Download - Aborigine History & Culture. Migration Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Page 1: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Aborigine History & Culture

Page 2: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.


Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have arrived around 40,000 years ago. The Aborigines are the longest on-going culture in the world.

Aborigines have tried hard to preserve their history and culture and share it with their children.

Page 3: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

When Europeans arrived in Australia there were over 750,000 Aborigines. Most were forced to move to the interior of Australia, Because of expanding colonial settlements taking their lands.

The Aborigines had to hunt and gather, and they learned to raise sheep.

Europeans excluded Aborigines from participating in government.

Over half of the Aborigines died from fighting or exposure to European diseases. Today, ONLY 1% OF AUSTRALIA’S POPULATION ARE ABORIGINES.

Page 4: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Culture - The behaviors and belief characteristics of a particular social or ethnic group.

Where do they live in Australia?

In modern cities and the Outback

What type of language do they speak?

The Aborigines have between 200-300 different forms of language

Boomerangs were originally used as a weapon to hunt kangaroos.

Now boomerangs are used more for sport/games

Page 5: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

What kind of food do they eat?

They still hunt and gather for food in the Outback

In the cities, they eat modern foods like us

Page 6: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

What do they do for fun?

Boomerang, dance, music…they do a lot of the same things we do for fun

What is their religion?

They have many different gods. These gods sometimes change between tribes. Gods are often shown as land features, animals or plants.

They often chant and dance during ceremonies. Women are separate from men and have their own ceremonies.

Dreamtime – belief that it is the time of creation when the gods created land forms and made the first animals and plants. Dreamtime is a big part of Aboriginal art.

Page 7: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

What are some Aborigine traditions?

Dot Painting

painting their faces white for religious ceremonies

Spiritual dances

Totem poles

Page 8: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Dot painting - consists of various paint colours like yellow (the sun), brown (the soil), red (desert sand) and white (the clouds and the sky). These are traditional Aboriginal colours. Dot paintings can be painted on anything though in aboriginal times they used to paint dot pictures on rocks, caves etc. Mostly Indigenous Australians painted nature like animals or lakes and of course, the dreamtime. They used to paint stories and legends on caves and rocks to represent their religion

Page 9: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Totems – poles with art that reflects a family or tribal group.

Page 10: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.


Many aborigines do not finish high school.

87% of rural Aborigines struggle to read and write

Some of the rural people live in huts

Their standard of living is lower than most people in Australia

Page 11: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Because of the low literacy rate, the lower standard of living, many Aborigines work for low wages.

Some work in the Outback/Ayers Rock as tour guides for the national parks.

Page 12: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.

Native American History

The men were hunters, warriors, and protectors, while the women tended to the children, their homes, and farmed. It depended on the tribe when it came to artwork. In some tribes, the men would actually weave baskets and blankets. Natural foods were consumed and hunted. Deer, buffalo, fish, and various birds were the game of choice. Corn, beans, squash, berries, nuts, and melons were the fruits and vegetables that were consumed. Berries were also often used as a natural dye for fabrics.

The Native American Indians were forced out of their homeland, prompting such legendary stories as the Trail of Tears. Eventually many simply adopted the European way of dress and even religion, with many Indians converting over to Christianity. Today, there are approximately 560 federally recognized Native American tribes within the United States. Many face problems such as poverty, alcohol abuse, and heart disease.

Today, only 1.2% of the population in the United States are Native Americans

"Civilizing" the Children Boarding schools were established as the government's attempt to "civilize" the Native American children

according to Western culture. Children as young as four years old were taken away from their families and sent hundreds of miles away for months or years at a time.

"Don't kill the man, but kill the Indian in the man. That's exactly what the boarding schools were intended to do," explains Rick West.

Government Imposed Restrictions In the 1800s, the government forced Native Americans from their fertile land onto barren reservations. Rick

says these desolate places were never intended to be economically viable and became areas of intense poverty. "They wanted our cultures broken up. Breaking up our land base was one way of doing that, because of our spiritual attachment to the lands on which we live.“

Losing a Culture Native Americans welcomed Europeans who came to America, but were then betrayed and viewed as

savages by these newcomers.

Page 13: Aborigine History & Culture. Migration  Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australia. They are believed to be from South East Asia, and may have.