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Smt. P. N. Doshi Chronicles

Activities and Faculty Achievements of Home -

Science Section

Smt. Nanavati B. M. College of Home


Department of Human Development

TY B.Sc Human Development students

successfully completed their internship from

November 16 to December 24, 2014 at

Sulabha Special School, Chembur and

Gurukul Centre for Special Children,


TY B.Sc Human Development students

visited the following centers for children in

Thane - Child e s De elop e tal Li a , Little Steps Day Care Centre, Knowledge

Centre, and Anushrut- A Waldorf inspired

School on January 28, 2015.

SY B.Sc students attended the annual sports

meet of preprimary section of Lokpuram

School as part of Curriculum Practical on

December 19, 2014.

TY B.Sc and SY B.Sc students attended the

Annual Parents Day Program of Preprimary

section of Lokpuram Public School on

February 07, 2015.

TY B.Sc and SY B.Sc Human Development

students participated in an Inter College

Puppet Show Competition on February 13,

2015 organized by our department and the

SY B.Sc students won the 1st and 2

nd prizes.

TY B.Sc and SY B.Sc students attended the

project display, exhibition of teaching aids

and puppet show by teacher trainees and

staff of Mobile Crèches on February 14,


TY B.Sc students attended the panel

discussion and exhibition on Child Rights on

February 25, 2015 at Department of Human

Development, SNDT University,

SY B.Sc students attended the Annual day of

preprimary section, Arya Gurukul School,

Kalyan on February 28, 2015

TY B.Sc and SY B.Sc students visited the

Godrej Udyachal School, Vikhroli on March

05, 2015 to gain insight into the teaching

methodology and physical facilities of an

ideal preprimary school.

TY B.Sc Human Development students

participated in Wo e s Da ‘all a d presented a Street Play Stop Violence

against Women, organized by Shri

Saptashringi Mahila Mandal, Ghatkopar on

March 08, 2015.

TY B.Sc Human Development students

visited Khel Khazana Toy Library at

Ghatkopar on March 26, 2015.

Department of Food Science and


Placed final year B.Sc. students for

internship at various places- Food

analytical laboratories, food industry and

NGO. The period of internship was of six

weeks that commenced from November

03 to December 04, 2014.

Students were placed with Pestonji Ice

Cream at Kandivali, Mahananda Dairy

Goregaon, Anazeal Analyticals and

Research Private Limited, Ramakrishna

Bajaj – CFBP food testing laboratory at

Juhu campus and at Vista Foods Pvt Ltd,

Taloja Industrial Estate.

Ms Yogita Soni T.Y Bsc participated in

research project related to consumers

and nutrition labeling as part of

internship under Ms. Manisha Parelkar

which gave her a chance to get familiar

with interview techniques and also

coding of the data.

Student Activities of Food Science &

Nutrition Department

Students of TYBSc FSN worked in 3 areas

to create Nutrition & Fitness Awareness

amongst the FYBSc students; which were

as follows:

Importance of Healthy Choices

for Adolescents when eating

foods away from home.

Exercise for Fitness

Understanding Nutrition Labels &

using them effectively

Students of TYBSc FSN developed recipes

on the theme Happy Healty and

Happening Recipes for kids as a part of

their Food Product Development


Department of Resource Management

Ms. Jadhav Sandhya and Ms. Shaikh Fatima

participated in an inter college competition

on Residential Design Category on January

18, 2015 at Bhau Saheb Hirey College

TY B.Sc and SY B.Sc Students organized one

day student led-se i a titled: I o atio Be o d “ ua e Feet on February 13, 2015.

Campus Recruitment organized for TY B.Sc

students for Godrej and Boyce Mfg. co.pvt.

Ltd in February 2015 and Ms. Priyanka

Mistry was selected.

Arranged Heritage walk to Dr. D. N. Road

and Kalagoda for R.M students on February

13, 2015

Ms. Smriti Mittal awarded 1st

prize in

cookery competition during college fest.

"You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are." — Melissa Etheridge

Tales of Empowerment: Revolutionary

road: Kiran Bedi , Social Activist

Dr kiran Bedi has stepped beyond the

traditional role assigned to women and

set a benchmark of courage for others.

Her stand against corruption put her at

the forefront of the neo-nationalist anti-

corruption movement in 2011and her

drive for social justice goes beyond her


On the radar: "The year 2011 passed by

fighting against corruption by way of an

effective system in place which does not

exist so far. 2012 would be a natural

sequel to what was sown and invested

during the time," she says. Her focus in

the days ahead is to prepare with Team

Anna, a compelling ground for an

effective Lokpal at the centre and

Lokayuktas at the state level.

