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  • 8/9/2019 Advisory Opinion OC 16 Eng








    Antnio A. Canado Trindade, President;Mximo Pacheco-Gmez, Vice-President;ernn !a"#ado-Pesantes, $%d#e;&"i'er $ac(man, $%d#e;A"irio A)re%-*%re""i, $%d#e;!er#io Garc+a-am+rez, $%d#e, andCar"os Vicente de o%x-en#io, $%d#e.

    A"so resent:

    Man%e" /. Vent%ra-o)"es, !ecretar0, andenzo Pomi, 1e%t0 !ecretar0.


    comosed as a)o'e,

    renders the o""o2in# Ad'isor0 &inion:


    3. *0 s%)mission o 1ecem)er 4, 3445, the 6nited Mexican !tates 7hereinater 8Mexico9 or8the re%estin# !tate9 so%#ht an ad'isor0 oinion o the

  • 8/9/2019 Advisory Opinion OC 16 Eng


    came a)o%t as a res%"t o the )i"atera" reresentations that the Go'ernment o Mexico had madeon )eha" o some o its nationa"s, 2hom the host !tate had a""e#ed"0 not inormed o their ri#htto comm%nicate 2ith Mexican cons%"ar a%thorities and 2ho had )een sentenced to death in tenstates in the 6nited !tates.

    B. The re%estin# !tate asserted that the considerations #i'in# rise to the re%est 2ere the

    o""o2in#: the sendin# !tate and the host !tate 2ere )oth arties to the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar e"ations; )oth 2ere mem)ers o the &r#anization o American !tates 7hereinater 8the&A!9 and had si#ned the American 1ec"aration o the i#hts and 1%ties o Man 7hereinater8the American 1ec"aration9; and a"tho%#h the host !tate had not ratiied the AmericanCon'ention, it had ratiied the . Hrom the oint o 'ie2 o internationa" "a2, is the enorcea)i"it0 oindi'id%a" ri#hts conerred on orei#ners )0 the a)o'e-mentioned Artic"e B? on)eha" o the interested arties in re#ard to the host !tate s%)=ect to the rotests othe !tate o 2hich the0 are nationa"s

    B. Mind%" o the o)=ect and %rose o Artic"e B?737) o the ViennaCon'ention, sho%"d the exression 82itho%t de"a09 contained in that ro'ision )einterreted as re%irin# the a%thorities o the host !tate to inorm an0 orei#nerdetained or crimes %nisha)"e )0 the death ena"t0 o the ri#hts conerred on

    him )0 Artic"e B?737), at the time o the arrest, and in an0 case )eore theacc%sed ma(es an0 statement or conession to the o"ice or =%dicia" a%thorities

    @. Hrom the oint o 'ie2 o internationa" "a2 and 2ith re#ard to a"iens,2hat sho%"d )e the =%ridica" conse%ences o the imosition and a"ication othe death ena"t0 in the "i#ht o ai"%re to #i'e the notiication reerred to inArtic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention

    Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:

    I. , ?, 3@ and IJ o the Co'enant to )e interreted as containin#

    ro'isions concernin# the rotection o h%man ri#hts in the American !tates


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    the art o the host !tate, o ri#hts conerred on him )0 Artic"e B?737) o theVienna Con'ention

    5. As re#ards a"iens acc%sed o or char#ed 2ith crimes s%)=ect to the deathena"t0, is the host !tateKs ai"%re to noti0 the erson in'o"'ed as re%ired )0Artic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention in (eein# 2ith their ri#hts to

    8ade%ate time and aci"ities or the rearation o his deense9, %rs%ant toArtic"e 3@7B7) o the Co'enant

    L. As re#ards a"iens acc%sed o or char#ed 2ith crimes s%)=ect to the deathena"t0, sho%"d the term 8minim%m #%arantees9 contained in Artic"e 3@7B o theCo'enant, and the term 8at "east e%a"9 contained in ara#rah I o thecorresondin# 6nited ations !ae#%ards )e interreted as exemtin# the host!tate rom immediate com"iance 2ith the ro'isions o Artic"e B?737) o theVienna Con'ention on )eha" o the detained erson or deendant

    4. ith re#ard to EAFmerican co%ntries constit%ted as edera" !tates 2hichare Parties to the Co'enant on Ci'i" and Po"itica" i#hts, and 2ithin the

    rame2or( o Artic"es >, ?, 3@ and IJ o the Co'enant, are those !tates o)"i#ed toens%re the time"0 notiication reerred to in Artic"e B?737) to e'er0 indi'id%a" oorei#n nationa"it0 2ho is arrested, detained or indicted in its territor0 or crimess%)=ect to the death ena"t0; and to adot ro'isions in (eein# 2ith theirdomestic "a2 to #i'e eect in s%ch cases to the time"0 notiication reerred to inthis artic"e in a"" its comonent arts, i this 2as not #%aranteed )0 "e#is"ati'e orother ro'isions, in order to #i'e %"" eect to the corresondin# ri#hts and#%arantees enshrined in the Co'enant

    3J. . ith re#ard to a"iens in the rame2or( o Artic"e B73>

    o the &A!Charter and Artic"es

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    there has )een a ai"%re to ma(e the notiication reerred to in Artic"e B?737) othe Vienna Con'ention


    I. Hor %roses o the resent Ad'isor0 &inion, the o""o2in# exressions 2i"" ha'e themeanin# here%nder assi#ned to them:

    a 8the ri#ht to inormation on cons%"arassistance9 or 8ri#ht to inormation9

    The ri#ht o a nationa" o the sendin# !tate2ho is arrested or committed to rison or toc%stod0 endin# tria" or is detained in an0other manner, to )e inormed 82itho%t de"a09that he has the o""o2in# ri#hts:

    i the ri#ht to ha'e the cons%"ar ostinormed, and

    ii the ri#ht to ha'e an0comm%nication addressed to the

    cons%"ar ost or2arded 2itho%tde"a0.

    7Artic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'entionon Cons%"ar e"ations

    ) 8the ri#ht to cons%"ar notiication9 or 8ri#hto notiication9

    The ri#ht o the nationa" o the sendin# !tateto re%est that the cometent a%thorities o thehost !tate noti0 the cons%"ar ost o thesendin# !tate, 2itho%t de"a0, o his arrest,imrisonment, c%stod0 or detention.

    c 8ri#ht o cons%"ar assistance9 or 8ri#ht o


    The ri#ht o the cons%"ar a%thorities o the

    sendin# !tate to ro'ide assistance to theirnationa"s 7artic"es I and B?737c o theVienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations

    d 8ri#ht o cons%"ar comm%nication9 or8ri#ht o comm%nication9B

    The ri#ht o the cons%"ar a%thorities andnationa"s o the sendin# !tate to comm%nicate2ith each other 7artic"es I, B?737a and B?737c o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"are"ations

    e 8sendin# !tate9 The !tate o 2hich the erson 2ho is arrestedor committed to rison or to c%stod0 endin#

    tria" or detained in an0 other manner is anationa" 7Artic"e B?737) o the ViennaCon'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations

    BCogni+ant of the fact that the rights conferred under Article 3! of the ,iennaCon-ention on Consular .elations are listed under the heading /Communication andContact with 0ationals of the Sending State# the Court has o2ted instead to use the2hrase /right of consular communication for the right described under sub2aragra2h d) abo-e# as it considered that to be the 2ro2er language for 2ur2oses ofthe 2resent Ad-isory 42inion*


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    8host !tate9 The !tate in 2hich the nationa" o the sendin#!tate is arrested or committed to rison or toc%stod0 endin# tria" or is detained in an0other manner 7Artic"e B?737) o the ViennaCon'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations


    ?. .

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    - "a Comisin Mexicana para la Deensa ! Promocin de Derechos "umanos7hereinater 8CM1P19, %man i#hts atchOAmericas, and the Center or$%stice and , 344L, )eore the %)"ic hearin# con'ened )0 the President commenced, the!ecretariat ro'ided those resent or the %)"ic hearin# 2ith a set o the comments and re"e'ant

    doc%ments s%)mitted to date in the ad'isor0 roceedin#s.

