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Write Date: 1/18, 1/20, 1/21

Topic: Russian Revolution/ Lenin and Stalin

The Main Idea/Big Picture: Struggle for Rights- The fall of the czarist regime and the Russian Revolution put the Communist in power in Russia.

Essential Question: The Russian Czar’s failures in the war along with workers unrest led to the March Revolution of 1917.

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AGENDA FOR TODAYWrite Date: 1/19/2011Topic: Russian RevolutionAs always draw a line between each day’s work to conserve paper.Each day’s work will be numbered at the top right hand corner of your

notebook, for ex: 50. All of the questions, notes, assignments for that will be numbered 50 a) b) c)

Class Participation will help you to earn extra credit.Assignments will be checked on the day they are due. Each assignment

carries 10 points. If the assignments are not done on the due date then you will lose five points. You will get one extra day to finish your homework but it will be half the points. For the next day you will get only 5 points. If your homework is not done the next day, you will get a 0 for that particular homework.

POP QUIZ at the end of each chapter/topic with ten multiple choice questions. You will be notified in advance as to which week you will have the test but you will not know the day of the test. All your tests will be on your notes, lectures, and your readings.

Blog Postings-I will not do the blog postings so you earn EC through class participation, homework and your notebook checks. contd:

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I will have a school e-mail by the end of this week. You are welcome to contact me through this e-mail regarding any questions or concerns.

I will keep posting the assignments and the notes for this class on school loop.

In case if you loose any handouts or are unable to copy notes from power points, it will be there on school loop.

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Background to the Russian Revolution

Pair Share- Discuss with your partner and then write:

Write down three things that you remember from your last lessons that you think created a background for the Russian Revolution?

Was the Russian Revolution inevitable or could have been avoided if the reasons stated above were altered or changed? If yes, then write two-three lines of how things would have been different?

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The Final Blow

• Russia enters World War I

• Russia incapable of handling the military and the heavy costs of the war

• Russian generals poorly equipped

• Defeat after defeat followed

• Germans killed and wounded more than 4 million Russian soldiers

• On the home front, food and fuel supplies were falling short with inflated prices

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Signs of Unrest in Russia

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Czar Nicholas II of Russia was an autocratic ruler. He relied on the army and the government to hold up his regime. Nicholas refuted his grandfather’s reforms. He controlled using censorship, secret police, arrest, and expulsion.

His wife Alexandra was swayed by a crazy mystic, by the name of Rasputin who tried to heal their son suffering from hemophilia (deficiency in blood clotting) Alexandra had faith in Rasputin’s powers and took his advice in governmental affairs.

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Analyzing Political Cartoons

What do you see in this cartoon? What message does it portray?

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Review the Terms

• Capitalism- Resources are privately owned.

• Socialism- Some resources are privately owned, some is owned by the government (supported by taxes)

• Communism- All resources are owned by the people (community land controlled by the government)

• Russian Revolution- Russians overthrow their ruler, the Czar and pull out of World War I.

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Industrialization brought about the views of Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German philosopher, political economist, historian, sociologist, and a revolutionary communist.

His works inspired many communist regimes of the 20th century. His theory of “dialectical materialism” in which the clash of the historical forces leads to changes in the society.

His works “Communist Manifesto,” and “Das Kapital” state that under capitalism the struggle between the working class and the business class will end in a new society, a communist one.

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Vladimir Lenin

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Compare and Contrast

Activating your prior knowledge:

Write two similarities and one difference between the Russian Revolution and the French Revolution.

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•War Communism, in the history of the Soviet Union was an economic policy applied by the Bolsheviks during the period of the Russian Civil War (June 1918-March 1921).

• The policy of war communism featured expropriation of private business and the nationalization of industry throughout Soviet Russia.

• It also forced requisition of surplus grain and other food products from the peasants by the state.

Pair Share- Would this economic policy be seen as an asset for a nation that was recovering from war or a disaster? Note down your opinion and state reasons as to why it was an asset or a disaster?

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Lenin’s New Economic Policy was a success as he took the following steps:

To gain popularity, Lenin relaxed War Communism along with NEP.

Smaller industries were returned to private ownership and peasants could sell their surplus in the open market.

