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  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    aberrantadjective1. departing from the right, normal, or usual course.

    2. deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normaltype; exceptional; abnormal.

    You little aberrant! Mama reprimanded Ernestwhen at last he returned to the parking lot after havingscampered into the woods during a family hike.

    The anachronism of steampunk is an aberration from

    modern dress, with its Victorian top hats andpocketwatches.

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    anomalynoun, plural -lies.1. a deviation from the common rule, type,

    arrangement, or form.2. an odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation,quality, etc.3. an incongruity or inconsistency.

    The only blonde in her dark-haired family, Anna was

    an anomaly.

    This graph of an inconsistent brain wave graph is apictorial example of anomaly.

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    eccentricitynoun, plural -ties.1. an oddity or peculiarity, as of conduct: an

    interesting man, known for his eccentricities.2. Mathematics. a constant expressed as the ratio ofthe distance from a point on a conic to a focus and thedistance from the point to the directrix.

    The planets eccentric, elliptical orbit pulled it at

    times perilously close to its blazing sun and at timesdeep into the cold reaches of outer space.

    Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown fromBack to theFuture (1985) is a fictional example of eccentriccomportment.

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    endemicadjective1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or

    place; native; indigenous2. belonging exclusively or confined to a particularplace

    The fever and high poverty level were endemic to thesmall tropical village.

    Nothing like the famous head statues at Easter Islandhave been found anywhere else, rendering themendemic to the island and its culture.

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    incongruousadjective1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate;

    unbecoming2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant;lacking harmony of parts3. inconsistent

    The small children shouted incongruously around

    their table at the wedding reception.

    Houses are not often pink, purple and teal.

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    mundaneadjective1. of or pertaining to this world or earth as

    contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly: mundaneaffairs.2. common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative.

    Jessicas job as an accountant, dealing with themundane, monetary affairs of her clients, often bore

    down upon her soul as a grey and dreary weight.

    Dianne Wiest as the Avon saleslady fromEdward

    Scissorhands (1990) embodies the mundane, sellingeveryday products door-to-door to housewives.

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    outlandishadjective1. freakishly or grotesquely strange or odd, as

    appearance, dress, objects, ideas, or practices; bizarre2. having a foreign appearance.3. remote from civilized areas; out-of the-way

    Look at these outlandish Siamese Twins! said Violetto Klaus as they wandered through the carnival freak


    Everything about the Mad Hatterand most of theother characters in Alice in Wonderland, for that

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    matteris outlandish, from his appearance and speechto his general behavior.paragon

    noun1. a model or pattern of excellence or of a particularexcellence.verb (used with object)2. to compare; parallel.3. to be a match for; rival.

    Saint Francis of Assisi, with his love for all creaturesand devotion to God, was the paragon of virtue.

    An unflawed, 100-carat diamond is also called a


  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined



    adjectiveexisting or being everywhere, esp. at the same time;omnipresent

    Jenny couldn't wait to try the new, popular makeuptrend that was so ubiquitous among her friends.

    Shepard Fairey's portrait of Obama for hispresidential campaign has become ubiquitous and

  • 8/14/2019 (Ab)normality Defined


    well-known, appearing in classrooms and businesses,on windows of cars, and online.unwonted

    adjective1. not customary or usual; rare2. archaic. unaccustomed or unused

    Benjamin was overwhelmed with joy at the unwontedlavishing of gifts that awaited him under the

    Christmas tree.

    The tribe's unwonted acceptance of Jake formed theplot of the movieAvatar(2009).