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DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS, NEW YORK, NY _________________________________________ 


Petitioner pro se, in forma pauperis, Petition No. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari, pro se IFP

vs. Denied Feb-19-2013; rehearing denied Apr-15-2013

THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Application No. 12A215 granted by Justice Thomas

FLORIDA, et al, September 13, 2012 to extend time and consolidate

Respondents. Eleventh Circuit Appeals Nos. 12-11213, 12-11028 ________________________________/




(18 U.S.C. § 242), AND CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS (18 U.S.C. § 241)


I, Neil J. Gillespie, under oath, testify as follows:

1. My name is Neil J. Gillespie. I am over 18 years old. I was the Petitioner appearing pro

se, in forma paupers, in the above-captioned Petition No. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari to the

U.S. Supreme Court, an important and legitimate government activity.

2. I made this affidavit to document the fraud or impairment of Petition No. 12-7747, a

legitimate government activity (18 U.S.C. § 371), deprivation of my rights under color of law

(18 U.S.C. § 242), and conspiracy against my rights (18 U.S.C. § 241).

3. Petition No. 12-7747 was denied February 19, 2013. Rehearing was denied April 15,

2013. In May 2013 Diana R. Esposito, Florida Chief-Assistant Attorney General, provided me

incriminating public records showing Respondent David A. Rowland, General Counsel for the

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Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida, concocted with others a fraud to falsely portray to Kenneth

Wilson, Florida Assistant Attorney General, that I did not serve Mr. Rowland my petition as I

certified under Supreme Court Rule 29. Mr. Wilson claims he relied on Mr. Rowland’s fraud,

and did not submit a brief in opposition due the Supreme Court January 14, 2013.

4. My letter to Mr. Wilson of May 16, 2013 shows how the fraud worked, and is attached 

hereto. The letter consists of two (2) pages, supported by five (5) exhibits, 26 pages total.

5. Without a response, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi denied me due process under 

the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The U.S. Supreme Court relies on opposition briefs as

 part of its adversarial process to properly litigate and decide a petition. Florida’s opposition brief 

was due January 14, 2013. AG Bondi did not respond for Florida, thus no opposition brief was

distributed for the Supreme Court’s Conference February 15, 2013.

6. I notified Florida Governor Rick Scott and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi of the

foregoing by letter May 24, 2013. Neither Gov. Scott nor AG Bondi responded. Attached hereto

is the one page letter to Gov. Scott and AG Bondi, and 5 pages of supporting documents.


I solemnly swear, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing facts, upon personal

knowledge, and information and belief, are true, correct, and complete, so help me God.

Dated this 21st day of October 2013.


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VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP294626428 May 16, 2013

and [email protected]

Kenneth V. Wilson, Assistant Attorney General

Civil Litigation Bureau -Tampa

Office of the Attorney General

501 E Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100Tampa, Florida 33602

RE: Missing Public Records, Gillespie v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida, et al.

Petition No. 12-7747 for Writ of Certiorari, Supreme Court of the United States

Dear Mr. Wilson:

So sorry to see you got duped by court counsel David Rowland and paralegal Sandra Burge, who

misrepresented to you that I did not provide Mr. Rowland a copy of Petition No. 12-7747. That

must explain why the petition was not among the 323 pages of public records provided by your 

office that arrived here in Ocala May 9, 2013 in response to my records request.

An email (Exhibit 1) from Mr. Rowland’s paralegal Sandra Burge to Chief Assistant Attorney

General Diana R. Esposito 12/20/2012 at 12:51 PM, Cc to David Rowland and Chris Nauman,

advanced this material falsehood, which Ms. Esposito sent to you, Cc to Amanda Cavanaugh:

The Plaintiff's Notice of Filing the petition for writ of certiorari was received in the Legal

Department's Office on 12/18/12 is attached as well as the Court's docket indicating a

response is due, if needed, by January 14, 2013. Neither a copy of the petition nor 

"separate Volume Appendices" accompanied the Notice.

