Download - Affaitati (2001) Identification of Alternative Splicing of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 Gene

  • Identication of alternative splicing of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 gene

    Adelina Affaitati1, Tiziana de Cristofaro1, Antonio Feliciello, Stelio Varrone*

    Centro di Endocrinologia ed Oncologia Sperimentale (C.E.O.S.) del C.N.R., c/o Dipartimento di Biologia e Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare,

    Universita di Napoli `Federico II', Via Pansini 5, I-80131 Napoli, Italy

    Received 12 October 2000; received in revised form 12 February 2001; accepted 19 February 2001

    Received by R. Di Lauro


    Spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA-2) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the expansion of an unstable CAG/polyglutamine repeat

    located at the NH2-terminus of ataxin-2 protein. Ataxin-2 is composed by 1312 aminoacids and it is expressed ubiquitously in human tissues.

    To date, the function of ataxin-2 is not known. In this study, we report the characterization of an alternative splice variant of human ataxin-2.

    The splice transcript lacks the exon 21 and connects exon 20 to exon 22 with the same reading frame of the full length mRNA. This novel

    isoform of ataxin-2 is conserved in the mouse. It is named type IV to differentiate it from type II splice variant lacking exon 10 (present in

    human and mouse cDNAs) and from type III, lacking exon 10 and exon 11 seen in mouse. Type IV of human ataxin-2 cDNA is predicted to

    encode a protein of 1294 residues. Both the full length and the type IV transcript of ataxin-2 are present in several human tissues, including

    brain, spinal cord, cerebellum, heart and placenta. These ndings allow the hypothesis that type I, II and IV of human ataxin-2 might perform

    different functions. q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: CAG repeat; Neurodegenerative disorders; Ataxin-2 isoforms; Genomic structure; bp, base pair (s); cDNA, DNA complementary to RNA; dNTP,

    deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate; kb, 1000 bp; kDa, Kilodalton (s)

    1. Introduction

    The polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases represent

    a group of disorders that include spinobulbar muscular atro-

    phy (SBMA) (La Spada et al., 1991; Nakamura et al., 1994),

    Huntington's disease (HD) (The Huntington's Disease

    Collaborative Research Group, 1993), dentatorubropallido-

    luysian atrophy (DRPLA) (Nagafuchi et al., 1994; Koide et

    al., 1994) and the spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) (Ban et

    al., 1994; Orr et al., 1993; Kawaguchi et al., 1994; David et

    al., 1997; Zhuchenko et al., 1997; Riess et al., 1997). The

    molecular basis of polyglutamine diseases is a dominant

    toxic gain of function that occurs at protein level character-

    ized by the presence of about 3540 residues of glutamine,

    due to unstable expansion of CAG trinucleotide repeats in

    the coding region of the gene (Housman, 1995). Polygluta-

    mine expansion could cause mutant proteins to adopt altered

    conformation, leading to their ubiquitination, aggregation

    and cell death. Intranuclear inclusions composed of aggre-

    gated proteins appear to be a common feature in the pathol-

    ogy of the CAG repeat (Li and Li, 1998). We have recently

    demonstrated that the length of polyglutamine, its expres-

    sion, unbalance between cellular transglutaminase activity,

    and the ubiquitin-degradation pathway are critical for the

    accumulation of intracellular aggregates (de Cristofaro et

    al., 1999). Moreover, in the recent work we have showed

    that, in human neuroblastoma cells, nuclear inclusions

    induced by polyglutamine-expanded protein result in cell

    death (de Cristofaro et al., 2000).

    Spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA-2) is an autosomal domi-

    nant disorder leading to neuronal degeneration, primarily in

    the cerebellum, but also in other parts of the central nervous

    system (Pulst et al., 1996; Imbert et al., 1996). Epidemiolo-

    gic studies indicate that SCA-2 is particularly present in

    southern Italy and in north Europe (Filla et al., 1999). The

    gene causing SCA-2 has been recently isolated and named

    ataxin-2. Expansion of CAG/polyglutamine tract, located at

    NH2 terminus of ataxin-2, is linked to the accumulation of

    intracellular inclusions and neuronal cell death (Koyano et

    al., 1999).

