




5... SETUP

6... PRESETS & LIBRARIES6... Loading, Saving, and Deleting a Preset

6... Using Libraries



9... Pitch Correction

10... Waveform

11... Filter

12... Effect

13... ADVANCED EDITING PARAMETERS13... Volume Antenna Functions

14... Pitch Antenna Functions

15... Pitch Transpose

15... GLOBAL SETTINGS15... Master Volume

15... Lo Note/High Note Range



Your new Moog Theremini offers several under-the-hood

features and capabilities never before seen in a traditional

Theremin. Once installed on your MAC or Windows computer,

the Theremini Editor provides quick and intuitive access

to these new features, which include an editor/librarian

for saving, sharing, archiving, and recalling all of your

favorite patches.

NOTE: The Theremini Editor is not an instrument plug-

in, and does not create any sound on its own. Using the

Theremini Editor requires that the Theremini be connected

to your computer via USB.


1. To get started, you will need a mini USB cable, and you will need to have already installed the

Theremini Editor software onto your MAC or Windows computer. (Please refer to the installation

instructions found in the Mac/PC Editor Installer.)

2. First, attach the Mini USB cable to the back of your Theremini. Next, connect the other end of

the USB cable to your computer.

3. Power up your Theremini, and then launch the Theremini Editor program on your computer.

4. By connecting the Theremini to your computer, you have changed the environment in which the

Theremini is operating. Therefore, you will need to perform the Theremini’s Calibration Routine in

order for everything to function properly. (Simply press and hold the SETUP button on the

Theremini until the Calibration menu appears, and then follow the instructions.)

5. To synchronize the Theremini and the Theremini Editor, click on the Sync button located at the

top of the Theremini Editor’s Preset List. The Sync button will capture all of the presets currently

loaded in the Theremini and bring them into the editor, where they will be available for editing in


6. You are now ready to start editing.



PRESETS & LIBRARIESEach Preset is an individual Theremini sound. Using this Editor, you can easily modify an existing Preset,

either by just a little bit, or drastically to create something all your own. The Theremini itself can hold 32

Presets. This Editor is also a Librarian, allowing you to create a vast number of Libraries, each containing

multiple Presets. This section will help you understand how to work with Presets and Libraries.

LOADING, SAVING, AND DELETING A PRESET To Load a preset from the Theremini Editor library to your Theremini, drag-and-drop a preset from the

LIBRARY PRESETS list onto the THEREMINI PRESETS list. The editor will then prompt you to overwrite

the current preset location.

WARNING: There is no undo action for this operation!


Click this button to save a preset to your currently selected library. This action will not modify the

contents of your Theremini.


Click this button to erase a currently selected preset. This action will not modify the contents of

your Theremini.


Click this button to save what you are presently hearing to the currently selected preset location

on your Theremini. This action will not modify the editor libraries, only the selected preset on

your Theremini.

USING LIBRARIES WhenyoufirstlaunchtheThereminiEditor,theDEFAULTlibraryisselectedandthepresetsinthat

library are shown in the LIBRARY PRESETS list on the left hand side of the main editor view. You can

change the library you are using by opening the LIBRARY MANAGER.

To open the LIBRARY MANAGER, click on the small folder button above the LIBRARY PRESETS list.

(cont’d on next page)


Select a library from the LIBRARIES list. The PRESETS list shows which presets are in the selected library.

You can combine libraries by dragging and dropping one library onto another. Selecting ALL will display all

of the presets from all of the libraries at once. When a library is selected, you can also drag and drop the



This command creates a new library where presets can be stored.


This command allows you to rename an existing library.


This command will erase the selected library. Libraries pre-packaged with the editor cannot be

deleted. This button will only be visible if the delete function is available for use.


Use this command to save the currently selected library to any user selected location on your computer.


This command allows the user to load a library from any user selected library on your computer.


This command will send (load) all of the presets in the selected library to the Theremini. If the

selected library has a full 32 presets they will populate all 32 preset locations in the Theremini. If

there are less than 32 presets in the library it will leave the remaining presets that are already in the

Theremini unchanged.

NOTE: If there are more than 32 presets in the selected library, only the first 32 presets will be sent.


Use this command to undo the previous operation. This button is only visible if the undo function is

available for use. Currently, only the dragging and dropping of presets into libraries, or the dragging

and dropping of libraries onto other libraries can use the undo feature.


To exit the LIBRARY MANAGER, click the red circle with the “x” in the upper right corner.


EDITING A PRESETThe list of parameters available for editing a preset is divided into two categories—BASIC and ADVANCED.

