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ADO.NET User Guide


Raima Database Manager 11.0

ADO.NET User Guide

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ADO.NET User Guide

Contents 2

ContentsContents 2

Introduction 10

Basic ADO.NET Application Steps 10

Hello World! 11

Getting Started with ADO.NET 14

Registering the Raima.Rdm.dll 14

Command Line 14

Visual Studio GUI 15

Using DbProviderFactory 16

RdmCommand Class 20

RdmCommand() Constructor 22

RdmCommand(RdmConnection) Constructor 23

RdmCommand(string) Constructor 24

RdmCommand(string, RdmConnection) Constructor 25

IDbCommand.Connection Property 26

IDbCommand.CreateParameter() Method 27

IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() Method 28

ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) Method 29

IDbCommand.Parameters Property 30

IDbCommand.Transaction Property 31

Cancel() Method 32

CreateParameter() Method 33

ExecuteNonQuery() Method 34

ExecuteReader() Method 35

ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) Method 36

ExecuteScalar() Method 37

Prepare() Method 38

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Contents 3

CommandText Property 39

CommandTimeout Property 40

CommandType Property 41

Connection Property 42

Parameters Property 43

Transaction Property 44

UpdatedRowSource Property 45

RdmConnection Class 46

RdmConnection() Constructor 48

RdmConnection(string) Constructor 49

StateChange Event 50

IDbConnection.BeginTransaction() Method 51

IDbConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Method 52

IDbConnection.CreateCommand() Method 53

BeginTransaction() Method 54

BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Method 55

BeginTransaction(string) Method 56

BeginTransaction(string, IsolationLevel) Method 57

ChangeDatabase(string) Method 58

Close() Method 59

CreateCommand() Method 60

EnlistTransaction(Transaction) Method 61

GetSchema() Method 62

GetSchema(string) Method 63

GetSchema(string, string[]) Method 64

Open() Method 69

RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 70

RdmConnectionStringBuilder() Constructor 72

RdmConnectionStringBuilder(string) Constructor 73

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Add(string, Object) Method 74

Clear() Method 75

ContainsKey(string) Method 76

EquivalentTo(DbConnectionStringBuilder) Method 77

Remove(string) Method 78

ShouldSerialize(string) Method 79

TryGetValue(string, out Object) Method 80

AutoCommit Property 81

BrowsableConnectionString Property 82

ConnectionString Property 83

Count Property 84

Database Property 85

DateFormat Property 86

DateSeparator Property 87

Host Property 88

IsFixedSize Property 89

IsReadOnly Property 90

Item Property 91

Keys Property 92

LockTimeout Property 93

OpenMode Property 94

Port Property 95

ReadOnlyTransactions Property 96

Values Property 97

RdmDataAdapter class 98

RdmDataAdapter() Constructor 100

RdmDataAdapter(RdmCommand) Constructor 101

RdmDataAdapter(string, RdmConnection) Constructor 102

RdmDataAdapter(string, string) Constructor 103

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RowUpdated Event 104

RowUpdating Event 105

IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand Property 106

IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand Property 107

IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand Property 108

IDataAdapter.TableMappings Property 109

IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand Property 110

Fill(DataSet) Method 111

Fill(DataTable) Method 112

Fill(DataSet, string) Method 113

Fill(int, int, DataTable[]) Method 114

Fill(DataSet, int, int, string) Method 115

FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType) Method 117

FillSchema(DataTable, SchemaType) Method 118

FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType, String) Method 119

GetFillParameters() Method 120

Update(DataRow[]) Method 121

Update(DataSet) Method 122

Update(DataTable) Method 123

Update(DataSet, String) Method 124

DeleteCommand Property 125

InsertCommand Property 126

SelectCommand Property 127

UpdateBatchSize Property 128

UpdateCommand Property 129

RdmDataReader Class 130

IDataRecord.GetData(int ordinal) Method 132

Close() Method 133

GetBoolean(int) Method 134

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GetByte(int) Method 135

GetBytes(int, long, byte[], int, int) Method 136

GetChar(int) Method 138

GetChars(int, long, char[], int, int) Method 139

GetData(int) Method 141

GetDataTypeName(int) Method 142

GetDateTime(int) Method 143

GetDecimal(int) Method 144

GetDouble(int) Method 145

GetEnumerator() Method 146

GetFieldType(int) Method 147

GetFloat(int) Method 148

GetGuid(int) Method 149

GetInt16(int) Method 150

GetInt32(int) Method 151

GetInt64(int) Method 152

GetName(int) Method 153

GetOrdinal(string) Method 154

GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int) Method 155

GetProviderSpecificValue(int) Method 156

GetProviderSpecificValues(Object[]) Method 157

GetSchemaTable() Method 158

GetString(int) Method 160

GetValue(int) Method 161

GetValues(Object[]) Method 162

IsDBNull(int) Method 163

NextResult() Method 164

Read() Method 165

Command Property 166

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Depth Property 167

FieldCount Property 168

HasRows Property 169

IsClosed Property 170

Item[int] Property 171

Item[string] Property 172

RecordsAffected Property 173

VisibleFieldCount Property 174

RdmParameter Class 175

RdmParameter() Constructor 177

RdmParameter(string, Object) Constructor 178

RdmParameter(string, RdmType) Constructor 179

IDbDataParameter.Precision Property 180

IDbDataParameter.Scale Property 181

ResetDbType() Method 182

ResetRdmType() Method 183

DbType Property 184

Direction Property 185

IsNullable Property 186

ParameterName Property 187

RdmType Property 188

Size Property 189

SourceColumn Property 190

SourceColumnNullMapping Property 191

SourceVersion Property 192

Value Property 193

RdmParameterCollection Class 194

IDataParameterCollection.Item[string] Property 196

IList.Item[int] Property 197

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Contents 8

Add(Object) Method 198

Add(RdmParameter) Method 199

AddRange(Array) Method 200

AddRange(RdmParameter[]) Method 201

Add(string, Object) Method 202

Add(string, RdmType) Method 203

Clear() Method 204

Contains(Object) Method 205

Contains(RdmParameter) Method 206

Contains(string) Method 207

CopyTo(Array, int) Method 208

CopyTo(RdmParameter[], int) Method 209

GetEnumerator() Method 210

IndexOf(Object) Method 211

IndexOf(RdmParameter) Method 212

IndexOf(string) Method 213

Insert(int, Object) Method 214

Insert(int, RdmParameter) Method 215

RemoveAt(int) Method 216

RemoveAt(string) Method 217

Remove(Object) Method 218

Remove(RdmParameter) Method 219

Count Property 220

IsFixedSize Property 221

IsReadOnly Property 222

IsSynchronized Property 223

Item[int] Property 224

Item[string] Property 225

SyncRoot Property 226

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RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs Class 227

RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs(DataRow, IDbCommand, StatementType, DataTableMapping) Con-structor 228

Command Property 229

RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs Class 230

RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow, IDbCommand, StatementType, DataTableMapping) Con-structor 231

Command Property 232

RdmTransaction Class 233

Commit() Method 234

Rollback() Method 235

Connection Property 236

IsolationLevel Property 237

RdmException Class 238

Procedure Property 239

SqlState Property 240

RdmDateFormat Enumeration 241

RdmType Enumeration 242

Glossary 243

Index 252

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Introduction 10

IntroductionThe RDM database management system (DBMS) is designed to provide powerful, flexible, high-performance capabilities for developing embedded database applications. By combining the network and relational model technologies in a single system, RDM lets you organize and access information efficiently, regardless of the com-plexity of the data. The Native RDM C API provides an efficient low-level interface with a rich set of functionality.

The ADO.NET interface to RDM is designed to allow developers to access this powerful DBMS from ADO.NET and therefore from any application running in the CLR and from any .NET language.

This interface is an ADO.NET Data Provider and can integrate into the .NET DbProviderFactories ability or can be referenced directly. The following classes encompass the RDM Data Provider.

 l RdmConnection class l RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class l RdmCommand class l RdmDataReader class l RdmParameter class l RdmParameterCollection class l RdmDataAdapter class l RdmTransaction class l RdmException Class l RdmType enumeration l RdmDateFormat enumeration l RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs class l RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs class l RdmRowUpdatedEventHandler delegate l RdmRowUpdatingEventHandler delegate

Basic ADO.NET Application StepsAn ADO.NET C# application program consists of a set of calls to the ADO.NET API functions in a particular sequence as outlined below.

 1.  Set up and initialize your application’s use of the ADO.NET API as follows. a.  Create a String object to define your connection string in the following format: "host=l-

ocalhost;database=hello_worldADO" b.  Create an RdmConnection object to handle your connection to the Raima database system and 

pass in your connection string to the constructor. c.  Create an RdmCommand object to handle your SQL commands you wish to use to interact with the 

RDM database system. d.  Create an RdmTransaction object to handle your transactions within the RDM database system.

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Introduction 11

 e.  Create an RdmDataReader object to handle reading out data from the RDM database system. f.  Call the Open function of the RdmConnection  object in order to open your database.

 2.  Prepare your application to execute SQL statements as follows. a.  Set the CommandText property of the RdmCommand object to define the SQL statement that will 

need to be executed by your application. b.  Create some RdmParameter  objects for any parameters you will need for any parameter markers 

that were specified in the SQL statements defined in the prior step. c.  Call the Parameters.Add(param) to bind your application’s variables to any parameters created in 

step b. 3.  At this point your application is execution ready. That means that your application will …

 a.  Call ExecuteNonQuery on the RdmCommand  object to execute the appropriate statements that implement the database access needs for each particular function. Alternatively you can call Execut-eScalar to execute a statement and return the first column of the first row of results.

 b.  Call transaction statements using the RdmTransaction class in order to start the transaction, com-mit the transaction, create a savepoint, or rollback a transaction.

 c.  Call ExecuteReader to retrieve the result rows from an executed select statement.  You iterate over the results using the RdmDataReader object.

 4.  When your application is ready to terminate you need to… a.  Call Close on the RdmDataReader object you used if you read from one. b.  Call Close on the RdmConnection  object to close the connection to your database.

Hello World!If you follow the basic procedure listed above you can easily create a simple database where you insert some data and the retrieve the data to be displayed back out. This can be seen with the common Hello World example.

In the example below return codes are mostly ignored for simplicity. This will be ok because we know what the expected results are.



** ---------------

** This document describes the process to open a simple database, insert a rec-


** containing a text field, read the text field from database and print it out.


using System;

using Raima.Rdm; /* The RDM ADO.NET API */

using System.Data;

namespace HelloWorldApplication


class HelloWorld


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Introduction 12

static void Main()


/* Setup connection and SQL query strings */

string connectionString =


string insertString = "INSERT INTO info(myChar) VALUES('Hello World!')


string queryString = "SELECT myChar FROM info";

/* Create connection object to connect to the database */

RdmConnection connection = new RdmConnection(connectionString)

/* Create a command object to call SQL queries */

RdmCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();

/* Create a transaction object to start and stop transactions */

RdmTransaction rdmtrans = null;

/* Create a reader object to read out data from the SQL query */

RdmDataReader reader = null;



/* Open a connection to the database */


/* Start a transaction */

rdmtrans = connection.BeginTransaction();

/* Set the SQL query to the insert one */

command.CommandText = insertString;

/* Execute the query */


/* Commit the transaction */


/* Set the SQL query to the select one */

command.CommandText = queryString;

/* Execute a select statement which should return results */

reader = command.ExecuteReader();

/* Read all of the results */

while (reader.Read())


/* Print out each row of the select in a newline*/



/* Close the reader since retrieved all rows*/


/* Close the connection */



catch (Exception ex)





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Introduction 13



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Getting Started with ADO.NET 14

Getting Started with ADO.NETUsing the ADO.NET API requires a little bit of set up before you can get your application to compile and run cor-rectly. If you follow the steps below, you will be able to execute your application correctly in both the command line and Visual Studio GUI interfaces. There are also directions on using the DbProviderFactory class.

Registering the Raima.Rdm.dll 1.  Open a command prompt with Administrator permissions and navigate to the installation directory for the 

Raima product

 2.  Run gacutil /i Raima.Rdm.dll

Command Line 1.  Find the version of the .NET framework you have installed:

 a.  Run csc.exe from the command line and it should output something like:

Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2010 Compiler version 4.0.30319.1

 2.  Create your ADO.NET application. Look at Basic ADO.NET Application Steps for more information on this topic.

 3.  Find the location you installed the RDM product into. The ADO.NET dll provided should be at the

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Getting Started with ADO.NET 15

install directory\Win32 or Win64\Raima.Rdm.dll

 4.  Compile your main class .cs file you have created above by using csc.exe "entry point .cs file" (i.e., csc.exe /r:"Install dll folder" HelloWorld_ADO_main.cs)

Visual Studio GUI 1.  Step 1: Create a new C# project by going to File->New->Project… This will go through a setup window 

for your new project. 2.  Select a C# project of any type and select Ok. 3.  On the right hand side, there will be a References folder.  You will need to add a reference to 

Raima.Rdm.dll there.  Do this by right clicking the References folder and selecting Add Reference…

 4.  Click the Browse tab and navigate to your installation directory then select Raima.Rdm.dll

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 5.  Click Ok and you are now ready to use the Raima ADO.NET provider in  your project.

Using DbProviderFactory 1.  If you wish to use the DbProviderFactory object to get access to the Raima ADO.NET provider then you 

will first need to find out the version of the .NET framework you are using by following the steps in step 1 of the command line section.

 2.  Navigate to that folder in your Windows directory.

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Getting Started with ADO.NET 17

 3.  Go into the folder for the version you are using and then into the Config folder there.

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Getting Started with ADO.NET 18

 4.  Open the machine.config file. On Windows 7, you will need to do so with notepad and Administrator access.

 5.  Find the <DbProviderFactories> section and add the following entry:

<add name="Raima RDM Embedded Data Provider" invariant="Raima.Rdm"

description=".NET Framework Data Provider for RDM" type="Raima.Rdm.Rd-


Raima.Rdm, Version=11.0.1000.0, Culture=neutral, Pub-


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RdmCommand Class 20

RdmCommand ClassDescription:

The RdmCommand class, derived from DbConnection, encapsulates all of the information to perform any SQL command, such as an INSERT, a DELETE, an UPDATE, a SELECT, etc. An RdmCommand object can be created by directly calling the constructor or via the generic DbProviderFactory.CreateCommand() method.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmCommand() l RdmCommand(RdmConnection connection) l RdmCommand(string commandText) l RdmCommand(string commandText, RdmConnection connection)

Public Properties:

 l CommandText { get; set; } l CommandTimeout { get; set; } l CommandType { get; set; } l Connection { get; set; } l Container { get; }   (Inherited from Component) l DesignTimeVisible { get; set; }  (Inherited from Component) l Parameters { get; } l Site { get; set; }   (Inherited from Component) l Transaction { get; set; } l UpdatedRowSource { get; set; }

Public Methods:

 l Cancel() l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l CreateParameter() l Dispose()   (Inherited from Component) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l ExecuteNonQuery() l ExecuteReader() l ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) l ExecuteScalar() l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object)

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RdmCommand Class 21

 l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Prepare() l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

Public Events:

 l Disposed   (Inherited from Component)

Explicit Interface Implementations:

 l IDbConnection IDbCommand.Connection { get; set; } l IDbDataParameter IDbCommand.CreateParameter() l IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() l IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) l IDataParameters IDbCommand.Parameters { get; } l IDbTransaction IDbCommand.Transaction { get; set; }


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection

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RdmCommand Class 22

RdmCommand() Constructor


public RdmCommand()


The default constructor for the RdmCommand class. Specifying a new RdmCommand object with this constructor generates a new command object with an empty CommandText and with new RdmCommand not being asso-ciated with any connection. An association with an RdmConnection needs to be made before the new com-mand object can be used.

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RdmCommand Class 23

RdmCommand(RdmConnection) Constructor


public RdmCommand(RdmConnection connection)


A constructor for the RdmCommand class. Specifying a new RdmCommand object with this constructor generates a new command object with an empty CommandText and with new RdmCommand not being associated with any connection. An association with an RdmConnection needs to be made before the new command object can be used.



Type: System.String

Specifies the command text to use for this command.

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RdmCommand Class 24

RdmCommand(string) Constructor


public RdmCommand(string commandText)


A constructor for the RdmCommand class. Specifying a new RdmCommand object with this constructor generates a new command object with an empty CommandText and with new RdmCommand not being associated with any connection. An association with an RdmConnection needs to be made before the new command object can be used.



Type: System.String

Specifies the command text to use for this command.

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RdmCommand Class 25

RdmCommand(string, RdmConnection) Constructor


public RdmCommand(String commandText, RdmConnection connection)


A constructor for the RdmCommand class. Specifying a new RdmCommand object with this constructor generates a new command object with an empty CommandText and with new RdmCommand not being associated with any connection. An association with an RdmConnection needs to be made before the new command object can be used.



Type: System.String

Specifies the command text to use for this command.

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RdmCommand Class 26

IDbCommand.Connection Property


IDbConnection IDbCommand.Connection { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbConnection

Gets or sets the connection with which this command is associated.

This property is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmCommand instance is cast to an IDbCommand interface.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbCommand.Connection

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RdmCommand Class 27

IDbCommand.CreateParameter() Method


IDbDataParameter IDbCommand.CreateParameter()


Creates a new instance of an RdmParameter object.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmCommand instance is cast to an IDbCommand interface.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.IDbDataParameter

The new RdmParameter object.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbCommand.CreateParameter

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RdmCommand Class 28

IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() Method


IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader()


Executes the CommandText, returning the result set in an RdmDataReader.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmCommand instance is cast to an IDbCommand interface.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.IDataReader

An RdmDataReader used to retrieve the results.


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader

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RdmCommand Class 29

ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) Method


IDataReader IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)


Executes the CommandText using the specified behavior, returning the result set in an RdmDataReader.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmCommand instance is cast to an IDbCommand interface.



Type: System.Data.CommandBehavior

Specifies the particular behavior for executing the command.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.IDataReader

An RdmDataReader used to retrieve the results.


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(Com-mandBehavior)

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RdmCommand Class 30

IDbCommand.Parameters Property


IDataParameterCollection IDbCommand.Parameters { get; }


Type: IDataParameterCollection

Gets the collection of RdmParameter objects associated with this command.

This property is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmCommand instance is cast to an IDbCommand interface.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbCommand.Parameters

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RdmCommand Class 31

IDbCommand.Transaction Property


IDbTransaction IDbCommand.Transaction { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbTransaction

Gets or sets the transaction within which the command object executes. Attempting to set the transaction throws an exception. The proper way to add a command to a transaction is to create the transaction at the connection level which will automatically put all associated commands into the transaction.

This property is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmCommand instance is cast to an IDbCommand interface.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified transaction is null.ArgumentException The specified transaction is not a valid RdmTransaction.InvalidOperationException Attempted to set the transaction


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbCommand.Transaction

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RdmCommand Class 32

Cancel() Method


public void Cancel()


Attempts to cancel the execution of the current command. This does nothing in the RDM.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Cancel()

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RdmCommand Class 33

CreateParameter() Method


public RdmParameter CreateParameter()


Creates a new instance of an RdmParameter object.

Return Value:

Type: RdmParameter

The new RdmParameter object.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbCommand.CreateParameter

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RdmCommand Class 34

ExecuteNonQuery() Method


public int ExecuteNonQuery()


Executes the CommandText with no result set returned.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows affected.


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

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RdmCommand Class 35

ExecuteReader() Method


public RdmDataReader ExecuteReader()


Executes the CommandText, returning the result set in an RdmDataReader.

Return Value:

Type: RdmDataReader

An RdmDataReader used to retrieve the results.


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()

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RdmCommand Class 36

ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) Method


public RdmDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)


Executes the CommandText using the specified behavior, returning the result set in an RdmDataReader.



Type: System.Data.CommandBehavior

Specifies the particular behavior for executing the command.

Return Value:

Type: RdmDataReader


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior)

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RdmCommand Class 37

ExecuteScalar() Method


public object ExecuteScalar()


Executes the CommandText, returning the result first column of the first row of the results.

Return Value:

Type: System.Object

The first column of the first row of the results of the query


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteScalarl()

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RdmCommand Class 38

Prepare() Method


public void Prepare()


Creates a prepared version of the command on the data source. This can then be executed multiple times to avoid the preparation cost over and over.


Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine encountered an error processing the command.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Prepare()

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CommandText Property


public string CommandText { get; set; }


Type: System.String



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CommandTimeout Property


public string CommandTimeout{ get; set; }


Type: System.Int32



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RdmCommand Class 41

CommandType Property


public CommandType CommandType { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.CommandType



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Connection Property


public RdmConnection Connection { get; set; }


Type: RdmConnection



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Parameters Property


public RdmParameterCollection Parameters { get; }


Type: RdmParameterCollection



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RdmCommand Class 44

Transaction Property


public RdmTransaction Transaction { get; set; }


Type: RdmTransaction



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RdmCommand Class 45

UpdatedRowSource Property


public UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource{ get; set; }


Type: System.Data.UpdateRowSource



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RdmConnection Class 46

RdmConnection ClassDescription:

The RdmConnection class, derived from DbConnection, encapsulates all of the information to connect to a par-ticular database, including all settings particular to that database. An RdmConnection object can be created by directly calling the constructor or via the generic DbProviderFactory.CreateConnection() method.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmConnection() l RdmConnection(string connectionString)

Public Properties:

 l AutoCommit { get; set; } l ConnectionString { get; set; } l ConnectionTimeout { get; set; } l Container { get; }   (Inherited from Component) l Database { get; } l DataSource { get; } l DateFormat { get; set; } l DateSeparator { get; set; } l LockTimeout { get; set; } l OpenMode { get; set; } l ServerVersion { get; } l Site { get; set; }   (Inherited from Component) l State { get; set; }

Public Methods:

 l BeginTransaction() l BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) l BeginTransaction(string transactionName) l BeginTransaction(string transactionName, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) l ChangeDatabase(string databaseName) l Close() l CreateCommand() l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Dispose()   (Inherited from Component)

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 l EnlistTransaction(Transaction transaction) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetSchema() l GetSchema(string collectionName) l GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Open() l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

Public Events:

 l Disposed   (Inherited from Component) l StateChange

Explicit Interface Implementations:

 l IDbConnection.BeginTransaction() l IDbConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) l IDbConnection.CreateCommand()


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection

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RdmConnection Class 48

RdmConnection() ConstructorSyntax:

public RdmConnection()


The default constructor for the RdmConnection class. Specifying a new RdmConnection object with this con-structor generates a new connection object with an empty ConnectionString.





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RdmConnection Class 49

RdmConnection(string) Constructor


public RdmConnection(string connectionString)


A constructor for the RdmConnection class. Specifying a new RdmConnection object with this constructor gen-erates a new connection object with the specified string. See the ConnectionString property for valid connection string syntax.



Type: System.String

Specifies the connection string to use for connecting to the database.


Exception ConditionArgumentException One or more parts do not follow the <key>=<value> format.ArgumentException The key specified is not recognized.ArgumentException The value is not appropriate for the specified key.OverflowException The value was expected to be a number but was too large or small for an

Int32.FormatException The value was expected to be numeric but was not a valid number

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RdmConnection Class 50

StateChange Event


public event StateChangeEventHandler StateChange


Type: System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler

The StateChange event occurs when the state of connection changes from Closed to Opened or Opened to Closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnection.StateChange

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RdmConnection Class 51

IDbConnection.BeginTransaction() Method


IDbTransaction IDbConnection.BeginTransaction()


The BeginTransaction method creates a new transaction that can be used to combine changes into a unit that can be committed or discarded all together. There can only be one transaction active per connection.

This method creates a transaction with a system generated name and the default isolation level (Iso-lationLevel.Serializable).

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmConnection instance is cast to an IDbConnection interface.

Return Value:

Type: IDbTransaction


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The connection is closed.InvalidOperationException A transaction is already in progress.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbConnection.BeginTransaction

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RdmConnection Class 52

IDbConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Method


IDbTransaction IDbConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)


The BeginTransaction method creates a new transaction that can be used to combine changes into a unit that can be committed or discarded all together. There can only be one transaction active per connection.

This method creates a transaction with a system generated name and the specified isolation level.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmConnection instance is cast to an IDbConnection interface.



Type: System.Data.IsolationLevel

Specifies the isolation level for the transaction.  The RDM Data Adapter directly supports the Iso-lationLevel.Serializable and Isolation.Snapshot isolation levels.  All other iso-lation levels will be silently mapped to IsolationLevel.Serializable.

Return Value:

Type: IDbTransaction


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The connection is closed.InvalidOperationException A transaction is already in progress.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbConnection.BeginTransaction

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RdmConnection Class 53

IDbConnection.CreateCommand() Method


IDbCommand IDbConnection.CreateCommand()


Creates a new RdmCommand object associated with the current connection.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmConnection instance is cast to an IDbConnection interface.