    3?. The o""o2in# 2ere resent at the %)"ic hearin#:

    or the #nited Mexican States:

    !er#io Gonz"ez G"'ez,Special Advisor to the Secretar! o $oreign Aairs o the

    #nited Mexican States% Agent&

    /nri%e *err%#a Hi""o0,Am'assador o the #nited Mexican States to the

    (overnment o Costa Rica&

    %)n *e"trn G%errero,Director (eneral or Consular Aairs and Protection%

    )ith the Secretariat o $oreign Aairs o the #nited

    Mexican States% Alternate Agent&

    $or#e C+cero Hernndez,Director o *itigation% Oice o *egal Aairs%

    Secretariat o $oreign Aairs o the #nited Mexican

    States% Alternate Agent&

    $%an Man%e" Gmez o)"edo,Alternate Representative o the #nited Mexican States to

    the Organi+ation o American States&

    or Costa Rica: Car"os Var#as Pizarro,Agent&

    or ,l Salvador: o)erto Art%ro Castri""o ida"#o,Coordinator o the Advisor! Commission o the Ministr!

    o $oreign Aairs o the Repu'lic o ,l Salvador% "ead

    o delegation&

    Ga)rie" Ma%ricio G%tirrez Castro,


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    Mem'er o the Advisor! Commission o the Ministr! o

    $oreign Aairs o ,l Salvador&

    Ana /"iza)eth Vi""a"ta Vizcarra,Director o the Advisor! Services #nit o the Ministr! o

    $oreign Aairs o ,l Salvador% and

    o)erto Me=+a Tra)anino,"uman rights advisor to the Minister o $oreign Aairso ,l Salvador&

    or (uatemala: Marta A"to"a#%irre,Chair o the Presidential Steering Commission or

    ,xecutive Polic! in "uman Rights% Agent&

    1ennis A"onzo Mazarie#os,,xecutive Director o the Presidential Steering

    Commission or ,xecutive Polic! in "uman Rights%

    Alternate Agent, andA"e=andro !nchez Garrido,


    or "onduras: Mario Hort+n Midence,Am'assador o the Repu'lic o "onduras to the

    (overnment o the Repu'lic o Costa Rica% Agent% and

    Car"a a%e",Charg- d.aaires o the ,m'ass! o the Repu'lic o

    "onduras to the (overnment o the Repu'lic o Costa


    or Paragua!: Car"os V+ctor Montanaro,Permanent Representative o the Repu'lic o Paragua!

    to the Organi+ation o American States% Agent&

    Marcia" Va"iente,Am'assador o the Repu'lic o Paragua! to the

    (overnment o the Repu'lic o Costa Rica% Alternate

    Agent% and

    $%"io 1%arte Van %m)ec(,Alternate Representative o the Repu'lic o Paragua! to

    the Organi+ation o American States% Alternate Agent&

    or the Dominican Repu'lic: C"a%dio Marmo"e=osCounselor )ith the ,m'ass! o the Dominican Repu'lic

    to the Repu'lic o Costa Rica% Representative&

    or the #nited States: Catherine *ro2n,Assistant *egal Advisor or Consular Aairs% #nited

    States Department o State%

    $ohn Croo(,Assistant *egal Advisor or #nited /ations Aairs%

    #nited States Department o State&

    $ohn Hoarde,Attorne! Adviser% Oice o the Assistant *egal Adviser

    or Consular Aairs% #nited States Department o State&


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    o)ert $. /ric(son,Principal Deput! Chie o the Criminal Appellate

    Section o the #nited States Department o 0ustice&

    or the Inter1American Car"os A0a"a Corao,Commission: Chairman o the Inter1American Commission on

    "uman Rights% Delegate&A"'aro Tirado Me=+a,

    Mem'er o the Inter1American Commission on "uman

    Rights% Delegate%and/"iza)eth A)i-Mershed,

    Principal Specialist )ith the ,xecutive Secretariat o the

    Inter1American Commission on "uman Rights2

    or Amnest! International ichard i"son, and%#o Adrin e"'a;

    or CMDPD"% "uman Maric"aire Acosta;

    Rights 3atch4Americas $os Mi#%e" Vi'anco;And C,0I*: Vi'iana Qrstice'ic;

    Marce"a Matamoros, andArie" 1%"itz(0;

    or the International 1o%#"as Casse";"uman Rights *a)

    Institute o DePaul

    #niversit! College o


    or Death Penalt! Mi(e Harre"" and

    $ocus o Caliornia: !tehen ohde;

    or Minnesota Advocates or !andra *a)coc( and"uman Rights Mar#aret Peier;

    representing Mr2 0os- a%rence /. Qom;5rinidad *o+a %z oez-&rtiz, and

    Gre#or0 . Me0ers;

    in an individual capacit!: $ohn R%i#"e0;Mar( $. Qadish, andctor Gros /sie"".

    A"so resent as an o)ser'er 2as:

    or Canada: 1an Good"ea,Am'assador o Canada to the (overnment o Costa Rica2

    35. At the %)"ic hearin#, /" !a"'ador and the

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    PresidentDs instr%ctions in this re#ard, the !ecretariat made a record o receit o the s%)missionsand ro'ided coies o the doc%ments to a"" those aearin# )eore the Co%rt.

    3L. A"so d%rin# the %)"ic hearin#, the 6nited !tates resented a co0 o a hand)oo( tit"ed8Cons%"ar otiication and Access: ?9 EMexican-6nited !tates Genera" C"aimsCommission. Ha%"(ner C"aim, &inion and 1ecision o > o'em)er 34>?F and 8>. The o""o2in# instit%tions and indi'id%a"s 2ho had aeared as amici curiaes%)mitted)ries o ina" oints o 'ie2: CMP11, %man i#hts atchOAmericas and C/$J,344L;

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    >?. The o""o2in# is the Co%rtDs s%mmar0 o the s%)stance o the ori#ina" )ries o commentss%)mitted )0 the !tates articiatin# in these ad'isor0 roceedin#s and those o the

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    'io"ation 8o e'er0 r%"e o the d%e rocess )eca%se the =%dicia"#%arantees %nder internationa" "a2 are not )ein# o)ser'ed9;

    Hai"%re to com"0 2ith Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"are"ations can 8in ractice "ead to 2ron#%" exec%tions EUF that 'io"ate aersonDs most %ndamenta" ri#ht EUF, the ri#ht to "ie9, and

    A"ication o the r%"es and rinci"es em)odied in internationa" h%manri#hts instr%ments m%st )e ass%red, stren#thened and romoted, ando)ser'ance o the minim%m #%arantees necessar0 or the d%e rocessm%st )e ass%red.

    (uatemala In its 'rie o April

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    The #%arantee o nondiscrimination, %he"d in Artic"e B73 o the &A!Charter and Artic"e

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    "onduras In its 'rie o April

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    The =%dicia" records o the cases descri)ed in the re%est are not )eorethe Co%rt and the 6nited !tates has not had the oort%nit0 to re%te the#enera"ized a""e#ations that the re%estin# !tate has made in connection2ith these cases;

    An0 decision )0 the Co%rt, e'en o an ad'isor0 nat%re, 2o%"d #ra'e"0

    aect the cases sti"" endin# )eore the resecti'e =%dicia" s0stems andserio%s"0 comromise the ri#hts o the indi'id%a"s and #o'ernmentsin'o"'ed, inc"%din# the 'ictims o the crimes committed, 2ho ha'e nothad the oort%nit0 to articiate in these roceedin#s, and

    ere the Co%rt to o""o2 MexicoDs s%##estion, it 2o%"d ca"" into %estionthe )asic airness and s%icienc0 o an0 crimina" roceedin# cond%ctedin the crimina" =%stice s0stems o the !tates Parties to the ViennaCon'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations that mi#ht res%"t in a se'ere ena"t0and in 2hich cons%"ar notiication did not occ%r. 8There is EnFo )asis ininternationa" "a2, "o#ic, or mora"it0 or s%ch a =%d#ment and or theres%"tin# disr%tion and dishonor to the man0 !tates arties to the Vienna

    Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations9;

    Concerning the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and consular


    The Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations is neither a h%man ri#htstreat0 nor a treat0 8concernin#9 the rotection o h%man ri#hts.

