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Explore Religion and Philosophy(15,042) Hinduism(311)The way of lighting a lamp/deepam with combining water and oilBydevallakalpanaa

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Significance of lighting a lamp in HinduismThe Light symbolize the absence of darkness, grief and sorrows and indicates inside knowledge illumination along with enlighten.Knowledge will be the endless wealth that is able to removing ignorance just like the light removes darkness. An oil lamp is lit to bow down to knowledge because greatest of forms.The oil or ghee within the lamp signifies our vices as well as the wick, the ego. Whenever lit by spiritual knowledge, the vices get slowly and gradually exhausted along with the ego too perishes. The wick is main object which is using to light an oil lamp and actually wick is a symbol of power and brightness where a lamp emits lighting.The flames of a lamp continually burns upwards and similarly be supposed to attain such knowledge to take us towards higher values. It's a custom to light a lamp initially before starting any auspicious events or ceremonies. As a result of lighting an oil lamp, will always removes darkness, ignorance, evil and relives from worries, troubles, stress, and also disappointment. Light symbolizes awareness. By lighting the lamps, almightys delightful grace will spread all over the house. The first and foremost appearance of the God will be the Light, which is believed asDivine Light.

belongs to devallakalpanaa.Slokas to be chant:The shloka to be chant while lighting the lampSubham Karoti Kalyanam,Arogyam Dhana Sampadah,Shatru Buddhi VinashayaDeepa Jyotir Namostute.Meaning :I salute the One who is the lamplight that brings auspiciousness; prosperity, good health, abundance of wealth, and the destruction of the intellects enemy (6 enemies - Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya).After lighting the lamp, chant the prayerDeepajyothi Parabrahma,Deepajyothi Janardhana,Deepo me hara tu paapam,Deepa Jyothir NamostuteMeaning:I salute the Brahman, the sustainer of the creation, in the form of this light. I salute the Lord, may He destroy afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions.variety of wicks and significance:The wick is main object which is using to light an oil lamp and actually wick is a symbol of power and brightness where a lamp emits lighting.

Source: wicksCotton wicks are made from Indian cotton plant which is the most popular and commonly used wick in India to light an oil lamp. It attains every good fortune.Lotus wicksLotus wicks are prepared from the fiber of Lotus stem. Lighting lamp using these Lotus wicks will brings you fortune in Money matters with Goddess Mahalakshmi blessings as well as Goddess Saraswathi blessings. It will take away earlier birth fate and creates a happy and successful life with perfectness.White Madar wicksLighting lamp with white Madar wicks will fine for healthiness and will bring blessings of Lord Maha Ganapathi. It will give positive result in court matters, competitive exams. Increases wealth and dispels evil effects, will give positive energy, peace, return of debuts and nullifies malefic powers.Banana stem wicksBy lighting lamp with this Banana stem wicks, it make possible us to request pardon for mistakes which were committed by us and by our family. Lighting Lamp with Banana stem wicks will serves Lord Hanuman blessings, healthy Child and positive results in ongoing Works etc. but it is not advisable to light these wick in marriage discussions.Red and Yellow cotton cloth wicksThese wicks are prepared with new yellow cotton cloth and red cotton cloth. With the yellow cotton cloth wicks we can attain grace of goddess parvathi devi and by lighting Red cotton cloth wick It will helps to eliminates difficulties in marriages and child bearing and will help to increase mutual understanding and love between couples.

