
Spring 2012


Inside this issue:

Message from Affiliate Chair 1

Deborah Borda gets award 1

The Mahler Project 2

Upcoming LA Phil Projects 2


Fundraising Workshop 4

Scott Showalter appointed

Vice-Pres. of Development


Speakers Bureau working with Music Mobile™



Affiliates Presidents/ Coordinators Meeting


Affiliates Invitational Rehearsal 2011


Affiliate Endowment Rehearsal


Symphonies for Schools 7

Membership Workshop 7

Encore 8

Committee Reports 8-14

Philharmonic Friends 14

Crescendo ~ Meet with Rich Capparela!


Spring 2012 Published by

Los Angeles



151 South Grand Avenue

Los Angeles 90012


Melanie Sanguinet Manager, Volunteer Activities



Email Address

[email protected]

Affiliates Online at:

The Web site includes:

√ Master Calendar

√ Committee Pages

√ Affiliates NEWS

√ Music Mobile™

Aida Gaona, Chair Gary Hollander, Editor

With great admiration and heartfelt gratitude I applaud the Affiliate Team for all its accomplishments in the last few months. Your expertise, dedica-tion and passion in planning very successful Affiliate events and coping with the most challenging times with grace, inspires and amazes me.

Continuing our commitment to the implementation of the Affiliate six-year Strategic Plan is an ongoing process. Thanks to Mary Deissler, Director, Campaign and Special Initiatives and her staff, along with Sheri Gill coor-dinating the event, for spearheading a fabulous Fundraising Workshop that surpassed our expectations. It was a true Affiliate/LAPA partnership.

The Affiliates started off the 2012 year with a much needed and anticipat-ed Membership Workshop. We were fortunate to experience the expertise of three panelists who addressed new ways to attract and retain new members and at the same time learned the demographics of today’s vol-unteers. Thanks to Marilyn Kezirian and Kathie Dagermangy for organiz-ing this unique and informative workshop.

Let’s continue the momentum and enthusi-asm for the balance of the year by devoting our energies on the ongoing projects that are designed to further our mission of sup-porting our world class orchestra and its education programs.

With utmost gratitude,

Aida Gaona


Aida Gaona

Deborah Borda was honored by Jacaranda, “music at the edge,” with The Forte Award at a party Saturday, January 21st in recognition of her championship of new music. Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky presented the award, citing Deborah’s outstanding leadership and the high number of 20th and 21st century works in the next LA Phil season. Also honored was the distinguished violinist Movses Pogossian (husband of our own violinist Varty Manouelian). Jacaranda is noted for its “cutting edge” performances of centuries-old music programmed with un-forgettable new music, played by brilliant musicians. Photo by Nicole Greenberg


Spring 2012


The Mahler Project—A Symphonic Cycle for the New World, Jan13-Feb 18, 2012


The LA Phil continues its extraordinary, land-

mark season with highlights including:

The Mahler Project: January and February 2012 features The Mahler Project, a milestone celebra-tion commemorating the centennial of Gustav Mah-ler’s death and a multinational partnership between the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Vene-zuela and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. The pro-ject presents Gustavo Dudamel with the monumen-tal task of conducting all nine of Mahler’s sympho-nies in both Los Angeles and Caracas, Venezuela.

Take A Stand: A partnership between the LA Phil, the Longy School of Music, and Bard College, this is an innovative initiative that supports social change through music. Inspired by El Sistema, Take A Stand supports national conferences and a Master of Arts in Teaching in Music degree program.

The inaugural Take A Stand symposium, Janu-ary 30-February 1, focuses on driving the El Sistema movement forward. Three hundred at-tendees from 10 countries and 22 states have reg-istered to attend.

Mozart/Da Ponte Trilogy: Music Director Gustavo Dudamel has chosen icons from the worlds of ar-chitecture and fashion to stage one Mozart/Da Pon-te opera each year over the next three years. The first of the series, Don Giovanni, will debut this May and will feature set designs by Frank Gehry and costumes by the Rodarte designers. Much as Mozart and Da Ponte defined their own historical time and continue to influence our own, the LA Phil has turned to the artists of our time, who have shaped our contemporary landscape, to realize a Mozart-Da Ponte Trilogy for the 21st century.

