Download - A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Page 1: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21
Page 2: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter1 Mr. Ocax Mr. Ocax tried to get Poppy but got Ragweed.

With Mr. Ocaxe’s sharp talents when he grabbed Ragweed it killed him instantly and Mr. Ocax went on. Mr. Ocax ease with could

swallow Ragweed. Poppy warned him but he didn't listen to her. Poppy passed out but Mr. Ocax loved it when people were afraid of him.

Page 3: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter2 Poppy Remembers Poppy almost got eaten by Mr. Ocax.

Poppy was alone and she didn’t remember anything. After that, Poppy remember every thing that happened. She remembered that Ragweed was dead. Poppy was very scared and she got starched by Mr. Ocax.

Page 4: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter3 Poppy Alone Poppy was alone. She was shared but

looking for shelter she went leaf from leaf. Mr. Ocax liked it when people were shared of him. But if you didn't ask permission to go in Dimwood Forest he will eat you. But he won't give up he is good in the way of waiting.

Page 5: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter4 Emergency Meeting Poppy knew that the red flag meant. It

meant emergency meeting. She went up the stairs. Her dad was talking about moving because of food reasons. He said there wasn't enough food at Grey House. They wanted to live in New House with Mr. Ocaxe’s permission later poppy told her dad about Ragweed’s death.

Page 6: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter5 Leaving Grey House Poppy was going with her father. She kept telling her dad the story but was missing some things. Lungwort said Ragweed dead. He had a couple of flashbacks. He remembers him interrupting satanic Poppy was very sad but she knew it was the truth of him being dead.

Page 7: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter6 Standing Before Mr. Ocax Poppy went with her father Lungwort to get

permission from Mr. Ocax. Poppy went on with her father. It was a long journey. Finally they got there. Mr. Ocax said What do you want. Lungwort had a long speech to tell him and after the long speech Mr. Ocax said leave your daughter here so he could eat her. Mr. Ocax said did you go to the house Lungwort said well… Mr. Ocax said no Lungwort said why Mr. Ocax said because your daughter Poppy did not ask to move forth Dimwood. Then they went home.

Page 8: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter7 Home Again Poppy’s dad din not talk on the long way home.

Poppy tried to cheer him up once and a while. Lungwort was crying and it was not the rain. Poppy could not keep the flag up but it got muddy. They got home Lungwort was speechless.

Page 9: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter8 Poppy And Papa

Poppy confessed what happened with Mr. Ocax. Lungwort and Poppy were sad. Lungwort was sad maybe ferrous on one side. He moaned every once and a while. Poppy went up stairs she saw a syrup pot and said it was here bedroom. She told het dad she was going to New House she got yelled at a few times. Then after her dad stopped talking and said yes she went on her way.

Page 10: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter9 On Her Way Poppy went In Old Orchard. She saw a pond but

to deep for her. She had one choice to pounce on the rock's. She took one deep breath in and out. She got in a pouncing position and pounced she almost slipped a few times now she saw a sleeping turtle she tried to wake him with her voice but then. She jumped it was some slippery moss on the rock so she fell a long time after that she got out of the river her lounges' were bursting Mr.- Ocax saw Poppy he wanted to eat the mouse. But did not know that it was Poppy he did not see the mouse so he thought it was dead but Mr. Ocax is good in waiting.

Page 11: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter10 Dimwood Forest

Poppy searched desperately for a place to hide in Glitter Creek. Poppy cleaned her self. She smelt another animal. She got worried then Poppy was trying to get away from the sent and she still smelt it. With quick thinking she saw a log. She went in it was like to Poppy that the animal was following her. The sent was very bad in the log. Then she saw a porcupine.

Page 12: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter11 Erethizon Dorsatum

Poppy found out a fox was following her. Poppy porcupine thought she was cornered. The porcupine was on the right and the Fox was on the left. Poppy said I never asked for your help the fox chased me do you think I want to be in here it stinks! Ereth blinked she said Oh all right. The porcupine went over and make the fox go away. Poppy went further into the log Ereth said why are you in my toilet!

Page 13: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter12 What Poppy Learns Poppy said are you going to eat me. Ereth said

no I don’t eat meat. Poppy now knows that porcupines don’t eat meat. Mr. Ocax would not mess with porcupines. That’s the last thing you would catch Mr. Ocax doing Ereth said. Poppy had something in mind she wanted to tell her family about and that was porcupines die not eat meat and touchier them with there quills.

Page 14: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter13 Early Morning Poppy woke up she smelt the air it smelt like food also she was hungry. Poppy saw Mr. Ocax Poppy creep in more so she could be safe from seeing her. Ereth was not in sight. Poppy did not know Ereth’s Log was next to Mr. Ocaxe’s Tree. Later Poppy found out that Ereth liked salt so Poppy said she will get the salt for Ereth if she takes her to New House.

Page 15: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter14 On the way to New House The old porcupine went faster and faster the

quills sounded like music when Ereth ran. Mr.- Ocax followed them there he tried to swoop down a couple times Ereth’s quill’s shoot up when he tried. They got there and Poppy looked up and. They got there and they looked up. Poppy said I don’t know how.

Page 16: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter15 Alone Again Ereth softly mound. Poppy fixed her eye’s on the

owl in the house. Poppy cried LOOK! Ereth turned around said never notices that before. Ereth went in the forest Poppy murmured. Poppy saw a quill and held it up like a sword. She tided a piece of grass and tide it on her waits to put the quill.

Page 17: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter16 The Truth at Last Poppy saw a cat she held her breath. She found

out later the owl was a fake. Pretty large cat it was really big to Poppy the human was big too. She found out because she could not get him to move so she is thinking Mr. Ocax is scared of an fake owl. Poppy cold not wait to tell all her family this she wanted to taunt him too.

Page 18: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter17 A Surprising Conversation Poppy woke up and told her family what a phony

Mr. Ocax is. Poppy ate a big meal in the morning. Poppy went outside and to New House to taunt Mr. Ocax. She kept taunting him. Mr. Ocax said come out to Poppy and did and Mr. Ocax was not there and he swoop behind her.

Page 19: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter18 The Battle Luckily Ragweed’s earring saved her.

Powerfully a wave of air pushed Poppy. Poppy brought out Ereth’s quill and Mr. Ocaxe’s foot got caught on it. He went flying up. Poppy could not get it out he flexed his foot and he kept screeching and screeching finally he went down hitting the salt and moved and murmured Poppy resized that sometimes he tried to protect her and he died.

Page 20: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter19 The Return Poppy had some pride and some shame for what

she did. Poppy went to Ereth’s log. Poppy told Ereth about Mr. Ocax and the salt Ereth said what it will melt into nothing. Ereth ran as fast as he could. Ereth came back then Poppy came home with a feather of Mr. Ocax saying Mr. Ocax is dead.

Page 21: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21

Chapter20 A New Beginning

They went to New House. Poppy said this is the tree that Ragweed got his hazelnut from I think but I want to think it. Then they put Ragweed’s earring on the hazelnut tree. Then they danced a round it. Poppy waltz with Rye too (Rye her husband).

Page 22: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21


I liked this book because it had a happy ending.

some of this book was because people or mousse's died

Page 23: A Tale From Dimwood Forest Poppy by: Avi Illustrated by: Brain Floca PPT By: Brandon #21