Download - AdviCoach Franchise on How to Take a Vacation from Your Small Business


AdviCoach Franchise on How to Take a Vacation from your Small Business

Overview•Many small business owners first go into business in hopes of

becoming their own boss and having more freedom, like taking time off when they please.


• However, once an entrepreneur gets their business up and running, they oftentimes get carried away and forget their initial intention. Although growing your business should be important to every entrepreneur, taking some time off every now and again is vital to prevent burnout. • Studies show that burnout among employees and business

owners can lead to increased absenteeism and job turnover, lower productivity, decreased levels of job satisfaction, greater personal conflict with colleagues and at home as well as reduced commitment to tasks at hand.

Take a Vacation from your Business

• There’s a simple solution to prevent burnout, and it’s a lot easier than you probably imagine - Take a break from the office.• It may be hard to peel yourself away from your business, but it

can actually allow you to recharge and refocus your energy.

Take Some Time Off!• No matter if you spend your time

off lying on a white sandy beach, skiing in the mountains or just watching television on your couch, some “me” time is vital for all entrepreneurs. Because getting out of “work mode” can be tough, here few easy tips to get you through your vacation without putting work first.

Tip 1: Plan Ahead• According to The Huffington Post, the number one reason why

people opt out of taking time off is because they dread the amount of work that will be awaiting them when they return.

AdviCoach Recommends…• Take time off during the holiday season because this tends to be

a lighter work period. Make sure to let everyone you work with know that you will be out of the office and let them know when you will return. Inform these individuals what is expected of them when you are out and who they can go to with questions

Tip 2: Disconnect• Rather than having your head buried in your phone all day, try

to be present in your plans and engage with others by unplugging your computer and turning your phone off. It may not be easy to peel yourself away from your email or cell phone for a full day, so if it seems unrealistic start small.

AdviCoach Recommends…• Designate one hour at the end of the day to tend to unplanned

work needs. During this time, allow yourself to access your email and voice mail in case anything time-sensitive came up. Then, turn your phone and computer back off and go back to enjoying your time off. Unplugging completely will allow you to relax and really take your mind out of the business, even if just for a few hours or days.

Tip 3: Trust Your Employees• You hired your employees for a reason, so try and remember

this when taking time off. Set clear expectations and guidelines for your employees who will be taking over your daily tasks while you are out and trust them to do their jobs.

AdviCoach Recommends…• Taking time off can serve as a test to whether you hired the right

people to help operate your company. You may even find that your employees went above and beyond your expectations – encouraging you to give more responsibility to your employees on a day-to-day basis.


• If you’re finding it hard to leave your business, remember these three tips to make sure that you and your business will be prepared in your absence. If everything goes as planned, perhaps you’ll end up vacationing more often!

Contact AdviCoach Today

• For more information about taking time off from your small business, contact an AdviCoach small business coach today