Different types of oils :We use Ghee or different types of oils to lit an oil lamp for various reasons.GheeCows ghee makes sure to destroy poverty and will give health, peace and bliss.Gingerly oil or sesame oilGingerly oil or sesame oil helps in elimination of difficulties and bad sin effects that disturbs you. Lighting lamp with this oils is very popular to please Lord Shani during Sade-sati periods of Saturn at Mahadasha and Antardasha.Castor oilCastor oil mainly used to acquire fame, name, happiness in family life, and to increase a devotional faith.Panchadeepa OilPanchadeepa Oil which is extremely suggestible to light a lamp to nullify all evil effects in home and keeps peace in the home by eliminating evil eye, bad thoughts, illnesses and poverty. Lamp lighting with this oil will brings wealth, happiness, health and luck. Actually this oil is combination of Coconut oil or gingerly oil, Castor oil, Neem oil, Mahua oil and cows Ghee.Using ofSunflower oilorground nut oilis not recommended because older persons will say that if we those oils to light a lamp in the home are always in need of money or them in debts.Number of wicks and their meaning:Single wickgives general benefits and success.Two wicksblesses with harmony and peace in the family and home.Three wicksbless us with progeny.Four wickswill bring all-round success and extravagant victuals.Five wickswill gives us Wealth in all aspects.Six wicksblesses us with Knowledge and Renunciation.WickDirectionsand their impact :We are having 4 directions East, West, North and South. Lighting lamp in individual direction will gives us different results.East:Beneficial for health and mind will be peacefulWest:To get free from financial obligations or debts and success over enemies.North:To achieve all over success in undertaken ventures as the most preferable direction to place a lamp to light.South:This direction is regarded as inauspicious and never lights a lamp in this direction.Types of oil lamps:An oil lamp is an object which utilizes to produce light usually for an assured time by using oil as a main fuel source to light a lamp. The tradition of using oil lamps started 1000's of years ago which is continued today. Oil lamps are generally used in Hindus and as well as in temples.Clay lamp:Clay lamps are widely using for spiritual rituals and the significance of clay lamp is extreme in all kinds of prayers and devotional religious customs.Silver lamp:silver lamp is inflamed to impress the moon and this step is supposed to get rid of poverty.Gold lamp:Gold lamp is inflamed for health, wealth and expansions of business or any other developments.Brass lamp:Brass lamps are easily available with affordable price and its durability is very high.Clay lamps and Brass lamps are very popular because of availability and afford. But none of them use Iron and steel oil lamps for Hindu spiritual rituals in their houses. Silver and gold lamps are expensive to use.We can also light an oil lamp with lemon and rice flour for some specific religious ceremonies.Lemon Lamp:First take a fresh lemon and then cut it to middle and take away the juice and seeds from the cut lemon and then invert it. Here yours lemon lamp is ready.

Lemon Diya with cotton wick belongs to devallakalpanaaPlace wicks inside lemon and fill with Ghee then light it. Mainly these lemon lamps are used to please goddess Dura. In South India lighting lemon lamps are popularly used during Rahu kalam which helps to cancel out the negative effects of the Rahu planet and to get the blessings of Goddess Dura to acquire peace and prosperity in ones life.Rice Flour Lamp:Wash and soak rice for 30 minutes and pour water completely then grind it to a fine powder. Then use Siever to separate fine flour and any remaining granules presented. After that add grated jaggery to that rice flour and mix it well with hand or by mixer. Afterward take the dough into a container and make it round and press with thumb in top middle of the dough to get dent. Pour enough ghee to fill the dent and place a wick in that dent to light.

rice flour diya belongs to devallakalpanaPreparation of JaladeepamJaladeepammeans the lighting lamp with combination of water and oil. Many of them will think how it will be possible. I will say you the procedure step-by-step here.First stepTake 2 empty bowls , one large and one small .

empty bowlsSecond StepFill both bowls with water. large bowl with full and small bowl with 75% of water.

bowls with waterThird stepAdd 2 to 3 spoons of oil to small bowl.

Adding oil

3 spoons of oil added to the bowlFourth stepwe will use the floating kind of item as a base for wick to light the lamp. Here i am using plastic floating flower with a hole to place a wick to light the lamp. after placing wick in the flower place it in the small bowl.

Floating Flower which are using to place a Wick

Wicks which we are using

Floating Flower with Wick

Bowl with Floating FlowerFifth stepLight a lamp . Here i am using match stick to lit the wick.

Lighting Wick with Match stick

Glow of the LampFinal StepThis step is leaving up to your wish. It is decoration . I used Chrysanthemum petals and added little reddish color to get some light color for plain water and used decorative flowers.

Chrysanthemum petals

Added little Red color

Decorated flowers.ConclusionThis lamp will give lighting up to 7 to 8 hours about. Now days people are lighting these floating lamps in homes as Vastu Remedies to get rid of evil powers and negative influences. Most people are using floating candles to decorate their houses .Here are some more pictures

@ reserved for devallakalpanaa

Benefits of Abhishekam

1) Milk Abhishekam Removes all sins

2) Honey Abhishekam Removes all sorrows and problems in life

3) Ghee Abhishekam Get rid of all illness

4) Panchamrutham Abhishekam Panchamrutham is a mixture of five ingredients; Fruits, jaggery, ghee, honey and sugar candy

5) Gingely Oil Abhishekam Increases Knowledge

6) Sandal Paste Abhishekam Increases luck and gets good health

7) Turmeric Abhishekam Increases wellness

8) Tender Coconut Water Abhishekam Increases overall wellness of family

9) Vibhuti Abhishekam For better Job Prospects

10) Lemon Abhishekam Get rid of fear of death

Milk gives long life Ghee gives Moksha state Curd gives good children Honey gives melodious voice Rice powder frees from debts Sugar cane juice gives good health Panjamrutham gives wealth Lemon removes fear of death Sugar removes enmity Tender coconut gives enjoyment Cooked Rice(Annam) gives mejestic life Sandal gives Lakshmi's grace