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STEP 7-10

ACCT11059: Accounting, Learning and Online Communication

Central Queensland University (CQU)

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Roceline De VeraStep 7: Contribution Margin Since my realisation after writing KCQs for chapter 8, I started writing Contribution Margin

(CM) is equal to Sales Price (S) take away Variable Cost (VC) or CM= S – VC. Martin advises

the students to write CM= S – VC at least eight times a week. This is because this concept is

very important as Martin emphasized. I had no trouble understanding the formula as it is

not complex, and it is a straightforward formula. I just need to make sure that I remember

this formula off by heart, which is not that hard to do once you write CM= S – VC eight times

a week. My only concern was deciding which three products or services I should pick and

estimating their selling prices and variable costs. Macquarie Telecom Group, as the name

suggests is an industry that offers various telecommunication throughout Australia, and

even in Singapore. Hence, deciding the three goods or services is difficult as the website of

Macquarie Telecom is not very transparent on what exact products and services they offer.

Nonetheless, I discovered three products when I was exploring Macquarie website and

these were: Macquarie Telecom hello, Macquarie high-end mobile phone and Macquarie

small business internet.

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Three Products from Macquarie Telecom GroupFigure 1 Macquarie Telecom Hello.

Macquarie Telecom Hello is a business landline that has a cloud-based hosted voice

system. For a selling price of $32 per month, a customer will have unlimited calls to mobile

numbers in Australia, unlimited standard national calls, unlimited calls to 13/1300/1800

numbers, international calls to all countries, a business grade Cisco handset rental and

monthly line rental and everything is in the cloud. Additionally, it was stated on the website

that the “$32 per user is one fixed price per phone, for line rental, calls and headsets”.

Therefore, I am assuming that the variable cost will be low as it will only cover the expenses

of an excess international calls and the freight fees when delivering to customers in other

places here in Australia. I am also assuming that the employees who work in this area of the

business is all full-time and have a fixed salary. Thus, I have decided that 25% of the sell

price will be allotted to variable cost, which means that my variable cost would be $8

(32*0.25). From this assumption, I can figure out the contribution margin for Macquarie

Telecom Hello.

CM= Sales Price (or selling price) – Variable CostCM= $32 - $8CM= $24

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Figure 2 High-end mobile phones. [Although this might not be the exact high-end mobile phones that Macquarie sells, I assume it to be similar to the ones they sell.]

Macquarie Telecom have an online shop. This online shop requires a log in, which is only

available for their customers. So, I am assuming that because they have an online shop, they

could also sell high-end phones like Optus and Telstra. However, I am assuming that they

sell mobile phones on a whole, and not with monthly plans. Therefore, I decided to make a

reasonable selling price of $1,250 for a high-end mobile phone. I am also assuming that the

variable cost will be high as they will need to pay the supplier for their various high-end

phones to sell, the wages of their delivery man or any delivery fees and any freebies to be

included in buying a new high-end phone (perhaps a screen protector). While, the fixed cost

of Macquarie Telecom would be the cost of insurances if there is any. Consequently, I

decided that my variable cost will be 80% of my selling price ($1,000). Through this

assumption made, I can now calculate Macquarie’s high-end mobile phone contribution


CM= Sales Price (or selling price) – Variable CostCM= $1,250 - $1,000CM= $250

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Figure 3 Macquarie Small Business Internet Plan.

Another goods and services that Macquarie Telecom is offering to their customer who have

a small business is their internet plan. Macquarie small business internet plan provides a

safe, speedy, and secure internet for small businesses. Furthermore, Macquarie’s website

proclaims their internet it to be a business-grade performance with a standout support from

helpdesk in Sydney. Additionally, the plan is flexible in where an owner can choose from

pre-paid, unlimited, or aggregated; it also have full visibility and genuine security. Due to all

of these advantages that not only an owner will benefit, but as well as the whole company

and its employee, I decided that the selling price would be $160 per month. I am also

assuming that the variable cost will be in the mid-range. This is because I think that they

only need to cover the extra costs of any excess use of internet, insurance expenses for

customers who has it, replacement of internet routers for customers who need it and any

bonus gift (like how Telstra provides free Telstra TV in purchasing a home internet). The

employees working in the helpdesk are all full-time, so I am assuming they have fixed

wages. Thus, I decide that the variable cost will be 50% of the sales price, which is $80. From

these reasonable decisions and rational assumptions, I can now figure out the contribution

margin of Macquarie’s small business internet plan.

