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Executive SummaryTourism in VaranasiIndia, a tourism hotspot in the world, has a large bouquet of visitor attractions to Boost of. Its widespread diversity has always attracted both foreigners as well as its own citizens alike, to explore its mirth and gaiety that it has to offer the world. Every nook and cranny of the country offers exquisite as well as exclusive tourism resource which echoes heritage as well as tradition of that particular area. There Is hardly any country in the world which offers such wide variety of tourism.Varanasi is solace, peace, is serene, and is everything a troubled heart seeks for and much more. Nobody knows when this city was established, leave alone who established it. Hindus maintain that the city is outside the earth and is situated on the 'Trident' of Lord Shiva. This might feel like a bit too cocky but everybody maintain, including non-Hindus that Banaras is simply out of this world. By the way has been named after the two tributaries of Ganges that flows through the city named Varuna and Assi rivers. It was later changed to Banaras and re-christened. Varanasi is a major tourist destination for foreign tourists in India, as well as more efficient housing for Western student researchers. All sort of cuisines are available mostly as street food due to rich and hospitable culture of is said to be the oldest surviving city of the world is also called as Kashi or Banaras. Being the most venerated pilgrim place in Hindu religion is said to be a museum of temples.

Also called the city of temples, is home to about 2,000 temples. People from all parts of India as well as the world come to visit these temples, making the holy temples of amongst the most visited temples in India. Many important and famous temples are located at Ganga Ghats (river front), adding to the religious value of the riverHeritage: -WTO defines heritage tourism as and immersion in the natural history, human heritage, arts, philosophy and institutions of another region or country Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a collection of old things. It is both tangible and intangible, in the sense that ideas and memories--of songs, recipes, language, dances, and many other elements of whom we are and how we identify ourselves--are as important as historical buildings and archaeological sites.Heritage is, or should be, the subject of active public reflection, debate, and discussion. What is worth saving? What can we, or should we, forget? What memories can we enjoy, regret, or learn from? Who owns "The Past" and who is entitled to speak for past generations? Active public discussion about material and intangible heritage--of individuals, groups, communities, and nations is a valuable facet of public life in our multicultural world.

Varanasi: An OverviewWelcome at "THE HOLY CITY VARANASI " or Banaras, (also known as Kashi) is one of the oldest living cities in the world`s Prominence in Hindu mythology is virtually unrivalled. Mark Twain, the English author and litterateur, who was enthralled by the legend and sanctity of Banaras, once wrote: "Banaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together". According to the VamanaPurana, the Varuna and Assi rivers originated from the body of the primordial Person at the beginning of time itself. The tract of land lying between them is believed to be , the holiest of all pilgrimagesKashi is older than traditions. itpresents a unique combination of physical, metaphysical and supernatural elements. According to the Hindu mythology, liberates soul from human body to the ultimate. It is the Ganga Ghats of that complement the concept of divinity. Ghats of Ganga are perhaps the holiest spots. The Ganga Ghats at are full of pilgrims who flock to the place to take a dip in the holy Ganges, which is believed to absolve one from all sins. There are number of temples on the bank of the Ganga River in . It is believed that people are cleansed physically, mentally and spiritually at Ganga Ghats. It is at the Ganga Ghats where we see life and death together. For thousands of years people have been thronging these Ghats to offer their morning prayers to the rising sun. There are more than 100 ghatsalongside Ganga. Some of the prominent and popular Ghats at are the DashaswamedhGhat, ManikarnikaGhat, HarischandraGhat, KabirGhat and AssiGhat.Located in the northern part of India in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the city of is one of the major tourist places in India. Locally called Banaras and popularly known as Kashi, is one of the oldest cities of India. Here you will find a fine blend of tradition and heritage, and, culture and religion. The city holds a special mention in the Hindu mythology. Owing to the prominent temples and Ghats, the Government of Uttar Pradesh has been successful in promoting Tourism. Tourism gives you some important facts about the city. The entire city of coversan area of about 73 square kilometers and is located at about 80 meters from the sea level. The city enjoys a subtropical climate. It is too hot in summers with a maximum temperature of about 43C and a minimum temperature of about 32C. The winters are quite cold and dry with a maximum temperature of about 15C and a minimum of about 5C. Every year, a considerable amount of tourists and pilgrims visit the city. Even many foreigners from abroad throng this mystic city. Tourism states that in India, there are many travel agencies who organize tours. Some of the notable tours covering are the Sacred Ganges Tour, Temple Tour. One of the twelve Jyortinglingas is situated in this city and so the city is popularly called the city of light. Tourism indicates that is a significant seat for arts, culture, learning, music and crafts. The Banaras Hindu University is one of the most eminent universities in India. Tourism has brought for you information on the places of interests in has many sightseeing places to offer. Some of the notable ones are the DashaswamedhGhat, Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Ramnagar Fort, JantarMantar, Chunar Fort and Sarnath also holds different religious festivals and events. Tourism names a few are the Buddha Purnima, Mahashivratri, Hanuman JayantiJanmotsav, Bharat Milap and Dhrupad Mela. Known by many as the city of Lord Shiva, is a very holy and religious Hindu Indian city, with much to offer is steady stream of pilgrims and tourists. Much of its undeniable and quite unique character is provided by the River Ganges (Ganga), which winds its way through and its lined with places of interest.

