Download - A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,

Page 1: A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,

A year together...

I. Start from what you know (warm up)

A. React to the visual documents: American high schools (transparent)

CERCL: Niveau A1/ A2Peut produire des expressions simples, isolées sur les gens et les choses/ Peut décrire ou présenter simplement des gens, des conditions de vie, des activités quotidiennes, ce qu'on aime ou pas, par de courtes séries d'expressions ou de phrases non articulées.

Describe: who, where (school), when, what...

1. Say all you know about American high schools. (words or sentences)


• school system (freshman/ sophomore/ junior/ senior)• building and staff, cafetaria, food• organisation of the school year/ school day• subjects studied, examinations, marks/ grades• student life: prom, homecoming, cheer-leaders, clubs, extra curricular activities, sports, important events• peer-pressure...• opinion

2. say where you got this information

• TV and movies• books• friends, pen-pals, family abroad, assistant• personal experience (trips, gap year...)

3. Open up: works of fiction/ documentaries dealing withschools in English speaking countries (+ travail sur les titres et la traduction)

• TV series: BTVS, Gossip Girl, Degrassi High, One Tree Hill, Boston Public, Gilmore Girls, Life with Derek, Saved by the Bell, Smallville, Beverly Hills,

• movies: High school musical, Cruel Intentions, Clueless, Dead Poets' Society, Boys don't cry, Mona Lisa's Smile, Elephant

• Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine

If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/, if you like it or not and why.

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Page 3: A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,

B. Yearbooks.

1. Projects p 24 (short text + picture)

CERCL: Niveau A2Peut comprendre des courts textes simples sur des sujets concrets courants avec une fréquence élevée de langue quotidienne relative au travail. Peut identifier l'information pertinente sur la plupart des écrits simples rencontrés tels que lettres, brochures et courts articles de journaux décrivant des faits.

• Say what you may know about yearbooks• Look at the picture and the caption: make hypotheses about what a yearbook might be• read the text, say what you have understood about yearbooks, compare it to what you knew about it

Si le cours s'arrête là (cf reprise du vocab sur transparent, le hmk consiste à être capable de redire ce qu'ils ont appris sur les lycées anglo-saxons)

2. Hypotheses: pair-work.

CERCL: niveau A2Peut communiquer dans le cadre d'une tâche simple et courante ne demandant qu'un échange d'informations simple et direct sur des sujets familiers relatifs au travail et aux loisirs.

Remembering what you said about American high schools, imagine the sections and topics a yearbook might include, then discuss with the class and start filling your logpage (voir annexe)


• introduction• students' who's who• student life – activities, trips, sports events, dances• academic subjects: classes, projects...• organisations and clubs...

C. Final task:

1. Task.

You are a member of the yearbook staff. You are responsible for a couple of short paragraphs corresponding to various sections decided with the class. (If the class is interested, the task may turn into a class project that will be developed and completed all year long.)

2. Needs: what will you need to complete the task.

Facts Language Material

– student life– yearbooks: sections, layout, content– information about your own high school

and classmates

– student life, school systems– describing people: personality– hobbies, likes/ dislikes– asking questions– superlatives

- pictures

HMK: for next time, fill in the logpage = you must be able to give an account of what you have said and learnt about High Schools and yearbooks. (ex: sections, topic: trips/ parties/ ...)

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II. Get ready: what do you put in a yearbook?

A. What do you put in a workbook? (C/O – Project p 24, CD tracks 6-7)

CERCL: Niveau A2-B1Peut comprendre des expressions et des mots porteurs de sens relatifs à des domaines de priorité immédiate, à condition que la diction soit claire et le débit lent/ Peut comprendre les points principaus d'une intervention sur des sujets familiers rencontrés régulièrement au travail, à l'école, pendant les loisirs, y compris des récits courts.

1. warm up: recap of the previous class.

2. Anticipation: what do you expect to hear in the document (cf title of the document)?

– I am sure there are photos– Perhaps there are the photos of all the students in a class and all their teachers– There may be games, quizzes and funny stories– You probably put articles about what happened in the school...

