Download - Ageless arts magazine ageless arts magazine volume ii

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Artists are diverse. Artists evolve. Artists are sexy. These are three facts that are exemplified in our second issue

(first free issue) of Ageless Arts Magazine. All the people in this issue are very diverse in their arts as well as

multitalented. We feature a model from Wyoming, Misty Chapman, due in part to our intended focus on Wyo-

ming, this issue, but also because she embodies everything we look for in models. She is sexy. She is always

learning. She helps others. She is multi-talented. Ageless Talent Group/ ATG Productions prides our self in be-

ing a training and functional promotion and this issue showcases people on their way to making their dreams

become a reality.

Thank you,

Abel Carv

President and CEO

ATG Productions

Anthony Aguirre Vice President of MMA

Jacque Russell Vice President of Modeling (Owner Jacque Russell Imagery-

Jaymie Dauterman Vice President of Music (Owner JRD Mystic Photography)


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Entertaining Angesls……………...……….Page 3

Photography by Travis Hand.………...…...Page 9

Musical Modeling…………………………Page 10

Christy Lee Comrie……………………….Page 11

Phillip Harnden’s Quick Tip..…………….Page 12

Kong Yang………..……………………….Page 15

FEATURE: Misty Chapman ……………..Page 17

Wyoming Nerd …………...……………...Page 24

Marvelous Missouri Model .……………...Page 25

Cover Feature, Misty Chapman page 17

Photography by: Matt Costa

Model: Misty Chapman

Cover Designed by Phillip Harnden

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By Matthew Angelo

Walking down College Avenue in the cold on Christmas Eve is not my idea of a festive time, and neither is deal-

ing with last minute shoppers pushing past me. Snow fell from a gloomy gray sky, and the smell of coffee mixed

with the exhaust of traffic made my walk somewhat better. People were out buying their friends and family last

minute gifts, hoping to buy their love with over-priced and superficial items that will in all probability be returned

the day after. Everyone was in a rush. Carrying boxes, bags, and bundles, staring straight ahead, focused only on

themselves. Ah the Christmas shopping season. Goodwill towards me, fuck everyone else, seemed to be the pre-

vailing attitude. Old Town Fort Collins was full of life, yet empty of it at the same time. Everyone’s pre-

occupation with buying happiness kept them from noticing anything. I have to watch where I am walking so I

wouldn’t run into anyone. I think I am the only one that is doing that. I really hate this time of year. Not the holi-

day itself, but the fact it really seems to bring out the worst in people. Yeah, I’m a bit cynical. Who isn’t,

though… right?

It took me a few minutes to get to St. Mary’s. Mass was starting. Not that anyone would notice I was there. I

tend to get ignored at church or get those stares that freak me out. You know, the stares that….. anyways I should-

n’t even be here. The church hates me. Of course, being a Nephilim in need of salvation makes it hard for me not

to go to church. Father Jonas knows who and what I am. He allows me to come as long as I don’t cause trou-

ble. Not that I cause trouble. I never cause trouble...but it seems to find me. I only had one shoot-out in a

church. I had this run-in with a demon-possessed housewife. She was possessed willingly so the shoot-out was

fair. I call those types of people Contractors, those willing to sign a contract with a fallen angel to gain some sort

of power. If you ask to be possessed, you get what comes with it. Not all Contractors are possessed, but then

some are. Those are the really nasty ones. This particular Contractor killed her children at the church during

Mass and then tried to kill others. Luckily I was there with my trusty Sig Sauer .45mm with an extra clip of lead-

tipped bullets for your everyday demon-possessed housewife gun fight. It was a nasty fight. She focused on

me after the demon inside her recognized me for being the half-angel that I am. It took every round I had to final-

ly put her down for good. I mean every round. By the time the last shot was fired, the whole back row of pews

was destroyed, I was on my knees half-blinded by my own blood due to a cut on my face, and people were crying

and praying to God for deliverance. The prayer must have worked. The last bullet did the trick. Rian MacCaren,

Private Investigator saves the day again. Maybe I should cut back on the sarcasm, but I sometimes feel like I

spilled more blood than Christ for the faithful and non-faithful. Since the glorious gun battle at St. Mary's, Father

Jonas treats me with a bit of fear and respect at the same time. He doesn’t fully trust me though. He says since I

am half-human, I have the ability to make a choice to do what is right. My angel side however will always cause

problems. He has no idea how true that is.

The Mass was going according to plan, at least according to the plan of the Catholic Church. I wasn’t there at its

inception, so I am not much of an expert on those matters. To almost all of the worshippers here, I was just an or-

dinary man in a pew. Of course, the everyday Joe didn’t have angelic blood running through his veins, or an over-

ly sensitive touch that sent images reeling through his mind. But what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.

Most people believed in angels and that’s it. The idea of an angel and human having a kid was a bit too much for

their mind to wrap around. Yet they believe in an all-powerful deity. Irony at its best. That’s ok; people don’t

need to believe in me. I’m a monster, an abomination. That is how the Catholic Church classifies me. It could be

worse, though. I could be knee-deep in hell-fire and brimstone, chugging a cup full of wrath with a chaser of dam-

nation and torment.


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The sanctuary was packed. I had a feeling even people who didn’t believe in God were here. I bet when it came

time for communion, a few would be sneaking up for that second sip of communion wine to take the edge off a

dreary Mass sermon. If I was lucky, I would be one of those sneaking up to do that. Not that I have anything

against a good sermon, but Mass isn’t exactly exciting. Lots of kneeling and turning through pages of the Bible

looking for the scripture reference than when it’s finally found, the priest is done. Looking around, the seats were

filled. I stood in the back, leaning against the wall and listened. It was a bit warm, but with a full house like this,

the church probably turned the heat off. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I need to learn to relax. I

should have stayed home and taken a nap. Someone remind me why I’m here again? I’ll just close my eyes for a


Everyone started singing. Ironically everyone seemed to actually know the words to the song. It sounded like Joy

to the World sung by American Idol contestants. You know the ones they show in the tryouts. The ones so bad,

the network shows them on the edits to get more ratings. I think they were on the second verse. Hell, I didn’t

know that song had a second verse. I always thought the first verse was repeated. Damn it’s warm in here.

Looking around everyone was singing. Then I saw her, a woman, mid to late thirties staring at me. Not just the

spaced out stare everyone gets at some point, but a flat out stare. She was smiling. A sweet smile, the kind a gen-

tle old lady would give you, or the kind the big bad wolf gave little red riding hood before he tried to eat her. Her

smile was all sugar, but her eyes were full of menace. It was getting warmer. I could feel my heart speed up.

This is not good. Why the housewives God? I wonder what this soccer mom contracted her soul for.

The singing stopped and everyone took their seats, except for the lady staring at me smiling. She had on very nice

pea coat, long black hair, red lips, pale skin. At least this one was hot. Probably what she got out of her deal.

Not that demons or the demon-possessed rock my world in the sheets, but it gives one a second to pause to admire

the evil even though one doesn’t agree with it. There were a few murmurs around her. She turned her back to-

wards me and took her seat. This could be good. Maybe she will wait. Come on God, it’s Christmas. Leave the

innocents free of this.

Father Jonas mentioned something about the Blood of Christ and I saw people lining up for Communion. Perfect.

I could use a drink right now. The shit is going to be hitting the fan soon. A little bit of liquid bravery would be

nice. I walked up to Father Jonas. I looked at the woman who had smiled at me earlier as I walked by. She

smiled, but it wasn’t a, “welcome home honey,” smile. It was more of a, “I will rip your heart out with my teeth,”

sort of smile. That smile reminded me of my ex-girlfriend. Good times. I got up to Father Jonas. He gave me a

reproachful glare. He knew the look I had on my face. It meant trouble. I went to take the cup from him, when

he whispered into my ear.

“Rian my son, I know God has sent you here for a reason, only he knows why, but you cause any more trouble in

my church, I will kick your ass out of here myself,” he whispered quite calmly.

“Sure thing Padre,” I said snatching the cup out of his hand and draining its entire contents. A few people gasped.

An old man dressed in a suit he probably bought new 50 years ago sat in the front pew just shook his head at me

in disapproval. Oh well, can’t please everyone. Not that I even try.


I felt my blood go cold. It was the woman. At least she was a woman. From the sound of the voice coming from

her, I would bet that the demon inside her was pretty secure that he would be keeping his host. The sanctuary got

quiet. A few children started crying, unsure of what was going on. I could smell the frankincense incense very

well. Everything seemed to come into focus. Father Jonas said something to me, but I couldn’t hear him. I could

read his lips though. I hope I brought some back up. By back-up, he meant my second Sig. Nothing like cold

steel in my hands while fighting the spawns of hell.


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I turned toward the possessed. She wasn’t so pretty now. At first glance she reminded me of Jennifer Connolly,

now it was more like Jennifer Connolly after 10 years of hard meth use. Her arms looked bigger. Maybe it was

the wine. I doubted it, but it’s good to remain hopeful in dire situations. Everything around us was out of focus. I

could almost see people banging on the doors trying to get out. Apparently the demon didn’t want any witnesses.

It was a duel of some sorts. Not the western kind or the ones seen in martial arts films, but the dramatic element

was still there. The possessed ran towards me. I drew both my Sigs and ran towards her. Now this is what I call


“Come to Santa and get your presents bitch!” I shouted at her and opened fire. Halfway down the aisle, she dove

into the air toward me. I slide beneath her like a baseball player sliding into home, but not before feeling her razor

-like nails cut into my shoulder and part of my neck, and not to mention my forehead. I drop one of my guns and

felt were she cut me. Nothing to serious, no major arteries, the superhero is still able to fight. Go me. People

were shrieking behind me in fear. Looking at them, I could see their fear. I could even smell it. It was like a can-

cer, eating at them. Killing them and they didn’t even know it. I had to help them. The possessed would kill all

of them if I didn’t do something. There is one thing that I can count on when it comes to demons. Demons love to

kill. This one loved it. I could see her licking my blood of her nails. Since when was I put on the menu?

“How do I taste?” I asked trying to buy some time so I could formulate an outrageous plan to save the day.

“Tasty. I will have your heart. My master promised me that,” she said crouching low to the ground before spring-

ing into the air to land on the statue of the crucified Jesus above the alter.

A few prayers were heard at that point and I couldn’t blame them. I even thought about it myself. I backed up

and bumped into the stand holding the bowl of holy water. A prayer couldn’t hurt. Not that I am much of a pray-

ing man, this may change a few things. She flew into the air and landed on floor about 20 feet from me, and de-

stroying most of the pews in the back rows. She was partially erect while walking slowly toward me. I could hear

her bones cracking as she lumbered toward me. Yeah, a prayer doesn’t sound too bad right now. Not sure if you

hear my prayers God, but if you don’t, now would be a good time to start listening.

“Hail Mary, Mother full of grace, thy Lord is with you. Hail Mary walk with me. Guide my steps as you guided

your Son’s. Hail Mary, intercede on my behalf,” she was getting closer. She smelled like road-kill on a hot sum-

mer afternoon. Good thing I skipped dinner.

“Pray favor to the Lord for this wicked soul. Hail Mary, forgive me my fallen spirit. Grant me grace upon death

to see your glory. Hail Mary, guide my steps,” I dunked both of my guns into the bowl of holy water. Please

make this work.

“Make me your instrument against evil,” I prayed and made the sign of the cross with one of my guns.

Here is to not running out of ammo.

She lunged at me as I opened fire. Her body became riddled with ammo in mid-air. I dropped to the floor and

rolled out of the way as her body hit the wall and fell to the floor broken and still. My guns were still pointed at

her. They felt warm in my hands. Her body started to move. I dropped one gun to grab a clip I normally kept on

a strap around my right ankle. Shit. No clip. If she gets up, we are all in a world full of hurt. She started to rise

slowly. The demon controlled her body and most likely her mind.

That is when I saw it, the Mark of the Beast on her right hand. She served willingly. She is a confirmed Contrac-

tor. No longer speculation in my mind. What a shame. Hell, what a dumb-ass. She got up. I looked at the gun in

my left hand. It was jammed. Once I got it un-jammed, I realized I had one bullet left. Just one. The possessed

was standing. I was on my knees. I finished my prayer.


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“Showering your wrath and that of my Lords upon the unrepentant of this city,” I prayed louder now as I made the

sign of the cross with my other gun. Then fired.

