Download - Çağlar Özden - top foreign graduates in areas of critical skills gaps ... Successful applicants comprised technical experts & top and ... Malaysian technopreneurs


Küresel Beyin Göçü Ağları ve

Türkiye'nin Konumu

Çağlar Özden The World Bank

Temmuz 2012

* Usual disclaimer applies. The findings, conclusions and views expressed are entirely those of the authors and

should not be attributed to the World Bank, its executive directors or the countries they represent.

Ghana 2010 Dunya Kupası Ceyrek Final Maci

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Göçmen Stoğu 2000 (yaş25+)

OECDa Non-OECDb Imputed Imputed (%) Total


Males 28.2 20.6 8.6 15 57.4

High-skilled 10.3 3.5 2.2 14 16.0

Low-skilled 17.9 17.1 6.4 15 41.4

Females 29.2 17.3 8.0 15 54.5

High-skilled 10.0 2.5 1.8 13 14.3

Low-skilled 19.2 14.8 6.2 15 40.1

Totalc 57.4 37.9 16.6 15 111.9

High-skilled 20.3 6.0 4.0 13 30.3

Low-skilled 37.1 31.9 12.6 15 81.5

Büyüme Hizi Tahmini 2000- 2010 (%)


Males 40% 6% 22%

High-Skilled 57% 29% 49%

Low-Skilled 31% 2% 14%

Females 41% 14% 29%

High-Skilled 75% 72% 74%

Low-Skilled 29% 9% 19%

Total 41% 9% 25%

High-Skilled 66% 44% 60%

Low-Skilled 30% 5% 16%

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Cografi Dagilim

Immigrant stock as % of the population

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Cografi Dagilim

Emigrant stock as % of population

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Cografi Dagilim

High-Skilled Immigrant as % of total Immigration

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Cografi Dagilim

High Skilled Emigration as % of total Emigration

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Bolgeler Dagilimi 2000

Immigration Emigration

Group Total (mil.) High-skill (%) Women (%) Growth (%) Total (mil.) High-skill (%) Women (%) Growth (%)

HIGH 67,8 33,1 48,7 36,0 25,9 36,5 52,0 9,8

DEV 44,1 18,1 48,8 45,0 85,9 24,4 47,8 51,8

LOW 4,9 7,8 46,4 -15,4 15,6 9,6 45,3 27,0

LDC 4,4 4,3 44,5 -16,7 15,1 8,4 43,8 17,8

SIDS 0,9 24,2 51,7 41,3 4,4 35,5 54,6 53,0

USA 24,3 42,7 51,0 62,1 0,9 58,9 50,2 21,4

CANZ 8,6 52,3 51,7 20,1 1,5 57,0 54,0 16,8

GCC 5,7 18,8 20,9 24,4 0,4 26,3 30,5 31,5

EU27 22,3 21,9 50,5 26,2 20,1 32,3 52,0 5,7

OTHERS 2,9 19,9 53,6 42,9 4,3 21,4 50,1 55,8

SSA 8,8 4,2 45,4 -16,0 10,5 11,2 45,4 -4,0

CIS 17,9 32,2 53,4 140,3 20,2 32,8 54,3 102,3

INDIA 5,2 2,8 48,3 137,6 5,9 24,1 37,3 22,1

CHINA 0,1 14,2 53,2 198,0 3,9 27,8 51,8 22,3

MENA 4,7 21,4 44,4 15,0 8,4 24,3 36,3 23,2

ASIA 8,8 14,2 47,7 13,6 20,1 25,9 48,0 65,8

LAC 2,6 17,5 49,3 40,8 15,6 25,1 50,2 90,1

TOTAL 111,9 27,2 48,7 39,4 111,9 27,2 48,7 39,4

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Göç Alan Ulkeler 2000

Total migration stock (in millions)

receiving countries










United States 24.3 42.7 51.0 62.4

Russia 9.1 24.3 50.2 -5.8

India 5.2 2.8 48.3 -20.1

Germany 4.7 21.8 46.2 45.9

Canada 4.6 58.8 52.3 25.2

Cote d'Ivoire 3.9 0.9 44.7 19.6

France 3.7 16.4 49.5 8.8

United Kingdom 3.5 34.9 53.0 29.7

Australia 3.5 45.2 50.8 12.9

Saudi Arabia 3.1 18.8 14.1 8.3

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Göç Alan Ulkeler 2000

High-skilled migration (in millions)

receiving countries

Country Immig Women (%) Growth (%)

United States 10.3 50.0 67.1

Canada 2.7 48.4 45.2

Australia 1.6 49.3 39.5

United Kingdom 1.2 50.2 122.9

Germany 1.0 45.2 87.4

France 0.6 46.6 80.6

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Göç Veren Ulkeler, 2000

High Skilled Emigration

sending countries

Country Emig. Women Growth

United Kingdom 1.6 47.2 30.9

India 1.4 37.2 -11.5

Philippines 1.2 59.9 75.0

China 1.1 48.6 101.1

Germany 1.1 51.7 19.9

Mexico 1.0 47.3 157.7

Korea 0.6 51.9 78.8

United States 0.5 50.4 36.8

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Ana Göç Koridorlari 2000 ve 1990-2000 Artisi

Largest migration stocks in 2000 (in thousands) Largest migration net flows 1990-2000 (in thousands)

Origin Destination Stock H-S Women Origin Destination Flow H-S Women

Mexico United States 6374.8 14.4 45.2 Mexico United States 3718.8 15.2 45.1

Bangladesh India 3211.9 2.1 48.0 Russia Belarus 566.8 27.0 56.4

Ukraine Russia 3024.2 25.2 52.1 Russia Kazakhstan 557.8 147.7 41.8

Burkina Faso Cote d'Ivoire 2238.5 0.3 44.7 India United States 490.6 81.2 46.0

Russia Ukraine 2183.7 17.5 61.5 Vietnam United States 484.9 44.2 51.9

Kazakhstan Russia 1837.3 21.3 53.6 Philippines United States 418.2 80.8 62.5

China Hong Kong 1620.5 12.9 50.6 Turkey Germany 390.0 9.2 47.6

India Pakistan 1613.3 2.7 42.4 China United States 378.7 57.9 54.3

Russia Kazakhstan 1611.1 60.5 54.2 Burkina Faso Cote d'Ivoire 367.5 0.3 44.7

Pakistan India 1288.2 4.4 47.5 El Salvador United States 341.3 19.4 48.3

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Guney-Kuzey Göç Stoklari 2000

High-income Developing

(destination) (destination)

High-income Stock (in millions) 22,5 3,5

(origin) High-skill (percent) 38,2% 25,4%

Women (percent) 52,6% 47,7%

Growth (percent) 8,7% 22,2%

Developing Stock (in millions) 45,3 40,6

(origin) High-skill (percent) 30,5% 17,5%

Women (percent) 46,8% 48,9%

Growth (percent) 55,4% -0,1%

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Turkiye Datasi

Turkiye’den Göç –OECD ulkeleri emek piyasalari– 2.7 milyon

Ilk Ogretim– 75%

Universite Egitimli– 10%

Ulke egitim seviyesiyle esdeger.

Dar anlamda beyin gocu yok!

Cesitli Ulkelerdeki Turk Gocmeler arasinda Universite Mezunlari


Almanya– 6.3%, Fransa– 6.0% , Hollanda– 4.5%

Avustralya– 32.9%, Kanada– 47.2%, ABD– 59.2%

Turk Gocmenler Arasinda ABD’ne Gidenlerin Orani – 3%

Universite MezunuTurk Gocmenler Arasinda ABD’ne Gidenlerin

Orani – 22%

Tubitak Kurultayina katilanlar arasinda ABD’den gelenler– 63%

Arti Kanada – 8%

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Turkiye Datasi


Turkiye Disinda Dogup Turkiye’de Calisanlar: 700,000

Bulgaristan (50%), Sirbistan(13%), Almanya(12%), Yunanistan(7%),


Universite Mezunlari Orani(21%)

Bulgaristan (8%), Sirbistan(6%), Almanya(7%), Yunanistan(10%),


187 bin Yabanci Uyruklu Turkiye’de Oturma Iznine Sahip (2007)

(Azerbeycan, Almanya, Ingiltere, Rusya, ABD).

18% calisma izni sahibi ve 13% ogrenci. Gerisi Aile Uyeleri

Istanbul’un nufusunun yuzde 10’u 1920’lere kadar yabanci

uyruklulardan olusuyordu.

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Turkiye Datasi

Ghana 2010 Dunya Kupası Ceyrek Final Maci

En onemli Goc Nedenleri –

1 – economik “çekici” faktorler

2 – economik “itici” faktorler

3 – economik ve yasal engeller/kolaylastirici faktorler

Hedef Secilirken goze alinin en onemli faktorler

Gelir farklari

Profesyonel Kariyer Secenekleri

Sosyal ve Kulturel Benzerlikler

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Göç Nedenleri

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü


Gunumuzdeki Ortam

EURO Krizi vs. Turkiye’ninEkonomi Ortami

Arap Bahari

Istanbul’un tekrar bir ticaret merkezi oalrak ortaya

Osmanli Donemi Istanbul’una donus?