A letter (Exhibit 2) emailed by you January 8, 2013 repeated the falsehood back to Mr. Rowland:

While Plaintiff did not provide a copy of his Petition....

On December 10, 2012 I served Mr. Rowland per Rule 29, proof of service, the following:

1. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States,

2. Rule 39 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

3. Rule 29 proof of service, December 10, 2012

4. Compact Disk (CD) containing PDF files of the separate volume appendices.

5. My cover letter to the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, December 10, 2012

United Parcel Service (UPS) tracking 1Z64589FP297520287 shows delivery December 11, 2012

at 10:55 AM to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 34481.

FYI, all UPS ground shipping within Florida is delivered next day, unless shipped on Friday.

The UPS proof of delivery for 1Z64589FP297520287 December 11, 2012 shows “DAVIS” at

the front desk signed for the delivery, and shows an image of the signature “D. Davis”. A seven

(7) page composite of the UPS proof of delivery and tracking documents is enclosed. (Exhibit 3).

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Kenneth V. Wilson, Assistant Attorney General May 16, 2013

Office of the Attorney General Page - 2

The document referred to by Ms. Burge in her deceptive email to Ms. Esposito was a Rule 12.3

notice, and notice of waiver to file a response, delivered December 18, 2012 at 10:44 AM to the

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. Unfortunately Ms. Burge, Mr. Rowland, and Mr. Nauman failed to

inform you that my petition was delivered a week earlier, December 11, 2012 at 10:55 AM.

The Thirteenth Circuit gang further mislead you by providing you my December 10, 2012 cover letter to the Clerk of the Supreme Court which they date-stamped December 18, 2012, when this

letter was in fact a second courtesy copy of the one received by Rowland December 11, 2012 but

does not appear date-stamped as such in the records your office provided me May 9, 2013.

Enclosed you will find evidence showing I served by UPS the Rule 12.3 notice, and notice of 

waiver to Mr. Rowland December 17, 2012 tracking no. 1Z64589FP291778029, which was

delivered December 18, 2012 at 10:44 AM, to the Court’s address, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa,

Florida. The UPS proof of delivery shows “DAVIS” at the front desk signed for the delivery. A

composite of the UPS proof of delivery and tracking documents is enclosed. (Exhibit 4).

The Supreme Court sent me three (s) sets of Rule 12.3 notices, and notices of waiver to file aresponse, December 14, 2013 after my petition was docketed, with instructions for notifying

opposing counsel(s) that the case was docketed. (Exhibit 5).

You have my sympathy for any embarrassment caused by the deception of Mr. Rowland and his

accomplices, that caused an inaccurate letter to issue from the Office of the Attorney General

falsely implying I did not provide a copy of my petition to Mr. Rowland. (Exhibit 2).

Enclosed you will find my records request to Mr. Rowland intended to correct the record. If and 

when I get an accurate response back, I will provide you the correct date-stamped petition for 

inclusion in the record showing it was received by Mr. Rowland December 11, 2012.

Until then you can find Petition No. 12-7747 online at the link below. Thank you.


 Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, FL 34481Enclosures

cc: Gov. Rick Scott, via U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP290544836

cc: Attorney General Pam Bondi, via U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP294245643

Email to: Gov. Scott, AG Bondi, AAG Esposito, ABA service list; Florida Bar service list; Mr.

Anderson, Chair, Thirteenth Circuit JNC; Sixth Circuit Grievance Committee “D”, Thirteenth

Circuit BOG, David Rowland, K. Christopher Nauman, Sandra Burge.

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Fw: Gillespie v. 13th JCC, et al: US Supreme Court/Response DueDiana Esposito to: Kenneth Wilson 12/20/2012 01 :58 PM

Cc: Amanda Cavanaugh

History: This message has been forwarded.

Ken, herets the newest email from Sandy - now paralegal assistant to David Rowland ... D

Diana R. EspositoChief-Assistant Attorney GeneralCivil Litigation BureauOffice of the Attorney General501 E. Kennedy Blvd, Suite 1100Tampa, FL 33602Tel: 813-233-2600, x110Fax: 813-233-2886----- Forwarded by Diana Esposito/OAG on 12/20/2012 01 :57 PM ----

From: "Burge.Sandra" < b u r g e s ~ @ ' f l j u d>To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Cc: "Rowland, Dave" <[email protected]>, "Nauman, Chris" <[email protected]>

Date: 12/20/2012 12:51 PMSubject: Gillespie v. 13th JCC, et al: US Supreme Court/Response Due


The Plainti ff's Notice of Filing the petition for writ of certiorari was received in the Legal Department's

Office on 12/18/12 is attached as well as the Court's docket indicating a response is due, if needed, by

January 14, 2013. Neither a copy of the petition nor "separate Volume Appendices" accompanied the


I pulled the dockets for each of the appellate cases as well as other documents that you may find


Please advise of the planned course of action and provide a copy of the response, if any, via attachment

to email.

Thank you in advance fo r your assistance .

.. ,.:;:iHappy H o ( i d a ~ s  

Sandy BurgeParalegal Assistant

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit

OAG - 006


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Legal Department

800 East Twiggs Street, Suite 603

Tampa, Florida 33602

Telephone: (813) 272-6843~  ....  

Gillespie v. 13 JCC.USC.121220.pdf

OAG - 007

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General Civil Litigation - Tampa Bureau

Kenneth V. Wilson

Assistant Attorney General

501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100

Tampa, FL 33602

Phone (813) 233-2880 Fax (813) 233-2886Kpnnp,II. i l ~ n n r D ) m v f l n r ; r l n l p p n l _ r n m  

January 8,2013

David Rowland

General Counsel

Administrative Office of the Courts

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida

800 East Twiggs Street, Suite 603

Tampa, Florida 33602

Re: Neil Gillespie v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit et af.

U.S. District Court: 5: 1O-cv-503-0c-l OTBS, 5: l1-cv-539

1J .S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit: 12-11028, 12-11213

lJ.S. Supreme Court Application, No. 2A215

U.S. Supreme Court Petition, No. 12-7747

Dear Attorney Rowland:

I have been assigned to review the recent tiling and notification from Plaintiff concerning

his Petition for Writ of Certiorari C'Petition") and Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma

Pauperis ('"'Motion") before the United States Supreme C ~ o u r t ,   Docket No. 12-7747.

PlaintitT's letter, as well as, the docket of Proceedings and Orders before the U.s.Supreme Court indicate Plaintiff filed his Petition and Motion on December 10, 2012.

While Plaintiff did not provide a copy of his Petition, it appears from his appeal cases

that he is attempting to '''combine'' two (2) appeal cases (12-11028 and 12-11213) as basis

for his Petition. The case numbers listed above are revised to reflect the additional cases.

Nonetheless, the nature and course of his Petition are not changed from our previous

communications, in t h a t ~   his Petition will be dismissed relatively quickly. I do not plan

nor do I advise any action or response in regard to his Petition. This is particularly true

as service below was never perfected for any defendants of our mutual concern.

I will continue to monitor the matter until there is certain finality. Please do not hesitate

to contact me for any questions or concerns. [can easily accommodate an office visit aswell.


lsi Kenneth V. Wilson

Kenneth V. Wilson

Assistant Attorney General

OAG - 005


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Fw: Gillespie v. 13th JCC, et al: US Supreme Court. No. 12.7747Kenneth Wi lson to: Mary Ann Robinson, Amanda Cavanaugh 01/08/201301:28 PM

This message is digitally signed.


Kenneth V. Wilson

Assistant Attorney General

Civir Litigation Bureau - TampaOffice of the Attorney General

501 E Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100Tampa, Frorida 33602Tel: (813) 233-2880 ext. 712Fax: (813) 233-2886E-mail: [email protected]

----- Forwarded by Kenneth Wilson/OAG on 01/0812013 01 :28 PM ----

From: "Rowland, Dave" <[email protected]>To: Kenneth Wilson <[email protected]>

Date: 01/08/2013 01 :16 PM

Subject: RE: Gillespie v. 13th JCC, et al: US Supreme Court, No. 12.7747

Mr. Wilson:

Thanks for your letter and your advice. We plan to follow your advice and w o n ~  take any

action. I'll alert you if anything changes on our end.