Join in all of these exciting events!


Spring 2012


A contingent of LA Phil Affiliates had the pleasure of visiting the site of YOLA@HOLA on December 5th. Present were Affiliate Chair Aida Gaona, Barbara Camilleri, President Margie Baker, Judy Munro, Charlotte Harvey and Glenda Burnett. They gathered in the general office building to view the administration of the HOLA activities. Then they proceeded to the adjoining school and were met by Dan Berkowitz, YOLA Manager, who escorted them on a most interest-ing tour of YOLA@HOLA in action. He explained YOLA’s goals, the process of choosing children and YOLA’s leading role in promoting youth or-chestras in the US, based on Venezuela’s El Sistema.

For over two hours they visited classrooms where they observed 30+ wind instrument students practicing Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony for an

upcoming performance. They saw the 1st and 2nd grade violinist and violists initially practicing their fingering “in the air.” Playing on the actual strings would come later. Other students were in choral rehearsal for a Christmas program and the rest were doing their homework. All in all it was a huge hive of activity.

In anticipation of finding volunteers to assist the staff on a regular basis, Glenda Burnett, YOLA Liaison for the Affiliates, encourages everyone to take the opportunity to not only see a program of the YOLA orchestra, but to observe the process of reaching the goal by visiting the HOLA site. Contact Melanie Sanguinet for further infor-mation, [email protected] . Glenda Burnett


Free Neighborhood Concert

LA Phil’s El Sistema-inspired YOLA join forces with members of the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela on Monday,

January 30, 2012, at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

Joshua Dos Santos, Dudamel Fellow (above) conducted the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela.

Other pieces were performed by the YOLA Honors Orchestra, joined by members of the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela,

conducted by Bruce Kiesling (YOLA Conductor).

December 5th, 2011, visit to YOLA (l-r) Margie Baker, Judy Munro, Barbara Camilleri, Valley CommitteeS

President; Charlotte Harvey, Aida Gaona, Affiliate Chair, Glenda Burnett, YOLA Liaison


Spring 2012

The Los Angeles Philharmonic Affiliates recently presented a groundbreaking Fundraising Workshop from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Choral Hall, WDCH.

"Learn the Secrets of Successful Fundraising" was planned by Mary Deissler, Interim Vice Pres-ident of Development for the Los Angeles Philharmonic Associa-tion, in cooperation with Affiliate Chair Aida Gaona, and Fundrais-ing Coordinator, Sheri Gill.

Mary Deissler began the event with a PowerPoint presentation on the basics of successful fund-raising and how to achieve your numerical goal.

Nine colleagues from LA Phil's Development Department were then assigned to be a mentor to one of the 16 LA Phil Affiliate Committees. Breakout Sessions with the individual mentors en-sued, with discussion on how the LA Phil could help committees reach their individual fundraising goals. A salad and dessert buffet fol-

lowed, concluding with presenta-tions from the breakout sessions, reporting on what specific ideas committees could use. All agreed that the workshop was a unique, worthwhile, and motiva-tional experience. Sheri Gill



(l-r) Aida Gaona, Mary Deissler, Sheri Gill

Members enjoying lunch

(l-r) Ursula Krummel, Women's Committee, Malorie Barbee, LA Phil mentor, Women's & Long Beach Auxiliary Committees; Sunny Meylor, Long Beach Auxiliary Committee;

Carole McCormac, Long Beach

Deborah Borda, President, Los An-

geles Philharmonic Association,

recently announced, “I am delight-

ed to announce the appointment of

Scott Showalter as our new Vice

President for Development. Prior to

joining the LA Phil, he was the As-

sociate Vice President, Alumni Re-

lations and Development at the

University of Chicago and the As-

sociate Dean for External Relations

and Chief Development Officer for

Stanford Law School. With almost

20 years’ experience in major insti-

tutional fundraising, I am delighted

to note that he has raised stellar

amounts of money in his career

including a 250 million dollar capital

campaign at Stanford Law School.

