Download - ADVANCED YOGA TEACHER… · Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light The course also features a 5-night study retreat

Page 1: ADVANCED YOGA TEACHER… · Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light The course also features a 5-night study retreat

Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

Ray Of Light, Bulli

This immersive Advanced Yoga teacher training will deepen your connection to Yogic wisdom by expanding your personal practice. This will hone your skills as a Yoga teacher so you can share authentically and inspire your students from your heart.

Join Rachel for this 150 hours of Advanced training

suited to teachers who have already completed a

minimum 200 hours of training, in any Yoga

tradition. From August to December 2019, four

weekends of non-residential study modules take

place at Rachel’s boutique home studio set in the

lush rainforest in beautiful Bulli. Together we’ll

gather in the garden studio to immerse ourselves in

advanced study.



Page 2: ADVANCED YOGA TEACHER… · Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light The course also features a 5-night study retreat

Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

The course also features a 5-night study retreat at an

eco beach resort in North Bali. During our retreat

we’ll study and share meals together, experiencing

and embodying the rich wisdom of Yogic eating and

it’s health benefits. You will immerse yourself in the

culture of Bali, tuning into the sacred lifestyle. We

will experience a Balinese cleansing ceremony at the

ocean, removing the obstructions that may be

keeping us from manifesting our full potential. In

Bali, we will learn about the prayer and rituals that

help us to connect with the divine and sustain our

service as Yoga teachers.

Rachel Nokes is the principal teacher on the course.

She is an experienced Yoga teacher and Yoga

therapist, trainer, and counsellor with many years of

practical experience, as well as qualifications in

these fields. Over the past eleven years of teaching

Rachel has integrated her learning by creating a

methodical approach to Vinyasa Yoga. This includes

intelligent sequence design, the weaving of Yogic

philosophy and real-life storytelling along with

breath practices and meditation into the Yoga

experience. Rachel loves how her students can

choose from a range of Yoga tools so that the

practice can really be made available to all students.

Rachel loves how the Yoga family is expanding and

she celebrates the rich diversity of students who

attend her courses.


Meet Rachel and see the

rainforest studio

Contact: Rachel Nokes

T: 0414 585 688

E: [email protected]

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light


Pages 4 - 5 Your Timetable and 2019 dates

Page 6 Ayurvedic meals during training

Pages 7 - 9 The Training Modules

Pages 10 - 11 Ray Of Light’s Teachers

Page 12 Course Fees and Inclusions

Pages 13 - 14 Bali Study Retreat

Page 15 Accreditation and How to Apply

Page 16 Testimonials


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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light


This advanced Yoga teacher training comprises of 4 weekends at Ray Of Light’s boutique rainforest studio near Wollongong and a 5 night study retreat in North Bali.

Ray Of Light is located an hour south of Sydney and 20mins

north of Wollongong.The area boasts plentiful

accommodation options and we welcome students from

near and far. Our in-house Ayurvedic chef cooks you

delicious Ayurvedic meals throughout each day.

The Bali study retreat is held over 5 nights at a stunning eco

beach resort in beautiful North Bali. Taking this time away

from home allows us to focus and immerse more fully. We

choose North Bali because it’s quiet and untouched, we

love to tune into the Balinese culture and offer this as part

of our learning experience during the training.

2019 Weekend dates

10th & 11th August

14th & 15th September

12th & 13th October

10th – 15th November Bali study retreat

7th & 8th December


“I feel connected to my

teaching and have the ability

to flow in the moment” Bec

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

Weekend Sample Schedule

6.30am – 8am Morning practice

8am – 9am Ayurvedic breakfast

9am – 11am Session 1

11.00 -11.15am Morning tea

11.15am – 1pm Session 2

1pm -2pm Ayurvedic lunch

2pm – 3.30pm Session 3

3.30pm 3.45pm Afternoon tea

3.45pm – 5.30pm Session 4


“I have been stretched. I can

express my self more easily. The

group experience is transformative”


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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

AYURVEDIC MEALS During our training we’ll move through the

seasons celebrating with Ayurvedic wisdom.

The food is a real highlight and means you

don’t have to worry about finding a café or

creating a packed lunch on top of your usual

weekday commitments.

The food we serve is well thought out to

compliment the season and to increase your

learning and attention capacity for a

weekend of study. We can support you with

any food intolerances. Just let us know!


Sample Winter Menu


Quinoa porridge with

sweetened rhubarb

Morning tea

Baked and spiced vanilla


Herbal tea


Keralan vegetable curry

Capsicum rice

Chutney & chapatti

“I experienced an increased amount of determination and

empowerment in my life” Robyn

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light



The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali as the mirror - Through a process of self-inquiry we will explore the

Yoga Sutras as a mirror to our minds. We will reflect on questions such as; How can I define the

even state of mind that I crave? What interrupts my mental clarity? What is the cause of these

disturbances? What methods lead me towards the state of Yoga? These questions and more will

be addressed in our study of the sutras.

