Download - accommodation and food will be covered by the Daniel ... · The Daniel Jouvance - UPMC International School in Marine Biology is a ... accommodation and food will be covered by the


The DANIEL JOUVANCE FOUNDATION ( ) will set up the 3th International School in Marine Biology at the Oceanography Center, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, from October 29th to November 05th, 2017. This 3th International School in Marine Biology will associate the Daniel Jouvance Foundation, the Pierre & Marie Curie Unive rsity Foundation and the Oceanography Center of the University of Cyprus (OC/UCY). The Daniel Jouvance - UPMC International School in Marine Biology is a summer school for postgraduate students of Eastern Mediterranean Region, which aims to summarize the latest advances in Mari ne Biology. Lecturers from Cyprus, Italia, Israel and France ar e international, well-known researchers in Marine Biological Sciences. The Scho ol will incorporate lectures focused on the situation of marine biology in Cypru s and the Eastern Mediterranean basin. This will be followed by prese ntations on the Current Issues in marine biology, including Marine Biotechn ology, as well as on the novel approaches such as Genomics, Post-genomics an d Bio-informatics. To illustrate the power of these techniques, corals an d other symbioses will be discussed as a case study. Attendance: 30 PhD students and post-doctoral fello ws from Eastern Mediterranean Region with interests in Marine Biolo gy. Costs for

accommodation and food will be covered by the Danie l Jouvance Foundation, and participants will only have to pay for their tr avel. Participants will have to stay for the whole duration of the course. See more details: � IMPORTANT DATES: APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15 th July 2017. ACCEPTANCE CONFIRMATION: after 31 th July 2017. � ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:

G. GEORGIOU (OC-UCY, Nicosia), Y. SAMUEL-RHOADS (OC-UCY, Nicosia), N. CHARTOSIA (OC-UCY, Nicosia), F.C KUEPPER (Oceanlab, Aberdeen) B. KLOAREG (Foundation Daniel Jouvance - Institut d e France, F) JP. CALLEGARI ((Foundation Daniel Jouvance - Instit ut de France, F) Contact: Frithjof C. KUEPPER, [email protected] and Yianna SAMUEL-RHOADS, [email protected] .


PhD students and post-doctoral fellows from Eastern Mediterranean Region interested in Marine Biology. Send the following material (in English):

• Motivation letter detailing why you want to atten d in relation with your current research and/or your longer-term academic g oals • Detailed CV including education, research experie nce, communications to meetings, papers • At least one recommendation letter (in English), to be sent directly by one of your supervisor/teacher

To both: Yianna SAMUEL-RHOADS, [email protected] and Jean-Pierre CALLEGARI, [email protected] . Attendance:

Cost for accommodation and food will be covered and participants will have to pay for their travel only. Participants will have t o stay for the whole duration of the course.

Each student will be requested to give a 5 min pres entation (+ 5 min discussion) about his/her current research.

All lectures will be given in English � PROGRAM

The School will incorporate intensive lectures focu sed on Genomics and Post-genomics, Bio-informatics, Marine bio-resources and Blue Biotechnology, Symbiosis and Corals. The School will also incorpor ate a practical part on the form of excursions as well as tutorials in bioinfor matics.


Regional context: Aquaculture in Cyprus and perspec tives for marine biology and biotechnology

Module 1 - Issues in Marine Biology: Marine bio-res ources and blue biotechnology, multi-trophic aquaculture,

Module 2 - Overview of methods: Basic concepts and approaches in bio-informatics, genomics and post-genomics, genetic an d metabolic engineering in marine organisms,

Module 3 - Case studies: Aquaculture, microalgae, c orals and symbioses.