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2. Afghanistan a country located insouthwestern Asia Capital Is Kabul 3. The country is divided into 34 provinces"states 4. Area : 650,000 5. The Afghan National FlagDarkness Civil war & The time for peace And invasions And development 6. MR. Karzai president and head of the nation 7. Religion:98 % Muslims 2 % Sikhs 8. Population : 35 MillionPashtunsHazaraUzbeks 9. Population consists ofTajiksAimaqBalochs 10. Sikhs 11. Type of GovernmentThe form of Government is PresidentialThere is a legislature to pass and make laws Parliament 12. Afghan constitution is the followedversion of 1870s and 1923, with alittle changes Approved and enactedin January-2004.The Constitution has 160 articles 13. Afghan Parliament Called The National Assembly of AfghanistanLower houseUpper house 14. Lower house/house of thepeople It has got 250 members 15. Upper house/house ofeldersIt has got 102 seats ,its members are called Senates 16. The Currency is called Afghani 17. Languages spoken are:1.Pashto2.Dari Persian3.TajikiThe official Languages4.Uzbekiare5.TurkumaniPashto and Dari6.Balochi 18. First Afghan in space1988 19. Afghans drive on the ride side of theroad. Since 1955 20. Afghanistan has got a police forceof 126,000 21. 30% are Women in Police force 22. Afghanistan has got 200,000 soldiers in National Army 23. Afghan Police Cars 24. Air Force 25. Education 49% of population is educated Article 43 of the Afghan Constitution Education freefrom kindergarten to Degree.Entrance age to school is 612 year school4 year DegreeAfter Degree people have to pay for their education. 26. 42,Private and Government universitiesare there in Afghanistan 27. 21% of women are educated 28. 51% of men are educated in Afghanistan 29. Smile for happy future 30. 20,Million of people have access to mobiles and telephones6Networks operate 31. Only 25% of the people have access to the internet. 32. The winter is bitter cold and summer isvery hot. 33. Afghanistan Exports 34. Badam,/almonds also make the biggest portion of Afghan exports 35. 5% of exports makes Crops 36. Copper, Gas, Coal, Precious stonesAnd other natural elements are beingExported to regional countries 37. Afghanistan exports wool, and pure silk 38. 45% of the exports makes Carpetsand Rugs. $326 Million is income 39. Dress CultureNational Dress for Women 40. PAIZAAR DRESS 41. Wearing Turban and hat is cultural 42. Turbans 43. Afghans got sports talents almost in all sportsKarate 44. National football Teams Ladies and Gents 45. Afghan National Cricket Team 46. Sports 47. Mountaineers 48. Body Builders 49. Developments during the last 10 year around thecountry.Night view of the a part of the capital 50. A Mall called Kabul City Center with 100 stores 51. Shir dil plaza , with more than250 stores ,East Afghanistan 52. Spin-Ghar Oilfactory 53. Afghan foods 54. Afghan Kabab 55. Bread 56. Thank youOne and All