Scott is a graduate of Stanford, re-

ceived his M.B.A from the UCLA

Anderson School of business and

loves California. In addition he is an

accomplished pianist and a tri-

athlete—so we know he’ll have the

stamina for what we need him to

do! Those who interviewed him

were impressed by his intelligence,

energy, keen strategic abilities and

his track record. Please join me in

welcoming him to the LA Phil fami-


He began on January 23rd.

Scott Showalter appointed new Vice-President of Development

Scott Showalter

(above) Most Development staff members were assigned as committee mentors: Aida Gaona and Sheri Gill in front center, Mary

Deissler, back row 3rd from left, Melanie Sanguinet, back row immediate left, Sharlene

Eusebio front row immediate right


Spring 2012



The LA Phil Affiliates are members of the Association of Major Symphony Orchestra Volunteers (AMSOV) and hosted them in Los Angeles for their Spring 2012 board meeting the first weekend in February.

Board members enjoyed a backstage tour of Walt Disney Concert Hall, led by Speakers Bureau member Gary Campbell, on February 3rd. (left to right) Charles Cagle, Nashville Symphony Orchestra; Deborah Brown, Dallas Symphony Orchestra; Arlyss Burkett, Los Angeles Philharmonic; Helen Shaffer, Houston Sym-phony; Marjorie Saulson, Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Mary de Tray, National Symphony Orchestra (Washington, D.C.); Sally Bullard, The Philadelphia Orchestra; Mike Minor, Kansas City Symphony; and Iris Harvie, The Cleveland Orchestra.

The next AMSOV Conference will be held in Kansas City, May 15-18, 2013. Arlyss Burkett


The Speakers Bureau continues its mission of talks about WDCH and the Hollywood Bowl to various visiting groups. November found many members giving tours of the Hollywood Bowl in conjunction

with Music Mobile™ and a WDCH backstage tour for the New Members Symposium. Margo Penney


Spring 2012



(l-r) Aida Gaona, Affiliate Chair, Mitch Newman, violinist, Alicia Maniatakis, Event co-chair

Janet Ceske, Event co-chair

At our annual Invitational Rehearsal on October 28th in Walt Disney Concert Hall we had a fabulous attend-ance of 275 Affiliates! We elatedly changed the date to accommodate Maestro Dudamel’s performance schedule! He conducted Richard Goode playing Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20 and Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustra. Gustavo acknowledged the audience and expressed accolades for the work and enthusiasm of the Affiliates, a wonderfully appreciated recognition.

David Bohnett, Chairman of the Board for the Philharmonic, welcomed everyone with anecdotes about the orchestra. Our own Mitch Newman, first violinist for the Phil, spoke of his career with the Philharmonic and, as a special treat, performed. As Affiliates, we especially enjoy the opportunity to meet the musicians who accepted the invitation to join us after their rehearsal and hope to encourage even greater future participa-tion.

We thank Rob Carson and Patina for the lovely luncheon and accommodations, Melanie Sanguinet and Sharleen Eusebio for all their assistance with every Affiliate activity, and our fearless leader, Aida Gaona. We extend special thanks for the trips to the Flower Mart to secure the beautiful orchid centerpieces and the successful silent auction addition to our luncheon.

Hope you didn’t miss the opportunity.

Janet Ceske and Alicia Maniatakis, Affiliate Co-chairs

David Bohnett, Chairman of the Board

for the Philharmonic

Ricardo Gaona and wife Aida (Affiliate Chair)

with two representatives from Turkish Airlines. Affiliates in Walt Disney Concert Hall prepare for the concert


Spring 2012

The Los Angeles Philharmonic Affil-iates held a Membership Workshop on Tuesday, January 31, 2012, in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion for all Affiliates and their guests.

The topic, “How to attract and retain new members in our committees,” was unquestionably of great inter-est to everyone in attendance.

The featured speaker, Scott Mory, Esq., CEO USC Alumni Associa-tion, University of Southern Califor-nia, was followed by distinguished panelists: Michelle Kezirian, Esq., Directing Attorney, Bet Tzedek Legal Services and Past President, Junior League of Los Angeles; and Cathe-rine Barnes, Human Resources Consultant, Two Streams, LLC.