Thanks again - Dave

David A. RowlandGeneral COllnsel, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit

800 East Twiggs Street I Suite 603

Tampa, Florida 33602

Telephone: (813) 272-6843

[email protected]

-----Original Message----

From: Kenneth Wilson [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, January 08,2013 12:52 PM

To: Rowland, Dave; Nauman, Chris

Cc: Burge,Sandra

Subject: Gillespie v. 13th lee, et a]: US Supreme Court, No. 12.7747

GAG - 001

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Please find attached my advice regarding Gillespie's recent Petition for Writ of ~ e r t i o r a r i  before the United State Supreme Court. I do not advise or recommend any action. Please

do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or concerns, If desired, I can easily meet

with you to discuss any issues concerning this matter. Thank you - ken

(See attached file: Ltr.Rowland.130108.pdf)


Kenneth V. Wilson

Assistant Attorney General

Civil Litigation Bureau - Tampa

Office of the Attorney General

501 E Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100

Tampa, Florida 33602Tel: (813) 233-2880 ext. 712

Fax: (813) 233-2886

E-mail: [email protected] Ltr.Rowland.13010B.pdf

OAG - 002

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Neil Gillespie

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Ship To: David A. Rowland, Court CounselThirteenth Judicial Circuit Florida800 E TWIGGS STTAMPAFL33602US


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Neil Gillespie

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Scheduled Delivery: 11-December-2012

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Ship To: David A. Rowland, Court CounselThirteenth Judicial Circuit Florida800 E. Twiggs Street, Suite 603Legal DepartmentTAMPAFL336023558US

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Neil Gillespie

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Neil Gillespie

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Scheduled Delivery: 18-December-2012

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Supreme Court of the United States

Office of the Clerk

Washington, DC 20543-0001

William K. Suter

Clerk of the Court(202) 479-3011

December 14, 2012

Mr. Neil J. Gillespie8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, FL 34481

Re: Neil J. Gillespie

v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et ale

No. 12-7747

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

The petit ion for a writ of certiorari in the above entitled case was filed on

December 10, 2012 and placed on the docket December 14, 2012 as No. 12-7747.

A form is enclosed for notifying opposing counsel that the case was docketed.


William K. Suter, Clerk

by ~  IClayton Higgi

Case Analyst



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Supreme Court of the United States

Neil J. Gillespie


v. No. 12-7747

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et ale


To Counsel for Respondent:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Rule 12.3 that a petition for a writ of

certiorari in the above-entitled case was filed in the Supreme Court of the United States

on December 10, 2012, and placed on the docket December 14, 2012. Pursuant to Rule

15.3, the due date for a brief in opposition is Monday, January 14, 2013. If tile due date

is a Saturday, Sunday, or federal legal holiday, the brief is due on the next day that is not

a Saturday, Sunday or federal legal holiday.

Unless the Solicitor General of the United States represents the

respondent, a waiver form is enclosed and should be sent to the Clerk only in

the event you do not intend to file a response to the petition.

Only counsel of record will receive notification of the Court's action in

this case. Counsel of record must be a member of the Bar of this Court.

Mr. Neil J. Gillespie8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, FL 34481(352) 854-7807

NOTE: This notice is for notification purposes only, and neither the original nor a copy should

be filed in the Supreme Court.

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WAIVER Supreme Court of the United States

No. 12-7747

Neil J. Gillespie v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et al.(petitioner) (Respondents)

I DO NOT INTEND TO FILE A RESPONSE to the petition for a writ of certiorari unless

one is requested by the Court.