CM= Sales Price (or selling price) – Variable CostCM= $160 - $80CM= $80Explanation of Contribution MarginThe contribution margin for each of Macquarie’s three goods and services are all different.

The first product and service is the Macquarie Telecom Hello with a contribution margin of

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$24. While, the second product is a high-end mobile phone that has a contribution margin

of $250. Lastly, Macquarie small business internet plan is a good and service that has a

contribution margin of $80. These contribution margin determines the amount that

contributes to covering the overhead fixed costs and perhaps acquiring a profit. Macquarie

Telecom produces a range of products/services with different contribution as all

products/services have unique features. This is because the Macquarie Telecom Hello and

small business internet plan are all built and produced by the Macquarie Telecom, which is

why they have a small or reasonable contribution margin. But with the high-end mobile

phone, they need to contract if from their suppliers with a certain retail price, resulting to

high contribution margin. As a result, these three products/services have different sale

prices and variable costs. However, it would be a poor decision if Macquarie will only

produce the product/service with the highest contribution margin. This is because,

customers will not have a broad range of products/services to choose from, which will result

into unsatisfied customers and poor customer service. If Macquarie will only produce the

high-end mobile phones, which has the highest contribution margin, then this might affect

their revenue as not all people need a high-end mobile phones, perhaps because they

already have one or they prefer a cheaper one. If Macquarie produces more products, like a

landline (Macquarie Telecom Hello) and internet (Macquarie small business internet plan),

then there will be more revenue as these products/services will contribute to the sales and

profit. Consequently, this will also make customers to be satisfied as there are many options

available for them, leading to good customer service and happy consumers.

ConstraintsThe constraints that I believe Macquarie is facing is the inventory level and the supply chain

interaction with the supplier of the high-end mobile phones. There could be constraints on

the supply of mobile phones, which could either lead to a shortage, surplus or just-in-time

for Macquarie. If the company believes that the constraint of the supplier providing a stock

of mobile phones will prevent them in producing the sufficient amount for their consumers,

then they might possibly find another supplier to supply them a mobile phones to be able to

meet the consumer’s demand. If they cannot find any other supplier, then they can just limit

the number of mobile phones to sell. With regards to the landline and internet, the

constraint that Macquarie will face is the storage buildings to store data and stocks. If there

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are still space in the storage, then they can produce more landlines and internet routers.

However, if they are running out of storage space, then they should sell more landlines and

internet routers to reduce the stocks and increase the storage. Alternatively, Macquarie can

stop producing landlines and routers until there are space available. These constraints can

limit Macquarie to produce the amount of products/services they want to produce;

however, this should not be the reason for them to only produce one product with the

highest contribution margin.

Step 8: RatioMy step 8, calculation of ratio is attached on the spreadsheet named, ‘Roceline De Vera

Macquarie Telecom Spreadsheet- Assessment 2 Step 8 and 9’. It is the third sheet titled


Profitability RatioThe two ratios for profitability ratio are ‘Net Profit Margin (NPM)’ and ‘Return on Assets

(ROA)’. The net profit margin represents how much of every dollar sales is contributed to

the net profit. In the last four year, the NPM of Macquarie is increasing, in where in 2016

there is only 2.59%, but in 2019 the NPM is at 6.66%. Although the NPM in 2018 (7.28%) is

greater than the NPM in 2019, it is still good as Macquarie’s NPM is improving and

increasing compared to the 2016 and 2017 figures (2.59% and 6.43% relatively), which is

good because it means that there is higher dollar sales contributed on the net profit.

While the return on assets represents how much of every dollar assets are there in the net

profit; it is the return on the investment. Macquarie have a relatively high increase from

2016 o 2019, being 4.38% to 10.18%. However, it cannot be denied that the ROA decreased

in 2018 as it has 11.83%, meaning there is a decrease of 1.65% between 2018 and 2019, but

the figures are still beneficial to the company as there is an increase on the return on the

company’s investment or assets.

Efficiency RatioLike profitability ratio, efficiency ratio also have two ratios, which are ‘Days of Inventory’

and ‘Total Asset Turnover Ratio (TOTA)’. Days of inventory is how long it takes for a

company to sell an inventory from the time purchased to the time that the goods and

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products are actually sold. Macquarie does not have any inventory account in the balance

sheet and even in the footnotes. But it makes me think, how come they have an online

shop, but they do not have an inventory? Is that possible? Where do they store their

products like landlines, internet routers, etc.?