The Affiliates and panelists identi-fied, discussed and found solutions to their concerns as they learned the demographics of today’s volun-teers. Following the panelists’ presentations, round table discus-sions brought the Membership Workshop to a successful conclu-sion. Marilyn Kezirian



On December 8, 2011, our Affiliates group enjoyed our Philharmonic in rehearsal. The wonderful pro-gram,"The Hollywood Sound,” was part of Pacific Standard Time, a cultural collaboration initiated by the Getty. The conductor, Thomas Wil-kins, joined us at intermission and spoke about music’s importance to cinema.

Additionally, 400 students from the downtown area filed silently into the Terrace section. It was rewarding to see the rapt attention on these young faces and their obvious

pleasure in what they were seeing and hearing, often for the first time.

The rehearsal reflected well on the great contributions of motion picture scores created in L.A.

The Affiliates Endowment Rehears-al is available once each year for those contributing $100 or more to the Fund between October 1 and September 30 of the following year. Contributions are cumulative and allow the donor and a guest to at-tend. Thank you for your support! Vickie Pushee



Affiliate Chair, Aida Gaona, with

Conductor Thomas Wilkins

All members of the Affiliates were mailed Symphonies for Schools invitations and sign up sheets in January. This will be an outstand-ing year for the thousands of stu-dents who will attend the WDCH concerts.

Both new and experienced Affili-ate volunteers are needed during March 6, 7, 8, 9 at WDCH to help insure that our elementary and secondary students have a won-derful experience hearing Gustav

Holst's The Planets.

On Tuesday, February 28, at 10:00 A.M., the Affiliate Symphonies for Schools volunteers are invited to a very special “Orientation Get-together” at WDCH. We promise a worthwhile and very enjoyable time, both for new and returning Sympho-nies for Schools volunteers. At the end of our Get-together, there will be a backstage tour of WDCH for those interested.

All volunteers will receive compli-

mentary parking for Feb. 28, March 6-9, attendance at the concert on the day(s) they volunteer, a vouch-er for 2 seats to the Hollywood Bowl, and most of all, the knowledge that they helped make the day very special for so many students in our communities!!

For more information and/or another sign up sheet, please contact DeAnne Hayes, Coordinator, at 818-762-9470, or [email protected]. Deanne Hayes

(l-r) Aida Gaona, Affiliate Chair Marilyn Kezirian, Co-Coordinator

Membership Scott M. Mory, Esq., Speaker

Katherine Dagermangy, Co-Coordinator Membership

(l-r) Michelle Kezirian, Esq, Panelist

Catherine Barnes, Panelist


Spring 2012



We began 2012 with January’s luncheon speaker, eminent com-poser David Lefkowitz, whose compositions have been played internationally. He demonstrated how a composer composes!

On February 9th, renowned cellist Ralph Kirshbaum, artistic direc-tor of the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival, is our luncheon guest at Kendall’s, giving us in-sights on his forthcoming WDCH concert and chamber performanc-es with the LA Philharmonic.

On March 8th, our guest speak-er is acclaimed film composer, and conductor David Newman, who has planned a very special program for the attendees, demonstrating the art of film composition and comparison with pure classical music com-position. In 2007, he was elected

president of The Film Music Soci-ety.

Our fundraising soiree on May 19 features an outstanding quartet of LA Phil musicians, First Violinist Camille Avellano, Second Violinist Jin-Shan Dai, Violist Dana Hansen, and Cellist

Barry Gold.

We invite all Affiliate Commit-tees to attend these regular luncheon meetings at $50 per per-son per luncheon and our fund-raising soiree at $150 per person. There is limited seating available.

For invitations and further in-formation about our upcoming events, including the fundrais-ing soiree, contact Gary Hol-

lander at [email protected].

