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Page 1: Adding .-ed, -ing


Adding .-ed, -ingGeneralization In words that end in e, drop the e: decided, deciding.In words that end eve, double the final consonant: admitted, admitting.In words that end in y, change y to iwhen adding -ed and keep the ywhen adding -ing: supplied, supplying.

Word Sort Sort the list words into groups that have -ed and -ingendings. Spelling Words

-ing (change)

-ed (no change)1. _

-ed (change)2. _

3. --------4. --------

5. _6. _

7. _

8. _9. _

10. --------

Challenge Words

-ed (change)21. --------

22. _

23. _

-ing (no change)11. _

12. _13. _14. _15. _

16. _

17. _18. _

19. _

20. _

-ing (no change)24. _

-ing (change)25. _

26. _

1. s.upplied2. supplying3. denied4. denying

. 5. decided6. deciding7. included8. including9. admitted

10. admitting

11. occurred12. occurring13. qualified14. qualifying15. identified16. identifying17. delayed18. delaying19. satisfied20. satisfying

Challenge Words21. occupied22. occupying23. criticized24. criticizing25. omitted26. omitting

"'Sc~,..Home Home Activity Your child is learning about adding oed and -;ng endings. Give your child two list words.....:. •• and ask if the spelling is changed in either word when -ad or -;ng is added.-Spelling Practice Book Unit 1 Week 4 Day 1 13

Page 2: Adding .-ed, -ing


Adding -ed, -ingSpelling Words

supplied supplying denied denying decideddeciding included including admitted admittingoccurred occurring qualified qualifying identifiedidentifying delayed delaying satisfied satisfying

Word Pairs Write the best list words to complete each sentence pair.

Were you (1)__ with lunch? I found the food very (2)__ .1. _ 2. ---------

David (3)__ that he lost his key. (4)__ guilt was the best thing to do in his case.3. _ 4. _

Did you see the eclips~ as it was (5)__ ? Last time one (6)__ , I missed it.5. _ 6. _

The runners lined up for the (7)__ race. After that race, only three runners (8)__ for the team.7. --------- 8. _

My lost cat has an (9)__ number tattooed on her skin. She was easily (10)__ as mine when shewas found. .

9.. --------- 10.

I have so much trouble (11)__ between piano or karate lessons. Have you (12)__ on a choice yet?

11. --------- 12. ---------The coach used many (13)__ tactics, such as time-outs, during the game. Then, the final quarterwas (14)__ by the rain.13. _ 14. _

The school closet was fully (15)__ with pencils. Do you think the school will be (16)__ pencilsfor the big test?

15. --------- 16.

Stop (17)__ that you broke the window! Even though you (18)__ it, we all saw your ball breakthe window.

Are you (19)__ olives on your shopping list? I've (20)__ carrots, celery, and pickles on my list.

-----"Sch i-••.Ho~. Home Activity Your child wrote words with -ed and -;ng endings. Select a list word and ask your child~ •• to tell you its meaning.-

17. ---------

19. _

14 Unit 1 Week 4 Day 2


20. ---------

Spelling Practice Book



Page 3: Adding .-ed, -ing


Adding -ed, -ing•••• .II


Proofread a Newspaper Article This is an article from a local weeklynewspaper. Circle six spelling errors. Write the sentence with a punctuationerror correctly. Write the corrections on the lines below.

Three. Caught After Holdupby Rosy Redeye

The crime ocurred after midnight. The store'svideotape identifyed three suspects. The storeowner supplyed the license plate number to thepolice department. Geting the results took no time.The police quickly located the car and suspectsThey had trouble admiting their wrongdoing.However, in front of the judge, they deceided toadmit everything. The police were satisfied thatthey solved the case.

1. _

3. _

5. -------7. _

Proofread Words Circle the correct spelling of the word.

8. occured occurred ocured

9. included includid includ

10. qualifed qualifide qualified

11. deceided decided decieded~•• 12. satesfying satisfying satisfiyingguw

~ 13. admitted admited admetted10 14. suppliing sapplying supplying

Spelling Words






&~ ..':'ft~c:rHome Activity Your child identified misspelled list words. Select three list words and ask your child 10~ iti* speillhem.

Spelling Practice Book Unit 1 Week 4 Day 3 15

Page 4: Adding .-ed, -ing


Adding -ed, -ingSpelling Words

supplied supplying denied denying decideddeciding included including admitted admittingoccurred occumng . qualified qualifying identifiedidentifying delayed delaying satisfied satisfying

Adding -ed Write list words that tell about an action that happened in the past.

Two -ed words in which the final consonant is doubled:

1. _ 2.One -ed word in which the final e is dropped.

3. _

Five -ed words in which y is changed to i

4. _

7. _S.8.


Word Endings Write list words by adding the ending in parentheses.

9. supply (jng) 9.

10. deny (ing) 10.

11. decide (jng) 11.

12. include (ing) 12.

13. a4mit (ing) 13.

14. occur (ing) 14.

15. qualify (ing) 15.

16. identify (ing) 16.

17. delay (ed) 17.~

18. satisfy (ing) 18. ~;jj

19. delay (ing) 19. I~20. include (ed) 20. 0

*1lIIt'lh" ..:ftoC:::o Home Activity Your child has learned to read, write, and spell words with -ed and -ing endings. Have~. t'* your child pick the five hardest words on the list. Go over the spellings with your child.-16 Unit 1 Week 4 Day 4 Spelling Practice Book