Download - About Bee Survival by S. Heda

  • about bee survivalExact causes of mass bee losses are unknown; there are a mix of causes that sicken bees:

    >pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, acaricides>strain from being moved long distances by beekeepers to pollinate crops >sudden changes in time zone/climate>parasites leaving the bees vulnerable to bacteria and viruses>combinations of chemicals hurt the immune system making them more vulnerable to disease and threaten the entire colony, beginning with the honeybee>nutritionally inferior nectar and pollen of modied crops>lack of variety in plants and crops in the south - large monoculture plantings of unsuitable crops that dont provide good nectar and pollen for bees: corn, soybean, cotten, canola>Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD): Bees that eat pollen contaminated with fungicides were 3 xs as likely to be infected by a parasite linked to CCD



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    be a loss of $40 billion

    in U.S. agricultural economy each ye



    we lose the bees

    we lose the plants they help pollinate, and lose the animals that

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    Each summer, U.S. beekeepers truck hives to pasteurs in the upper midwest to gather nectar and pollen. In the spring, hives are brought back to the south to pollinate crops of most every fruit, vegetable, and nut we find in our supermarkets.

    Bees pollinate 70 of the 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world, and more than 100 types of crops in the U.S. alone. There are other insects, such as ants, that can pollinate crops but some plants can only be pollinated by bees. 1 out of every 3 bites of food are dependant on pollinators; bees are vital for the alfalfa and clover that feed cattle and without them, there would be less beef, milk, and cheese.

    30%of the bee population disappears every year

    Why should we care

    it would directly affect

    30% brussel sprouts, c a b b a g e

    40% strawberry

    50% pear

    70% apricot, plum and prune, watermelon

    90% apple, asparagus, cherries, cucumber, pumpkin

    100% almond, avocado, blueberry, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, celery, onion

    1 0 % b e a n , l e t t u c e

    Crop types and their dependence on honeybees: