 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60World Concern International 107 International Coffee Organization 61World Food Programme 107 International Development and Relief Foundation 62World for World Organization 108 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 International Food Policy Research Institute 64World Policy 109 International Labour Organization 66World Renew 109 International Rice Research Institute 68World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 International Sugar Organization 69World Teach 110 International Water and Sanitation Centre 69World Vision International 111 John Deere 70Zoetis 112 KFW Development Bank 71

Landell Mills Limited 73Middle East Making Cents International 76

Abt Associates 1 Mercy Corps 77ACDI/VOCA 2 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77Action Against Hunger 3 Monsanto 78AECOM 4 NIRAS 79Acumen Fund 4 Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Agence Francaise de Developpement 7 Office of Civilian Resonse 80Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development 12 Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80Arab Organization for Agricultural Development 12 Overseas Development Institute 82Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13 Oxfam International 83Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Peace Corps 86Atlas Service Crops 14 Relief International 88Australian International Food Security Center 15 Research Triangle Institute 89Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16 Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security 89BASF 17 Samaritan's Purse 92Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17 Save the Children 92Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19 Sweetwater Holdings 94Bread for the World 19 Syngenta Global 95Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20 Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95CARE International 20 The Global Fund 98Catholic Relief Services 21 U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100Center for Global Development 22 United Nations Foundation 100Center for International Private Enterprise 23 United States Agency for International Development 101Center for Strategic and International Studies 23 USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Chemonics 24 Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25 Welthungerhilfe 104Christian Aid 25 Winrock International 105CNFA 27 World Food Programme 107Common Fund for Commodities 27 World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108Concern Worldwide Inc 28 World Policy 109Conflict and Development TAMU 29 World Renew 109Consultative Group on International Research 30 World Society for the Protection of Animals 110Counterpart International 31 World Vision International 111Delaval Global 33 Zoetis 112Department for International Development 34Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34 North AmericaDirect Relief 35 Abt Associates 1Doctors Without Borders 36 Accion 2Dupont Pioneer 37 Action Against Hunger 3Ethical Tea Partnership 39 AECOM 4Eurasia Foundation 39 Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13FairTrade International 40 Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14Feed the Children 43 Atlas Service Crops 14FLO-CERT 43 BASF 17Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 17FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45 Bioversity International 18Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19Gender Resources, Inc 48 Bread for the World 19Global Communities (formerly CHF International) 48 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49 Catholic Relief Services 21Global Hope Network International 49 Center for Global Development 22Global Service Corps 50 Center for Strategic and International Studies 23GRM International 51 Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25Heifer International 53 Christian Aid 25Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54 Common Fund for Commodities 27