Please check one of the following boxes:

o Please enter my appearance as Counsel of Record for all respondents.

o There are multiple respondents, and I do not represent all respondents. Please enter my

appearance as Counsel of Record for the following respondent(s):

I certify that I am a member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States (Pleaseexplain name change since ba r admission):

Signature _

Date: _

(Type or print) Name _o Mr. OMs. o Mrs. o Miss

Firm _

Address _

City & State Zip _

Phone _




Obtain status of case on the docket. By phone at 202-479-3034 or via the internet at Have the Supreme Court docket number available.

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VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP297024724 (Gov. Scott) May 24, 2013

VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP296600737 (AG Bondi)

Governor Rick Scott Attorney General Pam Bondi

Office of Governor Rick Scott Office of Attorney General

State of Florida, The Capitol State of Florida

400 S. Monroe St. The Capitol PL-01Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050

RE: Missing Public Records, Gillespie v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida, et al.

Petition No. 12-7747 for Writ of Certiorari, Supreme Court of the United States

Dear Governor Scott and Attorney General Bondi:

Please find enclosed copies of Petition No. 12-7747. Unfortunately David Rowland, General

Counsel for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida, et al., mislead Kenneth V. Wilson, Assistant

Attorney General, when Mr. Rowland misrepresented that I did not provide him a copy of 

Petition No. 12-7747. Enclosed is a copy of my letter (only) to Mr. Wilson of May 16, 2013.

Also enclosed is my public records request (only) to Mr. Rowland, which so far he has not

responded to, or acknowledged. In lieu of the date-stamped petition from Mr. Rowland, I have

 provided separately to each of you a computer copy of Petition No. 12-7747. If Mr. Rowland 

ever provides the date-stamped petition I requested from him, I will provide you each a copy.

Unfortunately the Attorney General’s Synopsis of Major Issues in Petition No. 12-7747, found 

in the enclosed two-page “AG Case #Tampa Monitor”, is not factually accurate. I attribute the

errors to Mr. Rowland’s falsehoods to Ms. Esposito and Mr. Wilson about the petition.

I will respond directly to Ms. Esposito about the Synopsis of Major Issues in the AG Case#Tampa Monitor, to accurately inform and correct the record in Petition No. 12-7747.

Thank you for considering this matter affecting Florida’s consumers of legal and court services.


 Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, FL 34481


Cc: Diana R. Esposito, Chief-Assistant Attorney General, 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100

Tampa, FL 33602, via U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP297792743; and email.

Cc email: ABA service list; the Florida Bar service list; Mr. Anderson, Chair, Thirteenth Circuit

JNC; Sixth Circuit Grievance Committee “D”, Thirteenth Circuit BOG; David Roland, et al.

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AG Case #Tampa Monitor - Page 1

AG #Tampa MonitorActive Case

Nei l_ v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, et al

venueCurrent court{s): u.s. Sup. Court

Court number: No. 12-7747 (rinked12A215)(11th 12-11028-8)Judge: Supreme Court of the United States

Office of the ClerkWashington, DC 20543-0001

Judicial Contacts: William K. Suter, Clerk of the Court202-479-3011

Originating county: Hillsborough

staffingLead counsel: Kenneth Wilson

Unit: PotentialLocation: Tampa



Category: ADA, Civil RightsMajor issues: Plaintiff sued his former attorney and law firm in the 13th

judicial Circui t Court. He lost by summary judgment. He nowbrings this claim against his former attorney and law firm and allthe judges who had any involvement in his 13th Judicial CircuitCase. Notably, he had until October 29,2010 to file anamended complaint and has not done so. He filed a voluntary

dismissal as to his former attorney and law firm. The Judgesand the 13th Judicial Circuit have not been served.

Constitutional issue: None



Multi-State issue: Yes e No

Relief Sought/EconomicImpact:

case history

Year case opened: 2012

Database entry: 09/27/2012Most recent activity


Nature of most recentactivity:

Notice of Petition for a Writ of Certiorari was filed on 12/10/12and placed on docket 12/14/12. Brief is opposition is due

- - . - ,1 /14/13


Additional parties

Additional parties:Amicus activity:

Additional case numbers

Lower court OAG - 048

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AG Case #Tampa Monitor - Page 2


Contract AOOOO


LOA number:

Agency Judicialrepresented:

Risk Risk Claim Category:

Management: Risk Claim Number:

Risk Examiner:


Other representation

AG attorneys previous ly Diana Espositoassigned to this case:

Opposing counsel Pro Secategory:

Opposing counsel Neil J. Bt l _ I name(s): 8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, FL 34481

352-854-7807Other counsel in case:

Special comments

Case docket

1. Appl icat ion Granted By Jus t i ce Thomas Extending The Time To Fi le

Unti l December 10, 2012

09/13/12 entered (Thomas)

09/17/12 f i l ed

09/26/12 re t r ieved

2. Proof of Service [David A. Rowland, Court Counsel]

12/10/12 served

3. Notice of Pe t i t ion fo r a Writ of Cer t io ra r i was f i l ed on 12/10/12

and placed on docket 12/14/12. Brie f i s oppos i t ion i s due Monday


12/18/12 received by cour t counsel

Author historyInformation in this record has been filed by:

Laura Martin (09/27/2012 03:16:26 PM), Diana Esposito (12/20/2012 01 :53:45 PM), Kenneth Wilson (12/20/2012

02:42:13 PM), Valerie Williford (12/28/2012 10:48:19 AM)

OAG - 047

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VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP294626428 May 16, 2013

and [email protected]

Kenneth V. Wilson, Assistant Attorney General

Civil Litigation Bureau -Tampa

Office of the Attorney General

501 E Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1100Tampa, Florida 33602

RE: Missing Public Records, Gillespie v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida, et al.

Petition No. 12-7747 for Writ of Certiorari, Supreme Court of the United States

Dear Mr. Wilson:

So sorry to see you got duped by court counsel David Rowland and paralegal Sandra Burge, who

misrepresented to you that I did not provide Mr. Rowland a copy of Petition No. 12-7747. That

must explain why the petition was not among the 323 pages of public records provided by your 

office that arrived here in Ocala May 9, 2013 in response to my records request.

An email (Exhibit 1) from Mr. Rowland’s paralegal Sandra Burge to Chief Assistant Attorney

General Diana R. Esposito 12/20/2012 at 12:51 PM, Cc to David Rowland and Chris Nauman,

advanced this material falsehood, which Ms. Esposito sent to you, Cc to Amanda Cavanaugh:

The Plaintiff's Notice of Filing the petition for writ of certiorari was received in the Legal

Department's Office on 12/18/12 is attached as well as the Court's docket indicating a

response is due, if needed, by January 14, 2013. Neither a copy of the petition nor 

"separate Volume Appendices" accompanied the Notice.

A letter (Exhibit 2) emailed by you January 8, 2013 repeated the falsehood back to Mr. Rowland:

While Plaintiff did not provide a copy of his Petition....

On December 10, 2012 I served Mr. Rowland per Rule 29, proof of service, the following:

1. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States,

2. Rule 39 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

3. Rule 29 proof of service, December 10, 2012

4. Compact Disk (CD) containing PDF files of the separate volume appendices.

5. My cover letter to the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, December 10, 2012

United Parcel Service (UPS) tracking 1Z64589FP297520287 shows delivery December 11, 2012

at 10:55 AM to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 34481.

FYI, all UPS ground shipping within Florida is delivered next day, unless shipped on Friday.

The UPS proof of delivery for 1Z64589FP297520287 December 11, 2012 shows “DAVIS” at

the front desk signed for the delivery, and shows an image of the signature “D. Davis”. A seven

(7) page composite of the UPS proof of delivery and tracking documents is enclosed. (Exhibit 3).

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Kenneth V. Wilson, Assistant Attorney General May 16, 2013

Office of the Attorney General Page - 2

The document referred to by Ms. Burge in her deceptive email to Ms. Esposito was a Rule 12.3

notice, and notice of waiver to file a response, delivered December 18, 2012 at 10:44 AM to the

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. Unfortunately Ms. Burge, Mr. Rowland, and Mr. Nauman failed to

inform you that my petition was delivered a week earlier, December 11, 2012 at 10:55 AM.

