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Page 2: AEP Overland

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2,50O lon3 of cool per hour feed huge 2.6.million-kilowstt focility near Cherhire, Ohio,

from lwo minea locoted lO ond | 5 miles owoy, respectively


wl." 1-"':": . Erecrric ^ P,,wer

l ion k i lowat l GeneralJames M. CavinPow€r Planr near Cheshire. Ohio, ilimmcdiately fac€d a coal tran sponar ionproblem. Th€ probl€m was simply thalthe two new mines, Meiss I a.d 2.planned for developmenr a\ the prima-ry fuelsupply for the n€w facihy. werelocaled respectively l0 and I5 miles

This new major pow€r gen€raringplant . which would add 14 to 15 peFcenl to AEP\ total generating capac'ity. *ould requir. morc than eighi mil-lion lons ofcoal per year. The sazablecoal dcmand for this imporlant planldictal.d thar thc delivery method f.omlhc mines had to be .xrrem€ly reliablewhile sdll cconomical, both a. initial

. rp i r !1 . , ,s t . a \ wel la \ f tn ! re ing

AEP \ manr8emenr rnd engineerinSarm. the AEP Scrv icc CorF. . srudiedthe pfu)blem and evahated rhe alrerna-t ives: l ruck haulage. ra i l haulage- andbell conveyor. After considerable in-venigar ion. a bel t conveyor \ysrem oiva( proport ion\ wa\de. ided upon

The fesul ra. i huge mater ia ls han'd l ing \ tnem. de\ igncd and bui l t byRobins Engineer\ & (onstru. t rs . is

raniNrt in ! coal r r rhe r r re of 2.500tons IJer hour frcm rhe lwo new deeptd ines in Meiss Counry When bolhmine\ are conplete ly devebped. the\ys lem wir l move more than E mi l l ionlons of co^ l annual ly to lhe new r iv-ersid€ senerrtins plant near Callipolas.Ohio.

Col l \eam\ o*ned by AEP s OhioPower (o !nderlie some 56.00O acresin of Meigs. Vinton and cr l l iacoxni ies and are es l imated to conta in

abov.. view lookin9loward mine No.2 portal-s'lo M2 in loreground ar righri b.eaketM1 and mine No 2 ponal in backoroundi also shown .re slope convsyor MSI (back-g rou nd) and conveyor M 12 {to silo). and seclion or M23 conveyor in exlreme toreg,ound

E.lo*: Overall vrew laken lrom mrne No ? porlal showr.g slope conveyor MS1 wrthsc . loupto breaker bu i ld inoMl : i iom lhe 'e , conveyor M12 a lso w| rh sca te . to raw co . lsiroM2 rhen, indisra.ce. section ol conveyor M23 toward nineNo.l (nor inview)

F.p.lnild trom F.bru.ry 1975 COAL l l G & PROCESSII{G

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Vler l om top o t . l l o M6-gornq up l .om m ne No 1 s b reaker M7 to s i lo M6 s conveyo. M76 l lo reground) be low rs co l lec l ron ber lM6SP l rom bonom o t s r o lo sc feenrng p lanr to (9h t o l sc feen ng rs p rep p lan t beh 'nd prep p an l a re .onveyof MPG2 to s lo G2 andc leancoa s r oG2:conveyora lbor lomnqh l rsMST I e sopeconveyof l rom m neNo l lobreake ' M7

! )mc :90 mj l l i , ,n ,c(o\crrh lc r (J . \ . Thccor l . lno$n b lhe ( lnr tun 4.^ \erm.l ie \ .10{) lo l5{ ) n ht los lhc { | f i rceI h. f i r s l !en.r l ing unrr of the : 6 mi ! 'l i { )n ls powg thnr heran .pcrr t i ( )nl r \ t !ear . The rccond uni l $ i l l So on\ t rearn ia ler in l9?5. Ho$ever. eor l forborh unnr i t bc ins sk,ckpi led now

Ihe l5 mr le conleyd syned conr i \ t \ o i a nve mi le uni r conne. l in8 thcconnanv s two ne* deet mrne\ and a

l ( l mr lc \ r rc r .h t ( ) . in ) $ r \hc( l r . rl iom hoth mrne\ ro Ih r nos t r thnrI h . in leFmin t \ ! \ rem conr r r i \ c \ r f r i lo l : l / : m r l c r . n \ . \ o . \ $ h , i c r l r cl0 mi le \ ! \ rem cmt lo i \ r *o f r \c n rL l tl l8h t \ over Rr l lng 1e ' ra in

Longest overland syslem

In re ! iew inS lhe t i rametcr \ wh j .hhad ro be mer td th i \ rys rem. RE&( l

ru [ /ed rh . ] r . ( )nvenrnrnn l .on \ rvo lr ._ .hno l ( )s \ $Lr l l nor !o rh . r (Jb Ihe\ r \ rcm $ou ld h . rh r lo rg . \ r In rhec o r i r r \ : t h c l . r r r i n $ r \ r ( { r u o r \ . r . dlhc rc \u l In8 c r . rhs . r l ! . \ l $ou ldhnvc k , b . m in ih i /ed In i r l r l . rp i ta lr . \ l h rd l . hc los ' rnd lhc rv r i l !b i l i t to f rhe \ ! \ tem hrJ to he ver ! h igh .

Onc o f rhe 'n , , id eo \ r \ borh In cap i ta lou t l ! ! lnd mr in lenr .cc on an over land!ysrem 3re rhe conve!or .omNnent \

Page 4: AEP Overland

rn! \xpnol . l $hr(h inc lude convt !o 'id lcr \ . \ r rur lurc\ . fouodar jon\_ bel l inS

Al lo l lhc{ ' tuekrr \ i rc in l luenccr i h tr h c s , d r h o l r h e \ y \ r e h s h i ( h $ , i t t v ! r ,drr .c l l ! t r i lh lhe \peed of lhe hehWhi l . eon!ent ionr l design\ $ould d ieta le ! ie . t l \ rn rhe order o i 600 f t /min.our r inr l rc lccr ion {a\ 950 l i /nr in re,\u l l rn ! in ! bel t width of only 48 in . rorchreve a.onservat ive del iver t r r tc oflJ00 rph

In ovedand conveyor systems. i t isde\r rable l rom both the in i l ia l con \ landpornts to use a\ fe*

f l rghl r (con!etors) as pors ib le In turn-thr \ d icr r te\ rhe l5ngc\r convetor \nrxcrreal ro the in \ la l la l ion.

Conveyor design

Al ier a lhorougb anr lysrs of lhe rerfu,n.ouplcd w' lh the object ive ofstandxrdizar ion of dr ives. each o!edandconveyor $as d iv ided into two f l igb ls .The f ive d i le system i r conpo\ed ofconveyor\ 10.000 and 10.847 fi long,phi le lhe f l ights on the lO-mi le synemare ?2.291 and 28.181 f t lons r€spec,t ive ly . among tbe wor ld s largesl .

Convent ional design would ur i l izeidlers spaced al5 ft on the carrying rideand l0 f l on the return. However. pre-vo!s r€searcb a.d p ioneer ing in con,ve!-�or desisn bad prcven rh€ spacingcould he at least do!bled if rhe properid ler con{ isutat io . and deign concepls

Af ter a lhorough re! iew. we ur i l izeda l0 tl \pacing on lbe troughers and a20 fi spacin8 on lh€ reiurns.

A new hea!y duly id ler was desienedlor lh is appl ica l ion and uted an extrabea!y dury cenrer ro l lwi rh heary durye.d ro l ls ro mrrch the ro l ls * i th rhei r

Ihe rc lur . id lers were of the Vee'tyFe to n in imize 1 'a in inB problems onthe re lurn \ t rand. Approximately 8000id lers we.e requ;cd. which permi edus b design and t ( t the id ler as an,ntegral parr of rbe idler srand. funhe.

The final desisn also considered in-sra l l r r io6 cosls . The foundal ions for(he nand arc two cylindrical pierserecled by augering holes precis€ly lo,caled by special e.€clion jigs and usiDSsonotube lype foms.

Final a l ignnenl o i lhe id l€rs em-ploycd laser beam sur ley inB tech-

Belling & drives

The cooveyor bel l ins i \ a s igniUcaniparl of the cosr of a sysrem and thedes'gner must carefully consider fac-rom which wi l lextend i l t l i fe .

