Download - African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Page 1: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

African Americans Demand Civil Rights

Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Page 2: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Lesson Objective:

Analyze the rise of the civil rights movement in America.

Page 3: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Prior Knolwedge 1. When the Civil War began, what was Abraham Lincoln's main goal?

A. To free the slaves B. To punish the South C. To restore the Union D. To bring an end to the war

2. During Reconstruction, African Americans obtained the majority of their educational services from

A. Radical Republicans.

B. African-American churches. C. Andrew Johnson's administration. D. the Ten Percent plan. 

3. Ultimately, the Reconstruction period creates

A. an understanding between Southern and Northern citizens. B. a South where African-Americans had many economic and political

opportunities. C. a system to fairly redistribute land amongst whites and blacks in the

South. D. a feeling of resentment in the South that leads to the denial of civil and

political rights for African-Americans.

Page 4: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

The Beginning of the Civil Rights Era

The escape from the South and the Harlem Renaissance gave many African Americans a sense of hope

WWII proved to many African Americans that they were just as capable as white Americans and deserved to be treated with respect and dignity

WWII also gave white Americans a chance to work directly with African Americans, some for the first time

African Americans faced discrimination in the defense industry

Page 5: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

The Beginning of the Civil Rights Era

Nearly a million African American men fought in WWII

A. Philip Randolph threatened President Roosevelt with a million man march in Washington D.C. if the Government did not allow African Americans to work in Defense factories

It worked! Over a million African

American men and women worked in the Defense plants for the first time, earning a good wage

Describe FDR’s dilemma (tough decision)


Page 6: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Life During World War II More African Americans

continued leaving the South

Blacks could not fight along white soldiers

Performed labor tasks

Cooks Transportation Construction laundry

The war was about freedom and democracy, and when these men came back, that is what they wanted and expected

What role did african American soldiers have during WWII?

The Tuskegee Airmen

Page 7: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

You know we don’t serve coloreds here, the man repeated… We ignored him, and just stood there inside the door, staring at what we had come to see – the German prisoners of war who were having lunch at the counter… We continued to stare. This was really happening. This was no jive talk. The people of Salina would serve these enemy soldiers and turn away black American G.I.’s.

Page 8: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Double V Campaign

Still faced discrimination in the Armed Services and defense jobs

1 million served in the armed forces during WWII

2 million worked in defense industries

AA newspapers proposed the “Double V” campaign

V for Victory against Germany

V for Victory in the struggle for equality

Analyze the purpose of the Double V campaign

Page 9: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Truman Responds AA’s pushed for equal opportunities in

military and in jobs

Met with Pres. Truman to make demands

Truman proposes civil rights measures, but Congress rejected them

Truman used an executive order to force desegregation of all armed forces in 1948

What is desegregation?

Predict the impact desegregation will have on the military.

President Truman

Page 10: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.
Page 11: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Jackie Robinson breaks the Color Barrier in Baseball

The manager of the Dodgers tested Robinson to see how he would respond to insults and threats

“Mr. Rickey, do you want a ballplayer who’s afraid to fight back?” “No, I want a player with guts enough not to fight back.”

Rookie of the year – 1947

MVP – 1949

Explain Jackie Robinson’s impact on American society.

Jackie Robinson – Promising college athlete and WWII Veteran

Page 12: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.


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Page 13: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.
Page 14: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

The Picture of Racism: Emmet Till

Page 15: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Acceptance of the KKK in American Society

Page 16: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.
Page 17: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

From Pride to ActionThe Beginning of the Civil Rights Era

Under the inspiration of Martin Luther king, Jr. Non-Violent protest becomes the defining tactic in the Civil Rights Era

The idea of non-violence is to prove to the nation and the world that your cause is just

His message preached love, not hate, to get white America on the side of African Americans

Page 18: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

REVIEW 11.10.1

Which president banned discrimination in the “defense” industries?

Which president end discrimination in the military?

What was the Double V campaign?

What was the impact Jackie Robinson left in the sports world?

Page 19: African Americans Demand Civil Rights Objective 11.10.1 Summarize the rise of the civil rights movement.

Analyze the rise of the civil rights movement in America.

Summarize each of the pushes for Civil Rights in 2-3 sentences