Countless gorgeous 'Ghats' flank the banks of the Ganges, and these stone steps lead down to the river itself, where locals regularly bathe and perform the most intimate of traditional Indian rituals, in full public view, particularly to those enjoy a boat trip close by. Tourist information is widespread with the India Tourism Office being located along the Mall and at Babatpur Airport, and the UP Tourism Office at the Tourist Bungalow, which can be found on the Parade Kothi and next to the Junction train station.The city is known as the cultural capital of India; a sobriquet it truly deserves. The city has been the seat of learning since time immemorial. Various scholarly books have been written on the serene environment of this place. Tulsi Das composed Ram CharitManas in this city only. A temple named TulsiManasMandir marks this place. Even today, the city boasts off as many as 6 different universities within its fold, a feat almost unmatchable in India. Banaras Hindu University, popularly called BHU, is the largest residential University in Asia. The city is also famous for its var4ious temples. Kashi VishwanathMandir is considered the most important Jyotirlinga in India. This temple has been constructed and razed to ground numerous times in the course of History. Equally important are SankatMochan and Durga temple. While the former is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, a Bengali Maharani built the later in the 18th century in order to appease goddess Durga. Bharat Mata Mandir is unique in its own. The temple is dedicated to the human manifestation of India called Bharat Mata. The temple doesn't have any statue; instead it has a relief map of India carved out, providing financial resources for protection, as well as m marketing and promotion. It has been realized that the cultural and natural heritages are increasingly threatened by destruction not only due to the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions. From India 24 properties are enlisted in the UNESCO-WH List, however has not yet been proposed for inclusion. The reason for proposing asa heritage city in the WH List are examined here, and the status of on the scale of UNESCO-WH List and governance.The land of (Kashi) has been the ultimate pilgrimage spot for Hindus for ages. Often referred to as Benares, is the oldest living city in the world. These few lines by Mark Twain say it all: "Banaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together". Hindus believe that one who is graced to die on the land of would attain salvation and freedom from the cycle of birth and re-birth. Abode of Lord Shiva and Parvati, the origins of are yet unknown. Ganges in is believed to have the power to wash away the sins of mortals. is located in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and extends latitude 2520' N and longitude 8300' E. Sandwiched between the rivers Varuna and Ashi as they join the Ganges, takes its name from its location. It is also called Kashi, the city of light, but the British, in an endeavor to simplify matters, had coined their own name for the place-Banaras. For a relatively short period, while under Mughal rule, was also known as Muhammadabad. Modern-day is situated along the west bank of the Ganges (also Ganga) and extends into a myriad collection of narrow lanes that form an integral part of it. The city winds itself around these vines of communication, stretching from one ghat to the otherThe numerous Ghats along the bank of the Ganges present a varied scene from dawn to dusk. A ghat is a series of well-paved steps that lead to the water. A Ghatin usually has small temples built into its side, while the larger structures, housing the powerful gods and goddesses from the Hindu pantheon, form a formidable backdrop to the serene beauty of the meandering river. These Ghats numbering more than a hundred, with their entourage of temples, form the axis on which the city developed. For centuries, the Hindus considered it very auspicious to bathe at the Ghats of Varanasi everyday at dawn thousands of pilgrims can be seen offering salutations to the Sun God in waist-deep water, secure in their conviction that the muddy waters of the Ganges will wash away all the accumulated sins of their life. The oil lamps (diyas) and flowers set afloat on the river at dusk make a fascinating sight.

History of VaranasiThe land of Varanasi (Kashi) has been the ultimate pilgrimage spot for Hindus for ages. Often referred to as Benares, is the oldest living city in the world. These few lines by Mark Twain say it all: "Banaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together". Hindus believe that one who is graced to die on the land of would attain salvation and freedom from the cycle of birth and re-birth. Abode of Lord Shiva and Parvati, the origins of are yet unknown. Ganges in is believed to have the power to wash away the sins of mortals. Ganges is said to have its origins in the tresses of Lord Shiva and in, it expands to the mighty river that we know of. The city is a center of learning and civilization for over 3000 years. With Sarnath, the place where Buddha preached his first sermon after enlightenment, just 10 km away, has been a symbol of Hindu renaissance. Knowledge, philosophy, culture, devotion to Gods, Indian arts and crafts has all flourished here for centuries. Also a pilgrimage place for believed to be the birthplace of Parsvanath, the twenty-third Tirthankar.Vaishnavism and Shaivism have co-existed in harmoniously. With a number of temples, Mrs. Annie Besant chose as the home for her 'Theosophical Society' and Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, to institute 'Benares Hindu University, the biggest University in Asia Ayurveda is said to be originated at and is believed to be the basis of modern medical sciences such as Plastic surgery, Cataract and Calculus operations. Maharshi Patanjali, the preceptor of Ayurveda and Yoga, was also affiliated with the holy city is also famous for its trade and commerce, especially for the finest silks and gold and silver brocades, since the early days.It has also been a great center of learning for ages because it is associated with promotion of spiritualism, mysticism, Sanskrit, yoga and Hindi language and honored authors such as the ever-famous novelist Prem Chand and Tulsi Das, the famous saint-poet who wrote Ram Charit Manas. Aptly called as the cultural capital of India, has provided the right platform for all cultural activities to flourish. Many exponents of dance and music have come from Ravi Shankar, the internationally renowned Sitar maestro and Ustad Bismillah Khan, (the famous Shehnai player) are all sons of the blessed city or have lived here for major part of their lives.It was in Banaras that Buddhism was first promulgated and in Banaras that Hinduism has had her home. The city has thus given vigor and support to the two religions that to this day spiritually govern half the world. Ancient meditative practices and studies are still pursued here. From the ceremony of shaving off the hair of the new-born (tonsure) to the immersion of ashes, the city still witnesses the rituals and sacraments that existed in the Vedic period. It is also considered to be a veritable jungle of fairs and festivals with respect to variety, distinction, time, sacred sites, performers, overseers and side-shows. The popular saying that 13 festivals happen in 7 days of a week, express this richness. Every day is a great festival in Banaras so says tradition living traditions in Indian Sciences and Arts. In this city, one finds as nowhere else in the country, experts, researchers, students and practitioners of ancient Indian sciences like astrology, Vastushastra(traditional architecture), teaching Sanskrit and religious texts (in existing traditional Sanskrit schools), yoga, ayurveda and massage techniques. Dhanvantari or Divodasa, the father of traditional Indian medicine, or ayurveda, was one of the earliest kings of this city and Shushruta, the father of Indian surgery too was educated. The Banaras music and dance traditions are manifested in a special local style known as the Banaras Gharana (style). Many great musicians and performing artists have been born here and still regularly return to visit and to perform for the public as their tribute to the spirit of the soil.This is the only city where textually described cosmogonic frame and geomantic outlines are existent in their full form and totality, thus making the city universally significant. The process of spatial transposition of holy centers of India has started in the 6th century and reached its climax by the 12th century, the Gahadavala period. All the pan-Indian and regionally prominent sacred sites have been replicated Mythological literature has been created to manifest the power of holy in those sites, which finally resulted inMaking this city the holiest for Hindus that preserved the cosmic wholeness. This together with the mosaic of ethnic and social structure further helped in the formation of as the cultural capital of India. For example, the sites of the four dhams(abode of gods), the holy centers in the four cardinal directions of the country, i.e. Badrinath in the north, JagannathPuri in the east, Dvaraka in the west and Rameshvaram in the south, are re-established in archetypal form as their representative around the nuclei of the presiding deities at MathaGhat (Badrinath), Rama Ghat (Puri), Shankudhara (Dvaraka) and Mir Ghat(Rameshvaram). Similarly other sacred centres are spatially manifested in where there are over 3000 Hindu shrines and temples, about 1400 Muslim shrines and mosques (more than any Muslim site), 12 churches, 3 Jain temples, 9 Buddhist temples, 3 Sikh temples (Gurudvaras) and several other sacred sites and placesSarnath derives its name from Saranganatha (Lord of the Deer). After the Buddha attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, he came to Sarnath. Here in the Deer Park, he delivered his first sermon or set in motion the Wheel of Law (MahaDharmachakraPravartan.). On the day before his death, the Buddha named Sarnath along with Lumbini, Bodh Gaya and Kushinagar as the four places that his followers should consider sacred.