Successful living: "Convictions, beliefs,

value for time and for personal growth

and constant contribution for others.

These things drive and sustain me."

Through the looking glass: "When I look

back, the fondest memory of my career in

the Indian police service was when I

conducted a meditation programme for

prisoners at Tihar Jail in 1994. That set in

motion everything that was to come later

in life," she says.

The lesson: She outraged politicians with

her public enactment of their hypocrisy. "I

did not apologies for my actions. I

believed in them."

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Smt. P. N. Doshi Chronicles

Activities and Faculty Achievements of Home -

Science Section

Staff Activities (Human Developement)

Dr. Asha Menon

P ese ted a pape titled Ea l Adolescents

Pe eptio a d ‘espo se to Pe so al “t ess at the International Conference on Stress

Management Professionals, ICSMP from

November 06 – 08, 2014 Hyderabad.

P ese ted a pape titled Ba ie s to Gi l s Education and Gender Equality: Primary

School Tea he s Pe spe ti e at the CE“I Conference 2014 held from November 16 –

18, 2014, Delhi.

Talk gi e o P e e ti g HIV/AID“ to commemorate Worlds AIDS Day to NSS

volunteers on December 1, 2014 at SPND

Wo e s ollege.

Trained 350 Anganwadi workers at Wada,

Kalyan on Quality Care in Early Childhood on

December 1, 2014

Organized a lecture series on Issues Related

to Women for Jagar Janavancha program on

December 10, 2014

P ese ted a pape titled T ait E otio al Intelligence and Peer Popularity among Pre

Adoles e t Gi ls at the I te atio al Conference on Public Mental Health and

Neurosciences, December 18 and 19, 2014,

Bengaluru. Secured 1st place in Oral

Presentation and published in International

Journal Of Public Mental Health and

Neurosciences, IJPMN, ISSN 2394-4668,

Volume 1, Issue 1, December -2014, pg- 9-14

Conducted community outreach program on

understanding emotions for the parents of

Sulabha Special School, Chembur on

December 24, 2014

Appointed as Ph.D Guide in “NDT Wo e s University, Mumbai

P ese ted a pape titled Ge de Bias To Health a e I I dia at the UGC “po so ed T o Da Natio al Co fe e e o Wo e s Quest For Equality In India: Promise,

P o le s a d P ospe ts at K.G. Joshi College of Arts and N.G. Bedekar College of

Commerce, Thane on January 9 to 10 ,2015

and published in conference proceedings,

ISBN: 978-81-922741-4-0,Pg.-62-66

Worked as organizing Secretary for the two

day ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on

Landscapes Of Ageing: Critical Issues,

Emerging Possibilities on January 30 and 31,


Organized an Inter College Puppet Show

Competition on February 13, 2015.

Attended UGC Sponsored Short Term Course

on Mentoring Students for their Progression

at ASC Mumbai from February 16 to 21,


Invited as LIC member for the PG Diploma in

Early Childhood Education of Maniben

Na a ati Wo e s College, Vile Pa le o February 26, 2015.

P ese ted a pape titled ‘ole of NGOs I Developing Life Skills in Under Privileged

Adoles e t Gi ls: A Case “tud at the Natio al “e i a O ‘ole of NGOs In

Natio Buildi g held o Fe ua , 2015

at Adarsh College, Badlapur

Coauthored and published a booklet titled

Pla , Lea a d G o Togethe fo Anganwadi Supervisors, sponsored by Lions

Club and Lioness Club of Thane Kopri, March


Invited as Guest speaker to take a session on

Kohl e g s Theo of Mo al De elop e t: Application and Criticism for TY BSc Human

Development students on March 5, 2015 at

SVT College of Home Science, Juhu

Question paper setter and examiner for the

pape I t oduction to Theories of Child

De elop e t at “VT College of Ho e Science, Juhu.

Conducted a sessio o Ti e Ma age e t for FYBA stude ts of “PNDoshi Wo e s College, Ghatkopar on March 14, 2015

Published a Co – authored paper titled

Tea he s Pe eptio on Writing Readiness

in Formal Gujarati and English Medium

P es hools i Mu ai , ‘esea h I p i ts, Vol 3, 2014-2015, ISSN NO.2278-4268. P. NO

103 - 112

P ese ted a pape titled Co po ate “o ial Responsibility: An Initiative Towards

Developing Leadership Skills In

U de p i ileged Gi ls at the Multidisciplinary National Seminar on

Oppo tu ities and Challenges in Emerging

Ma ket E o o ies Ma h a d , at Maniben Nanavati Women's College, Vile


Question paper setter and examiner for B.Sc

(HD) Semester IV and VI papers, SNDT

Wo e s U i e sit

Invited for Syllabus Restructuring for PG

Diploma on March 26, 2015 at Department

of Human Development, SNDT University

Presented a paper titled I itiati es take the Elementary School Teachers to Enhance

Gender Equality in the Class at the International Conference on Contemporary

Issues in Education, May 17 to 19, 2015,

Dubai, UAE.