Some saw NEP a threat to communism

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Agenda for Today

Write Date: 1/20/2011

Write the page number for today’s work 10

• Review from previous lesson on Tsar Nicholas II, Provisional Government, Lenin, The Revolutions of 1917, Russian Civil War.

• Propaganda posters and its effectiveness

• Read the write up on Lenin and answer the three questions that follow. Assignment due on Monday, January 24th.

• Assignment on Communism due on Wednesday, January 26th.

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Review Yesterday’s Lesson

• In 1917 Russia was involved in a war (WWI)

• Two Revolutions in 1917-

• February 28th 1917- the Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne, the tsarist forces surrendered.

• The Provisional Government was in power comprised of Mensheviks and Socialist revolutionaries.

• Aleksandr Kerensky (minister of justice) was a key member of the Provisional Government

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Review continued:

The October Revolution/ Power Struggle and the Rise of the Bolsheviks-1917

• In spite of the Prov. Gov in power, Russia was in a bad shape

• As an American eye witness John Reeds points out:

“ The policy of the Provisional Government alternated between ineffective reforms and stern repressive measures which resulted in alienating the working class.”

• One of the key people returning from exile at this time was Lenin

• What did Lenin promise the people?

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• Lenin promised them “Bread, Peace, and Land,” He made statements like “Down with the Provisional Government - All power to the Soviets.”

• Why did the Bolsheviks want WW I to end?

Kerensky who was in power with the Prov. Gov. released the Bolsheviks that he had arrested in fear that Kornilov would seize power.

Bolsheviks gained power in Sept of 1917

On Oct.24-25 of 1917 the Bolsheviks headed by Lenin including pro-Bolshevik soldiers, and the Red Guards stormed the Winter Palace and arrested the members of the Prov. Gov. This was also called a “bloodless coup” that put the Bolsheviks in power. A blank shot was sent from the cruiser “Aurora” a ship that still stands outside Winter Palace.

Civil War in Russia (1918-1922)

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The Russian Civil War

Russian Civil War waged between 1918-1922

War waged between the Reds or the Bolsheviks (renamed as Communists in 1918) and the Whites (White Army) in Russia.

White Army comprised of all factions that battled the Bolsheviks mainly the royalists, aristocrats.

The Soviet government headed by Lenin gave land and grain to the peasantry which was criticized by the Whites.

Winston Churchill stated that Bolshevism must be “strangled in its cradle.” The Allies of WW I supported the White Army which created future misunderstanding between Russia and the Allies.

Lenin fought a war with Poland in 1919, a country formed by the Treaty of Versailles.

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Russian Civil War

Lenin fought a war with Poland in 1919, a country formed by the Treaty of Versailles. Even though the Communist were in a precarious situation , they won the war against the Whites.

The Communists had control over the main cities, industrial centers, and communication links , whereas the Whites were divided.

The Red Army was organized well by Leon Trotsky which helped to win the Civil War.

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The Kronstadt Revolution of 1921 (add it to your notes from yesterday No. 10)

Draw a line separating yesterday from today

Write Date: 1/21/2011

Topic- Totalitarianism, Journal 11

Formation of USSR

Totalitarian Regimes in Europe

Lenin’s death- No successor


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Vicious Capitalist

Who do you see as the vicious capitalist in this picture? From whose point of view is the capitalist vicious and why?

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Viktor Deni- Russian Cartoonist - 1893-1946“Death to Capitalism”- or “Death under the heels of capitalism!”

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A New kind of Weapon

What importance does this equipment hold with regards to the Marxist communism?

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1. What common theme do these three propaganda posters share?

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Krondstadt Revolt of March 1921

• Krondstadt Revolt was also known as the “Third Revolution,” It was an unsuccessful uprising of Soviet sailors against the Bolshevik government.

• The rebellion took place in March 1921 in Krondstadt, a naval fortress on Kotlin Island that served as a base of the Russian Baltic fleet. It also served as a guard post for the approaches to Petrograd.

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The rebellion served as a notice to Lenin of the discontent among the people of Russia caused by War Communism.

The rebellion was brutally crushed by the Red Army. Lenin replaced War Communism with his New Economic Policy

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All Union of Congress of Soviets held in Moscow on December 31st, 1922 accepted the Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the Union of Soviet Republics (USSR).

Formation of USSR in 1922