Return Value:



For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbConnection.CreateCommand

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RdmConnection Class 54

BeginTransaction() Method


public RdmTransaction BeginTransaction()


The BeginTransaction method creates a new transaction that can be used to combine changes into a unit that can be committed or discarded all together. There can only be one transaction active per connection.

This method creates a transaction with a system generated name and the default isolation level (Iso-lationLevel.Serializable).



Return Value:

Type: RdmTransaction


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The connection is closed.InvalidOperationException A transaction is already in progress.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnection.BeginTransaction

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RdmConnection Class 55

BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Method


public RdmTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)


The BeginTransaction method creates a new transaction that can be used to combine changes into a unit that can be committed or discarded all together. There can only be one transaction active per connection.

This method creates a transaction with a system generated name and the specified isolation level.



Type: System.Data.IsolationLevel

Specifies the isolation level for the transaction.  The RDM Data Adapter directly supports the Iso-lationLevel.Serializable and Isolation.Snapshot isolation levels.  All other isolation levels will be silently mapped to IsolationLevel.Serializable.

Return Value:

Type: RdmTransaction


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The connection is closed.InvalidOperationException A transaction is already in progress.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnection.BeginTransaction

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RdmConnection Class 56

BeginTransaction(string) Method


public RdmTransaction BeginTransaction(String transactionName)


The BeginTransaction method creates a new transaction that can be used to combine changes into a unit that can be committed or discarded all together. There can only be one transaction active per connection.

This method creates a transaction with the specified transaction name and the default isolation level (Iso-lationLevel.Serializable).



Type: System.String

Specifies the name to pass to the SQL engine for the new transaction.

Return Value:

Type: RdmTransaction


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The connection is closed.InvalidOperationException A transaction is already in progress.

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RdmConnection Class 57

BeginTransaction(string, IsolationLevel) Method


public RdmTransaction BeginTransaction(String transactionName, IsolationLevel iso-



The BeginTransaction method creates a new transaction that can be used to combine changes into a unit that can be committed or discarded all together. There can only be one transaction active per connection.

This method creates a transaction with the specified transaction name and the specified isolation level.



Type: System.String

Specifies the name to pass to the SQL engine for the new transaction.


Type: System.Data.IsolationLevel

Specifies the isolation level for the transaction.  The RDM Data Adapter directly supports the Iso-lationLevel.Serializable and Isolation.Snapshot isolation levels.  All other isolation levels will be silently mapped to IsolationLevel.Serializable.

Return Value:

Type: RdmTransaction


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The connection is closed.InvalidOperationException A transaction is already in progress.

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RdmConnection Class 58

ChangeDatabase(string) Method


public void ChangeDatabase(String databaseName)


Changes the currently active database.



Type: System.String

Specifies the name of the database to access.  This must be a valid database name.

Return Value:



Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The databaseName is null.RdmException The SQL engine could not change to the specified database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnection.ChangeDatabase

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RdmConnection Class 59

Close() Method


public void Close()


Closes the connection.



Return Value:





For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection.Close

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RdmConnection Class 60

CreateCommand() Method


public RdmCommand CreateCommand()


Creates a new RdmCommand object associated with the current connection.



Return Value:





For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnection.CreateCommand

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RdmConnection Class 61

EnlistTransaction(Transaction) Method


public void EnlistTransaction(Transaction transaction)


Enlists the current connection in the specified transaction.

This method is not currently supported in the RDM Data Provider and will generate a NotSupportedException().



Type: System.Transactions.Transaction

Specifies the name of the database to access.  This must be a valid database name.

Return Value:



Exception ConditionNotSupportedException When called.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnection.CreateCommand

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RdmConnection Class 62

GetSchema() Method


public DataTable GetSchema()


Returns metadata schema information for this connection. This behaves identical to calling GetSchema("Meta-DataCollections"), which returns a list of collections that is supported by the RDM Data Provider.

See GetSchema(string, string[]) for details.



Return Value:



Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine could not access the meta data. This may occur if a trans-

action is active for the connection.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema

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RdmConnection Class 63

GetSchema(string) Method


public DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName)


Returns metadata schema information for this connection using the specified string for the schema (collection) name. The method operates identically to calling GetSchema(collectionName, null).

See GetSchema(string, string[]) for details on which collection names are available.



Type: System.String

Specifies the name of the collection to return.

Return Value:



Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine could not access the meta data. This may occur if a trans-

action is active for the connection.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema

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RdmConnection Class 64

GetSchema(string, string[]) Method


public DataTable GetSchema(string collectionName, string[] restrictionValues)


Returns metadata schema information for this connection using the specified string for the schema (collection) name. The method operates identically to calling GetSchema(collectionName, null).

Here are the available collection names.

Collection Name DescriptionDataTypes Returns information about the types supported by the RDM Data Provider.Columns Returns column information in a table/database.ForeignKeys Returns foreign key information in a table/database.ForeignKeyColumns Returns column information for foreign keys in a table/database.Indexes Returns index information for a table/database.IndexColumns Returns column information for indexes in a table/database.MetaDataCollections Returns information about which collections are available.Tables Returns table information for a database.

Each of these collections returns a table with the following columns. Each table can support restriction values, which control which rows show up in the table. For instance, the Table collection has three restrictions – one for the database name, one for the table name, and one for the column name. Each is optional. You can query for all the columns in a table by specifying the database name as restriction one, the table name as restriction two and null as restriction three. If you want to query for one column, specify all three restriction values. To specify the sec-ond or subsequent restriction, each of the previous restrictions must be specified or be null.

The columns returned and restriction values for each of the collections is described below.

DataTypes: (one restriction value)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexTypeName String The RDM type. 0

ProviderDbType Int32 The ADO.Net data type (from the RdmTypes class).

ColumnSize Int64 The maximum length for the type.

CreateFormat String A string representing how to create this type in a CREATE TABLE statement, containing parameter markers (i.e. {0} or {1}) for each dif-ferent parameter type.

CreateParameters String A comma separated list of parameters

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Column Name Type Description Restriction Indexrequired to specify the type in a CREATE TABLE statement.

DataType String The .NET Framework data type that cor-responds to the RDM type.

IsAutoIncrementable Boolean Indicates if the type can be used for a col-umn that auto-increments. This does not mean that all columns of this type are auto-incrementable.

IsBestMatch Boolean Indicates that the particular RDM type is the best match for the associated .NET Frame-work type. Multiple RDM types can match to a single .NET Framework type and when they do, only one of them should have the IsBestMatch column set to true.

IsCaseSensitive Boolean True if the data type holds character data and it is case sensitive.

IsFixedLength Boolean True if the data type is fixed length once it has been created and false if the field has a variable length.

IsFixedPrecisionScale Boolean True if the data type has a fixed precision and scale or false if it does not.

IsLong Boolean True if the data type is considered a long type (i.e. LONG VARCHAR or CLOB)

IsNullable Boolean True if the data type can be assigned a null value

IsSearchable Boolean True if the data type can be used in a WHERE clause with any operator, except LIKE.

IsSearchableWithLike Boolean True if the data type can be used in a WHERE clause with the LIKE operator.

IsUnsigned Boolean True if the data type is unsigned.

MaximumScale Int16 If the type is numeric this holds the max-imum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. Otherwise it is DbNull.Value.

MinimumScale Int16 If the type is numeric this holds the minimum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. Otherwise it is DbNull.Value.

IsConcurrencyType Boolean True if the data type is updated by the data-base every time a row is modified, false if it is not, and DbNull.Value if the database does not support this kind of type.

IsLiteralsSupport Boolean True if the data type can be expressed as a literal.

LiteralPrefix String The prefix applied to specify a literal of this data type. DbNull.Value if no prefix is required.

LiteralSuffix String The suffix applied to specify a literal of this

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Column Name Type Description Restriction Indexdata type. DbNull.Value if no suffix is required.

Columns: (3 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the column is from. 0

TableName String The table the column is from 1

ColumnName String The column name 2

OrdinalPosition Int32 The position in the table for the specified column

DataType Int32 The ADO.NET data type of the column (from the Sys-tem.Data.DbType enumeration)

Nullable Boolean Indicates whether the column is nullable or not.

ForeignKeys: (3 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the foreign key is


ForeignKeyTableName String The table the foreign key is from 1

ForeignKeyName String The foreign key name 2

PrimaryKeyTableName String The name of the table that contains the associated primary key

PrimaryKeyName String The name of the associated primary key

UpdateRule Int16 0 – indicates that the change will be cas-caded1 – indicates that the value will be changed to null2 – indicates that the update will cause a failure

DeleteRule Int16 Indicates the behavior when a delete would break referential integrity.0 – indicates that the change will be cas-caded.1 – indicates that the value will be changed to null.2 – indicates that the delete will cause a failure

ForeignKeyColumns: (4 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the foreign key is from. 0

TableName String The table the foreign key is from 1

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Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexName String The foreign key name 2

ColumnName String The name of the column name in the foreign key 3

OrdinalPosition Int16 The position of the column within the foreign key

Indexes: (4 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the foreign key is from. 0

TableName String The table the foreign key is from 1

Name String The foreign key name 2

ColumnName String The name of the column name in the foreign key 3

OrdinalPosition Int16 The position of the column within the foreign key

IndexColumns: (4 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the foreign key is from. 0

TableName String The table the foreign key is from 1

Name String The foreign key name 2

ColumnName String The name of the column name in the foreign key 3

OrdinalPosition Int16 The position of the column within the foreign key

MetaDataCollections: (0 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the foreign key is from. 0

TableName String The table the foreign key is from 1

Name String The foreign key name 2

ColumnName String The name of the column name in the foreign key 3

OrdinalPosition Int16 The position of the column within the foreign key

Tables: (3 restriction values)

Column Name Type Description Restriction IndexDatabaseName String The schema (database) the table is from. 0

TableName String The table name 1

TableType String The table time (currently only ‘TABLE’ is supported) 2



Type: System.String

Specifies the name of the collection to return.

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Type: System.String []

Specifies a set of restriction values for the requested schema.

Return Value:



Exception ConditionRdmException The SQL engine could not access the meta data. This may occur if a trans-

action is active for the connection.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema

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RdmConnection Class 69

Open() Method


public void Open()


Opens the connection using the current ConnectionString value.


Exception ConditionRdmException A transaction was already in progress when auto commit was disabled


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnection.Open

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 70

RdmConnectionStringBuilder ClassDescription:

The RdmConnectionStringBuilder class, derived from DbConnectionStringBuilder, provides a simple way to create and manage the contents of connections strings used by the RdmConnection class.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmConnectionStringBuilder() l RdmConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString)

Public Properties:

 l AutoCommit l BrowsableConnectionString l ConnectionString l Count l Database l DateFormat l DateSeparator l Host l IsFixedSize l IsReadOnly l Item l Keys l LockTimeout l OpenMode l Port l ReadOnlyTransactions l Values

Public Methods:

 l Add l Clear l ContainsKey l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l EquivalentTo l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object)

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 l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l Remove l ShouldSerialize l ToString()   (Inherited from Component) l TryGetValue(string, out Object)


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 72

RdmConnectionStringBuilder() Constructor


public RdmConnectionStringBuilder()


The default constructor for the RdmConnectionStringBuilder class. Specifying a new RdmConnection object with this constructor generates a new connection string object with an empty ConnectionString.





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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 73

RdmConnectionStringBuilder(string) Constructor


public RdmConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString)


A constructor for the RdmConnectionStringBuilder class. Specifying a new RdmConnectionStringBuilder object with this constructor generates a new connection string object with the specified connection string. If the con-nection string is not valid an exception will be thrown. See the ConnectionString property for valid connection string syntax.



Type: System.String

Specifies the connection string to use for connecting to the database.


Exception ConditionArgumentException One or more parts do not follow the <key>=<value> format.ArgumentException The key specified is not recognized.ArgumentException The value is not appropriate for the specified key.OverflowException The value was expected to be a number but was too large or small for an

Int32.FormatException The value was expected to be numeric but was not a valid number

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 74

Add(string, Object) Method


public void Add(string keyword, Object value)


Adds an entry with the specified key and value into the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.



Type: System.String

The key to add to the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.


Type: System.Object

The value for the specified key

Return Value:



Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The key specified is null.ArgumentException The key specified is not a valid key.ArgumentException The value is not appropriate for the specified key.OverflowException The value was expected to be a number but was too large or small for an

Int32.FormatException The value was expected to be numeric but was not a valid number


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Add

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 75

Clear() Method


public void Clear()


Clears the contents of the RdmConnectionStringBuilder. All key/value pairs are removed and reset to their default values.



Return Value:





For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Clear

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 76

ContainsKey(string) Method


public bool ContainsKey(string keyword)


Determines whether the RdmConnectionStringBuilder contains a specific key.



Type: System.String

The key to locate in the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

Returns true if the RdmConnectionStringBuilder contains an entry with the specified key; otherwise returns false.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The key specified is null.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 77

EquivalentTo(DbConnectionStringBuilder) Method


public bool EquivalentTo(DbConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder)


Compares the connection information in this connection string builder with the connection information in the sup-plied connection string builder.



Type: System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder

The connection string builder to compare to the current connection string builder.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

Returns true if the connection information in both connection string builders causes equivalent connection strings; otherwise it returns false.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.EquivalentTo

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 78

Remove(string) Method


public bool Remove(string keyword)


Removes the entry with the specified key from the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.



Type: System.String

The key to remove in the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

Returns true if the key existed within the connection string; otherwise it returns false.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The key specified is null.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Remove

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 79

ShouldSerialize(string) Method


public bool ShouldSerialize(string keyword)


Determines whether the RdmConnectionStringBuilder contains a specific key.



Type: System.String

The key to locate in the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

Returns true if the RdmConnectionStringBuilder contains an entry with the specified key; otherwise returns false. This method behaves identically to the ContainsKey method.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The key specified is null.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ShouldSerialize

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 80

TryGetValue(string, out Object) Method


public bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out Object value)


Retrieves a value corresponding to the supplied key from this RdmConnectionStringBuilder



Type: System.String

The key to locate in the RdmConnectionStringBuilder.


Type: System.Object

The value for the specified key

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

Returns true if the keyword was found in the RdmConnectionStringBuilder; otherwise returns false.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The key specified is null.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 81

AutoCommit Property


public bool AutoCommit { get; set; }


Type: System.Boolean

Gets or sets the auto commit mode of the connection. The auto commit mode determines whether a transaction has to be started explicitly or not. If auto commit is on then each executed statement will automatically start and end a transaction if an existing transaction is not already started. Explicit transactions can still be created but are not required. If auto commit is not on then transactions must be explicitly started and ended.

While auto commit is a nice convenience, most serious database applications will want to disable this mode so that changes that are related will all occur within a single transaction. This way they will either all be committed or none will.

The default connection has auto commit mode enabled.



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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 82

BrowsableConnectionString Property


public bool BrowsableConnectionString { get; set; }


Type: System.Boolean

True if the connection string is visible within designers; false otherwise. The default is true. This setting is designed for use Visual Studio designers.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.BrowsableConnectionString

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 83

ConnectionString Property


public string ConnectionString { get; set; }


Type: System.String

Gets or sets the current connection string. See the RdmConnection.ConnectionString page for more details.


Exception ConditionArgumentException One or more parts do not follow the <key>=<value> format.ArgumentException The key specified is not recognized.ArgumentException The value is not appropriate for the specified key.OverflowException The value was expected to be a number but was too large or small for an

Int32.FormatException The value was expected to be numeric but was not a valid number


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 84

Count Property


public int Count{ get; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets the current number of keys that are contained within the ConnectionString property.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Count

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 85

Database Property


public string Database { get; set; }


Type: System.String

Gets or sets the current database information in the connection string. The database information specifies which database(s) will be opened when the connection is opened. The default is none.



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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 86

DateFormat Property


public RdmDateFormat DateFormat { get; set; }


Type: RdmDateFormat

Gets or sets the current date format information in the connection string. The date format (along with the date separator) controls how the SQL engine will convert dates to strings. This has no effect on dates retrieved as DateTime objects or as dates converted to strings by the ADO.NET Data Provider itself.

Valid values are YYYYMMDD, MMDDYYYY, and DDMMYYYY. The default if none is specified is YYYYMMDD.



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DateSeparator Property


public char DateSeparator { get; set; }


Type: System.Char

Gets or sets the current date separator information in the connection string. The date separator (along with the date format) controls how the SQL engine will convert dates to strings, indicating what character is to be used between the year, month, and day sections of the date. This has no effect on dates retrieved as DateTime objects or as dates converted to strings by the ADO.NET Data Provider itself.

Valid values are '/' (forward slash) and '-' (dash). The default, if none is specified, is '-'.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The supplied value is not a valid date separator.

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 88

Host Property


public string Host{ get; set; }


Type: System.String

Gets or sets the current host information in the connection string. The host information specifies how the ADO.NET Data Provider should connect to the RDM database. There are two options. The first is via TCP/IP to an rdmsqlserver process running somewhere (on the same machine or on the network somewhere). If this options is specified, the Host property should be set to the hostname or IP address of the rdmsqlserver. If this option is specified, the Port property will be used as well.

The second option is to connect to the RDM database via the Platform Invoke Services (direct calls into the unmanaged code of the RDM database code). This is faster, but some applications may not wish to include calls to unmanaged code. If this option is specified, the Host property to should be set to 'local' and the Port property will be ignored.



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IsFixedSize Property


public bool IsFixedSize{ get; }


Type: System.Boolean

Gets a value that indicates whether the connection string builder is a fixed size. Will always return false.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.IsFixedSize

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 90

IsReadOnly Property


public bool IsReadOnly{ get; }


Type: System.Boolean

Gets a value that indicates whether the connection string builder is read only. Will always return false.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.IsReadOnly

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 91

Item Property


public Object this[string keyword] { get; set; }


Type: System.Object

The value to associate with the specified key. If the specified key is valid, but not found, trying to get it returns a null reference and trying to set it creates a new element using the specified key.



Type: System.String

Specifies the key of the item to get or set.  See ConnectionString for a list of valid keywords.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The key specified is null.ArgumentException The key specified is not a valid key.ArgumentException The value is not appropriate for the specified key.OverflowException The value was expected to be a number but was too large or small for an

Int32.FormatException The value was expected to be numeric but was not a valid number


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Item

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 92

Keys Property


public ICollection Keys{ get; }


Type: System.Collections.ICollection

Gets a collection that contains all the keys currently in use in the connection string builder, in no specified order, however the order is guaranteed to be the same as in the collection returned by the Values property.

The collection returned is not static, meaning changes in the original RdmConnectionStringBuilder are reflected in the collection returned from this property.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Keys

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RdmConnectionStringBuilder Class 93

LockTimeout Property


public int LockTimeout { get; set; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets or sets the lock timeout information for the connection string. The lock timeout controls how the database engine handles locks that are not immediately grantable. By default it will wait a specified number of seconds and if the locks are still unavailable will then return an error. The LockTimeout controls the length of this timeout period. A value of zero will cause the lock request to return immediately. A value of -1 will cause the lock request to wait forever. The default lock timeout, if none is specified, is 10 seconds.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The value specified is not valid (i.e. less than -1).

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OpenMode Property


public string OpenMode{ get; set; }


Type: System.String

Gets or sets the current open mode in the connection string. The open mode controls how databases are opened by the SQL engine. Available open modes are "s" (shared mode), "x" (exclusive mode), "r" (read only mode), and "xn" (exclusive with no transactions). The default if unspecified is shared mode.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The value specified is not valid (i.e. not one of the listed modes).

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Port Property


public int Port { get; set; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets or sets the port information for the connection string. The port information, which is only useful when the host information is not "local", controls which port to use when communicating with the rdmsqlserver process.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The value specified is not valid (i.e. less than -1).

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ReadOnlyTransactions Property


public bool ReadOnlyTransactions { get; set; }


Type: System.Boolean

Gets or sets the read only transactions information for the connection string. The read only transactions infor-mation indicates to the SQL engine how to do reading. The default mode (ReadOnlyTransactions is false) means that the SQL engine will acquire locks to read from the database. If ReadOnlyTransactions is set to true, the SQL engine will apply a read only transaction in order to do reading.



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Values Property


public ICollection Values { get; }


Type: System.Collections.ICollection

Gets a collection that contains all the values currently in use in the connection string builder, in no specified order, however the order is guaranteed to be the same as in the collection returned by the Keys property.

The collection returned is not static, meaning changes in the original RdmConnectionStringBuilder are reflected in the collection returned from this property.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Values

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RdmDataAdapter class 98

RdmDataAdapter classDescription:

The RdmDataAdapter class, derived from DbDataAdapter, is a class that servers as a bridge between a DataT-able or DataSet and the data in an RDM database. Data is moved from the database to the DataTable or Data-Set when a Fill method is called and changes are made back to the database when an Update method is called.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmDataAdapter() l RdmDataAdapter(RdmCommand selectCommand) l RdmDataAdapter(string sql, RdmConnection conn) l RdmDataAdapter(string sql, string connectionString)

Public Properties:

 l AcceptChangesDuringFill { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l AcceptChangesDuringUpdate { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l Container { get; }   (Inherited from Component) l ContinueUpdateOnError { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l DeleteCommand { get; set; } l FillLoadOption { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l InsertCommand { get; set; } l MissingMappingAction { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l MissingSchemaAction { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l ReturnProviderSpecificTypes { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l SelectCommand { get; set; } l Site { get; set; }   (Inherited from Component) l TableMappings { get; set; }   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l UpdateBatchSize { get; set; } l UpdateCommand {get; set; }

Public Methods:

 l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Dispose()   (Inherited from Component) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l Fill(DataSet dataSet) l Fill(DataTable dataTable)

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 l Fill(DataSet dataSet, string sourceTable) l Fill(int startRecord, int maxRecords, DataTable[] dataTables) l Fill(DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string sourceTable) l FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType) l FillSchema(DataTable dataTable, SchemaType schemaType) l FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType, string sourceTable) l GetFillParameters() l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l ResetFillLoadOption()   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l ShouldSerializeAcceptChangesDuringFill()   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l ToString()   (Inherited from Component) l Update(DataRow[] dataRows) l Update(DataSet dataSet) l Update(DataTable dataTable) l Update(DataSet dataSet, string sourceTable)

Public Events:

 l Dispose()   (Inherited from Component) l FillError   (Inherited from DataAdapter) l RowUpdated l RowUpdating

Explicit Interface Implementations:

 l IDataAdapter.TableMappings l IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand l IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand l IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand l IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand

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RdmDataAdapter() Constructor


public RdmDataAdapter()


The default constructor for the RdmDataAdapter class. Specifying a new RdmDataAdapter object with this con-structor generates a new data adapter object with an empty SelectCommand, InsertCommand, Update-Command, and DeleteCommand.

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RdmDataAdapter(RdmCommand) Constructor


public RdmDataAdapter(RdmCommand command)


A constructor for the RdmDataAdapter class. Specifying a new RdmDataAdapter object with this constructor generates a new data adapter object with the specified RdmCommand as the SelectCommand and with an empty InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand.

Using this constructor is identical to the following commands:

RdmDataAdapter da = new RdmDataAdapter()

da.SelectCommand = command;



Type: RdmCommand

Specifies the command to use as the SelectCommand for this data adapter.

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RdmDataAdapter(string, RdmConnection) Constructor


public RdmDataAdapter(string sql, RdmConnection connection)


A constructor for the RdmDataAdapter class. Specifying a new RdmDataAdapter object with this constructor generates a new data adapter object with a new RdmCommand (created from connection) as the Select-Command and with an empty InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand.

Using this constructor is identical to the following commands:

RdmCommand cmd = new RdmCommand(sql, connection);

RdmDataAdapter da = new RdmDataAdapter()

da.SelectCommand = cmd;



Type: System.String

Specifies the SQL select command to use as the CommandText of the newly created Select-Command.


Type: RdmConnection

Specifies connection to use for the new RdmConnection that will be generated to produce the SelectCommand.

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RdmDataAdapter(string, string) Constructor


public RdmDataAdapter(string sql, string connectionString)


A constructor for the RdmDataAdapter class. Specifying a new RdmDataAdapter object with this constructor generates a new data adapter object with a new RdmCommand (created from a new RdmConnection using con-nectionString and with the CommandText set to sql) as the SelectCommand and with an empty Insert-Command, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand.

Using this constructor is identical to the following commands:

RdmConnection conn = new RdmConnection(connectionString);

RdmCommand cmd = new RdmCommand(sql, conn);

RdmDataAdapter da = new RdmDataAdapter()

da.SelectCommand = cmd;



Type: System.String

Specifies the SQL select command to use as the CommandText of the newly created Select-Command.


Type: System.String

Specifies the string to use as the ConnectionString for the new RdmConnection that will be gen-erated to produce the SelectCommand.

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RowUpdated Event


public event RdmRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated


Type: RdmRowUpdatedEventHandler

The RowUpdated event occurs during an Update method after a command is executed against the database.

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RowUpdating Event


public event RdmRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating


Type: RdmRowUpdatingEventHandler

The RowUpdating event occurs during an Update method before a command is executed against the database.

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IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand Property


IDbCommand IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

The RdmCommand used to delete records from the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand

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IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand Property


IDbCommand IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

The RdmCommand used to insert records into the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand

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IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand Property


IDbCommand IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

The RdmCommand used to select records into the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand

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IDataAdapter.TableMappings Property


ITableMappingCollection IDataAdapter.TableMappings { get; }


Type: System.Data.ITableMappingCollection

Indicates how the source table is mapped to a dataset table.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDataAdapter.TableMappings

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IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand Property


IDbCommand IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

The RdmCommand used to update records into the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand

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Fill(DataSet) Method


public int Fill(DataSet dataSet)


Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully added to or refreshed in the DataSet.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(Data-Set)

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Fill(DataTable) Method


public int Fill(DataTable dataTable)


Adds or refreshes rows in the DataTable.



Type: System.Data.DataTable

The DataTable to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully added to or refreshed in the DataTable.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(Data-Set)

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RdmDataAdapter class 113

Fill(DataSet, string) Method


public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, string sourceTable)


Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet for the DataTable named sourceTable.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.


Type: System.String

The name of the DataTable to fill within the DataSet.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully added to or refreshed in the DataSet.


Exception ConditionSystemException The specified source table is invalid.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(Data-Set)

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Fill(int, int, DataTable[]) Method


public int Fill(int startRecord, int maxRecords, DataTable dataTables)


Adds or refreshes rows in the DataTables using the specified starting location and maximum number of records.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-based record number to start with.


Type: System.Int32

The maximum number of records to retrieve.


Type: System.Data.DataTable[]

The DataTables to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully added to or refreshed in the DataTables.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(Data-Set)

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Fill(DataSet, int, int, string) Method


public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string source-



Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet for the DataTable named sourceTable starting at record startRecord and continuing through maxRecords.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.


Type: System.Int32

The zero-based record number to start with.


Type: System.Int32

The maximum number of records to retrieve.


Type: System.String

The name of the DataTable to fill within the DataSet.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully added to or refreshed in the DataSet.


Exception ConditionSystemException The specified source table is invalid.

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FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType) Method


public DataTable[] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType)


Adds a DataTable named "Table" to the specified DataSet and configures the schema to match that in the data-base based on the specified SchemaType.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.


Type: System.Data.SchemaType

One of the SchemaType values to specify how to insert the schema information.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.DataTable[]

A reference to the collection of DataTable objects that were added to the DataSet.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType)

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FillSchema(DataTable, SchemaType) Method


public DataTable FillSchema(DataTable dataTable, SchemaType schemaType)


Configures the schema of the specified DataTable from the database based on the specified SchemaType.



Type: System.Data.DataTable

The DataTable to fill with schema information from the database.


Type: System.Data.SchemaType

One of the SchemaType values to specify how to insert the schema information.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.DataTable

The supplied DataTable that was filled with schema information.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType)

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FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType, String) Method


public DataTable[] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType, string



Adds a DataTable named sourceTable to the specified DataSet and configures the schema to match that in the database based on the specified SchemaType.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet to fill with records and, if necessary, schema.


Type: System.Data.SchemaType

One of the SchemaType values to specify how to insert the schema information.


Type: System.String

The name of the DataTable to fill within the DataSet.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.DataTable[]

A reference to the collection of DataTable objects that were added to the DataSet.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema(DataSet, SchemaType)

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RdmDataAdapter class 120

GetFillParameters() Method


public IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters()


Gets the parameters set by the user when executing the SelectCommand.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.IDataParameter[]

An array of IDataParameter objects that contains the parameters set by the user.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.GetFillParameters()

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Update(DataRow[]) Method


public int Update(DataRow[] dataRows)


Uses the associated InsertCommand, UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand properties for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the specified array of DataRow objects.



Type: System.Data.DataRow[]

An array of DataRow objects used to update the database.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully updated from the DataSet.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The DataSet is invalidInvalidOperationException The source table is invalidSystemException The specified source table is invalid.SystemException No DataSet exists to use as a source.SystemException No DataTable exists to update.SystemException No DataRow exists to update.DBConcurrencyException An attempt to update the database resulted in zero records affected.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[])

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RdmDataAdapter class 122

Update(DataSet) Method


public int Update(DataSet dataSet)


Uses the associated InsertCommand, UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand properties for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the specified DataSet.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet used to update the database.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully updated from the DataSet.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The source table is invalidDBConcurrencyException An attempt to update the database resulted in zero records affected.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[])

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Update(DataTable) Method


public int Update(DataTable dataTable)


Uses the associated InsertCommand, UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand properties for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the specified DataTable.



Type: System.Data.DataTable

The DataTable used to update the database.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully updated from the DataTable.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The DataSet is invalidInvalidOperationException The source table is invalidSystemException No DataSet exists to use as a source.SystemException No DataTable exists to update.SystemException No DataRow exists to update.DBConcurrencyException An attempt to update the database resulted in zero records affected.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[])

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Update(DataSet, String) Method


public int Update(DataSet dataSet, string sourceTable)


Uses the associated InsertCommand, UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand properties for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the specified DataSet for the specified table name.



Type: System.Data.DataSet

The DataSet used to update the database.


Type: System.String

The name of the DataTable to update within the DataSet.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of rows successfully updated from the DataSet.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The DataSet is invalidInvalidOperationException The source table is invalidDBConcurrencyException An attempt to update the database resulted in zero records affected.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(DataRow[])

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RdmDataAdapter class 125

DeleteCommand Property


public RdmCommand DeleteCommand { get; set; }


Type: RdmCommand

Gets or sets a command used to delete records from the data set.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand

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InsertCommand Property


public RdmCommand InsertCommand { get; set; }


Type: RdmCommand

Gets or sets a command used to insert records into the data set.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.InsertCommand

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SelectCommand Property


public RdmCommand SelectCommand { get; set; }


Type: RdmCommand

Gets or sets a command used to select records from the database into the data set.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.SelectCommand

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UpdateBatchSize Property


public int UpdateBatchSize { get; set; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets or sets a value that enables or disables batch processing support, and specifies the number of commands that can be executed in a batch. Possible values are:

Value Effect0 There is no limit on the batch size.1 Disables batch updating.>1 Changes are sent using batches of this size.

The ADO.NET Data Provider for RDM does not support batch processing, so setting this value to anything other than 1 will result in an exception.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.ArgumentException The specified parameter is already contained in another collection.IndexOutOfRangeException A parameter of the specified name does not exist


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand

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RdmDataAdapter class 129

UpdateCommand Property


public RdmCommand UpdateCommand { get; set; }


Type: RdmCommand

Gets or sets a command used to update records in the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand

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RdmDataReader Class 130

RdmDataReader ClassDescription:

The RdmDataReader class, derived from DbDataReader, encapsulates all of the information to read the result set of a SQL query.

Public Properties:

 l Command l Depth l FieldCount l HasRows l IsClosed l Item[int] l Item[string] l RecordsAffected l VisibleFieldCount

Public Methods:

 l Close l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Dispose()   (Inherited from Component) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetBoolean(int ordinal) l GetByte(int ordinal) l GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) l GetChar(int ordinal) l GetChars(int ordinal, long dataOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) l GetData(int ordinal) l GetDataTypeName(int ordinal) l GetDateTime(int ordinal) l GetDecimal(int ordinal) l GetDouble(int ordinal) l GetEnumerator() l GetFieldType(int ordinal) l GetFloat(int ordinal) l GetGuid(int ordinal) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object)

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 l GetInt16(int ordinal) l GetInt32(int ordinal) l GetInt64(int ordinal) l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetName(int ordinal) l GetOrdinal(string name) l GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int ordinal) l GetProviderSpecificValue(int ordinal) l GetProviderSpecificValues(object[]) l GetSchemaTable() l GetString(int ordinal) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l GetValue(int ordinal) l GetValues(Object[]) l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l IsDbNull(int ordinal) l NextResult() l Read() l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

Explicit Interface Implementations:

 l IDataRecord.GetData(int ordinal)


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader

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RdmDataReader Class 132

IDataRecord.GetData(int ordinal) Method


IDataReader IDataRecord.GetData(int ordinal)


Gets the value of the specified column as an IDataReader, when the column contains structured data.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmDataReader instance is cast to an IDataReader interface.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.IDataReader

The value of the specified column.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDataRecord.GetData

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RdmDataReader Class 133

Close() Method


public void Close()


Closes the data reader.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Close

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RdmDataReader Class 134

GetBoolean(int) Method


public bool GetBoolean(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a Boolean.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetBoolean

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RdmDataReader Class 135

GetByte(int) Method


public byte GetByte(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a byte.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetByte

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RdmDataReader Class 136

GetBytes(int, long, byte[], int, int) Method


public long GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataOffset, byte[] buffer, int buff-

erOffset, int length)


Reads up to length bytes from the column ordinal, starting at the location indicated by dataOffset, into buffer start-ing at bufferOffset. If less bytes are available in the column, only that number of bytes will be read and the return value will indicate how many were actually read.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal.


Type: System.Int64

The index within the column from which to being the read operation.


Type: System.Byte[]

The buffer into which to copy the data.


Type: System.Int32

The index within buffer where the data will be copied.


Type: System.Int32

The maximum number of bytes to read.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The actual number of bytes read.

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Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified buffer is null.ArgumentException The dataOffset is less than zeroInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The bufferOffset is less than zero or bufferOffset plus length is greater than

the length of buffer.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetBytes

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RdmDataReader Class 138

GetChar(int) Method


public char GetChar(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a character.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Char

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetChar

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RdmDataReader Class 139

GetChars(int, long, char[], int, int) Method


public long GetChars(int ordinal, long dataOffset, char[] buffer, int buff-

erOffset, int length)


Reads up to length characters from the column ordinal, starting at the location indicated by dataOffset, into buffer starting at bufferOffset. If less characters are available in the column, only that number of characters will be read and the return value will indicate how many were actually read.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal.


Type: System.Int64

The index within the column from which to being the read operation.


Type: System.Byte[]

The buffer into which to copy the data.


Type: System.Int32

The index within buffer where the data will be copied.


Type: System.Int32

The maximum number of characters to read.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The actual number of characters read.

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Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified buffer is null.ArgumentException The dataOffset is less than zeroInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The bufferOffset is less than zero or bufferOffset plus length is greater than

the length of buffer.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetChars

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RdmDataReader Class 141

GetData(int) Method


public DbDataReader GetData(int ordinal)


Returns a DbDataReader object for the requested column.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader

The value of the specified column in a DbDataReader


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetData

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RdmDataReader Class 142

GetDataTypeName(int) Method


public string GetDataTypeName(int ordinal)


Gets the name of the data type of the specified column



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.String

The string representing the name of the data type.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDataTypeName

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RdmDataReader Class 143

GetDateTime(int) Method


public DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a DateTime object.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.DateTime

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDateTime

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RdmDataReader Class 144

GetDecimal(int) Method


public decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a Decimal object.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Decimal

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDecimal

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RdmDataReader Class 145

GetDouble(int) Method


public double GetDouble(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a double-precision floating point number.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Double

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDouble

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RdmDataReader Class 146

GetEnumerator() Method


public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


Returns an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the rows in the data reader.



Return Value:

Type: System.Collections.IEnumerator

An IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the rows in the data reader.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetEnumerator

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RdmDataReader Class 147

GetFieldType(int) Method


public Type GetFieldType(int ordinal)


Gets the data type of the specified column.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Type

The data type of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFieldType

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RdmDataReader Class 148

GetFloat(int) Method


public float GetFloat(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a single-precision floating point number.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Single

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFloat

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RdmDataReader Class 149

GetGuid(int) Method


public Guid GetGuid(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a globally-unique identifier (GUID).



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Guid

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetGuid

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RdmDataReader Class 150

GetInt16(int) Method


public short GetInt16(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a 16-bit signed integer.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Int16

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetInt16

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RdmDataReader Class 151

GetInt32(int) Method


public int GetInt32(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a 32-bit signed integer.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetInt32

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RdmDataReader Class 152

GetInt64(int) Method


public long GetInt64(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a 64-bit signed integer.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Int64

The value of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetInt64

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RdmDataReader Class 153

GetName(int) Method


public string GetName(int ordinal)


Gets the name of the column



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.String

The name of the specified column.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetName

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RdmDataReader Class 154

GetOrdinal(string) Method


public int GetOrdinal(string name)


Gets the column ordinal given the name of the column



Type: System.String

The name of the column

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed.IndexOutOfRangeException The specified name was not a valid column name


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetOrdinal

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RdmDataReader Class 155

GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int) Method


public Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int ordinal)


Returns a provider-specific field type of the specified column



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Type

The data type of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetProviderSpecificFieldType

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RdmDataReader Class 156

GetProviderSpecificValue(int) Method


public Object GetProviderSpecificValue(int ordinal)


Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of Object.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Object

The data type of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetProviderSpecificValue

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RdmDataReader Class 157

GetProviderSpecificValues(Object[]) Method


public int GetProviderSpecificValues(Object[] values)


Populates an array of objects with the column values of the current row.



Type: System.Object[]

An array of Object into which to copy the column values.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The data type of the specified column


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetProviderSpecificValues

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RdmDataReader Class 158

GetSchemaTable() Method


public DataTable GetSchemaTable()


Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the data reader.

The resulting table has a row for each column in the result set. The following columns are present.

ColumnName The name of the column in the result set.ColumnOrdinal The ordinal position of the column in the result set.ColumnSize The size of the column in the result set.NumericPrecisionThe precision for numeric types of the column in the result set.NumericScale The scale for numeric types of the column in the result set.DataType The data type of the column in the result set.ProviderType The provider specific data type of the column in the result set.IsLong True if the column in the result set is a BLOB, CLOB or WCLOBAllowDBNull True if the column in the result set allows NULL values.IsReadOnly True if the column in the result set is read-only.IsRowVersion True if the column in the result set contains row version information.IsUnique True if the column in the result set is involved in a uniqueness constraint.IsKey True if the column in the result set is involved in a key.IsAutoIncrement True if the column in the result set is an auto-increment column.BaseSchemaName The name of the database the column in the result set comes from.BaseTableName The name of the table the column in the result set comes from.BaseColumnName The base name of the column in the result set.

Return Value:

Type: System.Data.DataTable

A DataTable that describes the column metadata.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed.

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GetString(int) Method


public string GetString(int ordinal)


Get the value of the specified column as a String.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.String

The value of the specified column.


Exception ConditionInvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. This usually means the column data cannot be

converted to the requested type.InvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetString

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RdmDataReader Class 161

GetValue(int) Method


public Object GetValue(int ordinal)


Gets the value of the specified column as an Object.



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Object

The value of the specified column.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetValue

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RdmDataReader Class 162

GetValues(Object[]) Method


public int GetValues(Object[] values)


Populates an array of objects with the column values of the current row



Type: System.Object

An array of Object into which to copy the column values

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The number of instances of Object in the array.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetValues

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RdmDataReader Class 163

IsDBNull(int) Method


public bool IsDBNull(int ordinal)


Gets a value that indicates whether the column is null



Type: System.Int32

The zero-base column ordinal

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

True if the specified column is null; otherwise False.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.IsDBNull

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RdmDataReader Class 164

NextResult() Method


public bool NextResult()


Advances the reader to the next result set when there are multiple result sets available.



Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

True if there is at least one more result set; otherwise False.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.NextResult

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RdmDataReader Class 165

Read() Method


public bool Read()


Advances the reader to the next record (row) in the current result set. The default position of a data reader (when first created or right after moving to the next result set) is before the first record, so you must call Read before beginning to access data.



Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

True if there are more rows; otherwise False.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Read

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RdmDataReader Class 166

Command Property


public RdmCommand Command { get; }


Type: RdmCommand

Gets the RdmCommand associated with the data reader.

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Depth Property


public int Depth { get; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets the depth of nesting for the current row. The RDM Data Provider does not support nesting and always returns zero.



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FieldCount Property


public int FieldCount { get; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets the number of columns in the current row.



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HasRows Property


public bool HasRows { get; }


Type: System.Boolean

Indicates whether there are rows in the data reader.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The data reader is invalid.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.HasRows

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RdmDataReader Class 170

IsClosed Property


public bool IsClosed { get; }


Type: System.String

Indicates whether the data reader is closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.IsClosed

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RdmDataReader Class 171

Item[int] Property


public Object this[int ordinal] { get; }


Type: System.Object

Gets the value of the specified column in the current row as an instance of Object



Type: System.Int32

Specifies the zero-based column to return.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.IndexOutOfRangeException The ordinal provided is outside the range of 0 through FieldCount - 1


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Item[Int32]

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RdmDataReader Class 172

Item[string] Property


public Object this[string name] { get; }


Type: System.Object

Gets the value of the specified column in the current row as an instance of Object



Type: System.String

Specifies the name of the column to return.


Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The RdmDataReader is closed or there is no current row.IndexOutOfRangeException The specified name was not a valid column name


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Item[String]

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RdmDataReader Class 173

RecordsAffected Property


public int RecordsAffected { get; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted. Returns -1 for SELECTED statements. Returns 0 if no rows were affected or the statement failed.

This value is not assigned until all the rows are read and the data reader is closed.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.RecordsAffected

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RdmDataReader Class 174

VisibleFieldCount Property


public int VisibleFieldCount { get; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets the number of fields that are not hidden. The RDM Data Provider does not implement hidden fields, so this value is always the same as FieldCount.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbDataReader.VisibleFieldCount

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RdmParameter Class 175

RdmParameter ClassDescription:

The RdmParameter class, derived from DbParameter, represents a parameter that will be used with a com-mand.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmParameter() l RdmParameter(string, RdmType) l RdmParameter(string, Object)

Public Properties:

 l DbType l Direction l IsNullable l ParameterName l RdmType l Size l SourceColumn l SourceColumnNullMapping l SourceVersion l Value

Public Methods:

 l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l ResetDbType() l ResetRdmType() l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

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RdmParameter Class 176

Explicit Interface Implementations:

 l IDbDataParameter.Precision l IDbDataParameter.Scale


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameter

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RdmParameter Class 177

RdmParameter() Constructor


public RdmParameter()


The default constructor for the RdmParameter class. Specifying a new RdmParameter object with this con-structor generates a new parameter object with an empty ParameterName and with new RdmParameter not being associated with any command. An association with an RdmCommand needs to be made before the new parameter object is useful.





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RdmParameter Class 178

RdmParameter(string, Object) Constructor


public RdmParameter(string parameterName, Object value)


A constructor for the RdmParameter class where the parameter name and value are specified. An association with an RdmCommand needs to be made before the new parameter object is useful.



Type: System.String

The new parameter's name.


Type: System.Object

The value of the new parameter.  The type of the parameter will be inferred from the type of the Object.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified value is null.ArgumentException The value is DBNull.Value but the parameter is not nullableArgumentException The type of value is not an anticipated type

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RdmParameter Class 179

RdmParameter(string, RdmType) Constructor


public RdmParameter(string parameterName, RdmType dataType)


A constructor for the RdmParameter class where the parameter name and default type for the parameter are specified. An association with an RdmCommand needs to be made before the new parameter object is useful.



Type: System.String

The new parameter's name.


Type: RdmType

The data type of the new parameter.



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RdmParameter Class 180

IDbDataParameter.Precision Property


byte IDbDataParameter.Precision { get; set; }


Type: System.Byte

Gets or sets a value that indicates the precision of the parameter for numeric types.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmParameter instance is cast to an IDbDataParameter interface.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbDataParameter.Precision

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RdmParameter Class 181

IDbDataParameter.Scale Property


byte IDbDataParameter.Scale { get; set; }


Type: System.Byte

Gets or sets a value that indicates the scale of the parameter for numeric types.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmParameter instance is cast to an IDbDataParameter interface.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDbDataParameter.Scale

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RdmParameter Class 182

ResetDbType() Method


public void ResetDbType()


Resets the DbType and RdmType properties to their original settings. If a Value has been specified, the new DbType and RdmType properties will be inferred from the type of Value.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameter.ResetDbType

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RdmParameter Class 183

ResetRdmType() Method


public void ResetRdmType()


Resets the DbType and RdmType properties to their original settings. If a Value has been specified, the new DbType and RdmType properties will be inferred from the type of Value.

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RdmParameter Class 184

DbType Property


public DbType DbType { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.DbType

Gets or sets the DbType of the parameter. The DbType and RdmType parameters are linked. Setting either changes the other to a matching value.


Exception ConditionNotSupportedException The type specified is not a supported type.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameter.DbType

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RdmParameter Class 185

Direction Property


public ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.ParameterDirection

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parameter is input, output, input/output or a stored procedure return value. Only input parameters are supported by the RDM Data Provider.


Exception ConditionNotSupportedException The parameter direction supplied is not supported.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameter.Direction

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RdmParameter Class 186

IsNullable Property


public bool IsNullable { get; set; }


Type: System.Boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parameter accepts null values.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameter.IsNullable

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RdmParameter Class 187

ParameterName Property


public string ParameterName { get; set; }


Type: System.String

The name of the parameter. The default is an empty string ("").


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameter.ParameterName

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RdmParameter Class 188

RdmType Property


public RdmType RdmType { get; set; }


Type: RdmType

Gets or sets the RdmType of the parameter. The RdmType and DbType properties are linked. Setting either changes the other to a matching value.

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RdmParameter Class 189

Size Property


public int Size { get; set; }


Type: System.Int32

The Size property is used for binary and string types. For binary data, the size is the number of bytes. For string data the size is the number of characters and does not include the null terminating character.


Exception ConditionArgumentOutOfRangeException The value specified is less than zero.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParamter.Size

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RdmParameter Class 190

SourceColumn Property


public string SourceColumn { get; set; }


Type: System.String

Gets or sets the name of the source column mapped to this parameter. This intended for use in data adapters.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameter.SourceColumn

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RdmParameter Class 191

SourceColumnNullMapping Property


public bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get; set; }


Type: System.Boolean

Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable. This intended for use by command builders.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameter.SourceColumnNullMapping

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RdmParameter Class 192

SourceVersion Property


public DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.DataRowVersion

Gets or sets the DataRowVersion to use when loading the Value. This parameter is intended for use by an RdmDataAdapater.UpdateCommand during an update operation.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The property is not set to one of the DataRowVersion values


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameter.SourceVersion

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RdmParameter Class 193

Value Property


public Object Value { get; set; }


Type: System.Object

Gets or sets the value of the parameter. If the DbType or RdmType has not already be specified, setting the Value will cause the type to be inferred. If the type has been established, setting the Value will cause the Value to be converted to the specified type (if necessary).


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified value is null.ArgumentException The value is DBNull.Value but the parameter is not nullableArgumentException The type of value is not an anticipated type


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameter.Value

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RdmParameterCollection Class 194

RdmParameterCollection ClassDescription:

The RdmParameterCollection class, derived from DbParameterCollection, represents a collection of param-eters.

Public Properties:

 l Count l IsFixedSize l IsReadOnly l IsSynchronized l Item[int] l Item[string] l SyncRoot

Public Methods:

 l Add(Object) l Add(RdmParameter) l Add(string, RdmType) l Add(string, Object) l AddRange(Array) l AddRange(RdmParameter[]) l Clear() l Contains(Object) l Contains(RdmParameter) l Contains(string) l CopyTo(Array, int) l CopyTo(RdmParameter[], int) l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetEnumerator() l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l IndexOf(Object) l IndexOf(RdmParameter) l IndexOf(string)

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 l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Insert(int, Object) l Insert(int, RdmParameter) l Remove(Object) l Remove(RdmParameter) l RemoveAt(int) l RemoveAt(string) l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

Explicit Interface Implementations:

 l IDbDataParameterCollection.Item l IList.Item


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection

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RdmParameterCollection Class 196

IDataParameterCollection.Item[string] Property


Object IDataParameterCollection.this[string parameterName] { get; set; }


Type: System.Object

Gets or sets the RdmParameter with the specified name



Type: System.String

The name of the parameter.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmPar-ameterCollection instance is cast to an IDataParameterCollection interface.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.ArgumentException The specified parameter is already contained in another collection.IndexOutOfRangeException A parameter of the specified name does not exist


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.IDataParameterCollection.Item(String)

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RdmParameterCollection Class 197

IList.Item[int] Property


Object IList.this[int index] { get; set; }


Type: System.Object

Gets or sets the RdmParameter at the specified index



Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the parameter.

This method is an explicit interface member implementation and can only be used when the RdmPar-ameterCollection instance is cast to an IList interface.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.IndexOutOfRangeException A parameter of the specified name does not existIndexOutOfRangeException The specified index does not exist


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Collections.IList.Item(Int32)

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RdmParameterCollection Class 198

Add(Object) Method


public int Add(Object value)


Adds a new RdmParameter object to the collection that with a Value of value.



Type: System.Object

The Value of the RdmParameter to add to the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the new RdmParameter object in the collection.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The specified value already exists in the collection.ArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Add

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RdmParameterCollection Class 199

Add(RdmParameter) Method


public int Add(RdmParameter value)


Adds a new RdmParameter object to the collection.



Type: RdmParameter

The new parameter to add to the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the new RdmParameter object in the collection.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 200

AddRange(Array) Method


public void AddRange(Array values)


Adds an array of new RdmParameter objects to the collection with the specified values.



Type: System.Array

The array of values for the new parameters.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.AddRange

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RdmParameterCollection Class 201

AddRange(RdmParameter[]) Method


public void AddRange(RdmParameter[] parameters)


Adds an array of new RdmParameter objects to the collection.



Type: RdmParameter[]

The array of new parameters to add to the collection

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RdmParameterCollection Class 202

Add(string, Object) Method


public int Add(string parameterName, Object value)


Adds a new RdmParameter object (specified by value) to the collection with the specified ParameterName.



Type: System.String

The name of the new parameter to add to the collection.


Type: System.Object

The new parameter to add to the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the new RdmParameter object in the collection.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The specified value already exists in the collection.ArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 203

Add(string, RdmType) Method


public int Add(string parameterName, RdmType dataType)


Adds a new RdmParameter object to the collection with the specified ParameterName and RdmType.



Type: System.String

The name of the new parameter to add to the collection.


Type: RdmType

The type of the new parameter to add to the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the new RdmParameter object in the collection.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 204

Clear() Method


public void Clear()


Removes all RdmParameter values from the collection


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Clear

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RdmParameterCollection Class 205

Contains(Object) Method


public bool Contains(Object value)


Indicates whether the specified object (as an RdmParameter) is contained in the collection.



Type: System.Object

The RdmParameter to look for in the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

True if the RdmParameter is in the collection; otherwise False.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Contains

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RdmParameterCollection Class 206

Contains(RdmParameter) Method


public bool Contains(RdmParameter value)


Indicates whether an RdmParameter is contained in the collection.



Type: RdmParameter

The parameter to look for in the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

True if the RdmParameter is in the collection; otherwise False.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 207

Contains(string) Method


public bool Contains(string parameterName)


Indicates whether an RdmParameter with the specified name is contained in the collection.



Type: System.String

The name of the parameter to look for in the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Boolean

True if an RdmParameter with the specified name is in the collection; otherwise False.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Contains

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RdmParameterCollection Class 208

CopyTo(Array, int) Method


public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)


Copies an array of items to the collection starting at the specified index



Type: System.Array

The array of items to copy to the collection.


Type: System.Int32

The index in the collection at which to copy the items.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified array is null.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index is out of range for the collection.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.CopyTo

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RdmParameterCollection Class 209

CopyTo(RdmParameter[], int) Method


public void CopyTo(RdmParameter[] array, int index)


Copies an array of RdmParameters to the collection starting at the specified index



Type: RdmParameter[]

The array of parameters to copy to the collection.


Type: System.Int32

The index in the collection at which to copy the items.


Exception ConditionArgumentNullException The specified array is null.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index is out of range for the collection.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 210

GetEnumerator() Method


public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


Provides an enumerator that allows simple iteration over the parameters stored in the parameter collection.



Return Value:

Type: System.Collections.IEnumerator

Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection of parameters.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.GetEnumerator

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RdmParameterCollection Class 211

IndexOf(Object) Method


public int IndexOf(Object value)


Returns the index of the specified RdmParameter object within the parameter collection.



Type: System.Object

The RdmParameter object (as an Object) in the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the specified parameter or -1 if the parameter is not found.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IndexOf

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RdmParameterCollection Class 212

IndexOf(RdmParameter) Method


public int IndexOf(RdmParameter value)


Returns the index of the specified RdmParameter object within the parameter collection.



Type: RdmParameter

The RdmParameter object in the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the specified parameter or -1 if the parameter is not found.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 213

IndexOf(string) Method


public int IndexOf(string parameterName)


Returns the index of the parameter within the parameter collection that contains the specified name.



Type: System.String

The name of the parameter in the collection.

Return Value:

Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the specified parameter or -1 if the parameter is not found.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IndexOf

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RdmParameterCollection Class 214

Insert(int, Object) Method


public void IndexOf(int index, Object value)


Inserts the specified parameter value(must be of type RdmParameter) into the parameter collection at index.



Type: System.Int32

The index in the array where the parameter should be inserted.


Type: System.Object

The parameter to be inserted.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The specified value already exists in the collection.ArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index specified is less than zero or greater than Count.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Insert

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RdmParameterCollection Class 215

Insert(int, RdmParameter) Method


public void IndexOf(int index, RdmParameter value)


Inserts the specified parameter value into the parameter collection at index.



Type: System.Int32

The index in the array where the parameter should be inserted.


Type: RdmParameter

The parameter to be inserted.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The specified value already exists in the collection.ArgumentException The value is not a valid RdmParameter.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index specified is less than zero or greater than Count.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 216

RemoveAt(int) Method


public void RemoveAt(int index)


Removes the parameter at the specified index from the parameter collection.



Type: System.Int32

The index of the parameter to be removed.


Exception ConditionArgumentOutOfRangeException The index specified is less than zero or greater than Count.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.RemoveAt

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RdmParameterCollection Class 217

RemoveAt(string) Method


public void RemoveAt(string parameterName)


Removes the parameter at the specified index from the parameter collection.



Type: System.String

The name of the parameter to be removed.

Return Value:

None. No information is returned if a parameter of the specified name existed or not.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.RemoveAt

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RdmParameterCollection Class 218

Remove(Object) Method


public void Remove(Object value)


Removes the specified parameter from the parameter collection.



Type: System.Object

The parameter to be removed.

Return Value:

None. No indication is given whether a parameter was removed or not.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Remove

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RdmParameterCollection Class 219

Remove(RdmParameter) Method


public void Remove(RdmParameter value)


Removes the specified parameter from the parameter collection.



Type: RdmParameter

The parameter to be removed.

Return Value:

None. No indication is given whether a parameter was removed or not.

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RdmParameterCollection Class 220

Count Property


public int Count { get; }


Type: System.Int32

Gets the number of parameters in the parameter collection.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Count

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RdmParameterCollection Class 221

IsFixedSize Property


public bool IsFixedSize { get; }


Type: System.Boolean

True if the collection is a fixed size; otherwise False.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IsFixedSize

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RdmParameterCollection Class 222

IsReadOnly Property


public bool IsReadOnly { get; }


Type: System.Boolean

True if the collection is a read-only; otherwise False.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IsReadOnly

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RdmParameterCollection Class 223

IsSynchronized Property


public bool IsSynchronized { get; }


Type: System.Boolean

True if the collection is a synchronized; otherwise False.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IsSynchronized

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RdmParameterCollection Class 224

Item[int] Property


public RdmParameter this[int index] { get; set; }


Type: RdmParameter

Gets or sets the RdmParameter at the specified index



Type: System.Int32

The zero-based index of the parameter.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The specified parameter is already contained in another collection.IndexOutOfRangeException The specified index does not exist


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Item(Int32)

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RdmParameterCollection Class 225

Item[string] Property


public RdmParameter this[string parameterName] { get; set; }


Type: RdmParameter

Gets or sets the RdmParameter with the specified name



Type: System.String

The name of the parameter.


Exception ConditionArgumentException The specified parameter is already contained in another collection.IndexOutOfRangeException A parameter of the specified name does not exist


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Item(String)

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RdmParameterCollection Class 226

SyncRoot Property


public Object SyncRoot{ get; }


Type: System.Object

Specifies the Object to be used to synchronize access to the collection


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.SyncRoot

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RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs Class 227

RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs ClassDescription:

The RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs class, derived from RowUpdatedEventArgs provides data for the RowUp-dated event of the ADO.NET Data Provider for RDM.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs(DataRow, IDbCommand, StatementType, DataTableMapping)

Public Properties:

 l Command { get; } l Errors { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l RecordsAffected { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l Row { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l RowCount { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l StatementType { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l Status { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l TableMapping { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs)

Public Methods:

 l CopyToRows(DataRow[])   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l CopyToRows(DataRow[], int)   (Inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

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RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs Class 228

RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs(DataRow, IDbCommand, State-mentType, DataTableMapping) Constructor


public RdmUpdatedEventArgs(DataRow dataRow,

IDbCommand command,

StatementType statementType,

DataTableMapping tableMapping)


Creates a new RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs object. This class does not need to be created by application pro-grams. It will be generated by the system when handling the RowUpdated event.



Type: System.Data.DataRow

The DataRow sent through an Update method.


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

The IDbCommand executed by an Update method.


Type: System.Data.StatementType

One of the StatementType values that specifies the type of SQL statement executed.


Type: System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping

The DataTableMapping sent through an Update method.

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RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs Class 229

Command Property


public IDbCommand Command { get; }


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

Gets the RdmCommand used to when an Update method is called to modify the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs.Command

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RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs Class 230

RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs ClassDescription:

The RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs class, derived from RowUpdatingEventArgs provides data for the RowUp-dating event of the ADO.NET Data Provider for RDM.

Public Constructors:

 l RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow, IDbCommand, StatementType, DataTableMapping)

Public Properties:

 l Command { get; set; } l Errors { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) l Row { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) l StatementType { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) l Status { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) l TableMapping { get; }   (Inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs)

Public Methods:

 l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)

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RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow, IDbCommand, State-mentType, DataTableMapping) Constructor


public RdmUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow dataRow,

IDbCommand command,

StatementType statementType,

DataTableMapping tableMapping)


Creates a new RdmRowUpdatedEventArgs object. This class does not need to be created by application pro-grams. It will be generated by the system when handling the RowUpdating event.



Type: System.Data.DataRow

The DataRow sent through an Update method.


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

The IDbCommand executed by an Update method.


Type: System.Data.StatementType

One of the StatementType values that specifies the type of SQL statement executed.


Type: System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping

The DataTableMapping sent through an Update method.

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RdmRowUpdatingEventArgs Class 232

Command Property


public IDbCommand Command { get; set; }


Type: System.Data.IDbCommand

Gets the RdmCommand used to when an Update method is called to modify the database.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs.Command

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RdmTransaction Class 233

RdmTransaction ClassDescription:

The RdmTransaction class, derived from DbTransaction, represents a transaction, encapsulating multiple changes into a single action.

Public Properties:

 l Connection l IsolationLevel

Public Methods:

 l Commit() l CreateObjRef(Type requestedType)   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Dispose()   (Inherited from Component) l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l InitializeLifetimeService()   (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) l Rollback() l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction

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RdmTransaction Class 234

Commit() Method


public void Commit()


Commits the transaction.



Return Value:



Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The current transaction is not active (it was previously committed or rolled



For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction.Commit

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Rollback() Method


public void Rollback()


Rolls back (aborts) the transaction.



Return Value:



Exception ConditionInvalidOperationException The current transaction is not active (it was previously committed or rolled



For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction.Rollback

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RdmTransaction Class 236

Connection Property


public RdmConnection Connection { get; }


Type: RdmConnection

Gets the connection that the current transaction is associated with.


For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction.Connection

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RdmTransaction Class 237

IsolationLevel Property


public IsolationLevel IsolationLevel{ get; }


Type: System.Data.IsolationLevel

Gets the isolation level that this transaction is using. The RDM Data Adapter directly supports the Iso-lationLevel.Serializable and Isolation.Snapshot isolation levels. All other isolation levels will be silently mapped to IsolationLevel.Serializable.




For more information, reference MSDN documentation for: Sys-tem.Data.Common.DbTransaction.IsolationLevel

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RdmException Class 238

RdmException ClassDescription:

The RdmException class, derived from DbException, represents an error returned from the RDM SQL engine.

Public Properties:

 l Data  (Inherited from Exception) l ErrorCode  (Inherited from ExternalException) l HelpLink  (Inherited from Exception) l HResult  (Inherited from Exception) l InnerException  (Inherited from Exception) l Message  (Inherited from Exception) l Procedure l Source  (Inherited from Exception) l SqlState l StackTrace  (Inherited from Exception) l TargetSite  (Inherited from Exception)

Public Methods:

 l Equals(Object other)   (Inherited from Object) l GetBaseException()  (Inherited from Exception) l GetHashCode()   (Inherited from Object) l GetObjectData  (Inherited from Exception) l GetType()   (Inherited from Object) l ToString()   (Inherited from Component)



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RdmException Class 239

Procedure Property


public string Procedure{ get; }


Type: System.String

Returns the procedure that was being called when the error occurred.