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    notiiedo his detention. 8EFhether, 2hen and to 2hat extent cons%"arassistance is %"timate"0 ro'ided to the detainee is in the discretion o thesendin# !tateDs cons%"ar a%thorities.9 The 6nited !tates descri)es theacti'ities that its cons%"ar oicers a)road erorm 2hen notiied o thearrest o a 6nited !tates citizen and rom there conc"%ded that no !tatero'ides the t0e o ser'ices that Mexico descri)ed in its re%est;

    Concerning the nature o consular notiication and its eects on the


    There is no e'idence to s%ort the remise that there exists a h%manri#ht to cons%"ar notiication or that it is a %ni'ersa" rere%isite to theo)ser'ance o h%man ri#hts.

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    and circ%mstances o each orei#n nationa" 'ar0 dramatica""0, rom one2ho is com"ete"0 %nami"iar 2ith the host !tateDs "an#%a#e and c%stoms7as in the case o an indi'id%a" ma(in# a )rie 'isit to a co%ntr0 tocom"ete "an#%a#e "%enc0 and tota" assimi"ation 7as 2ith indi'id%a"s2ho ha'e "i'ed in a co%ntr0 or "on# eriods and e'en, in some cases,most o their "i'es;

    The mere s%##estion that orei#n nationa"s ma0 re%ire secia" ri#hts is,in itse", at odds 2ith the rinci"es o nondiscrimination and e%a"it0)eore the "a2;

    Cons%"ar notiication )0 its nat%re comes into "a0 on"0 in re"ation toersons 2ho are citizens o !tates that ha'e cons%"ar re"ations 2ith thehost !tate and, thereore, is )ased on a rinci"e o distinction )0 reasono nationa"it0;

    As the 6nited !tates %nderstands it, the Go'ernment o Mexico is raisin#the %estion o ossi)"e discrimination or ine%a"it0 as )et2een citizens

    o the !tate resonsi)"e or the detention and citizens o other !tates.

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    Concerning the expression >)ithout dela!B contained in Article

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    *astl!% the #nited States suggested that the Court conclude as ollo)s:

    Com"iance 2ith the cons%"ar notiication re%irements o Artic"e B? othe Vienna Con'ention is imortant and a"" !tates art0 to thatCon'ention sho%"d endea'or to imro'e their com"iance;

    Cons%"ar notiication is not a h%man ri#ht, as s%ch, )%t rather a d%t0 o!tates that ha'e entered into cons%"ar re"ations 2ith other !tates, and isintended to )eneit indi'id%a"s as 2e"" as !tates;

    Cons%"ar notiication does not im"0 a ri#ht to or re%ire an0 artic%"ar"e'e" o cons%"ar assistance;

    here cons%"ar re"ations exist )et2een !tates, cons%"ar notiicationne'erthe"ess ma0 res%"t in cons%"ar assistance that co%"d assist a orei#nnationa" 2ho is s%)=ect to crimina" roceedin#s in the host !tate;

    The essence o the indi'id%a" ri#hts and rotections a"ica)"e in

    crimina" roceedin#s is exressed in the American 1ec"aration, the &A!Charter, and the

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    o internationa" ractice, re#ard"ess o 2hether a treat0 on the s%)=ectexists;

    The Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations is a treat0 in the meanin##i'en to this term in Artic"e ?@ o the American Con'ention.

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    7airmati'e d%ties and that the detainee 2as not ar)itrari"0 denied arotected ri#ht 7ne#ati'e d%ties.

    "" "

    >5. The o""o2in# is the Co%rtDs s%mmar0 o the ertinent arts o the ora" ar#%ments o the!tates articiatin# in this roceedin# and those o the

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    o domestic co%rt has ro'ided an eecti'e remed0 a#ainst 'io"ations oArtic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations;

    Concerning the merits o the re8uest:

    The transormation that internationa" "a2 has %nder#one in this cent%r0

    has im"ications or the eects and nat%re that instr%ments "i(e theAmerican 1ec"aration m%st )e reco#nized to ha'e.

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    The exression 82itho%t de"a09 contained in Artic"e B?737) o theVienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations sho%"d )e %nderstood to meanthat the host !tate has an o)"i#ation to ad'ise a orei#n nationa" arrestedor a caita" oense o his ri#hts %nder that artic"e, 2hether it )e at thetime o his arrest or )eore he ma(es a statement or conession to theo"ice or co%rt a%thorities o the host !tate;

    The ri#ht o a detained orei#n nationa" to inormation on cons%"arassistance is not s%)=ect to rotests i"ed )0 the !tate o his nationa"it0,and

    hen the o)"i#ations imosed in Artic"e B?737) are not %"i""ed,rearations m%st )e made; a case in'o"'in# imosition o the deathena"t0 mi#ht a"so in'o"'e ci'i" "ia)i"it0;

    Responding to 8uestions rom some o the udges o the Court% Costa

    Rica added the ollo)ing:

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    #%arantee that the rocess is a air one and that the minim%m #%aranteesare o)ser'ed;

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    "onduras In its argument 'eore the Court% the "onduran stated the ollo)ing )ith

    regard to the issue o competence:

    A"tho%#h the ri#ht to inormation on cons%"ar assistance ori#inatedo%tside the inter-American s0stem, the Co%rt is nonethe"ess cometent torender its oinion on this matter, as that ri#ht has )ecome domestic "a2

    in the !tates Part0 to the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations.

    Concerning the merits o the re8uest:

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    esecia""0 the most %ndamenta" o a"", the ri#ht to "ie9; com"iancem%st )e a%tomatic, not conditiona" %on rotests "od#ed )0 the sendin#!tate, and

    The exression 82itho%t de"a09 %sed in Artic"e B?737) o the ViennaCon'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations, sho%"d )e %nderstood to mean that

    notiication m%st )e made 8as o the time o the arrest and )eore thedetained orei#n nationa" ma(es an0 statement or conession in theresence o o"ice or =%dicia" a%thorities;

    #nited States; In its presentation 'eore the Court% the #nited States stated the

    ollo)ing )ith regard to the re8uest.s admissi'ilit!:

    The %rose o the re%est is to #et a r%"in# on a dis%te 2ith the 6nited!tates. Gi'en the =%risr%dence o the Co%rt, the re%est con%ses theCo%rtDs ad'isor0 %nction;

    Ana"0sis o the re%est 2o%"d re%ire that the Co%rt decide act%a"

    a""e#ations, 2hich it cannot do in an ad'isor0 roceedin#. The "atter is as%mmar0 roceedin#, 2ho""0 %ns%ited or decidin# com"ex act%a"%estions in dis%tes )et2een !tates. /'idence can )e neither introd%cednor tested in an ad'isor0 roceedin#. ence, the 6nited !tates is notre%ired to deend itse" a#ainst the char#es that ha'e )een made;

    The re%est see(s to ca"" into %estion the conormit0 o 6nited !tatesdomestic "a2 and ractice 2ith h%man ri#hts norms. o2e'er, as the6nited !tates is not art0 to the American Con'ention, this Co%rt doesnot ha'e =%risdiction to render its oinion on these matters;

    The re%est is )ased %on mis#%ided concets o the cons%"ar %nction;

    The Co%rt is )ein# as(ed to esta)"ish a ne2 and res%ma)"0 %ni'ersa"h%man ri#ht to cons%"ar notiication, one not made ex"icit in therincia" h%man ri#hts instr%ments the 6ni'ersa" 1ec"aration, the treat0 on a 2ho""0 dierent s%)=ect matter:cons%"ar re"ations;

    The act that a #"o)a" treat0 aords rotection or ad'anta#es or enhancesan indi'id%a"Ds ossi)i"it0 o exercisin# his h%man ri#hts does not meanthat it concerns the rotection o h%man ri#hts and that the Co%rt hasthereore cometence to interret it;

    The re%est resented )0 Mexico in'o"'es one sentence in the 'er0 "on#Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations; it is %n"i(e"0 that this onesentence a"one co%"d transorms the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar

    LThe 8nited States deli-ered its 2resentation before the Court in

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    e"ations into a treat0 8concernin#9 the rotection o h%man ri#hts in theAmerican !tates;

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    !tate; the "o#ica" inerence is that the Vienna Con'ention does notconstr%e it to )e a h%man ri#ht;

    The Con'ention does not esta)"ish a ri#ht to cons%"ar assistance, as the"atter is 2ithin the discretion o the sendin# !tate;

