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Prepared for: Prairie Conservation Forum

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development April 2013

Prepared by Greg Chernoff

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development FINAL REPORT

April 2013

Prepared for the Prairie Conservation Forum

by Greg Chernoff

Miistakis InstituteMiistakis InstituteMiistakis InstituteMiistakis Institute

Room U271, Mount Royal University 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW Calgary, AB T3E 6K6

Phone: (403) 440-8444 Email: [email protected] Web:

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 1


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 2

REVIEW OF THE NATURE CONSERVANCY (MONTANA) APPROACH .................................................................. 3

REVIEW OF CONSERVATION BIOLOGY INSTITUTE APPROACH ........................................................................... 5


DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................................................. 10

COMPARISON OF TWO APPROACHES ................................................................................................................ 10

IDEAS FOR A PCF WIND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL ........................................................................... 12

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................. 14

WORKS CITED ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

INTERNET RESOURCES: .......................................................................................................................................... 15

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 2


Wind power development is a fledgling and fast-growing industry in Alberta, particularly in Grassland

and Parkland Natural Regions. In contrast to oil and gas development, the Surface Rights Act of Alberta

does not apply to wind development. Specifically there is no "right of entry"; landowners have the

authority to approve development and grant access rights through legal instruments such as a contract,

easement or lease. There is no requirement under existing Conservation and Reclamation Regulations to

reclaim surface disturbances caused by wind energy projects.

The Government of Alberta seeks to regulate the wind industry in a way that is fair, sustainable, and

aligned with regional plans arising from the Provincial Land Use Framework. There is currently a

moratorium prohibiting wind development on Crown lands.

There are ecological impacts associated with wind power infrastructure. A broad range of wildlife

species are impacted in various ways, from collision fatalities, to avoidance or altered migratory

behaviour. Impacts on native vegetation and wildlife habitat can occur during wind facility construction;

there are also permanent additions required to existing road and power transmission networks. The

current regulatory process requires that the Wildlife Management Branch of Alberta Environment and

Sustainable Resource Development review and sign off on any proposed wind power development

projects as part of the approvals process administered by the Alberta Utilities Commission, the provincial


Industry wants to take advantage of the abundant wind resource in Alberta's Prairie and Parkland

regions, and would like to develop their industry on a “level playing field”, where the regulator's

expectations and protocols are transparent, equitable, and consistent.

Municipal governments and local communities want to balance economic opportunity with the desire to

preserve landscape, social, and aesthetic values. Municipalities have authority over wind development

through Land Use Bylaws, and can direct development according to this policy.

The Prairie Conservation Forum (PCF) is preliminarily exploring opportunities to help create this “level

playing field” of wind suitability assessment in Prairie and Parkland Alberta, and is interested in learning

what has been done in other jurisdictions to address these complex land-use challenges.

The purpose of this report is three-fold:

1. To conduct a detailed review of two recent GIS-based modeling applications aimed at assessing

the appropriateness of wind development: the Nature Conservancy’s Ecological Risk Assessment

of Wind Energy Development in Montana (Martin et al, 2009); and the Conservation Biology

Institute’s Decision Support System for Conservation in the Tehachapis and Southern Sierra

Nevada (CBI, 2013).

2. To identify and review other similar efforts, using a broad-ranging suite of criteria and a GIS-

based approach, to the assessment of wind development potential and suitability.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 3

3. In consideration of the learnings from steps 1 and 2, to offer some initial thoughts on what could

be done in Prairie and Parkland Alberta to create tools and/or processes that would facilitate

informed and balanced discussion on where wind development is appropriate, and where it may

not be.

At the outset, it is important to note that the review described in this report is not exhaustive. Doubtless

there are approaches to mapping and assessing appropriate wind development alternatives, and other

valuable resources, which have not been included in this review. The goal is to present a cross section

of current approaches and resources, with a focus on those that have the most potential value and

relevance to the Prairie and Parkland Alberta context.


In 2009, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)’s office in Helena, Montana, published a report entitled “An

Ecological Risk Assessment of Wind Energy Development in Montana” (Martin et al, 2009). The following

factors contributed to the need for the type of analysis presented in the report:

• The rapid growth, and relative lack of regulation, over the wind power industry in Montana;

• The lack of significant study of the cumulative ecological effects of wind development in the state

(previous research having been limited to impacts on individual species, e.g. birds or bats); and

• The need, as perceived by TNC and others, for a resource that would illuminate some important

considerations if wind development is to be sited in a way that preserves (or minimally disrupts)

ecological integrity.

The objective of TNC’s research was to make the best use of freely available spatial data describing both

the potential for wind power development and areas of ecological significance to map areas of high

ecological risk within the state of Montana. High-risk areas are those parts of the state where there are

both high ecological values and favourable conditions for wind power development.

Areas with high wind development potential were mapped using a data set from the US National

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Areas of potential wind development were selected as those with

“good or better” conditions for wind power, which are primarily located in the eastern “half” of the state

(i.e. east of the Rocky Mountains). Jurisdictions that do not permit wind development (e.g. National

Parks, Wilderness Areas, urban centres) were excluded from further analysis.

TNC identified 4.4 million acres of “low-risk lands” - areas that the NREL data suggests are suitable for

wind power development, which are situated on lands with low ecological value such as cultivated

croplands and highly fragmented landscapes like high-density oil and gas fields. They recommended that

proponents of future wind power developments consider these low-risk lands first.

Areas of high ecological value were then identified as those that met any one of the following criteria:

• “Relatively intact habitats”, identified by selecting areas classified as “Native Vegetation” in the

US National Land Cover Classification (NLCC) data set.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 4

• Habitat for numerous important wildlife species, predominantly birds and bats with a focus on

those found in eastern Montana. Species were selected based on the availability of spatial data

describing their habitat and range, on documented sensitivity of the species to wind power

infrastructure, and on the importance of the species at a larger (state or regional) scale. Selected

species included:

o Sage grouse, mapped using buffered lek locations;

o Grassland endemic birds (several species), mapped using predicted species abundance

and sensitive/threatened habitats;

o Piping plover and interior least tern, mapped using known breeding grounds;

o Waterfowl, mapped using known migratory concentration areas, specifically high-quality


o 13 bat species, mapped using a model predicting species abundance;

o Grizzly bears, mapped using a habitat suitability model; and

o Ungulate winter range, mapped from existing range data.

These data came from various government and other sources, and were of varying accuracy and

currency, but were the best freely available data.

• High-value landscapes (rare ecosites, landforms, etc.), as previously mapped by TNC.

For each of the ecological values listed above, TNC individually mapped regions that satisfied the

criterion, both across the entire state, and also only in areas with high potential for wind power

development. Areas where development potential and ecological value were both high were considered

“high ecological risk”. “Low risk areas” were those where high ecological value exists, but conditions

are not favourable to wind power development.

Finally, TNC developed a summary Ecological Risk Assessment map. In this map, any area that had wind

development potential, that also met any one of the ecological criteria above, was considered a High

Risk Area (see Figure 1).

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 5

Figure Figure Figure Figure 1111: F: F: F: Final Map of TNC Ecological Risk Assessment Project.inal Map of TNC Ecological Risk Assessment Project.inal Map of TNC Ecological Risk Assessment Project.inal Map of TNC Ecological Risk Assessment Project.


The Corvallis, Oregon-based Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) recently produced a report entitled

“Decision Support for Conservation in the Tehachapis and Southern Sierra Nevada” (CBI, 2013). Based

on a collaborative research project originally titled “Wind, Wings & Wilderness”, the objective was to

plan and propose conservation reserves around existing and approved wind farms in the Tehachapi

Mountains east of Bakersfield, California. The study area is a narrow chain of mountains, 4.8 million

acres in size, which serves as a linkage zone between four ecoregions: Mojave Desert, Sierra Nevada,

South Coast, and Central Valley. The Tehachapis are attractive to wind power developers, but are also of

critical ecological value at regional and local scales.

The CBI approach only considered current and approved wind farms in the mapping of areas with

potential for wind power development. Conservation priorities were mapped using a sophisticated, non-

proprietary (i.e. shareable) platform called the Environmental Evaluation Modeling System (EEMS). EEMS

is a user-defined hierarchical fuzzy logic model that can be run either from ESRI ArcGIS software, or

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 6

from within the CBI’s Data Basin, a web-based conservation tool for mapping, modeling, and sharing

data (Data Basin web site). Fuzzy logic GIS models allow for the consideration of a non-binary range of

values for input factors in a decision support system. In this case, CBI synthesized over 250 spatial data

sets into a single conservation priority layer using a 50+ step decision tree constructed on the EEMS

platform. The CBI Tehachapis decision tree is shown in Figure 2. The minimum mapping unit for the CBI

analysis was one section (i.e. one square mile).

Figure Figure Figure Figure 2222: Conceptual Framework for CBI Approach.: Conceptual Framework for CBI Approach.: Conceptual Framework for CBI Approach.: Conceptual Framework for CBI Approach.

When deployed from Data Basin, EEMS allows for instant viewing of any input or intermediate data sets

in the decision tree. It also allows the user to query individual polygons in the data set for their values in

every layer that inputs to the final calculation of ecological value. This facilitates understanding not only

of the end result of the analysis, but an appreciation for the most significant contributing factors to that

end result.

CBI used a public consultation process, engaging a diverse group of stakeholders, to identify

conservation priorities in the Tehachapi Mountains. Priorities included the following thematic areas:

• High degree of ecological intactness/integrity;

• Landscape-scale (i.e. region- or state-wide) importance to ecological connectivity;

• Low levels of anthropogenic disturbance, low road density;

• Special plant communities and landscapes (habitats) supporting rare species; and

• Areas designated or legally protected for wildlife (especially bird or bat) conservation.

As mentioned above, the CBI model did not assess the technical suitability or requirements favourable to

wind power development within their study area.

The output of the CBI Tehachapis modeling process is a map showing recommended conservation areas,

where wind development should not be considered. This map is presented in Figure 3.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 7

Figure Figure Figure Figure 3333: Final Map of CBI Tehachapis Report.: Final Map of CBI Tehachapis Report.: Final Map of CBI Tehachapis Report.: Final Map of CBI Tehachapis Report.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 8



To date, much of the documented GIS analysis of wind power siting has focussed exclusively on the

technical, geographic, and economic factors influencing the viability of wind power development (e.g.

Schillings et al 2012, Toke et al 2008, Voivontas et al 1998). Since the PCF is interested in more

comprehensive ways of evaluating wind development options, analyses focused on only part of the

assessment have been omitted from this review.

It is only relatively recently that researchers and decision-makers have begun to consider a more

balanced assessment of wind development potential that incorporates ecological factors and

conservation priorities. This may be due to evolving science and knowledge around the ecological

effects associated with the wind industry, the rapid growth of wind power in many parts of the world, or

changing public perceptions toward wind power. In any case, there seems to be a growing need for a

broader perspective when considering wind energy options.

A wide range of approaches to assessing suitability and mapping wind development potential have been

reviewed from various jurisdictions, including the US State of Maine (Graham et al, 2012), northern Spain

(Ruiz et al, 2012), western Turkey (Aydin et al, 2010), and South Africa (Belfiore et al 2012, Moiloa 2009).

The suite of environmental factors considered by each modeling approach ranges from simple exclusion

of “no-go” jurisdictions (e.g. Belfiore et al, 2012), through consideration of habitat for endangered or

threatened species (e.g. Graham et al, 2011), to consideration of more complex measures of ecological

value (e.g. Moiloa, 2009). Some studies also include spatial analysis of factors such as aesthetics and

other cultural values in their assessment of development potential (e.g. Aydin et al 2010, Ruiz et al 2012).

The fuzzy logic model is popular among researchers assessing the suitability of wind power development

to various landscapes (e.g. Aydin et al 2010, Moiloa 2009, Ruiz et al 2012). This is likely a reflection of the

complexity of the research questions being asked; simple Boolean metrics (e.g. yes/no, in/out,

presence/absence) are insufficient when one seeks to understand complex factors that affect

ecological, social, and economic values around wind development.

Along with academic researchers, decision-makers, industry associations, and conservation groups are

interested in broadening the discussion regarding the appropriateness of wind power development

across their areas of focus (Fehily Timoney & Co 2012, ASRD 2011, GLWC 2011, Weis et al 2010).

Numerous organizations have developed best practices and recommended guidelines - including

environmental considerations - for wind facilities (Fehily Timoney & Co 2012, GLWC 2011, OMNR 2011,

Gipe & Murphy 2005, EWEA 2002), some focused on wind development in Alberta (ASRD 2011, Bradley &

Neville 2011, Weis et al 2010).

Many regions are developing web-based mapping tools to help stakeholders better understand the

factors affecting wind development potential, see the extent of current and planned development, and

assess the trade-offs between development and conservation. One of the best current examples is the

Great Lakes Wind Atlas (, an initiative of the transboundary Great Lakes

Commission. The GLWA is an interactive, web-based mapping tool for wind siting in the Great Lakes

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 9

region, comprised of eight US States and two Canadian Provinces. The tool allows for the simple (visual

only) overlay of data layers related to technical, social, and environmental considerations for wind

development. A screenshot of the GLWA is presented in Figure 4.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 4444: Screenshot of the Great Lakes Wind Atlas.: Screenshot of the Great Lakes Wind Atlas.: Screenshot of the Great Lakes Wind Atlas.: Screenshot of the Great Lakes Wind Atlas.

The State of Vermont has also created a web-based mapping tool that may be helpful in assessing wind

development potential. The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont ( is a tool

for siting of wind and other renewable energy options (e.g. solar, biofuels) throughout the state. The wind

module currently only considers geographical/technical factors, and allows users to view and query

existing or planned wind power facilities. A screenshot of this tool is presented in Figure 5.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 10

Figure Figure Figure Figure 5555: Screenshot of the Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont.: Screenshot of the Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont.: Screenshot of the Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont.: Screenshot of the Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has also created an online tool called the Wind Turbine

Placement Favorability Map Viewer. The methodology for creating the tool is well-documented (ODNR,

2009), but the tool itself cannot be found online at time of writing.



Both approaches to assessing the ecological risk of wind development that are reviewed in detail above

have their strengths, and their weaknesses. The TNC approach (Martin et al 2009) is more balanced,

acknowledging that the wind industry is likely to grow in coming years, and mapping opportunities for

growth in areas where ecological risk is minimized. Another strength is its methodological simplicity,

which would allow for intuitive understanding by a broad range of users. Furthermore, since the model

can accommodate a wide range of data accuracy and currency, it is scalable to whatever data may be

available and could likely incorporate new data as it comes available with relative ease. It would be quite

feasible to find spatial data for Prairie and Parkland Alberta that is comparable to those datasets used to

calculate risk in Montana, especially if data access were coordinated through an organization with the

diversity, reputation and representation of the PCF. Lastly, Since the TNC model was developed for

Montana, there may be benefits to adopting an approach that has already been followed in an adjacent

jurisdiction to Prairie and Parkland Alberta. If the PCF could find suitable data in Alberta to replicate the

TNC Montana approach, there is the possibility of creating a uniform, seamless layer across the Canada-

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 11

US border. Future possible efforts could be directed at conducting a uniform ecological risk assessment

across the entire Northern Sagebrush Steppe.

The main strengths of the CBI Tehachapis approach (CBI, 2013) are in the sophisticated modeling method

that was employed, and in the inclusion of public consultation in the identification of conservation

priorities. The EEMS is sophisticated and allows for the modeling of complex interactions between

different components, but the interface it employs is graphical, user-friendly, and would facilitate the

explanation of a complex 50-step hierarchical model to someone with little prior modeling or mapping

experience. The ability to interact with the entire decision tree of the model and see the results of

intermediate steps would be valuable in assessing model performance, and in determining which input

factors are the strongest drivers of model results. Public engagement at the outset of the process

ensures buy-in of stakeholders and alignment of conservation priorities. Furthermore since the model is

driven by public opinion, it can be configured to reflect changing public opinion over time. A parallel

model could also be developed based on consultation with a different stakeholder group, and the two

models could then be used as the basis for facilitated discussion and consensus-building in the

development of a future land use plan or conservation strategy.

One of the greatest strengths of the TNC approach - its simplicity - is also one of its biggest

shortcomings. The final map of the report presents two basic options over every area in Montana with

potential for wind development: those that are “high environmental risk”, and those that are “low

environmental risk”. One would assume that all high-risk areas are not equally high, and with a few basic

alterations, the model could be designed to show the degree of risk as a continuous variable, rather than

a comparison of polar opposites. The simplest way to achieve this would be to count the number of

environmental criteria present at each location, and assign higher value (and therefore higher risk) to

areas in which more criteria are fulfilled. A similar approach could be employed to represent wind

development potential as a continuum: Rather than mapping regions as “suitable” or “not suitable”, why

not take advantage of the range of available data? The final map that would result from this approach

may be slightly less intuitive, but it would be vastly more meaningful. Moreover, this model modification

would require no different data than those that TNC already used.

Two main challenges are observed in the CBI Tehachapis approach. Firstly, the more sophisticated

EEMS model would require more expertise and more time to build, both translating to a higher cost to

perform the analysis. It is a subjective determination whether this added cost is acceptable, given the

results that EEMS is capable of producing.

The other shortcoming to the CBI approach is the failure to accommodate any future wind development

in the conservation design. This was likely a deliberate decision, but it renders the model a poor

representation of reality in most jurisdictions where there is a wind power development interest.

Incorporating a wind power suitability map would require another “branch” on the EEMS decision tree

adding to model complexity, but it would also add some balance to the final design of conservation

reserves. Despite the complex and fuzzy-logic methods pursued by CBI, the output presented in the final

map reverts to a binary choice between “recommended for conservation”, and “not recommended for

conservation”. Presenting the model outcomes as such may allow for easy interpretation, but it

understates the complexity and potential value of the modeling process.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 12

The goal of this report is not to decide unequivocally that one approach is better than the other, but more

to highlight the benefits of either approach and identify opportunities to build on one or the other in the

context of wind development assessment in Prairie and Parkland Alberta. Both of these approaches are

entirely valid, and neither of them is universally “right”. Choice of the correct model to apply depends on

available resources and data, and on a clear articulation of the questions being asked.


As discussed above, elements of both the TNC and CBI approaches could be applied to a map-based

wind suitability assessment tool for Prairie and Parkland Alberta. Based on a review these two

approaches and of current literature on planning appropriate wind development, the following ideas

should be considered in the potential development of future tools and processes:

1. Interactive Mapping Tools: Web-based mapping tools like those described above can be powerful

means by which to show overlapping priorities, track changes, understand trade-offs, and encourage

discussion. An interactive model like EEMS allows for the demystification of complex modeling

approaches, and makes science and land use planning more accessible to all participants.

2. Public Consultation: Meaningful consultation with a diverse group of stakeholders allows consensus-

building to start at the beginning of the process, improves understanding of both model methods and

outputs, and increases the likelihood of buy-in to strategies that are developed through any conservation

planning process.

3. Access to Data: Regardless of what modeling approach is chosen, success is heavily underpinned by

the quality of data, both spatial and non-spatial, that goes into the model. The best data sources are

current, accurate, transparent, and freely accessible. With its cross-sector, multi-agency reach, the PCF

is ideally positioned to facilitate access to the best data for Prairie and Parkland Alberta.

4. Incorporation of Best Practices: Best practices have relevance in a site-specific context, but they can

also be incorporated into broader landscape-scale planning processes. For example, an interactive

mapping tool may be designed to include “sliders” or “toggle switches” that would allow the user to

understand the difference between future development patterns with and without best practices in

place. The best practice and responsible development guidelines referenced in this report, both from

Alberta and from other jurisdictions, could prove useful to an assessment tool or conservation planning


5. Meaningful Engagement and Insertion: Public and stakeholder engagement are critical, but most land

use or conservation planning processes are designed with the further objective of informing the way that

decisions are made. Since the PCF does not have authority over land use in Prairie and Parkland Alberta,

any tools or processes that are developed should aim to find appropriate nodes of engagement with, and

points of insertion to, the decision-making process.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 13


Around the world and across a broad range of stakeholders - from government, industry, conservation

groups, concerned citizens and local communities - the benefits and impacts of wind power are being

assessed according to a wider range of criteria than ever before. Stakeholders are asking questions like:

- Is wind power appropriate here? How much?

- Is it socially desirable (aesthetics, health concerns, etc.)?

- How might wind development impact on local or regional ecology?

- How might ecological or social impacts be minimized?

- What is the appropriate balance between the environmental benefits of wind energy (reduced

emissions/pollution) and the environmental impacts?

Matching pace with this broadening perspective, scientists are asking and answering a broader range of

research questions, and everyone is looking for innovative and useful ways to communicate and

illustrate this new knowledge and to use it to engage stakeholders in informed, meaningful discussion

around the future of wind energy - and, indeed, all forms of energy and land use.

This report has reviewed some current approaches to addressing questions, engaging in dialog, and

making decisions with respect to wind power development around the world. In consideration of these

learnings, the PCF can now turn its attention to Prairie and Parkland Alberta, develop its own list of

questions, and discuss how they might be answered.

A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 14



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Graham, Patrick, Susan Elston, & Habib Dagher. 2011. Offshore Wind Project Site Selection in the Gulf of

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Great Lakes Wind Collaborative (GLWC). 2011. Best Practices for Sustainable Wind Energy Development

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A Review of Approaches to Assessing Appropriate Placement of Wind Development 15

Martin, Brian, Amy Pearson, and Brad Bauer. 2009. An Ecological Risk Assessment of Wind energy

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Moiloa, Birgit. 2009. Geographic Information Systems for Strategic Wind Energy Site Selection. MS

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Data Basin / Conservation Biology Institute:

Great Lakes Wind Atlas / Great Lakes Commission:

Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont / State of Vermont: