Download - A story of Disruption Featuring SAP & Lean Startup Methodology by Doris Edwards of

  • 1.A story of Disruption Featuring SAP & Lean Startup Methodology By Doris Edwards of

2. A story of Disruption Featuring SAP & Lean Startup Methodology SAP LEAN Blessed by HBRBest of ClassSuccessful transformation 3. SAPLEANLean & SAP 4. LEAN 5. How can we learn more quickly what works, and discard what doesnt.The Build-Measure-Learn Feedback loop 6. Why the Lean Startup changes everything. Read HBR May 2013 Article The movement that is transforming how new products are built and launched. Read the book. the-geneva-lean-startup-group 1 of >100 communities worldwideThe Geneva Lean Startup The Business Model Canvas Download the canvas. 7. Passionate entrepreneurs tend to fall in love with their product. 8. Passionate entrepreneurs must avoid going into the basement to create the perfect product.Only to find that theres no traction. Nobody wants it! 9. Passionate entrepreneurs must Get Out Of The Building to find out whether the reality conforms to their plan.Test your hypothesis by talking to real people. 10. Passionate entrepreneurs do it again, and again until they have really understood the problem.Understand the needs and pains of your potential customers. 11. Passionate entrepreneurs Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)To courageously discover the stark truth about traction. 12. Its not just failing fast, its failing well. The fundamental idea is to treat everything a start-up does as an experiment. Everything a start-up does should be a test--a hypothesis. You really want to organize your company so that it's built to learn. Lean Startup principles are based on lean manufacturing - a management philosophy that we can easily adapt to the start-up culture. Key part is creating a feedback loop: build, measure, and learn. We want to get through that loop as quickly as possible. 13. SAP 14. One of the worlds largest Enterprise Software suppliers. 61000 employees Headquarters: Walldorf, Germany Operates in more than 130 countries 15. 3 reasons for SAP case study Transformed from highly traditional, conservative, closed, to open, innovative, accessible.From traditional sales-driven to consumer-centric. Allow people to interact with SAP when, where and how they choose.Measurement model shift. Marketing is not measured separately. Itis closely tied to a model that credits the achievement of a business outcome. 16. Financial crisis, meltdown. New players with disruptive technologies. Bad management. -2% income in 2008 -4% income in 2009 -8% drop in total revenue by end 2009 Laid off 3000 employees for the first time since its founding in 1972 Sales concentrated on developping strong relationships with one or two influencers, usually Fortune 500 CIOs. 17. Two new co-CEOs. Jim Hagemann Snabe and Bill McDermott New product acquisitions. New consumer behaviours. Dont like being talked down. Pull rather than push. Sales and Marketing work as a team. Learn how to connect with more knowledgeable buyers in midsized and small business. Tie Marketing to Business Outcomes Experiment, Measure, Reiterate 18. How SAP gets 27% more incremental sales leads. Behind the scenes - From Shawn Burns SAP VP Digital Marketing 19. SAPLEAN 20. Designers and Analysts, will they ever meet? 21. SAPLEAN 22. Split into small groups. About 30 minutes. Create a Customer Persona and tell it to your colleagues. Colleagues. Please to ask questions and enhance the view. Back to full group. Exchange and Feedback.