    Cons%"s are %n"i(e"0 to )e a)"e to ro'ide assistance to a"" their nationa"sdetained a)road; hence, it 2o%"d )e i""o#ica" to consider s%ch assistanceto )e one o the re%irements o the d%e rocess;

    There is no reason to s%ose that e'en i the sendin# !tate ro'idescons%"ar assistance, that assistance 2i"" ha'e an0 )earin# on the o%tcomeo the roceedin#s; in the re%est, Mexico ainted an idea"ized )%t%nrea"istic ict%re o the "e'e" o cons%"ar ser'ice it is a)"e to ro'ide toits nationa"s;

    The ass%mtion that a"" orei#n nationa"s are %nami"iar 2ith the"an#%a#e, c%stoms and "e#a" s0stem in the host !tate is 2ron# as a

    #enera" r%"e. The 6nited !tates cites itse" as an exam"e, notin# thatMexican nationa"s oten "i'e 2ithin 6nited !tates territor0 or "on#eriods and that there are cases in 2hich the orei#n nationa" isindistin#%isha)"e rom the nationa" in his command o the "an#%a#e, hisami"0 and economic ties, and ami"iarit0 2ith the host !tateDs "e#a"s0stem;

    The ne#otiatin# histor0 o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ationsand the ractice o !tates sho2 that there is no hase in the crimina"=%stice rocess that can )e %sed as a oint o reerence or distin#%ishin#2hat constit%tes 82itho%t de"a09;

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    in'a"idates an0 s%)se%ent roceedin#s )eore the co%rt or s%)se%entco%rt r%"in#s.

    In response to 8uestions rom some o the udges on the Court% the

    #nited States ans)ered that:

    hi"e the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations does esta)"ish theri#ht to cons%"ar notiication, there is no reason to s%ose that cons%"arnotiication is essentia" or the )asic ri#hts o the d%e rocess to )eo)ser'ed;

    Cons%"ar notiication sho%"d not )e de"i)erate"0 de"a0ed and sho%"d )edone as soon as reasona)"0 ossi)"e, #i'en the circ%mstances in eachcase; the 6nited !tates cited some exam"es rom its o2n domesticractice;

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    hen an &A! mem)er !tate that is art0 to the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar e"ations ai"s to com"0 2ith its o)"i#ations %nder Artic"e B?thereo, it eecti'e"0 denies the detained orei#n nationa" a ri#ht 2hoseo)=ect and %rose is to rotect the )asic #%arantees o the d%e rocess;th%s, the )%rden o roo a""s %on that !tate, and it m%st sho2 that thed%e rocess 2as resected and that the indi'id%a" in %estion 2as not

    ar)itrari"0 denied the rotected ri#ht;

    To "ace the )%rden o roo %on the indi'id%a" 2o%"d )e to den0 therotections reco#nized in Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar e"ations;

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    Concerning the irst 8uestion:

    Mexico )e"ie'ed the irst %estion 2as cr%cia", 8as this 2as the irst timethe Co%rt 2as )ein# as(ed to exercise its ad'isor0 =%risdiction in resecto a treat0 not adoted 2ithin the inter-American EsF0stem9;

    A"tho%#h the rotection o h%man ri#hts ma0 not )e the rincia" o)=ecto the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations, it is c"ear that itsArtic"e B? contains ro'isions a"ica)"e to the rotection o those ri#hts2ithin the territor0 o the !tates Part0, )eca%se it accords the interestedindi'id%a" his ri#hts, and

    &ther m%"ti"atera" treaties contain ro'isions on the reedom tocomm%nicate 2ith cons%"ates and on the d%t0 to ad'ise the interestedarties o that reedom; a readin# o Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'entionon Cons%"ar e"ations 8in the "i#ht o those other instr%ments s%##eststhat at the resent time, the internationa" comm%nit0 re#ards that

    reedom o cons%"ar notiication and comm%nication to )e h%manri#hts9;

    Concerning the second 8uestion:

    This %estion is o ractica" conse%ence )eca%se some nationa" co%rtsconsider that the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations enshrines theri#hts and d%ties o !tates exc"%si'e"0;

    Concerning the third 8uestion:

    There is no standard interretation o the exression 82itho%t de"a0,9

    %sed in Artic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations,2hich is 2h0 this %estion 2as osed;

    Concerning the ith668uestion:


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    determine 2hether the !ae#%ards #%aranteein# rotection o the ri#htso those acin# the death ena"t0 8are an interretati'e instr%ment thatm%st )e ta(en into acco%nt 2hen interretin# Artic"e 3@ o the Co'enantEon Ci'i" and Po"itica" i#htsF9, and

    Concerning the seventh 8uestion:

    This in%ir0 raises the %estion o 2hether Artic"e 3@ o the e5ico6s brief containing the />e?52lanation of the questions 2osed in ad-isoryo2inion request 4C1! also contained a section concerning the tenth question 2ut tothe Court in that request* :owe-er# in that section# the requesting State referred theCourt to the te5t e52laining the fourth question# which# as 2re-iously 2ointed out(suprafootnote 11)# the Agent read during the 2ublic hearing the Court held and issummari+ed in the corres2onding section (supra2aragra2h ")*


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    #nited States In its 'rie o Ma! 6;% 6%6

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    A !tate that 'io"ates its o)"i#ations %nder Artic"e B?737) o the ViennaCon'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations a%tomatica""0 inc%rs internationa"resonsi)i"it0;

    4. Mexico, a mem)er !tate o the &A!, s%)mitted a re%est to the Co%rt see(in# anad'isor0 oinion %rs%ant to Artic"e ?@73 o the Con'ention, 2hich states that:

    ETFhe mem)er states o the &r#anization ma0 cons%"t the Co%rt re#ardin# theinterretation o this Con'ention or o other treaties concernin# the rotection oh%man ri#hts in the American states. ithin their sheres o cometence, theor#ans "isted in Chater N o the Charter o the &r#anization o American !tates,as amended )0 the Protoco" o *%enos Aires, ma0 in "i(e manner cons%"t theCo%rt.


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    This ro'ision carries the o""o2in# re%irements: recise orm%"ation o the seciic %estionson 2hich the Co%rtDs oinion is so%#ht; the norms to )e interreted; the considerations #i'in# riseto the re%est, and the name and address o the A#ent 7Artic"e I4 o the %"es o Proced%re o theCo%rt. !ho%"d the re%est see( an interretation o 8other treaties concernin# the rotection oh%man ri#hts in the American states,9 the a"ication is to name the treat0 and the arties thereto7Artic"e ?J73.

    BJ. The a"ication %ts t2e"'e seciic %estions to the Co%rt or its oinion, indicates thero'isions and treaties to )e interreted, the considerations #i'in# rise to the re%est and thename and address o its a#ent, there)0 satis0in# the re%irements sti%"ated in the %"es oProced%re.

    B3. H%"i""ment o the sti%"ated re%irements does not necessari"0 mean that the Co%rt iso)"i#ed to resond to the re%est. The Co%rt m%st )ase its decision to accet or re=ect a re%estor an ad'isor0 oinion on considerations that transcend mere"0 orma" asects 3@ and that a""2ithin the #eneric "imits that the Co%rt has reco#nized 2ith re#ard to the exercise o its ad'isor0=%risdiction.3I The Co%rt 2i"" examine these considerations in the o""o2in# ara#rahs.


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    c. %estions e"e'en and t2e"'e comrise the "ast #ro% and concern theinterretation o the American 1ec"aration and the &A! Charter and their re"ationshi toArtic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations.

    B@. ith the "ead-in %estions to each o the irst t2o #ro%s descri)ed a)o'e, the re%estin#!tate is see(in# an interretation o the scoe o Artic"e ?@73 o the American Con'ention 2ith

    resect to the other internationa" instr%ments. 8Gi'en that Artic"e ?@73 a%thorizes the Co%rt torender ad'isor0 oinions Sre#ardin# the interretation o thEeF Con'entionD9 35or other treatiesconcernin# the rotection o h%man ri#hts in the American !tates, an ad'isor0 re%est made inthis re#ard is 2ithin the cometence o the Co%rt ratione materiae.


