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  • 8/13/2019 AdvRealEnglish3 DEMO SB-U5 11182


    Getting Started

    1. Look at the cartoons. What is the artist trying tosay about mobile phones? Do you agree?

    Vocabulary >>Mobile Phones

    2. Do the quiz. Then check your answers. Howmany did you get right?

    3. Have you got a mobile phone? Which of thefeatures in blue have you got on it?

    Choose the correct words.

    1. With a mobile phonecharger/ headset, youcan use your mobile phone without holding it in yourhand.

    2. The keypad/ displayhas got four rows of keyswith numbers, letters and symbols on them.

    3. The sound the phone makes when someone callsyou is the digital camera/ ringtone.

    4. Video calling/ A touch screenallows you tosee the person youre talking to.

    5. You can leave a message with the voicemail/caller ID.

    6. You can set the calendar/ alarm clockon yourmobile phone to wake you up.

    How well do you knowmobile phones?

    Answers, page 70




    Workbook, page 41 59


    Mad About Mobiles


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    World Listening and Speaking

    1. Listen to a conversation about text messaging.How many examples of short text language does

    Tony explain?

    2. Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? 1. Carla is delighted because she is getting messages.

    2. Carla has never used short text language before.

    3. People often begin messages with BFN. 4. Each character in a text message is a word.

    5. You can write BOL to a friend doing an exam.

    3. Can you guess what these short messages mean? 1. 2nite 2. LUVU 3. CU 4. Dont B L8

    4. Ask and answer the questions about your mobilephone, your friends phone or your dream phone.

    1. Have you got video calling?

    2. Has your mobile phone got a touch screen?

    3. Is your ringtone a song? If so, which one?

    4. How often do you use your mobile phone charger?

    5. Have you got caller ID on your mobile phone?

    6. Has your mobile phone got a digital camera?

    Reading >>A Teen Magazine Article

    5. Read the story. What was the challenge? Did Sarasucceed?

    8. Choose the correct answers. 1. What is true about Sara?

    a. She is British.

    b. She studies at university.

    c. She enjoys cold weather.

    2. What was the one good thing about not using a

    mobile phone?

    a. Sara didnt spend any money all week.

    b. Sara saw it wasnt so difficult.

    c. Sara saved some money. 3. Which sentence below is true according to the

    Mobile Facts?

    a. Most Japanese 12-year-olds have got mobile


    b. Over two-thirds of the children in the US have got

    mobile phones.

    c. About half the US teens send over 100 text

    messages a day.

    9. On which day do you think Sara said ... ? 1. I just hope I wont use it to talk on my mobile even


    2. Maybe my friends will send me theirs.

    3. My teacher will be really angry.

    4. My social life just isnt the same without my


    10. Write definitions in English for the words below.1. late (Tuesday) 4. buy (Sunday)

    2. favourite (Friday) 5. first (Mobile Facts)

    3. hard (Sunday)


    About 70% of children in the US havegot mobile phones.

    In Japan, 80% of high school students(ages 15-18) and 25% of junior highstudents (ages 12-15) use mobile phones.

    Most British kids get their first mobilewhen they are only eight years old.

    About 33% of US teens send more than

    100 text messages a day. Girls send moretext messages than boys.

    Some kids can write text messages withtheir eyes closed. Some of them evensleep with their mobile phones!

    Thursday Whats happening?

    The weekend is nearly here. I dont know what all my friends

    are doing. They usually send me text messages or leave me

    voicemails to tell me about their plans.

    Sunday Ive done it!

    I havent used my mobile phone for a whole week! It was hard,

    but there was one good thing about it. I didnt spend any money

    on text messages or calls. I might use the

    money Ive saved to buy myself

    something. I may even have

    enough for a headset.

    Tuesday Late!It cant be 8.00 already! Im really late for

    school. The alarm clock on my mobile

    phone usually wakes me up. I have to hurry.