All net proceeds from our events benefit the Philharmonic’s Music Library. Gary Hollander


Erika Riley's beautifully decorated San Marino home provided the perfect setting for Encore's annual Holi-day Tea. A tall Christmas tree covered with elegant ornaments greeted members as they arrived in the entry hall, and Santa Clauses from Erika's collection were seen throughout. The dining table was a feast for the eyes as guests filled their plates with tea sandwiches and other savories, as well as cookies, candies, and scones with jams and cream. All the delicious items were made by the current board members—some of the recipes being drawn from editions of “Encore Eats,” an annual compilation put together by Joy McCarthy of the superb foods pre-pared by board members for Encore gatherings. Past presidents poured tea, coffee, and an occasional Kahlua! The sounds of Christmas carols and other classical pieces could be heard throughout the dining and living rooms in lovely arrangements that added to the holiday spirit, provided by guitarist Kevin Philip Nash. Animated conversation filled the rooms as members enjoyed visiting and wishing one another happy holidays. Louise Peebles, Encore

Past Affiliate Committee Presidents are invited to join Encore and expand contact with the LA Philharmonic Association and Affiliates.

(l-r) Joan Callanan, Encore Chairman; Erika Riley, Hostess and Encore 2001-2002 Chairman; Kevin Nash, Guitarist; Marie Stiebing, Co-Holiday Tea Chair; Juanita O'Marah, Co-Holiday Tea Chair

(l-r) Rary Simmons, Encore 1979-1980 Chairman; Juanita O'Marah, Co-Holiday Tea Chair; Alicia Maniatakis, Encore member; Suzanne Sposato, Encore 2010-2011 Chairman, pouring Tea

Santa with dog

DAVID NEWMAN is one of today’s most ac-complished creators of music for film, having scored over 100 films in his 25-year career.

He is also an active composer for the concert hall; his works have been performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Indianapolis Symphony, the Long Beach Symphony, and at the Ravinia Festival, the Spoleto Festival USA, and Chicago’s Grant Park Music Festi-val. Newman has spent considerable time unearthing and restoring film music classics for the concert hall, and headed the Sun-dance Institute’s music preservation program in the late 1980s.

The son of nine-time Oscar-winning compos-er Alfred Newman, David Newman trained in violin and piano from an early age and earned degrees in orchestral conducting and violin from the University of Southern California.


Spring 2012




We’re Taking Care of Business!

COPW is going through a re-

branding process to closely align

its purpose and activities to those

of the Los Angeles Philharmonic

and the LA Philharmonic Associa-

tion. We are featuring support of

youth music education as a prima-

ry goal. A new “motto” will be un-

veiled in March. Brochures will be

redone professionally to empha-

size our support of YOLA/HOLA.

Our brochures will also highlight

our volunteer and financial sup-

port opportunities for members

and friends. Our by-laws are be-

ing updated by COPW member,

former Superior Court Judge Mer-

edith Taylor. Our members are

enthusiastic about the planned

changes and we believe we are

positioning our committee to in-

crease our already significant con-

tributions to the Philharmonic.

In addition to our rebranding activ-

ities, COPW continues its tradition

of lovely musical events for mem-

bers and friends. We will enjoy a

tea at the home of Esme Douglas

on January 29 followed by a con-

cert from the New West Sympho-

ny in Santa Monica. We anticipate

an afternoon of fun, friendship,

and exciting music.

Stephanie Klopfleisch, COPW


( l-r.) Elaine Berman, Inez Lopez, Lenore Rodah, Becky Novy, Rea Crane, Colleen

Robertson, Stephanie Klopfleisch

The International Committee goes Italian!

Mirella Ventress and Francoise Balabanian with Janine Bobin and Marie Kestone are co-chairing the International Night Benefit Ball entitled “Italia – Centuries of Art and Style” on May 5th 2012 at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.

Giuseppe Perrone, Consul General of Italy, and Al-berto Di Mauro, Cultural Institute Director, have pledged their collaboration and the deal was sealed at the beautiful Malibu Oceanfront Villa Francesca owned by well-known actor and director Richard Harrison and his wife Francesca.

We encourage all Affiliates to save the date – May 5th 2012 for the International Ball!