The possessed head rocked back as my last bullet slammed into her forehead. She slid to the floor. A trail of

blood left on the wall as she fell. The demon left in a rush. Cold air rushed in as the doors to St. Mary’s opened


“Hail Mary, Mother, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Amen.”

I snapped to as I felt myself sliding against the wall. I must have fallen asleep. Looking around I realized a few

people were staring at me alarmingly. It hit me I had my Sig out. I put it away quickly and flashed a badge at

them. They smile politely as they went up to take communion. I smiled back and looked around. It was a good

night after all. No demons or demon possessed housewives, just people celebrating Christmas. I walked toward

the doors and looked back; it was just an uneventful Christmas Eve. Thank God for that. I’ll skip the communion

wine this year. I’m thinking that the world isn’t such a bad place after all.

Who am I kidding? It is bad. No need to worry though. I’m here. I may not be a saint, I am a sinner, but I will

protect you. I am your guardian angel. You will not always see me; you may pass me on the street and not realize

who or what I am. You will let me cut in line for the over-priced cup of coffee; you may even buy me the blueber-

ry scone because you think I am hungry. Just know that doing this, you are entertaining angels.

Entertaining Angels

© 2012 by Matthew Angelo

Matthew Angelo is a Photographer, Model, and Writer.!/home-2/

Photography: Jacque Russell, Jacque Russell Imagery


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Travis Hand is a developing Fashion & Portrait photographer working out of Central Nebraska. Self-taught and driven to succeed, he is

never satisfied nor content, constantly trying to improve his skill set. While maintaining a degree of realism, Travis strives to capture all

forms of beauty in his work and providing is clients with a compelling and truly unique image. 9

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“"I have always believed everyone's true colors can be shown through music. Whether it's with words or with just

a simple melody. And to the one playing, that melody can sound like it's coming out all wrong, but to others it

sounds like a beautiful song. The puddles from the rain on the ground help to symbolize to me that my melody

plays on through every storm and I will come out strong and beautiful as ever, as long as I stay on my path and

never give up." Sara Hartman

Model: Sara Hartman , Spokane, WA

Photography: Jesse Perez, Post Falls, ID

J. Perez Photography 10

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By Jaymie Dauterman

Born out of Chino California, Christy Lee Comrie (current lead singer for local country band County Line) moved

to Spokane Washington 5 years ago. Though she admits when growing up she could not carry a tune for the life of

her, she has always had a love for singing. First discovered on November 18, 2011, she was pulled up on stage by

her own dad at Big Als Country Club out in Post Falls Idaho and was not allowed off until she sang at least one

song. Safe to say she’s been hooked ever since.

With Loretta Lynn as her country music idol as well as her own parents, Christy is on a fast track to the top. After

moving to Nashville Tennessee in 2012, she was performing every Tuesday night at Fiddle and Steel there in

Printers Alley. “I was always backed up by some of the absolute best musicians I know that I can honestly call

friends.” Christy stated mentioning people like Dink Cook (Toby Keith’s bass player), Dave McAfee (Toby

Keith’s drummer/band leader), Craig Mattox (Joe Diffie's keyboard player), Drew Voivedich (Kellie Pickler's gui-

tar player), TJ Wilder (Josh Turner’s drummer), and Quinn Messier (Brett Eldridge's bass player) “Not to mention

the time Lee Brice was in the crowd!!!”

Since returning to Spokane, Christy has performed with many of the local country bands in the area. “The Last

Chance band are some of my best friends and I always am grateful when they pull me up to jam with them!” Be-

ing a solo artist, we asked Christy what it was like to perform with a band and she had this to say. “Performing

with a band is unlike anything else in the world!!! When you put a group of musicians together to perform as one

sole unit, the experience is indescribable! You feel the music more than you do playing solo because you feed off

of the emotions, lyrics, and energy of everyone else around you!”

Wanting to go as far as she can, Christy plans on sharing her music, lyrics and love of it with the world.

“Performing for people and seeing them not only enjoy my music, but seeing them make a connection with it is

why I do what I do and also why I love doing it. When someone can’t find the words to say and my songs can ex-

press the words they can’t seem to find, that’s when I know I have done my job as an artist.” To be able to do that

for the world and be a well known established country music artist is this girl’s main goal. CMAs, AMAs, CMTs,

are just a few award shows that she plans to be attending and receiving awards at in the future.