    Ive found out that I really cant

    live without my mobile phone, but I

    should try not to use it as much

    as I have in the past.

    How doesSara feel about

    NO MOBILE week?

    Monday Stuck!

    Oh, no! I missed the bus. How am I going to get home?

    I have to call my mum, but I havent got my mobile phone.

    Theres a phone box. Now I have to find some money.Answers,page 70

    11. Over to you:Do you think you could live without

    your mobile phone for a week? What would bedifficult for you?

    6. Decide who or what the words below refer to. 1. their (Thursday) 3. they (Mobile Facts)

    2. it (Sunday) 4. them (Mobile Facts)

    7. How did not having a phone affect Sara onMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday? Write

    about each day.1. On Monday, Sara couldnt ... .

    Understanding Reference

    Texts often contain pronouns and possessive

    adjectives. These usually refer to something or

    someone already mentioned in the first part of the

    sentence or in the previous sentence.

    In informal English we often use phrasal verbs, but

    in formal English we usually use one verb.

    set off = leave go on = continue

    Find phrasal verbs in the text with the same meaningas the verbs below.

    1. returned 2. discovered

    Your Language

    whole/ all Practice:Language Builder,page 14

    Name:Sara Thompson


    Lives:Manchester, England

    Likes:talking to my friends,

    pop music, shopping

    Hates:angry teachers,

    cold winters

    Friday No pictures!

    Ive just come back from a rock concert. My favourite band was

    playing. My friends all took pictures with the digital cameras on

    their mobile phones. Of course I couldnt take any pictures!




    The Challenge:Dont use your mobile phone

    for a week.

    miss the bus miss a chance miss the point not miss much miss a personWord




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    5. Read Debbies text messages. Then copy andcomplete the sentences with the modals below.

    Use each modal once.

    may mustnt can doesnt have to has to might

    2. Copy and complete the questions with can,couldorshould. Then answer the questions.

    1. you write a text message and talk at the same


    2. you use a mobile phone when you were ten years


    3. parents buy mobile phones for children under 12?

    4. How mobile phones save lives?

    5. you talk on a phone outside before the invention

    of the mobile phone? 6. What a mobile phone do that an ordinary phone


    7. schools allow students to bring mobile phones to


    3. Complete the sentences with the correct form ofmustor have to. There may be more than one

    possible answer.

    1. You use your mobile phone on aeroplanes.

    2. I call home to say Ill be late.

    3. You use your keypad to send a message.

    4. He buy a new phone. This ones good enough.

    5. Her phone isnt working. She take it to the shop.

    4. Choose the correct modals to complete the text.

    Workbook,page 42

    1. Debbie feed the dog when she gets home.

    2. Debbies mum be home late.

    3. Debbie bring any food to Jims party.

    4. She tell Jim about the party.

    5. Debbie go shopping with Betty later today.

    6. Bettys mother drive the girls to the shopping centre.

    6. Listen and check your answers to Exercise 5.

    7. Write possible answers for the questions belowusing the modals in brackets.

    1. Why didnt you meet us at the shopping centre?


    2. Why are you going home so early? (have to)

    3. Why are you taking trainers? (might)

    4. Id really like to buy this necklace but it costs 120.

    What do you think? (shouldnt)

    5. Why are you angry at me? (mustnt)

    6. Can you call me at 9.00 tonight? (cant)

    Company Director Gives Up Mobile

    Like any other business person, Tavis Smiley thought he1. should/ can/ didnthave toown a mobile phone.

    As the director of an American media company, he2. had to/ should/ canmake a lot of important calls.

    With a mobile phone, he 3. should/ must/ couldmake

    them anywhere. But after he had bought one, he noticed

    a change that he didnt like. He 4. cant/ couldnt /

    mustntremember any phone numbers. Since he 5. can/

    could/ hadtofind phone numbers in his phone, he6. didnt have to/ mustnt/ shouldnt learn them any

    more. He also 7. can/ shouldnt/ couldntremember

    the times of meetings because they were written in

    his phones calendar. Smiley decided to stop using a

    mobile phone and start using his memory. He says he

    is enjoying the change. Now Smiley 8. should/ can/

    couldhave longer and more relaxed conversations in

    his office. When hes not in, people 9. have to/ should/couldwait to reach him, but he thinks more face-to-face

    communication has been good for his company.

    Message from Mum:Feed dog after school.Ive got an importantmeeting today. Dont

    know when Ill be home.

    Message from Betty:Are you free thisafternoon? Lets goshopping. My mum willbe home to drive us.

    A man has finished exercising in the gym. While he is

    changing his clothes, the mobile phone next to him r ings

    and the man picks it up. A teenage girl says, Hello, Dad.1. I talk to you for a minute?

    Sure.Dad, Im at the shopping centre. Ive just seen the most

    beautiful dress. It costs 100. 2. I buy it? What do you


    Yes, of course you 3. . Every young girl needs a

    beautiful dress.Dad, please 4. I get a new pink headset for my mobile

    phone, too? Its so cool!

    I guess you 5. live without a pink

    headset. Buy it!

    Thanks, Dad. Listen t heres a partytonight. I know Ive got a history exam

    tomorrow, but I really 6. go to the

    party. 7. I study tonight?

    No, you 8. study. Enjoy the party!

    Oh, theres one more thing. I droveMums car last night and I had a little

    accident. 9. I tell Mum about it?

    No, you10.

    say anything to her.Youre the best, Dad. I love you.

    Bye!The man holds up the phone and

    asks, Does anyone know who this

    phone belongs to?

    8. Complete the joke by filling in the correct modals.There may be more than one possible answer.

    Joke of the Day

    9. Choose a suitable title for the joke in Exercise 8. 1. Addicted to Mobile Phones 3. Wrong Phone

    2. What Should I Buy? 4. Dads and Daughters

    10. Tell your partner about something . 1. you can do well

    2. you couldnt do five years ago

    3. that must be true

    4. you mustnt do at school 5. you dont have to do at home

    6. you may do later today

    I can play the guitar beautifully.


    1. Read the examples. Then complete the rules.


    I cantake pictures with my new mobile phone.Canyou send me a text message?CanI come in?


    The phones ringing. It couldbe Pam.People couldntwrite text messages on old phones.Couldyou please answer the phone?


    We shouldleave a message on her voicemail.


    You mustuse a headset while driving.


    You mustntuse your phone on aeroplanes.

    have to

    Ihave tocall my mum.

    She doesnt have tobuy an expensive phone.


    I mayhave enough money for a headset.

    You may not use your phone here.

    MayI use your phone?


    I mightbe late for my maths test.

    Complete the rules with the words below.

    must can could mustnt have to

    may should dont have to might

    1. We use to express ability, possibili ty and

    permission and to make requests.

    2. We use to give advice.

    3. We use and to express obligation.

    4. We use to show possibility in the future, to ask

    for and give or deny permission in formal speech.

    5. We use to express prohibition .

    6. We use to express lack of obligation.

    7. We use to express ability in the past, possibility

    and to make requests.

    8. We use to show possibility in the future.

    Grammar AppendixWorkbook,page 98

    Message from Mike:Surprise party for Jim 8 pm.Dont bring any food. Imbuying pizza. Dont tell Jim!Its a secret!

    We use mustto express certainty and say we feel

    sure something is true.

    Youve been working all day. You must be tired.

    We use cantbut not mustntto show somethingsurprises us and seems impossible.

    It cant be 8.00 already!

    Complete the sentences with mustor cant.

    1. Sheryl be home. Ive just seen her at the library.

    2. Tim be disappointed. He failed the test.

    Your Language

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    F rumMad About MobilesRealWorld

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    Reading >> A Web Forum

    1. Read the web forum. Then look at the answers belowand match each question to the correct option.

    1. Why does maria15 write to the Mad About Mobiles


    2. Why do the four other people write to the Mad About

    Mobiles Forum?

    a. To ask a question about using mobile phones.

    b. To tell funny stories about mobile phones.

    c. To give information about how to use a mobile phone.

    d. To answer maria15s question about mobile phones.