Spring 2012

Phil Friends letter writing (sitting l-r) Kathy Keller, Karen Gottlieb, Pat

Hill, Pat Parker; (standing) Phyllis Sherwood, Chair, Phil Friends Phil Friends letter writing (l-r) Alicia Maniataks, Lois Moore,

Phyllis Sherwood, Judy Shaffer

Phil Friends letter writing (l-r) Judy Sannes, Malinda Pretz, Jackie

Givins, Sharon Guthrie, Janet Ceske, Hazel Lord, Vangie Maynard



Changing Lives Through Music

When twelve year old Erica Mineo stopped by the

Music Mobile™ display at our fall fundraiser, we

could hear how our program touches lives. She first

tuned all seven of our violins, and then played a

Bach Concerto! Better yet, she remembered one of

our Music Mobile sessions when she attended in

third grade.

We do change lives through our youth programs, and

the winter season brings renewed focus on making

music with the kids. Music Mobile™, and the iconic

van we donated in 2005, is the centerpiece of our

activity. For 2012, we have expanded our reach to

five new schools, and enlisted our men to join the


We reinforce this early exposure with a music festival

for fifth graders at Norris Theatre, and embrace a

wider audience of adults and children by providing

tickets for purchase to the Toyota Symphonies for

Youth. We also support our local El-Hi instrumental

programs, and invite rising stars to perform at our


Our goal is to bring the joy of music discovery to

young people, and start them on a lifelong journey as

music lovers. Our reward is the warm glow we get

from reading letters from the kids. A cherished favor-

ite is one that critiqued a docent’s earnest effort to

play an instrument with “at least you tried.” Jane Beseda

Docents at Norris Theatre - (l-r) Carol Reinhart (co-chair), Joyce Fein,

Judy Shaffer, C.C. Cunha (chair), Marian Duntley, Patt Parker, Paula

del Vicario, Mary Curtin

Erica Mineo at

Music Mobile™ booth Docent Hazel Lord with third-

grade girl playing cello.


Spring 2012




The Los Angeles Philharmonic Committee has been on the go while bringing the year 2011 to a success-ful close.

On November 9, 2011 the committee met at the Hol-lywood Bowl Cottage for the annual “Letter Writing” event. A large number of members were present as they proceeded to write to friends and acquaintances in search of donations to the campaign. Afterwards a very tasty lunch was enjoyed. It was a profitable and fun day.

On December 10, 2011, members gathered at the California Club for the annual Holiday Party. The venue was beautiful and a lovely dinner was served. Afterwards a program was enjoyed as the delightful Beverly Hills High School Madrigals sang some tradi-tional and some new seasonal songs.

The LAPC is now busy planning and working toward our Benefit in hopes of raising more funds for the LA Philharmonic music programs for youth. The theme this year is “Casino Royale” and will be held on April 14th at the elegant Biltmore Hotel's Emerald Room.

The Committee invites you all to join us.

Suzanne Olsen

Thirteen members of the Long Beach Auxiliary attended an Invi-tational Rehearsal of the Los An-geles Philharmonic under the di-rection of Gustavo Dudamel on October 28 at WDCH. A lunch-eon, with other affiliates, followed at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.

The holiday season was ushered in on December 7th with a lunch-eon and musicale at Old Ranch Country Club in Seal Beach. The talented duo of vocalist Jesse Pal-ter and keyboard artist Sam Barsh performed jazz standards plus some of their own works.

On March 13, Elise’s Tea Room in Long Beach will be the setting for the Auxiliary’s Spring Interlude with Los Angeles Philharmonic violinist, Robert Gupta.

James Miller, Los Angeles Phil-harmonic Associate Principal Trombone, will perform in concert on April 28 at California Heights United Methodist Church in Long Beach. The proceeds from this program, which also features a silent auction and reception, will benefit the Los Angeles Philhar-monic Youth Education Programs.

Harriet Ottaviano

Among the many committee members busy writing solicitation

letters, (l-r) Grace Chemsian, Nancy Seggase, Shelly Kline

Members celebrating at the Holiday Party

(l-r) Stephen Allen, Rachel Ault, Barbara Allen, Lee Ault

Admiring the beautiful tree at the Holiday Party

(l-r) Marilyn Kezirian, Lorraine Stark, Claudia Shahanian,

Sydney Tanner, President Suzanne Olsen

PF Chair, Myrtle Watilo (r.) shows the

“Friends Giving Tree” to her daughter, Elena

(l-r) guest Nancy McBride, Sharleen Eusebio, Elaine Karber


Spring 2012




Well, 2012 is here and the South-West Heights Committee is raring to go! Our Membership Tea was quite successful, with an increase of 50% of eager, enthusiastic members bringing our roster to 33 members.