Kritik Yan Politikalar

Uluslarasi Yatirimi Cekmeye Yonelik Politikalar

Ozel Universiteler ve Arastirma Kurumlarinin Rolu

Ulasim ve Iletisim Altyapisinin Rolu

Profesyonel Ruhsat ve Lisans Yonetmelikleri

Yabanci Ogrencileri Cekmeye Yonelik Politikalar– Avustralya

/Singapur Modeli

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Kritik Yan Politikalar

Aile ve Kadinlara Yonelik Yaklasimlar…

Turkiye’de ilk ve ortaogretim olanaklari…

Uluslararasi Beyin Göçü

Meeting the Talent Needs of

Economic Transformation

July 2012


growth and




talent hub




High income

jobs, careers &

quality of life

catalyse change to spur a virtuous cycle

of investments, jobs and talent.





Build platforms

to optimise talent





Malaysian homegrown

talent will be

TalentCorp’s priority

Strategic Thrust 1:

Optimise Malaysian








Outreach to



In the global race

for talent, we

need to compete

to attract, retain,

and grow the


Strategic Thrust 2:

Attract & Facilitate

Global Talent

Strategic Thrust 3:

Build Networks of

Top Talent

A talent network

ensures a steady

stream of readily

available talent.

Building diversity in Malaysian

talent landscape







• Introduced in April 2011, offers top foreign talents a longer tenure

of 10 years to reside & work in Malaysia

• Also extended to spouses, enabling them to work in Malaysia

• Residence Pass-Talent scope being reviewed to extend to

Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurs and Persons of Malaysian

origin • Employment Pass policy liberalisation e.g. longer tenure & to

facilitate top foreign graduates in areas of critical skills gaps

from local universities to work in Malaysia

• iPass offered to RP-T talents in October 2011 to ease their


• Joint Working Committee jointly chaired by Ministry of Home

Affairs and TalentCorp established in May 2012 to review

immigration related instruments and practices Snapshot: Facilitating foreign talent in Malaysia

482 RP-T were approved in 2011

Successful applicants comprised technical experts & top and

middle-management professionals with backgrounds in

Business Services, ICT, O&G, Education, Financial Services

and E&E

Engaging Malaysians abroad


Outreach Activities

• Directly engaged over 5,000 Malaysian professionals and students

currently living abroad through its outreach programmes

• Outreach conducted in collaboration with leading employers

• Outreach programmes so far have included UK, USA, Australia &


• Recent outreach to UK in April 2012, included Career Fair attended

by 40 Malaysian employers and attended by more than 2,000


Snapshot: TalentCorp-Silicon Valley Workshop creates win-

win web

Engagement with Malaysians abroad includes looking for

opportunities for Malaysians to contribute from abroad

October 2011 : Successfully organised workshop between

Silicon Valley-based Malaysian technoentrepreneurs with

Malaysian technopreneurs

Such platforms allow for knowledge transfer and network


Sector Focus

• Engagement going forward will increasingly be sector focused

• Also in April 2012, conducted Healthcare outreach to Dublin and

London to engage with Malaysian doctors. Delegation included

representatives from Health Department and leading private

hospitals eg. KPJ, Parkway

• Upcoming engagements will include Oil & Gas outreach

Engaging Malaysians abroad


Returning Expert



• Revised in April 2011 to encourage more Malaysian professionals

abroad to return & contribute to Malaysia’s economic


• Greater emphasis on relevant work experience related to NKEA


• Launched in August 2011 to enable JPA scholars to build careers in

priority sectors of the GTP & ETP

• In 2011,

• TAPS - 43 top JPA scholars placed in key Government


• STAR –157 JPA scholars from top overseas universities

secured placement with over 100 leading employers in private


Snapshot: REP more than doubled in 2011

680 applications approved in 2011 (2010: 313)

Since REP under TalentCorp - 18 months to 30.6.12 : 1,159

approved; compared to pre-TalentCorp 2001 to 2010 : 1,130


REPs from UK, Singapore, US, Australia, China & Middle East

Key industries: O&G, Financial Services, ICT, Healthcare &

Business Services

Senior management positions in leading Malaysian corporates &