Chaired a session on Elementary Education

at the International conference on

Contemporary Issues in Education from May

17 to 19, 2015, Dubai, UAE

Ms. Shobha Bharat

Conducted a one day workshop for 150

preprimary teachers of Tree House on

December 08, 2014 at Department of

Hu a De elop e t, “NDT Wo e s University

Organized college level Poster Painting

Competition on E e teasi g, Ge de “e sitizatio a d Fe ale Feti ide o December 10, 2014 as a part of Jagar

Janavancha Initiative

Organized a display of posters and

conducted a signature campaign to create

a a e ess o Wo e s issues at Ghatkopa railway station and nearby vicinity of college

on December 11, 2014 followed by an

exhibition in the college on December 12,


Conducted a workshop on Enhancing

Personality for NSS Students on December

24, 2014 at Ane Village

Conducted a Parent education session on

emotio al i tellige e titled Bha a a h a Jagat fo Pa e ts at “ula ha “pe ial “ hool on December 24, 2014

Invited as resource person for Master

T ai e s o kshop o E otio al Intelligence for Pediatricians, psychologists,

psychiatrists and teachers at Jupiter Hospital

from December 25 – 30, 2014 organized by

EQUIP Kids, Thane

Organized and participated in two day

se i a titled La ds apes of Agei g o January 30 – , at “PND Wo e s college.

Invited as Guest of Honor at the Annual day

of Preprimary Section of Arya Gurukul

School, Kalyan on February 28, 2015

Invited as resource person for a Panel

Discussion on Child Rights held at

Department of Human Development, SNDT

University, on February 24, 2015.

Invited for Syllabus Restructuring of P G

Diploma Course in Early Childhood Care and

Education by Department of Human

Development, SNDT University, on March

26, 2015.

Paper Setter and Examiner for SNDT

Wo e s University, Mumbai University,

and SVT Juhu College and Goa College of

Home Science, Goa University.

Ho o g is it fo a o a to e pe t the a to uild the o ld she a ts, athe tha to eate it he self? ― A aïs Ni

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Smt. P. N. Doshi Chronicles

Activities and Faculty Achievements of Home -

Science Section

Coauthored and published a booklet on

Pla , Lea a d G o Togethe fo Anganwadi Supervisors, sponsored by Lions

Club and Lioness Club of Thane Kopri, March


Conducted a three day Workshop on Puppet

Making and Manipulation for SY B.Sc

students to enable them to participate in the

Inter college puppet show competition held

at “PND Wo e s ollege.

Organized a visit to Godrej Udyachal School

for TY B.Sc and SY B.Sc students on March

05, 2015

Trained 350 Aaganwadi workers and

supervisors of ICDS program at Wada on

Quality Care of Infants and Preschoolers

jointly organized by child development

project officer, Wada District and Lions Club

of Thane East on March 01, 2015

Dr. Ritu Bhatia

Invited as Judge for Poetry Recitation

Competition of primary school children at Sri

Ma School at Thane on December 6, 2014

Arranged a visit for SY B.A students to Chip

and Dale at Mulund centre on December 8,


Arranged a visit for SY B.A students to

Enrichment classes on drawing, puppet

making, art work at Ghatkopar on December

18, 2014

In- ha ge of Tatoo aki g o petitio held on December 20, 2014 at SPND

Wo e s ollege during College week


Invited as Resource person to conduct a

session on topic Child Care and Nutrition for

Women at NSS camp of Ane Village, Kalyan

on December 27, 2014

Arranged a visit for SY B.A students to

Eurokids Titwala on January 8, 2015

Arranged a visit for SY B.A students to

Fashion designing lab – Swadhar career

Institute on January 19, 2015

Organized and participated in ICSSR

Sponsored two day National level seminar

on Landscape of Aging - Critical Issues,

Emerging Possibilities on January 30 and 31,


Organized an Inter College Puppet show

competition on February 13, 2015.

Submitted proposal for UGC Sponsored

Minor Research Project on Pe eptio of adolescent regarding sexual and

reprodu ti e health i Fe ua .

Arranged Guest Lecture for SYB.Sc students

o Piaget s Cognitive Theory on March 9,


Paper Setter and examiner for SNDT

University, Mumbai.