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    ). the sendin# !tate and the host !tate are )oth mem)ers o the &A!;c. the sendin# !tate and the host !tate ha'e )oth si#ned the American

    1ec"aration;d. the host !tate has ratiied the

    @@. Theurisprudence constanteo the Co%rt has )een that:

    >JRestrictions on the %eath Penalt# (Arts* () and () American Con-ention on

    :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C3@%3 of Se2tember %# 1%3* Series A 0o* 3#2ara* *

    >3,nforceabilit# of the right to repl# or correction (Arts* 1(1)# 1(1) and AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C"@%! of August !# 1%!* SeriesA 0o* "; 2ara* 1*>>/Other Treaties Sub!ect to the Ad"isor# $urisdiction of the Court (Art* ! AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@% of Se2tember # 1%*Series A 0o* 1; o2inion two*


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    The Co%rt is, irst and oremost, an a%tonomo%s =%dicia" instit%tion 2ith=%risdiction )oth to decide an0 contentio%s cases concernin# the interretationand a"ication o the Con'ention as 2e"" as to ens%re to the 'ictim o a 'io"ationo the ri#hts or reedoms #%aranteed )0 the Con'ention the rotection o thoseri#hts. 7Con'ention, Arts. ?> and ?B and !tat%te o the Co%rt, Art. 3. *eca%se othe )indin# character o its decisions in contention cases 7Con'ention, Art. ?L,

    the Co%rt a"so is the Con'ention or#an ha'in# the )roadest enorcement o2ersto ens%re the eecti'e a"ication o the Con'ention.>B

    Hor this reason, 2hen decidin# 2hether or not to resond to a re%est or an ad'isor0 oinion, theCo%rt m%st )e artic%"ar"0 care%" to 2ei#h 2hether that oinion mi#ht 82ea(en its contentio%s=%risdiction or 2orse sti"", that it mi#ht %ndermine the %rose o the "atter, th%s chan#in# thes0stem o rotection ro'ided or in the Con'ention to the detriment o the 'ictim.9>@

    >B/Other Treaties Sub!ect to the Ad"isor# $urisdiction of the Court(Art* ! AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@% of Se2tember # 1%*Series A 0o* 1; 2ara* (em2hasis added);Cf. The ,ect of Reser"ations on the

    ,ntr# into (orce of the American Con"ention on Human Rights (Arts* " and "&)*Ad-isory 42inion 4C@% of Se2tember # 1%* Series A 0o* ; Restrictions on the%eath Penalt#(Arts* () and () American Con-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory42inion 4C3@%3 of Se2tember %# 1%3* Series A 0o* 3; Proposed Amendments to theaturali/ation Pro"isions of the Constitution of Costa Rica. Ad-isory 42inion 4C@%of 9anuary 1# 1%* Series A# 0o* ;Compulsor# &embership in an AssociationPrescribed b# 0a' for the Practice of $ournalism (Arts* 13 and of the AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C&@%& of 0o-ember 13# 1%&*Series A# 0o* &; The 1ord 20a's in Article 34 of the American Con"ention on HumanRights* Ad-isory 42inion 4C!@%! of ay # 1%!* Series A 0o* !; ,nforceabilit# ofthe Right to Repl# or Correction (Arts* 1(1)# 1(1) and American Con-ention on:uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C"@%! of August !# 1%!* Series A 0o* ";Habeas Corpus in ,mergenc# Situations (Arts* "()# &(1) and "(!) American

    Con-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C%@%" of 9anuary 3# 1%"* SeriesA 0o* %;$udicial 5uarantees in States of ,mergenc#(Arts* "()# & and % AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C@%" of 4ctober !# 1%"* SeriesA 0o* ; Interpretation of the American %eclaration of the Rights and %uties of &an'ithin the (rame'or) of Article *+ of the American Con"ention on Human Rights.Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@% of 9uly 1# 1%* Series A 04* 1; ,6ceptions to the,6haustion of %omestic Remedies (Art* !(1)# !()(a) and !()(b) AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C11@ of August 1# 1*Series A 0o* 11; Compatibilit# of %raft 0egislation 'ith Article 789:8h: of the AmericanCon"ention on Human Rights* Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@1 of ecember !# 11*Series A 0o* 1; Certain Attributes of the Inter-American Commission on HumanRights(Arts* 1# # # !# "# & and &1 of the American Con-ention on :uman.ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C13@3 of 9uly 1!# 13* Series A 0o* 13; International

    Responsibilit# for the Promulgation and ,nforcement of 0a's in Violation of theCon"ention (Arts* 1 and of the American Con-ention on :uman .ights) . Ad-isory42inion 4C1@ of ecember # 1* Series A 0o* 1; Reports of the Inter-

    American Commission on Human Rights (Art* &1 of the American Con-ention on:uman .ights)* Ad-isory 42inion 4C1&@" of 0o-ember 1# 1"* Series A 0o* 1&*>@Other Treaties Sub!ect to the Ad"isor# $urisdiction of the Court(Art* ! AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)# Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@% of Se2tember # 1%*Series A 0o* 1; 2ara* *


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    @I. The Co%rt can 2ei#h a n%m)er o considerations 2hen examinin# this iss%e. &ne, 2hichis "ar#e"0 consistent 2ith the re"e'ant internationa" case-"a2 on this s%)=ect matter,>Iconcerns theact that )0 re%estin# an ad'isor0 oinion, a mem)er !tate co%"d o)tain a determination on aniss%e that mi#ht e'ent%a""0 )e %t to the Co%rt as art o a contentio%s case. >? o2e'er, thisCo%rt has noted that the existence o a dierence concernin# the interretation o a ro'isiondoes not,per se, constit%te an imediment or exercise o the ad'isor0 %nction.>5

    @?. 6nder the headin# o 8ECFonsiderations that #a'e rise to the re%est,9 Mexico mentionedthat it had made n%mero%s reresentations on )eha" o some o its nationa"s, 2hom the host !tatehad 8not inormed, either immediate"0 or s%)se%ent"0, o their ri#ht to comm%nicate 2ithMexican cons%"ar a%thorities9 and 2ho had )een sentenced to death. >L A"so, )0 2a0 o exam"ethe re%estin# !tate descri)ed the cases o six eo"e and made seciic reerence to the racticeand "a2s o the 6nited !tates, a mem)er !tate o the &A!.>4 This attern 2as a"so in e'idence inthe 2ritten comments and ora" ar#%ments o other mem)er !tates BJand in the )ries i"ed )0 the

    >ICf.$*C*9*D Interpretation of Peace Treaties 'ith ;ulgaria< Hungar#< and Romania< EirstPhase# Ad-isory 42inion# $*C*9* .e2orts 1&; Reser"ations to the Con"ention on thePre"ention and Punishment of the Crime of 5enocide# Ad-isory 42inion# $*C*9* .e2orts

    1&1; 0egal Conse=uences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa inamibia 8South 1est Africa: not'ithstanding Securit# Council Resolution 9>* 8?@>4:e?52laining the questions2osed in the ad-isory o2inion request 4C1!# 2resented by e5ico# 22* 3# %# 1 and11; and Verbatim Record of the Public HearingB &e6icos initial presentation# 2* 1&*BJ.e2ort 2resented by the ominican .e2ublic# 2* ; Briefs of comments 2resented by:onduras# 2* ; Paraguay# 22*3; Costa .ica# 2* # and the 8nited States# 2* 1 (te5tand note ")# 22* to 3% and 1 to !* See alsoD Verbatim Record of the Public


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    in the resent Ad'isor0 &inion,@J2itho%t the Co%rt ha'in# to r%"e on those exam"es.@3 The %seo ractica" sit%ations a""o2s the Co%rt to sho2 that its Ad'isor0 &inion is not mere academicsec%"ation, and is 2arranted )0 the )eneit it mi#ht ha'e or internationa" rotection o h%manri#hts.@>

    IJ. ence, 2itho%t r%"in# on an0 contentio%s case mentioned in the co%rse o these ad'isor0

    roceedin#s,@Bthe Co%rt is o the 'ie2 that it sho%"d examine the s%)=ect matter o this ad'isor0oinion re%est.

    "" "

    I3. The . o2e'er, this re%est and the Santanacase are t2o entire"0 dierent roceedin#s. An0interretation the Co%rt ma(es o Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations

    cannot )e ta(en as a r%"in# on the acts in the etition endin# )eore the

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    I@. The Co%rt is mind%" o the contentio%s cases endin# )eore the

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    I4. This Co%rt has he"d that the %rose o its ad'isor0 =%risdiction is:

    U to assist the American !tates in %"i""in# their internationa" h%man ri#htso)"i#ations and to assist the dierent or#ans o the inter-American s0stem tocarr0 o%t the %nctions assi#ned to them in this ie"d.@4

    ?J. The Co%rt has c"ariied the meanin# o its ad'isor0 =%risdiction in #enera" terms so as notto 2ea(en its contentio%s =%risdiction in a manner re=%dicia" to the ri#hts o 'ictims o ossi)"eh%man ri#hts 'io"ations.IJ

    ?3. o2e'er, this Co%rt cannot )e restrained rom exercisin# its ad'isor0 =%risdiction)eca%se o contentio%s cases i"ed 2ith the

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    Co%rtDs indin#, as e'idenced )0 the %nrecedented articiation in these roceedin#s o ei#htmem)er !tates, the > indi'id%a"s and instit%tions as amicicuriae.

    ?B. The "e#itimate interests that an0 mem)er !tate has in the o%tcome o an ad'isor0roceedin# are rotected )0 the oort%nit0 it is #i'en to articiate %""0 in those roceedin#s

    and to ma(e (no2n to the Co%rt its 'ie2s on the "e#a" norms to )e interreted, IBas has haenedin the case o these ad'isor0 roceedin#s.


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    ??. /xercisin# the rero#ati'e that e'er0 co%rt has to order its decisions accordin# to the"o#ica" str%ct%re that it )e"ie'es 2i"" )est ser'e the interests o =%stice, the Co%rt 2i"" ta(e % the%estions raised in the o""o2in# order:


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    the t0e that is #o'erned )0 the t2o Vienna Con'entions9: the 34?4 Vienna Con'ention on thea2 o Treaties and the 34L? Vienna Con'ention on the a2 o Treaties amon# !tates and

    Th%s, the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations 2o%"d not aear to )e intended to conerri#hts to indi'id%a"s; the ri#hts o cons%"ar comm%nication and notiication are, 8irst andoremost9, ri#hts o !tates.

    ILInterpretation of the American %eclaration of the Rights and %uties of &an 'ithinthe (rame'or) of Article *+ of the American Con"ention on Human Rights. Ad-isory42inion 4C1@% of 9uly 1# 1%* Series A 0o* 1; 2ara* 33*&

    /Other Treaties Sub!ect to the Ad"isor# $urisdiction of the Court (Art* !American Con-ention on :uman .ights)# Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@% of Se2tember #

    1%* Series A 0o* 1; 2ara* 3&*?J/Other Treaties Sub!ect to the Ad"isor# $urisdiction of the Court(Art* ! AmericanCon-ention on :uman .ights)# Ad-isory 42inion 4C1@% of Se2tember # 1%*Series A 0o* 1; 2ara*1"*

    ?3Cf. 2The 1ord 0a's in Article 34 of the American Con"ention on Human Rights *Ad-isory 42inion 4C!@%! of ay # 1%!* Series A 0o* !; 2ara*13*?>,ienna Con-ention on Consular .elations* ocumentACO(.9J?9; 2aragra2h =-eof the 2reamble# in accord with 2aragra2h four thereof*


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    5@. a'in# examined the travaux preparatoireor the ream)"e o the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar e"ations, the Co%rt inds that the 8indi'id%a"s9 to 2hom it reers are those 2hoerorm cons%"ar %nctions, and that the c"ariication cited a)o'e 2as intended to ma(e it c"earthat the ri'i"e#es and imm%nities #ranted to them 2ere or the erormance o their %nctions.

    5I. The Co%rt o)ser'es, on the other hand, that in the Case Concerning #nited StatesDiplomatic and Consular Sta in 5ehran, the 6nited !tates "in(ed Artic"e B? o the ViennaCon'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations 2ith the ri#hts o the nationa"s o the sendin# !tate.?B The

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    54. Thereore, the cons%"ar oicer and nationa" o the sendin# !tate )oth ha'e the ri#ht tocomm%nicate 2ith each other, at an0 time, in order that the ormer ma0 roer dischar#e his%nctions. 6nder Artic"e I o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations, cons%"ar %nctionsconsist, inter alia, in the o""o2in#:?5

    a rotectin# in the host !tate the interests o the sendin# !tate and o itsnationa"s, )oth indi'id%a"s and )odies cororate, 2ithin the "imits ermitted )0internationa" "a2;


    e he"in# and assistin# nationa"s, )oth indi'id%a"s and )odies cororate, othe sendin# !tate;


    i s%)=ect to the ractices and roced%res o)tainin# in the host !tate,

    reresentin# or arran#in# aroriate reresentation or nationa"s o thesendin# !tate )eore the tri)%na"s and other a%thorities o the host !tate,or the %rose o o)tainin#, in accordance 2ith the "a2s and re#%"ationso the host !tate, ro'isiona" meas%res or the reser'ation o the ri#htsand interests o these nationa"s, 2here, )eca%se o a)sence or an0 otherreason, s%ch nationa"s are %na)"e at the roer time to ass%me thedeence o their ri#hts and interests;


    LJ. Ta(in# the a)o'e-cited texts as a 2ho"e, it is e'ident that the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar e"ations reco#nizes assistanceto a nationa" o the sendin# !tate or the deense o his

    ri#hts )eore the a%thorities o the host !tate to )e one o the aramo%nt %nctions o a cons%"aroicer. ence, the ro'ision reco#nizin# cons%"ar comm%nication ser'es a d%a" %rose: that oreco#nizin# a !tateDs ri#ht to assist its nationa"s thro%#h the cons%"ar oicerDs actions and,corresondin#"0, that o reco#nizin# the corre"ati'e ri#ht o the nationa" o the sendin# !tate tocontact the cons%"ar oicer to o)tain that assistance.

    L3. !%)-ara#rahs 7) and 7c o Artic"e B?73 o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"are"ations concern cons%"ar assistance in one artic%"ar sit%ation: deri'ation o reedom. TheCo%rt is o the 'ie2 that these s%)-ara#rahs need to )e examined searate"0. !%)-ara#rah 7)ro'ides the o""o2in#:

    i he so re%ests, the cometent a%thorities o the host !tate sha"", 2itho%t de"a0,

    inorm the cons%"ar ost o the sendin# !tate i, 2ithin its cons%"ar district, anationa" o that !tate is arrested or committed to rison or to c%stod0 endin#

    Rules go"erning the detention of persons a'aiting trial or appeal before theTribunal or other'ise detained on the authorit# of the International Tribunal for theProsecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of InternationalHumanitarian 0a' Committed in the Territor# of the (ormer Kugosla"ia since ?@@?E asamended on ?> o"ember ?@@>E$T@3%@.

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    tria" or is detained in an0 other manner. An0 comm%nication addressed to thecons%"ar ost )0 the erson arrested, in rison, c%stod0 or detention sha"" a"so )eor2arded )0 the said a%thorities 2itho%t de"a0. The said a%thorities sha"" inormthe erson concerned 2itho%t de"a0 o his ri#hts %nder this s%)-ara#rah.

    This text reco#nizes, inter alia, a detained orei#n nationa"Ds ri#ht to )e ad'ised, 2itho%t de"a0,

    that he has:

    a the ri#ht to re%est and o)tain rom the cometent a%thorities o the host !tatethat the0 inorm the aroriate cons%"ar ost that he has )een arrested,committed to rison, "aced in re'enti'e c%stod0 or other2ise detained, and

    ) the ri#ht to address a comm%nication to the aroriate cons%"ar ost, 2hich is to)e or2arded 82itho%t de"a09.

    L>. The )earer o the ri#hts mentioned in the recedin# ara#rah, 2hich the internationa"comm%nit0 has reco#nized in the *od0 o Princi"es or the Protection o A"" Persons %nder An0Horm o 1etention or o"ember ?@@>E $T@3%@.