The Thirteenth Circuit gang further mislead you by providing you my December 10, 2012 cover letter to the Clerk of the Supreme Court which they date-stamped December 18, 2012, when this

letter was in fact a second courtesy copy of the one received by Rowland December 11, 2012 but

does not appear date-stamped as such in the records your office provided me May 9, 2013.

Enclosed you will find evidence showing I served by UPS the Rule 12.3 notice, and notice of 

waiver to Mr. Rowland December 17, 2012 tracking no. 1Z64589FP291778029, which was

delivered December 18, 2012 at 10:44 AM, to the Court’s address, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa,

Florida. The UPS proof of delivery shows “DAVIS” at the front desk signed for the delivery. A

composite of the UPS proof of delivery and tracking documents is enclosed. (Exhibit 4).

The Supreme Court sent me three (s) sets of Rule 12.3 notices, and notices of waiver to file aresponse, December 14, 2013 after my petition was docketed, with instructions for notifying

opposing counsel(s) that the case was docketed. (Exhibit 5).

You have my sympathy for any embarrassment caused by the deception of Mr. Rowland and his

accomplices, that caused an inaccurate letter to issue from the Office of the Attorney General

falsely implying I did not provide a copy of my petition to Mr. Rowland. (Exhibit 2).

Enclosed you will find my records request to Mr. Rowland intended to correct the record. If and 

when I get an accurate response back, I will provide you the correct date-stamped petition for 

inclusion in the record showing it was received by Mr. Rowland December 11, 2012.

Until then you can find Petition No. 12-7747 online at the link below. Thank you.


 Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, FL 34481Enclosures

cc: Gov. Rick Scott, via U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP290544836

cc: Attorney General Pam Bondi, via U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP294245643

Email to: Gov. Scott, AG Bondi, AAG Esposito, ABA service list; Florida Bar service list; Mr.

Anderson, Chair, Thirteenth Circuit JNC; Sixth Circuit Grievance Committee “D”, Thirteenth

Circuit BOG, David Rowland, K. Christopher Nauman, Sandra Burge.

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VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP291464859 May 16, 2013

and [email protected]

David A. Rowland, Court Counsel

Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Of Florida

Legal Department

800 E. Twiggs Street, Suite 603Tampa, Florida 33602

Dear Mr. Rowland:

This is a request for records, copies of the following documents I served you December 10,

2012, and were delivered December 11, 2012 to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida:

1. U.S. Supreme Court Petition, Gillespie v. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida, et al.

2. Rule 39 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

3. Rule 29 proof of service, December 10, 2012

4. Compact Disk (CD) containing PDF files of the separate volume appendices.(Provide a copy of the cover and CD itself, not the contents of the CD)

5. My cover letter to the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, December 10, 2012

The petition, Rule 39 motion, Rule 29 proof of service, CD, and cover letter, were served on you

December 10, 2012 as provided for by Rule 29, by United Parcel Service (UPS), tracking no.

1Z64589FP297520287. UPS records show delivery the next day, December 11, 2012 at 10:55

AM to your address, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602.

The UPS proof of delivery for 1Z64589FP297520287 December 11, 2012 shows “DAVIS” at

the front desk signed for the delivery, and shows an image of the signature “D. Davis”. A seven

(7) page composite of the UPS proof of delivery and tracking documents is enclosed.

Also provide copies of any logs showing receipt of the documents. For the documents, include

copies of the date-stamp received December 11, 2012 by your office, court counsel, and/or the

date-stamp of any other person, judge, office, or entity of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Florida.

Time is of the essence. Provide the records immediately. Thank you.


 Neil J. Gillespie

8092 SW 115th Loop

Ocala, Florida 34481

Via email with attachments: K. Christopher Nauman, Assistant Court Counsel; Sandra Burge

Enclosures: UPS proof of delivery and tracking documents for 1Z64589FP297520287