We asked Christy, if she could perform with any artist who would it be and hands down, Garth Brooks. “I grew up

listening to Garth and just admire his passion for music! When I was little my daddy would always wake up before

the crack of dawn to go to work and I’d wake up asking him to please not go and stay home to spend time with us

and he’d two step me back to sleep every time to Garth Brooks, put me back to bed, and head out to work. What

didn’t help is I’d even go around saying Garth was my daddy because him and my dad looked absolutely identical!

His music just has had such an influential part in my life that I would love to perform with him at some point in

my career.” Christy said, sharing with us a childhood memory.

Determined and passionate, Christy is also very wise. When asked what advice she would give to future artists,

she had this to say. “No is not an option! In the music business, there is always going to be someone better, some-

one more experienced, but guess what, there is only ONE you! There are 7.046 million people on this planet and it

only takes one to hear your voice to change your life. You have to push through all the “no’s” and “you don’t have

what it takes” and if you can make it out with your head held high after that then I can promise you…It WILL pay



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Specialties Include:

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" manifesting journeys -transforming self love and life style awareness"

Shaina Wolff


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[email protected] 14

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June’s featured fighter is Kong Yang. Kong is actually still

training to make his debut, but he is a good inspiration to fighters

wanting to start their journey.

“I started doing MMA 3 years ago. I was a heavy guy and I've

done everything to keep my weight down. I wanted to do some-

thing different so I met Mark McGlasson and we started training

together. He always beat me up and I hated that, so that made me

train harder everyday. Ever since then I stuck to it and here I am.

I go to his fights and I was his cornermen and that made me real-

ize how exciting this sport can be. I dream of myself fighting in

the cage one day.,” Kong told us.

I asked Kong about his goals, inspiration and routine and got this

as a reply, “ My goal is to train to be the best that I can be. To be

better than yesterday. My workout routine is mostly cardio 5

days a week. And I lift 3-4 days throughout the week. Fighters

that inspires me not just through UFC but Sparta Combat League

is Marcus "Bad Intentions" Edwards from Factory X. Dudes a

beast knocking guys out left to right, and he always puts on a ex-

citing fight. The other fighter is my teammate Mark McGlasson.

He introduced me to MMA and hes still guiding me with the skill

assets to become a fearless fighter once I step into the cage. “

You can follow Kong on facebook at:


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Misty Chapman is an amazing model and poet located in Wyoming. I have had the pleasure of chatting with her

extensively and interviewed her. The following is my interview with Misty:

ATG : Why did you want to be a model?

Misty: The camera is, and always has been, my escape. I feel free. Plus, it opens up discussion when used to mar-

ket an idea or belief. It's a form of art that can make you think.

How'd you get into modeling?

I guess I told my mom I wanted to try it when I was about two. She obliged. Haha, I don't remember.

What was your friends/family reactions when you first started?

I can honestly say I have the greatest support systems ever. There have been a few times where my images or

work weren't "approved of," but for the most part, the response has been wonderful.

Who were your inspirations/idols?

To be frank, I don't have any. I do whatever my creative side asks for. I looked up to Kate Moss and Elle Mac-

pherson when I was younger.

What were your biggest mistakes that you made then that you realize now?

Not jumping on opportunities when I had the chance! Oh my gosh I regret letting fear get the best of me!

What changes are you making as a model?

I'm trying very hard right now to branch out of boudoir and lingerie, and transition into catalog. I'm also trying to

take more of a firm stance on the causes I believe in, and showcase that in my work.

What are your goals as a model?

A cover and spread was one of them. Yay! Goal accomplished! I would really like to work a major campaign, as

well as shoot album art. I have to say it would be nice to be able to quit my day jobs too, haha. No lie.

What's your greatest achievements as a model?

I'm most proud of the diversity of my work. I've done everything from major hair shows with Frederic Fekkai and

Big Sexy Hair, to national publication with OYE Magazine, to important nationwide promotional events like Rock

The Vote. My work is all over. I'm proud of that.

Who are your favorite people to work with?

I can't pick a favorite! I've been lucky to work with great people!

Who would you never work with again?

I'm blessed to not have an answer for that.


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What do you want your legacy to be?

My legacy's name is Xaden. As long as he remembers me fondly, with love in his heart, and I leave a little better

world for him to live in, that's enough for me.

