Download - A summary of the History of Computers Ian Cullen.

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  • A summary of the History of Computers Ian Cullen
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  • First Mechanical Computer The Difference Engine No. 2 to Charles Babbages design. Charles Babbage is credited with designing the first computer(s), which were mechanical. (this image is a substitute for a lower quality image from 1822-babbage-designs-a- mechanical-computer/ 1822-babbage-designs-a- mechanical-computer/) Picture credits: erence_engine erence_engine
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  • Computers Part One Computers can be defined as machines to perform calculations. The first computers were not electrical, but mechanical. Charles Babbage (in 1822) designs a mechanical computer called the Difference Engine. This prototype is never completed, though he designed a No. 2 which was made in the years 1989-91.
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  • Charles Babbage Born in 1791 Died in 1871 During his life, he designed two mechanical computers, No. 2 which returned results of up to 31 digits. Often said he was born a century early. Picture credits: http://www.oldcomputers.arcula.c http://www.oldcomputers.arcula.c
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  • ENIAC It is well known that the first American computer was ENIAC, and not many know of its British relative of the time. (At least, to Americans.) ENIAC was an electronic digital computer and took up around and over 1800 square feet of floor space. ENIAC was built between 1943 and 1945 and worked until a lightning strike in 1955. (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
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  • ENIAC Picture from:
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  • Computer types There are ten types of computers. PCA computer designed for use of a single person (personal computer). DesktopA personal computer not designed to be portable. LaptopPortable computers that contain mousepad, keyboard, screen and processor. NetbookA smaller, cheaper, but less powerful relation to laptops. PDAA personal digital assistant is a tiny computer relying on a touchscreen and, usually, flash memory. WorkstationA desktop computer with more memory, a more powerful processor, and other enhancements to perform specific tasks for a group. ServerA computer for the express purpose of providing services to other computers on a network, usually with increased processor power, expanded memory and large hard drives. MainframeMore often known as an enterprise server, these computers may even nowadays take up rooms from there size, and have huge powers of memory, processors, hard drives, the works. SupercomputerThese are, as the name may suggest, super, and cost from hundreds to thousands to even millions of dollars; while some are actually single computer systems, most are composed of multiple high-performance computers working as a single system. Cray Supercomputers is the builder of the best known supercomputers. WearableComputers that are worn as clothing, watches, glasses, and cellular devices
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  • Cray Supercomputer Example This type of computer you could hug, and not be able to reach all sides. These are probably around seven to eight feet tall. Picture from: ayxt5.jpg ayxt5.jpg
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  • Uses for Computers today Near-instant communication Gaming Fast researching References Using maps and map-making Business decisions Calculations Television and movie watching And yet more.
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  • Affects of Computers Affects of computers today includes social contact becoming less, but people are getting a larger social experience even so. Other affects are finer computer- guided technologies, the ability to put things on other planets successfully, to stream shows on TV, to instant contact all over the world.
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