Download - A Swaminarayan Socio-spiritual & charitable organisation · 2019. 12. 12. · Bhagwan Swaminarayan stated He would remain forever manifest on earth through the God-realized ‘Gunatit’

  • A Swaminarayan Socio-spiritual& charitable organisation

  • In 1957, a god-realized guru gave a simple but revolutionary directive to hischarismatic and beloved youth leader:

    To go forth and establish a new, contemporary order of ‘plain-clothes’ sadhus wholive and work within society, thereby practicing renunciation from within, andperform their service to God via selfless service to humanity.

    This was the genesis of Anoopam Mission.

    Anoopam (un-u-pum) adj : incomparable

    A Unique and Progres sive Approach

    Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj with the young Jashbhai ‘Saheb’ in 1957

    “Institutions are many in India and also throughout the world who claim to servemankind, but the work done by Anoopam Mission is unique in itself. Under the inspiringleadership of Shri Jashbhai Saheb, they are doing really an invaluable job towards theuplift of the society at large. There are institutions, which provide free food, clothing,shelter etc. to the poor and needy, but Anoopam Mission is way ahead of them in impartingeducation, knowledge and mainly in building human character. With a battery of devoted,young, energetic and disciplined Sadhaks behind him, Saheb is truly serving the JantaJanardan in the right spirit. May Lord Swaminarayan bestow prosperity, integrity,devotion and bliss on Anoopam Mission as always.”Swami Satyamitranand Giriji

    “Anoopam Mission, as the name suggests, has a unique approach to address variouschallenges faced by the modern world…”Pujyashree Bhupendrabhai Pandya

    “The Anoopam Mission UK is known for its selfless activities and is engaged in bringingthe various communities within the larger community of Hinduism together to work fornoble causes…”Dr M.N. Nandakumara Executive Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan UK

    “Anoopam Mission, is an excellent example of the best practice of Hindu culture…..and for the good example it set by opening up their culture to a wider public in such agracious and open-hearted way.’…”Shaunaka Rishi Das Director, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. UK

    “PP Saheb we look to your continuing love, guidance, spirituality and support”Dr Sam Pitroda Chairman of India's National Knowledge Commission USA

    “It is my experience that Saheb and all the Sadhus and devotees associated withAnoopam Mission are doing an exemplary service to humanity.”Swami Nityananda, USA

    Anoopam Mission in the words of Saints and Community Leaders…

  • Gunatitanand Swami was the earthlyabode of Lord Swaminarayan andthrough him God was manifest. Afterhim, the lineage of pure and selflessGod-realised Saints continued to worktirelessly to spread the essence of theAkshar-Purushottam Upasana,cultivating loving unity, harmony andmutual respect.

    Yogiji Maharaj was the fourthgeneration of this lineage. He was aprofound visionary who believed thatwhile religion should remain intact, themanner in which it is practiced must beprogressive and in keeping with the times.By recognizing God within each individualYogiji Maharaj taught that to serve humanitywas to serve God.

    Yogiji Maharaj therefore developed a new, morecontemporary order in which sadhus could live and workwithin society. He inspired Guruvarya Saheb and eight others tobecome sadhus and placed the natural leadership under Saheb, thefifth in the lineage of Gunatit Saints. With Yogiji Maharaj’sblessings, Saheb was to pioneer this new Swaminarayan order.

    Thus Anoopam Mission was born…

    The Swaminarayan Faith

    “I have incarnated, not to kill demons but to uproot thedemonic elements from the human mind; not to liberate mantemporarily from the poverty and pain of this life but toemancipate him forever from the transmigratory cycle whichlies at the root of all pains and poverty”

    - Lord Swaminarayan

    Lord Swaminarayan served to eternally liberate humankindfrom all suffering and elevate them to the divine. For this,he presented a simple formula which reflected the essenceof Hindu philosophy and scripture.

    This formula became known as the Akshar PurushottamUpasana.

    Based on virtuous living, selflessservice, and love and devotion forthe Lord, its essence reveals thatone can attain God throughsteadfast association with a‘Gunatit Saint’.

    Bhagwan Swaminarayan statedHe would remain forever manifeston earth through the God-realized‘Gunatit’ Saint. The Gunatit Saintis his eternal abode and the firstin this lineage wasGunatitanand Swami (1785 –1867 AD).