Places to Visit in VaranasiBeing the oldest city of the world and an important Hindu pilgrimage center attracts a large number of people from all over the world. For centuries, is famous for spiritualism, mysticism, Indian philosophy and Hinduism. All these are reflected in numerous sects, temples, Ashrams and Ghats. is associated not only with Hinduism but also with Buddhism and Jainism. Besides numerous temples, also boasts of Buddhist Stupas and Jain temples. is also a mirror of the age-old Indian civilization. The archaeological museum at Sarnath houses numerous remains of the past, including the National emblem of India, the Ashoka pillar.Since it is mainly associated with Hinduism, temples form the main attraction. The Ganga Ghats (river fronts) are the main center of religious activities and rituals and also form one of the main attractions of. The Alamgir Mosque, blend of the Hindu and Mughal styles of the architecture, is another important attraction of . Some of the most important temples of areDurga temple, Vishwanath temple, SankatMochan temple, TulsiManas temple and the Bharat Mata temple. The Bharat Mata Temple houses a huge relief map of the whole of Indian subcontinent and Tibetan plateau. Other attractions of are the Banaras Hindu University (BHU), the Archaeological Museum, Sarnath, Bharat Kala Bhavan and the Buddhist Stupas and temples at Sarnath.

1. The Fort of Ramnagar of Kashi as a World Heritage Site This is the residence of the Maharaja of, popularly known as Kashi Naresh. The Ramnagar Fort lies about 14 kilometers (9 miles) south of along the eastern bank of Ganga. Its picturesque location by the river makes it popular with visitors. A pontoon bridge connects the fort to the city. During monsoon months the bridge is dismantled and replaced by a ferry. By road it can be approached from the long main road that crosses the Malaviya Bridge up north near Raj Ghat. You then drive down the eastern bank of the river. Chartering a boat from DashaswamedhGhat or AsiGhat are other options.Maharaja Balwant Singh built this fort and the palace in its ramparts in the eighteenth century. Constructed in red sandstone, its architectural features include carved balconies, open courtyards and picturesque pavilions. The temple within the fort is dedicated to VedVyasa, the divine writer who scripted the great Indian epic - Mahabharata. Legend has it that VedVyasa stayed here for a brief period.Another attraction of the fort is its museum. Horse-drawn carriages, old motor cars, palanquins, ornate gilded and silver howdahs (elephant seats), hookahs, costumes, armory, ivory carvings, an astronomical clock and hunting trophies are prominently on display here. It gives you a glimpse into the lifestyle of the royal family.Across the courtyard, a section is devoted to the Ram Lila festivities held during Dussehra in October. Ramnagar is renowned for its Ram Lila. Episodes from the Ramayana are re-enacted and the maharaja sponsors a month long elaborate celebrations. The colorful pageant kicks off with the maharaja riding an elephant. The procession culminates with the inauguration of folk theater by him. There are many versions of Ram Lila across the country. Ramnagar follows the TulsidasRamcharitramanas narrative. In terms of stylistic presentation too, Ramnagar stands apart. Ram Lila is enacted on a single stage across India, but in Ramnagar the whole town is transformed into a vast Ram Lila ground. Permanent structures are built and spaces designated to represent the main locations of the story. Therefore you have Ashok Vatika and Lanka at different locations in the town. The audience moves along with the performers with every episode, to the next location. With the bare minimum use of lights, mikes and loudspeakers, the character of the event is dignified and restrained in feel, one that is in keeping with the temperament of the local populace. But despite the minimum use of electronics, the event draws viewers by the thousand.

