Download - A3 review

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For this assignment I had to create a website for people who want to travel to Australia, the website was for a company who is giving information on pack backer’s travel and showing the different places that they can go to and also the hostels that they can stay in while they are down there. I had to use software called flash in order to create the website in flash I had to use the different tool to make this website. To create about 5 different pages for this website home, map, hostels, information and a contact us page, each page having something different on it, but before I had created it I had to plan out everything in different stages in order to get this website created, I first researched different types of traveling website to give me ideas of what to do for my website, I looked at the layout of a few website seeing if I like them the way the information was displayed on the website etc. about 4 different pages before I started to plan and storyboard my own website. After the research I then had some sort of idea of what my website was going to look like and once I had that Idea in my head I then start on my proposal which was detailing how many pages I was going to have what the page was going to look like the colour theme I was going to use if I had videos or images the font, size of text etc. until I had a very detailed proposal which then it was time to move on to creating the storyboards. I did storyboards for each page that I had showing where the images where going to go what the layout would look like the navigation bar and the buttons what where they going to be, as I did my proposal it was more easier to do the storyboards as it was in good detail in the proposal and I could follow it when I was doing each page. Got started in creating the website I tried to stick to my storyboards as much as I can and It’s looks just like what I planned out form the storyboards and from the proposal where one or two changes this would have been because it didn’t work when I tried it out on the website or it looked more better with the text or image in a different place form what my storyboard has it in.

When I was planning I made sure that my time was well spent and that I kept on top of this so when I hit the deadline for the planning then I could just hand in what I have done and then make a start on creating the website when I needed to. And I made sure that each lessons I knew what I was going to be doing and by the end of the lesson that it was done so next time I could move on to the next part so I could have it all finished by the time I hit the deadline. For the planning part of the assignment I was good at keeping my planning time sorted and I made sure that all the planning was all done time it came to the deadline. When I did come to creating the website I used flash to create the website and within flash I used different tools in order to create the website and I documented each tool I used and how I used them in a dairy. But when it came to using these tool such as text, importing, linking etc. I found where quite easy to do there was really no bit that I got stuck one as it was pretty much simple to go through and do each website. I made sure when creating the website I used as much stuff as I could in order to create what I have done. But there was one part which I found was quite hard to do not because it was hard to it was because it didn’t work, it was importing a video into flash I found one and then tried to import it form YouTube but that didn’t work so I downloaded the video so I could save it in a folder and then import that into flash but that still didn’t work so I tried converting the video but I was unable to convert the video.

When creating the website I had to make sure that I had a really good work flow so I could get this website done by the deadline came to be. So I did plan out when I was going to do each page and when I was going to be done by as this was in my dairy, at first I had a good work flow I was getting the stuff created for when I said I was going to do it by but there was a turning point which was

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when I had two days off from doing this because of work reason and then I started to fall behind and then slowing lose the flow as I had more days off for work reason as well when it came to the deadline I was rushing with what I was doing I was forgetting about what I was doing and what the plan was and then I found it harder to keep on track of what I was doing and when by, but then I got back on track with some of the pages but was unable to fully finish the website time the final deadline came to be. I kept checking each page once it was done to make sure that everything was working and making sure it looked like how it was meant to be I did this on a day to day bases and when it came to finding a problem I made sure that I sorted it out before I went on to the next part of my creation.

Once it was all done (time the deadline came) the website was pretty much good as it did everything it was meant to do on the pages and the buttons worked and the images would load up and that people could read the text once it loaded up on the website and also it meet what the brief set out to wanting, which was a website for pack baggers who want to travel to Australia and also giving information on the different places and the hostels where people can stay once they start their travels to Australia. My final overview of the website is that I think it’s good I what I had created but I’m not happy about it at all. If I could go back and re do the whole planning and creating the website then I would go back and change everything because I don’t think that it’s good and the colour theme that I went with is not so great and I think that I could of done a lot better to what I have finally created as my website.