Download - Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02

  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


    Abubakar Adeni


    Teknik Kimia

    9.15 A solution of Acetone and Water containing 50 wt% each is to be continuously

    fractionated at standard atmospheric pressure at rate 4000 kg/h. The distillate

    product is to contain 95 wt % acetone , the residue 0.5%. The feed will be 30 mol%

    vaporized before it enters the tower. A total condenser will be used, and reflux will be

    returned at the bubble point.

    T X1 Y1 73.26 0.47 0.81

    Deg C 72.85 0.48 0.82

    100.00 0.00 0.00 72.43 0.49 0.83

    99.26 0.01 0.04 72.02 0.50 0.83

    98.53 0.02 0.07 71.62 0.51 0.84

    97.80 0.03 0.10 71.22 0.52 0.84

    97.08 0.04 0.14 70.83 0.53 0.85

    96.37 0.05 0.17 70.44 0.54 0.86

    95.67 0.06 0.20 70.05 0.55 0.86

    94.98 0.07 0.22 69.67 0.56 0.87

    94.30 0.08 0.25 69.30 0.57 0.87

    93.62 0.09 0.28 68.92 0.58 0.88

    92.95 0.10 0.30 68.55 0.59 0.88

    92.29 0.11 0.33 68.19 0.60 0.89

    91.64 0.12 0.35 67.83 0.61 0.8991.00 0.13 0.37 67.47 0.62 0.90

    90.36 0.14 0.40 67.12 0.63 0.90

    89.73 0.15 0.42 66.77 0.64 0.90

    89.11 0.16 0.44 66.43 0.65 0.91

    88.50 0.17 0.46 66.09 0.66 0.91

    87.89 0.18 0.48 65.75 0.67 0.92

    87.29 0.19 0.49 65.41 0.68 0.92

    86.70 0.20 0.51 65.08 0.69 0.92

    86.12 0.21 0.53 64.76 0.70 0.93

    85.55 0.22 0.55 64.43 0.71 0.93

    84.98 0.23 0.56 64.11 0.72 0.93

    84.42 0.24 0.58 63.79 0.73 0.94

    83.86 0.25 0.59 63.48 0.74 0.94

    83.32 0.26 0.60 63.17 0.75 0.94

    82.77 0.27 0.62 62.86 0.76 0.95

    82.24 0.28 0.63 62.56 0.77 0.95

    81.71 0.29 0.64 62.26 0.78 0.95

    81.19 0.30 0.66 61.96 0.79 0.95

    80.68 0.31 0.67 61.66 0.80 0.96

    80.17 0.32 0.68 61.37 0.81 0.96

    79.67 0.33 0.69 61.08 0.82 0.96

    79.18 0.34 0.70 60.79 0.83 0.97

    78.69 0.35 0.71 60.51 0.84 0.97

    78.20 0.36 0.72 60.23 0.85 0.97

    77.73 0.37 0.73 59.95 0.86 0.9777.26 0.38 0.74 59.67 0.87 0.97

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    76.79 0.39 0.75 59.40 0.88 0.98

    76.33 0.40 0.76 59.12 0.89 0.98

    75.88 0.41 0.77 58.86 0.90 0.98

    75.43 0.42 0.78 58.59 0.91 0.98

    74.99 0.43 0.78 58.33 0.92 0.99

    74.55 0.44 0.79 58.06 0.93 0.99

    74.11 0.45 0.80 57.81 0.94 0.9973.69 0.46 0.81 57.55 0.95 0.99

    57.29 0.96 0.99

    57.04 0.97 0.99

    56.79 0.98 1.00

    56.54 0.99 1.00

    56.30 1.00 1.00

    a) Determine the product rates, kg/h.

    b) Determine the minimum reflux ratio.

    c) Determine the minimum number of theoritical trays, graphically and by means

    of eq.(9.85)

    d) Determine the number of theoritical trays required at reflux ratio equal to

    twice the minimum and the position of feed tray.

    e) Estimate the overall tray efficiency of a sieve-tray tower of conventional

    design and the number of real trays.

    f) Using the distillate temperature as the base temperature, determine the

    enthalpy of the feed, the products, and the vapor entering the condenser.

    Determine the heat loads of the condenser and reboiler. Latent and spesific

    heats are available in The Chemical Engineers Handbook, 5th

    ed., pp. 3-116

    and 3-129.



