Download - Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western · Louis XIV’s legacy Wars Gained Franche-Comte, portions of Flanders,


(ca 1589-1715)

Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western and

Eastern Europe

Absolutism Difference between absolutism and totalitarianism

Administrative monarchy – concept of public service and private


Difference from medieval traditions

Monarch as embodiment of the state

Reining in the nobility – how is this accomplished?

L’état, c’est moi – Louis XIV (?)

French Absolutism Henry IV – administrative reforms Edict of Nantes Taille, paulette Purchase of offices permitted

Richelieu – Fr. Cardinal Chief minister for Louis XIII Intendants Noblesse de robe v. Noblesse de sangre Raîson d’état Centralization of the state Foreign policy – supporting enemies

of the Hapsburgs (see TYW) Developed the French Academy, to

standardize and promote Parisian French as the official dialect of French

French Absolutism

Richelieu – “Where the interests of the state are concerned, God absolves actions which, if privately committed, would be a crime.”

Richelieu is succeeded by Mazarin, another cardinal, trained by Richelieu in statecraft

Intriguing – churchmen are more responsible for influencing state policy and absolutism than kings

Louis XIII succeeded by his son, Louis XIV at the age of 4What was the Fronde? How did it affect Louis XIV?

Absolute Monarch – Louis XIV

“The Sun King”, what is the significance of that image?

God established rulers on earth – what political conclusions are inevitable from that position?

Ascended the throne at age 4, tutored by Mazarin, takes no chief advisor upon Mazarin’s death, rules until age 76, his death.

Sought to restrict the authority of the nobility Domestication of the nobles (de sangre)

How was this accomplished?


Center of Absolutism - Versailles

Privileged nobles were encouraged to live at Versailles with their family

Other monarchs sought to imitate Versailles – leading in part to French becoming new language of polite society and diplomacy

Explain this phrase: “He separated power from status and grandeur”; does it hold true in part today?

French Financial Policy - Mercantilism

Jean-Baptiste Colbert – Louis XIV’s chief financial advisor

Policies of mercantilism sought to concentrate wealth, interpreted as gold, in the hands of the French state How does a state accrue gold?

What is the value of gold?

Effect of mercantilism on international trade

Effect of mercantilism on domestic trade

What are tariffs?

How do mercantilistic policies affect France’s attitude toward New World colonization?

Louis XIV’s Acts as King Revoked the Edict of Nantes, 1685Why remove toleration for Huguenots?

What are the benefits of religious unity? Distinction between religious unity and


Reactions to revocation

Expansion and overhaul of militaryWhat are the advantages of a standing

army? Regimentization?

Consequences for France and neighbors of expanded military?

Louis XIV’s legacy Wars Gained Franche-Comte, portions of

Flanders, and Lorraine (1660-1680) High cost of supporting army not met

and debts accrued War of Spanish Succession (1701-

1713) At issue, whether or not Louis’ grandson,

Philip of Anjou, would take the throne of Spain, giving Louis control over both France and Spain

France and Spain lost this war against a coalition of Austria, England/Britain, and the Netherlands

Peace of Utrecht, 1713 – Philip was king of Spain, but could never inherit the throne of France (Bourbonization of Spain) Britain gained control over many former

French territories, including portions of Canada

Louis XIV’s Legacy

French ClassicismPrimary artist – Nicolas Poussin

Literature – Racine and Molière

Demise of Spain

Inflation and taxes fell heavily on poor

Foreign wars and expulsion of Moors and Jews stripped Spain of creative and middle class (few people saw money-making jobs as useful)

Spanish kings constantly overran budgets and weren’t considered good credit risks by most European bankers

Inbreeding among the Hapsburgs results in an impotent and inept heir in Charles II (see following pictures)

Philip III Philip IV Charles II

Spanish Odds and Ends

Chronicler of Spanish decline in literature – Miguel

de Cervantes, Don Quixote

Louis’ grandson, Philip V of Spain, re-invigorated

Spanish monarchy, the House of Bourbon – built

new Royal Palace in Madrid, commissioned art and

architecture to compete with Versailles

Absolutism’s failure in England

The Rise of the House of Stuart: Scotland's monarch, James VI, is heir to throne of England

after Elizabeth's death

Ideas of divine right of kings do not sit well with English Parliament, conflicting with precedent of consultation

Parliament resisted James for political as well as religious reasons, his reluctance to consult with them and his “foreign” birth high among them

Parliament controlled the purse, giving them significant advantage in conflict with royalty

English gentry and burgesses leaned Puritan in religion, generally despising a series of Abps. of Canterbury for too strong favoring of Catholic-esque traditions

Monarchy in Crisis

Charles, James's son, becomes king after James's death, more determined than ever to keep his own counsel

Married to Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV of France

Seeks to marry his son off to the daughter of King of Spain

Sought to force Scotland to accept Book of Common Prayer, making them Anglican; aroused “Bishop’s War”

King's supporters - Cavaliers; Parliamentary supporters – Roundheads (“We could buy the House of Lords three times over”)

Puritan and Parliamentary Rule

Puritans were suspicious of Charles' perceived anti-Calvinist leanings; middle class rebelled against Charles levying taxes without consulting Parliament, or over their dissent

As king of England, he fought against Scottish forces using English forces; he additionally ruled Scotland independently of England

1642: Alienated many in Parliament, raised his standard against Parliament, triggered English Civil War Had sought to severely restrict his ability to rule

absolutely, by forcing through legislation that required Parliament to meet at least every three years (Triennial Act)

Parliament wins under leadership of Oliver Cromwell (MP and General of Parliamentary forces); New Model Army

Charles and the Regicides

Tried by the Long Parliament (meeting 1640-1660); found guilty of treason and executed

Interregnum;1649-1660 (Commonwealth) Established republican governmentAfter 1653, called the Protectorate,

ruled by Cromwell as dictator and Lord Protector Bad reputation for suppression of Irish Actually religiously tolerant, in many

respects, of Dissenters within the army Readmitted Jews to England for the first

time since expulsion in 1290 Navigation Acts – English goods

transported on English ships

The Restoration Having had their fill of Commonwealth, leading

MP’s and Lords invite Charles II to return an reclaim his father’s throne

Charles II does indeed return, bringing his Catholic wife with him; he was not too concerned with matters of religious doctrine

Clarendon Code: limited political options and freedoms of religious dissenters; required membership in Church of England to participate in public life in England (preaching, teaching, holding office, receive university education)

Government by “Cabal”

Secret agreement with Louis XIV to re-establish Catholicism

Stuart messes

Childless Charles succeeded by openly Catholic brother, James II →

Flouted laws against Catholics holding offices, and appointed cronies to significant positions throughout England

Concern arose over James’ 2nd wife, pregnant, would bear a new Catholic heir to the throne

Granted religious freedom to all, in effort to curry favor with religious dissenters and nonconformists

Parliament seeks James’ Protestant daughter, Mary, to take the throne with her husband, William

Stuart line still supported by Scots –Pretenders still exist to this day

Glorious Revolution What made this revolution “glorious”? The elimination of the potential for Catholic


The establishment of an English Bill of Rights 1688

The ability of Parliament to complete the control over the monarchy it sought during the English Civil War

Major supporter of this was John Locke, apologist for constitutionalism

Act of Toleration, granting freedom of worship to non-Anglicans, excepting Catholics, 1689

Golden Age of the Dutch

Dutch Republic flourishes in the aftermath of the TYW

Stadholder – more or less hereditary within the House of Orange, but still elected (like HRE)

Wealthy, seafaring nation, great traders, colonized the West and East Indies (Dutch India Companies)

What is republican government?

Absolutism – East v. WestWhat are the major differences between the

development of Eastern and Western absolutism? Trend toward absolutism in East with heavily restrictive

governments Trend of opposition to absolutism in several Western

European statesRole of serfdom, rise of middle class, role and power of the

nobility Oath of Aragonese nobility to monarch “We who are as good as you

swear to you who are no better than we to accept you as our king and sovereign lord, provided you observe all our liberties and laws; but if not, not.”

Use of architecture to awe and overwhelm subjects

The Persistence of Serfdom

Serfs – an institution increasing in Eastern Europe, while it

declined in Western Europe. Why?

Western Europe – “Town air makes you free”; Eastern Europe –

towns were not strong enough to resist expansion of noble lands

Interests of king lay with nobility, not in his own rights – ex.

Polish king, elected

Austrian Empire

Habsburgs continued in power until 1918, but their power was fragmented No unified empire, but ruled each land according to custom and tradition King of Hungary

Archduke of Austria

King of Bohemia

Stamped out Protestantism everywhere in Bohemia during the TYW

Major post-TYW opponent were the Turks, once again Turks had no concept of private property, no hereditary nobility, sultan took

captive Christian peoples and trained them to be Janissaries (sultan’s personal guard)

Vienna besieged in 1683, Turks forced to retreat, lost most of their European lands by 1699 (Hungary and Transylvania)

Charles VI and the Pragmatic Sanction

Charles VI had only daughters to inherit the

throne (no other existing male heirs)

Sought desperately to keep Hapsburg lands from

being divided and convinced most European

powers (including Austria, Hungary, and

Bohemia) to respect a female heir

Pragmatic Sanction was eventually accepted by

most European monarchs and rulers

The Rise of Prussia

Emergence of Prussia as a major European power is nothing short of


Hohenzollerns held titles of elector and duke, but their power was

limited by the noble Estates

Frederick William the Great Elector worked to strip power from the

Estates, built the army, encouraged Huguenots and other middle

class to move to Prussian lands

Strict Calvinist, but granted mild religious toleration to allow non-

Calvinists to move in without fear

Most importantly, laid foundations for a significant standing army

supported by permanent tax structure

Frederick and Frederick William

Helped defeat Louis XIV in the war of the Spanish

Succession, Elector Frederick III was elevated to King

Frederick I in Prussia by HRE

Prussia expanded and developed army under King

Frederick William I

The “Soldier’s King”; loved tall soldiers, had entire regiments

devoted to tall soldiers

Military power intimidated neighboring princes, allowed Prussia

to gain increasing prestige among European powers

Responsible for strong bureaucracy, efficient government,

bringing the Junkers into the army as the officer corps

Peter the Great

Revolt of Stenka Razin, leading serfs against

the boyars, led to even tighter restrictions on


Giant tsar, Peter the Great, expands Russian

military might

Through new military service requirements,

Westernization (18 month tour of Western


Prolonged wars with Sweden (Great Northern

War, 1700-1721)

Reforms of Peter the Great

Service nobility were required to serve for life in their positions, civil or


Enlarged standing army, drafting peasant soldiers for life

Social changes: beards, coat length, veils for women

Industry introduced after Peter’s European tour, bringing shipbuilding

and other trades to Russia

Increased Russia’s Western holdings, gaining “a window on the West” – St.


Forced hundreds of thousands of serfs to labor building the city

Became new Russian capital, largely ice-free port

Forced all nobility to take up residence in city

City laid out according to plan, instead of growing like medieval towns