Download - AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Page 1: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.


Western African Kindoms

Ghana First Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade

Why was salt more valuable than Gold?

Ghana was made up of villagers and towns surrounding the largest Civilization of Soninke People.

By 800s A.D. The people of West Africa were unified. Became known as Ghana.

Page 2: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Center of Ghana was the Capital,

Located at the point where the

Senegal and Niger Rivers ConnectKindom Lasted Until 1050 Almoravids took over

Almoravids Islamic traders of Northern Africa

Eventually Ghana was totally

taken over by the Kingdom of


RELIGION OF ISLAM Founded in Mecca 620 A.D.


Founded by Muhammed

Page 3: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

IN THE BEGINNING Muhammed was visited by the archangel Gabriel

Gabriel Visited Muhammed Each Time giving him more of the

Hundreds of Times groundwork for the religion Gabriel Wanted Muhammed to


Islam in Mecca. Where is Mecca?

Beliefs and Practices of Islam Five Pillars of Islam

1. You must recite the Holy Vow that Allah is your only God

2. Pray Five Times Daily Facing Mecca

3. Make the Great Hajj once in your Lifetime

Page 4: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

4. Give Alms to the Poor

5. Fast during the Daylight hours of Ramadan

Analogy; The Five Pillars are to Islam that ________ is to Christianity and Judaism?

Other Beliefs and Practices:

No Pork

No Dancing unless Cerimonial or Traditional

No Music unless Cerimonial or Traditional

Man can have four wivesKoran The Holy Book of Islam

Holy Cities Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.

Page 5: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Muhammad Attempts to Establish Islam

Until the late 500s people were polytheistic.

worshipped idols that could be

purchased in the marketplaceMerchants made a great profit from selling idolsWhat would happen if Muhammad was successful in establishing Islam?Muhammad begins to spread Islam Late 500s.

Merchants Become very unhappy with Muhammad

band together against him.

Muhammad Flees to Medina 200 miles north of Mecca

Page 6: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

In Medina Muhammad builds an army, and establishes thousands of followers.

travels back to Mecca in 620s

and conquers Mecca.

Kingdom of Mali

Mali Absorbed the People of Ghana

Greatest Kingdom under Mansa Musa 1307-1337

Page 7: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Mansa Musas Kingdom Islamic

100,000 Men in Standing Army

Rich in Gold

Musa made the Great Hajj

The Hajj 60,000 people

500 slaves

30,000lbs of Gold

Page 8: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

First Stop Egypt.

Problem with the Sultan

Sultan wanted him to bow to him

Musa was a great king and would not bow to anyone.

Compromise Both agreed to bow to Allah

Page 9: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Mansa Musa continued on to Mecca

he and his followers stayed for two years

On the way back through Egypt Sultan charged him a Toll again.

Musa was out of GoldSultan agreed to let Musa go back to Mali to get the goldCharged him 177% Interest

Page 10: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Exploration of Africa Begins with Portugal

Prince Henry of Portugal

Set up a school for navigators during the 1400s

Portugal first to explore the west coast of Africa

1488 Bartholomew Diaz first to attempt to round the Cape of Good Hope and sail to IndiaWas unable to complete the trip

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1498 Vasco Da Gama

First to make the whole trip

Opened up Africa for Exploration by other countries

European Countries Explored the African Coast throughout the 1400s-1500s

European countries set up trade ports all along the West Coast

Page 12: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Major Result of European Exploration

1. Exploration of Interior Africa

2. African Slave Trade

Two Types of Slavery

1.Internal Slavery

2.External Slavery

Internal Slavery Africans enslaving Africans

Usually prisoners of war were enslaved

Page 13: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Africans treated their slaves well. Their slaves were given time to work for other people and buy their freedom.

External Slavery Foreigners enslaving Africa

Arab Traders were the first to buy African SlavesEventually Europeans would begin trading slaves.

Page 14: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Causes Need for Cheap Labor in Spanish and British Colonies of North and South America

First African Slaves came to the Spanish Colonies in South Americas during the middle 1500s

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It would not start in the British colonies of North America until the 1600s.Over 50 million slaves were taken out of Africa from 1500s – 1800s

It would not be until countries such as Britain and the U.S. outlawed slavery, that the trade ended in the 1800s

Page 16: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Results of the Slave Trade

1.Loss of Life

2.Decline in Population

3.Increased Warfare

4.Loss of Stability

5.Loss of HeritageLoss of Life Out of the 50

million slaves taken out of Africa less than 15 million survived the trek out to the coast or the voyage on the ship overseas.

Page 17: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Decline in Population

Removal of generations of young africans from their villages. Entire villages disappeared. Drastic decline in population of Africa.

Increased Warfare African tribes went to war with eachother in order to gain prisoners of war, to then sell into slavery.

Loss of Stability African Kingdoms disappeared

Loss of Heritage Those slaves taken to other lands eventually lost touch with their African Heritage

Page 18: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

European Exploration of Interior Africa

Began as the Slave Trade was ending in the Mid 1800s.

Missionaries and Adventurers were the first to begin Exploration

Dr. David Livingstone Started his career as a missionary for the London Missionary Society.

He set out in the Middle 1800s to explore and make maps of East/S.E. Africa.

Page 19: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

He explored Northward to Kenya and Tanzania

Discovered and Named Lake Victoria and Victoria Falls

1860s He disappeared

Henry Morton Stanley was sent to find himHe was a News Paper Reporter for the New York Post.

He was also a follower of Livingstone.

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Found Livingstone Sick but alive in Ujiji

Living with CanibalsStanley approached Livingstone as he walked

toward him down a line of Natives. When he was finally standing in front of him, he addressed him saying, “ Dr. Livingstone I presume?” “ I am happy to see you” Dr. Livingstone replied, “ I am happy to be alive to be seen.” Stanley spent

several months with Livingstone, learning how Livingstone made such accurate maps

Page 21: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Livingstone sent Stanley off to explore, using Livingstones maps.

Livingstone died soon after. The tribe he lived with cut out his heart and buried it under a tree.

They then carried Livingstone to the coast where a ship took him back to Scotland.

He is buried in Westminster Abbey.

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Stanley Sets out to be an Explorer

Explores area of what is now Congo Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo

Makes very accurate maps as Livingstone did.

King Leopold II of Belgium

Hires Stanley to Finish exploring the Congo Region and Make friends with the natives

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K.L. II takes over the Congo

Creates the Congo Free State

People of the Congo Free State were enslaved by Stanley and King LeopoldSlaves made to build a railroad out to the coast and work in the minesDuring the late 1800s the slaves revolted.

Revolt was crushed by Leopold’s men.

Page 24: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Word Spreads of Leopolds treatment of the People of the Congo

Belgian gov assumes control over the Congo Free State

This was the first of many territories taken over by European Countries.

Imperialism When one country takes over another politically, socially and economically

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European Imperialism Begins in the 1800s

Continues until Mid 1900s

Largest Imperializing Nations






Time Period Known as the Race for Africa

European countries competed for Territories in Africa

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Africa was divided up into 53 different Territories

By 1911 there were two nations left that were independent of European ControlEuropean Reasons for Imperialism

Economic Europeans needed raw materials to fuel the industrial revolution

Political Nationalism. Countries boosted their prestige by

gaining territory

Social Many European Nations felt

superior to other cultures.

Felt it was their duty to take over

other lands and spread Christianity

Page 27: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.

Positive and Negative Effects of Imperialism on Africa

Positive Effects Medicine and HealthAgriculture

Transportation and Communication


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Page 29: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.
Page 30: AFRICA Western African Kindoms GhanaFirst Major Kindom in Western Africa Controlled the Gold and Salt Trade Why was salt more valuable than Gold? Ghana.