Pape pu lished o P eschool Inclusion-

creating Accessible Environment for Special

Needs Child e i ‘esea h I p i ts-

Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol 3,

ISSN NO.2278-4268, Year 2014-15, P.No 41-


Completed with A grade, a four weeks

Refresher Course from Jawaharlal Nehru

University, New Delhi in April 6- May 1,


Dr. Leena Raje (Food Science and


Pape pu lished titled Weight Loss Diets: Is

There Really a Best O e? The Nut itio ist Digest Series Vol 1, No.3 July-September,


Chief organizer for the seminar on

Landscapes of Aging organized by Faculty of

Ho e “ ie e, at “PND Wo e s College, on January 30 and 31, 2015

Pape pu lished titled Pa e tal I flue e o the Children's Eating Behavior and Physical

Activity Pattern: A Determinant for Obesit , Online International Interdisciplinary

Research Journal (bimonthly), ISSN 2249-

9598, Volume -5, March 2015

Submitted UGC Sponsored Major Research

P oje t titled The pe i e a heal eight gain patterns, body composition and its

correlation to age of e a he i Ma h 2015.

Recognized as Ph.D Guide in the subject

Food Science and Nutrition in SNDT

Wo e s U iversity from December 11,


Attended workshop on Choice Based Credit

System at Dr. B.M. Nanavati College of

Home Science on April 28, 2015.

Pape pu lished titled ‘elatio ship et ee Body Composition and Bone Mineral

Density in Women from Mumbai City Online

International Interdisciplinary Research

Journal (bimonthly), ISSN 2249-9598,

volume 5, Issue-3, May - June 2015.

Ms. Manisha Parelkar

Member of Organizing Committee for the

seminar on Landscapes of Aging organized

by Faculty of Home Science, at SPND

Wo e s College o Ja ua a d , 2015.

Invited as speaker at ONGC Mahila Mandal

on Choosing Healthy Foods on February 25,


Judged cookery competition organized by

ONGC Mahila Mandal on February 25, 2015.

Attended Student led National Conference

on 21st Century Higher Education: Looking

Ahead o ga ized “NDT Wo e s University, on March 10 and 11, 2015

Paper published titled P o ioti s and

Prebiotics : New directions for Therapeutic

applications in IBS, IBD and Colo Ca e i Research Imprints- Refereed

Multidisciplinary Journal , Vol 3, ISSN

NO.2278-4268, Year 2014-15, P.No 185-198

Worked as a member of food committee for

AVHAN - May 2015 organized by SNDT

Wo e s U i e sit

Invited as a guest speaker by MACCIA

(Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce,

Industry and Agriculture) to present a paper

on Effective use of nutrition message - from

label to table at world trade centre Mumbai

in conference Titled - Global Focus

Championing the Cause of Women

Entrepreneur on May 16, 2015

Ms. Rekha Ranadive

Organized and attended seminar on

Landscapes of Aging organized by Faculty of

Home Science, at “PND Wo e s College o January 30 and 31, 2015.

Organized a talk on Physiology of Human

Reproductive System by Dr. Geetanjali Shah,

Consulting Gynecologist and Obstetrician for

first year students on March 3, 2015

Appointed as a member of SNDT University

Vigilance Squad for University Exams, April


Dr. Chanda Gokhale:

Organized and attended seminar on

Landscapes of Aging organized by Faculty of

Ho e “ ie e, at “PND Wo e s College o January 30 and 31, 2015.

Pu lished a ‘esea h Pape titled Vegeta le and Fruit Diversity in an Indian Co u it in International Journal of Food, Nutrition

and Public Health (IJFNPH), Vol. 7, No. 1,

2014, P. No. 14 – 23.

Appointed as an external referee for

Doctoral thesis in subject of Food Science

and Nutrition, Mumbai University

I e o e to elie e that ea h of us has a pe so al alli g that s as u i ue as a fi gerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to

discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of

the u i e se to lead ou. — Oprah Winfrey

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Smt. P. N. Doshi Chronicles

Activities and Faculty Achievements of Home -

Science Section

Appointed as member of University

Vigilance Squad for University Exams, April


Worked as a member of food committee for

AVHAN - May 2015 organized by SNDT

Wo e s U i e sit

Ms. Amrita Behel

Submitted UGC Sponsored Minor Research

P oje t titled Dete i a ts of Age at

Menarche – Diet a d Bod Co positio i February 2015

Organized and attended seminar on

Landscapes of Aging organized by Faculty of

Ho e “ ie e at “PND Wo e s College, o January 30 and 31, 2015

Attended Student led National Conference

on 21st Century Higher Education: Looking

Ahead o ga ized “NDT Wo e s University, at Juhu Campus on March 10,


Attended workshop on Choice Based Credit

System at Dr. B.M. Nanavati College of

Home Science on April 28, 2015

Worked as a member of food committee for

AVHAN- May 2015 organized by SNDT

Wo e s U i e sit

Ms. Sunalee Doshi (Resource


Invited as judge for Rangoli competition held

at SPND on December 15, 2014

Appointed as Paper setter and examiner at

Ni ala Niketa a d “NDT Wo e s University

Organized and participated in ICSSR

Sponsored two days national level seminar

on Landscape of Aging Critical Issues,

Emerging Possibilities on January 30 and 31,


Organized competition on Eve Teasing,

Gender Sensitization and Female Foeticide

as a part of Jagar Janivancha Initiative on

December 10, 2014

Conducted a display of posters and signature

a paig o Wo e s Issues on December

11, 2014

Organized Heritage walk at Dr. D. N. Road

and Kalagoda Festival for SY and TY BSc

students on February 13, 2015

Organized mock interviews for Godrej and

Boyce Mfg. Co.Pvt. Limited on February 25,

2015 for TY B.Sc students

Ms. Bhadrisha Shah

Invited as judge for Tattoo designing

competition held at SPND on December 20,


Appointed as Paper setter, examiner and

moderator at SVT college of Home-science

a d “NDT Wo e s U i e sit

Organized and participated in ICSSR

Sponsored two day national level seminar on

Landscapes of Ageing Critical Issues,

Emerging Possibilities on January 30 and 31,


Organized Heritage walk at Dr. D. N. Road

and Kalagoda Festival for S.Y and T.Y Bsc

students on February 13, 2015

Organized mock interviews for T Y BSc

students for Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co.Pvt.

Ltd on February 25, 2015

Ms. Nidhi Dattani

Attended UGC sponsored two day National

Seminar titled: Sustainable Tourism: An

Interdisciplinary Approach, on January 09

and 10, 2015 at Dr. B. M. N. College,


Organized and participated in ICSSR

sponsored two day national level seminar on

Landscapes of Ageing Critical Issues,

Emerging Possibilities on January 30 and 31,


Invited as Resource person for ITM-IFDT,

Andheri from February 20 to March 31, 2015

for BA (Hons.) Interior Design and Fashion

designing students

Organized Student led seminar titled

Innovation Beyond Square Feet on February

13, 2015 for SY and TY ( R.M) Students.

Attended two day Student Level Conference

on 21st century Higher Education: Looking

Ahead on March 10 and 11, 2015 at SNDT

Wo e s University, Churchgate.

Arranged visit to Ergonomics lab – Juhu in

April 2015 for SY and TY (R.M) students.

Paper published titled Ph siologi al I pa t of Heeled Foot ea i O li e I te atio al Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Vol V,

Issue 2, March-April 2015, ISSN 2249-9598

P.No- 101-106

Paper Setter and Moderator for SNDT

University and Moderator for Mumbai


"I always thought that people told you that you're beautiful--that this was a title that was bestowed upon you...I think that it's time to take

this power into our own hands and to say, "You know what? I'm beautiful. I just am. And that's my right. I'm just a beautiful woman." —

Margaret Cho

Tales of Empowerment: Sania Mirza

She is an Indian professional tennis

player, currently ranked world No. 1 in

women's doubles. From 2003 until her

retirement from singles in 2013, she was

ranked by the Women's Tennis

Association as India's No. 1 player, both

in singles and doubles. Throughout her

successful career, Mirza has established

herself as the most successful female

Indian tennis player in history and one of

the highest-paid and high-profile

athletes in the country.

She is the highest ranked female player

ever from India, peaking at world No. 27

in singles in mid-2007; however, a major

wrist injury forced her to give up her

singles career and focus on the doubles

circuit, where she is currently ranked

world No. 1. She has won a Pro-level

title, and four major titles (the

Wimbledon Championships in women's

doubles and the other three in mixed

doubles), as well as qualifying for (and

eventually winning) the WTA Finals in

2014, alongside Cara Black.

In addition, she is the third Indian

woman in the Open Era to feature and

win a round at a Grand Slam

tournament (going as far as the last 16).

She has also won a total of 14 medals

(including 6 Gold) at three major multi-

sport events, namely the Asian Games,

the Commonwealth Games and the

Afro-Asian Games.

She was appointed as the UN Women's

Goodwill Ambassador for South Asia

during the event held to mark the

International Day To End Violence

Against Women on 25th November