3. 1 st listening

• identify the number of people, sex (2: a man and a woman)• type of document, subject, tone (dialogue/ yearbooks/ questions, doubt, certainty...)• words recognised (photos, yearbook, work activities, financing...)

4. 2 nd listening (pauses): group work

• Group 1 focuses on the female voice: write down the questions and the expressions of doubt (What is? How much? What about? I'm sort of intrigued... I think it was...)

• Group 2 focuses on the male voice: find the elements of information concerning what you can find in a yearbook (work activities/ fun activities/ lots of sports/ of photos...)

• Collect and compare what the two groups have found

5. 3 rd listening

Concentrate on the male voice to complete the information on yearbooks with his personal example.

6. Bilan

• sur la compréhension orale- what was difficult (people speaking too fast/ tone units/ difficulties to recognize words)- what helped (intonation/ words on the blackboard)- what could help me get better: focus on stressed words, recognizing tone units, write down key-words only, identify questions and answers...

• on yearbooks:– complete your logpage with what you have learnt from the document (ex: sections/ topics: fun activities, work activites – sub sections: backgammon club/ classes ...)– write a short summary to present the document: type of document/ people/ topic/ information (5 relevés)

CERCL: E/E Niveau A2Peut écrire une série d'expressions et de phrases simples reliées par des connecteurs simples tels que 'et', 'mais', 'parce que'.

• HMK: for next time, you must be able to recap what you have learnt and start thinking about what will appear in YOUR yearbook.

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III. Steady: speaking yourself and others. A. Introducing oneself and others (group work)

1- Speak about yourself.

CERCL: Niveau A1Peut écrire des expressions et phrases simples isolées.

1) Name:2) Age:3) Birthdate:4) Family situation:5) Pets:6) Hobbies:7) Favourite music/ band/ movie/ TV program:8) Favourite food:9) Best friend(s):10) Place you would like to visit and why:

2- Chain presentation.

CERCL: E/O = Niveau A1Peut se décrire, décrire ce qu'il/ elle fait, ainsi que son lieu d'habitation.

• Work in groups of 7-8 students• Start chain-speaking to introduce yourselves to each other as in the example below:

- student A starts- student B introduces student A and himself/ herself- student C introduces students A and B and himself/ herself......- student A recaps everything

• example:- Sara: My name is Sara, I live in ... (name of your hometown), I come from ... (name of former school), I am ... (age), I like ... (hobby/ music...)- John: Sara lives in ... she comes from... she is ... she likes ... My name is ... , I live in ..., I come from ..., I am ..., I like ...- Jess: Sara lives in ... she comes from... she is ... she likes ... , John lives in ... he comes from... he is ... he likes ...

• Rappel phonologique sur la prononciation des 's' en fin de mot plus l'auxiliaire BE pour donner l'âge.

CERCL: Niveau A2: Peut écrire une série d'expressions et de phrases simples reliées par des connecteurs simples tels que 'et', 'mais', 'parce que'.

HMK: using the sentences you have just written, write a short paragraph to introduce yourself. You can add other information you find interesting, funny, or that you are proud of (nicknames, sports achievements, qualities or defects...)

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B. Getting to know others.

1. Warm up.

• recap what we saw in the last module: introducing people and oneself.• Say what is essential to use whan you want to know more about someone

2. Observe.

When we started to learn about yearbooks, we wondered about such things:

1) What do you put in a yearbook?2) Who writes a yearbook?3) Does every school in the USA keep a yearbook?4) Is the yearbook marked (= noté) at the end of the year?5) Can the students buy their yearbooks?

• Say what sort of sentences it is:• Classify them into two categories and name them:• In one category, one question is different. Say which one and why it is different:• describe the structure of each category:

C. Complete: Interrogative pronouns. (voir feuille)

II. On your own: pair work.

CERCL: interaction orale générale Niveau A2Peut interagir avec une aisance raisonnable dans des situations bien structurées et de courtes conversations à condition que l'interlocuteur apporte de l'aide le cas échéant.Peut faire face à des échanges courants simples sans effort excessif. Peut poser des questions, répondre à des questions et échanger des idées et des renseignements sur des sujets familiers dans des situations familières prévisibles de la vie quotidienne.