TATO measures how efficiently a company utilise their asset to be able to generate sales.

Ideally, the value of TATO should be low as the company wants to generate sales faster

through the use of assets. Over the four years, Macquarie has a decreasing TATO, in where

in 2016 it has 1.70 to 1.65 in 2017, then 1.63 in 2018 and down to 1.53 in 2019. Truly, this is

a great indication that Macquarie is receiving sales quicker and it is using its assets


Liquidity RatioCurrent Ratio is one type of a liquidity ratio. It represents for every dollar of current

liabilities how many dollars of assets the company have to pay. Additionally, it is preferable

to have at least 1:1 or favourably a company must have higher assets than their liabilities.

Over the four years, Macquarie has a constant over 1 current ratio. However, even if it is

over 1, the current ratio in 2016 have decreased in 2019, in where 1.74 (2016), became

1.03, which is a difference of 0.66 (more than half). Furthermore, over the four years the

current ratio is slowly decreasing. Thus, it can be assumed that in 2020, Macquarie might

have a lower current ratio compared to the industry average or benchmark of 1:1.

Therefore, Macquarie must control its current assets and current liabilities.

Financial Structure Ratio‘Debt/equity ratio’ and ‘Equity ratio’ are the ratios in the financial structure. Debt/equity

ratio compares equity ratio and debt ratio in where it divides the debt to the equity. In 2016

the debt/equity ratio is 43.38%, then it go up to 54.14% in 2017 and decreased to 53.91% in

2018 then fall to 51.13% in 2019. This is due to the increase in total liabilities by $17,155

over the four years (2019: $54,558 – 2016: $37,403).

Equity ratio is how much assets is funded by an equity. The same as debt/equity ratio, the

equity ratio has also decreased over the four years. Originally it has 68.79% in 2016, then

decreased to 64.88% in 2017, and then increased to 64.97% in 2018 and 66.17% in 2019.

Even though there might be an increase between 2017 to 2019, it is still less than the value

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in 2016. This is because the total assets have increased from $119,829 in 2016 to $161,269

in 2019, which affects the equity ratio.

Market RatioMarket ratio is consist of ‘Earnings per Share (EPS)’, ‘Dividends per Share (DPS)’ and ‘Price

Earnings Ratio’. I have found the number of issued ordinary share on Macquarie’s annual

report in 2019 and 2017, which shown in figure 4 and 5. This is then what I used in

calculating my EPS and DPS. While, figure 6 represents the share price of Macquarie for five

years that is also published in 2019 annual report, which I also utilised in finding my price

earnings ratio.

EPS gauges how much a shareholder earns for the share(s) they invested. Over the four

years, Macquarie has an increasing EPS, being 0.25, 0.68, 0.81 and 0.77, 2016 to 2019,

respectively. Even though there might be a fall between 2018 and 2019, the 2019 figure is

still bigger than the EPS in 2016, which is good because Macquarie is earning more for every

issued ordinary shares.

DPS is the actual amount a company pays out to their investors for the share they invested.

Macquarie have been consistent with their DPS, being 0.50 for three year (2016-2018),

however it decreased to 0.25 in 2019. Even though there is an increase in 2019 EPS,

Macquarie still paid their shareholder with a smaller dividends of 0.25 in 2019. Not only

that, even in the last three years (which 2016-2018), Macquarie is still paying less than the

EPS it is receiving to its investors.

Price Earnings ratio for me is how long it takes for a shareholder/company to ‘earn’ the

‘price’ they have invested. I would want this figure to be low because the quicker the return

of investment of shares, the better. There is a decrease of 21.53 in 2016 and 2019 (47.27-

25.74), which nearly half. Additionally, the price earnings ratio is gradually decreasing over

the four years. This is a good because it indicates that it takes quicker now to earn back the

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money they invested, compared to the time they invested in 2016. However, Macquarie

must still keep an eye to their price earnings ratio as it is still relatively high.

Ratios Based on Restated Financial Statements

The ratios based on restated financial statements are ‘Return on Equity (ROE)’, ‘Return on

Net Operating Assets (RNOA)’, ‘Net Borrowing Cost (NBC)’, ‘Profit Margin (PM)’ and ‘Asset

Turnover (ATO)’. ROE measures the return generated for the shareholders. In 2016, the ROE

of Macquarie is 6.37%, then increased to 16.39% in 2017 and 18.21% in 2018, and then

suddenly decreased to 15.38% in 2019. The ROE has increased over four years, which means

that it takes longer for the equity to return to the business’ investors.

RNOA is the same as return on assets on profitability ratio, but the only difference is, RNOA

is utilising the operating as it separated the operating and financing assets and income (or

profit). Macquarie’s RNOA has been increasing over four years, in where there is 8.55%

difference between 2016 and 2019 (17.99% - 9.64%). The RNOA in 2016 is only 9.64%, then

it increased to 23.72% in 2017 to 25.13% in 2018 and then down to 17.99% in 2019. Even

though there is a great decrease in RNOA between 2018 and 2019, it is still bigger than the

ROA in the profitability ratio. This to me indicates that the ratio will be more efficiently if

operating and financing is separated, as not all profit and/or assets is used to the day-to-day

running of the business, some contributes to the ‘value’ of the firm.

NBC for me is like the interest or ‘costs’ associated in borrowing money. Therefore, the

business must strive to have a low NBC ratio as possible. Macquarie’s NBC has been

increasing over four years, in where it started as 1.82% in 2016, then to 2.28% in 2017, to

2.03% in 2018 and negative 1.10% in 2019 (this is because both NFE and NFO in 2019 are

negatives, but I needed to put negative sign to negate the negative values). Even if the NBC

have increased over time, it is still fairly small compared to other people’s NBC. However,

Macquarie must attempt to go back to the 2016 NBC or better, have an NBC lower than


PM is the same as NPM in the profitability ratio, however the same as RNOA, only operating

income is utilised instead of the net profit. Macquarie’s PM have increased over time, being

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2.28% in 2016, to 6.13% to 2017, then 7.04% in 2018 and 6.72% in 2019. I assumed that this

ratio will be bigger than NPM, however NPM is higher for the three years (2016 to 2018),

while PM is only greater than NPM in 2019. This makes sense because the value of net profit

in the original financial stamen is larger than the figure of operating income in the restated

financial statements for the last three years (2016 to 2018), whereas in 2019, operating

income is more than net profit.

ATO is the same as TATO in the efficiency or asset management ratio, however it only

includes the operating assets and not the total assets. In 2016, the ATO is 4.23 then

decrease to 3.87 in 2017, to 3.57 in 2018 and fall to 2.68 in 2019. Although the ATO is

decreasing throughout the four years, it is still better to the TATO which is only greater than

1, but less than 2. This is because only the operating asset values are utilised and not the net

assets, which decreases the amount of being divided to the sales.

Economic ProfitEconomic profit is calculated through the formula of Economic profit= (RNOA – cost of

capital) * Net Operating Assets (NOA). I cannot find my company’s WACC in Macquarie’s

annual report, so I utilised the discount rate of 8%, which is the recommended rate of

Martin as said on the study guide and assessment 2 pdf.

Macquarie’s economic profit is increasing throughout 4 years, in where it started as $786 in

2016 then rise to $8,939.24 in 2017 to $11,20377 in 2018 and then fall to $9,2016.19 in

2019. This is due to the sudden decrease of RNOA from 2018 to 2019 and an increase in

NOA from $65,393 (2018) to $92,11 (2019). Even though there is a decrease between 2018

and 2019, 2019 economic profit is still fairly high compared to 2016, with a difference of

$8,420.19. Additionally, Macquarie’s economic profit is all positive over the four years which

means that the return is greater than the cost of capital.

The drivers of economic profit are RNOA, cost of capital and NOA. Macquarie has created a

value for their equity because it earns a RNOA greater than the opportunity cost of capital

of 8% (the lowest RNOA is 9.64% in 2016). Furthermore, it also invested in NOA that has a

return more than its cost of capital, which also adds or creates value to the firm.

The economic profit of Macquarie represents that the firm is creating and adding value over

and above its costs of capital during a period, keeping in mind that capital is not free.

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Macquarie can do this through taking capital from shareholders and utilising it to earn a

greater return than the cost of capital, because once again capital is not free. If a business’

RNOA is greater the cost of capital and it has a high NOA, then it will have a positive and

efficient economic profit like Macquarie, because these are three drivers of economic profit.

