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Schiedam Practicum

Schiedam PracticumA smart way to solve potential floods due to climate change

Author: Gerard GassolSchiedam Tutor: Roy AbdoelkarimUdG Tutor: Sergi Nuss5th September 2016

Schiedam: a history linked to their canals

Floods, a problem that is growing in frequency and intensityHistorically, in the Rhine Meuse Scheldt river delta, there have been important floods due to their topography and position. Climate change will increase the number and intensity of storms in that area. ICT and IoT can relieve the effects of floods.

Climate Change effects in the NetherlandsTemperature increases between 2 and 3 degrees average.

Mean precipitation increases. Less rain days but with more intensity. Rise of storm eventsSea level rise in all the Netherlands coast

Local reality in Schiedam

1Under the sea levelMuch of the city is below the sea level. All water that falls in the city must be pumped.

2Subsidence of City surfaceSchiedam is settled on layers of clays and vegetable soil. Some part of this terrain sinks an average of 2mm/year.

3Timber piles foundationsSome of the buildings have timber piles, which will be affected due to dry periods


Higher costs to deal with floods: More water to be pumped to higher level

More inconveniences for Schiedam citizens

Vulnerability MapNot a flood modelBased on:Land UseInundation Potential RiskLong Term Potential RiskComparison with:Social DataN&H flood model

Data involved

AWater SystemPonds, channels, pumps and drainage water paths

BSewer SystemPipes and tunnels designed to collect surface runoff water

CGround LevelTopography map for all the area of study

Data involved

DGround SubsidenceBetween 1 and 3 mm/year

EBuildings foundation typeTimber piles as foundations.

FLand UseSchools, Hospitals, electrical infraestructure as vulnerable.


VULNERABILITY = 10*[A] 10*[B] + 60*[C] + 15*[D] + 10*[E] + 15*[F]

Actions proposalCollaborative basinsMobile AppGobernavilityHydro-sensitive urbanism

Water collection pointsCollaborative basinsGreen roofs

Mobile AppBe aware

Be informed

Get involved

Be aware

Marketing on climate change and floodsAwareness does not mean consciousnessGaming learningWater Schiedam Party

Be informedLong term

Vulnerability mapTips and recommendationsHistorical events

Short term: Alarm System


Get involvedReport incidencesAccurate location and timePotentially more reports Gain of Flood Coins Virtual currency Incentiviate collaboration Tool to reward good citizens

Virtual CurrencyObtaining Flood Coins

Circulating Flood Coins

Benefits for citizens and City Council


City Council and citizens must collaborateModification of taxesCollection of taxes must adapt to Virtual currency system. Change of mentality in tax collectionAdaption of building lawWater collection points installation to be compulsory in the construction of new buildings

Hydro-sensitive urbanism

1Architectural adoptionsNew architectural modifications of the city should be thought as tools to fight against floods

2New pavement typeExists technologic pavement which absorbs water and pour it slowly

3Sewer system can helpModifications in the sewer system, separating grey waters, can help enormously
