Download - Advancing the science, theory and practice of project and ...€¦ · Association for Project Management APM’s mission statement is: “To develop and promote the professional disciplines

Page 1: Advancing the science, theory and practice of project and ...€¦ · Association for Project Management APM’s mission statement is: “To develop and promote the professional disciplines

Advancing the science, theory and practice of project and programme management

Page 2: Advancing the science, theory and practice of project and ...€¦ · Association for Project Management APM’s mission statement is: “To develop and promote the professional disciplines

APM’s research programme aims to advance new and existing knowledge in the delivery of projects, programmes and portfolios. It does this by commissioning and promoting primary and secondary research about project management and related fields.

By developing innovative research and sharing its results and findings, APM helps to develop and promote a profession built around learning and collaboration. In this way, Research helps to fulfil APM’s charitable objective (to advance the science, theory and practice of project and programme management for the public benefit).

Why is research important to APM?

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Page 3: Advancing the science, theory and practice of project and ...€¦ · Association for Project Management APM’s mission statement is: “To develop and promote the professional disciplines

How did APM research come about?

APM consulted widely in 2014/15 to identify key themes and expectations for future research.

This review revealed three key, consistent themes:

The need for research from APM to address knowledge gaps or emergent themes

The appetite to disseminate cutting edge research for practitioners

The encouragement of collaboration with other professional bodies and external parties

APM used these themes, and the findings of the consultation, to refine its research strategy.

How has research helped APM so far?

1. APM created a dedicated Research function with the aim of generating new and advancing existing knowledge in supporting the delivery of the management of projects, programme and portfolios.

2. APM set up the Research Advisory Group (RAG) to provide advice and guidance on its research programme and activities. The RAG represents a broad range of APM stakeholders including academics, corporate members, volunteers and other professional bodies.

3. APM’s research on the Conditions for Project Success sought to identify the core factors which lead to the successful delivery of projects, programmes and portfolios. The findings were launched at the APM Conference in March 2015. Further details of the Conditions for Project Success can be found later in this document.

4. The APM Salary and market trends report in May 2015 attracted over 2700 responses and became the most downloaded item on APM’s website. This work was supplemented by the APM Scottish Salary survey in September 2015. A 2016 Salary survey will be produced.

5. APM sponsored the 12th Conference of International Research Network on Organising by Projects (IRNOP) at UCL in June 2015. This was attended by over a hundred leading individuals in the field of the management of projects.

6. Dissemination and promotional support has been provided to a number of Volunteer Studies including the NW Branch report on ‘Agile Methodologies’, Knowledge SIG work ‘Knowledge management’ and Thames Valley Branch study on ‘Stakeholder engagement’. In addition a number of further studies are in production including the People SIG’s work on ‘Emotional intelligence’ and the Enabling Change SIG study on a tool to aid project productivity.

How do APM’s research activities relate to one another?

APM Research comprises of a three tier system of escalating levels of commitment.

The first stream is APM commissioned research which seeks to provide solutions to key project management questions often through joint working with key stakeholder groups.

The second stream explores knowledge gaps or emergent themes for further exploration or identified as areas of strategic interest to APM.

The third stream comprises of a number of vehicles including: the creation of an APM Research Fund; supporting the repurposing and dissemination of research for the use of practitioners: and providing validation, support and sourcing for researchers who may require the endorsement of a professional body when bidding for funding to research councils or the EU.

Forthcoming APM research activities

In autumn 2015 APM launched the Research Fund to provide funding for small scale projects and seed funding. The first call for funding produced 24 formal enquiries and 16 proposals from volunteers, academics and students as well as individual and corporate members. The research fund will become an annual activity for APM growing year on year with the next call for funding being autumn 2016. Successful applicants for 2016 will be profiled at

A great deal of existing project management research could be made available for practitioner audiences. APM is working on how best to repurpose and disseminate academic research for practitioners which will help to underpin the APM Body of Knowledge (BoK). APM will provide more information on this work and how you can get involved.

APM’s new annual President’s Lecture will help reinforce the importance of evidence and research.

