Download - Adele - Rolling in the Deep - Analysis

Page 1: Adele - Rolling in the Deep - Analysis

Analysis Of Existing Music Videos


Page 2: Adele - Rolling in the Deep - Analysis

Genre Characteristics

Adele’s ‘Rolling In The Deep’ is a completely different genre in comparison to ‘Telephone’. There are many characteristics throughout that indicate it is singer/songwriter genre. There is not many colours in the music video, in fact there is very little colour and the colours that are in the video are quite dull. Another characteristic would be the use of instruments, throughout the music video the audience can see the instruments being played in the video. There is no costume changes and very little dance routines.

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Relationship between lyrics and visuals

Throughout the music video there is not that many relationships shown between the lyrics and visuals, this may be because it is a very basic music video. However there is one relationship between the lyrics and visuals that I noticed and this was when Adele sings “Crystal clear” lots of glasses filled with water are shown.

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Relationship between music and visuals

There are very little dance routines throughout the music video, there is one solo dancer who keeps appearing, as the song progresses his dance gets more intense and gets quicker and quicker, he begins just standing in a room and in the lead up to the chorus he starts dancing and he gets more and more advanced. Another would be the many glasses of water shaking in time with the beat.

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Close-ups of the main artist

The main close-ups of the main artist (Adele) would be in the lead up to the chorus. This is when the camera slowly zooms into a close up of Adele’s face. The close ups mainly occur throughout the chorus showing the emotion and power Adele is putting into the song.

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Reference to voyeurism

The voyeurism in Rolling in the Deep occurs when the camera pans in through a door to reveal Adele singing whilst sitting in a chair, unaware of the face she is being watched.