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Lady Andros of clan Siol Andrea of the ancient and noble house of Andrus/Andreas (Ptolemy

Egypt/Greek/Iberian Hebrews) who’s family named the Andros Island, Greece, Agios Andreas Greek towns, British “Isle of Man”, Andrus Island, California, and Andros Islands, Bahamas, is a relative of “Megas Alex Andros (Alexander the Great), who is a relative AlexAndros Ptolemy X, of the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt’s 15th dynasty, Kings of Greece, Spain, and medieval Europe. She is Ionian, relatives of Dorian, Lydian, Phrygian, Aeolian, Locrian, Acheans, and others. She left family in many places like Tunisia, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, “Land of Rus” (Russia), New York, and her family named many places like Alexandria, Virginia, Louisiana, and Alexandria, Egypt. The most famous of our relatives is one of the longest reigning monarchs in history, Her Majesty “Alexandra” Queen Elizabeth II.

These are some of the Andros offspring who inhabited North Africa and protected Europe during the

Attila the Hun, Khan Mongol 1240AD, and Ottoman invasions..

From these offspring come Kings Milesius and Princess Scotia of Egypt, King Heremon & Princess Tamar,

Kings Conn, Colla, Alpin, and the VI Kings, including Viking Magnas Olafson (last king of Isle of Man), son

of Olaf “The Black” and Christina Andros de Ross, and many others.

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British Royal Family History

May 12, 2011 … British Royal Family History. … Royal Family of Queen Elizabeth II ….Family Tree Poster ·

British Kings & Queens Book

King Charles (Andros) II was a Stewart/Stuart of the noble House Of Andreas/ Andros/Andrus.

The Stuart’s were guardians of the House of Andreas of Wessex, which include Andreas of Borthwick and Clan

Ross. The union between Cristina de Ross and Viking Olaf Magnasson, was significant not only because it

create peace between the two Houses of Danite Vikings (House of William “the Conquerer” ) and the House

of Andreas from the race of Saint Andrew and the kindred of the Kings of JeruSalem, but it also allowed

Andros to marry outside of Ceol Andreas. These two Houses ” Ceol and Dan (Normans) resisted the Roman

rule north of “Hadrians Wall” in 120 A.D, and again at Kiev Andrus 1200A.D., which was the northern tip of

religion, where western religion ends, between Atheist, Greek Orthodox, and Eastern.

In Budapest, Hungary Bela IV was King, and his brother was called Prince Andrus. The Belarusians who

emerged as a mixture of Slavic and Varangian, formed the Rus of Russia, and the Mieszko Poles. Mieszko I

(ca. 930 – 25 May 992), was a Duke of the Poland from about 960 until his death. A member of the Piast

dynasty, he was son of Siemomysł; grandchild …(creating a Mieszko Polish “Khazar” line)

This is from the writers of Trib “ It shows that the Rus were part and parcel with the Franks

(Nortmanni) in forming the (Knights) Templars, and this supports my findings that Franks and Russians were

from the same stock of peoples: the Red-Ones.”

Kievan Rus “land of Rus” and the “Princes of Rus (Ross) ” lived in Kiev, Russia, until the Mongol

hoards invaded, and the Princes paid tribute, and intermarried to keep the peace. The invader stopped in

Russia in 1242, to the surprise of western religion and Islam, both of whom were under pressure from the

Mongols. This is the time when Persia was lost, and the people took on different features. Here is when, in the

front of the battle was the family of Queen “Saint” Margaret defending the kingdom. Most all church,

chivalric, and fraternal orders flourish around this time, to include the FreeMasons of Europe and America.

Large Fortresses (castles) were needed to house soldiers, people and supplies, which gave the knights a chance

to regroup, and defend the fortress, until the next mission.

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There was Andrus of Phoenicia/Russia, Andras/Anders of Sweden and Denmark, Hungary, Andreas/Andros of

Italy, France, Greece, Andrews of Scotland, Ireland and England since the time of Attila the Hun, and the first

Mongol and Ottoman invasions, to protect the Northern tip of a Norman Kingdom, with the help of the

indigenous peoples.

January 30, 1667 - the Andrus Armistice with Rzeczpospolita. Taking of Smolensk, Kiev and Chernigov lands

back to Russia, This was the ancient land of Rus, and the Lady Andrus, Alexander the Great, and introduction

to the Greek Orthodox Church, and a family in exile/Etheling.

Prince Yaroslav I “the Black” was a son of King Vladimir or Volo dy Myr, (Volo the Great) of the Rus, who

gave the KievAnRus throne to his younger son Boris. The jealous and maddened Prince Yaroslav would rule

RosTov, and Novgorod. His sons would protect the kings realm in the different provinces, forming

Slavic//Norman kingdoms.

Ethiopia is the Land of “Ras” Tafari, where the Jamaican Rasta, and the Friesing King come from.

( – The Salassi were an Alpine tribe (Kenneth McAlpins people) whose lands lay

on the Italian side of the Little St Bernard Pass across the Graian Alps to Lyons, and the Great St Bernard

Pass. Ethiopia’s story is connected to Europa.

Emperor Haile Selassie exiled from Ethiopia, during WWII, stayed in Bath, Somerset, England. It is the ancient

home of the Somerset RedOnes. Most of the many towns associated with Ham are here. My father and

grandfather were named after the town Leyton, England.

Saint Prince Theodore “de Smolensk” and Yaroslav l was born during terrible years for the “land and people of

Rus” during the time of the Mongolian invasion. The people Prince Yaroslav I and his brothers protected were

Slavic and others from Eastern Eurasia. In 1030, he reconquered Red Rus’ from the Poles and concluded an

alliance with King Casimir I of Poland, sealed by the latter’s marriage to Yaroslav’s sister Maria.

Russ-kaya Pravda, “Russian Truth” was create by Yaroslav (Jarislief) de Andrussova. His daughter

Anastasia married King Andrew/Andras I of Hungary, while daughter Agatha married Edward (the Exile),

and was the mother of Edgar Ætheling and St. Margaret of Scotland. The noble house of Andrus

accompanied Edgar/Etheling to Scotland (from Hungary after losing Russia, the land of the VarAngian Rus.

(War – Andrian – Rus) This is when many new family surnames were introduced into Scotland, like

Drummund, Stewart, Bruce, and Leslie.

Mass migrations of people crossing boarders for safety (native Russians, Hungarians, and Poles) from Mongol

hordes resulted. Many of the Black Nobility died in these wars, including the KievAn Rus, who moved the

“Russian Front” to back into Hungary Poland, and Austria. After two attempts to repel the Mongol Army,

70,000 soldiers, Teutonic Knights, Knights Templars, were killed on the battlefield. Most Europeans at this time

were in shock and feared the worst. Andros can be found at Abbas “Coombe”, Somerset, England, which

happens to be an ancient home of the Knights Templars.

On the morning of 6 June 1637 Amias Andros was Knighted by King Charles I, and call de Sao Mares (of

Saint Maurice) from thence forth to the present. Maurice means great one, from the name Moor, or Megas.

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Today his name means smelly, which is not a proper name for any child. The Andros family dropped the “S” in

Sausmarez, starting with Amias Andros, Captain Phillip Saumarez and Admiral Lord James Saumarez who was

born Mar 11, 1757.

In 1662 King Charles II referred to Amias Andrus family as clan Andros, and expressed his love for this family.

He said he would never forget Amias Andros’s 9 years at Castle Cornet, and the lives that were lost in service to

the Stuarts.

To the family I’d like to say that black Creole means you’re inherently always in the middle of Black And

White. “Alf-Red the Great” was of the House of Wessex. There was a War of Roses, between the Red Rose and

the White Rose (1455-85 family of Lancaster and York infighting). If one color is a slave we will all be slaves.

“All Roses are beautiful.”

If the master plan was for the red (Creoles) and white to enslave to the Black (African) Rose, with the Red

Roses away from Europe, the law of percentages and, greed would enslave the Red and Black Roses and call

them “Colored Roses”. From there to the present we have white separation, “Colored Laws”, slave mentality,

(black and white) stereotyping in the Americas.

Another author wrote; “Taking a trip to America was like a trip to Mars” , that Charles II “The Black King”

didn’t want to make, so he chose Sir Edward Edmond Andrus/Andros/Andras/Andres/Andrews, and his many

relatives. Oliver Cromwell, not able to leave for America himself, wanted King Charles I head to enrich

himself. He and other members of Parliament had the king executed in 1649. Many Andrus, Andrews,

Anderson, Ross and others left England for the Americas in the early 1600’s.

Sir Edmund Andros had paternal feelings for the new nation, but remained loyal to the Crown and stayed with

the Queen, as his family before him. The greatest part of his legacy is that he had a voice and power in the

affairs of nation building. The consummate mediator, Edward seemed to be very fair and looked at all sides of

any dispute. His problems started with King James II policies of establishing Anglican Churches, that I don’t

think he cared for, which made the King recall him , and have him replaced. Having realized his mistake, the

King summoned Edmund for the governorship of the New England.

King James Stuart II was ousted for being Catholic in a Protestant England, and this is when the people of

Boston tried to hold Edmund in jail. King William and Queen Mary knew when they employed Andros after

King James, he was the right person for “Virginia”. After Cromwell’s death King Charles II returned in 1660

to much fanfare to be King of England. He made Edmund’s father Major General Amias Andros, Bailiff of the

Island of Guernsey in 1661. After Oliver Cromwell and King Charles I, royalty became mainly symbolic and

Charles II left the government to be controlled by the “House of Lords” and the “House of Commons”.

Because of the Andrus/Andros/Andrews women, and 3000 years of history, I have millions of family members

connected by bloodlines, around the world. The surnames are too many to mention on this page. But, I will

remind you of this quote “bleu blood is thicker than water”.

Clan Borthwick – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The origins of the name Andreas de “Borthwick” are territorial. The name seems likely to have been

assumed from Borthwick Water in Roxburghshire., (Andrus) accompanied the Saxon Edgar Ætheling and his

sister, Saint Margaret of Scotland, to Scotland in 1067. It is traditionally held that the first of the noble

House was Andreas. (To me this infers that if there is any sense of European nobility, royalty, and loyalty, it

starts with this House of Andros, and the name AlexAnder.)

King Edward the Exile (1016 – Late August 1057), also called Edward Ætheling, son of King Edmund

Ironside and of Ealdgyth. After the Danish conquest of England in 1016 Canute had him and his brother,

Edmund, exiled to the Continent. Edward was only a few months old when he and his brother were brought

to the court of Olof Skötkonung, with instructions to have the children murdered. (Olaf knew they were family

members) Instead, the two boys were secretly sent to Kiev, where Olof’s daughter Ingigerd (Irene) was the

Queen. Later Edward made his way to (Budapest) Hungary, probably in the retinue of Ingigerd’s son-in-law,

András in 1046, who he supported in his successful bid for the Hungarian throne.

(For those who don’t know it; in 1674 Sir Edmund (Edward) Andrus was the Imperial Executive of the

United States, from the House Of Stuart, and family of Queen Anne of Danmark.

Our Royal, Titled, Noble, and Commoner Ancestors & Cousins (over … 145 B.C.

|p3447.htm#i103563| Amyn-Andros of Athamania d. 189 .B.C… was the father of Alexander

VII (the disputed) King of Greece.

Saint Margaret Ætheling (means “the Exile”) (c. 1045 – 16 November 1093), also known as Margaret of

Wessex and Queen Margaret of Scotland, was an English princess of the House of Wessex. Born in exile in

Hungary, she was the sister of Edgar Ætheling, the short-ruling and uncrowned Saxon King of England.

Margaret and her family returned to England in 1057, but fled to Scotland following the Norman conquest of

1066. Around 1070 Margaret married Malcolm III, King of Scots, becoming his Queen consort.

Andrew I of Hungary was known as “Andrew the Catholic” for his extreme aversion to pagans, and great

loyalty to Rome, which probably could have induced Margaret to follow a pious life.

Queen Margaret “Atheling” married Malcolm III (Andros) “Canmore” (means Chief Great or Great Chief

depending on how you want to read it.) They are the parents of King Alexander I, King David, Edward,

Edmund, Edgar, Ethelred, Mary, and Edith who married Henry I of England.

(Black) Queen Philippa of England (1328) was the daughter of William of Hainault, a lord in part of what is

now Belgium. When she was (9) nine the King of England, Edward II, decided that he would marry his son, the

future Edward III, to her, and sent one of his bishops, a Bishop Stapeldon, to look at her. He described her thus:

“The lady whom we saw has not uncomely hair, betwixt blue-black and brown. Her head is cleaned shaped; her

forehead high and broad, and standing somewhat forward. Her face narrows between the eyes, and the lower

part of her face is still more narrow and slender than the forehead. Her eyes are blackish brown and deep. Her

nose is fairly smooth and even, save that is somewhat broad at the tip and flattened, yet it is no snub nose. Her

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nostrils are also broad, her mouth fairly wide. Her lips somewhat full and especially the lower lip…all her limbs

are well set and unmaimed, and nought is amiss so far as a man may see. Moreover, she is brown of skin all

over, and much like her father, and in all things she is pleasant enough, as it seems to us.”

The (Black) Prince Edward IV of England was black because of his mother, and not the “armor” he wore.

Around the year 2000, while on a nice gig for of an distinguished elder Pennsylvania senator, in Montreux,

Switzerland, I ventured off to a very ancient special place. Why did I go? Because I had read about this place in

an untold history book. I asked the other members of the band to go, but they declined interest, so I went alone.

The place was called Saint Maurice, high in the Alps. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for until the manager of

the restaurant inside the train station recommended that I go to the church, and gave me directions. The noble

officer Maurice was martyred around 280 A.D.because, he would not allow his 6660 men to kill his subjects for

the Roman Emperor’s bloodsport holidays. The soldiers sent to massacre his legion was another Black legion

filled with many soldiers whom he knew personally, but he would not kill anyone from Thebes, because he was

related to these people, as was Maurice “Duke of Saxony”, and the “Trinity Medal”. I would only tell people I

know, what I saw in the windows, because it was very disturbing, painful and personal to me. How personal? I

never imagined the depth of my relationship to this place, or why it was important that I go there.

(Mar 09, 2011) The title given to Sir John Andros in Guernsey 1543 was Seigneur of Saus-Marez . This title of

the original ancient family of Sausmarez is shared because of John’s wife Judith De Sausmarez. That’s why I

have the nic-name “Seigneury of Sausmarez” on major search engines. The story of Amias Andros ” Seigneur

de Sau-Mares (Saint Maurice) 1637 is a separate title in the family. Sao Mares (Saint Maurice’s) story was

hidden to facilitate slavery. During this time many black and white families left Europe because of racial and

religious intolerance. The family name DuMaresq should help us answer the question concerning the title

Seigneur de Samares given to Amias/Amici Andros by King Charles I. To understand and respect this

history, prepares one for Andros and the “House of Names”. Without the “Megas” Andros story there would

be no cheers of USA! USA! USA!

House of Names

(Click on House of Names) If your family’s name is here we may well be cousins. Royalty was created by

this knowledge that every family acknowledged, and respected, and loved the mother of their people. She has

a Royal line, and little to my knowledge, the black history websites have been onto this family crest story for

years. Because I found the will of a relative Thomas Andros/Andrus of Virginia online, I believe my story of

Lady Andros and the Andrus of New Orleans is accurate. If we can prove otherwise I will accept it.

Happy searching, as the list of family names get longer everyday.

The Royal family of Andrus/Andros/Andreas includes, Andrew, Andres, Andras, Ander, Anderson,

Guilleander, MacAndrew, MacIntyre, Ross, Tyre (Phoenicia), Ross of Pitcalnie, Anderson, Andrews, Andrie,

Andre, Corbet, Dingwall, Duthie, Fair, Haggart, MacCulloch, MacLulich, MacLullich, MacTaggart, MacTear,

MacTier, MacTire, Taggart, Train, Vass, Wass, Mohr, More, Morher, Mohrer, Mor, Moor and others. First

found in Austria and the Rhineland (Germany). —- Moret, Morez, Moré, Morais, Morey, Moraie, Moraies,

Mauret (Sao) Maurez, Maurais, Maurey, Mauraie, Mauraies, Morret, Maurret, Morrez, Morré, Morrais,

Maurrais, Morrey, Maurrey, Morraie, Maurraie, Morraies, Maurraies, Mouré, Mouret, Mourez, Mourière, de

Moret and many more. First found in Ile-de-France, where the family has held a family seat since ancient


Moore, More, Moor, O’More, Moores, Mores, McMore, Moire, Moare, MacMoore, McMoir, Moir, O’Moore,

O’Moire, McMoare, MacMoir, MacMoare, Mooer and many more. First found in Leicestershire, before the

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name had made its way to Ireland; .— Muir, Mure, Moor, Moore, Mure, More, Moorman, Mormon, and many

more. First found in Ayrshire, Scotland.

The Andros of Tyre in Phoenicia resisted Assyrian King Shalmanesers enslavement of the 10 Hebrew tribes.

The offspring of the Lady Andros is also Tyre. Megas Alex Andros bowed down to the Phoenician priests

dressed in purple robes, because he knew they were hereditary priests and scribes (House of Jacob) of Egypt’s

Habiru (Hebrew) kings (1504 B.C.) If these famous Andrian people’s name was Ander, they would have

named their islands Alex-Ander Islands instead of the Andros Islands:

The Holy Grail of Biblical Chronology

“Josephus” was quite insistent in claiming that the Hyksos (Ha-bi-ru) were actually the Hebrews, and that the

Exodus was the expulsion of the last of the 15th Dynasty kings from Egypt. The first is that Manetho, in the

version preserved by Eusebius, refers to the Hyksos not only as Shepherds (Hebrews), but as “Phoenicians.”

(purple dye) The Hebrew alphabet, (and Papy-Rus “Paper” used for writing scrolls) was derived from that of

the Phoenician Ha-bi-ru. (“swampy reeds of the Nile Delta”) . Hyksos (Greek) (Ha-bi- ru), are the one and

only “Rus” Royal clan of (Royal Hebrew scribes “Gille”) of the ancient dynasties of “other Shepherds”

Africanus and Manethos.

Tyre in the reign of Eluleus; and Men-ander (MenAndros) attests to it, who, when he wrote his Chronology,

and translated the archives of Tyre (Rus) into the Greek language (Ros), gives us the following history:

Many other cities of Hebrews delivered themselves up to the King of Assyria, Shalmaneser. Accordingly, when

the of Hebrews of Tyre (Andros also means “Warrior”) would not submit to him, the King returned, and fell

upon them again, while the Phoenicians had furnished him with threescore (60) ships, and eight hundred men

(most likely Andros cousins) to row them; and when the Tyrians of Tyre had come upon them in twelve (12)

ships, and the enemy’s ships were dispersed, they took five hundred men (500) prisoners, and the reputation of

all the citizens of Tyre was thereby increased; but the King of Assyria returned, and placed guards at their rivers

and aqueducts, who should hinder the Tyrians from drawing water. This continued for five years; and still the

Tyrians bore the siege, and drank of the water they had out of the wells they dug.”

This is what is written in the Tyrian archives concerning Shalmaneser, King of Assyria. Many black Hebrews

were never enslaved, and were always protected by the most high, and their families in the Greek Isles. The

colonies left Phoenicia with (the Torah) Tara into Spain. When Hannibal Barca came into Spain, Lady Andros

and her Moors, went through the Pyrenees through Navarre, Spain, into France, and then the British Isles. If

we can’t clearly see the similarities here between Phoenician, Galatians, and Celtic, we are not seeking truth.


Byth lym mo thym nociothii nel ech an ti daisc machon

Ys i do iebrim thyfe lyth chy lya chon temlyph ula.


Beth liom’ mo thime nociaithe, niel ach an ti dairie mae coinne

Is i de leabhraim tafach leith, chi lis con teampluibh ulla.

This is what happened to the other 10 tribes of Israel. “So the ten tribes of the Israelites were removed out of

Judea nine hundred and forty-seven years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, He

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transplanted other nations out of Cuthah, into the country of the Israelites”. The story is after Babylon, many

Hebrews moved north to Scythia, east of Thracia.

The black Hebrews started praying as they knew this slavery not. This slavery include pain, and torture that

many could not endure, or survive. This will be a forced Exodus of the black Hebrews. America slavery would

be the final black Hebrew exodus before the end times. For many, America and the Islands would become their

land of “milk and honey”.

Love and Peace, Jesse Ben Andrus

(For any questions concerning my right to tell this story, go to these web searches.)

Clan Siol Andrea

Sir Edmond Andrus AKA JesseBen

This has been a long, exciting, and painful journey. Hopefully in years to come, we will seek out family and

reconnect in the name of respect, and kindness. Jesse Ben Andrus

Categorized in 15th Dynasty of Egypt, Africa, Afro Cubano Music, Alessandros de Medici, Alexander the

Great, Alexandria, Alexandros Ptolemy X, Amazing Historical Corrections, Amazing Story, American History,

Andrian, Andros, Andros Islands, Andrus Armistice, Antioch, Apollo, Apostle Andreas, Apostle St Andrew,

Assyria, Bahamas, Betsy Ross, Black British Royalty, Black Hebrews, Black History, Caledonia, Channel

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Islands, Christina de Ross, Churches, Clan Siol Alpin, Clan Siol Andrea, Cleopatra III, Creole, Cuba, Denmark,

Dublin, Egypt, Emancipation, England, Entertainment, Family History, Family Reunion of 1860, France,

General Andreas, George Ross (Declaration of Independance), Germany, Great American Saga, Great Internet

Story, Greece, Guernsey, Guillory Family, House of Names, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jazz, Joseph Andrus

July 4, 1776, Kassandros, King Brian Boru, King Cassander, King Charles I of England, King Charles II, King

Colla, King Conn, King Duncan I (Andrew), King Edmund "Ironside", King Milesius, Kings, Land Of Rus,

Louisiana, MacAndrews of Scotland, Macedonia, Magnas Olafson, Malcolm "Canmore" Andrew, Master of

Ceremonies, Megas Alex Andros III, Moors, Music, Muurs, Nassau, New Orleans, Persia, Pharoah, Phoenicia,

Portugal, Prince Andrus of Rus, Prince Edward the Exile, Princess Tamar Tephi, Queen Margaret of Scotland,

Queen Scota, Reggae, Religion, Revolutionary War, Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Rome, Royalty, Russia,

Saint Margeret, Saint Maurice, Saint Maurus Day, Scotland, Sir Amias/Amici/Andros, Sir Edmond Andrus, Sir

Edmund "Edward" Andros, Sir John Andros de Sausmarez, Sir William Andros/Andrus/Andrews, Slavery,

Spain, Sweden, Syria, Thomas Andros, Treaty of Andrusova, Tunisia, Turkey, Varangian Rus, Vikings,

Virginia, War of 1812 and World History

hor and publisher Jesse Ben Andrus/Andros/Andrews has compiled World Wide Web pages that

support his Jesse Ben’s History Page, which connects African and European Royalty in an American

history setting. An amazing, and uplifting search for lost Royalty in the Americas.

Here is the Andrews/Andrus shield quartered with de

Sausmarez part of an ancient family line with connections in America. Edward Andrews/Andrus (America

1639), and Gov. Edward Andros (1674) use green on gold saltire. With the many Andrews families and shields

emerging, and (foresite) it was a necessity for Andrews/Andros to adopt the “Chief” argent three mullets sable.

The last picture was used as an Official Seal with “Supporters” of the state of Connecticut. Beware! Don’t

assume one of these Coat of Arms unless you can pay the College of Arms to register your lineage, or

participate in the “Tornament”.

If any of these things are true I’d like to meet Prince Charles, or an emissary on an Island or somewhere, and

ask him what does he think about the Andros in America story, and tell him what happened to Andrus in

Louisiana was in response to them being noble, and questioning the government when something wasn’t right. I

think their stories and souls are crying out to be heard, especially in the old south.

My sincere apologies to the Crown for all the mistakes, and dibble headed ignorance in terms of Royal protocol,

and racial sensitivity. Special thanks to Prince Harry who’s web site came through when the animosity started in

2010. It was a very welcomed, important and most honorable statement, and I know your generation is even

more tolerant of other races, and I commend all of you.

I ask you; Who is the enemy? Is it other religions or world governments? Misinformed man can be his own

worst enemy.

When you get to my age, and you’re related to so many people, a musician, also a veteran of many years, its

hard to hate. I do understand that nations hate one another for historical and economic reasons. To dislike events

of the past is different from disliking individuals of today. This is a very special year for all, and hopefully the

world will realize what Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II contributes in revenue to her country. She gives 85% or

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more of her income from Real Estate to the Government, which is unheard of with America’s “One Percent”,

and she creates an estimated 96 billion pounds a year in tourism. These things reduce taxes on common people,

and allow for the growth of their Nation. If New York city made that much from tourism, I don’t think it would

“trickle down” to other parts of the country. The money seems to stay around Wall Street insiders.

Andrews ARMS—Gules, a saltire, or; surmounted of another, vert. CREST—On a wreath, a BlackaMoor’s

head in profile, couped at the shoulders, and wreathed about the temples.

Here is the royal Governor Edmund Andrus more elaborate “Coat of Arms”, which includes the families of

Andrews of Denton, King Malcolm III “Ceanmor” (Andrew) of Scotland and Queen Margaret (Anjou), de

Haviland, de Sausmarez, de Saumarez, Crispe, and many others..

(Quarterly of eight): 1st and 6th Argent on a chevron Gules between three leopard’s faces Sable three castles Or

(Saumarez); 2nd and 5th Gules a saltire Or surmounted of another Vert, on a chief Argent three mullets Sable

(Andros); 3rd and 8th Ermine a fess checky Argent and Sable (Crispe); 4th and 7th Or on a chevron Sable five

horseshoes Argent (Crispe) cf. 207. 10 (nephew of Thomas Andros/ Virginia)

French Nobility

(Jan. 3, 2012) This Ermine of Brittany/England is part of the royal furs, which the king, queens, and other

nobility wore, because of the colder climates. France was ruled also by the Fulks (folks) of Anjou(Andrew),

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when the Anjou family asked Charles Martel (714 A.D.) to defend Europe after the (Jihadi) Muurs and

Moslems of Arabia, crossed from Spain into France. Let us not forget that Andrew of Hungary, Germany, and

Bavaria came to the aid of Charles Martel de Anjou, in order to repel the invaders. It was Charles Martel’s

grandson Charlemagne“the Great” who united many kingdoms creating the “Holy” Roman Empire.

Around 1066 it is said that Sir Robert Andrews/Anjou, of Normandy, Knight. came into Denton (Dan-town),

England with “William the Conqueror”, and married the daughter and heiress of Sir Robert of Winwick, in the

county of Nort-Hammtun or North (Ham-town), a parish lying in the hundreds of “Guiles” burrows (with

surnames), on the skirts of that county, upon the borders of Warwickshire. On this march he settled there

(Winwick), and this place became the seat of his posterity for many ages. He was succeeded by his son and


The French system of apanage is ancient, and was created to keep records, peace and harmony in the royal

families. Words like birthright and inheritance, created fear in families, and caused jealousy, envy, and

sometimes hatred. These attitudes suppressed the spiritual growth of the royal family, which is why the apanage

system was created. 293 princes fighting for “Grand Prince” in Rus Land is why the confederacy collapsed,

moving the (Anjou) Athelings and the Eastern Crown of Andrew to Scotland.

Page 12: AddendumtoChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestClaims

Who was this ancestor Sir Robert Andrews (d’Audrieu) of Normandy, and did he use different names or titles

that could help us better connect with the family? I’ve played music for so many social affairs and private

parties throughout Europe, with many world leaders and royals in attendance in the late 70’s. Had I known any

of this history, I would have had more to speak on, and would have taken more interest in the history of the

Castles and Estates we’ve performed and visited. I was at the gates of Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and Ronnie

Scott’s jazz club on Frith Street, all in London, as a young man.(20)

Elizabeth Andrews b.1444 was the daughter and co-heir of John Andrews (b1421) of Weston in Norfolk &

Elizabeth Stratton. Elizabeth Andrews was an ancestor of King Edward I. She married first Baron Thomas de

Windsor and had a son, Andrew Windsor who was summoned to Parliament as Baron Windsor in 31 Henry

VIII. She married second Sir Robert de Lytton, KB. This may explain why Edmund was always close to Queen

Elizabeth I.

In 1543 Judith de Sausmarez of Guernsey married John Andrews/(Andros), of Charwelton, Northumberland,

(John) whose ancestry can be traced back through 11 generations to Henry de Grey, (Elizabeth Poultney)

through Richard’s brother Jean, and many generations beyond that to the first Dukes of Normandy and other

members of English and French nobility prior to 1000 AD. (John Andrews certificate is from the family of

Ralph Andrews of “Grays Inn”, son of Thomas Andrews, family of Sir Robert Andrews 1066.) Guillaume

d’Audrieu (Battle Abbey Roll) and Robert d’Audrieu/Andrews

(Veterans Day 2011) In 1417, Henry V proclaimed the first criminal law in heraldic law: he outlawed the

practice of assuming coats of arms Sir Jesse “de Sausmarez” Andros, descendant of Sir Robert Andrews 1066

(2002 – 2010) exile.

The proclamation also empowered the Sheriffs or other representatives of the king to deface the malefactor’s

coat of arms, wherever it may have been-on his banner, his shield, or other chattels (like cars and business). The

proclamation was related to the practice of heraldic visitations (Invisible College), which, though its earliest

records date from the reign of Edward IV (the Black Prince), probably goes as far back as the reign of Henry V.

Heraldic visitations were made by the heads of the king’s heraldic establishment, the College of Arms, which

was only formally organized in the reign of Richard III. However, the seeds had been sown years before.

England was divided into “provinces,” similar to the archdiocesan division of England, with Norroy in the

North, starting at the Trent, and Clarenceux south of the Trent(on)

The king’s chief heralds, called the Kings of Arms, were usually given the name of a province or one of his

dominions… paramount King of Arms and had special duties towards the (Knights of the Garter), and were

required by oaths dating from the reign of Henry V to take a survey of “all the armigers” in their provinces,

which came to be called visitations, after the ecclesiastical inspections.

Usually, a visitation was preceded by a royal writ to the Sheriff of the shire in which the king of arms, or his

chosen representative, usually one of the king’s lesser heralds, was to visit. The writ ordered the sheriff, or his

subordinates, to give the visitor a “list” of all the men who used coats of arms, or who styled themselves

(gentlemen), in the shire. Once the visitor arrived at the shire (town), he got “the list of gentry“, and either

visited the gentry in their own houses, or had them summoned to the chief town in their wapentake.

Page 13: AddendumtoChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestClaims

When the (invisible) visitor had met the gentry, he asked them to “prove their right”, either by grant or

demonstrating ancient use (that is, use since time out of mind), to the coats of arms that they used. Since

grants of coats of arms were fairly uncommon, as they were a display of Royal favor, most gentlemen proved

their rights by demonstrating ancient use, usually by displaying old sealed documents, stained glass, or other

church monuments. If one could not prove his right to use a coat of arms, he was forced to disclaim his rights,

and whatever bore this illegitimate coat of arms had to have it removed or defaced.

The Kings of Arms were also required to “know the family ties” of the gentlemen in their provinces, in order to

cadence and quarter their coats of arms properly, and so, after proving their right to their coats of arms, the

gentlemen stated their genealogy, as far back “as they could”. (Sir Anthony (Kt.) and family members)

My father was called Bute (Andrus), The Stewarts here in this story are the Stuarts of Bute, and family of

Andrus. Uncles Jesse, Edward, and my aunts Putney, Irene, and Linda are all a part of the Stewarts of Bute,

Scotlands move to Putney, England.

(Wikipedia “Bute”) This John Stewart(1360) was granted the lands of Bute, Arran and Cumbrae by his father.

(King Robert II and Moira Leitch) He was known as the “Black” Stewart’ because of his dark complexion,…

his brother was John Stewart of DunDonald, known as the “Red” Stewart. The grant of lands was confirmed in

1400 by a charter of Robert III… About 1385, John Stewart of Bute was granted the hereditary office of

(Viscount) Sheriff of Bute by his father King Robert II “Stewart” of Scotland.

(Wikipedia “Putney”)King Charles II reviewed his forces on Putney Heath in 1684; in May, 1767, George III

reviewed the Guards, and the Surrey Volunteers at the same spot in 1799.[9] According to Samuel Pepys,

Charles II and his brother, the Duke of York used to run horses here. A stone and brick (Egyptian) obelisk was

erected on Putney Heath in 1770…

“Now we see why Sir Edmond Andrus was the most controversial Royal Governor in American history. In the

midst of all races, he was trusted by the most powerful kings and queens, because they knew he had true love

for all people, including the indigenous people. He was governor of New Ham(p)shire, Maine, Massachusetts,

(New England), Rhode Island, Connecticut, (New) York, (New) Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, British Virgin

Islands, Guernsey, Sark and Alderney in the British Channel Islands. He was the brother in law of Lord William

Craven of North Carolina and family of de Haviland and Carteret of (New) Jersey. His family is filled with

many spiritual, controversial, philanthropic, charitable, and blessed world leaders in history.

“Some sites are controversial and have to be studied for their merit and truth. The authors views on race

relations, history, and other issues are not my own, and only an insight into opposing views on (popular


“All races in America need to have informed reliable sources for their information and misinformation. Let us

as men and women choose what to believe, when confronted with these historical questions. Many black and

white people in America have been taught to hate the Royal Governors(1776)and Kings, because they feel no

sovereign (so far away) should be able to control or tax them. We don’t hear the other side of the story, here in

America, and no one knew that they would invent jet planes, telephones, computers, or the Andro. Now we’re

back to 1776 with regards to taxes. Is the U.S. Government indebted to other countries?”

“No one should be dumbfounded by the fact these Web Sites have priority according to the web corporations

involved, and not I. Even if I had no Lady Andros blood in me, and had lost in the “tournament”, I know that

many, many people will benefit from my story, and our children will find each other, and communicate with a

new found respect, and love for education and history.” Jesse Ben Andrus

Black British Royalty

Page 14: AddendumtoChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestClaims

(This is a Black History web site)

This family was strongly associated with the Scottish Clan Ros, . It was originally known as the Clan Siol

Andrea, meaning the race of Andrew. However, from about the …(Varangian Rus, Ethiopian Ras and Ros-

Icrusians) Kievan Rus – Phoenician Andrus- Greek Andros/Andreas – Russian Andrus- Danish/ Hungarian

Andras- Spanish Andres -French/Canadian Andre – Scottish/Irish/British/American “Andrew”

..English Monarchs – Kings and Queens of England – Charles II. (British Royals history web


One of the nick-names he acquired was the Black Boy . His height, at six feet two … Charles then spent six

desperate weeks as a fugitive in hiding in England, …. much time at a convent at Hammersmith and later

moved to Somerset House. …

EgyptSearch Forums: Black Nobility of Europe – How it’s Hidden

(This is a Black History web site)

Aug 9, 2010 – This family was strongly associated with the Clan Ross. It was originally known as the Clan Siol

Andrea, meaning the race of Andrew.

Jesse Andrus “Seigneury of Sausmarez” by Jesse Andrus on Myspace

Apr 27, 2011 – My cousins De Carteret’s owned (New) Jersey and sold half to Sir Edmond Andrus making

them along with John Berkley, proprietors of New Jersey. …The “Isle of Man” and “Channel Islands” are

Crown dependents. The Channel Islands are not part of the United Kingdom. They are dependent territories of

the English Crown, as successor to the Dukes of Normandy, they have “ancient” special relations with the


The most prominent seigneury to date is the “Seigneury of Sausmarez”, which remains the “first” of the 12

seigneuries from the 13th century to pay homage to the Queen, or her representative in official ceremonys.

The prominent names in this story from Guernsey, Jersey, Alderny, and Sark in the Channel Islands include the

original “Pirates of the Caribbean” John Andros/Sausmarez, Thomas Andros, Amias Andros/SauMarez,

Charles Andros, Edmund Andros, Phillip and James Saumarez, Thomas Andros de la Rue 1st Baronet, and a

host of influential relatives through marriage. Part of the worlds greatest Navy, they were called “Privateers”.

Their job was to seize French and Spanish ships, and split the profits with the Crown. Amias “Charles”

Andros Esq. of London has a picture of King Charles II that I would like to see.

The history of Guernsey and its bailiwick: with occasional notices … – Google Books Result

…Ferdinand Brock Tupper – 1854 – Guernsey (Channel Islands) – 527 pages

CHARLES II. — 1660 to 1685. The islanders had suffered so much from the exactions of the … that Sir Henry

De Vic, knight and baronet ; Mr. Amias Andros, … was subsequently ” Resident for King Charles I. nearly

twenty (20) years in …

The imperial executive in America: Sir Edmund Andros, 1637-1714 – Google Books Result Mary Lou

Lustig – 2002 – Biography & Autobiography – 339 pages – Amias Andros defended the castle for nine years

and was still on Guernsey when King Charles I was executed on 30 January 1649. Charles II, the king in

exile, …(Racial bigotry and hatred was at an all time high, to the shock of many people and religious

organizations, if they could execute an English King, no one was safe.)

Page 15: AddendumtoChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestClaims

The History Box | Chronology of New York City’s Factual “First”|1600

… which continued but a year and a quarter, when under a new treaty the of colony (New Netherlands) was

surrendered by the Dutch to Sir Edmund Andrus, the British representative, and renamed New York…

Encyclopedia of religion in American politics – Google Books Result

Jeffrey D. Schultz, John G. West, Iain S. MacLean – 1999 – Political Science – 389 pages Grand Rapids, Ml:

William B. Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 1992. … royal governor Sir William Andros (Governor of

Massachusetts Bay colony) and, when actual rebellion against Andros broke out, …


JULY 4th, 1776. Perhaps the most riveting item we have ever had: a manuscript Document Signed by Joseph

Andrus, prominent patriot in the oldest town in New England…Autographed (Joseph was friend of the 1st

president George Washington, John Adams, and others.)

Descendants of Norman MacLeod

McLeod Clan descendants of Royal House of Norway and the Son of Olave the Black. … (Vikings)

McLeod–2nd chief(tormod means normand) ;Torquil–founder of Siol Torquil; … COLONIAL AND STATE

RECORD OF NC, roll #33, L Andrea Collection …Andress Research Notes

Item Title

Oct 10, 2010 – Signatures to Oath of Allegiance to King James II. and the Lords Proprietors, … From James

Clement of London and Charles, Lord Baltimore, … photograph of an original painting of King Charles II,

owned by Amias Charles Andros, Esq., of London. … Is Amias Andros the brother in law of King Charles


Encyclopedia Virginia: Andros, Sir Edmund (1637–ca. 1714)

Born in London, Andros enjoyed ties to the family of Charles II, served in the … that he would aid New York

during King William’s War (1689–1697) and raise the … the second of four sons and third of seven children of

Amice (or Amias) Andros …

The Dublin review – Google Books Result

…Nicholas Patrick Wiseman – 1877

These were Sir Henry Devic, Bart., Mr. Amias Andros above-mentioned, … one of the Andros family was

honoured with the office of Cupbearer to Charles II. …

The Atlantic monthly – Google Books Result…Philip Gengembre Hubert – 1890

He was, at the Restoration, made vice-chamberlain to the king and treasurer of the navy, and is a prominent

official figure in Charles II. … These lie clearly mirrored in a letter to his friend, Amias Andros, a Guernsey

gentleman, …

Bulletin of the New York Public Library – Google Books Result

Page 16: AddendumtoChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestClaims…New York Public Library – 1898 – Reference

1712 Portrait : Charles II., King of Great Britain. ” King Charles the IId. … “From the original picture in

possession of Amias Charles Andros“ …why?

