Download - Adobe Photoshop and its role in society ( Introduction)

Page 1: Adobe Photoshop and its role in society ( Introduction)

Information and Communication Technology - 7

Adobe Photoshop and Its Role in Society

Prepared by: Grayzon Gonzales

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Set A

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Set B

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Set C

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-Visual Communication

*As transmitting information, thoughts or emotions through visual aids so that they are received or understood clearly. *Some examples of these are illustrations,

graphic designs, typography etc. *Can be used to positive social ends, like

awareness campaign.*Or the other way around to lure people

into bad habits.

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Can you provide other types of Visual Communication?

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Adobe Photoshop

*Nowadays, visual communication is widely created using a computer.*We use now image-editing software to

make it easier to adjust and edit graphics.

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Early History

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Page 10: Adobe Photoshop and its role in society ( Introduction)

What is Adobe Photoshop?

*Is an image-editing software develop and published by Adobe Systems Inc.*It is used to enhance and manipulate images

to achieve your desired output.*For example, you can adjust the brightness

and contrast of an image or enhance its color.* Can create collage, alter photograph or add

special effects.* Can also crop or resize image or save it into

different formats.

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User Interface

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* Creating a New Image, and Setting Adobe Photoshop's

Undo Option

*Click File > New, and create a new image of any size you desire.*Press Ctrl+K to bring up the Preferences

window.*Change your "Redo Key" to Ctrl+Shift+Z.

This enables you to press Ctrl+Z at any time, to undo the last thing(s) you did. Remember this.

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*Open File

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Page 26: Adobe Photoshop and its role in society ( Introduction)

1. Is an image-editing software develop and published by Adobe Systems Inc. ____________

2. In 1987, he wrote a program to display grayscale images on a monochrome display. ____________

3. As transmitting information, thoughts or emotions through visual aids so that they are received or understood clearly. ______________

4. This tool allows you to add text to the current document. ____________

5. This is one of the most important features in Photoshop, it's where you'll select different tools for editing your images. ______________

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*Let’s Try!

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*Group Activity

*Think of a social issue that you would like to present or put into an awareness campaign. *Identify positive results you wish to

achieve with your campaign.*Sketch on a one whole sheet of paper or

you can already use Photoshop using the basic functions.*Accomplish the task within 10 minutes

and we will discuss your output after.*Group yourselves into 3 groups.

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*Produce or sketch your own product advertisement on a short bond paper to be submitted on Wednesday morning.

*Read and study the lesson on Retouch and Blend Images

D Whiz in Image Editing with Web designingRex Book Inc.Page 12-23