Download - AGOM - ICMARTDirector Olos and Logos Delegate FISA Marche Region • Konstantina Theodoratou Doctor. Past President of ICMART, President of SAMAG • Marco Visconti Doctor. Educational

Page 1: AGOM - ICMARTDirector Olos and Logos Delegate FISA Marche Region • Konstantina Theodoratou Doctor. Past President of ICMART, President of SAMAG • Marco Visconti Doctor. Educational


September 21/22 2019International Congress

Università degli Studi di MilanoAula Magna

via Festa del Perdono 7 Milano

with the partecipation of

Jean Marc KespiFranco Berrino

Hedi LuxenburgerKonstantina Theodoratou


Acupuncture and integrated medicine in the treatments

of patients with chronic diseases. What role in clinical

care networks?4.5 Cme Credits

Ordine dei Medici

di Pavia

ARA – ACUPUNCTURE RESPECTING ANIMALSAll of the conference papers, like AGOM and ALMA, comply with the principles of ARA. No vivisection or animal testing is involved

• Paola Baldini President of AMAV (Valle d’Aosta Association of Acupuncture Doctors). ALMA Instructor

• Giancarlo Bazzoni Doctor. Member of CERNATEC (Center for Research in Auricular Neuromodulation and Complementary Disciplines) President and founder of IANMA (International Academy of Auricular Neuromodulation).

• Franco Berrino Director of the Epidemiology Unit at the Tumour Institute in Milan • Giulia Boschi Professor of Sinology and traditional chinese Medicine • Filippo Bosco A.O.U. Pisa - ALMA Instructor • Sabrina Cidin Anesthetist Doctor A.U.O. Pisa • Marco Colla President of Similia Similibus Curantur. Secretary of ALMA • Franco Cracolici President of AMAT, President of FISTQ. Vice-President of

FISA. FISA Delegate for Tuscany • Mario Dambrosio IRCCS Multimedica • Fatiga Giuseppe Acupuncturist surgeon • Vincenzo Garaffa The U.O.S. Acupuncture Clinic A.S.P.9 Trapani • Fernando Genschow Doctor. Member of executive council of WfMCS – World

Federation of chinese Medicine Societtes • Carlo Maria Giovanardi President FISA. President AMAB. Vice-President

PEFOTS. Vice-President WFCM. • Annamaria Grifo Instructor at the Mediterranean School of Acupuncture in

Catania • Jean Marc Kespi Doctor. Honorary President AFA French Acuouncture

Association. • Alberto Laffranchi Doctor. Head of radhiodiagnostic1. Scientific coordinator

of the Me.Te.Co. Study group on medicines and complementary therapies in oncology. IRCCS National cancer institute

• Grazia Lesi Doctor. Contact person for the integration of Non-Conventional Medicine (MnC) Women's health and cancer patient AUSL Bologna

• Antonello Lovato Doctor. Lecturer AIRAS and FISA, FISA National Councilor • Hedi Luxenburger Doctor. President ICMART, anesthesiologist specializing in

pain therapy • Francesca Maceri Anesthetist Doctor A.U.O. Pisa • Grazia Meneghetti Doctor. ALMA and FISA teacher • Franco Menichelli Doctor. President of AIA • Carlo Moiraghi Doctor. President of ALMA, Vice President of FISTQ, Vice President of AGOM • Paolo Notaro Doctor. Director of the Centro Terapia Dolores Grande Niguarda

Milano Hospital, Professor of ALMA • Micol Olivetti Doctor. ALMA Tutor • Tiziana Pedrali Doctor. Acupuncture Director of CSTNF • Alessandra Poini Doctor. Advisor FISA, Professor of AMAB • Paola Poli Doctor. President of AGOM, Member of the ICMART Board, Treasuer

FISTQ, ALMA School Coordinator • Patrick Sautreil Doctor. Specialist in physiatry and rehabilitation and in neuro-

acupuncture. Former President of the French Acupuncture School - Scientific Association of French Acupuncturists (EFA-ASMAF) and representative of the French Acupuncture Association FAFORMEC

• Lucio Sotte Doctor. Director Olos and Logos Delegate FISA Marche Region • Konstantina Theodoratou Doctor. Past President of ICMART, President of

SAMAG • Marco Visconti Doctor. Educational Director of the Center for Oriental Medicine

Fatebenefratelli Hospital Rome • Marsia Yamamura Vice President of the Acupuncture University of Brazil,

Member of the ICMART Board • Alexandre Massao Yoshizumi - Vice president of CMAESP (São Paulo Medical

College of Acupuncture) and Director of CMBA Brazilian Medical College of Acupuncture

OTHER PARTICIPANTS Paola Bechis Actress, Leonardo Cialdella Cellist, Isabella De Lucas Soprano

Letizia Derio Violinist, Elia Moretton World Champion IWuF, Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo Qigong Taijiquan Master



via Festa del Perdono 7, MilanoBus 94 Policlinico Hospital






[email protected]

Segreteria ALMA AGOM tel: +39 0245493540

Page 2: AGOM - ICMARTDirector Olos and Logos Delegate FISA Marche Region • Konstantina Theodoratou Doctor. Past President of ICMART, President of SAMAG • Marco Visconti Doctor. Educational



