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Page 2: Agenda Who are OMT and EvaleX Creating context 1970: The planting of the seed 1980: The paper era 1990: The emergence of the PC based era 2000: The emergence.


• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

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Dr. Pieter Bronkhorst started his own management consulting business in 1980 and trades through two entities, namely EvaleX Intellectual Capital Management cc and Organisation and Management Technologies cc.

Organisation and Management Technologies markets the EvaleX system and handles the implementation and consulting.

Client base across numerous countries, namely Norway, USA, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, UK, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi

Over the past 30 years, EICM and OMT developed it’s own sophisticated Intellectual Capital Management Solution called EvaleX

Developed EvaleX in response to the challenges faced in

Managing corporate performance Managing corporate growth, Managing corporate recovery Managing intellectual capital


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Talent Assessment: Middle to top management: EvaleX25 managerial assessment – assesses managerial competencies, strategic capacity, personality, managerial styles, values and Interests.

Talent Assessment: Up to middle management: EvaleX20 internet assessment – assesses cognitive capacity, personality, work styles, values, interests and technical competencies.

Talent Management: From the assessment, a classification of the manager into 11 talent categories, each with a descriptor of talent and recommendation.

Performance management: Individual performance: Tracks and reports on the performance of 50,000 position outputs across multiple companies, industries and countries.

Performance management: Corporate performance: Tracks and reports on the progress of 300 strategic projects and all company business/value drivers.

Competencies: Library of 400 behavioural, business and technical competencies. Assesses, tracks and reports on more than 200,000 business and technical competencies on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Learning and Development: Manages company training budget, all training suppliers, courses, schedules, development plans, succession plans and career paths.


EvaleX Track Record

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• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

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You can have the correct strategy,

products that are competitive in features and price,

positioned in the correct markets,

and still fail

We have seen this often, when Intellectual capital is

neglected, when Management control systems fail, when

Organisational behaviour is not developed


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We are responsible for the

behavioural architecture of

the business

So what is the role of the O/I Psychologist and Assessment Center Technology in all of this?

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Behavioural Architecture

• This involves understanding where the business needs to go,

• What behaviour is required to succeed,

• How does this ideal behaviour differ from the current behaviour,

• What program is required to change behaviour,

• How do we assess and track behaviour,

• What intervention strategies must be deployed to achieve the change,

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Behavioural Architecture

• These intervention strategies should involve some or most of the following:

– Talent management: who do we appoint from outside and promote from inside; do the mindsets, behaviour and competencies they represent add value to the business?

– Assessment technology: do the tools and instruments we use aid the talent management process? Do we have an assessment process, or do we measure only behavioural competencies but not technical competencies?

– Performance management: what behaviour do we measure and reward? What systems do we use to measure and track this!

– Succession and career path planning: How through cleverly thought through succession and career path development can we ensure the correct mindset and competence is deployed at the correct levels?

– Learning and development: to what extent do our L&D programs address the behaviour and competencies we need?

– Business process redesign: an organisation’s core business process both require a particular behaviour but also dictates and facilitates a particular behaviour; we need to get involved in the design of this process to ensure the desired behaviour.

• All the above falls within the concept of “Intellectual Capital Management”

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An Intellectual Capital Management System and Philosophy,An Intellectual Capital Management System and Philosophy,

Integrating Integrating

Position profiling, Organisation design, Position profiling, Organisation design, Performance Management, Competency profiling,Performance Management, Competency profiling,

Talent Management, Learning & development, Succession Talent Management, Learning & development, Succession planning, Career path planning, Assessmentplanning, Career path planning, Assessment

Aligning these with Aligning these with

Strategic intent, Strategic direction, Value drivers, and Strategic intent, Strategic direction, Value drivers, and Strategic progress on projectsStrategic progress on projects



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• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

Page 13: Agenda Who are OMT and EvaleX Creating context 1970: The planting of the seed 1980: The paper era 1990: The emergence of the PC based era 2000: The emergence.

1970: Planting of the seed

• This was the decade of Richard Nixon, Harold Wilson, Fleetwood Mac and the Carpenters

• At the beginning of this decade, business leaders in SA were only beginning to realise the importance of Intellectual Capital and it’s subset of Human Capital, but certainly did not call it by these illustrious names. Manpower Management was the term (one sided and male chauvinist)

• In the 70’s, the era of the Bee Gee’s and Pink Floyd, whilst the music was good, serious students frowned upon and even looked down upon those so silly to want to study Psychology, Industrial Psychology or HR. In those days it was a “non-profession”

• However, the steady stream of research, primarily from the USA, on the effect proper personnel management (as they called it those days) had on business performance, chipped away at the establishment and so was born this profession we are all in today.

• The big mining houses snapped up any person with a degree in Human Resources and particularly Industrial Psychology.

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1970: Planting of the seed

• During the mid to late 70’s Professor Byham visited South Africa.• As you all have probably realised from attending these conferences, Byham is regarded by

many as the “father” of assessment center technology and we were very privileged to have had his wife delivering a paper here last year.

• He was contracted by one of the mining houses to establish assessment center technology in South Africa.

• I was extremely lucky and privileged to have had the opportunity to do my internship at what is known today as “SA Transport Services”

• My tutor and mentor during my Internship, Dr Pieter Brits was trained, first hand by Prof Byham and imparted most of what he had learnt to me and other fortunate colleagues.

• During this decade the assessment landscape was dominated by Intelligence tests, Aptitude tests and Personality tests. They were all manually administrated, manually scored with stencils and reports were dictated for secretaries to type; no faxes, cell phone, laptops.

• Assessment center technology was regarded by the old school psychologists as an evil step-sister of the assessment framework!

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• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

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1980: The paper era

• This was the decade of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Duran Duran, Guns & Roses and Bon Jovi.

• The domination of the assessment landscape by Intelligence tests, Aptitude tests and Personality tests continued into the 80s.

• However the demand for assessment centers picked up in the private business space.

• The critical business need in finding and identifying talent resulted in assessment centers being rolled out in many companies. Many of these centers combined Psychometrics with assessment center technology.

• However, the process was still very manual.

• All psychometric tests and assessment centers were still being administered in manual form, and some computerised solutions for scoring became available.

• In May 1980, 30 years ago, I set myself up as a Consulting Organisational Psychologist.

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1980: The paper era

• Mid 80s I met a computer programmer. As this was a very new type of career and person it was difficult to understand they existed never mind meeting one.

• We set about developing my first computer application with the aim of scoring, recording and reporting on assessments. It included capability for both Psychometric and Assessment center tools. I called it Man 85. The reason for the choice of name was that the text field in those days was restricted to very few digits; I needed an abbreviated name)

• Man85 was rewritten to become Man 87, then upgraded to the latest computer technology and became Man 93.

• Man 85 was the beginnings of what is now called the EvaleX Behavioural Analysis system

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• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

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1990: The emergence of the PC based era

• This was the decade of, Bill Clinton, John Major, Michael Jackson, U2 and Prince.• The 90s brought little new technology; we will have to wait for the Internet to mature to get

the next turbo-charge!• All that happened was that assessment tools became more automated.• New assessment dimensions and constructs emerged, such as Emotional Intelligence,

Resilience and so forth.• Yet, assessment center technology marched on relentlessly.• However, the deployment changed.• Assessment centers in the traditional design is actually very expensive to run; companies just

could not afford it any more.• We had to re-package assessment centers in a more affordable format.• Some practitioners, including myself changed the offering as follows:

– Shorter, half day centers– Professional observers, not line managers– Computerised reporting

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• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

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2000: The emergence of the Internet Era

• This was the decade of George W Bush, Tony Blair and Britney Spears. • During the 90s, software developed graduated from DOS based systems to SQL data basis

and Visual Basic front end languages.• In 1998 I started with a complete re-write of EvaleX System in the newest computer

languages.• Two macro forces influenced this:

– The Y2K problem, not knowing how applications written in older languages will respond when the date changed from 1999 to 2000.

– The second, the maturation of the Internet as a business tool.

• When the clock turned from 31 December 1999 to 1 January 2000, EvaleX literally became airborne.