    2. Choose a suitable heading for each persons message.Match the headings in A to the writers in B.

    A B 1. Go Away, Mosquito! a. Selipo18

    2. Using It Again b. 4greenworld

    3. Pet Chat c. peterpal 4. Fun Lessons d. Drdolittle

    1. Vocabulary Four of the sentences below areincorrect. Correct these sentences. Change the

    words in bold.

    1. You need to use the keypad to send text messages.

    2. Im feeling down because I had such a greatday


    3. We will do our best to help you out.

    4. I will stay at homewhen I go abroad?

    5. You should wear protective gearto protect yourgenes.

    6. Nora will be relieved if you tell her the badnews.

    2. Vocabulary Try to complete this exercise in twominutes. List three .

    1. jobs that require university degrees

    2. types of sports equipment you use to hit a ball

    3. qualities you need to be a professional athlete

    4. places connected to cultural activities

    5. features of a mobile phone

    3. GrammarRead the sentences that a teen saysabout her mobile phone. Complete the second

    sentence so it means the same as the first.

    Use no more than three words.

    1. I got my first mobile phone when I was twelve.

    I a mobile phone since I was twelve.

    2. I learned to use a mobile phone, then I got my own.

    I had learned to use a mobile phone I got my own.

    3. My life wouldnt be the same without a mobile phone.

    If I a mobile phone, my life wouldnt be the same.

    4. I think touch screens are better than keypads.

    I think keypads are not touch screens.

    5. My parents dont allow me to use my phone at school.

    My parents say I my phone at school.

    4. GrammarComplete the questions from a surveyabout text messaging. In your notebook, write oneword for each space.

    1. On average, how text messages do you send a day?

    2. you ever a text message to someone in the same

    room as you?

    3. you usually sleep with your phone on?

    4. How you feel if you didnt get any text messages

    over the weekend? 5. How do you feel if you find your mobile phone


    5. Vocabulary and GrammarChoose the correctanswers from the choices below.

    False friends


    A B C D

    1.has eaten had eaten has been was eating


    2.ashamed disappointed relieved worried

    3.couldnt mustnt shouldnt cant judge lifeguard surgeon

    5.may must can might

    6.have been were has been are their them him

    8.bring take send carry

    9. but so because since

    10.was finding has been finding has found will find

    3. Answer these questions about the texts. 1. What two things can students in South Africa do with

    their mobile phones?

    2. Why do mosquitos stay away from one type of mobile


    3. What does the Korean mobile phone service send dog


    4. What are two uses for old mobile phones?

    4. Find words or phrases in the text to match thedefinitions below.

    1. look for something on the Internet (lines 1-5)

    2. copy something from the Internet to a computer

    (lines 6-13)

    3. writes something in another language (lines 20-29)

    4. an occasion requiring immediate action (lines 30-38)

    5. Find the countries in the text on the map on pages142-143.

    16th May, 2011 8.00 pm

    I use my mobile phone for all the typical things: to chat

    to friends, take pictures, browse the web and send text

    messages. What unusual uses are there for mobile


    16th May, 2011 11.15 pm

    You can improve your English with your mobile phone. In

    my school in South Africa, students practise speaking and

    learn vocabulary on their phones. Teachers make exercises

    using special computer programs. Then we download

    them onto our phones. That way, we can practise any

    time, any place. Who knows? We may even begin to send

    answers to our teachers through our phones.

    17th May, 2011 11.42 am

    I hate mosquitos. Dont you? A while ago, I read an advert

    in a newspaper in India. It said, You must get this special

    mobile phone. It keeps mosquitos away. I couldnt believe

    it! The phone makes a very high sound. People cant hear

    it, but mosquitos can. They hate it, so they stay away.