The pr in. ipal in f luence in beh coverlifc ̂ the wear occurinB at Ihe lran\ferpornls due to jmpacl and accelerarion

Minimiz ing the .umber of lhe5epoinls by use of long flighls is a slep inlhe r ighl d i rec l ion. Ut i l izar ion of i .li.e lransfers essenlially of the beltto bell varieiy reduces the accelera-tion forces fur(her reducing belt cover

Conveyor belc usually have a resi,due of male.ial on ihe carying side.Conventional conveyor consiructionhas lbe caffyin! sid€ in conhci with therel'rrn idlere. This *ould present sev.eral major problems on a long con-veyo.. Frrst, ihere *ould b€ undesi-rable wear on borh rhe beh ard rcturnid le6. In addi t ion, mater ia l tends iobuild up on the idl€rs frequently cau$ine the belt to mi(rain. This .esulc inunnecessary marntenance and cleanup

- E E I E - I f

f , 3 A f [ I 3 E n J * f

C lo3e- up rle, ol noro.ired t. ke-up ot co nveyo. M45 and I ran ster slation M 5

Page 5: AEP Overland

To aloid lh€se problems. we used''lurn overs close 1o each rerminal topresenr the clean side oi lhe beli lorhe r ra in ins id lers. This h a . imple mechanicaldevicc us ing d l t to rurn overlhe bel t wi thout undue st ra int .

The conleyom are undular ins, tend,in8 to fo l low lhe ier ra in o l lhecounlry. The final delermi.alion of lheprofiles considered bolh conveyor design and eanh movins con\ achieving

The combinalion of lonc flighc andund!lating profiles requires a detaitedanalys is of rhe lensions in the b€tr u. ,der a vrnely of both sla jne and run-nrns condi l ions. The solu l ion was jnth€ conl ro l o f in i i ia l rensionscombinedwrrh rhe conrrolled applicnlion of torque and acceleralion. RE&C achievedthis by lhe use ofan electro-mechanicallensNnrng sys lem and oul r ip te dr ivesin which the motor rpeed and lorqueare eleclronically controlled by eddy

The five-mile flights are drilen byfour l00O hp motors, rhree drivinB lheconveyo.s head end ard one dr iv inSthe ta i lend. A f i f lh noror reducer cou,plrng set\ acts as standby at lhe headend. The lwo and a hal f mi le Uirh lsemploy lhree mo1o.5 driling rwo put,leys at tbe head end of the conveyorwalh afour th as standby. Al lconveyorsare equipped wirh motd drive. len-s ioni .g e inches at the head end.

Equlpment operation

In operation. here\ how rhis combinarion of equipment works: The fi 6ts lep is an in i t ia l lensioning cycte. Be-fore act ivat ing lhe dr ives. rhe winchta&e-up is enga8ed lo a pre-\el tevelwhich is auromal ica l ly sensed by n to.dcell which is an inregral pan of rhe

Next . a l l o f rhe dr ive sysrem s motors arc brought ut ro synchronolsspeed (1750 rpm)and rhe eddy curenrc lu ich/coupl ings are enga8ed. The cou-plngs are provided wirh rwo \e(ings:pre-lensioning and acceleration. In thepre lension mod€, the coupli.Ss followa fixed lorque romp from zero io tt25lb fi/min durins a lariable period up roa maximum of four minutes.

A torque command signal is devefoped as a funclion of the increasangoutpur on the master drive motor andthar sisf,al is transmined simuhancously lo followeror slave drives at arale rhat provides a eradual and uni-

lop.dd bonom dnve unlt3: roaded belt at noht

form appl icat ion ofoulput lorquc to tbceon!e lor hel l A l ier the pre tenrnrn i .g.yc le. the drvc sts te 'n \$r tchcs l ionthe ldquc rnmp kJ a \I]eed rrmp andconr inue\ b {celerare lhe convetor ro

The master and fo lbwer dr ives r .eeach equipped wi th r \peed.ompar! tornetwo.k. feedback \ignal seneratotsand inter lock i . S ignals a.e senr io thefo lbwer dr ive\ v ia !n cx iensive tode

Whi le eddy curenl co0pl inss havebeen edployed in a wide variety ofindusr ia l appl icat ions, th is is rhe l l rs l

t inre lhey hr le been engineer.d in to,hnd nr l lcra l \ h{ndl ins \ t \ (emshere lherr precrse contro l o f torqueand !(celeruttun arplicatbn m.\reredrhe prcblemsofove^l re!s rnd sear ine\ t ra lons conleyor bel ( \

The unique problems and equal lyunique solut iont for lh is conveyor iy \ -lenr have adv.nced the 5tate of the ar tot exrredely long marerials handlinSsystems. The ideas used have openedthe door to lhe use of belt conveyorsfor applications which herelofore were.onsidered possible only for oth.rtype\ ofequipment . !

St ingy Ru. , near ly o .e f r i le ronq and longes t b r ldge orsys tem. p lan t in backoround