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RdmException Class 240

SqlState Property


public string SqlState{ get; }


Type: System.String

Returns the SQL state associated with the error encountered.



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RdmDateFormat Enumeration 241

RdmDateFormat EnumerationDescription:

The RdmDateFormat enumeration is used to store information about what format should be used when the database engine is converting dates to strings. The enumeration has three values that correspond to SQL con-stants: YYYYMMDD, MMDDYYYY, and DDMMYYYY, which, as their names suggest, show the order that the month, day, and year portions are displayed as well as showing the number of digits that each will use. The default is YYYYMMDD.

Note that this has no impact when dates are retrieved as.NET Framework System.DateTime objects. In that case all the normal formatting abilities apply. This also does not affect dates that are returned by a query as dates but then converted to strings by the ADO.NET data provider. This only affects dates which are converted in the SQL engine to character strings.

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RdmType Enumeration 242

RdmType EnumerationDescription:

The RdmType enumeration is used to indicate the data types that the SQL engine supports. The following data types are included.

Type name DescriptionAnsiString A single-byte ANSI stringString A Unicode stringBinary A binary arrayBoolean A booleanSByte A signed 8 bit integerInt16 A signed 16-bit integerInt32 A signed 32-bit integerInt64 A signed 64-bit integerSingle A 32-bit floating pointDouble A 64-bit floating pointDate A dateTime A timeTimestamp A date and time (with fractions of a second)Blob A binary large objectClob A character large object

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B-treeAlso called a multiway tree, a B-tree is a fast data-indexing method that organizes the index into a multi-level set of nodes. Each node contains a sorted array of key values (the indexed data). Two important properties of a B-tree are that all nodes are at least half-full and that the tree is always balanced (that is, an identical number of nodes must be read in order to locate all keys at any given level in the tree). A well-organized B-tree will have only three or four levels.

bufferAn in-memory store of data read from a disk file, in which database operations are per-formed.


cacheA set of buffers used to optimize database input and output operations. All RDM Embedded database input and output is performed using a cache.

commitThe point at which database changes made during a single transaction are actually written to the database files.

compound keyA key field composed of any combination of fields (not necessarily contiguous) from a rec-ord. Each field of a compound key may be stored in ascending or descending order.

connectThe process of inserting a member record occurrence into a set occurrence.

currency tablesA table of database addresses maintained by the RDM Embedded runtime system for con-trolling record access and set navigation. The currency tables consist of the current member table, current owner table, and the current record.

current databaseThe database that is currently accessible by the RDM Embedded runtime functions when multiple databases have been opened. The current database is changed by the database number function argument or by function d_setdb.

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current memberContains, for each set, the database address of a record occurrence that is a valid member of that set. Usually, the current member of a set is the last record accessed using a set navi-gation function (d_findfm, d_findlm, d_findnm, or d_findpm).

current ownerContains for each set, the database address of a record occurrence that is a valid owner of that set. Usually, the current owner of a set is established using the set navigation function d_findco or by using a currency manipulation function.

current recordContains the database address of the most recently accessed record instance.


data fieldA field represents the basic unit of information storage in a database and is always defined to be an element of a record. A field has associated with it attributes such as name, type (for example, char or int), and length. Other terms used for field include: attribute, entity, or col-umn.

data fileAn RDM Embedded file defined in a DDL specification that contains occurrences of one or more record types.

databaseAn organized collection of related files.

database addressThe location in the database of a record occurrence, frequently referred to as a DB_ADDR. Composed of two numbers: the file index and the slot within the file. Either 4 or 8 bytes long.

database definition languageA programming-like language used to define the structure and content of a database. RDM Embedded's Database Definition Language has been designed to be used with the C pro-gramming language.

DDLA programming-like language used to define the structure and content of a database. RDM Embedded's Database Definition Language has been designed to be used with the C pro-gramming language.

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deadlockA situation in which multiple processes accessing the same database each hold locks needed by the other processes in such a way that none of the processes can proceed. Sometimes called deadly embrace.

delete chainA linked list containing deleted records or nodes to be reused when a new record or node is created.

dictionaryA repository containing a definition of the content and structure of a database. It is used by the RDM Embedded runtime library functions for accessing and manipulating information from that database.

disconnectThe process of removing a member record from a set occurrence.

document rootThe path to the directory under which all files will be stored. Within the domain of one TFS, no files outside of this path may be accessed.

domain nameThe "name" of a computer which has visibility to another computer. This may be a published name available on DNS servers and across the Internet, or an internal network name visible only within a workgroup. The "ping" utility must be able to locate the IP address associated with this name. In RDM Embedded, a server (tfserver, dbmirror, dbrep, or dbrepsql) may be located through the domain name of the computer it is running on, together with the port on which it is listening. A special domain name, "localhost" always refers to the same computer as the application is running on (IP address is always


environment variableA programmer-specified operating system parameter that is used to identify configuration information to the runtime system.


fieldA field represents the basic unit of information storage in a database and is always defined to be an element of a record. A field has associated with it attributes such as name, type (for example, char or int), and length. Other terms used for field include: attribute, entity, or col-umn.

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fileThe primary physical storage unit into which a database is organized. In RDM Embedded, files are used to store records and keys.


hierarchical database modelA data representation in which the relationships between record types are formed from par-ent-child structures, such that a record type may have many child relationships but only one parent relationship.


indexA set of key values through which rapid retrieval of a record is provided, similar to the index of a book. The term is often used synonymously with key file.


keyA field through which rapid and/or sorted access to a record is desired.

key fileA file that only contains keys. It may, in fact, contain more than one index because multiple key types can be contained in a single RDM Embedded key file.

key scanThe process of performing an ordered traversal through all (or a subset of all) occurrences of a given key field.


localhostA special Domain Name that always refers to the computer on which the application soft-ware is running. It is the default domain name used by RDM Embedded utilities and runtime library.

lockA multi-user database synchronization mechanism, used to prevent simultaneous updates to shared data. Locks can be applied to the entire database or to files.

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loggingThe process of making a copy of the database changes made during a transaction prior to a commit. Logging is used to support the ability to perform a recovery in the event a failure occurs during a commit.


many-to-many relationshipA relationship between two record types, A and B, such that for each occurrence of type A, there are many related occurrences of type B and, for each occurrence of type B, there are many related occurrences of type A. In RDM Embedded, many-to-many relationships can be implemented using two one-to-many sets through a third, intersection record type.

member of setSpecifies a one-to-many relationship between record types. One occurrence of the owner record type is related to many occurrences of a member record type. Also called a set type.

member pointerStores set membership linkage information. There is one member pointer stored with a rec-ord per set for which the record is a member. Each one contains the database addresses of the owner record, previous member in the set, and next member in the set.


navigationThe process of retrieving records from a database by moving through various navigational methods. Methods include set navigation, key scanning, and record-type scanning.

network database modelA data representation in which the relationships are explicitly defined and maintained through sets of owner/members, where any given record type may be the owner of multiple types of sets and the member of multiple types of sets. Multiple set membership dis-tinguishes the Network database model from the Hierarchical database model.

nodeA component of a B-tree, consisting of a page of sorted keys stored in a key file.


occurrenceOne record instance within a record type, specifically associated with record type scanning (d_recfrst, d_recnext, d_recprev, d_reclast), where the current occurrence of a record type is used to bookmark the position on a record type scan. Record occurrences are ordered by

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their physical appearance in a data file. The current occurrence is not the same as the cur-rent record, although the current record will also be set by the scanning functions.

owner of setSpecifies a one-to-many relationship between record types. One occurrence of the owner record type is related to many occurrences of a member record type. Also called a set type.


pageFiles are blocked into contiguous fixed-length segments called pages. A page is the unit of database I/O performed in RDM Embedded.

path nameThe sequence of directories in a hierarchical file system that must be traversed to locate a particular file.

pointerIn a database, a pointer is data stored in a record occurrence that provides the necessary information for locating related record occurrences. In a C program, a pointer is a variable that contains a memory address.

portTogether with an IP address, a port number uniquely identifies an endpoint by which a TCP/IP connection can be made to another program. In RDM Embedded, each server (tfserver, dbmirror, dbrep or dbrepsql) identifies the port number that should be used to locate it. The IP address is normally obtained through a domain name lookup (e.g. is a domain name, and its IP address is

processAn independently executing task or program. An individual execution of an RDM Embedded application program.


queueA first-in-first-out waiting list. Lock requests for a locked resource will be placed at the end of a queue. When the locked resource becomes available, the first lock request on the queue will be granted.

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recordUsed synonymously with record type or record occurrence depending on the context in which the term is used.

record occurenceOne individual instance in a database of a record of a particular type. A database consists of many occurrences of many different record types. For example, an employee record type may consist of the fields name, employee_id, job_title, and pay. An employee record occur-rence could be "name: Jones, Jim; employee_id: c87101, job_title: engr, pay: 3400".

recoveryThe process of completing the transaction of a process that failed during a commit.

redundant dataIdentical data that is stored in multiple locations in a database. Typically used to form rela-tionships between tables in a relational database management system.

relational database modelA data representation in which a database is viewed as consisting of two-dimensional tables, each composed of one or more columns. Inter-table relationships are defined through use of common column names and data. Tables and columns are analogous to RDM Embedded records and fields, respectively.

remote procedure callA programming mechanism that makes a library call appear to operate in the program space of an application, even though the actual function exists in the program space of another pro-gram (called a "server"). A client application places a function identifier and parameter con-tents into a packet that is first transferred to the server, with results (return code, return parameter values) transferred back to the caller.

root nodeThe top or start node of a B-tree.

RPCA programming mechanism that makes a library call appear to operate in the program space of an application, even though the actual function exists in the program space of another pro-gram (called a "server"). A client application places a function identifier and parameter con-tents into a packet that is first transferred to the server, with results (return code, return parameter values) transferred back to the caller.

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runtime systemThe RDM Embedded C language library functions that perform all of the database access required by an application program while it is executing.


schemaA conceptual model of the structure of a database that defines the data contents and rela-tionships. A database definition language specification is an implementation of a particular schema.

setSpecifies a one-to-many relationship between record types. One occurrence of the owner record type is related to many occurrences of a member record type. Also called a set type.

set occurenceAn individual instance of a set in which one owner record occurrence has one or more member record occurrences connected to it.

set pointerStores set ownership linkage information. There is one set pointer stored with a record per set for which the record is an owner. Each one contains a count of the number of members in the set, the database address of the first member record occurrence, and the database address of the last member record occurrence in the set.

set scanThe process of performing an ordered traversal through all (or a subset of all) member rec-ord occurrences of a given set occurrence.

slotA position in a data or key file for storage of a single record or key occurrence.

synchronizationThe process of ensuring that, in a multi-user database environment, updates to shared data are performed serially, one user at a time.

system recordA special record type used to define the "top" record in a network database. There is only one occurrence of the system record in a database. It is defined by naming "system" as a set owner in one or more set definitions in the DDL. When a database is opened, the system record, if it exists, is set as the current owner of all sets for which it is named as owner. It may not be a set member.

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taskIn an RDM Embedded Application, a task is a block of allocated memory that stores the com-plete database context for a thread of execution. It must be allocated through the d_open-task function and closed through the d_closetask function. A task represents one user in a multi-user environment. A task can also represent one database transaction, with all locks and database updates associated with the transaction.

TFSA software component within the RDM Embedded system that maintains safe multi-user transactional updates to a set of files, and responds to page requests. The tfserver utility links to the TFS to allow it to run as a separate utility. The TFS may also be linked directly into an application in order to avoid the RPC overhead of calling a separate server.

threadAn independent flow of control within a computer operating system. Differentiated from a Process in that a process may contain one or more threads. Threads within the same proc-ess share common (or global) data but have their own stacks, which keeps track of the thread's context. In RDM Embedded Applications, each thread must be associated with its own task variable, and is treated as a separate user in a multi-user environment.

timeoutAn event that occurs when a lock request has waited on a queue longer than a pre-deter-mined amount of time. It is used to avoid deadlock.

transactionA group of related database changes that are written to the database as a single unit during a commit. The logical consistency of a database is maintained by placing all related updates within transactions.

transactional file serverA software component within the RDM Embedded system that maintains safe multi-user transactional updates to a set of files, and responds to page requests. The tfserver utility links to the TFS to allow it to run as a separate utility. The TFS may also be linked directly into an application in order to avoid the RPC overhead of calling a separate server.

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Index 252