What advice would you give new models?

BE ON TIME! No, seriously. That's huge. Also, have fun with what you do,and never take yourself or anyone

else too seriously. Take chances, love your life. Smile big, laugh hard, and remember your manners. Not every-

one will like you, and that's okay, but don't give anyone a legitimate reason not to like working with you. Diva is

a don't. Most of all though, don't lose sight of who you are. Yes, shooting nude pays, but that doesn't mean it's

for everyone. You will always have to face yourself at night, so remember that at every job. It's okay to say no.

It's always better to have work you're proud of, than have work you feel ashamed over, even if it doesn't pay as


Misty not only models well, but writes excellent poetry, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. The following is a

Good Morning Oh, dear life we meet again

Your sunshine kiss across my lips

The way the wind, just brushed my skin

And across my fingertips

I know today not what you bring

Or where my sights may fall

I only hope for peace and love

Not an answer to it all

So if this day a trial comes

A quiet empty chair

Is all I ask for to ease the pain

And serenity in prayer

Unspeakable I wish that I could tell you

Exactly how I feel

How I've never lost this much

Or felt a pain so real

That every waking moment

I wish for your embrace

And dreams are no relief

When they all contain your face

An explosion of emotions

So chaotic in my heart

That loathes when we're together

And hates when we're apart

I swear sometimes I hear you

Like a whisper in the wind

Or feel your touch upon me

Tingling my skin

I see things from our life together

And it only makes me cry

They echo broken promises

"I'll love you 'til I die"

I meant every word of that

Still do to this day

Wishing I could tell you

Not knowing what to say

Abusive Relationship

There was a very fierce man

Who didn't like 'no, thank you'

Strong as you will

And sharp as your skill

His resolve would always shake you

There was a very fierce man

Who wouldn't take the shake of your head

Much as you try

And hard as you cry

You would always do as he said

There was a very fierce man

Who convinced the strongest of hearts

Ignore him for hours

Use all of your powers

But he was just too smart

There was a very fierce man

Who locked up all those near him

Scream and shout

Fight your way out

Your struggling didn't deter him

There was a very fierce man

Who would cut all of your connections

Even a best friend

Became a dead in

He'd always limit affections

There was a very fierce man

Who forgot to watch one day

As one single girl

Snuck out of his world

And cautiously wandered away

She left this very fierce man

To talk to someone who cared

She was amazed and confused

By the way she was used

To do things she wouldn't have dared

So she went back to the very fierce man

To give him the knowledge she'd found

Steady and firm

She'd come to terms

With why he'd had her bound

The girl stood up to the very fierce man

Knowing that today was the day

She let him drown

Then flushed him down

Releasing her addiction she walked away...... 19

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Misty also has an awesome model portfolio viewable at

The following is a small sample of it:

Photography by:

Matt Costa


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Photography by:

Jon Medel


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Photography by:

Michael Hatcher


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Photography: Jacque Russell, Jacque Russell Imagery


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Like all other states, Wyoming has

its fair share of nerds. Don’t be

fooled, nerds can be and are sexy!

Model - Casey Legler

Facebook Page- Casey Dawn

Twitter- @kclegler

Instagram- kclegler

Photographer- Michael Hatcher

Facebook page - Michael Hatcher


Instagram- michaelhatcherphotog-



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Model: Dawn Lynette



(top): C Lamorn Photography


(right): J Parker Photography


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Models: Misty Chapman, Matthew Angelo, Sara Har tman, Tifa Smiles, Casey Legler , Dawn Lynette

Photographers: Matt Costa, Jacque Russell, Travis Hand, Jesse Perez, Phillip Harnden, Jon Medel, Mi-

chael Hatcher, C Lamom Photography, J Parker Photography

Writers: Abel Carv, Matthew Angelo, Misty Chapman, Jaymie Dauterman, Phillip Harnden

Fighters: Kong Yang

Musicians: Christy Lee Comrie

Advertisers: One Way or Another Remodeling, Ben 10 Computers, OneLove Wellness Company, Legal


Staff: Abel Carv, Anthony Aguir re, Jacque Russell, and Jaymie Dauterman

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© 2014 ATG Productions

Prepared by MagCloud for Abel Carv. Get more at