• Immediately our clients from Hong Kong, San Francisco, Taiwan, Philippines and the UK could access our assessments through the Internet.

• This decade saw huge advances in the distribution of assessment tools and the easy access that business organisations now have to this valuable service.

• EvaleX for one, became a major internet based business solution that provide modules for Assessments, Talent management, Competency profiling, Performance management, L&D management, Strategy and Project management.

– Computerised reporting

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• Who are OMT and EvaleX• Creating context• 1970: The planting of the seed• 1980: The paper era• 1990: The emergence of the PC based era• 2000: The emergence of the Internet era• 2010: The future

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2010: The Future

• The decade of Obama, Brown and Zuma.

• In about 2005, I realised that to be a fully fledged player in this market space, sticking to the first wave of Psychometrics and even to the second wave of Assessment centers, still does not suffice; like a surfer you have to look for the next wave!

• There is something out there that we are not measuring; there is a driver of performance the Psychologist still knows little about and can therefore not control in research or advice.

• This is the phenomenon of experience and technical expertise.

• I set my mind to it and started researching the issue, developing the software application and defining technical competencies all in a parallel initiative.

• Over a 5 year period of development, EvaleX now has a new “Competency” module with a library of more than 400 competencies.

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The Issue of Technical Competencies

• We all realise that experience is critical in Job Performance and Career velocity.

• However, the only tool to our disposal thus far has been the CV or Resume and a competency based interview.

• Given our experience now, having profiled hundreds of positions, the number of competencies are such, that it is impossible to cover all, in even the best managed competency based interview.

• EvaleX provides the Technical Competence Assessment (TCA)

• The system auto-generates a questionnaire based on the competencies required for the chosen position, then facilitates the candidate through approximately 10 questions per competence.

• The end result is a report indicating position fit on each competence, overall position fit as well as listing development areas.

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Results so far

• In the studies of high performers versus low performers across almost 20 positions and approximately 800 employees, we found the following:

• For behavioural competencies, 89% of high performers met the position profile and only 12% of low performers did.

• For Technical competencies, 75% of the high performers met the profile and 25% of the low performers did.

• Combining the two, predictive validity improved to 92% of high performers meeting the profile against only 8% of low performers.

• The key question to the assessment practitioner is the contribution each competency type plays in the overall prediction of performance

• Using the predictive validity coefficient of each dimension, combined with the number of dimensions per assessment type, the proportion contribution by each competence type was calculated (see pie chart)

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Drivers of Performance

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2010: The Future

• Our research has convinced us of the role and importance of Technical competencies.

• The future of assessment technology would definitely include this domain of competence.

• The EvaleX system makes it easy to deploy competence assessments in the recruitment process for selection and in the development process to determine training needs.

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EvaleX Behavioural

Assessment System

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The generic name for a battery of assessments:

– Technical Competencies (Library of almost 400 technical competencies)– Cognitive functioning: Business Comprehension Test (5 dimensions)– Cognitive functioning: Organisational Insight Scale (8 dimensions)– Personality: Organisation Personality Construct Scale (13 dimensions)– Management / Work Styles: Organisation Personality Construct Scale (8 dimensions)– Values: Organisation Personality Construct Scale (9 values)– Interests: Work Orientation Scale (16 interest fields)– Interests: Work Type Orientation Scale (9 interest fields)

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Technical Competence




90 Dimensions90 Dimensions







Information Obtained by the EvaleX20 Evaluation

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Info Technology










20 Assessm



A: T









Competency Assessment SystemCompetency Assessment System

Human Resources

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Background to EvaleX and OMT

– The EvaleX Assessment System has been developed by Dr. Pieter Bronkhorst and has evolved over the past 25 years, based on practical application, experience and research to the point where it now presents itself as a comprehensive, holistic, internet based solution to organisations who need to assess existing and prospective staff members for developmental, selection and/or diagnostic purposes

– The EvaleX Assessment System is marketed through Organisation and Management Technologies

– Contact Particulars:• Website:• Tel: 27-(0)11-803-8703• E-mail: [email protected]• E-mail: [email protected]

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The End