The men and women of the Wadsworth family have secured a …

However, a new king, James II, appointed Sir Edmond Andrus as governor over all New England, and

instructed him to retrieve the charter from the citizens of …

Archaeologia Americana: transactions and collections of the … – Google Books Result

…American Antiquarian Society – 1874 – United States

A Narrative of the Miseries of New England, By Reason of the Government of Sir Edmund Andrus.

(Anonymous.) London, Printed. Boston. …

Sketches of New England divines – Google Books Result

.David Sherman – 1860 – Christian biography – 443 pages But it so happened that this government pleased

neither party, (British or American interests) and hence was soon succeeded by another, at the head of which

was Sir Edmund Andrus as …

Practical hints for the teachers of public schools – Google Books Result

…George Howland – 1898 - Teaching giving as much emphasis to the scarlet and purple of Sir Edmund

Andrus as to the skirmish at Lexington or the surrender at Yorktown. …

Western camera notes: a monthly magazine of pictorial photography – Google Books Result

Minneapolis Camera Club, National Association of Amateur Photographers - 1901 – Photography

The doings of Sir Edmund Andrus, Salem witch-craft, the flight of James II, King William and his war,

Queen Anne, the Georges, the French and Indian wars, ..

The Life and Legacy of Jonathan Wadsworth (1729-1777) – Sons of ..

Unfortunately a new king in England (James II) appointed Sir Edmond Andrus as governor over all New

England, and the King instructed Andrus to retrieve the …

The Spirit of ’76 – Google Books Result

.1896 – Biography & Autobiography

1692, Sir Edmond Andrus; 1698. Francis Nicholson; 1705, Edward Natt; 1706, Edmund Jennings: 1710.

Alexander Spots- wood (Lieut.-Gov.

A political and civil history of the United States of America: … – Google Books Result

…1828 – History – 528 pages

The famous Sir Edmund Andrus was appointed governor in 1674 ; and he strongly opposed these claims of the

people. His conduct was approved by his royal …

Edmond Andrus – Pipl Profiles

Page 17: AddendumtoChiefNanyaEilMoorCrestClaims

new king in England (James II) appointed Sir Edmond Andrus as governor over all … Sir Edmond Andrus

entered the town of Hartford, on Monday, October 31, … (I was with trumpeter Johnny Coles Orchestra in the

park in downtown Hartford, for an afternoon of Jazz. I don’t think it was Halloween though.)

Sketches – Google Books Result

.Lydia Howard Sigourney – 1839 – History – 216 pages

In 1687, Sir Edmund Andrus, a sycophant of the House of Stuart, … Sir Edmund Andrus, proceeding to New-

Haven fixed his suspicious eye on a stranger whom …(With Jay Stollman and the All-Stars I was playing a

private party in New-Haven for Yale Alumni at Yale University, with a NewYork governor presiding.)

Amazing Story

Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford: Captain

He was in command of the fort at Saybrook, when Sir Edmund Andrus attempted to gain the place for his

master, the Duke of York, in 1675. The bravery and …

“These sites make us all look at our lack of knowledge concerning the World and “Order”, and I believe after

the dust settles, it will form a stronger Union, provided we remember why we’ve been blessed in the midst of

our differences. We don’t need a New World Order, we need only improve on the Orders that were given to us

thousands of years ago. If you want to be close to the Truth ( religious or scientific) this is what it says.

Anything less, and the world will be heading for self destruction.”

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows

God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:7-8, ESV)

Categorized in (Old) Swabia, 15th Dynasty of Egypt, Africa, Afro Cubano Music, Alessandros de Medici,

Alexander the Great, Alexandria, Alexandros Ptolemy X, Amazing Historical Corrections, Amazing Story,

American History, Andrian, Andros, Andros Islands, Andrus Armistice, Anjou, Antioch, Apollo, Apostle

Andreas, Apostle St Andrew, Bahamas, Betsy Ross, Black British Royalty, Black Hebrews, Black History,

Caledonia, Channel Islands, Charlemagne "the Great", Christina de Ross, Churches, Clan Siol Alpin, Clan Siol

Andrea, Cleopatra III, Creole, Cuba, Denmark, Dublin, Egypt, Emancipation, England, Entertainment, Family

History, France, Freemasons, General Andreas, George Ross (Declaration of Independance), Greece, Guernsey,

House of Names, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jamaica, Jazz, Joseph Andrus July 4, 1776, King Charles I of

England, King Charles II, King Duncan I (Andrew), King Edmund "Ironside", King Milesius, Land Of Rus,

Louisiana, MacAndrews of Scotland, Macedonia, Magnas Olafson, Malcolm "Canmore" Andrew, Master of

Ceremonies, Megas Alex Andros III, Music, Muurs, Nassau, Navarre, New Orleans, Normandy, Norway,

Persia, Pharoah, Phoenicia, Portugal, Prince Andrus of Rus, Prince Edward IV, Prince Edward the Exile,

Princess Tamar Tephi, Queen Margaret of Scotland, Queen Scota, Reggae, Revolutionary War, Rhythm and

Blues, Rock and Roll, Rome, Royalty, Russia, Saint Margeret, Saint Maurice, Saint Maurus Day, Scotland, Sir

Amias Andros de Sao Marez, Sir Amias/Amici/Andros, Sir Edmond Andrus, Sir Edmund "Edward" Andros, Sir

John Andros de Sausmarez, Sir William Andros/Andrus/Andrews, Slavery, Spain, Sweden, Thomas Andros,

Treaty of Andrusova, Tunisia, Turkey, Varangian Rus, Vikings, Virginia, War of 1812 and World History