    17th May, 2011 7.35 pm

    Do you want to understand your dog? Maybe you can.

    A mobile phone company in South Korea started a

    special service for people with dogs. Dog owners use

    their phones to connect to the companys website. On

    the website, they write information about their dog.Then they have to record the dogs bark. The company

    translates the bark into a message and sends it to the

    owner. Owners are happy to find out how their dog is


    17th May, 2011 10.10 pm

    You shouldnt throw away your old mobile phone. Your

    phone company might want it. Here in Britain, phone

    companies sometimes change old phones so that they

    can only dial 999 the number you call in an emergency.

    Poor people or old people get these phones and can use

    them as an emergency alarm. You can also recycle your

    old phone. People make new products from the plastic

    and metal.





    Unusual Uses of Mobile Phones

    In Pretoria, South Africa, a dog called Nero was taken to an

    animal clinic after he 1. a mobile phone. Neros owner, Marie

    Mathews, said, We were very 2. . I 3. stop crying. The

    veterinary 4. not only found the phone, but also several

    stones. Luckily, Nero was fine, but the mobile phone wasnt!

    In the city of Guangzhou, China, police have told people, You5. watch out for dogs stealing mobile phones. Recently,

    criminals 6. training dogs to go into peoples homes and

    take mobile phones. The criminals then sell 7. .

    When people are in prison, they can only use ordinary phones.

    Sometimes people who come to visit try to 8. mobile phones

    to their friends in prison. Now the police are teaching dogs to

    find these phones. Mobile phones have got a special smell,9. dogs can find them. Murphy, a 15-month-ol d dog, works

    in Norwich prison, England. Since he started working there, he10. 60 mobile phones!

    Dogs andMobile Phones

    Your LanguageIntro 987654321

    Practice:Language Builder,page 14throw/ through

    But, so, becauseandsinceare connectors.Butshows

    contrast. Soshows the effect. Becauseandsinceshow the cause.

    Which answer did you choose in number 9 above? Why?

    download log in log out stay away stay together stay overWord




    Workbook,page 4364 65


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    Workbook,page 45

    Vocabulary >>Communication

    1. Look at the words and phrases in blue in thequestionnaire. Which can only be used in relation

    to phones?

    2. Read the questionnaire. Who do you think hasgot better mobile phone manners Lori

    or Harry?

    Youre having dinner in a restaurant and you

    receive a message. What do you do?

    Lori: I call backor replyright away.

    Harry: I turn offmy phone.

    Youre talking on your mobile phone on a bus.

    The connection is bad. What do you do?

    Lori: I repeatthings loudly.

    Harry: I get back tothe person later.

    Someones mobile phone rings at the cinema.

    Does it bother you?

    Lori: No. I leave my phone on, too.

    Harry: Yes. People shouldnt leave their phones

    turned onat the cinema.

    Your phone rings in the middle of a lesson.

    What do you do?

    Lori: I answer it and say, Hold ona minute

    Then I leave the classroom to talk on my


    Harry: I hang upand say Sorry to the teacher.

    Youre talking to a friend and your mobile phone

    rings. What do you do?

    Lori: I interruptmy friend and take the call.

    Harry: I dont answer. They canleave a message.

    4. What do you do in the situations below? Choosethe correct answer.

    1. You dont want to receive any calls.

    You turn on/ turn offyour mobile phone.

    2. Someone leaves you voicemail.

    You interrupt/ get backtothem.

    3. Someone didnt hear you.

    You repeat/ replywhat you said.

    4. Your friend didnt answer the phone.

    You leave a message/ receive a message. 5. You cant answer the phone.

    You hang up/ call backlater.

    3. Answer the questions for yourself. Are you morelike Lori or Harry?

    A. take calls when crossing a street

    B.interrupt a face-to-face conversation to take a call people back late at night

    D.repeat things loudly on a train or a bus

    E.use your phone in hospitals

    F. keep your phone on during family dinners

    G.leave long voicemail messages

    H.ask a caller to hold on for more than five seconds

    I.keep your phone on in the cinema or theatre

    What kind of mobile phone user are you?


    0 = never

    1 = rarely

    2 = sometimes

    3 = often

    4 = always

    You shouldnt take a

    call when ... .You mustnt use your

    phone when ... .

    You should reply

    when ... .You must turn off

    your phone when ... .

    You have to use your

    mobile phone when ... .You can leave yourphone on when ... .


    5. Listen to five short conversations. In whichconversations has one of the speakers got bad

    mobile phone manners?

    Who Has Got GoodMobile Phone Manners?

    We asked two teenagers some questions:

    9. Compare your score with a partner. Then discuss these questions. 1. Do you agree with the results of the questionnaire? Why or why not?

    2. Which items in the questionnaire are the most inconsiderate? Do you think any are not inconsiderate?

    3. What other questions can you add to the questionnaire?

    10. Say It Right! Listen and repeat.1. cannot cant 2. could not couldnt 3. must not mustnt 4. should not shouldnt

    Speaking Task

    11. With a partner, decide on a list of rules for mobile phone use.

    6. Listen again. What is each person doing? In yournotebooks, write the number of the conversation

    to match each sentence below.

    a. The boy is holding on.

    b. The girl is turning off her phone.

    c. The boy is writing a text message.

    d. The girl is leaving a message on someones voicemail.

    e. The boy is hanging up.

    Speaking8. What kind of mobile phone user are you? Give each item in the

    questionnaire below a number from 0 to 4. Then add up your score.

    7. Can you remember the following details? 1. Why was the teacher angry?

    2. When is Kates party?

    0-11:Your mobile phone manners arevery good. You are considerate of otherpeople.

    12-23:Your mobile phone manners arequite good, but you can improve.

    24-36:You never let go of your mobilephone. Youre not very considerate ofothers.

    To find the meaning of a phrasal verb in your

    dictionary, look up the base form of the verb.Then scan the column until you find the phrasal

    verb you need.

    A. Look up the following phrasal verbs in yourdictionary.

    call back hold on hang up turn off

    B. Copy the sentences and complete the phrasalverbs with the correct verbs below.

    turn grow hang get call hold

    1. Do you upearly in the morning? 2. My friends and I usually outat our favourite

    coffee shop.

    3. I cant talk now. Ill backsoon.

    4. ona minute. Ill give you the address.

    5. Im sorry you couldnt reach me. I forgot to on

    my phone.

    6. I want to be a famous actor when I up.

    Your Language

    Discussing Phone Manners

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    A B C

    A B C

    A B C

    A B C

    A B C

    The History of Communication, page 132RealWorld

    3. Your eight-year-old brother is getting his firstmobile phone. Talk with a partner about what you

    think his phone should have and why. Here is a

    picture with some ideas to help you.

    4. You have lost your mobile phone. Write a note toyour parents. In your note, you should:

    say how you lost it

    explain where you looked for it

    tell your parents how to reach you

    Write 35-45 words.

    2. For each of the five questions below, there arethree pictures and a short recording. Listen to each

    recording and choose the correct picture.

    1. Where is the money?

    2. Where does the boy run?

    3. At what time does the boy want to see the film?

    4. What is the girl going to do on her birthday?

    5. What will happen at the library in August?

    Your Exam Skills

    AnswersPage 59, Exercise 2:1. headset 2. keypad 3. ringtone 4. videophone

    5. voicemail 6. alarm clock

    Page 60, Exercise 3:1. tonight 2. Love you. 3. See you. 4. Dont be late.

    Web Extra Vocabulary Games

    Grammar Exercises Dialogue Builder

    Web Activity

    Extra Practice Dictation, Workbook, page 47

    Check Your Progress,Workbook, page 47

    Advance Your Language,

    Workbook, page 48

    Language Builder, page 15