Step 9: Capital Investment DecisionsMacquarie Telecom is planning to expand their data centre which will serve as their storage

building. The expansion is anticipated to commence on June 1, 2020. Macquarie Telecom is

unsure whether to build a new data centre in Sydney or in a small town in North

Queensland, which is in Gladstone.

It is assumed that the initial investment costs for both options would include costs of buying

a land/property, costs associated in constructing the building (raw materials, wages of

contractors, engineers, etc.), all required data storage equipment, insurances, rates, and

other start-up costs. The calculation of cash flows would be: all income (revenue and sales

from customers) minus expenses (wages and other fees). These estimated cash flows will be

received on the 1st of June each year.

Additionally, it is presumed that data centre such as storage buildings for a

telecommunication company is not so popular and there is deficient support from the

government. Consequently, the calculation of expected cash flows will not last more than 10

years, because Macquarie Telecom may no longer have the profits and/or capital to support

the data centre buildings. As a result, Macquarie Telecom will be need to sell the property

and building that is no longer operating, to an appropriate buyer, which could be someone

who wants a building for their workshops. When the building is sold, it is assumed that the

purchase will only include the building, while all furniture, equipment and data will be

transferred to another data centre building of Macquarie Telecom. Thus, the residual value

would be: sale of property minus the costs of relocating furniture, equipment, and data.

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Investment 1 is not expected to last more than 7 years, resulting to an assumption that the

pre-selected time for the payback period will be 5 years for option 1. While, option 2 is

anticipated to last not more than 5 years, so the pre-set payback period is 3 years.

Year 1 expected cash flows is assumed to be negative in option 1 (Sydney) because of the

large start-up costs of building a new data centre. Macquarie Telecom has already have a

location in Sydney, which means that it is easier to access the data centre and it will be

convenient to the company. Furthermore, people in Sydney already know the company, and

there is trust between the customers and Macquarie, and vice versa, causing to a positive

figure in year 2.

On the other hand, option 2 (Gladstone) will have negative values in the first year and small

positive value in second year. This is because of the large start-up costs associated in

building the data centre. Moreover, this is a new data centre and Macquarie facility in the

area, which means that there is no former Macquarie employees company might hire new

qualified employees in Gladstone, but there might be professional employees from Sydney

that needed to be transfer to Gladstone for the data centre to effectively running. These

employees might be fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers, and it is assumed that Macquarie will pay

for all of the associated expenses. Due to this, the estimated cash flow in Gladstone is less

than the estimated cash flow in Sydney, because it has more expenses to cover.

The table below presents the initial investment cost, estimated residual value, expected

useful life of the investment, and expected future cash flows for both options. Please note

that all the monetary values are in Australian dollars (AUD) currency.


Sydney Data Centre


Gladstone Data Centre

Initial Investment Cost (Original Cost) $70.0 million $40.0 million

Residual Value $3.0 million $1.0 million

Expected Useful Life 7 years 5 years

Expected Future Cash flows:

Year 1- 1st of June 2021 -$1.0 million -$5.0 million

Year 2- 1st of June 2022 $10.0 million $1.0 million

Year 3- 1st of June 2023 $15.0 million $5.0 million

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Year 4- 1st of June 2024 $15.0 million $10.0 million

Year 5- 1st of June 2025 $20.0 million $15.0 million

Year 6- 1st of June 2026 $20.0 million

Year 7- 1st of June 2027 $20.0 million

My excel calculations for step 9 is located on my spreadsheet named, ‘Roceline De Vera Macquarie Telecom Spreadsheet- Assessment 2 Step 8 and 9’. It is the fourth sheet entitled ‘NPV and IRR’. While the table below is the summary of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and the payback period for each option investment. The NPV is calculated using the discount rate or also known as the ‘weighted average cost of capital’ (WACC) of 8%. All the calculations and figures below are represented in Australian dollar (AUD) currency.


Sydney Data Centre


Gladstone Data Centre

Net Present Value (NPV) $0.22 million -$21.56 million

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 8% -8%

Payback Period 5.55 years

5 years and 6.6 months

5 years and 200.75 days

Investment is never paid

back within 5 years.