• Student A: you want to write a paragraph in your yearbook about a classmate you don't know very well. Ask him/ her questions to get better acquainted. You may use the prompts below.

• Student B: get ready to answer. Answer the questions, then change roles with your partner.

Prompts: nickname, age, address, family situation, hobbies, favourite sports/ team, favourite music/band, favourite TV program/ movie/ book, favourite food, best memory, trips abroad, most embarrasing situation, best laugh, good resolutions for the school year, favourite subject at school, best friend(s), plans for the future...

• Tell the class what you have learnt about your neighbour

Middle evaluation: you will have to record your presentation of your friends in the lab-room that will be sent to an American high-school student.ouYou are being interviewed for the yearbook: you must be able to present yourself and your environment (you will have to speak from notes, not read).

CERCL: monologue suivi, niveau A2Peut décrire les aspects de son environnement quotidien tels que les gens, les lieux, l'expérience professionnelle ou scolaire. Peut décrire des habitudes et occupations journalières, des activités et des experiences personnelles. Peut décrire sa famille, ses conditions de vie, sa formation, son travail actuel. Peut décrire les gens, lieux et choses en termes simples. .

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HMK: You are now making a 'quiz' page for your yearbook: 'What sort of classmate are you?'a) Write at least five questions starting with a different question word and suggest three possible answersex: How do you react when friends haven't done their homework and ask you to help them?A: you give them your homework with a smileB: You...C: ...

b) Imagine the results of your quiz:If you have a majority of Bs, you

For next time you must be able to ask essential information about people to get to know them better (min: 5 questions)

Page 8: A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,
Page 9: A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,

C. Getting to know your environment

1. Warm Up

Recap: what questions can you ask someone to be able to introduce him/ her.You can ask the teacher any question you like: as long as it's correct, she will answer!

2. Videos: group work/ Miscellanious yearbooks.

group A: google/ yearbook by Glenny (slideshare)group B: youtube/ 1987-1988 Fremont Junior High SchoolBuffy yearbook

• identify the various sections presented in these yearbooks• take few notes on the layout• present your findings to the other group

A: table of content/ what is a yearbook/ 5th semester/ student biographies (text/ pictures/ captions)/ a flash from the past (picture/ caption, drawings/ text) / teachers (pictures/ text/ logo) / fun moments (collage, logo)/ memories (photos, captions)/ activities (photos, captions)/ autographs

B: opening (changing phases/ the good times/ : pictures)/ student life (student government, journalism, dances, assemblies, wild and crazy times, campus life: photos and articles)/ clubs (sports, science... photos and articles)/ classes (final year, hairstyles, fashion... = photos and short texts)/ staff (administration, teachers, special services, important others: pictures and texts)= sizes of the pictures change, as well as the length of the text, from caption to articles

3. What about your own school (pair-work)

CERCL: discussion informelle, niveau A2Peut faire des suggestions et réagir à des propositions. Peut discuter simplement de questions quotidiennes si l'on s'adresse à lui/ elle clairement et simplement.

• take 10 mn to think about what could appear in your own yearbook concerning your school• share and discuss your findings with the classmates

ex: the boarding school/ the boarders/ the students'hallsports clubs (wednesday), competitions, achievementsthe student governmentclubs (photo/ step/ dance/ community service (amnesty/ environment/ telethon/ resto du coeur)events (dances/ school festival/ carnival)school tripsmock examsthe buildingsuperlativesanecdotes, funny stories...

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D. Extend your vocabulary

Organize the list of words into consistent lexical fields

coeducational; pupils; the headmaster/ mistress; a term; the gym; the dean; a lab; the timetable; the cooks; the library; boarders; the nurse; the dining-hall; the break; students; curriculum; graduation; secretaries; the playground; subjects; teams; supervisors; the cleaning ladies;

The student body The staff The building Organization of the day/ year

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IV. Go: Starting the yearbook.

A. What will you put in it?

1. Staff meeting (individual/ group/ class work): E/O

CERCL: Niveau B1 (discussion informelle)Peut comparer et opposer des alternatives en discutant de ce qu'il faut faire, qui désigner, qui ou quoi choisir... Peut émettre ou solliciter un point de vue personnel ou une opinion sur des points d'intérêt général.

