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Presentation on Accounting Standards


Rajan DasguptaDigen Pd Sah

Nirbhay Kumar

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To establish the principles for reporting financial information about the different types of products and services an enterprises produces and different geographical areas in which it operates

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Segment Reporting helps to user of financial statements

• To better understand the performance of the enterprise

• To better assess the risks & returns of the enterprise

• To make more informed judgement about the

enterprises as a whole.

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Business Segment:• It is distinguishable component of an


• It is engaged in providing an individual product or services

• It is subject to risk & returns that are different from those of other business segment .

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Geographical Segment:

•Distinguishable component of an enterprise

•Engaged in providing products or services within a particular economic environment

•That is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of components operating in other economic environments

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•Enterprise Revenue

•Segment Revenue

•Segment Expense

•Segment Result

•Segment Assets

•Segment Liabilities


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Identification of Reportable Segments

• Segment revenue – 10% or more

• Segment result – 10% or more

• Segment asset – 10% or more • Segment - Management discretion • At least 75% of total external revenue

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Reportable Segments

Primary Secondary

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Basis of Classification

Risks & return mainly effect by difference in product

• Primary – Business • Secondary – Geographical

Risks & return mainly effect by geographical area• Primary – Geographical• Secondary – Business

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Risks & return mainly effect by both of by difference in product & its operation in different geographical area

• Primary – Business • Secondary – Geographical

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•Segment Revenue from sales to external customers

•Segment revenue from transactions with other segments

•Segment Result

•Total carrying amount of segment assets

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•Total segment liabilities

•Additions to tangible & intangible fixed assets

•Depreciation & ammortisation for the period

•Significant other non-cash expenses

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Need & Objective Sometimes business transactions between related parties lose the feature and character of the arms length transaction.

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Related Party • Holding companies(a company having one or more subsidiaries),

Subsidiaries & Fellow subsidiaries(a company is considered to be fellow susidiary of another company if both are susidiaries of the self holding company)

• Associates(an enterprise in which an investing reporting party has significant influence and which is neighter an subsidiary nor a joint venture of that party) & Joint venture(The cooperation of two or more individuals or businessness in which each agrees to share profit,loss and control in a specific enterprise)

• Individuals owing , directly or indirectly interest in the voting power

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• Relative of such individual –Spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister.

. Key management personnel(those persons who have the authority and resposibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the reporting enterprise) & relative of such personnel

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What should be disclosed

• Related party relationship

• Transactions between a reporting enterprises and its related parties

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Control Concept • Control by ownership (directly or indirectly more than

50% of the voting power

• Control over composition of BOD or other governing body

• Control of substantial interest in the voting power & power to direct the financial or operating policies of the enterprise

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Significant Influence

• By representation of the Board of Directors

• Participation in policy-making process

• Material inter-company transactions

• Inter-charge of management personnel

• Dependence on technical information

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Exception of Related Party

• Two companies have a director in common dealing between the companies

• A Single customer or supplier or distributor

• Provider of finance

• enterprises.

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• Trade union

• Govt. department & agencies

• State controlled enterprises with other State

controlled enterprises.

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Related Party Transactions

• Purchase/Sales of goods

• Purchase/Sales of fixed assets

• Rendering /receiving of services

• Leasing or hire purchase arrangements

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• Transfer of research and development

• License agreement

• Finance (incl. loan & equity)

• Guarantees & collateral

• Management contracts of deputation employees

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• Name of the related party should be disclosed

• Nature of the related party relationship should be disclosed

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Details of Disclosure

• Name of the related party

• Description of related party

• Description of the nature of transaction

• Volume of the transactions either as an amount or as an appropriate proportion

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• Any other element of the transaction, which is essential for understanding the financial statements

• Amount or appropriate proportion of outstanding items & provision for doubtful debts

• Amount written off or written back in the period in

respect of debts due from doubtful debts.

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To prescribed the accounting for – Provisions

Contingent liabilities

Contingent assets

Provision for restructuring cost


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Provision is liability

What is provision

What is liability

• Liability is a present obligation

• Arising from past events

• Settlement of which result in outflow of resources

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What is Present Obligation

An obligation is present obligation if based on evidence available its existence in the balance sheet date is considered probable i.e., more likely than not.

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Onerous Contract

A contact in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligation under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be recovered under it.

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Recognition of Provision

• Present probable obligation as a result of a past obligating event

• An outflow of resources embodying economic benefits in settlement

• A reliable estimate

• Number of similar obligations – to consider the outflow of resources ‘probable’ obligation as a whole to be considered

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Measurement of provision

• Best estimate of the expenditure required

• No discounting

• No tax effect

• Additional evidence after balance sheet to be considered

• Re-imbursement of expenditure • Review of provision

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Contingent Liability

• Possible obligation (not probable) as a result of past event.

• Existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of future event.

• Future event not wholly within the control of the


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Contingent Liability

Contingent liability is a possible obligation however it may also be a present obligation

• Probability of outflow of resources is very low.• Reliable estimate of the amount of the present obligation cannot be made.

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What is Contingent Assets?

• Possible asset as a result of past events.

• Existence of contingent assets is to be confirmed by the occurrence & non-occurrence of one or more future events.

• Future event not wholly within the control of the


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Recognition Principles of Contingent Asset

• An enterprise should not recognise a contingent asset

• No disclosure is required of contingent asset

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Provision for Restructuring Cost

• AS-29 deals with provision of restructuring cost

• AS-29 does not prescribe the accounting of restructuring cost

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What is Restructuring ?

• Sale or termination of line of business.

• Relocation of business activities from one country or region to another.

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What is Restructuring ?

• Change in management structure

• Fundamental re-organization that has material effect on the nature & focus of the enterprise operations

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Restructuring does not include

• Retraining or relocating continuing staff

• Marketing

• Investment in new system & distribution networks

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What is Restructuring Cost?

Provision for restructuring cost should include only the direct expenditure arising from restructuring & not associated with the ongoing activities of the enterprises.

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Financial Instrument carried at Fair Value. Resulting from Executory Contract. Insurance Enterprise Those covered under another Accounting

Standards.. A.S-7, A.S-15, A.S-19, A.S-22.

Accounting Standard 29 is not applicable…to…