    By following the guidance andinstruction of such a Saint, one learns to recognize theDivine within each individual. With this realization, one’snegative qualities: anger, greed, jealousy etc.effortlesslydrop away and one is able to love and serve others as onewould serve God Himself.

    By association with such a Saint, one is thoroughly purified,leading to ultimate association with God.

    Parabrahman Purushottam Shri Sahajanand Swami

    (Swaminarayan Bhagwan)

    Anadi Mul Akshar MurtiShri Gunatitanand Swami

    (‘The Lord’s Abode’)

    Anoopam Mission’s Founder Members’

    Anadi Mahamukta Shri Gopalanand Swami

    (‘The Lord’s Ideal Devotee’)

  • Sadhus with a Saffron Soul

    The Anoopam Mission sadhu is known as a“Vratdhari Sadhak” and is the equivalent ofa modern-day monk. Unconventionallydressed in plain clothes – a uniformconsisting of sky-blue colored shirt andbeige colored trousers – these renunciantslive and work within society.

    The Sadhaks follow the paths of karmayoga (selfless service) and bhakti yoga(devotion), practicing renunciation fromwithin.

    Their collective income is earned throughemployment in schools and industries. Thiscomplete self-sufficiency means they arenot dependent on donations for theirpersonal upkeep and that 100% of everydonation to Anoopam Mission is used forits intended charitable cause.

    Guruvarya Param Pujya Saheb is the founderand inspirer of Anoopam Mission. Known forHis accessibility and simple and progressiveapproach, Saheb has touched the lives ofcountless people worldwide.

    From His days as a charismatic youth leaderunder the direction of His guru Yogiji Maharaj,Saheb has worked ceaselessly to cultivatewithin all who come to him, the profoundmessage of Lord Swaminarayan.

    Saheb continually expounds the virtues andtremendous power of positive action and positivethinking. He has shown that the path topermanent peace and joy lies in living a God-centered as opposed to a self-centered life.

    Providing a synthesis of advanced education,modern science and spiritual understanding,Saheb has pioneered a refreshingly practicalpath to enable humankind attain the Divine.

    Saheb’s unique vision and work manifests itselfthrough Anoopam Mission’s ‘ShreeSwaminarayan Spiritual & Cultural Centres’worldwide and their activities.

  • Anoopam Mission IndiaCommunity & Charitable ActivitiesAnoopam Mission India serves as the organization’s worldwide

    headquarters and is located in Mogri, a village in Gujaratstate, bordering the university town of Vallabh Vidyanagar

    Educational ActivitiesProviding educational excellence tothose who need it the most

    Anand Balwadi, Sharda Mandir &Gnanyagna VidyalayaProviding affordable value-basededucation from kindergarten tosecondary school in rural areas

    Mitra Rehabilitation CentreOne of India’s leading and mostinnovative institutes for mentallychallenged children and children withspecial needs

    Disha Counselling CentreChild Guidance and Counselling Centre.

    Yogiji Maharaj MaharajMahavidyalayaA Commerce and Arts college for girlsin a rural area of Saurashtra whichpreviously had no higher educationfacilities for girls.

    Kamuba Mahila Adhyapan MandirTeacher’s training centre to prepareprimary level school teachers for remotevillage schools

    Spiritual Activities

    • Daily Aarti • Daily Mahapuja• Daily Scriptural Readings & Discourses • Kirtans• Periodic & Annual Spiritual Camps• Yoga Camps• Celebrations of Major Religious Festivals • Padramani, Mahapuja &

    Prayer Sessions at Devotees Homes

    • Establishment of Countrywide Centresfor Prayer & Sabha Discourses

    Anoopam Mission Worldwide

  • Youth CampsPromoting awareness of India’s rich

    cultural heritage and promoting value-based living for today’s youth

    Book Bank, Toy Library AndEducational Scholarships

    Books, toys and educational fundsprovided to needy children and youth

    Environmental And WaterConservation Programs

    Protecting and preserving preciousresources

    Disaster ReliefExtensive immediate aid in the form of

    food, water, clothing and shelterprovided in times of natural disaster,for example, in wake of catastrophicearthquake in 2001 and devastating

    floods in 2005/06 in Gujarat, India

    Long term rehabilitation solutionsinclude, for example, the rebuilding of

    hundreds of homes and a self-sufficientcomplex constructed as a permanent

    measure for widows and orphans of theearthquake.