Our President, Barbara Lake, rep-resented us at numerous meet-ings and other events, and shared all the details with us.

One highlight of our January meeting was the presentation of a check to The Inner City Youth Or-chestra of LA. De Forest Kirk-

wood, in the absence of musical director, Dr. Charles Dickerson, happily accepted the check. The funds will assist middle school students with private lessons. The

afternoon’s other highlight was the presentation, African American Music Celebration, by our own Hansonia Harriford. A number of protest songs were cited in addi-tion to a partial reading of The Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln. Extremely inter-esting…

The Southwest Heights Commit-tee eagerly looks forward to its March meeting, which will be fol-lowed by a Salon presentation of the works of Debussy and Miles Davis, to name a few. Vange Felton

(l-r) Hansonia Harriford, De Forest Kirkwood, Barbara Lake, President

Our first meeting, with entertainment, was on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 and was held at the Bizou Grill in Santa Monica. We enjoyed harpist Alli-son Bjorkedal, who took us through the history of the harp and played music from Celtic through the classi-cal to jazz. It was an enjoyable afternoon.

Jin Shan Dai, LA Phil violist, and Jennie Jung were our special guests at the Rossmore home of Jane McNealy and Alice Kuhns for the first Musicale on November 30, 2011. President Lucetta Kallis met Jin Shan Dai at a dinner and asked him to entertain for SMWPC. This was a lovely event held at the home of Sueyoun Kim.

Members and guests enjoyed the marvelous pianist, Carissa Kim, on November 30, 2011, at the home of Jane McNealy and Alice Kuhns. Carissa's mother, Sueyoun Kim, has been a long time SMWPC mem-ber.

On February 15, 2012, three talented young artists from Colburn School will entertain at our second Mu-sicale. They are Sena Cho and Mina Hong, violinists, and Grace Zhou, pianist. It will be held at 1:30 P.M. in Contrapuntal Hall at the home of Bonnie MacBird.

The SMWPC committee is looking forward to Musi-cale #3 on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at the home of Sylvie Ollivier. Sylvie Ollivier and Nora Wrobel, pianists, will perform on two pianos.

We will have a fundraiser, Sunday, April 15, 2012, with LA Phil First Violinist Minyoung Chang. It will begin at 1:00 P.M. and is at Dion Houle’s house.

Welcome to our new SMWPC members, Nadine Adrian, Elena Hendler, Roseann Herman, Diane 'Dion' Houle, Soparvan 'Nook' Supnamonghan, Janice White, and Rita Stearn. Judy Cohn

(l-r) Jennie Jung, Lucetta Kallis,

Jin Shan Dai

Above, (l-r) Jane McNealy,

Carissa Kim, Alice Kuhns,

Sueyoun Kim


Spring 2012




Luncheon meetings chaired by President Barbara Camilleri take care of business and making plans for fundraising. The January meeting was held at the attractive new Angeles National Golf Club. Jeanne Fredrickson introduced an entertaining Cole Porter program with narrative and sing along.

Margie Baker announced that the fundraising Spring Salon will be held at the Northridge United Methodist Church and feature UCLA's Latin Jazz Ensemble. Sue Clauss described the live auction at the event, "Fund in Need."

With the leadership of Glenda Burnett, several mem-bers are involved in the YOLA at HOLA Project. They consistently keep the CommtteeS informed and in-spired.

Fran Ulrich, Valley CommitteeS

EUGENE ORMANDY QUOTATIONS Collected by members of the Philadelphia Orchestra.

He is a wonderful man and so is his wife. I conduct faster here so you can see my beat. It's difficult to remember when you haven't played it before. Who is sitting in that empty chair?

I guess you thought I was conducting, but I wasn't. Don't play louder, just give it more.