The Bhagavad Gītā – This module delves into the yogic wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, and

unpacks the paths to a state of Yoga; as taught by Krishna in this epic text. Discover new ways to

understand and teach from this timeless classic text in a way that is relatable to your career in

Yoga. If you haven’t already found your unique way to share Yoga in the world, study of this text

will guide you to find your unique purpose or dharma. We will also learn the significance of several

key concepts; artha, moksha and kama.

Dharma circle – Self-enquiry and satsang are the heart of the yogic path. Spend time in sacred

circle with experienced facilitators to guide you on a journey of self-discovery through group

process and Yoga philosophy. This is an intimate and safe community where competition and

comparison are discouraged. Instead, we will tune in with each other, allowing space to speak

about our own experiences. Based on key Yoga sutras, Rachel facilitates satsangs during training,

offering you the opportunity to share as you wish about your learning process.

Deepening into practice and teaching – Discover and refresh your understanding of the theory and

practice of Yogic techniques of classical Yoga; Vinyasa Krama, the Vinyasa of Pranayama, Vinyasa of

meditation (Dharana), Bandha, Mudra, Chanting, and other traditional Yoga techniques. Substantial

emphasis will be given to both the theory and guided practice within the Krishnamacharya lineage, in

which we learn the application and function of these tools. In other words, we will ask what it is we do in

Yoga and why we do it that way, prioritising function over form. 

Teaching 1:1 – Together we will explore the theory and application of Yoga and Ayurveda to

support individual clients, adding a new dimension to your offerings as a teacher. By honing your

skills in 1:1 consultation skills, you will be better able to support clients who are unwilling or unable

to access a group Yoga class. In this module, you’ll be building your repertoire of close

observational skills in order to assess the needs of people and their unique bodies.

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light


Facilitation skills – Exceptional teaching is more than the capacity to instruct or transfer knowledge.

Learn how to understand and craft experiences for groups that support participants to feel safe,

connect with a sense of belonging in the group, and integrate learning through diverse embodied

processes. Refine the art of opening circles, closing processes, and grow your confidence in facilitating

the heart of what it is you feel called to share. This module begins with an introductory workshop

during weekend sessions, and extends into practice and integration as part of the Bali study retreat. 

Living your yoga – Explore your personal Sadhana. You’ll be supported to engage with and stay

inspired by your daily self-practice, the cornerstone of your teaching. The space between weekends will

allow you to return to your daily life, integrate the new information and to turn theory into practice. To

support you to apply what you are learning as you are learning it, Rachel will meet with you for 3

personalised mentoring sessions (dates to be arranged upon acceptance into the course).

Refresh your Sanskrit – This fun module will inspire you to keep the sanskrit language alive for

yourself and your students. Revise your connection to the ancient language of Yoga, the sanskrit

alphabet and its unique sounds made by the 5 different mouth positions. Receive feedback on your

pronunciation of postures, key words and mantras to ensure that with proper pronunciation, you are

saying what you intend to say. We will also affect the heartmind through learning and practising sanskrit

mantra, uplifting one another as we learn.

Nāda Yoga – In this module, you will experience toning and projection techniques to build confidence

whilst teaching, reading and chanting.  As a leader you will tune into your unique voice so you can

share and lead with confidence and humility. We will explore the effects and application of sound and

mantra in Yoga. We will experiment with using the harmonium, learning and leading simple chants.

Learn how to use sound bowls and music as a way of bringing nāda Yoga as a well thought-out layer

into the yoga practice.

Ayurvedic living – Learn more about Yoga’s sister science and philosophy (Ayur – Life, Veda – wisdom).

You will experience and study self-care practices, nutrition and seasonal lifestyle modifications

empowering you and your students to live in harmony with nature’s rhythms. Learn how to use the

model of the elements and Doshas to support your students seasonally and for their constitution.

These skills are also key to maintaining balance in your own life and for sustaining a rich and rewarding

teaching career.

Yogic physiology – We teach you to understand the function of the subtle anatomy and how to work

with this within the practice. You will study the subtle anatomy and energy fields including: nadis,

koshas, chakras and gunas. We will explore how to apply this wisdom specifically in practice design for

both indivduals and group classes.

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light



Ethics– With such a diversity of Yoga students attending classes, each of us will face countless layers of

ethical dilemmas across our lifetime as a Yoga teacher. This module is designed to provide the space

for a rich and intimate enquiry into your own ethics as a teacher, and how they interact with the ethics

of the whole. The module is designed to equip you with skills for ongoing ethical enquiry that will

support your future practice as a refined and high quality Yoga teacher. The module offers a chance to

dive deep into the ethics of teaching Yoga in our everyday direct practices and interactions. We also

look beyond the everyday to the industry surrounding Yoga - including business; global yoga issues;

cultural appropriation, and maintaining authenticity in the midst of the international Yoga boom.

Teaching beyond the class format – This playful and creative module provides guided processes for

you to dive deeply into new ideas, expand the scope of your teaching, and imagine the possibilities of

your Yoga offerings beyond the class format. Previous graduates emerged from this module with richly

informed plans for diverse initiatives including retreats; community service programs; international

Yoga tours, and specialised workshops - among others. Expect to both expand and refine your

understanding of all the ways that you are the ideal person to offer your own particular gifts and

experiences through Yoga, and clarify all the ways in which you are more ready than you may realise to

grow beyond the class format, should you choose to.

Introduction to Trauma Sensitive Yoga - Based on the extensive research studies conducted at the

renowned Trauma Centre in the Massachusetts, this module presents an introductory level exploration

of the Yoga method known as Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TSY). The module covers:

An introduction to -

·      Trauma theory

·      The four key principles of the Trauma Sensitive Yoga approach.

·      How yoga can be adapted in specific contexts to support trauma sensitive principles.

·      A suite of simple teaching principles and practices that can be integrated into daily life, group Yoga classes, and 1:1 Yoga sessions.

“This course is for anyone

who wants to go deeper

into studying the

philosophy of yoga” Karen

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

YOUR TEACHERS Three high-caliber Yoga teachers will deliver your training.

Rachel Nokes Principal teacher trainer / Yoga Therapist /

Yoga Teacher / Psychotherapist / Ayurvedic


Rachel has found her life’s purpose and she

would love to inspire you to find yours. Over the

past eleven years of teaching yoga Rachel has

integrated her learning by creating a methodical

approach to Vinyasa Yoga, inspired greatly by the

Krishnamacharya lineage. She makes trips to India

annually to reconnect with esteemed teachers in

Chennai. She holds a Graduate Diploma in Family

Therapy, Counselling and Group Facilitation with a

passion for Group Transformation and has been

helping people for over 15yrs to realise their full

potential. What brings her joy is sharing her passion

and playful approach to Vedic chanting and group

kirtan, as well as discovering of the roots of Yoga

and Ayurveda while travelling regularly to Bali and


Sarah Ball Social worker / Yoga teacher, facilitator and

trainer Sarah Ball has been teaching Yoga for 15

years and practising for over 20 years. She is

the founder of Body Love Yoga Australia,

and is also an eating disorder and body

image counsellor, trauma-sensitive yoga teacher,


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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

course developer with Off The Mat Into The World

Australia, and lover of raspberries. Sarah travels

regularly to teach, and spent much of 2013

coordinating a non-profit yoga studio in Phnom

Penh, Cambodia. She has recently completed a

Masters of Social Work at UOW.

Having completed three Yoga teacher trainings in

diverse traditions, as well as extensive training in

social justice, mental health and counselling, Sarah

brings a broad range of perspectives to her work on

yoga teacher trainings. Sarah specialises in

facilitating rich discussions that challenge our

assumptions about our role as Yoga teachers,

expand our awareness of the applications of Yoga in

diverse contexts, and refine our capacity to facilitate

change on both the personal and social level.

Christiane Purcell Yoga therapist / Physiotherapist Christiane is a gifted teacher with many years of

experience in teaching and rehabilitation. She

began practicing Yoga in the early 2000s to manage

back pain and has spent the years since studying in

the lineage of Krishnamacharya with senior students

of T.K.V. Desikachar. She has diverse teaching

experience including serving as a member of the

Faculty at Yoga Therapy Australia teaching under

the guidance of Dr N.C. and Saraswathi Vasudevan.

She has a particular interest in Yoga Therapy, Yoga

Philosophy and Ayurveda. Christiane is also a

qualified Physiotherapist and is grateful to be able

to integrate a Western understanding of the physical

body with the holistic and spiritual teachings of Yoga

for the highest benefit of each individual.

�11“It has been the best thing for self improvement and my overall wellbeing!! Your strength, kindness and wisdom is

completely inspiring. The team of teachers is awesome. Thank you, thank you!“ Kai

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

FEES & INCLUSIONS 150 hours of face to face training with experienced


Your personal Ayurvedic chef prepares seasonal breakfast,

lunch and snacks during weekends.

A 5-night study retreat at Gaia Oasis “Pantai” Beach

Resort, an eco retreat in North Bali. This includes all meals

and accommodation. (Limited single + twin share)

Note: Flights and transfers are not included.

Home study and practice guidelines.

2 text books + reading list.

Online support between weekends.

3 x mentoring sessions with Rachel.

Welcome goodie bag with Ayurvedic supplies.