2. SarnathSarnath, about 10 km from the holy city of, is the place where Buddha chose to deliver his first sermon. The celebrated Mantra, 'BuddhamSharanamGachhami', owes its origin to Sarnath. On the day before his death Buddha included Sarnath along with Lumbini, Bodh Gaya and Kushinagar as the four places he thought to be sacred to his followers. It makes Sarnath one of the most venerated Buddhist places. Besides Buddhism, Sarnath is also connected with Jainism. There are many Buddhist monuments and edifices in Sarnath. Some of the important Buddhist monuments at Sarnath are the Dhamekha stupa, the Chaukhandi stupa and monasteries and temples of different schools of Buddhism from Japan, China, Thailand, Burma and others. The Indian Buddhist society called Mahabodhi Society maintains a park around the Buddha temple. The Mahabodhi Temple within the park has a tooth relic of the Buddha. There is also a vast expanse of ancient ruins at Sarnath. Several Buddhist structures were raised at Sarnath between the 3rd century BC and the 11th century AD, and today it presents the most expansive ruins amongst places on the Buddhist trail. The Ashoka pillar of Sarnath is the National emblem of India.3. Kashi Vishwanath TempleKashi Vishwanath temple is one of the most famous Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva and is in the holy city of, India. The temple stands on the western bank of Hinduism's holiest river Ganges, and the deity is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas the holiest of Shiva deities. The main deity is known by the name Vishwanatha or Vishweshwara meaning the Ruler of the universe. The temple town that claims to be the oldest living city in the world, with 3500 years of documented historyis also called Kashi and hence the temple is popularly called as Kashi Vishwanath Temple. Due to this 15.5m high golden spire, the temple is sometimes called as the Golden Temple similar to the Sikh Gurudwara at Amritsar.The temple has been in Hindu mythology for a very long time and a central part of worship in the Shiva philosophy. The temple has been destroyed and rebuilt a number of times. The Gyanavapi mosque, which is adjacent to the temple, is the original site of the temple. The current structure is believed to have been built by Maharani Ahilya Bai Holkar of Indore in 1780 since 1983; the temple is being managed by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. During the religious occasion of Shivratri, Kashi Naresh (King of Kashi) is the chief officiating priest and no other person or priest is allowed to enter the sanctum sanctorum. It is only after he performs his religious functions that others are allowed to enter.4. Ghats of VaranasiVaranasi or Kashi is older than traditions. It represents a unique combination of Physical, metaphysical and supernatural elements. According to the Hindu Mythology liberates soul from human body to the ultimate. It is the Ganga Ghats of that complement the concept of divinity. Ghats of Ganga are perhaps the holiest spots of Varanasi. The Ganga Ghats at are full of pilgrims who flock to the place to take a dip in the holy Ganges, which is believed to absolve one from all sins.There are number of temples on the bank of the Ganga river. It is believed that people are cleansed physically, mentally and spiritually at Ganga Ghats. It is at the Ganga Ghats where we see life and death together. For thousands of years people have been thronging these Ghats to offer their morning prayers to the rising sun. There are more than 100 Ghats along side, Kashi or Banaras is older than traditions. The divine grace of this city lies is unique combination of physical, metaphysical and supernatural elements. Ghats of are natural supplement to the concept of divinity. It is a city witch liberates soul from human body to ultimate. The much quoted Sanskrit SklokaProclame Kasyammaranammukti (death in Kashi is Liberation). In fact the extension of this belief could be visualised in early concept of PanchaTrirtha symbolically identified with the human body it is explicitly equated with the fire elements (PanchTattva) of witch body is composed interesting people now defining as all the Ghats are points on the divine cosmic road (12th Zodiacs X 7cakras of body thus 98) represents its manifest transcendental dimension. That is how this frame shows a cosmic order and harmonic relationship between micro cosmos (divine order) and micro cosmos (human order) through the interlink of mesocosmos (the physical order of ghats). The Gahadvala inscriptions (c.12th cent) mention only five ghats. Some of the prominent and popular Ghats at are the Dasaswamedh Ghat, Manikarnika Ghat, Harischandra Ghat, Kabir Ghat and Assi Ghat.

Role of Heritage in VaranasiIt has been realized that the cultural and natural heritages are increasingly threatened by destruction notonly due to the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing social and economic conditions. FromIndia 24 properties are enlisted in the UNESCO-WH List, however has not yet beenproposed for inclusion. The rationales for proposing as a heritage city in the WH List areexamined here, and the status of on the scale of UNESCO-WH List and governancestrategies are described. It is suggested that the City (District) Administration: Draft and ratify aManifesto committing itself to the conservation and protection, All built heritage assets of the citymust be identified and documented through a survey, mapping, architectural plans of individualbuildings, historical evidence, visual photography, etc. A specific conservation plan must bedrafted as an integral part of the development plan of the city, A Conservation Cell must be createdwithin the local Development Authority; comprising administrative officers, local representatives,concerned local organizations and experts, and Specific by-laws must be formulated for thedevelopment and preservation of heritage sites, their skylines and surrounding areas.PerspectiveThe city of (1.27 million in 2001) is unique in the architectural, artistic and religiousexpressions of traditional Indian culture and is, even today, a living example of this culture. The city---in the past and in the present--- is an exceptional testimony to living traditions--- to be seen to bebelieved--- in religious faith, rituals and myriad festivals, traditional and ancient forms of worship andbelief that are still practiced in the varied expressions of asceticism, spiritual and meditative exercises,education, music, dance, handicrafts and art forms, passing from one to other generations.In the city of have been found, underneath the sterile deposits of about 4m, microlithic tools associated with a kind of Red Ware, datable to the 4th and 3rd millennium BCE. The city has two main historic remnants of a holy past: the first one being Sarnath where Buddha gave his first sermon,Turning the wheel of law in 528 BCE, and the second one being the Rajghat Plateau, where the archaeological findings and the C14 dating of some of the wares excavated from the earliest level(upper part of IA layer, sample No. TF-293) confirm the existence of urban settlements in the period during 800-500 BCE. Both these sites have been included in the heritage zones identified for nomination to the UNESCO heritage list. Archaeological investigations, supported by Robert C. Eidt(1977) on the basis of scientific analysis of the chronic sequence of non-occluded/occluded phosphateratios of the vertical profile of anthrosols in the Rajghat area, confirm the existence of thecity from 800 BCE to CE 800, and further the continuity of residential settlement. This result furtherindicates that the residents combined small farming with pastoral life. The archaeological remains (e.g.pottery, terracotta, iron implements, art and facts, seals, etc) found in the area are datable to the 9thcentury BC, and include evidence of Black Slipped Ware Culture. Since at least 8th century CE, the city started growing as a pilgrimage site and by 12th century, it became the most popular holy centre for the Hindus. During this period, various deities and their images were established. Their number at present reaches over 3000 Hindu shrines and a few Buddhist, Jain and Sikh shrines. Later Muslim shrines also became prominent and now their number has reached over 1350.Owes its existence to the Ganga river (misspelled as Ganges is the West) considered to be the most holy river for the Hindu people and especially sacred in where its course towards the Bay of Bengal suddenly turns north. Symbolically, the flow from south to north refers to the life cycle from death (south, the realm of death, Yama) to life (north, the realm of life, Shiva, i.e. Kailas). This unique directional change of the river course led to the development of the ancient city, Kashi, on the west banks of the river, facing the rising of the sun and making thus the Ghats of sacred for all Hindu rituals.Since it has always been important for religious purposes, kings, rich merchants and others who could afford built houses in so that their members could come and stay here in the auspicious city. So most properties either belong to trusts, or are divided among many successors, or belong to people who presently live in other cities. The Development Authority has already drawn out a Master Development Plan of the City (1991-2011) and has identified heritage zones in the city therein. Although the architectural heritage of the city is still preserved, its existence is seriously threatened by immense pressures from increasing population, modernization, economic development and tourism. The Varanasi Development Authority (VDA) has, with the aim of achieving a sustainable development of the city based on its architectural preservation and the conservation of its cultural landscape, recently undertaken the creditable and immense task of documentation of the vastArchitectural and intangible cultural heritage of the city and its surrounding region and of formulating a legislative framework to protect the same.The Ganga River and the Riverfront & Old City Heritage Zone of being proposed for nomination to the World Heritage List of UNESCO fall mainly into the second category of cultural properties, i.e.: groups of buildings, groups of separate or connected buildings which, because of their architecture, their homogeneity or their place in the landscape are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science.