15.35 Grazia Meneghetti Fibromyalgia and chronic autoimmune diseases treated

with acupuncture. Clinical records at the Greatest Hospital of Charity in Novara

15.55 AGOM – Acupuncture in the world Missions of 2019 – Philippines and Timor Leste16.15 Break 16.35 Tiziana Pedrali Musculoskeletal disorders of the elderly: decades of

experience in an Acupuncture Clinic16.55 Carlo Maria Giovanardi and Alessandra Poini The role of acupuncture in chronic diseases: what

evidence?17.15 Franco Cracolici The network system in support of patients, family members

and therapists in a public-lenotherapy department17.35 Patrick Sautreil Physical Medicine and Neuro Acupuncture 17.55 Presentation ALMA’s Theses winning of Prize FISA Marco Romoli. Years 2017, 2018, 2019. ALMA School: A. Bianchi, P. Notaro, R. Mezzolla, Stefano Gaetani 18.15 Noi Edizioni Space: Paola Bechis Lecture from Diamond Sutra, by Carlo Moiraghi18.35 Evening greetings


09.15 Enzo Garaffa, Annamaria Grifo About the Four Seas discussion, Lingshu, Chapter 33, from theory to the application in clinical practice09.35 Fernando Genschow Acupuncture in Oncology: New Subspeciality aimed at the management of the clinical conditions that surround the

cancer patient 09.55 Marsia Yamamura How to handle chronic patients. 25 years experience of TCM Acupuncture Department of UNIFESP with acupuncture in

Brazil’s public health system10.15 Alexandre Massao Yoshizumi YNSA - Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture - neurological

sequelae10.35 Franco Berrino Food prevention of chronic diseases11.35 Break11.55 NOI Edizioni Space - Giulia Boschi Master of the Heart or Simulacrum of the Spirit? An analysis

of the sources on the meaning of Xin Zhu 12.15 Grazia Lesi The path of Integrated Medicine in Oncology in the

Emilia Romagna Region: acupuncture as supportive in patients with breast cancer, from the AcCliMaT study to Project Med. I.O. RER.

12.35 Paola Baldini The biopsychosocial nature of pain. Acupuncture as a pivot

of integration. Integrated treatment experiences

12.55 Noi Edizioni Space: Paola Bechis Lecture from Giallo indiano by Carlo Moiraghi13.10 Lunch break


14.10 Marco Colla Scalp acupuncture in chronic patients 14.30 NOI Edizioni Space Giuseppe Fatiga Acupuncture in anxiety14.50 Filippo Bosco, Sabrina Cidin, Francesca Maceri

From coexistence with pain in search of well-being the experience of the complementary medicine clinic at the Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa

15.10 Franco Menichelli Acupuncture in tension headaches15.30 Micol Olivetti The contribution of acupuncture in the vegetative state15.50 Mario Dambrosio Arthralgia from aromatase inhibitors: which role for Acupuncture?16.10 Paolo Notaro Assistance Networks and PDTA, Therapeutic Diagnostic

Path Welfare, in Integrated Medicine 16.30 Break 16.50 Marco Visconti Physiopathology of uterine fibroids17.10 Alberto Laffranchi Homeopathic treatment of congenital lymphangioma17.30 Giancarlo Bazzoni Acupuncture-auricular neuromodulation-in the integrated

treatment of panic disorder: theoretical bases and clinical cases

17.50 Poster Award ALMA AGOM 201918.10 Closing of conference works 2019. See you at the next

ALMA AGOM Congress, 19/20 September 2020

POSTER SECTIONThe posters will be on display throughout the conference.

You can vote for your favourite. The first prize (for the one that receives the most votes)

is €250. The second prize is €150.

Moderators: Paola Poli and Carlo Moiraghi


08.15 Registration of participants and ECM09.00 Greetings from the authorities: • Padre Sebastiano D’Ambra PIME Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions • Ugo Tamborini President of Commission of Complementary Medicine MnC OMCeOMi - Order of Physicians and Dentists of Milan • Hedi Luxenburger ICMART President • Marsia Yamamura FILASMA President • Musical trio: Isabella De Lucas, Leonardo Ciadella, Letizia Deriu in "l’te vurria vasà" "‘O sole mio" 09.45 Carlo Moiraghi and Paola Poli Presentation of conference works10.00 Hedi Luxenburger Status of acupuncture in Europe10.20 Delivery of ICMART diplomas to ALMA graduates10.30 Space of NOI Edizioni10.50 Jean Marc Kespi Lecture, first part The fundamental place of extraordinary meridians in chronic

diseases. Questions to Professor Kespi11.35 Break 11.55 Jean Marc Kespi Lecture, second part The fundamental place of extraordinary meridians in chronic

diseases. Questions to Professor Kespi12.40 Carlo Moiraghi and Paola Poli Acupuncture in oncology. ALMA AGOM method.

Observation study made on 40 patients. Niguarda Hospital and ALMA AGOM Clinic. Milan

13.00 Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo and Elia Moretton The Dragon that swims and the tiger advances. Taijiquan style chen demonstration performed by the master

Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo heir of the 12th generation taijiquan style Chen and Elia Moretton, current IWuF world champion.

13.15 Lunch Break


14.15 Lucio Sotte Acupuncture and Chinese medicine in the prevention and

treatment of chronic back pain in the elderly14.35 NOI Edizioni Space Antonello Lovato: Treatment of the syndrome of irritable colon with ear acupuncture. One controlled and randomized study14.55 Konstantina Theodoratou Emotional distress of chronic disease and Acupuncture15.15 Carlo Moiraghi and Paola Poli Acupuncture in the treatment of Parkinson's and

Parkinson's diseases