Total Investment $4995

Early Bird price if paid in full by 1st Feb $4395 or payment

plan after $500 deposit – 9 x monthly payments of $499.45



Contact: Rachel Nokes

T: 0414 585 688

E: [email protected]

“I have had an amazing experience

as I always felt safe to express and

learn. What a great group of women.

So glad I made that first step to

enrol” Michelle

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

YOUR 5-NIGHT BALI STUDY RETREAT Pantai Beach Resort, Gaia-Oasis

Gaia is located in Tejakula, in the northern part of Bali, off

the beaten track of mainstream tourism, nestled in a green

sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist

belt. Gaia’s properties are set within small traditional

hamlets where people are quiet and peaceful. Each of the

eleven uniquely designed Balinese-style bungalows have

open-air bathrooms, hot water, fully-equipped kitchens,

mosquito nets, closets, towels, linen, and a day-bed. To

reduce your carbon footprint, bungalows are designed to

maximise airflow and use natural ventilation instead of air-

conditioning. Each bungalow comprises two shared double

rooms. Limited single accommodation may be available,

space allowing. Book your place early to request a single


A vegetarian menu has been carefully planned to nourish

you with healthy, gourmet meals and snacks. Following

Ayurvedic principles, meals will be cleansing and balancing

to support the Yoga practice whilst promising to delight

your taste buds. All dietary restrictions can be catered for

with advanced notice. Just let us know!


Enjoy the beauty of “Pantai”

beach which stretches for

approximately one hectare

along the Pacific Ocean.

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

Getting there

The study retreat begins at 3pm on 10 November, 2019 so

ensure you arrive in Bali the night before (or earlier if you

wish) to settle in. Most flights from Australia to Bali arrive in

the nighttime. From your accommodation, Rachel will

arrange your private transfer to Gaia resort which is located

on the north coast of Bali. The drive takes approximately 2

hours and goes right through the middle of the island,

taking you through the stunning mountains. We highly

recommend you book your one night stay at Greenfields

Hotel in Ubud.

We also recommend you book your flights soon to get the

best possible deal. Please be sure to take out travel

insurance when booking your flights. If you hold a current

Australian passport, you will not need to gain a travel visa

to enter Bali.

We will check out at 11am on 15 November and return via

private transfer to Denpasar Airport. Before we complete

the study retreat and head home, Rachel will invite you to

take part in a traditional Balinese cleansing ritual. At sunrise,

we will enter a local seaside temple to receive blessings and

be purified in the warm waters of the Bali sea. Join us for

this unique offering and more at the beautiful Gaia Resort.


For more information, visit the

Pantai Beach resort website:

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light

Accreditation You will receive a certificate and hours recognised through

Yoga Alliance. Ray of Light YACEP® or a qualified provider

who meets the following criteria. Students are invited to

continue in a mentoring program following completion of

the advanced Yoga teacher training for ongoing support

and continued professional development. At Ray Of Light,

graduates are also invited to attend our monthly gathering,

a sacred circle where Yoga teachers come together to

support and connect with one another.

Ready to apply?

Fill in and submit the online application form (or download

and send completed form to [email protected]). Pay

$500 non refundable deposit once you’ve been accepted

onto the course. You will be notified within 10 days of your

acceptance. If you don't’ hear from us it means we haven’t

received your application so please call Rachel. We offer a

30 minute complimentary phone session with Rachel to

discuss your application and questions regarding the course

content etc.

This course is for you if.. This course isn’t for you if..

You want to share Yoga as an involution

You want to improve your headstand

You want to refine your teaching to include chanting, Ayurveda and philosophy

You want to choreograph fancy asana sequences inspired by dance or gymnastics

You want to learn about the Krishnamacharya lineage, whilst adapting your learning to modern times

You want to forget Yoga’s roots and teach 60min classes focused on stretching

You want to cultivate Yoga in your daily life, committing to your own Sadhana and remaining your own teacher

You want to adjust people’s bodies, valuing form over function and discourage students from finding their innate self-alignment



Contact: Rachel Nokes

T: 0414 585 688

E: [email protected]

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Yoga Teacher Training Ray Of Light


“Ray of light Bulli offers a nurturing and caring environment to study yoga teacher

training. Rachel has so much wisdom and knowledge to share from yoga

philosophy and she offers a course that provides you with a wide range of skills to

take you on your yoga journey. I feel a lot more confident in what I am teaching

and in general a lot more calm and grounded. Rach you go over and above to

provide such a rich and satisfying course. Can’t wait for the next one!”

-Tegan Barnett, Austinmer Beach House Yoga

“I have grown as a student and my intention is to weave more tradition and

philosophy into my life and teachings”

- Karen Emerson, Samaya Yoga Kiama

“The best course I’ve done, the teaching and learning is comprehensive. We are encouraged to

move to a higher place”

- Ro Simmons, Psychologist