Management and ConservationMost of the heritage properties in the old city belong to individual owners, substantial holdings by the Vishvanatha Temple Trust, non-government organizations and charitable trusts.A few tangible heritage sites falling within the Riverfront & Old City Heritage Zone such as Manas Mandir Observatory on Dashashvamedh Ghat, Aurangzeb's mosque and the Gyan avapi mosque have been declared as Monuments by the Department of Archaeology, Govt. of India under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958 Act No. 24 & 1958 (Central Aci) and the said sites and its buffer zone are maintained and conserved by the Department of Archaeology. At the Municipal level, the State Govt. had created the Development Authority under U.P. Urban Planning and Development Act 1973 Act II & 1973 (State Act). This authority is responsible for planning the development of the city and is also responsible for the protection of Heritage zones, sites and properties and the surrounding physical environment. The Govt. of India and State Govt of Uttar Pradesh, with the participation of a local body at the Municipal level are involved in implementing the protective regulatory measures through the agencies enlist herewith: Development Authority (VDA) with the Commissioner of the division as its Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, Chief Town Planner VDA, Secretary VDA. The VDA has technical assistance and experts in its division of Town Planning, Architecture, Engineering and Surveying; the VDA is a State Government body.A Conservation Cell has been created within the Development Authority comprising the four eminent citizens of the city knowledgeable in issues of heritage preservation, and the members from the VDA, is currently responsible for the conservation and protection of the heritage sites with participation of Tourism Department of State Government and Government of India. This Cell is responsible for monitoring the preservation of heritage sites. Department of Archaeology, Govt. of India and the State Archive is a part of the State Ministry of Culture and is represented by their staff which monitors the protection and maintenance of properties registered and supervised directly by them. This organ of the government registers historically,Artistically and archaeologically important properties- buildings, artfacts, objects, etc. and protect the same. Many local NGOs also work for the protection of the river Ganga and the promotion of the local culture. The Ganga Seva Nidhi and Ganga Seva Samiti organize the evening prayers offered to the river Ganga each evening on the central Ghats of the city. The Ghats are cleaned of mud each year after the monsoon season by the local administration in collaboration with a local NGO. The Sankat Mochan Foundation is an organization that has been working since many years to test and clean the Ganga waters and spread awareness on the same. Legal Measures taken In April 2002, the VDA Board has proposed amendments to the Urbanization Laws for the purposes of Heritage Conservation, and recommended that the following sub sections of the (Amendment of Urbanization Laws), Act Amendment to U.P. Urban Development Act be added: Definition 2(dd1) Cultural Heritage as including all art, handicrafts, music and dance forms, folk theatre, ritualistic traditions. 2(dd2) Cultural Landscape Heritage as meaning manifestations of the interaction between humankind and its natural environment and including specific techniques of sustainable land-use, considering the characteristics and limits of the natural environment they are established in, and a specific spiritual relation to nature. 2(hh) Heritage Sites as including monuments, buildings, artifacts, structures, areas and precincts of historic, aesthetic, archaeological, architectural, scientific, ethnological anthropological, cultural, environmental significance and value published and further the Ganga riverfront, i.e. the entire stretch of Ghats along the western bank of the River Ganga and sand belt on eastern side of river between Malaviya Bridge and South East point of Ramnagar Fort.

Promotion of HeritageTourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Tourism is one of the top priorities for many countries, because of its contribution to economy in terms of foreign exchange earnings, creation of employment opportunities, promoting international understanding, etc. As the importance of tourism increases day by day, allocation of funds for tourism development has gone up and it has resulted in different ways such as emphasis on infrastructure development and streamlining tourism activities. National Tourism Authorities (NTA) of different countries has a greater role to coordinate tourism development and at the same time they are also responsible for conducting proper evaluation. NTAs have added pressure to carry out developments more systematically and evaluate tourism activities time to time, as the investment of public funds can be fully justified (WTO 94). Here the role of different stake holders cant be ignored. This means that NTAs as well as the stakeholders of tourism have equal responsibility in terms of a destinations development, and management of tourism resources (Faulkner 2006).changes in tourism development have influenced Indian Tourism sector. Continuous efforts of theGovernment authorities (central and state government), and leading players in the industry have resulted in an upward trend in the international tourist arrivals. Tourism occupies third position in terms of foreign Exchange earnings. The Indian Tourism Industry forecast (2007-2013) report provides an objective analysis of the performance of tourism sector at present and future prospects. The report says that. Inbound tourist expenditure is the third highest in the world, which is more than the Global average. Disposable income during the period (2006-2011) has grown at a CAGR of 10.11%, Tourist inflow to Varanasi is expected to increase at a CAGR of 22.65% between 2006-2011. Varanasis share in Global Tourism is expected to reach by 1.5% by 2010. India is the fifth most attractive destination in terms of investment opportunities. (IL &FS, 2007). In South Asia, India accounts for 65.8 % of the regional tourism receipts. Direct contribution to the GDP is 2 % whereas the overall contribution of tourism sector is 5.3 %. Various steps taken by government of India during the period 1998-2006, have opened the Indian tourism sector to the world. Marketing campaigns by India Tourism, placed India as one of the top ten destinations (Visit India Year (1998-2000), Incredible India, Athithi Devo Bhava, etc.) (Conde Nast Traveller).Several shortcomings come in the way of development, which act as major obstacles in development. The underlying fact is that management of India as a tourism destination has not reached intune with the requirements, as there are problems such as regional linkages, connectivity, basic civic infrastructure, tourist amenities, service delivery and institutional regulatory issues (IL & FS, 2007).

SWOT Analysis-Varanasi Tourism Strengths Diversity of culture i.e. a blend of various civilization and their traditions. A wealth of archeological sites and historical monuments like Sarnath, Ramnagar fort A very wide variety of hotels is present in the country that can fulfill the demand for the accommodation of tourists. There are international players in the market such as Hotel Ganges and Radisson Thus, the needs of the international tourists travelers are seen to, while they are on a visit to Varanasi Manpower costs in the Indian hotel industry is one of the lowest in the world. This provides better value for money to the tourists. . Varanasi offers a readymade tourist destination with the resources it has. Thus the magnet to pull customers already exists. Airline is the most preferred mode of transportation by the foreign tourists as the convenience provided by the airlines is higher. Thus, the saving in time that this mode of transport offers is immense to the international tourists. Weakness Lack of adequate infrastructure. A xenophobic attitude among certain sections of people. No proper marketing of Varanasis tourism abroad. Foreigners still think of India as a land of snake charmers. High tax structure in the industry makes the industry worse off than its international equivalent. In India the expenditure tax, luxury tax and sales tax inflate the hotel bill by over 30%. Effective tax in the South East Asian countries works out to only 4-5%. So this directly affects the spending of tourists. Only 58, 00 hotel rooms are available in Varanasi today, which is less than the Bangkok total hotel capacity. So accommodation facilities are quiet less. The services currently offered by the hotels in Varanasi are only limited value added services. It is not comparable to the existing world standards. This is the reason why international tourists prefer other Asian countries than India. Inefficiency of the domestic airlines- there are number of instances of flight being cancelled or delayed. Secondly frequent strikes by the pilots and maintenance problems are a major cause of concern. This is one of the reasons that make a tourist disheartened. Travel agents are most affected by the taxes that are part of the industry so at last tourists are the sufferers. Opportunities Allowing entry of more multinational companies into the country giving us a global perspective. Growth of domestic tourism. Demand between the national and the inbound tourists can be easily managed due to difference in the period of holidays. For international tourists the peak season for arrival is between Septembers to March when the climatic conditions are suitable where as the national tourist waits for school holidays, generally the summer months. Develop a well- studied master plan for tourism in the country, which should make it easier for investors as well as the authorities. Support and encourage private sector to invest in facilities. Fight pollution and littering by law. Adopt strict measure for civil hygiene and cleanliness. Provides essential basic facilities like toilets and resting facilities throughout tourism routes. Have an effective international marketing agency to promote Varanasi as a destination. Project people, culture, lifestyle, food festivals etc to offer the human element appeal than the natural beauty of the land for long lasting result. There are other naturally beautiful places in the world, but it is the people that make a place unique. The development of tourist resorts, such as hotels on mountains or hill tops, should be low density and low rise to retain the cool temperature as main attraction of these locations. The relevant authorities must ensure that security measures are enforced at all time. Threats Economic conditions and political turmoil in the country is affecting tourism. Aggressive strategies adopted by other countries like Australia, Singapore and Malaysia in promoting tourism are also posing as a serious threat to our country. Changing trends in the west demand similar changes in India, which here are difficult to implement due to high project costs. Pollution is a major menace to the industry, which has to be tackled by the government through legislation. Garbage, Plastic, sound pollution near tourist centers and all such discrepancies need immediate action from the government otherwise it will pose a major threat for tourism industry in India. Foreign tourists are concerned about their personal safety when traveling in the Asian region because of terrorist attacks and the tension between Indo- Pak.(Bomb astattack at Sankat Mochan Temple and Varanasi railway Cantt Station) Industrially sick Products like Benarasi saree, handicrafts are on the declining stage.

Objective of Study The purpose of this Project is to investigate about What are the opportunities and threats that can prevail in Tourism Industry . To identify the specific problems a tourism industry is facing. To identify the entire major tourist places of Varanasi To prepare a list of accommodation units like hotels, guesthouses, etc. To estimate the transport facilities available in the Varanasi city. Their purpose of visit. Their group structure. Their detail socio-economic profile.Research methodology Primary Data: Primary data was collected by administering questionnaire. It is systematically collected. The basic purpose of collecting primary data is to know about the opportunities and threats that are present in the tourism industry. Secondary data: Secondary datas are collected from Tourism website, Tourism journals Etc Based on SPSS Tool the interpretations were drawn.

Sampling Sample size: 100 Tourist Visitor Area of research: Varanasi City. Research approach: Survey method. Research Instrument: Questionnaire.

