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Viking™ On Nicolet™ EDXAdvancing electrodiagnostics and monitoring with the next generation system


Introducing the New Viking On Nicolet EDX SystemThe Viking On Nicolet EDX system from Nicolet combines state of the art technology with over 60 years of proven clinical knowledge and innovation to set new standards for EMG, EP and IOM testing.

Because it’s based on the successful Viking software, users can expect to benefit from a familiar clinical workflow and user interface together with full patient and protocol compatibility with existing Viking products.

The rich Viking feature set and clinical automation together with the exceptional signal quality, artifact rejection, and environmental noise suppression of the Nicolet EDX system reduced patient discomfort as well as examination time.

The Viking On Nicolet EDX delivers an electrodiagnostic platform powerful enough to satisfy the demanding needs of today and flexible enough to meet the anticipated needs of tomorrow.

The latest addition to the long and successful line of Viking™ products excels in clinical functionality, signal quality, and flexibility

The combined strength of Viking™ software and Nicolet™ hardware has fused to create the next generation electrodiagnostic system from an EMG leader

The Viking On Nicolet EDX has been developed in close cooperation with physicians, technicians, and researchers across the world resulting in a system flexible and powerful enough to meet the different needs without compromising ease of use or quality.

Customizing the Viking On Nicolet EDX System•Offersawidevarietyoftestsrangingfromnerveconduction,

electromyography, to different evoked potential modalities.



•Cansupporttwoelectricalstimulators,anauditorystimulator,anda visual stimulator.

•TwoTriggerInputsandTriggerOutputspairedwithaveryflexibletriggering functionality ensure the necessary integration with many different types of external stimulators.

•Bothon-lineandoff-lineaudiocanbereplayedontheintegratedspeaker or a user supplied speaker to provide maximal flexibility.

•Externalanalysissystemscanbeconnectedtothelivecontinuousdata using either digital data or analog outputs.

•Manyofthesystemfeaturescanbeupgradedatthetimeofpurchase or later when new requirements arise without sending back the equipment.

Designed to deliver flexibility without compromises

• Supports both the ComfortProbeand ComfortProbePlus stimulator probes for maximal comfort and functionality.

• Flexible amplifier configuration ranging from 2 channels up to 8 channels.

• The 8 channel amplifier supportsbothnon- switched and switched amplifier inputs that can utilize any of the 22 input connectors available on the amplifier or on the head box.

The Viking On Nicolet EDX System is powered by the newest version of the Viking software delivering all the great and familiar features as well as a large number of improvements that will make testing even easier and more efficient.

Building on decades of development and clinical feedback to deliver best in class clinical functionality

Needle EMG -Dualtimebase-Rasteredtraces-Qualitymonitor

Nerve Conduction Study -Setupatyourfingertips-Allresponsessavedandthe best response always available


Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Response -Testhearingthreshold-Replicatedresponses-Automationandpostanalysis

Clinical ApplicationsThe Viking On Nicolet EDX provides a broad range of electrodiagnostic tests as well as the flexibility to support new clinical routines and research requirements. Each test is rich with features focused on delivering reliable results in the most efficient way while adapting to your workflow and reporting needs.

Nerve Conduction Studiesk Integrated Motor and F-Waves to minimize

examination timek Roll Back and Roll Forward minimizes stimulation by

saving all responses to allow selection of the best responsek Multiple replications can be done and averaged together

to optimize resultsk Select the responses to be averagedk Define different studies by combining various

examinations into a single set to meet your testing needsk Extensive NCS exams are available

•Motor,Sensory,CombinedMotor&Sensory •F-Waves,BlinkReflex,HReflex •RepetitiveStimulation •Inching,AnomalousInnervation

Advanced Nerve Conduction Studies k Conduction Velocity Distribution (CVD) and

Statistical MUNE• Providesinformationandgraphsontheconduction

velocity distribution of the nerve fibers within a nerve• Semi-automaticandstandardizedmethodfor

estimating the number of active motor units in a muscle

EMGk Continuous EMG storage and replayk On-line signal quality analysis with quality and rate metersk User definable displays and workflowk On–line and off-line EMG summary and reportingk Integrated EMG examinations

• SpontaneousActivity• Singlemotorunitanalysis• MaximalVolitionalAnalysis• QuantitativeEMG• TurnsandAmplitudeandfrequencyanalysistest

k Single Fiber EMG Analysis• Maximalreanalysisandeditingcapabilities• Varioustypesofanalysisareavailable - Volitional SFEMG - Stimulated SFEMG - Fiber Density

Multi Modality Program (MMP) k Providesahighdegreeofflexibilityk Predefinedexamsareavailable

- Multi-Channel EMG - Macro EMG - Spike Triggered Averaging - Continuous Data Export - Bereitschafts potential - Autonomic exams - R-R Interval/Valsalva - Sympathetic/Galvanic Skin Response (SSR/GSR)