EO: To the Woodwinds: There are no woodwinds at Number 6. Woodwinds: We're at number 15. EO: I know. that is why. We can't hear the balance yet because the soloist is still on the airplane. Please follow me because I have to follow him and he isn't here. It is not as difficult as I thought it was, but it is harder than it is.

December Salon: Front row, (l-r) Judith Butler, Margie Baker, Aida Gaona, Margaret

Lulejian, Barbara Camilleri, President; Back row, (l-r) LA Phil violinists Stacy Wetzel, Elizabeth Baker.

Our Holiday Party at the Bowl Cottage was enhanced by a delicious international-themed dinner. Augmented with four new members, we are staffing this year’s Toyota Symphonies For Youth and look forward to the Sym-phonies For Schools in March, and the Pasadena Showcase House of Design in spring. For more information, please contact Nancy Howard at [email protected] Nancy Howard, President


Shortly after George Gershwin's death, Oscar Levant was ap-proached by a man who had writ-ten an elegy and wanted him to hear it. Levant reluctantly agreed...

When he was finished playing, the man turned to Levant for his opin-ion. "I think it would have been better," Levant declared, "if you had died and Gershwin had written the elegy."

One evening George Bernard Shaw attended a performance by an Italian string quartet. "These men," his companion approvingly declared, "have been playing to-gether for twelve years." "Surely," Shaw replied, "we have

been here longer than that!"

When words leave off, music be-gins. Heinrich Heine In music the passions enjoy them-selves. Friedrich Nietzsche

Music is a performance and needs the audience. Michael Tippett

Music is the best means we have of digesting time. W. H. Auden


Spring 2012


Foothill Committee


Have you always wanted to meet and talk to Rich Capparela??

You will have your opportunity at "Brunch with Rich" on Sunday, February 26 at 11AM at the Doro-thy Chandler Pavilion, 5th floor.

This charming and witty KUSC classical music announcer will have brunch with us and talk about some of his interesting

experiences as a radio host.

You won't want to miss this fabu-lous opportunity for good fun and entertainment.

Be looking for your invitation and respond quickly!

For information call Margie Baker 818-888-7659 or Sona Boyd 818-843-2210.

Margie Baker

Crescendo ~ Meet with Rich Capparela!

Rich Capparela

Fundraising efforts continue apace. The Dueling Pian-os of Joanne Pearce Martin and Gavin Martin was a resounding success. This wonderfully talented duo entertained their audience with a wide range of selec-tions, even switching pianos midway through their performance. A lavish reception in the beautifully dec-orated “edgy” Claremont Consortium followed. And to appease the Super Bowl fans in our audience the game was on in a side room so that guests could en-joy both the gridiron action and the fabulous reception with the artists, a winning combination!

As always, the holiday party was wonderful. It took place at the home of Dave and Ahlene Welsh where party goers were treated to a convivial evening of food and friendship. Brian Shyer performed at the pi-ano and then accompanied the always effervescent Roger Ginsberg as he led members in singing Christ-mas carols.

Violinist Guido Lamell, accompanied by pianist Nadia Shpachenko, performed at the November general meeting, held at the home of Peggy Rees. Guido en-tertained the packed house not only with excellent and compelling violin pieces but also with an impres-sive selection of pieces on the saw. Yes, thatʼs right,

the saw, as in what carpenters use. This was a partic-ularly fun meeting with a lively discussion afterward.

In January, Russell Steinberg gave lessons on how to go beyond the listening basics, including a heightened awareness of underlying patterns, in the enjoyment of classical music. Steinberg was an engaging delight in the packed house, hosted by Barb Damuth in her lovely home. Teresa Marlow

Holiday party hosts Ahlene and Dave Welsh with

guests Teresa Marlow, Cindy Walkenbach, and Bill Gendron

(l-r) Fund Raising Chair Sue Keavney, President Jeanine Wilson, Pianists Gavin Martin and Joanne Pearce Martin, Ricardo & Aida

Gaona at our Dueling Pianists Fundraiser

(l-r) Carol Sontag, Jeanine Wilson, Russell Stein-berg, Tammy Zipser at the November meeting