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  • 7/28/2019 Account of a Bas-Relief of Mithras Found at York


    [ 2 *4 ]VI. Account of a Bas-relief of Mithras found^York, explain d by the Rev. Dr. Stukely,

    F. R. S. communicated to the Royal Society>by Mr. Francis Drake ofYork, Antiquaryand F* R. S.

    York, Oftoher 25, 1749.bead Nov. 23. Jk S 2V was undoubtedly the Roman,* 749 ' JljL Imperial City ofBritain: Soisitftill,cafually throwing up Remains of its antient Grandeurand Magnificence : Even down to our Time. Abouttwo Years ago, in digging the Foundation of a largeHoufe, fince built, in our Trans Tyberim Street,caUed Micklegate, quaji Muckle, or Great Street,the Workmen went much below any former Foun-dation that could be obferved on this Spot. And atthe Depth of ten Feet, came to a Stone, whichupon taking up, appeared to have Figures upon ir,but mifcrably defaced. Upon my viewing of itfoon after, 1 confefs, I was at a Lofs what to makeof it $ but judged it fome Reprefentation of anHeathen Sacrifice, or Game, and therefore fent asjuft a Drawing of it, as could be taken, to my verylearned Friend Dr. Stnkely, who according to hisdeep Knowledge in the Learning of theAntienrs,foonafter returned" me the following fhort, but curiousExplanation of this uncommon Piece of Sculpture.u The Drawing (fee Tab. II.) you fent me, of the

    in a Cellar in Micklegatey anno

  • 7/28/2019 Account of a Bas-Relief of Mithras Found at York


    [ 2 *5 ]" Bonnet, called Tyara. He reprefents the Archi-" magus, performing the great annual Sacrifice, at" the Spring Equinox :, According to the Patriarchal" Ufage." Thefe Ceremonies to Mithras, were generally" celebrated in a Cave of a Rock 5 therefore, this" Sculpture was found fo deep in the Earth/'There is, commonly a Figure on each Side of him,

    habited in the fame manner, ftanding crofs-lcgg'd :The one holds a Torch up, the other down : Hereis only the latter, in your Sculpture j the ether isimperfed.

    ' Underneath, is the Figure of an Horfe, inti-c mating thereby, the Sun's Courfe : For in time,e when the old patriarchal Cuftoms became profaned' and defecrated into Idolatry 5 they made Mithrasc to be the Apollo, or the Sun. Whence thefe Sculptures had a Number of Symbols, relating to' the folar Circuit of the Year, thro' the twelve Zo- diacal Conftellations.

    * The two Figures attending on the Archimagus7 are inferior Officers to him. There is a Myltery1 in their ftanding crofs-legg'd, like our Effigies of6 Croiiaders in Churches, and it means the fame* thing : For the Crofs was one Part of the Mithriac4 Ceremonies. Thefe two, by the different Attitude< of their Torches, reprefent Day, and Night, as* Mithras reprefents the Sun. The Figure imper-c feftly drawn, at the Tail of the Horfe, is I believe,c

  • 7/28/2019 Account of a Bas-Relief of Mithras Found at York



  • 7/28/2019 Account of a Bas-Relief of Mithras Found at York


    r 217 ]" St. Jerom% in his Epiftlc to Z^ a Name of^Patrician Quality, when he was Prasfeft of theCity, deftroy'd, broke, and burnt the Cave of Mi-" thras" This was at Rome, and about the Year

    378. Not long after, we may well imagine, yourRoman Praefeft of Tork followed his Example, anddemolifhed the fubterranean Temple in Micklegate *where this Sculpture of him was found.Stamford) July 30, 1747. ** ^* bTUKELEY.

    VII. P#r/ of a L^//^r/m# James Mounfey,M. >. Phyfician to the Czarina^ Army^to Mr. Henry Baker, F. R. S. concerningthe RufHa Caftor, the Baths at Carlfbadfthe Salt-mines near Cracau, and variousother Notices.

    *Dear Siry &w> J*h *> *749-MN0v.23.TAM highly fenfible of the Honour thef 749- J^ Royal Society does me, in taking No-tice of what I communicated to you, and only wifhI were as capable as I am zealous to contribute anything that might be fatisfa&ory and acceptable tothat illuftrious Body, for which I have the sreateftVeneration.

    I cannot as yet perfectly anfwet your Enquiries

  • 7/28/2019 Account of a Bas-Relief of Mithras Found at York


    Initios. Trans* JV? 403* TKBJL.Jr.xjtj. ,

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