Evoked Potentialsk Flexibility of choosing individual exams or a

combined packagek Automatic marker placementk Examination automationk Multiple replications methodsk FourmodesofEPtesting

• AEPwithpatienthearingthresholdfunction• SEP• VEP• ERG/EOG• P300

Intraoperative Monitoringk Monitor vital brain and nerve functions during surgeryk Trend plots, curve stacks, automation and remote review

for optimal functionalityk All in one – a combined Clinical and IOM

acquisition system

Support Softwarek ReferenceHelpforNCSTesting

• Containsreferencevalues,diagramsandtextforelectrode and stimulator placement from accompanying textbook

k MicroSoft Word Report• Automaticallygeneratesareportimmediatelyafterthe

tests have been completed• Highlycustomizable,numericalresults,traces,

Left/Right side comparison, highlighted results and much more

k Producer• Captureimagesaswellasvideosoftheacquisition

screen for training material, presentations, or procedure documentation

k Reader• Convenientremotereviewingandreportingofresults

k Networking• Extensivepatientadministrationandnetworking

functionality (NicVue)• Integrateintothehospitalinformationsystem(V-Link)

Additional Testing*k Triple Stimulation

• Providesinformationaboutthemotorcortexinaquantifiable and reproducible manner

• Suitableforcomparisonandlongitudinalstudiesofmotor cortex functionality

k Tremor• Recordsindifferentstates:rest,posture,andwith

different loads. • Analyzesthefrequencycontentsandcoherence

of tremors

*Not for sale in the U.S.

Nicolet EDX System Features

Nicolet EDX Hardware ComponentsCompactandflexible,theNicoletEDXhardwareis built for performance and quality.

Compact Base Unitk Houseselectricalandauditorystimulatorsk Integrated high quality speakerk Connections to multiple stimulators and other devices

• ControlPanel• ElectricalStimulatorProbes• HeadPhones• LEDGoggles• TemperatureProbe• ReflexHammer• SingleorTripleFootswitch• SingleUSBconnectiontocomputer• AnalogOutput• 2TriggerInputs• 2TriggerOutputs

k Multiple System Functionality• SignalAnalysis• Filtering• Triggering

Scalable Featuresk Easy to upgrade as testing needs increasek None,1,or2ElectricalStimulators

• Optionalstimulatorswitchingpodswithupto24stimulatorpairs,2LowLeveloutputs,and2outputsforstimulator probe

k Auditory Stimulatork Number of Active Amplifier Channels

Advanced Technology Amplifiersk AT2Amplifier

• 2highperformancenon-switchingchannelsk AT2+6Amplifier

• 2highperformancenon-switchingchannels• 6highperformanceswitchingchannels• 22inputconnectionsforswitchingchannels• Built-InFeatures - Impedance - Calibration - Temperature Measurement

k Headboxes• ClinicalHeadbox(HB-6)extendingthedistancebetween

patient and amplifier

Ergonomic Designk ElectricalStimulatorProbes

• Comfortabletohold• Optimizedtoreachalltestsites• Interchangeableprobeheads - Multiple Sizes (large or small) - Multiple Orientations (angled, straight, or touch proof)

k TwoProbeswithDifferentInterfaces• ComfortProbe(RS10) - Controlled by the control panel or mouse (software)• ComfortProbePlus(WR50) - Control buttons on probe - Start/Stop stimulus - Change stimulus intensity, duration, and polarity - Move to next site

Viking On Nicolet EDXFusing hardware expertise with advanced

technology to power the next generation

electrodiagnostic system

Our comprehensive line of leading neuro supplies and accessories complement the performanceofferedbytheNicoletEDXsystem.Weofferwell-establishedand trusted brands like Nicolet™andTECA® recognized for market leadership.

Neuro Supplies and Accessories


New Luer Lock MyoJect Needle

AFullLineofDisposableAdhesiveElectrodesDisposableNCVKit with Leads

Nicolet – a leader in EMG solutions

Nicolet Brand Products, headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin, is a global market leader providing diagnostic and monitoring medical equipment for neurological and vascular markets, supplies and accessories as well as integrated connectivity solutions.

Ourworld-classcustomersupportteamiswithyoueverystepoftheway to help you get the most out of your investment. With a large and experienced staff, we can provide you with the assistance you need, when you need it.

CustomersofNicolet include hospitals, alternate care sites, clinical laboratories, and physician and veterinarian practices in more than 100 countries. You can be reassured that every system meets the stringent standards that you expect.

©2012NatusMedicalIncorporatedoroneofitssubsidiaries.Allrightsreserved.Lit.#169-440000Rev03(2012/08)Natus, Nicolet and Viking are trademarks or registered trademarks of Natus Medical Incorporated or one of its subsidiaries.


Natus Medical Incorporated1501IndustrialRdSanCarlos,CA 94070USA1-650-802-0400


Natus – Nicolet brand products1850DemingWayMiddleton,WI53562USATel: 1-800-356-0007 1-608-829-8500Fax:1-608-829-8709