• On your own, decide on a presentation and be ready to explain your choice: photos, drawings, caricatures, captions... (recap)

• in groups, discuss your ideas and reach an agreement

ex: I think it would be a good idea to...I'd rather... because ...Don't you think that ...I (dis)agree with ...

• once you have decided what to do, organize a page presenting the members of the group; write short captions/ texts for each photo or drawing (even a sketch at this stage).

• class work: present your page to the rest of the class. Discuss about what the class will keep (sections, layout, contents)

2. final decision:

• produce a page accordingly• fill in your logbook

B. Debriefing: Am I ready for the test?

Activities/ documents What I have learnt/ What I have learnt to do (say it in French if you can't say it in English)

I have listened to people talking about yearbooks

I have looked at different sample pages from yearbooks

I have organised my notes in order to speak from them.

I have discussed my ideas to come to an agreement with my partners

I have asked questions to get to know people

Rappel du projet: la tâche finale en classe ne sera que la partie E/E. La partie mise en page et illustration sera faite à la maison et pourra donner lieu à une note à part. Selon le degré d'investissement des élèves, le projet sera développé au cours de l'année (cf les derniers cours avant les vacances: bilan) ou abandonné. Penser à commencer à trouver les photos, noter les événements importants par rapport aux sections décidées, légendes, anecdotes...• jumelage

Page 12: A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,

C. The impossible yearbook

1. Describing people's personalities and looks:

The following adjectives have been associated, because they are either almost synonymous or antonyms. Determine what they are (synonyms/ antnonyms) by putting a sign between the two words. Write the translation. When you can. If not, ask the rest of the class when you don't know what a word means.

1) cute ... charming 2) lazy ... hard-working 3) good-looking ... handsome4) boring ... interesting 5) playful... sad 6) tender ... aggressive7) generous ... selfish 8) serious ... ironic 9) athletic ... sportly10) humorous ... funny 11) foolish ... silly 12) elegant ... smart13) bright ... intelligent 14) shy ... timid 15) gifted ... talented

2. Have fun: group-work (une feuille pour 4)

• In groups of 4, have a closer look at the following students' yearbook pictures. All of them have become famous: can you recognize them?

• After 5 minutes, ask the other groups to complete your blanks and answer their questions. Say what you can about the person on the picture.

3. Superlatives.

• Write a few 'superlatives' that corresponded to them at the time. You may use the vocabulary we have just seen. You may be serious or humorous in the choice of the categories, but not mean.

• Rappel superlatif.

They must have been the most + adj long/ the adj court + est

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Page 14: A year together.. › tiitshe › files › 2010 › 09 › question-w… · • Documentaries: Bowling for Columbine If you can, say what you know about the series/ movie/,

C. Final task.

Exercice de vocabulaire + petit exercice sur les questions

Tâche finale: total, minimum of 120 words.

As a member of the yearbook staff, the editor has asked you to write three texts. You are responsible for the table of contents, where you mention all the sections chosen by the class, then you have to write the introduction, in which you explain what a yearbook is. Finally, you have the choice between introducing the class, your best friend or a club in the school.

Grille d'évaluation

Réalisation de l'exercice et traitement du sujet Intelligibilité et recevabilité linguistique0,5Présentation inacceptable, écriture illisibleconsignes non respectéeshors-sujetcontresens

0,5-2,5/inintelligiblelexique indigenterreurs de grammaire élémentaire

1-3recopiage du supporthors-sujet partielsujet compris mais traitement plat et superficielconstruction vague

3-5,5compréhension possible malgré des erreurs fréquenteslexique limitésyntaxe peu élaborée

3,5-5effort de constructionprise d'indépendance par rapport aux modèles vus en classe

6-7,5erreurs occasionnellesvocabulaire adaptésyntaxe adéquate

5,5-6sujet traité avec humour, originalité et convictionréférences culturelles

8-9erreurs raresvocabulaire richesyntaxe élaborée

Note: /6 Note: /9

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