Analysis of SurveyFollowing Interpretation is drawn from the Help of SPSS software with the help of t-testData AvailableOccupationIncomeNo.Of tripsPuroposeHandicrafts

Student = 40Upto 1 lakh= 20Once in year=30Leisure=10benarsi Saree=70

Business=301lak to 2 lakh= 30Once in 6 month=20Visiting Friends & Relatives=10Clay Products=30

Service=202lakh -5lakh=40 Once in 3 months=10Business=30

House wives=105 lakh - 10lakh=10Every month=20Education=40


CompanionsAccommodationsType of touristSatisfaction levelPersonal safetySafety measure at destination

Alone=10Guest house=20International=40Yes=20yes=30yes=40


friends=20Economy hotel=50

family=60Expensive hotel=20

SPSS Analysis of Survey

One-Sample Statistics

NMeanStd. DeviationStd. Error Mean














One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0

tdfSig. (2-tailed)Mean Difference95% Confidence Interval of the Difference















VAR00001:- In Q.1 2% lie in the age of 20-35 contribute 33% VAR00002:- In Q.2 1%lie in male group respondentVAR00003 :- In Q.3 between 1% to2% lie in the student criteria. VAR00004:- In Q.4 2% lie in 2-5 lakh income VAR00005 :- InQ.5 3% visit once in year VAR00006:- In Q.6 2% of tourist follows leisureVAR00007:- In Q.7 1%of tourist likes benarsi sariVAR00008:- In Q.8 2% of tourist afford economy hotelVAR00009:- In Q.9 1-2% Tourist was the domestic touristVAR00010:- In Q.10 2% says there is no maintenance in the tourist property.VAR00011:- In Q.11 2% says there is personal safetyVAR00012:- In Q.12 2% says no to safety measuresVAR00013:- In Q.13 1-2 % says that local people are co-operated

Form Tourist 1. Age Group

The Sample was made of 30% of tourist falls in the age group of Below 2040% of tourist falls in the age group of between20-2520%30% of tourist falls in the age group of between 25-3010% of tourist falls in the age group of above 30.

2. Gender Ratio

60 % of respondents where Male.40 % rest were Females.

3. Occupation

40 % of respondents where student 30 % where engaged in Business . 20% were the service class.10% were Housewives.

4. Income Group

20% of tourist has income upto 1 lakh

30% of tourist has income between 1 to 2 lakh

40% of tourist falls in the income of 2 -5 lakh

10% of tourist falls in the income of 5-10.

5. Number of trips

20% Every week20% Every month10% Once in the 3 months30% Once in the year20 % Once in the 6 months

6. Purpose

40% were for leisure.20% were for Visiting friends and relatives.20 % for business purpose.10% for education.

7. Did you like the handicrafts made in Varanasi?

70% tourist prefer for the Benarasi Saree30% Tourist prefer the Clay Products.

8. Companions

60% tourist were the family.20% tourist were the friends10% were the colleagues.10% Alone

9. Accommodations

50% prefer for the economy hotel.10% for the resort.20% for the guest house.20 % for the expensive hotel.

10. You are an International tourist or domestic tourist

60% Were the Doemstic tourist

40% were the International tourist

11. Are you satisfied with the maintenance of the monuments and temples?

80 % says no while 20% says yes.

12. Are you satisfied with Personal safety?

70 % Tourist says that there is no proper safety for tourist while 30% says yes

there is.

13. Rate the safety measure at your destinations?

60 % says that they are not satisfied with safety measure while 40% says they are not.

13. Rate the Local People co- Operations?

70% says that the local people are very much co- operated while rest says no

Data AvailableType of tourist Facilities owned by the companyTourism serviceTourism activities

Inbound tourist=60Air transport=0Flight booking=20Adventour =10

Outbound Fooding=20Guided tour =10Other=10

Accomodation=20Hotel reservation=40Leisure=30

Ground transport=60Overall package= 30Seight seeing=50

Travel destination knowledgeVehcile usedKind of tourist Tourist from the countries

Travel agent=20Car Luxury=30Group=60Europe=10

Media=10car suv=40Single=40Asia=70

internet=40Volvo A/c=10America=20

Already known=30Volvo Non a/c=20

One-Sample Statistics

NMeanStd. DeviationStd. Error Mean











One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0

tdfSig. (2-tailed)Mean Difference95% Confidence Interval of the Difference












Interpretation VAR00014:-In q.14 1 % tour and travels operates inbound touristVAR00015:- 1% ground transport facility by the company VAR00016:- 3% follows for the hotel reservationVAR00017:- 3% tourist activities for sight seeingVAR00018:- 3% follows internet for tourist destinationVAR00019:-2-3 % follows cars suvVAR00020:- 2% are the in the groupVAR00021:- 1-2% are from the Asian countriesVAR00022:- 2% has satisfaction

1. For Tour Operator 1. Focus of Tour operator

60 % of tour operator focus on the inbound tourism while 40 % outbound tourism

2. Does your company own the following?

0% of the tour operator doesnt have air transport facilities, 60% have ground transport facilities, 20 % have the Accommodation facilities and 10 % have the fooding facilities

3. What kinds of tourism services does your company provide?

30 % of the travel companies offer package tour, 40% provides the hotel reservations,10 % provides the guided tour,20% offer flight booking.

4. What are the main tourism activities that your company is involved in?

30% offer leisure resort, 50% offer sightseeing tour, 10 % offer adventurous tour, while 10% offer other.

5. Where did you hear about this tourist destination?

30% already know about the destination, 40% came to know through internet, 10% through media and rest 20% through travel agent.

6. What kind of Vehicle you often use?

40% uses Cars (suv), 30 % uses Car (Luxury), 10% uses Volvo (Ac bus) while 20% uses Volvo non ac bus.

7. What kind of Tourist You Attuned?

60% in group and 40 % in single.

8. At part of world your attended more tourist?

70% of the tourist come from the Asian countries namely Thailand, Malaysia and Bankog, 10% from Europe namely Germany and Ukraine, 20% from the America.

9.Youre satisfied with your Clients?

60% of tourist say threat they are satisfied with their Clients, 30% says No while 10% cant say anything.

Findings1. Varanasi is the major tourist spot in North India after the TajMahal.2. It can be the hub for the exporter of the handicrafts products.3. People came here for the search of the salvation during their end of their life.4. Thousand of Buddhist came to Sarnath, so it is the major tourist spot.5. Hotels and restaurant can be profitable industry in future,6. Tourist comes in group more often.7. There is no proper safety for the domestic and International tourist.8. There is no proper maintenance and conservation of the monuments and temples as they are historic in nature.9. Most of the tourist came here to pursue the educations like Yoga and Sanskrit.10. Tourist having middle class they more often to come.11. The major attractions of the tourist are the Ghats of Varanasi, Sarnath temple, Kashi Vishwanath temple.12. Due to the dig roads, andgarbage it is losing its importance.

Recommendation Set a tourism finance cooperation to extend financial assistance for tourism project.

Developments of select tourist destination and circuits diversification of tourism arrival of cultural destination to the leisure and holiday tourist.

Markets exploration and development of new tourism generating center.

Increase the hotel accommodation by cent percent by stimulation investment through appropriate package of incentives.

Better facilities of the public toiletries for the tourist.

Proper roads and means of transportations.

Promoting the Industrially Sick Business like clay Products, wooden toys.

Investment in the hotel and Restaurant Industry would defiantly a Profitable sector,

ConclusionAs I have reached to the conclusion of my dissertation, I have realized that it is an important part of our curriculum, which gives a good experience of research study, data collection and thesis writing.As for as my topic is concerned A Study of tourism Industry Opportunity and threats (with special reference to Varanasi tourism). First of all it was necessary to give a brief introduction about heritage and its elements followed by the classification of heritage. Heritage tourism is one of the new thrust areas of modern tourism which attracts a lot of tourist. India due to the wide diversity in its geographical features offers a lot of activities in several places like its offer land based heritage. Though this Tourism is new to India there are several places in India which are emerging as heritage tourism destination .I has carried to mentioned some of the popular ones in Varanasi. Then I have given a brief introduction the various emerging destinations of heritage in Varanasi. As from my Dissertation I hope now it is clear that heritage differs from ordinary Tourism and as it exposes tourists to some risks and generally takes them into a region which offers minimal facilities and comforts. Further in my Dissertation, I have also collected data using questionnaires and gathered the view of young people who are generally interested in heritage tourism

First of all these drawbacks should be overcomes---- Lack of adequate facilities Increase the level of responsibility Reliable transportation Provision of Hygienic and clean accommodation Minimize environmental damages Availability of enough trained man power Provision of sufficient back up manpower equipment, communication for heritage tourism.

Secondly, but the most important were ------------

Government should framework policies Should implement like high level training programs Should conduct, promote and publicity of destinations More heritage packages should be launched Organize adventure related fairs and festival Meeting should be conducted once in a year for the awareness Awareness of local and human resources development programs are also necessary.

At last I hope that this suggestion when implemented can increase the scope of heritage tourism in Varanasi and become well known destination.Finally according to my dissertation Case study of heritage tourism in Varanasi has a wide and in the coming years Varanasi would definitely capture the heritage tourism market globally.

BibliographyWebsiteswww.expresstravelandtourism.comwww.indiainfoline.comwww.tourismindia.comhttp://www.indiavisitinformation.comhttp://www.expressindia.com planet-Short escape from Varanasi2)Tourism in India3) A matter of taste4) Around Varanasi5) Spiritual Varanasi

Questionnaire Form TouristPersonal InformationName :Age :Gender :City :Occupation1. Age i) Below 20 year [ ] ii) 21 to 30 year [ ]iii) 31 to 40 year [ ] iv) 41 year and Above [ ] 2. Genderi) Male [ ] ii) Female [ ] 3. Occupationi ]Student [ ] ii] Business man [ ]iii] Service [ ] IV] Housewives [ ] 4. Income Groupi ] Up to 5 Lac [ ] ii] Between 15-25 lac [ ]iii] Between 25-35 lac [ ]iv] Not Presenting [ ] 5. Number of Tripsi ] Once In a year [ ] ii] Once in 6 months [ ]iii] Once in 6 months [ ]iv] Every Month [ ] v]Every Week6. Purpose of the tripsi] Educations [ ] ii] Family vacations [ ]iii] Business [ ] iv] Religious [ ] 7. What kind of handicrafts you like?i] Benarasi Saree [ ] ii] Clay Products [ ]iii] Wooden Toys [ ] iv] Imitation jewellary [ ]

8.Companionsi ] Alone [ ] ii] Colleagues [ ]iii] Friends [ ] iv] Family [ ] 8. Accommodationsi ] Guest house [ ] ii] Resort [ ]iii] Economy Hotels [ ] iv] Expensive h [ ] 9. Kind of Touristi ]International tourist [ ] ii] Domestic tourist [ ]10.Youre satisfied with the maintenance of the monuments and temples?i ] Yes [ ] ii] No [ ]11.Youre satisfied with the personal safety?i ] Yes [ ] ii] No [ ]12. Rate the Safety and Security measures which are available at the destination?i ] Yes [ ] ii] No [ ]13. Rate the local people co-Operation with tourist?i ] Yes [ ] ii] No [ ]

2. Questionnaire for Tour Operator 1. Focus of the Tours Operatori ] Inbound Tourism [ ] ii] Outbound Tourism [ ]2. Does your company own the following?i ] Air Transport [ ] ii] Ground Transport [ ]iii] Accommodations [ ] IV] Fooding [ ] 3. What kinds of tourism services does your company provide?i ] Flight Booking [ ] ii] Guided tour [ ]iii] Package Tour [ ] IV] Hotel reservation [ ]4. What are the main tourism activities that your company is involved in?

i ] Adventures Tour [ ] ii] Leisure Tour [ ]iii] Sightseeing Tour [ ] IV] other [ ]5. Where did you hear about this tourist destination?i ] Media [ ] ii] Internet [ ]iii] Travel agent [ ] IV] Already Know [ ]6. What kind of Vehicle you use?i ] Volvo A/c Bus [ ] ii] Volvo Non A/c Bus [ ]iii] Suv Cars [ ] IV] Luxury Cars [ ]7. What kind of tourist you attend?i ] In Group [ ] ii] Single or Double [ ] 8. At part of world your attended more tourist?i ] America [ ] ii] Europe [ ]iii] Asia [ ] IV] Africa [ ]9.Youre satisfied with your Clients?i ] Yes [ ] ii] No [ ]