The payback period is a method that finds out how many years it would take to earn back

the cost of the initial investment through estimated cash flows. To determine if an

investment is good, the payback period must be less than the pre-set amount of time (e.g. 5

years for option 1 and 3 years for option 2). If the payback period is less than the pre-

selected time then the option can investigated further, but if it is more than the pre-set

payback period, then the company must ignore the project. Based on the calculated

payback period of the two options, the best investment would be option 1, Sydney data

centre. Although, the Sydney data centre have exceeded the pre-set payback period of 5

years, it is still better than option 2 as Gladstone data centre which will never be paid back

within 5 years, while option 1 is only 0.55 year/5.4 months/164.25 days off the pre-selected


The internal rate of return (IRR) is expressed in percentage which represents the rate of

return in where the net present value (NPV) of the expected future cash flow of the

investment is zero. If the percentage is positive and is greater than the required return, then

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the business must accept the project. However, even if the IRR is positive, but it is lower

than the discount rate or WACC, then the company must still reject the investment. The firm

must only accept the project if the IRR is positive and is greater than WACC because this

generates a greater return on the company. Among the two investment, option 1 is the

most favourable option as it has a positive percentage and it is the same as the discount

rate of 8%. Even though the company may not earn a high rate of return because the IRR is

not greater than WACC, but at least the return from investment can moderately outweigh

the cost of the investment, in contrast to option 2 that has negative percentage (-8%).

The net present value (NPV) is the dominant method in where it takes into consideration

that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. NPV represents the total value of

investment by taking away present value of future cash flows to initial investment. If the

NPV is positive or greater than 0 then the business must accept the business and reject if it

is less than zero or negative. Again, the most beneficial option would be option 1 as it has a

positive value of $0.22 million, which means that this project is expected to add value to the

firm, and it will increase the wealth of the owners. On the other hand, option 2 has a

negative NPV of $21.56 million, which is unacceptable because the NPV value is a large

negative value, meaning it will not add value to the firm and will decrease the wealth of the

owners. Therefore, option must be accepted and project 2 must be rejected.

Based on the findings and explanations above, the best investment for Macquarie Telecom

would be option 1, Sydney data centre. This is because it has a positive NPV, a positive IRR

that is the same as WACC and just a little bit off on the payback period.

The ultimate weakness of my analysis is that all my figures are pure estimations, which I am

unsure if it is an accurate representation of the future and a real-world situation. The

strengths of my analysis is that I am sure that my calculations are right as I did not calculate

it manually, but through excel. Although, there can still be errors in doing my excel, but I

know it will be easier because once you have changed the error, it will carry out throughout

the whole spreadsheet if you are using formulas and linking it, which I think is an advantage.

There are also numerous strengths and weaknesses in using the three methods (payback

period, IRR and NPV). The strengths of payback period is that it is easy to understand, and it

is biased towards liquidity, however its weaknesses are it requires an arbitrary cut-off point,

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it ignores the time value of money and it ignores cash flows beyond the cut-off date. On the

other hand, the advantages of IRR are it considers all cash flows, considers time value of

money and the value of project is easy to communicate. While the disadvantages of IRR is

that it can produce multiple answers and it cannot rank mutually exclusive projects. Lastly,

NPV’s strengths include: considering all cash flows, adjusting for risk, ranking mutually

exclusive project, and is directly related in increasing the firm’s wealth. However, the

weakness of NPV is that the discount rate can be manipulated depending on the company’s

preference. If they want their NPV to be high, they can lower their WACC or higher the

WACC to have a lower NPV, which can also affect the IRR. Even if these three methods have

limitations, it should still be utilised in making a decision as it still have strengths which

outweighs the negatives and can also help the company in making decisions. Nonetheless, I

believe that if all of these methods are utilised in determining which investment option is

the best, then an effective decision will be made.

Step 10: FeedbackThroughout studying ACCT11059, I have learned the importance of writing KCQs, reading

before lecture and most of all, receiving and providing feedbacks to peers. I believe that

receiving feedback from peers have helped me to reflect on what areas I should improve to

produce the best assignment not only in this unit, but to all my future assessments in my

university journey. Moreover, it feels good to provide other feedback, knowing that it will

assist them if they have problems or have accidentally missed something, which could also

influence the final assessment they will submit and their grades. It also helped me to know

more companies, as I provided feedback to different people and be aware on how they

‘attacked’ the assignment which I could also compare to mine and see if I can alter mine or I

missed anything. Overall, I believe that providing feedback is essential especially in

university and in this unit, because teachers cannot give feedback for everything that you

did for your assignment, and that is why you have your peers and peer feedback.

I have attached the feedback sheet on my blog, please provide me some feedback regarding

step 7-10. Thank you!

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Feedbacks given to others

Feedbacks received from others

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