Index - Location Areas of Interest


North America (continued) Oceania (continued)Conservation Interantional 30 Action Against Hunger 3Consultative Group on International Research 30 AECOM 4Cureviolence 32 Agence Francaise de Developpement 7Department for International Development 34 Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 13Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34 Associates in Rural Development/ Tetra Tech 13Direct Relief 35 Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development 14Doctors Without Borders 36 Atlas Service Crops 14Dupont Pioneer 37 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research 15Ethical Tea Partnership 39 Australian International Food Security Center 15FairTrade International 40 AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center 16Feed the Children 43 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee 16FLO-CERT 43 BASF 17Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44 Bioversity International 18Food First: Institute for Food and Development Policy 44 Board for International Food and Agricultural Development 19FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45 Bread for the World 19Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 20Global Service Corps 50 CARE International 20Hearts and Hands International 52 Center for Global Development 22Heifer International 53 Center for Strategic and International Studies 23Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54 Chemonics 24Humane Society International 54 Chicago Council on Global Affairs 25Hunger Plus INC. 55 Christian Aid 25Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 57 Common Fund for Commodities 27Inter-Action 58 Conciliation Resources 28International Committee of the Red Cross 59 Conflict and Development TAMU 29International Association for Transformation 60 Conservation Interantional 30International Coffee Organization 61 Consultative Group on International Research 30International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63 Counterpart International 31International Food Policy Research Institute 64 Delaval Global 33International Fund for Animal Welfare 65 Department for International Development 34International Labour Organization 66 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH 34International Sugar Organization 69 Development Alternatives 35John Deere 70 Direct Relief 35KFW Development Bank 71 Doctors Without Borders 36Landell Mills Limited 73 Dupont Pioneer 37Living Water International 74 Ethical Tea Partnership 39Making Cents International 76 FairTrade International 40Mercy Corps 77 Feed the Children 43Monsanto 78 FLO-CERT 43Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 44Overseas Development Institute 82 Food For the Hungry 45Oxfam International 83 FoodFirst Information and Action Network 45Partners In Health 84 Foreign Affairs, Trade and development Canada 46Partners of the Americas 85 Gender Resources, Inc 48Peace Corps 86 Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services 49Plan 86 Global Service Corps 50Rainforest Alliance 88 GRM International 51Relief International 88 Hearts and Hands International 52Rockefeller Foundation 90 Heifer International 53Samaritan's Purse 92 Howard G. Buffett Foundation 54Save the Children 92 Humane Society International 54Syngenta Global 95 Hunger Plus INC. 55Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95 Inter-Action 58The Christensen Fund 96 International Committee of the Red Cross 59The Clinton Foundation 97 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 60The Global Fund 98 International Coffee Organization 61U. S. Department of State, Diplomacy in Action 100 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association 63United Nations Foundation 100 International Food Policy Research Institute 64Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102 International Fund For Agricultural Development 65Winrock International 105 International Fund for Animal Welfare 65World Food Programme 107 International Labour Organization 66World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108 International Potato Center 68World Policy 109 International Rice Research Institute 69World Renew 109 International Sugar Organization 69World Society for the Protection of Animals 110 John Deere 70Zoetis 112 KFW Development Bank 71

Landell Mills Limited 73Oceania Landmark Operations 74

Abt Associates 1 Making Cents International 76360 Global Impact 1 Mercy Corps 77ACDI/VOCA 2 Millennium Challenge Corporation 77

Index - Location Areas of Interest


Oceania (continued)Norman Borlaugh Institute for International Agriculture 79Office of Civilian Resonse 80Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance 80Overseas Development Institute 82Oxfam International 83Peace Corps 86Ponape Agriculture and Trade School 87Pulse Australia 87Relief International 88Room to Read 91Samaritan's Purse 92Save the Children 92Syngenta Global 95Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation 95The Christensen Fund 96The Clinton Foundation 97The Global Fund 98United Nations Foundation 100United States Agency for International Development 101USDA Foreign Agriculture Service 101Water Innovations Alliance Foundation 102World Agroforestry Centre 106World Hunger Relief Incorporated 108World Policy 109World Renew 109World Society for the Protection of Animals 110World Teach 110Zoetis 112

Laura Brainard [email protected]

MS* International Ag. Development Texas A&M University

BS Agriculture Economics Texas A&M University

Boone Clemmons [email protected]

PhD* International Ag. Development Texas A&M University MAG International Agriculture Oklahoma State University

BS Animal Science, Business Minor Oklahoma State University

Calie Jarvis

*Denotes current program as of publication of this document


Jolene Kollman

MS* International Ag. Development Texas A&M University BS Urban Planning Texas A&M University

Alicia Macmanus

MAG International Ag. Development Texas A&M University BS Animal Science Texas A&M University

Tegan Walker [email protected]

MAG International Ag. Development Texas A&M University

BS Agricultural and Applied Economics Virginia Tech University

*Denotes current program as of publication of this document


Joanna Wilde [email protected]

MPSA* Policy Analysis; Ag. Policy Track Texas A&M University

BS Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University

*Denotes current program as of publication of this document