    F = 4000 kg/h GF = 30%

    Acetone : zF = 50 wt% Water : zF = 50 wt%

    xD = 95 wt% xD = 5 wt%

    xW = 0,5 wt% xW= 99,5 wt%

    Mr = 58 gr/mol Mr = 18 gr/mol

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  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


    5. Membuat garis operasi enriching (hubungkan titik pertemuan garis operasi feed dan

    garis kesetimbangan dengan titik pertemuan garis distilat dan diagonal)

    Titik potong antara feedline dengan kurva kesetimbangan dan titik akhir

    X2 = 0.157

    Y2 = 0.424

    X1 = 0.95

    Y1 = 0.95

    ! !!



    = ! !!!!


    ! 0.95

    0.424 0.95= ! 0.95

    0.157 0.95

    ! = !.!!"!+ !.!"#6. Menentukan rasio reflux minimum


    !!+ 1

    = 0.38


    !!+ 1

    = 0.38

    !!= 1,67

  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


    C. Determine the minimum number of theoritical trays, graphically and by means of


    Menentukan jumlah kolom teoritis

    !!+ 1 =


    1 0.855

    1 0.0015



    !!+ 1 = 4.83

    !!= 3.83 4

    y = 1.5362x3 - 3.5798x2 + 3.034x + 0.0264







    0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00



    x-y Chart

  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


    Berdasarkan grafik diperoleh minimum tray sebanyak 5 Tray

    D. Determine the number of theoritical trays required at reflux ratio equal to twice the

    minimum and the position of feed tray.

    Reflux ratio minimum = 1.67. Sedangkan apabila reflux rationya menjadi dua kali

    reflux ratio minimum, intercept garis operasi enrichingnya menjadi (R= 2 Rm)

    ! =!

    ! + 1! + !"

    ! + 1

    ! =3,34

    3,34+ 1! + 0.855

    3,34+ 1

    ! = 0.769! + 0.196

    Untuk mendapatkan Stripping line mencari titik potong antara enriching line dengan

    feed line sehingga didapatkan seperti persamaan berikut ini :0.769! + 0.196 = 2.33! + 0.79

  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


    Sehingga didapat :

    X : 0.1917 Y :0,3434

    Berdasarkan grafik yang didapatkan, jumlah tray yang dibutuhkan pada saat R = 2R

    adalah 7 tray dan feed masuk pada tray ke 3.

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    e) Estimate the overall tray efficiency of a sieve tray tower of conventional design and

    the number of real trays.

    Dari grafik kita dapat menghitung efisiensi tray dengan terlebih dahulu menghitung

    nilai av x L. Nilai yang diketahui adalah :

    av =5,532

    L = 6,03 x 10-4

    sehingga didapat av x L= 3,33 x 10-3. Jika dimasukkan ke grafik maka didapat nilai

    Eo (Efisiensi trays ) sebesar 0,51.

    Dari nilai efisiensi diatas maka dapa dihitung real trays dengan persamaan berikut ini



    0.38 =7

    !"#$%&!"!"#$!"#$%!"#$%!"&= 18,42 18

  • 7/27/2019 Abubakar Adeni Assg4 Permas02


    Jadi jumlah trays pada kenyataannya adalah 18

    f) Using the distillate temperature as the base temperature, determine the enthalpy of

    the feed, the products, and the vapor entering the condenser. Determine the heat loads

    of the condenser and reboiler. Latent and spesific heats are available in The

    Chemical Engineers Handbook, 5th

    ed., pp. 3-116 and 3-129.

    Heat loads of the condenser (QC)

    QC = D [(R + 1) HG1 R HL0 HD]

    Heat loads of the reboiler (QB)

    QB = D HD + W HW + QC + QL F HF

    Diketahui dari pembahasan sebelumnya:

    F = 145,595 kmol/h

    D = 40,139 kmol/h

    W = 105,455 kmol/h

    R = 2 Rm = 3.34

    q = 0.7

    Basis: 1 jamfeed

    Untuk aceton (A)

    Untuk temperature 56,3 C, didapatkan:

    Enthalpy of vaporization (Hvap) = 29,121 kj/mol

    AV = (xFxf) + (yFyf)AV = (0.237 x 29,121 kJ/mol) + (0.763 x 40,706 kJ/mol)

    = 37,960 kJ/mol

    q = (H Cp dT)/AV

    0.7 (J/mol K)= (H x 124.700 J/mol K) / 37,960 x 1000 J/mol

    H = 213.087 J/mol