    Cattle CampsProvision of aid to farmers in times of

    severe drought

    Aksharpurushottam TechnicalInstitute (APTI)Computer Aided Civil and ArchitecturalDrafting Courses

    Information Technology Centre (ITC)Providing excellent IT-based training andranked India’s top IT institute in 1996,1999 & 2003

    Healthcare ActivitiesProviding accessible & affordablehealthcare to the needy

    Smit Dental Care CentreProviding basic dental care andsubsidized dental surgery to the needy

    Health Camps, Eye Camps, BloodDonation Camps, Yoga Camps AndCancer Awareness CampaignsConducting a wide range of health-related camps and awareness campaignsin rural areas which have little or noaccess to basic healthcare services

    Narmada Arogya AbhiyanA full time mobile clinic providingmedical care and preventative educationto dozens of remote villages in theNarmada Valley which have no otheraccess to healthcare.

    Nature Cure CentreResident hospital providing naturalremedies for a large range of medicalconditions

    Community WelfareActivitiesCharitable work in times of need

    Children Of The Mother Soil AndMeals For ChildrenEducation and economic supportsponsorship programs forunderprivileged children

    If you would like to support Anoopam Mission India’s charitable work, donations can besent to the main India centre address on the back of this booklet.Donations to Anoopam Mission India are tax-exempted under section 80G(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961-Anoopam Mission is a Charitable Trust, registered under The Bombay Public Trust Act, (Old) Registration No. KhedaE 2422 dated 13-8-76 and (New) Registration No. E/1390/Anand dated 3-9-01

    • Registration with the Income Tax Department under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961

    • Registration under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976: Registration No. 042040035

    • Registration with the Director of Voluntary Agencies Gujarat State as an approved agency for carrying out relief activities in earthquake affected areas of Gujarat (Certificate No. DVA dated 10-7-01)

  • Anoopam Mission UKCommunity & Charitable Activities

    Anoopam Mission USACommunity & Charitable Activities

    Containers For PeaceShipment of surplus clothing from theUK to India for distribution to the poorand needy

    Gujarati ClassesWeekly language classes conducted byAnoopam Mission volunteers

    Yoga ClassesWeekly instruction in yoga conductedby Anoopam Mission volunteers

    Support Of Charitable CausesActively mobilizing support forcharitable causes such as childsponsorship and relief projects

    Summer Youth CampsPromoting spiritual and cultural valuesamong youth and families

    Yogi Youth CampPromoting spiritual and cultural valuesamong youth

    Gnan ShibirsSpiritual camps for adults consisting ofteachings of spiritual and harmoniousliving in all aspects of life

    Yoga & Pranayam CampsPeriodic camps and seminars to teachyoga and pranayam through learnedinstructors

    Health CampsFree medical screenings, consultationsand flu shots provided to communitymembers without health insurance

    Disaster ReliefActively raising funds for initiatives inboth India & USA such as GujaratEarthquake and Hurricane Katrina

    Anoopam Mission UK coordinates the organization’sactivities in the UK, Europe and Africa and is located justwest of the city of London.

    Anoopam Mission USA coordinates the organization’sactivities in the USA and Canada and is located near

    Allentown, Pennsylvania.

  • Anoopam Mission INDIA

    Brahmajyoti Yogiji MargMogri 388 345 Dist: AnandGujarat India Tel: +91 26 92 230544/230483 Fax: +91 26 92 235660 Email: [email protected]

    Anoopam Mission USA

    Brahmajyoti Shree Swaminarayan Spiritual & Cultural Center 2120 Clearview RoadCoplay PA 18037 USATel: +1 610 502 1100 Fax: +1 610 502 1200 Email: [email protected]

    Anoopam Mission UK BrahmajyotiShree Swaminarayan Spiritual & Cultural CentreThe Lea, Western AveDenhamUxbridge MiddxUB9 4NA UKTel: +44 (0)1895 832709 Fax: +44 (0)1895 834338Email: [email protected]

    AnoopamMiss ion

    Worldwide Regional Headquarters

    “To Serve Humanity Is To Serve God”Guruvarya Param Pujya Saheb