APM commissioned research will attempt to explore and provide solutions to key project management questions in conjunction with key stakeholder groups. Look out for more information on how you can shape the content of this work.

APM Commissioned




Emergent themes and Knowledge




APM Research Fund

Research repurposing

Validation, support and sourcing



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How can you get involved?

There are a number of ways of getting involved – examples include:

submitting research proposals for funding

helping to create practitioner research summaries

disseminating research to members of your organisation

participating in APM research studies, consultations or surveys

For information please

Please contact us with your views and suggestions: [email protected]

Page 4: Advancing the science, theory and practice of project and ...€¦ · Association for Project Management APM’s mission statement is: “To develop and promote the professional disciplines

APM’s 12 Project Success Factors

4. Capable sponsors Sponsors play an active role in the life cycle of the project; they assume ultimate responsibility and accountability for the project outcomes.

5. Secure funding The project has a secure funding base; contingency funding is recognised from the start and tight control of budgets is in place to ensure maximum value is realised.

6. Project planning and review Pre-project planning is thorough and considered; there is regular and careful progress monitoring; the project has realistic time schedules, active risk management and a post-project review.

7. Supportive organisations The environment in which the project operates is project-friendly; the organisation provides support and resourcing for project activity (including financing) and access to stakeholders.

8. End users and operators End users or operators are engaged in the design of the project; the project team engages with users, who are able to take on what the project has produced effectively and efficiently.

9. Competent project teams Project professionals forming a core team are fully competent; other team members are also fully competent and the project team engages in positive behaviours which encourage success.

APM Research found that these 12 factors provide a framework that defines the environment in which projects can be delivered successfully. Each of the 12 wasidentified as playing a crucial role in the formation and delivery of the project.

1. Effective governance The project has clearly identified leadership; responsibilities; reporting lines and communications between all parties.

2. Goals and objectives The overall goal of the project is clearly specified and recognised by all stakeholders; it is not in conflict with subsidiary objectives and project leaders have a clear vision of the project outcomes.

3. Commitment to project success All parties involved in the project are and remain committed to the project’s success; any lack of commitment is recognised and dealt with and project leadership inspires commitment in others.

10. Aligned supply chain All direct and indirect suppliers are aware of project needs, schedules and quality standards. Higher and lower tiers of supply chains are coordinated.

11. Proven methods and tools Good practice project management tools, methods and techniques are applied in a way which maintains an effective balance between flexibility and robustness.

12. Appropriate standards Quality standards are actively used to drive quality of outputs. Adherence to other standards is regularly monitored in order to ensure delivery is to best practice levels.

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Association for Project Management

APM’s mission statement is: “To develop and promote the professional disciplines of project and programmemanagement for the public benefit”.

APM is the largest independent professional body of its kind in Europe. We have 17,500 individual and 500corporate members throughout the UK and abroad. Our aim is to develop and promote project managementacross all sectors of industry and beyond. Through APM,members directly influence and shape their profession,celebrating their professional achievements andcontribution to the profession. Get involved in acommunity of over 17,500 members through APM’sextensive branch network and Specific Interest Groups.

Project Management Events – with over 150 eventsannually including networking events, seminars, and theannual APM Project Management Conference and Awards.

Project and Network magazines – free monthlysubscription to the industry’s leading magazines.

Discounts – on qualifications, events and publications.


DisclaimerThe contents of this document have been preparedby the APM Benefits Management SIG and do notnecessarily represent the views of APM.

To get involved with the debate online join the APM Benefits Management Specific Interest Group at:

BRO8050611Association for Project Management is a company limited by guarantee Registered in England No: 1218334. Registered office as above Association for Project Management Ltd is a registered charity No. 290927


“70% of participants noted that their organisation is experiencing growth, and a further 47% are expecting to recruit additional staff members. The results highlight the ongoing growth and success of the PM profession”

APM Salary and Market Trends report 2015

Edition 1, Spring 2016

AUTHORS:Daniel Nicholls, Research Manager, APMJulian Smith, Head of External Affairs, APM

For further information please

Please contact us with your views and suggestions: [email protected]