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An Introduction to the Assessment of Learning in

the Affective Domain

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Outline of Presentation

• What is Affective Domain

• Levels of Affective Domaino Receivingo Respondingo Valuingo Commitment (Organization/Characterization)

• Krathwohl’s Hierarchy of Affective Domain (Teachers & Student standpoint)

• Evaluating Affective Domain

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The affective domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes.

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Levels of Learning in the

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Level Description

RECEIVING Involves being aware of and willing to freely attend to a stimulus

RESPONDING Involves active participation.

VALUINGRefers to voluntarily giving worth to an object, phenomenon or stimulus.

COMMITMENT (Organization

and Characterization)

Involves building an internally consistent value system and freely living by it.

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Encourage student to


Help the students discuss new ideas

Help students solve


Getting students attentionReceiving





Educational objective level

Encourage students to

transfer idea to daily lifeState of mind

Krathwohl’s Hierarchy of Affective Domain(Teachers & Student


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Evaluating Affective Domain

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1. Attitude ScaleIs a form of rating scale containing statements designed to gauge students’ feeling on an attitude or behavior.

An Attitude Scale for Determining Interest in Mathematics

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2. Questionnaire:Used in evaluating attitudes, feelings, and opinions.

2.1 . Checklist type of response provides the students a list of adjectives for describing or evaluating something and requires them to check those that apply.

Checklist Questionnaire on Students Attitudes in a Science Class

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2.2. Semantic Differential is another type of response on a questionnaire. It is usually a five-point scale showing polar or opposite objectives.

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2.3. Likert Scale is a psychometric scale commonly involved in research that employs questionnaires.

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3. Simple projective techniques:are indirect and unstructured methods used when a teacher wants to probe deeper into the student’s feelings and attitude.

3.1. Word Association: A projective technique in which the individual is presented with a list of words one at a time and asked to respond with the first word or idea that comes to mind.

Terms: Answer:

Coca cola





Very refreshing

Complete vitamins

Boost confidence

Causes destruction

Good brain exercise

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3.2. Unfinished Sentence: A students or respondents are given incomplete sentences and ask to complete the thought with words that best express their feeling.

3.3. Unfinished Story : Is a story with no ending is deliberately presented to the students, which they have to finished or complete.

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“In trouble”

Willie Johnson was in trouble! In school this morning he had thrown his paint water at Sue Nelligan and the teacher had become angry with him. “Why did you do that, Willie?’ she asked. Willie couldn’t tell her, because he really didn’t why himself. He knew that Sue had teased him a little, but wasn’t the real reason. He just didn’t know! The whole thing put him in a bad mood. From then on, the entire day went to heck.

In the afternoon he had pushed Tommy Grigsley in the recess line. He also had stamped his foot and yelled at the teacher. The teacher had become angry with him again. But this time she put a note to his mother on his jacket with a pin.

That note! Hew knew it was about his behaviour in class during the day. He knew that when he got home his mother would read the note and give him some kind of punishment. Then his father would find out about it and he’d really get it!

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Continuation “In trouble”

On his way home from school Willie was thinking about what his father would do to him.

“Wow!” he thought. “I’ll get killed if I take this note home. I’d better take it off and throw it away.”

He was just about to do that when he remembered what had happened to Billy Beatty when he was sent home with a note. Billy has thrown his note away and was sent to the principal’s office about it. Then Billy was in double trouble.

Wow! He was in trouble. He couldn’t throw it away. What should he do? He had a problem, all right. He had to make a choice, but how should he choose? No matter what he did, the outcome didn’t look too good! What should he do?

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4. Self Expression techniques:Through these techniques, students are provided the opportunity to express their emotions and views about issue, themselves, and others.

Sample forms:Log book of daily routines or activitiesDiaries/JournalsEssaysOther written composition or themesAutobiographies

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Thank you!

Prepared by: Rowena “wein” Intia