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    L@. The Co%rt thereore conc"%des that Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"are"ations endo2s a detained orei#n nationa" 2ith indi'id%a" ri#hts that are the co%nterart to thehost !tateDs corre"ati'e d%ties. This interretation is s%orted )0 the artic"eDs "e#is"ati'e histor0.There, a"tho%#h in rinci"e some !tates )e"ie'ed that it 2as inaroriate to inc"%de c"a%sesre#ardin# the ri#hts o nationa"s o the sendin# !tate ?4, in the end the 'ie2 2as that there 2as noreason 2h0 that instr%ment sho%"d not coner ri#hts %on indi'id%a"s.

    LI. The Co%rt m%st no2 consider 2hether the o)"i#ations and ri#hts reco#nized in Artic"e B?o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations concernthe rotection o h%man ri#hts.5J

    L?. !ho%"d the sendin# !tate decide to ro'ide its assistance and in so doin# exercise itsri#hts %nder Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations, it ma0 assist the detainee2ith 'ario%s deence meas%res, s%ch as ro'idin# or retainin# "e#a" reresentation, o)tainin#e'idence in the co%ntr0 o ori#in, 'eri0in# the conditions %nder 2hich the "e#a" assistance isro'ided and o)ser'in# the conditions %nder 2hich the acc%sed is )ein# he"d 2hi"e in rison.

    L5. Thereore, the cons%"ar comm%nication to 2hich Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar does indeed concern the rotection o the ri#hts o the nationa" o the sendin# !tate and

    ma0 )e o )eneit to him. This is the roer interretation o the %nctions o Srotectin# theinterestsD o that nationa" and the ossi)i"it0 o his recei'in# 8he" and assistance,9 artic%"ar"02ith arran#in# aroriate 8reresentation U )eore the tri)%na"s9. The re"ationshi )et2een theri#hts accorded %nder Artic"e B? and the concets o 8the d%e rocess o "a29 or 8=%dicia"#%arantees9 is examined in another section o this Ad'isor0 &inion 7inra33J.



    ESecond 8uestionF


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    The same is tr%e in the case o the ri#ht to inormation on cons%"ar assistance, 2hich is a"so%he"d as a ri#ht that attends the host !tateDs d%t0. o re%irement need )e met or thiso)"i#ation to ha'e eect or c%rrenc0.

    4J. /xercise o the ri#ht to cons%"ar notiication is contin#ent on"0 %on the 2i"" o the

    indi'id%a" concerned.53 and )eca%se the indi'id%a" in %estion sho%"d decide o his o2n ree 2i""2hether he 2anted the cons%"ar oicer to )e notiied o his arrest and, i so, a%thorize the "atterDsinter'ention on his )eha". The ar#%ment or these ositions 2as, in essence, that the indi'id%a"Dsreedom o choice had to )e resected.5B one o the articiatin# !tates mentioned an0re%irements or conditions that the sendin# !tate 2o%"d ha'e to %"i"".

    43. 6nder s%)-ara#rah 7c, an0 action )0 a cons%"ar oicer to 8arran#e or Ethe

    indi'id%a"DsF "e#a" reresentation9 and 'isit him in his "ace o coninement re%ires the consento the nationa" 2ho is in rison, c%stod0 or detention. This s%)-ara#rah, too, ma(es no mentiono the need or the sendin# !tate to i"e rotests.

    4>. Partic%"ar"0 in the case o s%)-ara#rahs 7) and 7c o Artic"e B?73, the o)=ect ocons%"ar notiication is ser'ed 2hen the host !tate dischar#es its d%ties immediate"0. 7:< the 8nited States8ACO(.9J.C.90.3:< 9a2an 8ACO(.9J.C.90.J*:< Australia 8ACO(.9J?*< Vol. I< 2*331); S2ain 8ACO(.9J?*< Vol. I# 2* 33)* $t is 2articularly interesting to note thate52ress mention was made of the fact that /the freedom of the human 2erson andthe e52ression of the will of the indi-idual were the fundamental 2rinci2les which

    go-erned instruments concluded under the aus2ices of the 8nited 0ations* The te5tbeing drafted by the Conference should liFewise reMect those 2rinci2les* Cf.inter-ention by Swit+erland 8ACO(.9J?*< Vol. $# 2* 33&)*5>$nter-entions of Erance 8ACO(.9J?*< Vol. I< 22* 33" and 31); $taly 8ACO(.9J?*3. B. The inc"%sion o this ri#ht in the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations and thedisc%ssions that too( "ace as it 2as )ein# drated- LLare e'idence o a shared %nderstandin# that

    the ri#ht to inormation on cons%"ar assistance is a means or the deense o the acc%sed that hasreerc%ssions sometimes decisi'e reerc%ssions- on enorcement o the acc%sedD otherroced%ra" ri#hts.


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    @. Hrom the oint o 'ie2 o internationa" "a2 and 2ith re#ard to a"iens,2hat sho%"d )e the =%ridica" conse%ences o the imosition and a"ication othe death ena"t0 in the "i#ht o ai"%re to #i'e the notiication reerred to inArtic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention Eon Cons%"ar e"ationsF


    3ith regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:


    3J. 5. o2e'er, rom the #enera" context o MexicoDs re%est,L4the Co%rtDs readin# is that there%est concerns the irst o the t2o h0othetica"s s%##ested a)o'e, 2hich is to sa0 the o)"i#ationto inorm the detainee o his ri#hts %nder Artic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"are"ations. The Co%rt 2i"" address that %estion )e"o2.


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    3BJ. o the Co'enant i sentence 2as carried o%t.

    3B3. .

    3BB. The Co%rt has o)ser'ed that the re%estin# !tate directed its %estions at those cases in2hich the death ena"t0 is a"ica)"e.

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    time"0 notiication reerred to in Artic"e B?737) to e'er0 indi'id%a" o orei#nnationa"it0 2ho is arrested, detained or indicted in its territor0 or crimes s%)=ectto the death ena"t0; and to adot ro'isions in (eein# 2ith their domestic "a2to #i'e eect in s%ch cases to the time"0 notiication reerred to in this artic"e ina"" its comonent arts, i this 2as not #%aranteed )0 "e#is"ati'e or otherro'isions, in order to #i'e %"" eect to the corresondin# ri#hts and #%arantees

    enshrined in the Co'enant

    3B4. hi"e the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations does not contain an0 c"a%se re"ati'eto edera" !tatesD %"i""ment o o)"i#ations 7s%ch as those contained, or exam"e, in the

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    3. That Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations coners ri#hts %ondetained orei#n nationa"s, amon# them the ri#ht to inormation on cons%"ar assistance, and thatsaid ri#hts carr0 2ith them corre"ati'e o)"i#ations or the host !tate.


    >. That Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations concernsthe rotectiono the ri#hts o a nationa" o the sendin# !tate and is art o the )od0 o internationa" h%manri#hts "a2.6nanimo%s"0,

    B. That the exression 82itho%t de"a09 in Artic"e B?737) o the Vienna Con'ention onCons%"ar e"ations means that the !tate m%st com"0 2ith its d%t0 to inorm the detainee o theri#hts that artic"e coners %on him, at the time o his arrest or at "east )eore he ma(es his irststatement )eore the a%thorities.6nanimo%s"0,

    @. That the enorcea)i"it0 o the ri#hts that Artic"e B? o the Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar

    e"ations coners %on the indi'id%a" is not s%)=ect to the rotests o the sendin# !tate.


    I. That artic"es >, ?, 3@ and IJ o the

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    Cons%"ar e"ations, m%st )e resected )0 the American !tates Part0 to the resecti'econ'entions, re#ard"ess o 2hether theirs is a edera" or %nitar0 str%ct%re.

    $%d#e $ac(man inormed the Co%rt o his artia""0 dissentin# oinion, 2hi"e $%d#es CanadoTrindade and Garc+a am+rez inormed o their conc%rrin# oinions. A"" three 2i"" accoman0this Ad'isor0 &inion.

    1one in !anish and /n#"ish, the !anish text )ein# a%thentic, in !an $ose, Costa ica, on&cto)er 3, 3444.

    Antnio A. Canado TrindadePresident

    Mximo Pacheco-Gmez ernn !a"#ado-Pesantes

    &"i'er $ac(man A"irio A)re%-*%re""i

    !er#io Garc+a-am+rez Car"os Vicente de o%x-en#io

    Man%e" /. Vent%ra-o)"es!ecretar0

    ead at a %)"ic session at the seat o the Co%rt in !an $os, Costa ica, on &cto)er >, 3444.

    !o ordered,

    Antnio A. Canado TrindadePresident

    Man%e" /. Vent%ra-o)"es

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    L, and >I o the American Con'ention, ma(es it c"ear that the r%"in# rinci"e in the de'isin# othese #%arantees has )een the rinci"e o :0.088 "aid do2n in the 1ec"aration.


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    &"i'er $ac(man$%d#e

    Man%e" /. Vent%ra-o)"es!ecretar0


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    3. < 'ote in a'o%r o the adotion o the resent Ad'isor0 &inion o the @.J3.344L )eore this Co%rt, in tac("in#recise"0 this %estion, < a""o2ed m0se" to indicate the incidence o the temora" dimension ina2 in #enera", as 2e"" as in 'ario%s chaters o P%)"ic , in addition to the

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    incaacit0 to accoman0 the constant chan#es o the socia" str%ct%res 7at domestic as 2e"" asinternationa" "e'e"s, or not ha'in# oreseen the ne2 act%a" ass%mtions, )ein# there)0 %na)"e toresond to them; hence its incaacit0 to ex"ain the historica" ormation o c%stomar0 r%"es ointernationa" "a23JJ. The 'er0 emer#ence and conso"idation o the corpus uriso the 7ositi'e "a2: - YZ "Kins%rrection des aits contre "e Code,a% da%t dKharmonie entre "e droit ositi et "es )esoins conomi%es et socia%x, a s%ccd "ar'o"te d% 1roit contre "e Code, cKest--dire "Kantinomie entre "e droit act%e" et "Kesrit d% Code3JJ* A* ,erdross# %erecho Internacional Pblico# &th* ed* (transl* from the th*Kerman ed* of VQl)errecht)# adrid# Aguilar# 1! (1st* re2rint)# 2* &%; * ChemillierKendreau# He rle du tem2s dans la formation du droit international# %roitinternational - III(ed* P* 'eil)# Paris# PIdone# 1%"# 22* &%;

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    ci'i". 7... 1es concets %e "Kon consid[re comme des orm%"es hirati%es sont %n #rand o)stac"e "a "i)ert de "Kesrit et inissent ar de'enir des sortes de rismes a% tra'ers des%e"s "Kon ne 'oit"%s %K%ne ra"it dormeY3JB.

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    4. At the "e'e" o internationa" "a2 - in 2hich the distinct asects o intertemporal"a2 cameto )e st%died3J?- "i(e2ise, the re"ationshi )et2een the contents and the eecti'eness o its normsand the socia" transormations 2hich too( "ace in the ne2 times )ecame e'ident 3J5. A locusclassicusin this resect "ies in the 2e""-(no2n o'iter dictumo the .Isolution $D? He 2roblVme intertem2orel en roit international2ublic# &!Annuaire de lInstitut de %roit International(Session de 'iesbaden# 1"&)22* &3!&1* And cf*# inter alia# P* Ta-ernier# Recherches sur lapplication dans letemps des actes et des rgles en %roit international public # Paris# HK9# 1"# 22* 311; S* .osenne# The Time (actor in the $urisdiction of the International Court of

    $ustice# Heyden# SiLthoW# 1!# 22* 11"&; K*

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    3L. J. This "ine o ar#%ment o the 6nited !tates )eore the

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    conidence and the rinci"e o #ood aith 2hich o%#ht a"2a0s to ha'e rimac0 in theinternationa" rocess.

    >>. I. 3. This )ein# so, the Co%rt added, no !tate can ai" to reco#nize Ythe

    3>J* Cf* >e2artment of State@47ce of American Citi+ens Ser-ices#? Assistance to.S. Citi/ens Arrested Abroad (Summary of Ser-ices Pro-ided to 8*S* Citi+ensArrested Abroad)# 22* 13*

    3>3* IC$ Reports(1") 22* 1 (em2hasis added)*


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    imerati'e o)"i#ationsY codiied in the Vienna Con'entions on 1i"omatic e"ations 7o 34?3and on Cons%"ar e"ations 7o 34?B 7ar. @33>>.

    >?. Hi'e months "ater, in its =%d#ment o >@.JI.34LJ in the same case o the "ostages in5ehran 7merits, the 3>B. The Co%rt camee'en to in'o(e exress"0, in re"ation to s%ch ro'isions, the contents o the6ni'ersa" 1ec"arationo %man i#hts o 34@L 7ar. 433>@.

    >5. The insertion o the matter %nder examination into the domain o the internationa"rotection o h%man ri#hts th%s co%nts on =%dicia" reco#nition, there )ein# no "on#er an0 #ro%ndat a"" or an0 do%)ts to s%)sist as to an opinio uris to this eect. This "atter is so c"ear andorce%" that there 2o%"d )e no 2a0 e'en to tr0 to resort to the ne)%"o%s i#%re o the so-ca""edYersistent o)=ectorY. More than a decade a#o < reerred to that %ncon'incin# orm%"ation, 2hichhas ne'er o%nd the s%ort that it so%#ht in 'ain in the internationa" case-"a2, as a ne2

    maniestation o the o"d 'o"%ntarist concetion o internationa" "a2, entire"0 %nacceta)"e in theresent sta#e o e'o"%tion o the internationa" comm%nit0; the internationa" case-"a2, a)o'e a"" asrom the =%d#ment o the

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    orei#ners %nder detention - and 2ho, there)0, stand in #reater need o s%ch rotection, a)o'e a""in socia" circ"es constant"0 threatened or ri#htened )0 o"ice 'io"ence.

    >4. - it c"ear"0 res%"tsthat it is no "on#er ossi)"e to consider the ri#ht to inormation on cons%"ar assistance 7%nderArtic"e B?737) o the 34?B Vienna Con'ention on Cons%"ar e"ations 2itho%t direct"0 "in(in# itto the corpus uriso the

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    contracts3>L, as nothin# is more antithetica" to the ro"e reser'ed to the Con'entions o codiicationin contemorar0 internationa" "a2 than the traditiona" contract%a"ist 'ision o treaties3>4.

    B>. The Con'entions o codiication o internationa" "a2, s%ch as the a)o'e-mentionedVienna Con'ention o 34?B, once adoted, instead o Yreezin#Y #enera" internationa" "a2, inrea"it0 stim%"ate its #reater de'e"oment; in other 2ords, #enera" internationa" "a2 not on"0

    s%r'i'es s%ch Con'entions, )%t is re'ita"ized )0 them3BJ.ere, once a#ain, the time actor ma(esits resence, as an instr%menta" or the ormation and cr0sta""ization o =%ridica" norms - )othcon'entiona" and c%stomar0 - dictated )0 the socia" needs 3B3, and in artic%"ar those o rotectiono the h%man )ein#.

    BB. The ro#ressi'e de'e"oment o internationa" "a2 is "i(e2ise accom"ished )0 means othe a"ication o h%man ri#hts treaties: as < ha'e ointed o%t in m0 a"read0 mentionedConc%rrin# &inion in the Castillo Petru++icase 7344L -supra, the act that the

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    con"%ence o these "atter 2ith h%man ri#hts, the s%)=ecti'e indi'id%a" ri#ht 3B>to inormation oncons%"ar assistance, o 2hich are titulairesa"" h%man )ein#s 2ho are in the need to exercise it,has cr0sta""ized: s%ch indi'id%a" ri#ht, inserted into the concet%a" %ni'erse o h%man ri#hts, isno2ada0s s%orted )0 con'entiona" internationa" "a2 as 2e"" as )0 c%stomar0 internationa" "a2.

    Antnio A%#%sto Canado Trindade$%d#e

    Man%e" /. Vent%ra o)"es!ecretar0

    3B>* Already by the middle of the century one warned as to the im2ossibility ofe-olution of Haw without the subLecti-e indi-idual right# e52ression of a true humanright* 9* abin# ,l %erecho Sub!eti"o# adrid#

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    The osition ta(en )0 the

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    The indi'id%a" ri#ht %nder ana"0sis here is no2 one o those r%"es 2hose o)ser'ance is mandator0d%rin# a crimina" roceedin#. The rinci"e o ena" "e#a"it0, a"ica)"e to roced%re and not =%stto the s0stem o crimina" c"assiication and ena"ties, res%oses romt enorcement o thoser%"es.