    Ataxin-2 gene is constituted by 25 exons; northern analy-

    sis identied a major transcript of 4.5 kb and the open read-

    ing frame consists of 3936 bp. Ataxin-2 is composed by

    Gene 267 (2001) 8993

    0378-1119/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    PII: S0378-1119(01)00402-4

    Abbreviations: mRNA, messenger RNA; .PCR, polymerase chain reac-

    tion; poly(A)1, polyadenilated RNA; RT-PCR, reverse transcriptase-poly-

    merase chain reaction

    * Corresponding author. Fax: 139-081-770-1016.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Varrone).1 Adelina Affaitati and Tiziana de Cristofaro contributed equally to the
















  • 1312 aminoacids with a predicted molecular weight of 140

    kD and it is widely distributed in neuronal and non-neuronal

    human tissues (Pulst et al., 1996). A splice variant of ataxin-

    2 lacking the exon 10 has been characterized and the corre-

    sponding messenger RNA is expressed in non-neuronal

    tissues approximately at the same extent of full transcript.

    In central nervous system, full length ataxin-2 transcript

    predominates in the brain and spinal cord, while the splice

    variant is more abundant in cerebellum (Sahba et al., 1998).

    Furthermore, three isoforms of mouse homolog of SCA-2

    gene have been reported: type I contains the full-length

    cDNA, while type II and type III lack exon 10, or exons

    10 and 11, respectively (Nechiporuk et al., 1998).

    In the present work, we report a new splice variant of

    human SCA-2 gene that lacks the exon 21, with conserved

    reading frame downstream the splicing site. The transcript is

    predicted to encode a novel isoform of ataxin-2 widely

    expressed in human tissues.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-


    Total RNA of control or SCA-2 patients (Sambrook et al.,

    1989) was isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes by

    using the TRIZOL Reagent Kit (Life Technologies). Human

    poly(A)1-RNA from total brain, spinal cord, cerebellum,

    heart and placent was purchased from Clontech. Total

    RNA was extracted on mouse embryonic days 1217

    (E12E17) by using the TRIZOL Reagent Kit (Life Tech-

    nologies). 10 ml of dT oligo were used both on 1 mg of totalRNA and 0.5 mg of poly(A)1 RNA for rst-strand cDNAsynthesis in 20 ml reaction volume using a ThermoScriptRT-PCR System kit (GIBCO BRL) at 558C for 50 min.

    2.2. PCR conditions

    2 ml of the rst-strand mixture were added to 50 ml of thePCR mix containing 200 mM of dNTPs and 20 mM of senseprimer and antisense primer corresponding to nucleotide

    positions 14691494 (5 0-GGGAAGCAAGGGCAAAC-CAGTTAGCA-3 0) and 41654142 (5 0-TCCAGTTGGTA-GAAGCAGTAGAAG-3 0) of human ataxin-2 cDNA(GenBank Accession No. U70323), respectively.

    Mouse cDNA from brain, heart and liver was purchased

    from Origene Technologies. 2 ml of mouse cDNA wereadded to 50 ml of the PCR mix containing 200 mM ofdNTPs and 20 mM of sense primer and antisense primercorresponding to nucleotide positions 12421267 (5 0-GGGAAGCAAGGGCAA ACCAGTTAGCA-3 0) and39483925 (5 0-TCCGGTTGGCAGAAGCAGAGAA G -3 0) of mouse ataxin-2 cDNA (GenBank Accession No.AF041472), respectively. After an initial denaturation at

    948C for 2 min, 30 cycles were repeated as follows: dena-turation at 948C for 10 s, annealing at 608C for 30 s, exten-

    sion at 688C for 1 min; last cycle was extended for 5 min at688C. PCR reaction mixture was resolved on 1% agarose-gel and visualized with 10 mg/ml ethidium bromide. Nested-PCR was performed on the 2 ml of rst PCR mixture using20 mM of the forward and reverse PCR primers localized atposition 33723396 (5 0-GGGTAATGCTAGAATGATGG-CACCA-3 0) and 36393617 (5 0-TTGGCTTTGCTGC-TGTCCAGTGG-3 0) of human ataxin-2 cDNA and 31583183 (5 0-AGGTAATGCCAGGATGATGGCACCA-3 0)and 40264003 (5 0- CTGGCTTTGCTGCTGTCCGGT-GG-3 0) of mouse ataxin-2 cDNA, respectively. The ampli-cation was carried out using the following program: 2 min

    at 948C followed by 35 cycles at 948C (10 s), 588C (30 s) and688C (30 s), ending with 5 min of extension at 688C. Ampli-ed products were resolved on 2% agarose-gel, puried by

    using gel extraction kit (QIAGEN), subcloned into pCR II

    TOPO-TA Cloning Vector (Invitrogen) and subjected to

    DNA sequencing.

    2.3. DNA sequence analysis

    Nucleotide sequencing was performed as described

    (Sambrook et al., 1989), by using CEQ 2000 DNA Analysis

    System, Beckman automated sequencer, according to the

    manufacturer's protocol. Sp6 and T7 oligonucleotide

    primers were used. cDNA templates were puried using

    QIAGEN tips columns (Qiagen, Chatsworth, CA).

    Sequences generated using Sp6 and T7 primers were

    compared to human and mouse ataxin-2 cDNA sequence

    and the splice junctions were determined at the point of

    divergence between both sequences.

    3. Results and discussion

    To isolate full length ataxin-2 cDNA, we employed poly-

    merase chain reaction on reverse transcribed total RNA

    isolated from human peripheral blood lymphocytes with

    two primers located at the 5 0 and 3 0 of the publishedsequence (see Section 2). Sequence analysis conrmed the

    identity of amplied cDNA with ataxin-2 sequence. We

    noticed the cloned cDNA contained a deletion of 54 bp

    corresponding to the complete exon 21 of ataxin-2, suggest-

    ing an alternative splicing of the transcript operating in vivo.

    To characterize this putative splice variant and to rule out

    cloning or PCR artefacts, we tested the presence of this

    variant transcript in the cDNA derived from several tissues.

    Total RNA extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes of

    normal or SCA-2 patients was reverse transcribed using

    oligo-dT as primer. Reverse transcribed cDNA was used

    as template for a polymerase chain reaction with oligonu-

    cleotide primers spanning 14694165 bp of SCA-2 gene.

    PCR product was then subjected to second PCR by using

    internal oligonucleotides primers spanning 33723639 bp of

    full-length SCA-2 cDNA. Amplied PCR products were

    loaded on agarose-gel and separated by electrophoresis.

    As shown in Fig. 1, two fragments of different size (267

    A. Affaitati et al. / Gene 267 (2001) 899390











  • and 213 bp) were visualized by etidium bromide staining, in

    both SCA-2 (lane 2) and control cDNAs (lanes 3 and 4). In

    the control sample, the template was omitted (lane 1). The

    lower smaller band corresponds probably to the predicted

    splice variant. To rule out artefacts of PCR reaction, the

    amplied products (267 and 213 bp) were puried from

    gel, subcloned in pCRII TOPO-TA Cloning Vector and

    subjected to DNA sequence analysis. The 267 bp PCR

    band contains the 3 0 end of exon 20, entire exon 21 (54bp) and 5 0 end of exon 22. In contrast, the 213 bp fragmentrepresents a fusion between 3 0 end of exon 20 and 5 0 of exon22. GT-AG rule that predicts the junction between donor

    site and acceptor site is located between exon 20 and exon

    22, accordingly to previous studies (Sahba et al., 1998).

    Sequence analysis of the PCR fragment lacking exon 21

    revealed that the alternative splice variant of ataxin-2 tran-

    script does not affect the reading frame and connects the

    exon 20 and 22 with a deletion of 18 amino acids, corre-

    sponding to exon 21 (Fig. 2A,B). Thus, we designed the

    isoforms with or without exon 21 as type I and type IV,


    A. Affaitati et al. / Gene 267 (2001) 8993 91

    Fig. 1. Characterization of alternative splicing of exon 21 in human peryph-

    eral blood lymphocytes. Reverse-transcribed total RNA extracted from

    control (lanes 3 and 4) or SCA-2 patient (lane 2) was subjected to poly-

    merase chain reaction using specic oligonucleotides primers spanning 3 0

    end of exon 20 and 5 0 end of exon 22, as described under Materials andMethods (see Section 2.2). 20 ml of the PCR reactions were resolved on 2%

    agarose-gel and visualized by etidium bromide staining. A representative

    experiment is shown.

    Fig. 2. Schematic representation of alternative splice variants of ataxin-2 transcript. (A) Alignment of the human ataxin-2 cDNA with its predicted aminoacid

    sequence of type I and type IV isoforms. Exon 21 (54 bp) is absent in type IV transcript of ataxin-2. Vertical arrows indicate the positions of donor site and

    acceptor site. EX 20 UP and EX 22 DW indicate the oligonucleotides used for nested-PCR experiments (see Section 2.2). (B) Schematic diagram of alternative

    splice variants (type I and type IV) of human ataxin-2. The numbers indicate the nucleotide position in the ataxin-2 cDNA. (C) Alignment of the aminoacid

    sequence of human and mouse type I ataxin-2 with aminoacid sequence lacking exon 21 (type IV). Vertical arrows indicate the positions of donor site and

    acceptor site.


  • Search in dbEST data base identied two expressed

    mouse sequences that are homologous to human ataxin-2.

    One clone corresponds to the full length sequence of mouse

    ataxin-2, while another clone lacks the exon 21 (MGI TC

    Report: TC141828). Mouse SCA-2 gene that lacks the exon

    21 conserves reading frame downstream the splicing site as

    shown in Fig. 2C.

    We have, also, investigated whether these variants were

    differentially expressed in distinct neuronal and non-neuro-

    nal human and mouse tissues. To this end, we performed

    polymerase chain reaction, as described above, on reverse

    transcribed RNAs extracted from several human tissues

    and on cDNAs from mouse tissues. As shown in Fig.

    3A, both isoforms (type I and type IV) of ataxin-2 tran-

    scripts are expressed in human brain, spinal cord, cerebel-

    lum, heart and placent. Similarly both isoforms are

    expressed in mouse brain, heart, liver and were detectable

    at different stages (E12E17) of mouse development (Fig.

    3B). Since the exon 21 is too small to be used as probe, we

    were not able to perform Northern blot analysis on RNA


    These data demonstrate the presence of an alternative

    splice variant of human ataxin-2 transcript, lacking the

    exon 21 and coding for an isoform of 2.1 kDa smaller

    than that previously reported protein. This splice variant is

    expressed in several human tissues, although our data

    cannot determine the precise quantitative ratio to isoform

    I. Moreover splice variant lacking exon 21 is conserved in

    mouse tissues. Another splice variant of human ataxin-2 that

    lacks the exon 10 has been recently found (Sahba et al.,

    1998). It is not known whether these splice variants have

    distinct physiological functions in a particular tissue.

    To date, the function of ataxin-2 is still poorly under-

    stood. Ataxin-2 is a highly basic protein with several puta-

    tive functional motifs such as a caspase-3 cleavage site

    (Rotonda et al., 1996), a clathrin-mediated trans-Golgi

    signal (24), an endoplasmic reticulum export signal

    (Bannykh et al., 1998) and RNA splicing motifs (Sm1 and

    Sm2) (Neuwald and Koonin, 1998). The molecular charac-

    terization of heterogeneity of isoform expression of ataxin-2

    will contribute to understand the functional role, the biolo-

    gical signicance and the involvement of distinct domains

    of the protein in key cellular activities.


    We thank Raimondo Pannone (SBM, Stazione Zoologica

    `Anton Dohrn', Napoli) for technical assistance and Luigi

    Pianese for human tissues RNAs. Special thanks to Prof

    V.E. Avvedimento for critical reading the manuscript.

    A.A. was supported by a Fellowship of the CNR Biotech-

    nology program. This work was supported by `Murst-CNR

    Biotechnology program L. 95/95'.


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