Primarily, the BASIC parameters relate to the settings used by the Theremini’s sound engine, while the

ADVANCED parameters relate to the enhanced capabilities of the PITCH and VOLUME antennae. There is

also a third set of parameters to be found under the GLOBAL SETTINGS button; these GLOBAL SETTINGS

affect the overall operation of the Theremini, and are not part of an individual preset. Simply click on the

BASIC or ADVANCED button to open the corresponding edit window.



SCALE AND ROOT These two sections work together with the PITCH CORRECTION knob, allowing the Theremini to accu-

rately play notes in a chosen musical Scale and key (Root). With the PITCH CORRECTION knob set fully

clockwise, only the notes in the selected scale and key will be available on your Theremini. As you turn

the PITCH CORRECTION knob counterclockwise, the pitch correction effect will become gentler,

allowing the pitch to glide between the notes of the selected scale.



the Chromatic scale, where, like a piano, all of the traditional musical pitches of western music are

presented as half steps. The following seven scales—Ionian through Locrian—are the traditional


from a wide range of cultures, from American blues to Ryukyu scales and beyond.


Click on the ROOT tab to view the list of available Root notes and make your selection. The Root


Feel free to experiment by choosing different Root and Scale options for the song you are playing to

create inventive and unique performance options.

When the PITCH CORRECTION knob is set to 0%, no pitch correction is being applied and the

Theremini functions as a traditional Theremin. By setting the PITCH CORRECTION knob to 50%,

enough pitch correction is applied to assist in accurately locating notes, while still allowing subtle

hand gestures to create vibrato and pitch bend effects. With the PITCH CORRECTION knob set

to 100%, only the notes within a selected scale can be played. Again, feel free to experiment with

different settings. You may want to go back and relax the pitch correction setting as your Theremin

skills improve over time.



WAVEFORMClick on the WAVEFORM tab to view all of the waveform options available in the Theremini sound engine

and make your selection. In addition to traditional and advanced synthesizer wave shapes—Sine, Triangle,

Super Saw, Bright, Hollow etc.—the Theremini also provides a selection of wavetable options (Etherwave

and Animoog 1). These unique wavetables provide additional SCAN parameters that can help create slowly

evolving timbres or rapid and highly-animated modulation effects. In short, each wavetable option may

contain up to three unique timbres. The SCAN RATE, SCAN AMOUNT, and SCAN POSITION knobs make it

possible to blend and transition from timbre to timbre over time.


The SCAN RATE knob controls the speed at which the selected wavetable will cycle through the various

timbres. The value of the Scan Rate can be set from 0Hz to 32Hz.


The SCAN AMOUNT knob determines the amount of change created as the selected wavetable cycles

through the various available timbres. It determines the width of the wavetable scan range on either

side of the Scan Position setting.


Use the SCAN POSITION knob to manually “tune in” a starting timbre for the selected wavetable. The Scan

Rate and Scan Amount will control the rate and amount of the wavetable timbre change, respectively.

NOTE: If scan rate is 0.0Hz and/or the scan amount is 0.00, the SCAN POSITION knob can still select an

exact stationary spot in the wavetable.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

EXAMPLE WAVETABLE (contains 3 different wave elements)

Wave 0

soft /pure tone

Wave 1

strong /aggressive tone

Wave 2

smoothhollow tone

Scanning goes back and forth moving the scan position across the wavetable. Scanning is centered at the SCAN POSITION parameter and moves around the SCAN POSITION by the SCAN AMOUNT parameter. Scanning occurs at the speed of SCAN RATE.

When the scan position is between two waves (position not exactly 0.0, 1.0, or 2.0) then you get a mix of the two surrounding waves.


FILTERBy selectively cutting, accentuating, and/or passing certain frequencies, the Filter alters the tone of the

Theremini. The Filter Type, Cutoff Frequency, Resonance, and Pitch Track parameters combine to provide

extensive control of the waveform’s harmonic content.


Click the FILTER TYPEtabtoviewalloftheavailablefiltermodesandmakeyourselection.

NONE: Nofilterisapplied.

LOWPASS: Frequencies above the cutoff frequency are attenuated; frequencies below the cutoff

frequency are passed unaffected.

BANDPASS: Frequencies above and below the cutoff frequency are attenuated; frequencies

centered around the cutoff frequency are passed unaffected.

NOTCH: The inverse of the Band Pass Mode, the Notch filter attenuates the

frequencies centered around the cutoff frequency, frequencies above and

below are passed unaffected.

HIGHPASS: Frequencies below the cutoff frequency are attenuated; frequencies above

the cutoff frequency are passed unaffected.



acts as the dividing line between attenuated and passed frequencies in the Low Pass and High Pass


knob counterclockwise lowers the cutoff frequency, while turning it clockwise raises the cutoff frequency.

NOTE: This parameter works in conjunction with the PITCH TRACK knob as well as the VOLUME

ANTENNA FILTER CUTOFF knob in the ADVANCED parameters section.




sweeps. Turning this knob counterclockwise lowers the emphasis amount, while turning it clockwise raises

the emphasis amount.

NOTE: This parameter works in conjunction with the two FILTER RESONANCE knobs found in the

ADVANCED parameters section.


The PITCH TRACK knob allows the pitch of the note being played by the Theremini to increase or reduce

the Filter Cutoff value. The overall effect will vary depending on the Filter Type, Cutoff, and Resonance


is stationary and does not change with frequency. Rotating the knob to the right of center causes the

cutoff frequency to rise with an increase in Theremini pitch. Rotating the knob to the left of center causes

the cutoff frequency to fall with an increase in Theremini pitch.


EFFECTThe Theremini features a built-in effect processor that can add motion and depth to the sound. The effect

parameters allow you to choose a delay type, and to specify the delay time, feedback level, and effect

amount (wet/dry mix).


Click the DELAY TYPE tab to view all of the available delay types and make your selection. There are

four options for this parameter:

OFF: No Delay


DELAY: 100ms


DELAY: 256ms


DELAY : 700ms



clockwise for a longer delay time and counterclockwise for a shorter delay time. The total delay range

is from 0ms to 836ms (milliseconds; 1000ms = 1 second).


The FEEDBACK knob controls how much of the delayed signal is being re-introduced (“fed back”) to the

input of the delay. The result can be observed in how long the delay effect lasts, or in the number

of repeats created by the delay effect. Turn this knob clockwise for more repeats, and counterclockwise

for fewer repeats.

WARNING: Very high feedback settings may cause unwanted (or wanted) artifacts when used with short

delay times, and extremely long lasting repeats when used with longer delay times.


The AMOUNT knob controls the mix level between the original signal (Dry) and the delay effect signal

(Wet). With the knob fully counterclockwise, the sound is completely dry and no effect is heard. In

the center position, (50%), the ratio between the dry signal and the delay effect signal is equal. In the fully

clockwise position, (100%), only the output of the delay effect is heard.


VOLUME ANTENNA FUNCTIONSThis section is used to specify which parameters will be controlled by the Theremini’s Volume Antenna,

as well as the value and direction of the modulation. A crucial point to understanding Volume Antenna

modulation is to remember that everything works “backwards” in order to mimic the behavior of a traditional

Theremin Volume Antenna. As an example, when the VOLUME parameter is set to 100%, it reduces the

volume as your hand gets closer to the antenna. This inverted behavior is similar for all of the parameters in



Use the VOLUME knob to specify how the Volume Antenna will affect the overall volume, or loudness, of

the Theremini. A setting of 0% is somewhat useless, causing the Theremini to be completely silent at all

times. A setting of 1600% generates full volume until your hand is placed very close to the Volume

Antenna, at which point the Theremini will go silent. A setting of 100% is similar to the standard

Theremin response.

As you have already learned,

the Theremini is operated

by interacting with the Pitch

Antenna and the Volume

Antenna. The Advanced

editing parameters bestow

new functionality to each

antenna. In fact, the functions

that can be controlled

by the Antennae are the

same functions described


PARAMETERS section found

on the previous pages. The

difference is that by assigning

these parameters—in various

amounts—to the antennae,

you can now achieve real-time

interactive control over many

more parameters at once,

allowing you to create a much

more dynamic performance,

and to take full advantage of

the Theremini’s exceptional

capabilities. The PITCH

TRANSPOSE parameter is

also found in this section




Based on the value of this WAVE SCAN AMOUNT knob, moving your hand closer to the Volume

Antenna will change or modulate the corresponding WAVEFORM SCAN AMOUNT value set in the BASIC

EDITING PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If

this WAVE SCAN AMOUNT is set to a positive percentage, the modulation depth will be reduced as you

move your hand closer to the Volume Antenna. If this WAVE SCAN AMOUNT is set to a negative

percentage, the modulation depth will be increased as you move your hand closer to the Volume Antenna.


Based on the value of this WAVE SCAN RATE knob, moving your hand closer to the Volume Antenna

will change or modulate the corresponding WAVEFORM SCAN RATE value set in the BASIC EDITING

PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If this

WAVE SCAN RATE is set to a positive percentage, the rate will be reduced as you move your hand closer

to the Volume Antenna. If this WAVE SCAN RATE is set to a negative percentage, the rate will be

increased as you move your hand closer to the Volume Antenna.


Based on the value of this FILTER CUTOFF knob, moving your hand closer to the Volume Antenna will

change or modulate the corresponding CUTOFF value of the Filter set in the BASIC EDITING

PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If this

FILTER CUTOFF knob is set to a positive percentage, the Cutoff frequency of the Filter will be lowered

as you move your hand closer to the Volume Antenna. If this FILTER CUTOFF knob is set to a negative

percentage, the Cutoff frequency of the Filter will be raised as you move your hand closer to the

Volume Antenna.


Based on the value of this FILTER RESONANCE knob, moving your hand closer to the Volume Antenna

will change or modulate the corresponding RESONANCE value of the Filter set in the BASIC EDITING

PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If this FILTER

RESONANCE knob is set to a positive percentage, the Resonance level of the Filter will be lowered as

you move your hand closer to the Volume Antenna. If this FILTER RESONANCE knob is set to a negative

percentage, the Resonance level of the Filter will be raised as you move your hand closer to the

Volume Antenna.

PITCH ANTENNA FUNCTIONSThis section is used to specify which parameters will be controlled by the Theremini’s Pitch antenna, as well as

the value and direction of the modulation.


Based on the value of this FILTER RESONANCE knob, moving your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna

will change or modulate the corresponding RESONANCE value of the Filter set in the BASIC EDITING

PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If this

FILTER RESONANCE knob is set to a positive percentage, the Resonance level of the Filter will be

raised as you move your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna. If this FILTER RESONANCE knob is set to a

negative percentage, the Resonance level of the Filter will be lowered as you move your hand closer to

the Pitch Antenna.



Based on the value of this WAVE SCAN AMOUNT knob, moving your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna

will change or modulate the corresponding WAVEFORM SCAN AMOUNT value set in the BASIC

EDITING PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If

this WAVE SCAN AMOUNT is set to a positive percentage, the modulation depth will be increased as you

move your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna. If this WAVE SCAN AMOUNT is set to a negative percentage,

the modulation depth will be decreased as you move your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna.


Based on the value of this WAVE SCAN RATE knob, moving your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna

will change or modulate the corresponding WAVEFORM SCAN RATE value set in the BASIC EDITING

PARAMETERS. This bipolar knob features a center value of 0% where no change will occur. If this

WAVE SCAN RATE is set to a positive percentage, the rate will be increased as you move your hand closer

to the Pitch Antenna. If this WAVE SCAN RATE is set to a negative percentage, the rate will be decreased

as you move your hand closer to the Pitch Antenna.

PITCH TRANSPOSEThis knob is used to transpose the pitch of the waveform generator. Turning the knob counterclockwise can

lower the pitch by as much as 60 semitones. Turning the knob clockwise can raise the pitch by as much as 63

semitones. There is no pitch transposition when this knob is in the center position.

GLOBAL SETTINGSThe GLOBAL SETTINGS affect the overall operation of the Theremini, and are not part of an individual Preset.

The values set here are stored in your Theremini, and are recalled when it is turned back on.


This control is used to specify the maximum loudness of the Theremini




your hand is closest to the pitch antenna. Using a smaller range of notes will provide better resolution for

your hand motion. A larger range of notes will place more notes across the same range, and will require

more hand precision.

NOTE: On Theremini Firmware Version 1.1.0 and later, the Global LO NOTE and HI NOTE will change

automatically to reflect the preset’s Transpose value on the ADVANCED Editing Parameters Page


PREFERENCESClicking on the THEREMINI logo at the top of the editor opens the PREFERENCES box. You can also access

this overlay box using the Theremini Editor pull down menu at the top of the screen. To exit PREFERENCES,

click the red circle with the “x” in the upper left corner.


Clicking this button launches the Theremini User Manual.


Clicking this button will display the EDITOR MANUAL.


Clicking this button will open the QUICK START GUIDE, which shows tips on using the Theremini Editor.


Checking this box causes the editor to display the QUICK START GUIDE each time you launch the

editor app.


Check this box to display the current value of a parameter when turning the corresponding knob.

(DEFAULT is set to ON)

© 2014 Moog Music


Moog is a registered trademark of Moog Music Inc.

Theremini is a trademark of Moog Music Inc.

Moog Music Inc. 160 Broadway St. Asheville, NC 28801

P: (828) 251-0090 E: [email protected] W: