Download - A Region is an area on the earth’s surface which is different to all areas around it. It has different characteristics e.g. physical (climate soils,

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  • A Region is an area on the earths surface which is different to all areas around it. It has different characteristics e.g. physical (climate soils, rocks, drainage), cultural, administrative, economic, human.
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  • PERIPHERAL REGIONS A peripheral region is a region which is distant from the core and lacks economic, political and administrative investment e.g. BMW, Mezzogiorno, Greece, Scottish Highlands A peripheral region is a region which is distant from the core and lacks economic, political and administrative investment e.g. BMW, Mezzogiorno, Greece, Scottish Highlands Usually the poorest part of the country. Usually the poorest part of the country. Usually will have negative aspects to its physical geography eg drought, boggy soils Usually will have negative aspects to its physical geography eg drought, boggy soils
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  • REGIONAL DEFINITIONS CORE REGIONS - A core region is the wealthiest part of an area of land. It is the centre of economic,political and administrative life in a region e.g. Dublin, Paris Basin. CORE REGIONS - A core region is the wealthiest part of an area of land. It is the centre of economic,political and administrative life in a region e.g. Dublin, Paris Basin. Usually the capital of a country is in the core region. Usually the capital of a country is in the core region.
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  • CORE REGION - PARIS BASIN Each Region to be studied under these headings
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  • Paris Basin Primary Economic Activities
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  • Paris Basin Physical Characteristics
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  • Relief Low-lying area less than 200 m Huge down fold in sedimentary rocks Rock layers folded in east Ridges or scarps on landscape
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  • Soils Fertile Vary depending on underlying rock (Clay, chalk, limestone) Different soil types- different farming areas (pays) Limon soils- centre of region, productive agriculture (Ile De France) ideal for the growth of cereals Clay soils Brie Region (heavier soils) suitable for dairy farming
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  • Drainage Three Rivers flow across the region Seine Somme Loire
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  • Climate Changes from West to East West; Influence of the sea creates a Maritime climate. Similar to Irelands climate. Summers cool (16 deg) Winters mild (5 deg) Rainfall 800 mm East; As the seas influence does not reach this part of the region there is a hotter Continental climate. Summers hot (19 deg) Winters cold (2 deg) Rainfall less than 700 mm Inbetween; Transitional
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  • Paris Basin Primary Economic Activities
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  • Important Factors Fertile soil Mild Climate Low-lying relief Proximity to wealthy urban market Transport (pg 384) Gov / EU Policies (pg 384)
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  • Agriculture Fertile limon soil Mild climate, spring rainfall, long hours of sun Cereal crops- wheat, barley & maize Alluvial soils close to Seine Intensive commercial farming Mechanised farms Easy access to wealthy market (over 21 million people)
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  • Agricultural Produce Wheat Barley Sugar beet Dairy farming (cheese & butter) Viticulture
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  • Task 1.Sketch a map of the Paris Basin 2.Label the areas 3.Label the soil type in the area 4.Label the type of farming/what is produced in the area because of the soil type Pages 385 and 386 in book
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  • Homework Question: Examine the factors that influence the development of a primary economic activity in a Core region you have studied. Due tomorrow 3 rd April
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  • Answer Layout: Sentence starter: The factors which impact a primary economic activity _________ in a core region I have studied _________ are: 1.Fertile soil/relief (3 SRPS) 2.Mild Climate (3 SRPS) 3.Transport infrastructure (pg 384) (3 SRPS) 4.Government / EU Policies (pg 384) (3 SRPS)
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  • Access / Communications River Seine Ports (Le Harve) Road & Rail networks focus on Paris TGV rail Train Grande Vitesse (French high speed train). Metro Two international airports Direct link to London via Channel Tunnel